CAN�ARV �D�PARTMEN File NO. �'///��
t ,
- ouncil esolution
/ ^
Presented By
Referred Committee: Date
Out of Co mittee By Date
� WH REAS , Emile Rabinowitz , 1601 Hill Ridge Terrace, Minne-
tonka, innesota, made application to the Planning Commission for
a dete ination o similar use to permit the use of the property
at 266 Summit A enue , Saint Paul , Minnesota, to be used as
an exec tive retr at house ; and
WH REAS , the Planning Commission following a public hearing
by its Zoning Co ittee found and determined that the proposed
use of he struct re as an executive retreat house is not similar
to a eligious etreat house when associated with a church,
chapel , synagogu , temple or other similar house of worship,
which c nstitutes a permitted use subject to special condition
use p rmit in the RT-1 two-family zoning district for the
reason that the proposed use is similar to a commercial use
and is ot allowe in a residential zone; and
WH REAS , pu suant to the provisions of Section 64.206 ,
Emile R binowitz duly filed his appeal from this determination
made b the Pla ning Commission to the Council of the City
of Sain Paul ; an
VdH REAS , act ng pursuant to Sec�ion 64. 205 through 64.208
and upo notice t appellant and other affected property owners ,
a publi hearing as duly conducted by the City Council wherein
all int rested p rties were given an opportunity to be heard;
WH REAS , the City Council having heard the statements
made , t e report of staff, the minutes and findings of -�he
Zoning ommittee and of the Planning Commission, does hereby
find an conclud that the Planning Commission did commit an
error, hat the proposed use of the property at 266 Summit
Avenue, Saint Pa l , Minnesota, as an executive retreat house
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N ys
In Favor
_ __ Against BY —
Adopted by Council: Date Form Appro d by City Atto y
Certified Passed by Co ncil Secretary BY
6lpproved by 14avor: ate _ Approved ayor for Su ission to Council
By _ _ _ By
� �
� Counci Resol ion
� �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Com ittee By Date
is simi ar to th former use of the property as a religious
retreat house , b sed upon the following findings made by the
City Cou cil :
(1 ) The prop rty in question is located in a RT-1 two-family
zoning d' strict .
(2) The us made of this property prior to the current
applicat ' on was as a religious retreat house .
( 3) The Zon ng Code does not specify an executive retreat
house as a permitt d use in any designated zoning district.
(4) The Pl nning Commission, and upon appeal the City
Council is autho ized by Section 62. 113 of the Zoning Code
to dete mine whe a specific use is not listed in a zoning
district that ano her use is similar to those uses which are
permitte in a dis rict.
(5) The ap ellant proposes to remodel the building from
its exi ting 13 edroom, 11 bath floor plan to an 11 suite
floor pl n. Exter' or restoration will be reviewed by the Heritage
Preserva ion Comm' ssion since the house is on the Historic
Register and with'n the City' s Heritage Preservation District
boundari s . A pa king area with 12 parking spaces is proposed
on the westerly rear yard and three surface parking spaces
are prop sed for t e easterly rear yard.
(6) The ap licants propose to operate a retreat house
where ex cutives ould participate in daily seminars and other
programs focused n managing stress and personal and corporate
enviromm �ts . Thi use meets the definition of retreat contained
in the W bster' s Ne Collegiate Dictionary.
COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas N• ys
[n Favor
_ __ Against BY
Form Approve by City Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Co ncil Secretary BY
/�pproved by Mavor: D te _ Approved b ayor for Su mission to Council
By _ By
bLUE — MAVOR File NO. J o
� Coun il Res ution
, ,
Presented By j
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Commi tee By Date
(7) The ap licants propose to transport residents to
the retr at house directly from the airport whenever possible
and othe wise enco rage ride-sharing to reduce their visitors '
reliance on a veh' cle. In addition 15 parking spaces will
be added to the g ounds but be screened from view by intensive
landscapi g. The nticipated traffic generated by the proposed
use would be simila or less than the previous use.
