85-1137 WH17E - CiTY CIERK \�
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ���
Council Resolution
Presente By ���
Referred To y� � Committee: Date 4 "— � �0 ��
Out of Com ittee By Date
Tnh;EREAS, The Ma r and the H Rights Comanission desire to hire a
profes�ional co ultant to sist in the recruitment and selection
of the Human Rig ts Director and
�IERF,AS, The Ma r, pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter,
does recommend he following transfers for the 1985 General Fund Buc�get:
Gerieral Gover t Accoun
Contingent erve Spec' ied
09061-537 rating Tr fer Out 30,000
Current Amended
Budget Changes Budget
Personnel Off ce
00181 Hun�an Rights Dir tor Recruit and Select
00181-219 her Profess'onal Fees 0 +30,000 30,000
00181 All her Spendin 0 0 0
0 +30,000 30,000
1�,T CHAI� 0
NOW, THER�ORE, BE IT RESOL , That the City Council adopts tY�se changes
to the 1985 Bu et.
F' g 's Ava' : Approval Recomnnded:
� ����
Director o F' ance Y� Buclget i tor
Requested by Department of:
Yeas Drew ays ,,,�,
Masanz In Favot er hfle (ltC��
�licosia �
Sonnen __ Against BY —
W��� AUG 2 2 1985 Form Approv d y City Attor y /
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Ya ed b ouncil S ta BY
A y ;Vlayor: Date UG 2 � �9�5 pppro � y ayor for S � i io cil
B - —
PUBLISH D Ali G 31 1985
' � ! DEPARTMENT i �'����`37 N. 2928
01�� � na CONTACT
7 23/85 DATE �Q/�r� �Q
ASSIG NUN�ER FOR ROUT NG ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature :
Department Directo � Director of Management/Mayor
� Finance and Manage ent Service Director 6 City Clerk ,
2 Budget Director
3 City Attorney
The Personnel Off ce is reque ting money to hire a consulting Rd�ionale) :
firm to assist in the selecti n and recruitment of a new
Human Rights Dire tor. � ����.
� �� ����
�qy�� 2sl9 .�
S'���! 8S
The financing so rce is the pecified Contingent Reserve, Activity 09061.
The requested mo ey is desig ated for Salary Needs.
ture not re-
Tot�l Amount of ransaction: $30,00o quired if under
Funding Source: Specified C ntingent Reserve
Activity Number o9061
ATTACHMENTS List nd Number All Attachments :
City Council Reso ution
Letter from Perso el Decisio , Inc.
Brochure of Perso nel Decisio s, Inc.
x Yes No Co ncil Resolut on Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes �No In urance Requi ed? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No
Yes X No In urance Atta hed:
Revised 12/84
The GREEN SHEET has: several PURPOSES:
' '],. °to assi.st in rtiu'tinq 'docfiments and in securing requi�ed signat�res
2;. to`brief the rev�iewers_of documen'ts on the impacts of approval
3. to help ensure that necessary su�porting materials are �re�ared, and, if
. . .
._. , . ,. -
,. _ z`equ�.ree�, a�tached. ' .. �° =
Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers �:tttake - _
decisions on..the. dacuments and.eliminates follow-up contacts that may .delay� 'xecu�io{�.
,.. .
The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain
the-cost�benefit aspeets af the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City.
budget (�eneral Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost
to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The,personnel impact .
is a description of change or shift 'of Full-Time Equivalent (ETE) _positions. '
If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required,
if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the
outside agency before routing through City offices.
Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents:
CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists)
1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor �
2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director � _
3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting
1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department
2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney
3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk
5. City Clerk
6. Chief Accountant, F&MS , _
COUNCIL RESOLUTTON (Amend. Bdgts.fAccept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others)
1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department
2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney
3. City Attorney - 3. Director of Management/Mayor
4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk
5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council
6. City Clerk ,
7. City Council _
8. Chief Accountant, F&MS
SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the
Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing
such a letter is one of the requested actions) .
Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of
� _ _.. � , Insurance sho.uld be one_.of the attachments at time of _routing.
. .., �,. . ' ��
Note: �Actions which require City+Council Resolutions include:
1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit.
2. Collective.bargaining contracts.
3. Purchase, saI.e or le�se of land.
4. Issuance"af bonds. by Ci,ty.
5. Eminent domain.
6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification.
7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing
' funding.
8. Budget amendments.
� �� " . ��� -//�7 �
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. t� r�:t:� �NrvE►_, t;::cls�� ���, i;ti���.
"�'ts� Brei:i -r'Cosvrr, Suit��64C
Scvc th 8: I�Qinnesota �
� ( St. 1'�ul, ?�5inni�sota 551 1
� (G�1'2) y''-1'�ii?
22 J ly 1985
Mr. eter Hames
Offi e of the Ma or
City of Si:. Paul
347 ity Hall �
St. aul , MN 55 02
De�r Peter:
I a happy to re pond to your request for our involvement in the
sel ction of the Hurnan Rights Director for St. Paul . Considering
our experience with the City, we feel that �ve are well qualified
to onsult with the Human Rights Commission. Perhaps you are
awa e that we ave conducted similar processes for the Chief
Acc untant, Co o Zoo Director, Personnel Director, Buildii�g
Off cial , and P lice Commanders, all in St. Paul , as well as rnany
sel ctions in o her municipalities.
I h ve enclosed five copies of PDI 's 1985 Programs ar�d Produc�s
cat log to give you an overview of our organization, and a copy
o� ur proposal for the search and selection in pro�ess far i...:.
Si;. Paul Person el Director. The proposal describes the kinds of
rnet ods we can use for this work and the estimated costs (with
not d revisions
We will be i touch to finalize details, submit a formal
pro osal , and b gin the job analysis. We understand the need for
urg ncy and sen itivity in the process, and can certainly fulfill
the n.
I m looking fo w d to working with you and th� Commission.
Si cere ��
� � ✓---.
� �,�rl' Z l��.
Ge rge Paajane
Co sultant
GP hu
En losures
, ,�
1��,,-�����,,�,�;_� ,b�;���.�; '
Ceor�;e I'aajanen I �//�/�
. . � �
;i �luly 1985 �
For the Human Rig ts Director selection, we can follow
a similar project plan to tha being used for the �#� '
Personnel Directo . We can, owever, omit steps 6 and 8.
Step 10 can be do e after the se)ection has been
Note that the pro osal for th Personnel Director process
is two years old. Our fees h ve increased since then,
so the �stimated otal costs or the Human Rights � `
. Director process re $22,000 vithout the three optional ` '
steps, and $26,21 with all p oposed steps.
I Fosha Tewer, Suite 23Q0 � —.-_ -
I A�inneapo is,Minnesota 554�`L � ' _
I �
. t
� . . ���_��� �
� .
Do� F3irkeland, Ph.f .
Br mer Tower, Suite -10
Se �enth& Minnesut _
� � St. Paul, Mini7esota 5]O1
(6 )292-1?_62
2 November 1 83
r. Mark Rob rtson
ersonnel As. istant
ity of St. aul Personnel Office
65 City Nal �
t. Paul , MN 55102
ear Mark:
e at Person el Decisions, Inc. , appreciate your contact regarding
he use of ur servi ces to assi st i n the search for an Associ ate
irector of Personnel . As you know, we have extensive experience
in the publ c and private sectors, and working with city govern-
ment and co porate organizat�ons in selection and assessment of
key individ als.
This projec would have as its primary objective assistance to
you in you search and selection of the Associate Director of
Personnel . The process which we would follow would be based
upon valid ted selection strategies which will provide an
objective et of procedures and maximum information tc� �:^�� and
other decision makers. We are proposinc� an approach which will
be highly redible, objective and fair, consistent with respect
to candidat s, and meet our professional standards.
The follow ng steps describe the procedure in more detail . We
understand there may be need to make changes in our recommenda-
tions or u e of certain steps and not others. We want you and
others inv lved to study our ideas and, if you decide to use our
services, be comfortable in making any recommendations for
alternativ approaches. You will see we have included optional
steps i n t e process whi ch may be i nc 1 ude� dependi ng on economi c
� concerns.
IStep One - Job Analysis Interviews
Il�te wiil c nduct interviews and meetings with interested parties.
The purpo e of these interviews and meetings is to analyze the
position nd to prepare statements about necessary qualifications
of candid tes. We would also, at this time, review any written
material , including job descriptions and statements of resr�nsi-
bilities, etc. , which would shed light on the position.
� ����
� � "- � � . . �;���"
.� � M . Mark Robe tson
� � 2 November 1 83
P ge Two
S ep Two - Jo Analysis
W will complete a job analysis for the position. This analysis
ill result n specification of the dimensions which are required
or successf 1 performance. The selection criteria will be
eviewed wi h interested parties and, afi:er that review, a
omplete posit�on description will be prepared.
tep Three - Recruitment of Qualified Applicants
e will co rdinate a national search to encourage qualified
ndividuals to apply for the position. The following method-
logies woul be used in the recruitment process:
. Adver isements in selected publications.
