85-1120 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT /�r BLUE - MAVOR File NO. _//�� f � o n ',l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date RESO VED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby a prove an authorize the Mayor and the Director of the Depa tment of Finance and Management Services to execute an agree ent betwe n the City of Saint Paul and the Minnesota Historica Society, the said Agreement providing that the City would be eligible as a certified local government under the provision of the "Guidelines of Implementation of Certified Local Go ernment P ograms in Minnesota" and under the federal regulatio s for th purpose of receiving funds from the United States g vernment for heritage preservation programs , as may be appro ed and a thorized by the Council of the City of Saint Paul , an agreeing to indemnify the Minnesota Historical Society for any claims or actions arising from the performance of this Agreemen , and a copy of this Agreement shall be maintained on file n the off ce of the Department of Finance and Management Services . COUNCILME Y Requested by Department of: Yeas ,�,tN a s ��'� nnasa�z In Favor � Scheibei _ � __ Against BY Sonnen TedeeCO w��� AUG 2 0 1985 Form App v d by City Attor Adopted by Council: Date Certified �Ss d y ounc� , c r BY g , ,..�_ 6lpprove by iNavor. D � AUG 2 3 1985 Appr v Mayor for s ; S�o t o���� _ _ By PUBLISH D AU G 31 1985