(8) The prop sed use as an executive retreat house does
not appe r to be first permitted in a less restricted zoning
(9) The use is consistent with the spirit and intent
of the Z ning Cod and the City' s Comprehensive Plan as long
as the p operty w uld function as proposed and satisfies the
following provision :
a. Reside ts participate in a �rogram o� study and
reflectio .
b. The pr perty continues to function in a tranquil
state .
c. All building and site improvements should be re-
viewed by the City.
now, ther fore , be it
RESO VED, that he Council of the City of Saint Paul does here
find and etermine t at the Planning Commission did commit an error
in this m tter based on the above findings made by the City Council
and that he appeal f Emile Rabinowitz be and is hereby granted;
and, be i
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nay
In Favor
__ Against BY
Form Approved y City Atto y
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Coun il Secretary BY
tapproved by :Vlavor: Dat Approved by ayor for Submission to Council
BY - — BY
PINK - F�NANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council G f,�/ J
CAffARV`� DEPARTMENT File NO. `� ° �/^�/
� Counci Resol ion
Presented By /� , �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Com ittee By Date
FUR HER RESOL ED, that the City Clerk shall mail a copy of
this res lution to Emile Rabinowitz, the Zoning Administrator and
the Plan ing Commi sion.
Th t the Counci of the City of St. Paul does hereby fin� and determine
that the use of 266 S mit Avenue as an executive retreat house is a similar
use to ot r authorize uses within the RT-2 zoning district in accordance with
the standa ds set fort in Section 62.113, that the use is similar to other uses
of Summit venue prope ty in the immediate vicinity and to the former use of the
Property a a religiou retreat hous�� that the Planning Commission's conclusion
does not a curately re lect the nature of the proposed and previous use of the
Property a d that the ppeal of Emile Rabinowit� be and is hereby granted, pro-
vided that the use of he Property complies with the following conditions:
Tha. a restrict on be placed on the Property preventing its use for the
on or off ale of into icating beverages and the erection or display of any sign
on the Pro erty other han those allowed pursuant to the Zoning Code for home
Tha additional arking spaces added to the grounds be screened from view
by landsca ing and that a site plan prepared for the property he reviewed aaid
approved i accordance ith the Zoning Code; and in addition that the site plan
be reviewe by the St. aul Heritage Preservation Commission and the Minnesota
Historical Society, in rder that these two organizations have the opportunity
to make rec endations on the plans for 266 Summit and its environs.
That the propert be used e�clusively as an executive retreat house and
that this u e be conduc ed in accordance with representations made in the applica-
tion; the a ove finding , and the following:
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nay
[n Favor
__ Against BY —
Form Approved City Attor y
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Coun il Secretary BY
BY (
�lpproved by lqavor: Dat _ Approved by yor for Sub ssion to Council
BY - – — BY
CjlIARY -adEPARTMENT ��///� �
BLUE� .�M�VOR File NO.
� uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committe By Date
O Invitee� sha11 participate in a supervised program of
study a � reflection while on the premises;
( ) The use f the Property shall be conducted in a quiet,
tranquil, and low-intensity manner;
( ) The prog ams shall be conducted by professionals and persons
experien ed in the stress and/or time management field;
( ) One (1) r more staff persons shall reside at the Property
at all t es and shall retain the right to use the property
in a man er consistent with that residence;
( ) The Prop rty shall be used only by persons invited to the
premises for stress and/or time management training and
instru�t'on, and not be rented or used in the manner of a
receptio facility, apartment, hotel, or bed and breakfast
facility or by persons solely desirous of overnight lodging;
f) Off-str t parking shall be provided for invitees and such
parking shall not be visible fram the street.
g) No more than twenty-two (22) invitees may stay at the Property
overnig t at any one time;
h) Meals s rved on the premises shall be provided only to invitees
and ins ructional personnel; and
i) The Pro erty shall not be used for other purposes inconsistent
with th foregoing.
That he use of t e Property be reviewed by City staff in consultation
with neaxby esidents at least every three (3) years to determine that the use
is being co ucted in c pliance with the•conditions set forth herein.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas „��� Nays
'�Masanz � In Favor
�`N icosia
�Sonnen A gainst BY
W ilsor+-�--.�
Adopted by Council: Date A G Z 0 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Pa.s un il , ta BY
Appro by Mavor. Da AUG 2 3 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council-
P LISHED AU 311965
- _ ___- - --
PINK - FINANCE �`j I T O F SA I NT PA U L ouncil
BLUE - MAVOR � • File NO. � ///`�
Co ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee B Date - --
WHEREAS , Emile Ra 3nowitz, 1601 Hill Ridge Terrace, Minne-
tonk�, Minnes ta, made pplication to the Planning ComQnission for
a determinat' on of sim lar use to permit the use, of the property
at 266 Summ' t Avenue Saint Paul , Minnesot ,' to be used as
an executive retreat h use ; and
WHEREAS the Pla ing Commission fo owing a public hearing
by its Zonir�g Committ e found and de rmined that the proposed
use of the �tructure s an executive etreat house is not similar
� to a relig' ous retr at house whe associated with a church,
chapel , syn gogue , t mple or ot er similar house of worship,
which const' tutes a ermitted e subject to special condition
- use permit in the RT-1 two family zoning district for the
reason that the pro osed us is similar to a cominercial use
and is not llowed in a resid ntial zone; and .
