85-1135 \NHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �/� - CANARV - DEPARTMENT G TY OF SA I NT PAIIL File NO. v- _//�� BLUE - MAVOR unci Resolution Presented By Referred To � � Committee: Date �'—/ ���� Out of Committee By Date An adminis rative Resolution amending the Civil Service Ru es, in several sections thereof, to reflect ch nges in the administrative responsibility of the Civ'1 Service Commission and the Personnel Director. RESOLVED, hat the Civ'1 Service Rules be amended in Sections 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 , 23, 25, 28;and 29, by deleting certain language and adding language in lieu the eof as per the attachment. COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�e� Nays Masanz In Favor P S NE OFFICE ii 'I Nicosia � � Scheibe� _ __ Against BY So�nen � Tqdesco �� � ��� A G 2 � � Form roved y it A orne Adopted by Council: ate c Certified Yas uncil S ar BY By t�ppr y Mavor: D � Appro by Mayor for Sub si to Cou il PUBLISHED J G 31 1985 `7:��.,� . , ; � � 5. A PLICATION R QUIREMENTS �.��j` —/�� � 5 B. AGE Except a otherwise provided by State Law, the 6#*a#�-6er*a#ee Fi919ffi�99� Personnel Director may, at his/her discretion, fix any reas able age limit as a requirement for entrance to examinat ons. Such age limits shall be published in the official otice of examinations. No person shall be kept on an eligib e register whose age does not conform to the age requireme ts. 5. MEDICAL The 6#*a#� 6ertr#ee-6e�n#ss�ea Personnel Director may establish medical s andards but only for the purpose of determining the applicant s ability to perform the essential job functions of the posit on for which he or she is applying. 7. EL GIBLE LISTS (3rd Paragraph) If two el gible lists for the same position are in force, the second li t shall be treated as a continuation of the first list. E1 gible lists shall expire one year from the date of their est blishment. However, the 6#*�#�-6erv#ee-6e�n#ss#ea; Personnel Director by written order filed with the City Clerk, may exten an eligible list for such period, not exceeding one year, as ay be advisable for the best interests of the City. Such orde shall designate the reason for such extension. Whenever iscretionar chan es are made in accordance with this sect on b the Personnel Director the effective date of the actio shall be receded b a twent da ublic notice eriod. his eriod shall be initiated b notice to the reco nize bar ainin unit for the title affected and the affected e artments. 8. FI LING VACANC S (lst paragraph) 8. Whenever vacancy in a Classified position occurs, unless the vacancy is to be filled by reduction, transfer, reinstatement after layoff or reinstatement after voluntary reduction, the appointing officer shall make a requisition for certification on the fo prescribed by the 6#*t#�-6er*a#ee-6e�#ss#ea Personnel irector. The vacancy shall be filled whenever possible i the following order: 1. By reduction 2. By transfer 3. By reinstatement after layoff 4. By reinstatement after voluntary reduction 5. By promotion 6. By reinstatement after resignation and by original entrance , . . > > �� �.5=/��J`� � ��J���� 9. RE ORTING FOR R WAIVING EMPLOYMENT (3rd and 4th paragraph) However, he 6}*�#�-6erv#ee-6ea�#ss�eR Personnel Director mav permit el gibles to waive appointment for the following , reasons o ly: (a) f the appointment being offered is temporary or part-time only; . (b) f the appointment being offered is for a position ther than that for which the eligible was specif- cally examined; (c) f, because of sickness, physical disability or therwise, the eligible at the time of receiving the ppointment is not reasonably able to report. (d) f an eligible on a promotion list is certified to a department other than the one in which he/she is e ployed, but such eligible thereafter shall be c rtified only to the department in which he is e ployed. (e) I an eligible on a promotion list is certified to a p sition in the department in which he/she is e ployed, but such eligible shall be allowed only one s ch waiver. If the emp oyee has waived promotion for any of the reasons stated abo e, and the Department in which he/she is employed is reducin the number of positions in the class/classes affected b the waiver so as to adversely affect that employee's chances of promotion, he/she may retract his/her waiver wit the approval of the 6#v#�-6er�*#ee-6ea�#sa#e� Personnel irector. 