� . Maili gs to specific departments which might yield
� quali ied candidates.
. Active solicitation of individuals who might be qualified
for he pasition.
While the xact number of applications cannot be specified, we
would antic G�+° 100 or more candidates.
Step Four - Application Screening
Application from interested individuals will be mailed to PDI 's
offices. We ►,�ill then complete an initial screening of all
applicat�ion . Applicants will be compared against the criteria
which have been established and a�pr�ved. A specific scoring
system N�ill be used so that applicants may be fairly ranked from
first to last. We will make a recommendation regarding a
"cutting s ore" which will be used to determine which applicants
will conti ue to be considered for the position. This step is
necessary o reduce a large number of applications to a smaller,
more worka le number.
Step Five Essay Questions
PDI will evelop taro or three essay questions which will be sent
to candid tes, selected from Step Four, asking for their written
responses. These questions will include specification about the
scorxng o resnonses. The questions and responses will be
returned irectly to PDI for scering: again, the scoring will
. � -. � ���3��
� � M . Mark Rober son
2 November 19 3
( � P ge Three -
b based upo the job analysis and dimensions of performance
w ich are sp cified in Step Two. Candidates again will be
r nked from f'rst to last, and a recommendation will be made for
s lection of those candidates who will continue in the process.
T is represe ts a powerful , yet cost-effective approach to
f rther defin ng a smaller applicant pool .
��;� ��� S ep Six (Opt onal ) - Contact of References
ferences s pplied by the candidate would be contacted by a PDI
taff inember Discussion with these individuals would follow a
emi-structur d format designed to solicit their appraisal of
he candidat 's strengths and weaknesses. This prncess may be
ontinued t rough "secondar�y" references; that is, names
enerated f om the applicant' s references but not directly
upplied by the applicant himself/herself. Given the concern
e�arding co fidentiality, such a process is most easily imple-
ented for pplicants whose desire for the ppsition is public.
t can be a complished, however, on a more lim�ited basis, even
f an appli ant has not publiciy disclosed his/i�er candidacy.
f course, 11 information from these references would be held
'n confiden e a�d shared only with individuals involved in the
ecision mak ng.
tep SevEn - Assessment Center
PDI will p epare a full two-day Assessment Center which will
measure the dimensions of performance which are specified in
Step Two. e will provide all Ria�:erials and assessors. Written
reports fo each candidate will be provided, along with a
ranking of andidates from first to last, based upon standardized
scoring for ats.
�� �,� �-��� Step Eight Optional ) - Background Information Gathering
In the eve t that it becomes necessary, a PDI staff inember may
travel to he finalist candidate' s current location �;o interview
key indivi uals with whom this candida�te comes into contact.
The determ nation as to whether this step is necessary can be
made later iri the selection process, c!epending upon the quality
and quanti y of information generated through other means. It
is anticipated that such travel would be restricted to the
location o two or three top finalists.
. .� . . - i ���i�.��
� � t�l . Mark Robe tson
2 November 1 83
( j P ge Four -
S ep Nine - F'nal Recommendation
ased upon ecommendations from PDI, a final decision can be
ade. Staff from PDI will meet with decision makers to assist
in this ste . Materials will be reviewed, and strengths and
limitations the finalist candidates will be compared.
� tep Ten (Op ional ) - Development of Performance Appraisal Process
n this step we will design a performance appraisal process for
se in evaluating the new Associate Director of Personnel . We
ill develop forms and train individuals for their use. This
orm will i corporate the dimensions of performance developed in
he job ana ysis portion of the process. The forms will be
esigned ta encourage a careful review of results accomplished
y the indi idual , to develop the work behaviors they used in
ccomplishin those results, and to help identify development
lans that w uld enhance the individual 's pti-ofessional growth.
hroughaut he process, PDI will provide services of an ex-
erienced s aff inember who will coordinate the project. This
enior psyc ologist will be assisted as necessary by other staff
embers. e will be available for consultation at any time
hroughout t � process.
During th�e rocess, PDI will consider all application materials
and all rev ew of selection steps to be completely confidential .
We will not release to any person, other than specified decision
makers, an specific information as to names of candidates,
results of scoring systems, or other information vrhich wou3d
permit ide tification of candidates. We will assist in
explaining fully the selection steps and process, and in
specifying n a general way what actions have been taken and the
number of c ndidates remaining at each point in the process. We
would expec that such general information could be made public.
The benefit to the City of St. Paul for this project include:
. An bjective selection process which is implemented by
prof ssional management consultants with considerable
expe tise in managerial selection, both in the public and
priv te sectors,
. Prep ration of a rating/scoring system for each step and
for the total process which results in standardized
scor'ng which meets equal employment opportunity valid-
atio standards.
. � �
. ���-,,�
., � �
M . Mark Rober son
� ( 2 November 19 3 _
P ge Five .
. Partic pation by interested parties in the preparation of
the jo description and thus in the selection criteria,
I thereb gaining the interest and support from these indi-
I vidual .
� . Prepar tion of reports which will result in the se1ection
i of th most qualified candidate for the position of
I Associ te Director of Personnel .
I addition, in the selecting of the most qualified applicant
or the posi ion, we will conduct the process in such a manner
s to m��int in the credibility of the City of St. Paul and
aintain our professional integrity as a consulting organization.
e are prep red to assist the City of St. Paul in its efforts
o present he process to all interested parties as a fair,
bjective, nd high-quality process. Such acceptance is
ecessary, oth to` ensure the application of qualif;ed indi-
iduals and he acceptance of the final resul�.
stimated co ts and �a timetable �For implementation are included
n Appendix A. However, timEtable esi.imates can be adjusted to
eet deadiin s set by the City of St. Paul .
e look for ard to cantinuing discussions as to haw we might
est assist you in this process. Feel free to contact us with
any question or comments.
�, ) ��
Don Birkeia d
DB/dc �
' r � ' r I
' ,' ' ? ' ����=//�3 '1
Approximate Cost (Without Cost (Including
Steps Time�able Optionsl Options)*
Step 1: Job nalysis Int rviews � 1 week $ 1,800 $ 1,800 _
Step 2: Job nalysis 1 week 700 700
Step 3:.;`'Recr i tment of Q al.i f i ed:. � 4-6 week s 1,400 _ 1,400
Appl cants ;;
� Step 4: Appl cati on Scre ni ng ��.:����q f i week 2,100 2,100
Step 5: Essa Questions Prepa- 2 weeks 2,100 2,100
rati n, mailing, & scoring)i�
r'� ;�>,�,
J�� Step 6: Cont ct of Refer nces 2 weeks 930
(Opt'onal )
Step 7: ' Asse sment: Cente * ��.. 'a,. 2 weeks 1 ,500/candi- 1 ,500/candidate
� date
�;���` Step 8: Back round In or ation* 1 week 700/day
(Opt'onal ) . _, _,_
Step 9: Fin 1 Recommenda ion�t 1 week 800 800
�j�/�" Step 10: Dev lop Performa ce Appraisal 1 week 1,100
7 (Op ional )
TOTAL $17,900 $21,330
. �
5- . ' _ _ .,.,
* Two days a $700/day figured for Background Information and six candidates for
Assessment Center.
Expenses for postage, lo g distance telephone, travel , lodging, etc. , are not included
in the budge above. Th y will be itemized and billed at cost. Also, the City of
St. Paul wil be expecte to provide facilities for the Assessment Center.
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CO �/II��' EE � E P O ��'
i 4 = �ctin? �u t Ci�y Cou ��i t . .
�p � ��� C�� '�t � �� 0� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL �
� 1. Appro al f minut s f,�om meeting held August 8, 1985.
� 2. Admin str t��r er D-7572 - Budg�t revision in PED-Community� -
� Deve 1 pment B 1 o G ant D i v i s i o�C.=C.G���
3. Reso 1� t i o�amendi g, tvhe� 198� '6u�get by add i n $1 ,340 to the F i nanc i ng �
Paan nd t the S �c�i Plan for Police ID Card Deposit. (Rolice)
4. Resot t10 g the `budget by transferring $30',QOQ from Ge�eral �
Gover ment Accoun -Contingent Reserve to Personnel Office-Human .Rights .