WHEREAI , pursua t to the provisions of Section 64.206 ,
Emile Rabin witz dul fi d his appeal from this determination
�:.---_�- ., made by •--� e Plannin C mmission to the Council of the City
of Saint Pa 1 ; and •
. WHEREA� , acting rsuant to Section 64.205 through 64.208
and upon n tice to a ellant and other affected property owners,
a public h aring was duly conducted by the City Cauncil wherein _
all intere ted part' s were given an opportunity to be heard; '
a:�d. .
. o
�` ` � WHERE S, the ity Council having heard the statements
made, the reports f staff, the minutes and findings of the
Zoning Cor�mittee d of the Planning Commission, does hereby
find and onclud hat the Planning Commission c�id commit an
error, _ th t the ,p oposed use of the property at 266 Summit
Avenue, S int P ul Minnesota, as an executive retreat house
• COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: �
Yeas Nay
In Favor
Against BY
Form Approved by City Atto�ney
Adopted bp Ceuncil: Date
Certified Yassed by Cou cil Secretary By
By �
Approved by Mavor. D�te _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council •
B)' ----�-- - — BY
WMITE - C�TV �LEkK • •
P�NK � - FINANCE GI Y OF SAIi� T PAUL Council ���,/�
BLUE - MAVOR �� Flle NO.
� Council Resolution
Presented By '
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee Date
is Similar t�o the fo mer use-`of the property as a religious
retreat hous� , based pon the f llowing findings made by the
City Council :j
( 1 ) Th property in quest ' n is located in a RT-1 two-family
zoning district .
(2) T e use ma e of his property prior to the current
application as as a r ligio retreat house.
(3) Th Zoning ode oes not specify an executive retreat ',
house as a p rmitted u e in any designated zoning district. '
(4) 'I'��e Planni g ommission, and upon appeal the City I'
Council is lauthorize b Section 62. 113 of the Zoning Code i
to determin� when a sp cific use is not listed in a zoning i
district tha�t another e is similar to those uses which are ',
� permitted-� � a, distric . ^ ,
(5) T e appell t proposes to remodel the building from ',
its existin 13 bedr om, 11 bath floor plan to an 11 suite �,
floor plan. Exterior estoration will be reviewed by the Heritage I
� Preservation Commissi! n since the house is on the Historic �I
Register an� within he City' s Heritage Preservation District I!
boundaries . R parki g area with 12 parking spaces is proposed '
�� on the wes erly rea yard and three surface parking spaces
are proposed for the e sterly rear yard.
(6) he app2i ants propose to operate a retreat house
where execu ives woul participate in daily seminars and other
programs fo used on anaging stress and personal and corporate
environments . This u e meets the definition of retreat contained
in the Webst r' s New C llegiate Dictionary.
Yeas ;�aS.S ' Requested by Department of:
[n Favor
Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adupred bp C ouncil:. ate
Cert�fied Passed b�• C��unc-il iSecretary . BY
B�. �
A{�pru��ed b� 11�,�ur. (�,�i�� �_--- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� _
C uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date -
Out of Committee y Date
• ---
(7 ) he appli ants ropose to transport residents to
the retreat house di ectly from the airport whenever possible
and otherwise encoura e r de-sharing to reduce their visiters '
reliance on � a vehicl . In addition 15 parking spaces v:ill
be added to ; the ground but be screened from view by intensive
landscaping. ' The ant ipated traffic generated by the proposed
use would be similar o less than the previous use.
(8) TY�e prop se use as an executive retreat house does
not appear o be fi st permitted in a less restricted zoning
(9) he use i consistent with the spirit and intent
of the Zoni g Code nd the City' s Comprehensive Plan as long -
as the prop rty woul function as proposed and satisfies the
following pr visions:
"`"� • a. ~ Residents participate in a pr`ogram of study and
re lection. �
� b. The prope ty continues to function in a tranquil '
st te .
c. ! All build ng and site improvements should be re-
,, • • � vi�wed by th City. '
nQw, therefo e, be it
RESOLVE , that th Council of the City of Saint Paul does here
find and det rmine tha the Planning Commission did commit an error
in this matt r based o the above findings made by the City Council
and that the appeal of Emile Rabinowitz be and is hereby granted;
and, be it
3. .
