85-1138 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council p _ CANARY - DEPARTMEN File NO. vv //� � BLUE - MAVOR . ouncil Resolution Presented By � Referred o �l �/� L�= Committee: Date �r�b �� Out of Co mittee By Date * WHEREAS, Tne yor, pursu t to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter, does recomnend he following transfers for the 1985 General Fur�cl Budget: TRANS�'ER FROM: General Gover t Account F�loyee Pa king: Offic� Business 09948-233 to All (Elec ed Officials) 720 Current Amended Budqet Changes Budget TRANSEER T0: Comnunity Se ices - Parks & Rec 03132-Parks Ground Main ance 03132-843 P ayground & Equipment 750 +720 1,470 03132 All her Spendin 994,218 0 994,218 994,968 +720 995,688 � � 0 1�'JW, Tf�R�RE, BE IT RE90L , That the City Council adopts these changes to ti� 1985 Bud et. Financing ' Available: Approval Recommnded: ����� Director of F' ance '��p > Buclget ir tor '1'i� COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas ays ��eW Cl ty COUIICI� Masanz In FavOr N�cosia � J��F— 1�'�2 / Scneibe� _ __ Against BY o �L �� Sonnen Tedesco w��son ._.� AUG 2 2 1985 Fo�m ApP�a� y ' y A omey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s uncil S ta BY gy, 1 t�ppro y iVlavor: ate Approved by y r for ' sion to Council By _ BY PUBLiSHED AU G 31 1985 il DEPARTMENT � t•�'-�Nq ��290 = Councilme ber Sonnen , t- �ONTACT � 29s-5 7s PHONE 5 s 5 DATE 1 Q��� �� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORD R Cli All Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Di ector Director of Management/Mayor �Finance and M nagepien,t Se vices Director 5 c;t,, c�erk RECEIVED -z.$,�Da-rect r �-->�- � City Attorney � WHAT WILL BE ACHI VED BY TAKI G ACTTON ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rational�) : CITY ATTORNEY Money desig ated for arking for elected officials wi11 be transferred to Activity 03132 (Pa ks Ground Maintenance) . A tota�. of$720 w�,ll be � transferred to accoun number 843 on the request of Gounc�lmember Sonnen. C�.1' D �113�$� �, �C��,-; -, COST BENEFIT, BUD ETARY AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ��� ✓(/� , No signific nt impact An additional $720 which would �}Qt b� u�� �or parking wil be added to the Parks Ground Mtce , budget ���'i�l ground equipment. • ����� FINANCING SOURCE A D BUDGET AC IVITIF NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture no� re- Total Amount of Transaction ���o quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity 9948 Exp. Code 233 Activity Number o994s ATTACHMENTS List nd Number All Attachments : Letter fr m Council ember Sonnen � RF(�FI�/�� �, City Coun il Resolu ion �JIII_ 1 1�� � OFFIC f), ►-a .; , , -,� DEPA� ��� �� : ,. : - AND MA�rA.......i..�i: ��.;,,,, � DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Coun il Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insu nce Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insur nce Attache : (SEE R VERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS� Revised 12/84 `�� '_,.. �.�� � �iIT�'' OF ►SAIi17"'I� P.E�.ULI'� _ _ � � �{����((( ��Y ` k`�_ � ''t�`,{\`Y { ' • � �� //� ` ;;\"; r��,y,y� ti;_r O�+'�L�zCE pk� Z'HI: CZTY C�LJ\CIL ' • ;.� �;;.._.,.;,:>;_� �• • . y' �.:�/�f.i.!:•.�. �4' ' . �-__ , '' � Ddte • August l, 1985 `. �;. . '•?��._ }f': • - �°••,�:-.. �• . - .,_� . �`�.: ' C� (�i � IT�' � E � E PO � T TO = Saln� Pat� ! �zfiy Cour�csi . F R � % C O T'1?C�I��'�� Q� FINANCE, MP.NAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - . � � � C!�A!R JAMES S CHEIBEL� ' 1. Ap roval• of mi utes from meetings he.ld July lI and 18, 1985.v� 2. Re lution ame ding the 1985 budget by adding $117,559 to the Financing P1 n and to th Spending Plan fo� Housing an BuiJding Code Enforcetnent (C un i ty Ser i ces) �L/ >�z.