Direc cruit �d S�lec . (Pers �el ) � �
5. Reso tion amendi g S�tions as listed af the C�vil Service Rules to
� � ��refle t changes i the administrative responsibility of the Civi�l Service
_ � Cortmi: sio nd th �erso el Dir�S. (P so ,.�_
b. Resol t o anfendi g Section 32 of the Civi Service Rules by deleting
� all o the presen language and substituting new language ' lieu
• � � there f concernin clas speci�ations. -
o��� - '
SAINT PAUL,�it\'ti'ESOT.•�55203
' ����,
�� ��=/i37
, 1985 o r ms
a d
od �ts
a �
A comprehens e guide to PDPs Management Development services
; _
� �
- AB UT PDI/OTHER I SERVICES...................................... Inside Cover
� Selection Int rviewing:fnformation Gathering............................... 2
i Selection Int rviewing:Information Interpretatfon............................ 3
R`.: Performan Management:Appraising and Developing Employees ............ 4
j�� Coachingfo Results..................................................... 5
ConflictR lution ....... ............................................ 6
Stress Mana ement...................................................... 7
� Working Wit Others:A Management Process............................... 8
�; Managing D versity:Men and Women in Work Reiationships................... 9
� Problem So ing and Decision Making for Business .......................... 10
� An Introdu ion to PDI's Assessment and Development Programs ............. 12
�;� � �
Achieving anagerial Excellence:Targeting Your Development by Using MSP .. 13
Leadership Development Program ......................................... 14
Manageme t Skills Development Center.................................... 15
Executive kills Development Center...................................... 16
Individual oaching for Effectiveness(ICE) ................................. 17
Individuali ed Skill Building Programs...................................... 18
Management ilis Profile MSP(MSP) ......................................... 20
Improving Ma agerial Effectiveness:A Handbook of Development Suggestions ..... 21
ROGRAM PRES NTERS..................................................... 22-23
EES®ISTR TION INFORMATION........................................... 24 '
� • ■
� Pe sonnel Decisions Inc.
About PDI
Personnel Decisions,Inc.(PDI)is a management consult- Most of the programs in this catalog are offered by the PDI
ing firm providing a full range of psychological and human staff on a public schedule(see inside back cover).In addi- °
resource services.Since 1967,when it was founded by Drs. tion,these programs can be tailored for your organizarion �
Marvin D. Dunnette and Wayne K. Kirchner, PDI has as part of your company's internal training and develop- �
provided to its clients state-of-the-art techniques to solve ment programs. Our staff offers the training necessary to
problems and make well-informed decisions when select- enable you to present many of these programs with your �
ing,developing,and utilizing their people.Responsiveness own trainers. I
to our clients'needs,along with a staf'f trained and expe- Call our Training Coordinator,612/339-0927,for further �
rienced in all phases of human resource services, has �nformation on in-house presentations,as well as for our
brought PDI to the forefront of management consultants. «Train-the-Trainer"capabilities. I
Personnel Decisions,Inc.has served a broad base of clients In addition to providing management development pro- �
ranging from small family-owned businesses to Fortune �ams,PDI offers a number of tools which can be used in
100 companies,as well as nonprofit organiutions,educa- internal programs to aid managers in assessing and devel-
tional institutions,and governmental agencies at all levels. oping their strengths and weaknesses.You will find infor-
Among the hundreds of companies who rely on our dcvel- mation on these in the Products section.
opment programs are:
Black and Decker Burlington Northern Personnel Decisions, Inc. wants to help you to maximize
Control Data Corporadon ITT your investment in your greatest resource—your people.
AT&T B.Dalton Bookseller The high quality of our programs ensures a high return on
General Mills,Inc. Pillsbury Company your investment. That's why so many organizations turn
Honeywell Ford Motor Company to PDI for help in management development.
NCR Corporation Cray Research
Pepsico Donaldson Company,Inc.
Tennant Company Northwest Airlines,Inc.
Oth�r PDI Services
In addition to the Management Development Programs and Praducts presented in this catalog,PDI offers a full range of
psychological and human resource services.
■AppYed Research-PDI's Dunnette Research Group helps clients design and conduct human resources research in their organi�ations.
•Ae�estarcat-Individual assessment services range from evaluationsof'test batteries administered in client offices to comprehensive interviews and testing in our oflices,
as well as assessment centers.
•Csreer Co�elin�-PDI helps individua{s assess current work values,interests,and skills to identify future career opportunipies.
■Dal Gner Relocrtba-PDI provides resources and counseling to the spouse of a new or transferred employee to help make a smooth career trensition in a new
■Humaa Resounx Sy�ems-PDI designs human resource systems—Compensation,Performance Appraisal,Succeuion Planning,and Human Resource Planning—to
rtksh with existing syatems or as an integrated package.
•Oe��z�fbml Effectivene�-Servias offered to improve organizational or unit effectiveness include attitude surveys,organizational effectiveness surveys,team
development,process consultation,post-acquisition integration.
•Oulpl�oeaknt Cax�eli�-Individual services as well as group workshops help terminated employees deal constructively with termination and make a smooth and
positive transition to new employment.
■Poblic Sector Pro�ra�-We design valid selection and promotional tests and systems for virtually all positions in local,state,and federal government.
■Trlal Be�vior Co�-We help attorneys with trial strategy,jury deselection,communications skills training—don't go to court without us.
,; .
Skill Building Workshops
PD conducts a de variety of skill building workshops that improve the ability of
ma gers to select motivate, develop, and better utilize their employees and to work
mo e effectively th co-workers. Participants ie,ave our workshops not only with an
un erstanding of e skills required, but with the knowledge,confidence,and commit-
me t to apply the on the job.This is accomplished through a combination of lectures,
gr p discussion, ills practiee,and videotaped feedback.
Se1�t�� I�te�ewing:
Information Gathering
You will learn how to: An employee hited by an organization at age 2S who works �
■ Determine prior to the interview what informarion is through retirement will cost that company well over a million
the most important to get. dollars. The siae of trhis investment makes the interviewing
■ Structure an interview. process a crucial one. Yet many organizations fail to make
- ful!use of the inten+iew process as a way of matching a job s
■ Develop rapport with candidates. requirements with an applicant's abilities.
■ Minimize the amount of unwanted or unnecessary
information gathered. Keying in on the wrong info»nation,relying on questions that
require simple o»e-word answers,and lack offollow-through
■ Probe for that hard-taget information. questions lead to i»complete or misleading data on an
■ Recognize the types and value of interview applic4nt.
■ Draw out quiet applicants. Our workshop on S�kcdori brtir►�ewirg:L�'ormodon Cath-
�r#ng will help you develop the skills needed to co�tduct an
■ Direct talkative candidates. indepth interview. During the twoday workshop, you will
■ Ask comprehensive,open-ended questions. learn and practice asking the questio�s to get the inforrnation
■ "Sell"a candidate on the job. you need. With the help ofPDlstaffpeople,you willlearn to
feel comfortable with the interview process a»d control it.
■ Control the interview.
■ Avoid"illegal questions"
■ Plan interviews to get the most pertinent information.
■ Feel comfortable with the interview process. �ATURES
• Make the best use of available time.
■ Make the applicants feel comfortable. Lectures, discussions, and demonstrations of interview
■ Listen to what the applicant is saying rather than what skills;easy-tause instructional workbook;acrive,step-by-
you want to hear. step skills practice; videotape feedback on interviewing
■ Probe for pertinent behavioral data. skills.
■ Avoid putting words in the applicant's mouth.
■ Get past the"canned"answers.
� P�nonrnl Gecisions,�nc,
Foshay Tower,Suite 230Q
821 Marquette Avenue
� 612)83a'.�ia,M�N 55402 2
ele 'on Iater�ie�ri� .
� �
Info ation Interpre#ation -__
You will learn how to: This two-day workshop is geared toward the more expe-
■ Analyze the job. rienced employment interviewer or manager who interviews
for selection and promotion,and those who have attended the
■ Develop competen ies for specific j classifications. Informastion Gathering Workshop.
■ Establish specificat ns for selection
■ Anatyze behaviora cues. While most organizations conduct interviews before hiring,a
wrdespread lack of understanding af information interpre-
■ Interpret subtle cu . tation techniques often renders the process in�cient and
■ Evaluate nonverL� behavior. even invalid
■ Use a group eval ion process to ol the wisdom of
decision makers. Many employment interviewers and managers may have the
skills to get the pertinent information, but they lack an
■ Evaluate the total pplicant. understanding of how to use this information in making a
■ Disregard extrane us information hen evaluaring decision. They don't have an vrganized,objective system for
applicants. evaluating the interview.
■ Analyze informat' n about candi tes in an organized
and objective ma er. PDPs workshop on Selection Inttrvitwiitg: Information
Interpretation wil! teach interviewers how to analyze job
■ Minimize the eff ts of personal bi ses or pet positions and structure inte�view information in a way that
peeves/projects w en interpreting nformation. helps in the decision-making process. This two-day workshop
' ■ Assign appropria e weights to inf ation when will also teach participants how to interpret both subtle and
� evaluating it. obvious data from the interview.
■ Make appropria inferences fro the available data.
� ■ Avoid reading m re into a behavi r or statement than
is warranted.
■ Track the succes of your recnuti g system and the �i A•�T�s
judgments of ind vidual interview rs.
Lectures,discussions,and demanstrations of techniques;
acrive,step-by-step skills rehearsal of interview situations;
evaluation of videotaped practice sessions;helpful instruc-
tional workbook with key points and tips.
, Peraonnsl sions,lnc.