10. PRO ATION A. The p obationary period shall be one year for all origi al and promotion appointees and employees who have been ransferred at their own request or reinstated after resigning in the Professional/Administrative units, super isory bargaining units, police and fire units, and those employees appointed to confidential positions who are n t represented by the above units only because of the c nfidentiality of their positions. All other emplo ees in the above categories shall have a six month proba ionary period. In the case of one year probation emplo ees, progress reports shall be submitted to the 6#v#� 6e�v�ee-6emm#ss�ea Personnel Director at the end of the f urth and eighth month of employment, and in the case f six month probationary employees, progress repor s shall be submitted at the end of the second and fourt months. ' � �s//��� ������ 11. PR VISIONAL EMP OYMENT (2nd paragraph) No p rson may be appointed to a provisional position who has een working as a temporary without the submission of a wr tten request by the appointing officer to the 6#e#� 6e�v ee-6e�#ss#ea Personnel Director and their approval of t e appointment. When ver discretionar chan es are made in accordance with this section b the Personnel Director the effective date of the action shall be receded b a twent da ubl c notice eriod. This eriod shall be initiated b noti e to the reco nized bar ainin unit for the title affe ted and the affected de artments. 12. TE ORARY EMPLO NT (lst and 2nd paragraph) In c ses of temporary work, appointing officers may fill a va ant position with a temporary employee. The appo nting officer must indicate in making such a request that such employment is in fact temporary. No person shal serve as a temporary employee more than 1040 work ng hours in any calendar year. No person may work in e cess of 1040 hours unless the 6#*a#�-6erv#ee-6e�#sa#e� Pers nnel Director approves such extension prior to the use f the full 1040 hours. The #v��-8erv#ee-6eann#se#ea Personnel Director may alter the umber of working days permitted upon determination that market conditions warrant an adjustment." When ver discretionar chan es are made in accordance with this section b the Personnel Director the effective date of the action shall be receded b a twent da ubl c notice eriod. This eriod shall be initiated b noti e to the reco nized bar sinin unit for the title affe ted and the affected de artments. 17. T SFERS D. All ransfers except as provided in Subsection A of this Sect on shall be subject to approval by the 6#v��-6er�t#ee 6e� ss#ea Personnel Director. No transfer shall be made to a id a layoff in any department. . , , �,��.5=�/3�,. �� Q��� 18. T SFER OR RE UCTION BECAUSE OF DISABILITY DUE TO SICKNESS OR I JURY Any emplo ee who sustains a permanent disability due to sickness r injury may be transferred or reduced to his/her own reque t and to the request of the appointing authority with the pproval of the 6#v��-6e�t�#ee-6ea�#ss#ea Personnel Director rovided the employee meets such achievement, physical, and medical standards, as the 6�*a#�-6e�v�ee 6an�#ss#e Personnel Director may prescribe in the particular case. 19. LE VE OF ABSEN E 19.A RE UIREMENTS F R LEAVE OF ABSENCE (2nd paragraph) Leaves of absence without pay are granted primarily for the benefit o the City, and not for the convenience of the . employee. Employees requesting leaves of absence without pay shall mak request to the appointing officer and shall include such proo of the reason for request as the appointing officer and the 6 u#�-8er��ee-6e�#ea�ea Personnel Director may require. The appointing officer shall report all approved requests o the Personnel Office. The Personnel Office shall provide t the City Council quarterly reports of all leaves granted f r educational purposes and of all reduced pay leaves. 20.0 RE ORTING SICK LEAVE (2nd paragraph) The appoi ting officer or the 6�*a#�-6er*a#ee-6e�#ss#ea Personnel Director may require a physician's certificate or additiona certificates at any time during an employee's illness. All such certificates shall be forwarded by the appointin officer to the Personnel Office. 