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
[n Favor �
_ Against BY
� Form Approved by City Attorney
ABopted h�� Council: D�te -
Certified P�ssed b}� Council �ecretary BY -
sy .
Appro�ed b5 11:+�.or: [)�,tc _�_-_-- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counc::
—, - - - -- - _ _ _
BLUE - MAVOR . File NO. �� ✓///�
C uncil Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
- FURTHEI RESOLVED, that the--City lerk shall mail a copy of
this resolu�tion to Emile Rabinowit , the Zoning Administrator and
the Plannin Commissio .
_ ...,,,.,_.. h "
COUNCILMEN . Requested by Depactment of:
Yeas Nays
[n Favor
�lgainst BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: D te
Certified Passed by Council .ecretary � By
Appro��ed by 11��or: Uate _-- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
- _ ��''�
�` �t �c�
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Commi tee By Date
A to al o fourt en (14) parking spaces will be provided on site to
accommodat profe ion ls and invitees coming `�o the retreat house by vehicle.
Invitees w'll be tr s ortedto the retreat house;.directly from the airport
whenever p ssible, addition, ride s�aring wil' be encouraged to reduce _
invitee's eliance on hicles. The traffic gener ed by the proposed use .
will be si ilar to or e than that generated by th previous use of the
Property a d by that g era ed by neighboring uses and�pther principa� uses
sermitted 'n the RT-2 istri,ct, includin libraries, hi torical musuems,
chools, a d houses of worsh�. Further9 no other adve�e or noticeable off-
site effec s emanating from th� proposed use are anticipa�Cgd.
, \
The roposed use of the Pro`perty as an executive retre�t house is con-
sistent wi h the spiri and intent`��of the provisions of the Zo'�ing Code and
the City's comprehensi e plan appli��ble to the Property, provil�ed that the
, use is con ucted in co pliance with t�e conditions set forth belb�w.
The oposed use of the Property u��ll be similar to the othei^� permitted
residenti� and non-re idential uses of pkoperty in the RT-2 district in that
it will;tie a low-inten ity, sem��residenti�r� use in a residential buiJding
invai ng �nstructiona gatherings and prog ms for a limited number d� persons
comi to he Property for personal , contempl tive instructional purpos�s on an
inu ta ion 1 basis exc usively. It will not b used as a place for the `t�rans-
a�tion f usiness. P yments will be made for t e cost of the profession�l
�ervices ovided, but no goods will be sold on t e premises, and neither �,he
,�buildings s a whole o individual residential faci ities will be rented or'�used
� for occupa cy alone or for purposes unassociated wit the programs conducted 'on
the Propert �������,��
Tha the Council of the City of St. Paul does hereby find and dtermine
� that the use of 266 Su mit Avenue as an executive retreat house is a similar
; use to oth r authorize uses within the RT-2 zoning district in accordance with
•, the stand rds set fort in Section 62.113, that the use is similar to other uses
of Summit venue prope ty in the immediate vicinity and to the former use of the
COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nay
nnasanz In Favor
Sonnen _ A gainst BY
W i Ison
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Yassed by Cou cil Secretary BY
A►pproved by 17avor: Da e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
CANARV - OEPARTMEN T C I TY� ����..� �(]��� C.�?'�iLl 3 ���-����-
C"1.� ���
'I Council Resolution
Presented By II
_ Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Commi tee By Date
fac lit� r by persons solely desirous of overnight lodging;
(g) Off street parking shall be provided for invitees and such
par ing shallhmt be visible form the street.
(h) No re than invite�es may stay at the Property
ove ight at any one time;
(i) Meal served on the premises shall be provided only to
invi ees and instructional personnel ; and
(j) The roperty shall not be used for other purposes incon-
sist nt with the foregoing.