Foshay Tower, uite 2300
821 Marquette venue
Minn is,M 55402
(612)8�8-0927 3
Pe�c��anr� Mana e���t:
Appraising and Developing E�ployees
You will learn how toa Tftree out of four organizations have some sort of formal
■ Manage results rather than activities. process for appraising and developing employees — yet
many managers and employees report considerable dissatis-
■ Assure that individual employee objectives support faction with the process. Why?Overemphasis on forms and
unit and organi7ational goals. procedures at the expense of true goals—the establishment
■ Write objectives which are sgocific,measurable, of r�nderstanding between martager and employee of each
attainable,relevant. others'needs und expectations.
■ Communicate performance cxpectations clearly.
PDPs two-day Pcrfon�aRCe Ma�rageme�t Workshop will
■ Observe and document performance with very little g�eatly enhance yourability to mmrage people.Emphasis is on
effort. building practical skills in:
■ Update and modify objectives easily in a fast-changing ■ Setting performance standards
■ Communicaring expectations
■ Provide feedback and coaching to employees on a ■ Documenting and eval�ating performance
day-to-day basis.
■ Motivate and reinforce effecdve performance through ■ Conducting perforntance review discussions
feedback. ■ Providing ongoing coaching and feedback
• Confront employees who are not.meeting performance ■ Formulating concrete development plans
■ Evaluate employee performance objectively. Managers who have attended tltis workshop report dramatic
■ Emphasize and build on employee strengths without lmprovement in their ability to appraise arid develop people. �
overlooking weaknesses.
■ Solicit and use employee input in perfarmance
■ Deal with emotion and draw out quiet employees in �ATLTRES
performance discussions.
■ Motivate employees for further development. Videotaped feedback of behavior and impact in a perform-
■ Build concrete development plans containing specific ance appraisal discussion;easy-to-use reference manual to
on-the job assignments,recommended readings,and assure transfer of principles to the job; comprehensive
handbook containing on-the job assignments, plus top-
top-rated seminars. rated seminars, and recommended readings far bui}ding
■ Integrate empioyee developrnent objectives with the development plans;valuable contacts with peers in others
_ achievement of unit or organizational objectives. organizations for future use as "sounding boards" on
handling difficult problems; individual consultation
throughout the program.
� P�nonns�D�Siaa,Inc.
Foshay Tower,Suite 2300
821 Marquetts Avenue
� �18ir2,a�poit�,MN 55402 4
C c�� fo� �t��ults
� You will learn how ta Would you rather transfer a problem employee than confront
■ Identify the underl 'ng issues of pe rmance the situationP Do you know how to give canstrecctive feed-
problems. back?Are you uncertain about the causes of disruptive behav�
ior among your employees so you opt jor the obvious solu-
■ Increase subordina s'receptivenes to your tion? Do you know how to follow up when dealing with
■ Develop soplusti yet practical ounseling skills.
■ Give constr�tive, werful feedba k. Good ntanagers must work with their employees on a day-ta
day basis as "coaches" ta keep employ�ees motimted and
■ Conduct the perfo ance problem nterview. prodtnctive.Managers who are skilled in work-related coach-
• Effect change in e ployees'work havior. ing and co:aeseling techniques can avoid potential problems
■ Develop action p for enhancin employee and encourage positive work behaviors.
perfarmance. Coaclkiug jor Results, PDPs two-day workshop for
� Determine the m 'vators for emp yees. ��gers,is designed to teach the coaching skills necessary
■ Diagaose poten ' performance p oblems early. to be an ejfective manager. You will learn how to give
■ Develop a positiv working enviro ment. consm�ctive feedback and build a posiNve and productive
work environment.
. ■ HAndle delicate si uations in a pro essional manner.
■ Face problems be ore they get seri us. .
■ Handle a confro tion effectivel
k ■ Have a posidve i pact on subord tes'day-to-day
work performan . FEATURES
Lectures,discussions,and demonstrations on how to give
constructive feedback and handle confrontation effec-
,' tively; case-study discussions; active role-p�y exercises;
, evaluation of videotaped practice sessions; inforniative
and useful instrucdonal workbook.
� F�nonne� ,�nc.
Foshay Tower, uite 2300
821 Marquette venue
Min �s, N 55402
(612j 2 5
Ca���t R��olutio�
You will learn how to: Let's face it.No one can eliminate con,�tict from one's life or
■ Handle the various reactions to conflict. j�• Conflict at work is normal, arrd even can be helpful,
positive,and exciting—if its negative aspects are recognized
■ Facilitate conflict resolurion among others. und ulleviated.
■ Approach conflicts realistically.
■ Use the positive aspects of conflict. PDTs Con,rUct Rtsolridon workshop promotes a positive
appratch to problem solving that not only reduces destructive
■ Earn the trust of others during a conflict. work tension, but also reveals innovative solutions to con-
� ■ Communicate an understanding of conflicting needs ,�licts of aUdegrees. You willlearn to assess typical behaviors
and feelings. in conflict situations arrd blend facilitating and iniriat�ng
■ Develop interpersonal skills essential for prediction skills to express both your needs and the needs of others.FDI
and control of conflict situations. refers ro this as "shifting gears'; a core negotiating skill
emphasiaed in the workslwp.
■ Create strategies for effective conflict resolution.
■ Ensure mutually satisfactory solutions. You wi11 gain fnsight into the benefits of having more realistic
■ Diagnose individual behavior in conflict situations. Expectations and approaches to the main issues of the con-
flict. The program also teaches skills that wald enable you to
■ Focus on important needs. clearly express thoughts and feelings, while building a trust-
■ Distinguish between emotions and content issues. ing and w�derstanding environment.
■ Alleviate the most stressful by-products of conflict. Our two�ciay workshop on Conjltct Reso&ttion is designed to
■ Recogniu conflicts as helpful. be beneficial for employees in all areas and levels of an
organization. �
Direct feedback on your personal style in resolving con-
flicts; techniques for analyzing the styles of those with
whom you most frequently have conflict and how to deal
with these styles.
� Peno�nN D�cWora,�nc.
Foshay Tower,3uite 2300
821 Marquette Avenue
Minne�p�1fs,MN 55402
(612)3�0927 6
S� ss Ma�a e��at
You will learn how to Stress is an integr�tl a�d potentially exciting pan of life;the
■ Identify your opti stress level an the implications key to success is learning how to control stress and use it to
; of this for personal nd team produ tivity,job satisfac- Your advantage.
. tion,and lifestyle. To contsol stress,you need to have a thorough widersmrrding
■ Pinpoint sources o stress,includin hidden stresses of it. You need to identify not only the obvious but also hidden
which affect long- e health. stressors. You need to u�rderstand the physiological basis for
■ Control the attit s and beliefs t t create stress. stress and the positive and negat�ve e,f�`'ects on your mfnd,
■ Reduce stress in th workplace thr gh changing emotions,body,and behavior. You need to learn attituddnal,
organizational st cture,managem nt style,policies, ���orial,and lifestyle strategies you can adopt in order to
and procedures. cope effectively with stress.
■ Use simple and s �c relaxing,c mmunicating, PDPs one-, twa, and three-�lay workshops in Sdrss 141aa-
exercising,and ea ng strategies to ope with stress. ag���= Q� ���d to help you constructivedy use the
■ Identify ways in ich you cause y ur own stress and positive aspects of stress and learn ways of coping with or
what you can do out it. reducing the negative efj`'ects of too much or the wrong kind of
■ Adopt healthier 1' estyle habits. stress.
■ Recognize indivi ls under stress and learn how to Call us to learn more abaut how to incorporate PDPs Stress
assist them. Management Workshops into in-hoase training programs
■ Use curnent sou s of coping to b 'ld a comprehensive and as enrich»tent for employees.
stress manageme t plan.
■ Apply practical s ress manageme techniques on the
; Up-to�ate information about the effccts of nutrition and
� exercise on stress and life expectancy; comprehensive
, values assessment enabling you to evaluate your lifestyle
and sources of values conflict; options for the organi-
zational management of stress; opportunity to share
techniques a+ith other professionals; practice of coping
PKSOnnN ons,�nc.
Foshay Tower, uite 2300
821 Marquette venue
Minne is,M 55402
(612) 27 7
Wor�� With C►ther�:
A Management Process
Participants will learn how to: Would you like to improve youreffectiveness in working with
■ Develop abilities in areas critical to effective others?Are you aware that as a group leader you sometimes
managemer�t. "lose" the group7 Is individual feedback on performance
di�cult for you to give?
■ Increase flexibility by modifying management style to
fit specific situations. PDI is now presenting a unique workshop called WorAr�g
• Recognize how to better handle interpersonal widt Odker�AManagtnuntP►bcess which wasdeveloped by
relationships with subordiantes. the CenterFor C'reative Leadership. Tlris three,day program
■ Obtain better performance from'groups—teams,task is.l�ar managers and supervisors who would like to improve
forces,committees--through better understanding of their e,f,j`'ectivoeness in workfng with others.
group process. Many of the managers who atte»d the Leadership Develop-
■ Become a better group leader. ment Program see this workshop as a cost effective alterna-
� Use feedback on performance as a motivational tool. tive to the LDP.