20.G T ORARY EMPL YMENT FOR THERAPEUTIC TREATMENT An employ e who is off duty because of sickness, and whose attending physician recommends his/her undertaking employment different in nature than his/her regular City employment for the purpo e of therapeutic treatment, may be permitted to accept an pursue such different employment, subject to the consent o the 6#*a#�-8ertt#ee-6ea�4ss#es Personnel Director and the appoi ting officer. In each such case the regular pay which the employee might otherwise claim hereunder shall be subject to deduction therefore on account and to the extent of any lesser or equivalent amount earned by the employee in such different mployment. ������ � �� ��� 21.B LOYEE RESPO SIBILITY FOR NOTIFICATION OF MILITARY LEAVE 1. Applies t his/her appointing officer and to the 6#*a��-6erv#ee 6ea�a�#ss#e Personnel Director at least five working days prior to such 1 ave, unless the employee has not received sufficient notiee be ause of an emergency situation; or. 21.D p.P LYING FOR M LITARY LEAVE Any perso desiring a military leave of absence shall make request t his or her appointing officer and to the 6#*�#� 6er�#ee-6 mm#sa#ea Personnel Director. Persons who are granted m litary leaves shall report in writing to the 6#*a#� 6erta#ee-6 �n#se#ea Personnel Director and the appointing officer t e branch of service in which they have been accepted. 21.E RE NSTATEMENT OM MILITARY LEAVE Persons ho orable discharged or rejected for military service shall, if ble to do so, apply for reinstatement in writing filed with the 8#v#�-6erv#ee-6e�#ss�ea Personnel Director and appointing officer within fifteen days after said rejection or within nin ty days after termination of such service, or within nin ty days after discharge from hospitalization or medical tr atment which immediately follows the termination of, and re ults from, such service; provided such application shall be m de within one year and ninety days after terminatio of such service, notwithstanding such hospitaliz tion or medical treatment. Persons applying for such reins atement shall present proof to the satisfaction of the appoin ing officer and the 6�t�#�-6erv#ee-6e�#as#ea Personnel irector of application and rejection, or of honorable ischarge, and, if the case be such, of hospitaliz tion or medical treatment which immediately followed t e termination, and resulted from such service. 21.G PRE ERVING RECO S OF MILITARY LEAVE All papers required by this Section to be filed with the appointing officer or the 6��#�-6erv#ee-6ea�#ss�en Personnel Director s all be preserved by the 6#v#�-6er�a#ee-6emat#sss#e� Personnel irector as permanent records. . � . . , �� ��/��3�s� ����� 23.B INSTATEMENT FTER RESIGNATION Any emplo ee who resigns, may, in the discretion of the 6#v#� 6erv#ee-6 ��ss�ea Personnel Director, be placed on the reinstate ent register and certified for reinstatement in accordanc with Section 7 of these Rules, at any time within one year fter such resignation; however, employees in the categorie listed below shall not be entitled to reinstate ent: Whenever iscretionar chan es are made in accordance with this sect on b the Personnel Director notice shall be sent to the reco ized bar ainin unit for the title affected and the affected e artments. 23.D RE NSTATEMENT EN POSITION IS ABOLISHED (2nd paragraph) An employ e who accepts appointment or promotion to a position the same grade or in a higher grade may, if that position is later abolished because of lack of work or funds, or for ot r cause, be reinstated, in the discretion of the appointing officer and with the consent of the 6#�a��-6er*a#ee 6en�#as�er� Personnel Director to his/her former position or to any positi n to which he/she might have been legally transferre , and such reinstatement shall be without loss of seniority ights or privileges. Whenever d scretionar chan es are made in accordance with this secti n b the Personnel Director notice shall be sent to the reco n 2ed bar ainin unit for the title affected and the affected d artments. 23.G REI STATEMENT A TER VOLUNTARY REDUCTION Any employ e who has been reduced may, in the discretion of the appoin ing officer and with the approval of the 6�*a#� 6#t►#�-&er*a ee-6en�#ss#ea Personnel Director, be reinstated to his/her fo mer position without loss of seniority at any time within two years after such reduction, or he/she may, in the discretion of the 6#*a#�-6ert�#ee-6em�#ss#ee Personnel Director, have his/h r name placed on an appropriate reinstatement register f r reinstatement within two years after any voluntary eduction to a position in his/her class and grade. Whenever discretionar chan es are made in accordance with this sectio b the Personnel Director notice shall be sent to the reco ni ed bar ainin unit for the title affected and the affected de artments. . ���=i��.� � � � ��n� 25.0 C GE OF DUTI S Whenever he duties of a position are changed so that they differ su stantially from the duties prescribed when such position as originally classified, the 6#*a��-6er*a#ee 6e��ss�e Personnel Director, sub�ect to appeal to the Civil Service C mmission, shall proceed to classify such position in accordanc with this Section and to fill the same by examinati n and c�rtification or by certification from an existing ist. Whenever iscretionar chan es are made in accordance with this sect on b the Personnel Director the effective date of the actio shall be receded b a ten da ublic notice eriod. his eriod shall be initiated b notice to the reco nize bar ainin unit for the title affected and the affected e artments. 