That he use of t e Property be reviewed by City staff in consultation
with nearby residents a least every three (3) years to determine that the use
is being co ducted in c pliance with the conditions set forth herein.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas p�� Nays
Masanz [n Favor
Sonnen Against BY
W ilson
Adopted by Council: Da e Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Passed by Council S cretary BY •
Approved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
_ � -3 � ���,
- , �� .,.,:� � �.s fii�
� ;� „
DATE: I August 16, 985
T0: IMayor Latim r, Council President Tedesco, and Members of City
�, Council
FROM: I�IPeggy A. Re chert, Deputy Director for Planning �,�2��
RE: ��,266 Summit venue (Zoning File 9733)
On Tueslday, August 0, 1985, the Cit Council is scheduled to consider the
appeal �Of Emile Ftab`nowitz regarding his request for a determination of
similarluss at 266 ummit Avenue (Zoning File 9733) .
While tihis case has been under discussion, the Summit Avenue Planning
Committ�e, establis ed by the Planning Commission at the direction of the
City Co�ncil , has b en meeting. The Committe� has generated a great deal
of info mation about the trends on Summit Avenue which the Council may wish
to consider as it discusses the 266 Summit case. Therefore, I have asked
Larry S derholm to p ovide you with the attached information generated
through �the Summit A enue Planning Committee.
The broa�er issue be ore the City Council , Planning Commission, and the
Task For�e is whethe City zoning regulations should allow �or some mix of
comrierci 1-residenti 1 uses on Summit or support a more narrow definition
of resid ntial uses. This issue is clearly a policy issue and, therefore,
appropri te for dete mination by the City Council . The specific f acts
involved in the 266 ummit case present a particularly difficult grey area
between policy of s pporting residential use and one of endorsing other
uses as ompatible wi h City goals for the Summ�it Avenue neighborhood.
I hope th t this addi ional information will be useful to the Council in
its delib rations, S aff will be available at the meeting should the
Council h ve any ques ions.
PR/mb '',
cc: Emil Rabinowitz, applicant " x'
Steve Buetow, arc itect �� �
Tom Fly�nn, attorn y -;r `"
Jim B llus �_�; _ �
Charl s Skrief, R msey Hill Association �'� — ''"
Jerry Segal 'o � v '
�_ �:-�
�� �
� �
m �
, � — //
—/ �
. � ��
� j�•,
'� ,
DATE: � August 16, 1985
T0: Ij President T desco and Members of the City Council
FROM: I Larry Soder olm�'�incipal Planner
RE: I, 266 Summit venue (Zoning File 9733, Emile Rabinowitz,
I,Determinati n of Similar Use)
As the staff person assigned to the Summit Avenue Planning Committee, I am
writing to sP�are wi h you some of the information and insights we have
gathere in the las tF�ree months that pertain to the decision you will be
making n the execu ive retreat house case. However, I am writing simply
as Plan ing Divisio staff, not on behalf of or at the request of the
Plannin Committee.
The zonjng staff re ort on Emile Rabinowitz's application for an executive
retreatlhouse at 26 Summit Avenue was written in mid-April . In the first
week of �May, the Su it Avenue Planning Committee held its first meeting.
The com ittee was es ablished by the Planning Commission in accordance with
a City uncil resol tion adopted March 19, 1985.
Here arel�jthe points would like to make:
1 . Resi ential tren . At the east end of Summit Avenue there is a clear
tren toward mod rate density residential use conforming to the RT-2
zoni�g (up to fo r units) . From the Cathedral to the University Club,
the ercentage o conforming buildings has climbed from 43/ to 609'
durirlg the past t n years. Institution and commercial uses have
drop ed from 30/ in the 1960s to 19/ today. This trend toward
deconversion to 1 wer residential use parallels the reinvestment and
decon ersion in t e entire Ramsey Hill neighborhood.
Residlntial decon ersion has taken three forms: (a) horreowner with
acces�ory apartme ts to help meet costs; (b) condo conversion; and (c)
inves�or in renta restoration for historic tax credits. The three
formslhave worked together so that when one market is weak, another
marke� comes in. The homeowner-with-accessory-apar±ments is the most
cor�no form of residential reinvestment.
2. Risks associated w'th commercial reservation. Everyone agrees that
all of Summit Aven e is a unique historic resource of the city and
region that should be preserved. Not everyone agrees on how to do it. ,
Commer ial investm nts offer the prospect of major, immediate
restor tion of ind vidual buildin s. However, the new commercial use
will p�obably dete residential reinvestment that is necessary for the
broade pattern of nei4hborhood restoration.
. , � ������p
Page 2', .
266 Su�nmit Avenue ZF #9733)
Co ercial use are less stable over time than residential uses. Many
ne businesses f ail and have to be sold to new owners for new uses.