• Develop awareness of interpersonal behavior versus
perf'ormance. If you would like to develop ability in three areas critical to
effective managemettt — getting peak perfarmance from
■ Set goals for further development by app(ying the workers, team building,and handling interpessonal relation-
program content to personal and career goals. shi s—then this r
p p ogram can be of vital use to you.
Develaping an awareness of how interpersonal behavior
affects performance of yaur employees, and learning to use
praductive feedGack as a motivatiorra!tool, will help you to
mannge under the varrety of situations and circumstances
that face today's manager.
A questionnaire answered in confidence by subordinat�s
will help you to see yourself through the eyes of those you
work most closely with; videotaped feedback of your
behavior and impact in a group problem-solving situation.
� Peraonn�l D�cWom.Inc. '
Foshay Tower,Suite 2300
82t Marq�tte Avenue
� 8 2�27 N 55402 g
M ging Diversity:
Me and omen in Work Relationships
� You will learn how t : The changing roles and expectations of inen and women can
■ Diminish barriers to cooperative ork relationships lead to misunderstanding and conflict in the workplace.
between men and omen. Managing Diversity:M�n a�d Women in Work RdadoR-
sbips is designed to develop increased understan�ing and
■ Minimize potenti 1 stress and co ict when men and cooperation between men and women. It is a workshop for
women work tog ther. both men and women;it is structured to have equalparticipa-
■ Understand and andle perceived ifferences between tion of both.
men and women.
■ Deal with issues ch as traveling ogether,sexual Both one- and two-day workshops on Maneging Diversity
attraction,and r rting relation ips. will be guided by PDI staff. Tiiroughout the workshops,both
the male and female perspective on a variety of issues will be
■ Help employees eal with issues s ch as men reporting discussed and explored. T7►e workshop will be an experiential
to women(and ce versa),giving nd receiving one, and one which will have intangible results for the
feedback from t e opposite sex,a d perceived hostility participants.
or rejection fro the opposite se
■ Change your li 'ting expectatio and views of the You will develop a better understanding of, and a more
opposite sex. effective working relationship with,members of the apposite
■ Understand ho members of the opposite sex view sex. You will also have an increased catderstanding of people
common work s tuations. who have differing perspectivesfrom your own.As a result of
the workshop,you also will be able to help others deal more
■ Relate more ef�' tively to the op site sex within a constructively with members of the opposite sex and issues
business contex . which arise between them.
■ Use specific str egies to enhan cooperation and
understanding 'thin the work tting.
■ Make effective of the contri tions that the
differences of o hers can make 'thin the work setting.
■ Communicate ectively with a 'de variety of people. FEATiJRES
Opportunity to talk frankly with other men and women
about working together;specific strategies for dealing with
' sensitive and complex issues;assessment of the role your
' attitudes,beliefs,and expectations play in influencing how
you get along with men and women in the workplace;
identification of your own personality type and work style;
practical strategies for relating more effectively to different
types of people.
P�rsonrwl ons,Inc.
' Foshay Towe,Suite 2300 _
,' 821 Marquett Avenue
' Minneapolis, N 55402
(s�2)�s-os � 9
Proble� Solvin and
Decision Makin for Business
� �
You will learn how to: Each manager has a favorite way to approach problems;
■ Impmve your timing whether it be garhering facts, applying logic,freewheeling
with intuition,or trusting one'sfeelings.Early in your career,
• Find the creative compromise between paralysis by you can fast-track by playing off your problem-solving
analysis and hip shooting. strengths. To keep on a competitive keel,however,you soon
� Time your problem-solving attack strategically, need to attend to your lessfavored problem-solvingfunctions.
• Find problems before they find you.
PDPs two-day workshop, Problem Solving and Decision
■ Up the quality of your calls Making for Brisiness, is designed to help you "run all the
bases"in problem solving and keep a competitive edge.
• Learn to chaltenge the status quo.
• Take risks necessary to push new options.
� Capitalize on your intuition.
• Increase your immunization to manipulation and
confusion. FEATURES
• Sift out prejudices and biases in dealing with Confidential assessment of your critical thinking skills;
controversial content, identification of strengths and weaknesses of your personal
■ Promote your decisions with impact problem-solving style;practical seven-step problem-solving
technique;a personal development plan identifying problem- ,
• Present information effectively. solving and decision-making tools/strategies to implement j
• Find most effective way to communicate your on the job;video taped practice in presenting decisions to
decision, others for maximum impact.
• Artriculate the logic behind your recommendation.
• Recognize misuses of logical arguments;disarm
logical dodges and fallacies.
� Persormel Decislons,Inc.
Foshay Tower,Suite 2300
821 Marquette Avenue
Minneapolis,MN 55402
(612)339-0927 10
Assessment & Development
A urate assessm nt of one's strengths and weaknesses is the cornerstone to long-term
de lopment. Yet as managers advance within organizations,they typically receive less
an less feedbac on their skills. PDI of�ers several public programs which combine
as ssment and fe dback with development(see schedule on inside back cover).We offer
pr grams approp 'ate for all levels of management, and like our Skill Building Work-
sh ps,all of our ssessment and Development Programs may be adapted for in-house
p sentation.
C 11 our Registra ,612/339-0927,if you would like more information regarding any of
t se programs.
An Iatroduction to PDI's Assess�ent
and Development Programs
���p� oi Pertwm� ��
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One of the keys to success as a manager is accurate assess- �`�.a�,.�;� ; ° $W = �y 0°0�'`
ment of your strengths and weaknesses because it enables A,�� �� � a � c�G�" A
y0U t0: °'�g '�� ot Performan� ��sa o�ii`o
ia �d Ba/�d� pt
■ Choose opportunities which play to your ��''j,� �°��',.�„�,;P ,�te�e�o��r" \ °����"��
stren hs P� s����$ sk�us �m`�
� °�T na/p,�eni M9
■ Staff your organization with people who com- �"''�,`,� A�,,,�,�,��, `,g"�
�dh Communication
plement your particular management skills "a���9 o,ta;, ��� sk���: W��tte�Communicada+
■ Focus develo ment efforts on areas most criti- ind
p Mental Ability Eff� Self-acceptance and
and PercePt"�^� Cognitiue Personal Self-confiden
cal to your current or future position \vs�s Skilla Adaptation F�e ae
Pto��P� qd�b iliry d^tl
a�M�� ebili
�S�on Occupational/ Motivation �� ry
O� .�s�*Sw���g Technical and �°e��d�
Our Assessment and Development programs are designed F`°'`��`"g � K�01N1e� Canmitment � '°`��,�o,
o�*°` s"`�"'�° s�°''a °°�
to provide accurate assessment of your marragerial skills as c�' �` � �'�o '�w�� '�
`°.r�' �� � g . �
well as show you specifically what you need to start doing, ,�a�' ,���� � � m o a �:'°a��
stop doing,or continue doing to become a more effective ,� ���� .o� �� e° 3� �"� '`�,��� �@,�
manager. In some programs,that assessment may include ,�`�° �.� ;a �� 3� a�� ` �
a professional evaluation of these skills and your career � � o�d� `� 3 d �m a
interests, based on an in-depth interview with our staff; ;�
input from those most familiar with your on-theyob per-
formance—your boss,peers,and subordinates;a battery
of tests and psychoiogical inventories completed by you; participa�ts i�owr Asse��a�t aied Dt►+dopnunt Programs receivt jeedback ae
and your perforrnance in several management simulations. nwnagement sAriOs�liown Le PDPs Whed of Mawgt►rra/E,(j'ectireMSS.
To further support your continuing development after
completion of one of our programs,a number of feedback
options are available—a menu of features designed to give The fnal outcome in all of PDI's Assessment and Devel-
you and your manager the direction needed to build on opment Programs is a more clearly defined career direction
your skills and address your development needs: for yourself and a comprehensive Development Plan
which specifies how to acquire the skills you need to get
■ One-on-one consultations with a PDI staff there.Assessment and feedback are an integral part of the
member management development process—both are necessary
■ Peer feedback from fellow program participants to provide professional growth and development. �'
■ Written reports with development plans To monitor your progress against your development objec-
■ "Three-way" discussions with you, your boss, tives,you will likely wish to complete several of our pro-
and a PDI staff inember grams at various points in your career.
� Personnd Dscislons,lnc.
Foshay Tower,Suite 2300
821 Marquette Avenue
Minneapolis,MN 55402
(612)339-0927 12
Achi 'n ana e�ial Excellence:
� �'
Targe ing Yo r Development by Using MSP
You will learn how t : Management development doesn't just happen!It is a process
■ Take responsibilit for your own p ofessional growth. that can be planned and carefully managed by the individt�al.
■ Understand the sk lls important to anagerial PDPs one�iay Achieving Maeagerial Exccllence program
effectiveness in yo r current positi n. guides you through the individual development process by
■ Assess your mana ement skills fro the perspective of first helping you to understand the skills required for
your boss,peers, d subordinates managerial effectiveness and then identifying your own
■ Compare your m nagement skills 'th those of peers strengths and development needs. To assure an accurate
in other compani . assessment of strengths and weaknesses,a survey(Manage-
ment Skills Profile)is completed prior to the workshop by _
�, Identify your stre gths and clearly efine your those who work most closely with you—your superiors,
developmental ne ds. peers,and subordinates.