28.B AT THE TIME OF PPOINTMENT (3rd Paragraph) 3. Appointmen may be made to a graded position at any of the current st ps prescribed by the Council. However, if appointmen is made at a salary step requiring more experience than the a pointee has acquired in employment outside the City service in positions equivalent to the position to which he/she is eing appointed, then all other City employees holding th same title shall also be given credit for the same length of nearned experience in determining salary increases. Appointmen at more than the current entrance salary shall be made only pon recommendation of the B#ree�er-e€-�erser�ae� Personnel irector, sub�ect to the approval of ��e=G#*a#� 6er�r#ee-6e �se#ea-ea� the Mayor. Whenever d scretionar chan es are made in accordance with this secti n b the Personnel Director the effective date of the action shall be receded b a ten da ublic notice eriod. T is eriod shall be initiated b notice to the reco nized bar ainin unit for the title affected and the affected d artments. 28.E MAI TENANCE OR EES There shal be deducted from the salary payable to any employee w , in the position held by him/her, receives from the City a meals, lodging, or other maintenance, an amount which fairl represents the value of such maintenance; and such value shall be determined by the department head and this shall be ap roved by the Mayor. e��-��e 6#t�#�-6er*a#ee 6amm#ss#ea , . . . , � �.�i��s ���� - 29.D E CEPTIONS TO HE FORTY-HOUR WEEK To meet u usual conditions, or in the case of certain seasonal employees whose total yearly hours do not exceed 2088, upon request of the de artment head, a different schedule may be established for particula groups of employees, with the approval of the 6#v#� 6er�#ee-6 nun#ss�ea-es�-��e Council by resolution. . � . . 7 , . �/, �''c�=ii.�s � 5. AP LICATION RE UIREMENTS �-� • �l �t 5. . AGE Except as otherwise provided by State Law, t�e 6#���-6e�*a#ee 6emm�ss#e Personnel Director may, at his/ r discretion, fix any reaso able age limit as a requirement or entrance to exami�ati ns. Such age limits shall be ublished in the officia� otice of examinations. No p rson shall be kept on an eligi e register whose age does t conform to the age requireme s. �' �' . 5. MEDICAL ,- .�' The 6#v��- ert�#ee 6e��as#ea��rsonnel Director may establish medical st ndards t only f,�ir the purpose of determining the applicant' ability �`'to per orm the essential job functions of the positi n for whic� he or she is applying. 7. EL GIBLE LISTS (3rd Parag ph) If two eli ible lis for the same position are in force, the second lis shall e treated as a continuation of the first list. Eli ible 1 sts shall expire one year from the date of their esta lish nt. However, the 6#*a#�-�er*a#ee-6eaffi#ss#ert; Personnel ire or by written ordex filed with the City Clerk, may extend an ligible list for such, period, not exceeding one year, as m y e advisable for the bes� interests of the City. Such order all designate the reason ''�or such extension. � � . ; 8. FIL ING VACAN S �' (lst paragraph) '�, 8.A Wheneve a vacancy in a Classified positiori�ccurs, unless the vacanc is to be filled by reduction, transfek, reinstatement after ayo f or reinstatement after voluntary �.c,eduction, the appo ting officer shall make a requisition for certification on e fo prescribed by the 6#*a��-Ser*a�ee-6e�#ss#ea Per onnel irector. The vacancy shall be filled whenever po sible i the following order: 1. By reduction ; 2. By transfer 3. By reinstatement after layoff 4. By reinstatement after voluntary reduction 5. By promotion 6. By reinstatement after resignation and by original entrance . . � � ,. .. � � � � �s=ii3� ��� 9. RE ORTING FOR R WAIVING EMPLOYMENT (3rd and 4th paragraph) However, he 6#*a��-S �*a#ee-6e�tt#ss#ea Person el Director may permit el gibles to w ive appointment for t e following reasons o ly: (a) f the appointme t being offere is temporary or part-time only; � (b) I the appointment be ng off;�ed is for a position o her than that for wh ch tl�e eligible was specif- i ally examined; ,/ (c) I , because of sickness, hysical disability or o herwise, the eligible a the time of receiving the a pointment is not rea ona ly able to report. (d) I an eligible on a romotio list is certified to a d partment other t n the on in which he/she is e ployed, but such eligible t ereafter shall be c rtified only to the departm t in which he is e ployed. (e) I an eligible n a promotion li t is certified to a p sition in th department in whi h he/she is � e ployed, but such eligible shall e allowed only one s ch waiver. If the emp oyee has aived promotion for any of the reasons stated abo e, and th Department in which he/she is employed is reducin the numb r of positions in the class/classes affected b the waiv�r so as to adversely affect that employee's chances of promotion, he/she may retract his/her waiver wit the approval of the 6#*a#�-Ser*a#ee-6e�#ss#e� Personnel irector. . . , � ��s=��.