85-1121 WNI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council . � ��ff CANA�RV - DEPARTMENT F1Ie NO. �— //�/ � BLUE - MAVOR Cou Gil sol io Presented By Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date - R SOLVED, t at the Council of the City of Saint Paul d es hereby approve of the appointment , made by the Mayor, o Reverend Ronald Smith to serve on the Board of Directors o the Minn apolis/Saint Paul Family Housing Fund Board to f ' ll the un xpired term of Ellen Higgins - term to expire a the time of the Annual Meeting 1987. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ays Drew Masanz � In Favor N+eeeie� Scheibel Sonnen � A gainst BY Tedesco W i Ison AUG 2 0 1985 Form proved Ci tt ney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified as ed C unci ,ecr a BY `'�� � B � A►ppr by iVlavor: te ` AUG 2 � 1985 App by Mayor for b is ion t Counci PUBLiS ED AU G ? 1 1985 r �;' - � ..;�� F: . . ^� ,�� �� ; . ' - � � =�"�-����,��:.�.�� � OFFICE OF TFIE MAYOR � � 347 CITY XALL .� � � , � ' . . . �Y SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �;� _ ��; 298-4323 . . . . . . ... .. . � . .� . � . �r.. � �. Application for � Membership for City . � - Boards, Commissions and Committees _ � - Name �Rev. Ro ld A. Smith : Address 933.0 11; . St. Paoul �}��-- 1 Street City Zip District 778 9474 r_ Phone Home: - woric: 644 2449/224-5771 Commitfee O, Board(s), or Comra.ission(s) in which you are �interested: . } Public Co 'ssion ' ' Minnea olis/St . aul Housing Fund Corrumznitz� ervice/Acti ities (past and present): Pasts . Member of ple�od Ho ing Redev�elc�pment Authority Member of ational Urb League Housirig Di.rector � Qzai.rman o N�a Beg' � Cent�r Present: � : °� � . . - :a .::._ . �� - . .._ : . _ _ .: � - . >: . _ _ :� Pastor r B ' t urch �_�, Me,mber of esota S te Baptist Convention . � P.rc?fession I Activ?tie : Housing Ac ivities: under, NIl�1 Coalition for Family Housing; Organizer of Scattered :r . ,_ ;:: Sites i�si t Council, Coeditor af MM[�TT Ho�less Report; Member of YWC'A Housing F .,� . �._ Conmitt�e; Editor of rgency Housing Survey; Steering Cca�mmittee Coalition for the " � � � � Homeless; irector of using for Urban League. � . : ' . {oves). . `�`v„"� :"� -��� qt''��" � ' �. � � � . . . . � � . � � � . � K '�'f'.���� 2 � J�l fi'y - f 4 w� � �'�£' v j = 4� _ . . . . . . � ��h : . � . . ' . . ' l'�.,-S . . . . ' . . . � . " �`6i$/ Civic/Professional Organization Mezrtberships: ' , ,� ...,�: St. Paul Urban League � Coalition for Haneless ` - - - � _ � St. Paul N.A.A.C.P. YW�. Hous ing Co¢miittee - : � �-.�, : k� � Nl�mber Partr�r in Ecumenism S.E. Hall-Tn'�ii�ey Young Aausing Carenittee * ;� � NIDT Pastor Conference • ' - - �� �`' . . _ _�,� _ . , - t Reasons for your 3nterest in this particuZar committee � Zhe� ].ack of ad�iat,e and affordable housi:ng has continwed t,o be a pmblesn for blacks and other sociallv disadvantaged persons. Max�mun utilization of a7.1 existing housinct resour�es must beoame a priority. I am rea.tiv conoerned with the vacancV _ ra�e which exist within stabsidized h�using in Dist. 1. I believe that by active . inwlvement from all segments of the cazununity we can enhana� the quality of life for all residents in housing as well as in the great�er communi.ty: � Are you currentl� servinq on any other cit� comra.ittee? 'If so, which coumcittee(s)� com�ission(s)/board(s): . : �. � ° ... - . Ni�in?c-i��l F'c�oc3 PolicV Ca�mnittee : . - ' .' _ Ethnic group (to snsure fair and equaZ representation): Black - -- Other pertinent' information: Qlrrently e�loyed as the DirectAr of CAttmunity Infornnation and Outreach for the Sti. Paul Urban Leac�. - _ - � ' . _.. n� Please list 3 references: 1) ggv. Dr. Earl Miller, 227-3220 � 2) Rev. Dr. James Battle. 227-4444 '� -3) �ev. Kneely Williams 64 7-0 4 6 9 � �+. �•; GITY O1�` SAINT PAUL � �� �/a , ; ± OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ° i ii iiiu� ,, 4 r� ^Q ���� 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 CsEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR - TO: Counc 1 President Victor Tedesco and embers of the Sa.int Paul City Council FR �: �ayor George Lat imer�� DA E: July 1, 1985 S J: APPOI MENT TO THE MINNEAPOLIS/SAINT PAUL HOUS NG FUND BOARD At ached is council resolution appointing Reverend Ro ald Smith to serve as a member of the Minneapolis/ Sa'nt Paul H using Fund Board to fill the unexpired te m of Elle Higgins - term to expire at the time of th Annual M eting 1987. Reverend Smith's application is attached. I m asking or your consideration and approval of this re olution. Thank you. GL lm at achmen�s � � °�46 � � ....._..-..-_.,.._... ...� -_ -..-..........�. ......._..,.._.__ ___....__...__,,,_,.