■ Analyze differenc s in how your b ss,peers,and
subordinates per ive your mana rial effectiveness. The identification of strengths and development needs serves
■ Better utilize you strengths in yo r current position. as a springboard forfuture growth. The next step is to write a
specific development plan to build on your strengths and
■ Fstablish prioriti s for your devel pment. address your development needs. Managers leave the com-
■ Use on-theyob a ignments,top- ted seminars,and prehensive session with a development plan which includes
recommended re dings to develo your management on-the job opportunities,readings,and top-rated seminars—
skills. and a commitment to review this plan with immediate
■ Enlist the help o your boss,peers and subordinates in suPeriors.
: developing your anagement ski s.
■ Formulate a spe ific action plan develop your
weaker areas.
� ' ■ Take spec�c ac ons to improve our managerial FEATURES
� effectiveness.
■ Formulate an in ividualized dev lopment plan which Feedback on your management skills from the perspective
builds on your s rengths and add esses development of superiors,peers,and/or subordinates;help in interpreta-
needs. • tion of that feedback; individual consultaton with PDI
staff inember; a comprehensive development handbook
containing on-the job assignments, readings, and top-
rated seminars;a written plan for your own development.
Personnel isions,ina
Foshay Tower, uite 2300
821 Marquette venue
Minneapolis, N 55402
(612)339-092 13
Leaders]�ip Development
You will learn how to: The complexities and demands of today's society present
■ Accomplish more through better use of subordinates challenges for administrators and managers in every aspect
and resources. of organizational enterprise,public and private.Past achieve-
ments are,at best, uncertain preparation for today's chang-
■ Motivate and develop subordinates for greater ing needs.
■ Establish a climate fostering innovation and creativity. Clearly,then,behaviors and capabilities we call"leadership"
■ Make better decisions by knowing when to involve ���urgent attention.Leadership development requires a
others. learning climate that encourages thinking and behaving in
new ways, that builds the confidence to change, and that
■ Give feedback that produces positive behavior reinforces the motivation to set and achieve goals.
■ Use participative management appropriately. Designed by the Center fo�Creative Leadership in Greens-
■ Become more influential in group situations. boro, N.C., the purpose of the sixday Leade►•s/rip Dev�elop-
ment Prog►+am(LDP)is to help managers be more productive
■ Reverse declining performance in valuable and successful and to help them promote the productivity and
contributors. success of others. Through LDP,participants learn to con-
■ Set specific goals and establish clear expectations for sider and utilize the skills and strategies of leadership within
subordinates. the framework of their particular organizational environ-
■ Achieve your objectives in a way that enables subordi- ment.
nates to satisfy their needs.
■ Use positive reinforcement to acknowledge good
■ Become more participative in group situations. F'EATURES
■ Listen more effectively to subordinates'concerns.
■ Tailor your leadership style to the ability and motiva- Confidential assessment of your leadership skills;feedback ,'
tion level of each subordinate. from fellow participants on the impact of your behavior;
■ Rekindle your enthusiasm for and commitment to �deotaped feedback on your behavior in group problem-
career and personal goals. solving situations; identification of your strengths and
your development needs from your boss,peers,and sub-
■ Build on your personal strengths to increase your ordinates;candid discussion with staff inembers to review
enjoyment and level of support on the job. assessment results; valuable contacts with peers in other
■ Become more aware of your impact on others through organizations;consultation throughout the program.
feedback from fellow paRicipants,our staff,and your
� Porsonnel D�cisions,Inc.
Foshay Tower,Suite 2300
821 Marquette Avenue
� Minneapolis,MN 55402
(612)339-0927 14
Ma age�ent S '
Dev lo �ent Center
You will learn how to: Do you know what your management skills are?How do you
■ Assess your manag rial strengths an weaknesses. compare with other mid-level managers?Which areas should
■ Com re our skill to other mana ment artici �, You develop in order to become more effective or to prepare
� y p � for higher level positions.
■ Use feedback from thers.
■ Improve administ tive skills. Managers need comprehensive, useful feedback to be suc-
cessful. However, this type of feedback often is not readily
■ Heighten interpers nal capabilities. available from within an organization and the higher up the
■ Analyze personal otivation and c mmitment. ladder you go, the less feedback you receive.
■ Develop and appl critical decision making skills.
The three-day Management SkiUs Developme�rt Center pra
■ Strengthen relatio ships with subo inates,peers,and vides you,as a manager,with a unique opportunity to receive
superiors. feedback on your strengths and developmental needs in the
■ Identify career go ls and develop p ans to achieve key skill areas necessary for manageria! success. It is a
them. highly individualized program that gives you a written
■ Capitalize on ma gerial strengths assessment of your strengths and development needs and a
development plan focusing on actions you can take to
■ See your manage al skills from th perspectives of, increase your effectiveness.
■ Increase personal daptability.
■ Enhance leadersh p skills.
■ Give valuable fee back to peers. FEATURES
■ Listen more care lly and effectiv y.
■ Project a positive dynamic leade hip image. Realistic simulation exercises in which you perform
■ Become more a re of the impac you have on others. managerial tasks in a fictitious company;extensive inven-
■ Contribute effec vely in group se 'ngs. tories of your background and interests; a background
interview by a PDI staf�member;the Management Skills
Profile which provides feedback from your subordinates,
peers, and boss; unique four-hour career development
session, in which participants give and receive feedback
and career development ideas; individualized Develo�
ment Plan, based on your performance and inventory
` results, to help you capitalize on your strengths and
address development needs; "three-way" feedback/dis-
cussion with your boss and PDI staff member.
Peraonnel ialons,inc.
Foshay Tower,Suite 2300
821 Marquette venue
Minneapolis, N 55402
(612)339-092 15
Exe�utive S '
Develop�ent Center
You will learn how to: Do you feel a pit in your stomach when someone from the
■ Develop and apply decision-making skills. media calls?Do you perform tasks that don't make the best
use of your skills?Do you have di�culty completing items on
■ Improve administrative skills. your "to-do" list — ever? After meetings have you often
■ Increase proficiency in interpersonal and leadership wished you had said or done something differently?
■ Improve your ability to comunicate. Executives ase among the most competent and confident
groups of people. This is why they have successfully made it
■ Increase personal adaptability and flexibility. to the top in the corporate world. However, even executives
■ Analyze personal motivation and commitment. have areas in which they rt�ed to develop their skills.
■ Sharpen capacity to think clearly in stressful situations.
Our four-day Extcutiv�t Skills Development Center is an
■ Identify career goals and make plans to achieve them. intensive p�ogram designed to build urtderstanding and expe-
■ Capitalize on managerial streragths. rience in key competency areas for executives. You will
■ Address development needs. receive vital feedback on your current strengths and de-
velopment needs,and will build your own development plan.
■ Make the most of organiung and time management This program will give you an opportunity to sharpen your
abilities. skills among a select group of o�cers from other organi-
■ Delegate the work load. zarions.
■ Deal competently and confidently with the media.
■ Enhance relationships with subordinates and
■ Strengthen your leadership image. �AT�IES
■ Make the best use of feedback from others.
■ Motivate your employees more effectively. Realistic situational exercises in which you face the
■ Set pracUcal objectives. demands, pressures, and problems typical of your work;
extensive inventory of your background and interests;the
■ Enhance your persuasiveness. Management Skills Profile providing feedback on your
■ Improve planning skills. abilities from others;feedback from your peers and PDI
■ Develop empathy for others. staff throughout the program; individualized Develop-
ment Plan to help you build on strengths and address
development needs;feedback session after the program to
help integrate and reinforce what you learned during the
� Personnel D�cisions,Inc.
Foshay Tower,Suite 2300
821 Marquette Avenue
Minneapolis,MN 55402
(st2)33s�o927 16
� ' • u� �C� g ���
�� ��� C���,
, *A participant will lea how to: You may kave in your organizution a top performer with
■ Overcome skill defi 'ts which block romotion. outstanding technieal skilds, in-deptJt indrtstry knowledge,
and a strong commitment to the organization. Yet, at the
' ■ Develop and apply ritical decision- king skills. same time, tlus person raight have one or more flaws--an
■ Develop self-conti nce. abrasive leadership style,poor people skills,a lack of asser-
■ Work effectively wi superiors,pee ,and tiveness, repeated conflicts with others, a low personal
subordinates. impact,ine,�`'ective decision-making skills—that could lead
to stagnatian or termination.
■ Adopt a man�ge nt style with wh h other people
can feel comfortab . At PDI we call these flaws"The Achilles'Heel Syndrome';
■ Take full responsi 'ty for his/her a. and have developed the L�rdiv�dMal Corrch�irg far E,,�`'e�tivr-
■ Adjust to the rapi y changing nee of the work ��(ICE)program to help get these key contributors back
environment. on track.