�. / � ��� 10. PR BATION A. The p obationary period shall be one year for all origi al and pro otion appointees and employees who have been ransferred at their own request or reinstated after resigning i the Professional/Administrative units, super isory bargai ing units, police and fire units, and those employees app inted to confidential positions who are n t represented by the above units only cause of the c nfidentiality f their positions. other emplo ees in the abo e categories shall ave a six month proba ionary period. In the case of e year probation emplo ees, progress r ports shall b submitted to the 6#*a#� Ser*a#ee-6e�a#sa ea Personne Director at the end of the f urth and eighth onth of ployment, and in the case f six month prob tionar employees, progress repor s shall be submi ted the end of the second and fourt months. 11. PRO SIONAL II�4PL YMENT (2nd para r ph) No pe son may be ap inte to a provisional position who has b en working a a tem orary without the submission of a wri ten request y the pointing officer to the 6#v#� 6e�*a# e-6ea�#sa# a Personn 1 Director and their approval of th appointm nt. 12. TIIKP RARY EMPLO NT ( t and 2nd para raph) In ca es of temporary work, ap ointing officers may fill a vac nt p sition with a tempo ry employee. The appoi tin officer must indicate in making such a request that uc employment is in fact t mporary. No person shall s ve as a temporary employe more than 1040 worki g hours in any calendar year. No person may work in ex e s of 1040 hours unless the 6��r#�-6e�#ee-6e�m#ee#ea Perso 1 Director approves such extension prior to the use o the full 1040 hours. The 6 v#�-6e�a#ee-6e�n#sa#ea Personnel Director may alter the n mber of working days permitted upon determination that arket conditions warrant an adjustment." 17. T SFERS D. All t ansfers except as provided in Subsection A of this Secti n shall be subject to approval by the 6#*a}�-8erv#ee 6emm� s#ea Personnel Director. No transfer shall be made to av id a layoff in any department. . - � .. , � � � �G�.�=ii3�s� ��� 18. T SFER OR RE CTION BECAUSE OF DISABILITY DUE TO SICKNESS OR IN URY Any employ e who sustains a permanent disability due to sickness o injury may be transferred or reduced to his/her own reques and to the request of the appointing authority with the a roval of the 6#*a#�-8e�*a�ee-6 amt#ss#ea Personnel Director p o ided the employee meets su achievement, physical, n medical standards, as the 6#*a#�-6e��*#ee 6e��ss#et� Pe sonnel Director may pres ribe in the particular case. 19. L E OF ABSENC 19.A REQ IREMENTS FO LEAV OF ABSENCE nd paragraph) Leaves of bsence without pa are granted primarily for the benefit of the Cit , and no for the convenience of the employee. Employe reque ting leaves of absence without pay shall make request o the appointing officer and shall include such proof of the re o for request as the appointing officer and the 6# #�-6e�a�ee ��es#ea Personnel Director may require. he appoint officer shall report all approved requests t the Pers n Office. The Personnel Office shall provide to the City Coun 1 quarterly reports of all leaves granted fo educat onal p rposes and of all reduced pay leaves. 20.0 REP RTING SICK EAV (2nd paragrap ) The appoin in officer or the 6 v���-6e��#ee-Senffi#ss#ea Personnel i ctor may require a physician's certificate or additional c rtificates at any ti e during an employee's illness. 1 such certificates sh 11 be forwarded by the appointing fficer to the Personne Office. 20.G TE ORARY EMPL NT FOR THERAPEUTIC TREA NT An employ who is off duty because of sickness, and whose attending hysician recommends his/her undertaking employment different nature than his/her regular City employment for the purpos therapeutic treatment, may be permitted to accept and ursue such different employment, subject to the consent of the 6#*a#�-8e�a#ee-6e�n#es#ea Personnel Director and the appointing officer. In each such case the regular pay which the e ployee might otherwise claim hereunder shall be sub3ect to eduction therefore on account and to the extent of any lesser r equivalent amount earned by the employee in such different e ployment. � , , , ; � �� �.