-��`e.r� G��J 3. Re iution abolishing the salary range for Grade 16E in the Cierical Ba gaining Uni in the Salary Plan a Rates of Compensatian Resolution. (P rsonnel ) 4. Re olution cha ging the grade �For the itl,e of Teiecommc�nicator in the � Ci i 1 Service ules. (Personnel ). C' --t�'�e��- 5. Fo� `"'Re��'�t� � amendirtg`'the 1985 budget and transferring $72(} each from Ge eral Govern ent Accounts-Employee Parking to Community, Set-vic sJParks�'_ /) an Recreation for playground and recreation equipment. '' .:�t . 2_d�.� 6. Re olution app oving 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and United Slate a d Tile and Composition Ro Qfe�,s,� Da�mp and aterproof Workers As oc i at i on Lo a 1 96. (Personne 1 ) L��r1������Y--�'�- U 7. Re olution app oving 1985 Memorandum of Settlement between the ity and � . th Iron Worke s Local 512. (Personnel ) �`-Z"-ec� 8. Re olution app oving 1985-1986 Maintenance Labor Agreement between ISD#62 an the Pipefi ers Local Union No. 455. (Personnel ) �� i 9. Re olution req esting the Administration keep its recommendations for the 19 6 General F nds �dg,et proposals for employees' salari s within a 4-1/2y, increas . _ -��f.L�� /'� 1 � ✓ � 10. Tr nsfer of $2,724,389 from General Fund to Departme�t Budgets for l985 ne t i ated sa 1 ry ad justment. ���/ '��.��`, _ 1 1 . D i s u s s i o n o f laims for punitive and exemplary damages against police of icers: Robe t Kunz, Jr. , P�esident of the St. Paui Police Federation, and Paul McCloskey, Assistant City Attorney, participating. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, h3II�NESOTA SSIOZ . ��� __..._. --- ._ . _ _._�._-- ----------------____._Y._._...____ ..�,r___..._.__.___..��..__�,_...._�. __.�_._._�___,_.�., . �-- __. --•.._-'-�.�...A..o.,-,-�--. � - . � � � ��.�=��i.�� 0 4���T' ° CITY OF SAINT PAUL . � 'wL . =o �; OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY a� �nui um '�:o �"' �� ° s� EDWARD P. STARR CITY ATT RN � , O EY �°� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 v�,, �... GEORGE LATIMER 612-248-5121 MAYOR August 16, 1985 Honora le William ilson Counci an 7th Flo r City H 1 Dear Co cilman Wil on: This is in response to your letter of August 13, 1985 requesting advice � in rela ion to the our proposed resolu-tions transferring funds from . the Ci Council's ortion of the budget to �he Department of Communi�Ly Service . The Co cil in adop ing the 1985 budget allocated $5,0�+8 to be used b�r each " coun"cil erson for p king purposes. The resolutions� purpose is to trans- fer $72 , each, to e used by the Department for parks and recreation -_-_^.. �urPose _.._.. . , The Ci Charter, s ction 10.07.�+, provides that transfers from department to dep tment may b accomplished upon the recommendation of the Mayor and the app oval of the City Council. Council approval is in the form of a � resolut on and req res four affirmative votes. Althoug the Counci may designate a specific purpose in. enacting or amending • °the bu et, the May r may transfer funds within a departmental budget without � - - . prior a pr�val of t e Council. Therefore although the Council may designate . a speci ic.�_use in t e budget amendment, the Mayor may exercise his discretion and tr sfer the f ds withj.n the Departmental budget and use i� for another purpose I am ad ised that a 1 four resolutions have received the Mayor�s recommendation and the e�'ore are p operly before the Council, The Council may approve the trans�'e s if the re v.isite four affirmative votes are present. . - � , . Ve�y � ly yours, � „ � . SEG , � ssist t C' `�to ey `� ; cc: Ma or,' City Co cil, City Clerk, Budget Dixector, Community Services Director