• Handle conflict e ctively. The ICE program is tailored for each individual's unique
■ Deal with proble s in a non-threa ning way. needs and is executed in an environment tl�at achieves a
■ Polish interperso 1 skills. lasting, positive change in the person. ICE can regain lost
productivity and save thousands of dollars in outplaeement
• Improve commu tion with sub rdinates,peers,and and recruiting costs by salvaging otherwise competent a�d
, b°sses• valuable professionals,»utnagers, or executives.
■ Gear manageme approach to th levels and needs of
; others. If you would like more information on the ICEprogram,call
I � ■ Identify develop ent needs. PDPs ICE Coordinator, 612/339-0927.
■ Improve adminis tive skills.
■ Enhance leade 'p skills.
; • Listen more et�' 'vely.
■ Become more a re of impact on others. FEATURES
■ Use participativ management ap ropriately. ��tion and pace of the progam established in collabo-
■ Increase initiativ and resourcefu ess. ration with PDI staff; variety of assessment activities
■ Improve proble -solving and de ision-making skills. including personality testing,simulation exercises,and in-
depth interviews with organization and target individual;
' ! •Objecdves an individual tailoral depending the needs of the target indi- �CLICC t& ted skitls in PDI's video trainin �8b; WUr�C
vidual;the list above pro 'des a sa(npk of typi 1 ICE program goals. p � g
with PDI staff in instividual coaching sessions;homework
; including readings, written exercises, and skills pracfiace;
involvement of participant's boss throughout the program
to ensure application and reinforcement in the wc�rkplace;
extensive follow-up procedures to h�lp ensure there is no
retum to old behavior patterns.
' P�rsonnN ,Inc.
Foshay Tower, ite 2300
821 Marquette venue
Min eapoHs, 55402
(612)339-0927 j']
Ir�dl���t���ed S��ll
�u�ldin Pr` ct�s
� a�
You can learn how to enhance these skills: Are yourdevelopment needslimited to fust one or two critical
�d�S� areas7 Do you want to work on a cauple of development needs '
• Goal Setdng but)tave a schedule thut simply won't atlow you to go to any
� Personal Organizaaon and Time Management regularly scheduled workshops? Do you feel a one-on-one
• Overcoming Procrastination training session would be most beneficial for your skills
��S� development?
■ Creating�Leadership Vision p�rs Individrralized Skill Buildin Pro s o ers ou a
■ Leadership Styles for the 80's and 90's S $�m .� Y
■ Influence Management total of 2S skills development'modules, each designed as an
■ Motivating Others intensive one-on-one session. While speciftc topics will be
■ Facilitating Problem Solving in Groups discussed and definite behaviors practiced the modules are
■ Mana.ging and Utilizing Differences in Teams designed to be,/lexible. You will focus on those topics and
■ Delegating and Controlling behaviors that will be of most benefit to you—a personalized
■ Coaching and Counseling Employ�s training session.
■ Working with Your Boss
Iaterpersonal aed Com�ieatl�s Skills The modules are organized around PDPs W/teel of Manage-
■ Listening Skills ria!Effectiveness, whdch shows those performance factors
■ Assertive Communications for Managers and dimensions that are important for managerial success.
■ Overcoming"Opinionitis",Dev�eloping an Open Mind Our Individr�aliZed Skill Br�ilding Progroms modules are
■ "Win-Win"Conflict Resolution based on our extensive experience in coaching and developing
■ Conversational Skills executives and managers.
■ Increasing Interpersonal Impact
Pe��P��{3' For more information about these programs, call Dr.
� Manag"'g Stress Cynthia Marsh,612/339-0927. �
• Channeling Anger
■ Over,coming Perfectionism
■ Coping with Criticism
■ Positive Uses of Power
■ Personal Goal Setdng
■ Assessing Your Carcer Situation �
■ Strategies for Job Fulfillment Individualized one-on-one training; intensive feedback
■ Strategies for Moving Up and coaching;spaced learning with opportunities to prac- �
■ Balancing Career and Family tice skills on the job between sessions;flexible scheduling;
Cognitive Skills videotaped feedback sessions; relevant homework and
■ Enhancing Decisiveness:Curing Analysis Paralysis reading assignments;optional follow-up with organization
■ Developing Your Intuition:Becoming an Innovator and/or superior. ,
• Improving Your Logic:Problem Solving for Business
■ Involving Others in Decision Making
� PKSOnnd D�clsions�Inc.
Foshay Tower,Su1te 2300
821 Marquette Avenue
Minneapolia,MN 55402
(612)339-0927 18
� I
Tools for Self-developmen#
P I has develope a number of tools to aid managers in assessing their strengths and
de elopment need . These tools are designed to stand alone as well as to be included in
� yo in-house trai ing programs.Our Management Skills Profile(MSP)and our recently
pu lished Improvi Managerial E�fj`'ectiveness:A Haru�ook of Development Suggestions
presented he . ff you have questions, please call our Products Coordina.tor,
� 61 339-0927.
Ma�a em,e�t S ' Profile MSP
� C �
MSP provi�s developmental feedback
As a manager,you need good developmental feedback to
grow within your organization. '
Unfortunately, the higher you progress up the manage-
ment ladder,the lcss feedback you are likeiy to receive— �" �
and you need this behavioral feedback if you are to con-
tinue to improve your skills and managerial effectiveness.
A way to assure that you receive this feedback is PDI's
Management Skills Protile (MSP) — the developmental
tool that tells managers where they stand on 18 key man- �
agement skills and what to do about them.
� MSP is campre�nsive
MSP begins by collecting direct feedback on your man-
agement skills from supervisors,peers,and subordinates.
MSP has a wide variety of t�es
Our feedback process allows us to pinpoint specific y
managerial strengths and weaknesses in terms of 18 man- ■ Define training needs on a company-wide basis.
agement skills and 122 on-the job behaviors.We measure ■ provide spec�c one-on-one coaching to managers
all of the key managerial performance areas and not just needing to improve performance.
leadership or management style. ■ pinpoint development needs as a part of internal man-
agement development programs.
MSP is unique ■ Include as input to succession and career planning.
MSP dcesn't stop at analysis. Unlike other feedback
instruments, MSP provides a foundation for improving MSP has support services
managerial effectiveness.We can help managers capitalize
on their strengths and overcome weaknesses by providing Oi�r staff can provide development planning workshops '
them with on-the job assignments, top-rated seminars, and individualized executive planning setvices which can
and readings which they can use to address their spec�c be tailored to your needs to help people improve their '
development needs. management skills. � '
� PKSOnnN D�cblons,Inc.
Foshay Tovrer.Suite 2300
821 Msrquette Avenue
� 6i�;2J1�3�a082MN 5540't �
I�a r an� e�al Ef�e�t�v��ess:
p � �
j A Han book of Development Suggestions
Why You need PD s Handbook y� 4..�`� t ' �•� ;
Have you ever faced of these situati ns?
■ As you begin prepa 'ng a performa ce appraisal, you
' realize that you hav no specific sugg tions to help your
suburdinate in skills development.
' ■ You feel inadequat when you are a ked to help some-
one grow within the organization.
I ■ You can't come up 'th any sugges ions for a subordi-
' nate who needs to ercome a perfo ance problem.
I ■ Your supervisor w ts input on yo own development
' plan,but you can't hink of anythin more creative than � �4
listing courses out f the company's training catalog. �� e
� �
, PDI's Handbook ojD lopment Sugg stions was designed m�
to help you deal with ituations like th se.It should be kept
on the shelf near yo desk for easy eference when you How the Handbook works
need ideas to promo e development either for yourself
� or for your subordi tes. The PDI Wheel of Managerial Ef�'ectiveness(see page 12)
forms the basis for the Handbook's organi7a.tion,enabling
Our Handbook distil and organizes r you the best of the you to easily locate suggestions for vanous performance
individual develop ent suggestions hat we at PDI have factors and dimensions.
generated or uncove ed in our many ears of management
' development experi nce. It is like h ving a management For each dimension,the Handbook gives a series of short
development cons tant at your ngertips to proyide �Ps for improving performance in that particular dimen-
advice on developm nt opportunitie specifically suited to sion, plus numerous comprehensive and specific on-the-
you or your subord' tes. job development suggestiorts,recommended readings,and
relevant seminars.
For example,you could get help with a problern concern-
� ing interpersonal skills by turning to the stction dealing
� with that factor.There you would find descriptions of two
dimensions withirr the interpersonal factor — "Human
� Relations Skills"and"Managing Conflict,Confrontation,
' and Negotiation". You then could examine the outline of
development suggestions in either of these two dimensions.
; The Handbook quickly will become an indispensable and
often used management development tool in your off'ice.
� P�raonnal ,Inc.