�-�i��' � ��� 21.B LOYEE RESPO SIBILITY FOR NOTIFICATION OF MILITARY LEAVE 1. Applies t his/her appointing officer and to the 6#���-6e�*a#ee 6e��ss#e Personnel Director at least five working days prior to such 1 ave, unless the employee has not received sufficient notice be ause of an emergency situation; or. 21.D AP LYING FOR MI ITARY LEAVE Any perso desiring a military leave absence shall make request o his or her appointing of cer and to the 6#*a#� 6er*a#ee- #ss#ea Personnel Dire or. Persons who are granted m itary leaves shall re ort in writing to the 6#*a#� Se�*a#ee-6e #sa#er� Personnel D ector and the appointing officer th ranch of service in which they have been accepted. 21.E RE NSTATEMENT F OM MI ITARY AVE Persons ho orable is arged or re�ected for military service shall, if ble to d so, apply for reinstatement in writing filed with the 6#v# 6er*��ee-6e�#ss#ea Personnel Director and appointing officer wi hin fifteen days after said rejection or within nin ty day aft r termination of such service, or within nin ty da s afte discharge from hospitalization or medical tr atme t which ediately follows the termination of, and re ults from, such service; provided such application shall be m de ithin one ye and ninety days after terminatio o such service, otwithstanding such hospitaliz ti n or medical tre tment. Persons applying for such reins at ment shall presen proof to the satisfaction of the appoin i officer and the 6 #�-&er�#ee-6e�#ss�ea Personnel i ctor of application nd re�ection, or of honorable is harge, and, if the ca e be such, of hospitaliz ti or medical treatment which immediately followed t e termination, and resulte from such service. 21.G PRE ERVING RECO S OF MILITARY LEAVE All papers required by this Section to be filed, with the appointing officer or the 6#*a#�-6e�v#ee-6e�#ss#ea Personnel Director s all be preserved by the 6#*�#�-Ser*a#ee-6ennn#asa#ee Personnel irector as permanent records. � . , . � . ����f��s � ��� 23.B RE NSTATEMENT FTER RESIGNATION Any emplo ee who resigns, ma.y, in the discretion of the 6�v#� 6e�*a#ee-6 #sa#et� Personnel Director, be placed on the reins ate nt register and certifed for reinstatement in accor nce with Section 7 of these Rules, at any time within one ye r a ter such resignation; however, employees in the categor es listed below shall not be entitled to reinstat m nt: 23.D RE STATEMENT EN POSITION IS ABOLIS D (2nd paragraph) An employe who accepts appoi ment or promotion to a position i the same grade o in a higher grade may, if that position i later abolishe because of lack of work or funds, or for oth r cause, be re nstated, in the discretion of the appointing officer �nd w th the consent of the 6#v#�-Se��ee 6en�#as�ee Personnel� D ector to his/her former position or to any positi n to which e/she might have been legally transferre , and su einstatement shall be without loss of seniority ights o pr ileges. 23.G REI STATEMENT A TER OLUNTARY DUCTION Any employ e ho has been educed may, in the discretion of the appoin ng officer and ith the approval of the 6}*a#� 6#�*#�-8e�*a ee-6eams#ss#et� Pe onnel Director, be reinstated to his/her f er position with ut loss of seniority at any time within t o years after such r duction, or he/she may, in the discret on of the 6�*a#�-8er*a#e -6ea�#ss#en Personnel Director, have s/h r name placed on an propriate reinstatement regis er f r reinstatement withi two years after any volu tary eduction to a position n his/her class and grade. 25.0 C GE OF DUTIES enever t duties of � position are cha ged so that they differ subs antially from the duties presc bed when such position wa originally classified, the 6�v# 6e�a#ee 6e�#ss#ea ersonnel Director, sub ect to a eal to the Civil Service Co ission, shall proceed to classify such position in accordance ith this Section and to fill the same by examination and certification or by certification from an existing li t. . � � . � �� . ���--���� ��� 28. AT THE TIME OF PPOINTMENT (3rd Paragraph) 3. ppointme t may be made to a graded position at any of the c rrent st ps prescribed by the Council. However, if ap ointmen is made at a salary step requiring more e erience tha the a pointee has acquired in employment outs' e the City serv e in positions equivalent to the position o which he/she is eing appointed, then all other Cit employees holding h same title shall also be given edit for the same length o nearned experience in determin g salary increases. Appointmen at more than the current ent ance salary shall be made only on recommendation of the B ee�e�-e�-�e�sea�e� Personnel i ector, subject to the ap roval of �l�e-6#��� Se�#ee-6e # s#en-ea� the Mayor. 