Foahay Tower, ite 2300
82t Marquette A nue
MinneapoIi�s� M 55402
(61�339-0927 21
�Q � ��������5
Program presenters are selected from the staff of consultants at Personnel Decisions,Inc.This staff brings to our
programs an anay of advanced academic degrees, extensive hands-on experience, and a strong orientation
toward application.A range of expertise in several disciplines—organizational psychology,assessment,training,
and career counseling—provides a balance of perspectives to give participants a well-rounded experience in a
wide choice of programs. Some of our senior presenters will be:
Val J.Arnold,Ph.D. �
Dr.Arnold is a recognized authority in the areas of managerial effectiveness and stress management.As Vice President of
PDI's Assessment and Counseling Services,Dr.Arnold has evaluated the potential of hundreds of candidates for various
management and leadership positions.Additionally,he has had extensive experience in career counsclin�g with managers
and in working with executives one-to-one to improve their effectiveness.
An area of special interest to Dr.Arnold is stress management,and he has lectured on the subject throughout the U.S.and
abroad. He has also presented to the American Psychological Association his work in improving the effectiveness of
managers and executives through individual coaching.
Dr. Arnold's prior experience includes management of the corporate executive development function of a Fortune 100
company, specialization in assessment and training of all levels of management, with emphasis on interpersonal and
communications skills for executives,working with them in one-to-one training,as well as team development.Dr.Arnold
has developed and conducted workshops in stress management, leadership skills, team development, performance
appraisal,career development,managerial coaching,and dealing with performance problems. ;
Dr. Arnold completed his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology at the University of Minnesota and is a Licensed Consulting '
Hany Brall
A Vice President at PDI,Mr.Brull heads the Training&Development Division,which each year designs and delivers over
100 workshops and seminars. These workshops cover a wide range of topics, including effective performance review,
selection interviewing,individual development planning,managerial coaching,management skills development,and stress
Mr. Brull has extensive experience in the design and implementation of assessment centers for public and private sector
clients,as well as in the development and delivery of a wide array of workshops and seminars,both public and in-house.
Mr.Brull has had project management experience in the areas of selection,promotion,managerial development,employee
retention, and customer service for private and public sector clients. He has designed and evaluated selection and
promotional processes,organizational climate surveys,job analyses,and assessment centers for law enforcement,financial,
manufacturing,and retail organizations.
Mr. Brull completed his M.S. at the State University of New York. Currently, he is a Ph.D. candidate in Educational
Psychology at the University of Minnesota,and is a Licensed Psychologist.
Pra a�n Presenters
Brian L. Davis, D.
Dr.Davis has overall ogram manage ent responsibility for the Leadership Development Program.He has developed or
conducted workshops in leadership sk lls, performance management and employee development, matrix management,
conflict management, nd selection in rviewing. He specializes in Organi7a.tional Effectiveness,consults in all of PDI's
service areas,and foc s on team buil ing with chief executive officers and their staffs.
As Vice President of DI,Dr. Davis anages the development,production,and distribution of consulting products that
� enable organizations o better manag their human resources. He also directs PDI's marketing and sales functions,and
prior to joining PDI, anaged a resea h and development function for a Fortune 100 company.
; Dr. Davis has consul d with manage ent teams to improve the effectiveness of their organizations throughout the U.S.
and abroad. He has orked with pe ple at all management levels and in a wide range of functional areas, including
marketing,research d development manufacturing and engineering,finance,and personneL
He frequently has be n a guest speak r at meetings and conferences,and has presented several papers to the Academy of
Management.He ha written articles r professional journals in the area of performance appraisal,and recently published
a book entitled Imp ving Manage ' E�''ectiveness:A Handbook of Dtvelopne�nt Suggestio�rs.
Dr.Davis complete his Ph.D.in In trial/Organizational Psychology at the University of Minnesota and is a Licensed
Consulting Psychol ist.
; S1LSatl Ge�l@lil
Ms.Gebelein,as T iner and Consul ant at PDI,designs and conducts training programs in the areas of interpersonal and
organizational effe iveness. For ov r ten years,she has worked with individuals and organizations to develop leadership
� and management s ills,increase tea effectiveness,improve interpersonal communication and cooperation,and encour-
age creativity, inn vation, and eff ctive problem solving. In addition to her work in management and leadership
development,she h s conducted wo kshops on motivating the modern employee,managing diversity—men and women in
work relationships,and stress mana ement.
Ms.Gebelein,duri g her years as a sychotherapist in private practice,counseled hundreds of people through individual,
marriage, and fam ly therapy. She as also served as an educator at the University of Minnesota and for a community
college,of�'ering co rses in comuni tions,supervision,giving and receiving feedback,assertive behavior,and working with
problem employee .
She is an experien ed public speak r, having made major presentations throughout the U.S.,on radio and TV,on such
topics as leadersh' , team manage ent, organization cultures, motivating employees, career development, dual career
couples,and men nd women wor ing together.
Ms.Gebelein rece ed her M.A.in ocial Work from the University of Minnesota.
Fee� & � ' t�atian I�fo�a�lion
skill B . . Works�,ops
A 15% discount will be given to three or more participants from one company
registered for the same workshop, in the sa.me session. Call PDI's Registrar,
612/339-0927,to tentatively reserve your spa.ce,or send in the registration form(inside
back cover).
A�ent&Developr�nt Programs
The registration fees for our Assessment and Development Programs do not include
� lodging. Registration should be received at least three weeks prior to date of program '
to allow sufficient time for pre-program work. Transfers and cancellations made at ±
least three weeks grior to the program starting date will receive a full refund. '
Leaderst�p Development Program--A one-half tuition is offered to anyone choosing to
be on a waiting list to repiace last-minute cancellations.
Call PDI's Registrar, 612J339-0927, if you have any questions about the A�essment
aid Development Pt�ogra�ms.
Lrho�e Program Information �
� Most of the programs offered in this catalog are available on a public schedule(see
inside back cover) or can be tailored for use as in-house pr�sentations. Call us to
discuss how we can adapt these programs to meet your company's training needs.
We also can train your trainers to present the progra.ms for your company. Ask our
Training Coordinator,612/339-0927,for further information.
Fees anEi Program Schedule
See next page(inside back cover)for specific fees and the program schedute.You will
find Registration Forms on the fold-out portion of the back cover.If forms have been
used,call oar Registrar,612/339-0927.
Program Title
Program Date(s)
Full Name Name prefernd on name tag
Mailing Address
, City/State/Zip
TUITION: ❑ Amou t Enclosed$
O Bill m company,Attn.
I heard about PDI an its programs by
MAIL TO: Personn 1 Decisions,Inc.,P ogram Registrar,Foshay Tower,Suite 2300,821 Marquette Ave.,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55402
�-������� ����-�- '�t�rf��i.�����-�-s�s�����"�����-S�t����'�
Program Title
Program Date(s)
Full Name Name prefened on name tag
• Phone(Office/Hom )
Mailing Address
TUITION: ❑ A unt Encloscd�
� Bill my company,Attn
I heard about PDI nd its programs b
MAIL TO: Pers nel Decisions,Inc,Program Registrar,Foshay Tower,Suite 2300,821 Marquette Ave.,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55402
����.��� �—�— �—���—�—��--��.�
PLEASE SEND: pa ets of MSP E l35 per manaeer packet
,$ To 1 amount to be biiled with shipment.
Manager's Nam )
Send to:
Bill to(if differe t)
How did you he r about PDI's pro ucts?
MAIL TO: P onnel Decisions, nc.,Products Coordinator
F shay Tower,Suite 300,821 Marquette Ave.
nneapolis,MN 55 2
985 Pub c ProQram Fees & Schedvle
January April July October
PROG February May A�ust November
Tuition Per Partldpant Page ef: March June September December
Selection In rviewing: January 23-24 October 22-23
Information athering
2-day W rkshop
$395 See e 2 March 12-13 June S-6 December 11-12•
Selection I erviewing:
Information terpretation
2-day W rkshop February S-6 May 1-2 November 6-7
$395 See p ge 3
Performance Management
2-day orkshop November 13-14
$495 See age 4 March 19-20 June 45 September 10-11
Coachin for Results April 23-24 October 15-16
2-day orkshop
$395 See age 5
Conflict Resolution
2-day orkshop August 6-7
$395 See page 6 March 20-21
Workin With Others: July 15-17 October 1-3
A Mana ment Process
3-day orkshop
$750 Se page 8 December 17-19
Mana ng Diversity: Apri130 October 8-9
Men&Women i Working Relati nships
$295 1-da Workshop
$395 2-da Workshop e page 9 June 19
Achieving nagerial Excell nce July 11
1-da Workshop May 7 November S
$295 S page 13 June 6 September 19
� Leadership velopment Pro am Aprii 1419 July 21-26 October 20-25
A y Program February 17-22 May 19-24 November 17-22
$2500 page 14 March 3-8 June 23-28 September 22-27
Management S ills Developme t Center
A y Program February 12-14 November 12-14
$2250 page 15 June i 1-13 September 1�-19
' Executive S lls Developmen Center Apri123-26 October 8-11
A y Program
$4000 ee page 16
Use Registra Forms attached call Program Registrar,Personnel Dedsions,Inc.,61?✓339-0927.