28.E MAI TENANCE OR EES There shal be de cted from t salary payable to any employee w o, in t position eld by him/her, receives from the City a y meals, odging, r other maintenance, an amount which fair y represe ts the alue of such maintenace; and such value shal be determ ed the department head and this shall be a proved by t yor. e�t�-��e 6�*a#�-6e�*a#ee 6e�n#ss}et3- 29.D EXC PTIONS TO TH FORTY-HOU WE To meet unu ual condi ions, o in the case of certain seasonal employees w ose tota yearly h urs do not exceed 2088, upon request of the depa tment h ad, a diffe nt schedule may be established for particular roups o employees, th the approval of the 6#v}� 8e��ee-6e #sa#en et��-��e Counci by resolution. I Personnel Office DEPARTMENT ��/��� NO 20 Jeanet�e Soba�i�a ` � CUPITACT � 4221 PHONE � �� July 3, 1985 DATE e e� ASS GN NUMBER FOR ROUTIN ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : � Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Manageme t Services irector 4 City Clerk Budget Director � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTI N ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution is for t purpose of changing the words "Civil Service Commission" to "Personnel Director" in e Civil Ser ice Rules to reflect changes made in the role of Civil Service Commissio and the Per onnel Director in the City Charter. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY D PERSONNE IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None FINANCING SOURCE AND BUD ET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Trans ction; quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber All Att chments : ���/���� 1 . Resolution �J(/ .� 2. Copy for City Clerk C � ? fy�� h7�y;;,,,, :� ;� �,,:3��E DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Re olution Req ired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance equired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �� Yes No Insurance ttached: (SEE REVERS SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO USE,THLti GREEN SHEET ,. • ` , , , ` . The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: l, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supportinq materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is riot required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of.documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: l. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. , ' � . ��.�--,i� . . . . � ;�O' y \ , -�,-,,�x ,J � I y CITY OF SAINT PAUL ����'�' �C���� I I TERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM � I, � 985 � ` � Date: � July 10, �S- ,� To• Ma or Geo e i C�/ "2j�� . .�t�T"^' ���' ' ��� . y g �ldt me r \ � r � � � Fr: John Colo a a �.��_ 'J' I � �� � Subject� Civil Ser ice Rules Changes I The len thy process f writing and negotiating the package of Civil Service changes prop sed by the PITF has left the Civil Service Commiss on and mysel with a number of questions regarding our respecti e roles. T e Commission has asked several times when their administrative role ill end. It is difficult to predict when the major Rules re rite and en ctment will occur, but an open participative process ill take mo ths. In keepi g with the pirit of the Charter changes, I would like to propose hat a minor rewrite of the Rules be done at this time. It entails hanging the words "Civil Service Commission" to "Personnel Director ' in the pre ent Rules and removing the class specifications and �ob itles from he Rules. It is cl ar that all these changes make the Personnel Director responsi le for admi istering day-to-day personnel activities but continue the right o any employee to question those decisions before the Civi Service Co ission. These ch nges would liminate the need for automatic review of routine matters, such as the extension of eligible lists, the extension of hours for temp rary employ es, the decision to appoint a new employee above the mini um salary a d title and specification changes. I reques your appro al and support of these interim measures. I feel they wil answer our immediate needs and bring us in closer compliance with the City Charte . � �."� - , �� � r ,-,/' .:�C. rv�'G� �`-� 1� � � f� r.� , G� ' t p.-�S �s � c r_e. �' / 1 F-��.�< !,. /�� „- <-j,� �� , - +' f'(�� S i f-i .i c.' . l rj i (� {, , . iy --� � _� ..� S � J � `,.�'�''`_',,'���� , � � �.'�i" Oln .SA.IN'T�:��.E�.YJL �� /_ .. .�'�-//� �.- r =�� . �t�y .� • f��� .'� �: .. .. :=4r t.�;A;,��:� ,} o rzcr o� �'TIIC CITY C417�-clx. � S_�� t�_'=��.r'�_i;I ��j . . - = ' . i'���� - �>j ote • August 15 , 1985 .. . " � . �::;�'--:��c=�';: . - -.>;�,,. . . . .�.. C 0 i1�1 I�T E E F� E P O �T �� = S !n� P�� I Ci 'ry Cou ��ii . � . �P � ��, � � '�t� i `�' �� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � ' C A! P. CO CILMAN SCHEIBEL 1 . Approval f minutes f m meeting held August 8, I985. � 2. Administr t9v�rd�r 7572 - Budget revision in PED-Cortxnunity� � • � Deve 1 opme t B 1 o Gra - D i v i s i o�(-�� ,- 3. Reso l�uf i o amendi ng, th 198� '6udget by add i n $1,340 to the F i nanc i ng Paan and t the Spen i Plan f.or Police ID Card Deposit. (Police) .,_._ � _ 4. Resolutio a �d� th 1 5 budget by transferring $30,000 from GeneraT� Government Account-Con ingent Reserve to Personnel Office-Human .Rights . Direct cruit �nd S lec . (Pers �el ) � � ui � 5._ Reso �f en�d i ng t i c�as as 1 i sted o � t v� Serv i ce Ru 1 es to � �•reflec� c nges in the administrative responsibility of the Civi-1 Service � Can»isai nd the Per o el Dire or. (P so . . rvu �� ������. b. Resolut o a end�ng Se' tion 32 of the Civi Service Rules by deleting all of the present lan uage and substituting new language ' lieu � � � thereof co cerning cla speci�ations. - �� � • - CI i�' HALL SEVE. TFi FLOQi: SAINT P�tUL, Ai11i`ESOT:I 55202 ' •�^..u .. . . .. , . , . . < , . _ _ ;._ , � �� `: � . ��„��J���- �, . . _ M1 x :�,�. ; - , _ - � . . .. . , . _ , . _ _ _ . . . . .. ,. _ . . . , , . . , - �_ : . _._ .. .. . : .- . . , . , , .. , . ;��, s,. ��= . . . . . _. ... _. . _ _ _ ,. . . . . _ .. , .,. . . . . � _ . _ , - , _ , - . , , . . _ . _ _ - .. .., � ,. _ , .. ��,,. . .: _ � � - .- - - .� � � �, y k ' � ' s! ^ 'y 5 M �~ J F} $ R.. ���: -,A,n �`.: lYY3�+ � £; ` •!Y t� 'yk '"' 4� ,•�S - `r �� 1 �w.V.a� ..F ?.. �1' ��s ti � . .. � ..�. 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'�' ,�� y a:� s� � t-*,-. • , ' . .. �ot , ``�R''.,. . ..� f � t, _ � �t �a,,, 'y . ��,.,rf x• Dear Conmi.'_ssf'on,Members. - � - _ ��Y;'� j �' r� n� � r r 4 x .�?� .3- � � �;1 rF .. � .: �; '„ �,� . . .:'• t�i �.. , ., r ' ,._ �^:�. .�... f �2 �'�� � � r. . . ,I herewith-�s t°for� yo - con�sideration the attached xesoTution(s)"�� - ;�. amending Civ 1 Service R les adopted at today's City CounciI. meeting• - „y{;;�r�:t ,�;` .. � S:r �. :: fi r "'�' f� r� ,'��«'� � �..' c:F s Zi� ana:'c. .-85-1i3s ` � � � - a - �n� � +. , r . � �; �. s 1 ��i� i'. + �.'_:,�,,,��-..,.,a✓`.,5` t: . : � -" ', . F '. s b .;. . � �� ✓d `Y s , . . � �� $ , F� - L�. 1 �4r'J ( � ; � • : "e.c . . � .{ � � +t. . , t Very tru].y .y urs� f ,� t' f ;�. f , r m� �, y�' �, /� ` ' s ///]�.�� � .���. ,� ` ,: �Y�¢,��� � �� �v�'�✓SCiI,,, �'t / � �� :Y h 1�1 - - ��: �`. - , �,,,{, .j_,,•�_ '�, 'y .� i �. . A�bert�B.. 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' �� �.�-�i��s ����•_= o. . j CITY OF SAINT PAUL PERSONNEL OFFICE e w �'� ` _�� ' ' JOHN P.COLONNA, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR � ..° , ,... ' 265 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR " September 5, 1985 i I A1 Olson City Clerk 386 City Hal Dear Mr. Ols�n: The Civil Se vice Commis ion, at their meeting of September 5, 1985, approved C.F.�F85-1135 which amen s certain Sections in the Civil Service Rules to reflect chan es in the a ministrative responsibility of the Civil Service Commission a d the Perso nel Director. CIVI SERVIC COMMISSION � Dr. George 0 erry, Cha'rman � � ,I I ,I � i rvFi17E - C�TY �LERK FINK - FINANCE G I Y O F SA I NT PA LT L Council 2 -� CANARY - DEOARTMENT /5 File � N0. � -//v `� BLUE - MAYOR (A . � �. Council Resolution Presented By `./"'�/�'::� . w%.:,�'�f( Referred To ''" Committee: Date 6 '�� ���� Out of Committee B Date n administr tive Resolution amending the Civil ervice Rule , in several sections thereof, to eflect chan es in the administrative responsibility f the Civil Service Commission and the Personnel Director. RESOLVED, th t the Civil Service Rules be amended in Sections 5, 7, S, 9, 10, 11 , 12, 17, 18, 1 , 20, 21 , 2 , 25, 28;and 29, by deleting certain language and adding language i lieu there f as per the attachment. � COUNCILIVIEN Requested by Department of: Yeas 7r�� Nays ^'�as3"z � In Favor P NE OFF CE N���os�a .� Sche�bei � �'� � Against BY ` - � So�nen f' 7edesco � � W'��n AUG 2 2 19�5 Form ' roved y it At'orne } :ldopted by Council: Dat � CertiEied Pas uncil S ar By � B, Approved by :�1avor: Date Appro by Mayor for Sub si to Coun il sy