Th s presents ne set of problems to the surrounding neighborhood. Some
bu inesses suc eed and grow. This presents another set of neighborhood
pr blems.
In ddition, co mercial uses and the prospect of commercial uses tend
to aise proper y values and sales prices. A commercial use enjoys the
spe ial market dvantage of being located in pleasant, residential
sur oundings. ut the residential property faces the market handicap of
bei g over-pric d, reducing �ts chances for residential reinvestment.
3. Rol ofi reli io s institutions. During Summit Avenue's depressed
tim s, churches and religious institutions have used and conserved many
Sum it Avenue ho ses that might otherwise have been torn down. A
numb�r of church held properties have been returned to conforming
resi ential uses as shown below:
Addr ss Past Use Current Use
239 ummit Nun's Residence 3 Condos
251 ummit Catholic Education Center 3 Condos
261 ummit Christian Workers' Home 2 Units
295 ummit Friends Meeting House 2 Units
365 S�ummit Franciscan Convent 2 Units
� �
Therelare 20 chur hes on or within a block of Summit Avenue. Religious
activ�ties have t aditionally been part of neighborhoods and have been
assoc ated more c osely with private, home, and family lives than with
publi� and busine s lives. The zoning code permits "monast.eries and
relig�ous retreats, all when associated with a church, chapel ,
synag gue, temple, and other similar house of worship" as special
condi�ion uses in 11 residential districts including single f amily.
Whethe�r a retreat enter is religious or not appears to be central to
the zohing code's 'ntent in permitting them within residential
4. Reside tial altern tives for 266 Summit. The house is extremely large
and s�he lot. It seems reasonable to consider more than four
housin units. Th applicant has a drawing showing how six new
townho ses could step down the slope with one end f acing Summit Avenue,
built o the west o the existing mansion. The Planning Division would
not app ove the sit plan and we doubt the Neritage Preservation
Commission would ap rove it either. It might be reasonable to build a
new fou plex instea . A better alternative would be for Rabinowitz and �
Girsch' side yards to be combined into parcels for three new
struct:a es that wou d continue the scale and spacing of the existing
buildin s on the so th side of Summit Avenue.
. . �(�,--�.�-//�
- .
Pag� 3
266 �Summit Aven e (ZF #9733)
5. ummar of z nin ar uments for executive retreat house:
a) Existiw� building very well-suited to proposed use.
b) Preserv tion of interior architecture.
(c) Very iar e size of building makes it a special case, even among
Summit A enue houses.
( ) Lncation is near downtown and arterial streets and is somewhat
isolated from most of the neighborhood.
6. S mmar of zo in ar uments a ainst executive retreat house:
(a) Distincti n between religious vs. non-religious retreat.
(b Distincti n between commercial vs. non-co►�nercial use.
(c Uncertain ies about the future of a commercial use in a
residenti 1 neighborhood and the destabilizing effect on
residenti 1 investment.
(d Bad prece ent for RT-2 zones throughout the city.
(e) "Cxecutive" is an invalid distinction for zoning.
LS/mb I �
cc: Emi�le Rabinowi z, applicant
St�ve Buetow, a chitect
Toml, Flynn, atto ney
May�r Latimer
Jer y Segal
Jim Be�lus
Peg y Reichert
Chu k McGuire
Fred� Hai der
Charles Skrief, amsey Hill Assoc.
" �'�
� � �5 i//�
sumrh� it h ' ll
�� .
sum it h II
asso iati n
31 Jully 1985
Counc lman Jame Scheibel �
7th F oor. City Hall
St. Y ul, MN 55102
llear ouncilman,
The S rnit Hill ssociation/District 16 Ylanning Council has
suppor ed all ef orts to maintain the residential quality of
Sumrnit� Avenue an opposed any comrnercial development along
the Av� nue. We ave met with the developers of 2b6 Summit
and in ormed the of our oppos�tion to their .plan. We believe
that t e differe e between a commercial retreat house and a
religi us retreat house is significant.
Current�lly the S it Avenue Task Force is holding hearings on
future olicy for Surnmit Avenue. We believe any changes, espec-
ially z ning chan es� should be deferred until that task force
has sub itted its report to the Planning Commission and the
City Co cil.
Sincerelyy yours�
� II� �
Courtine razel, resident
Summit Associ tion/District 16 Council
cc . City �Council
Rauns y Hill Ass c.
llist ict 8
Emil abinowitz
I "
I �
�I summit avenue ramsey
d e� e
II � district 16 �a� J
,I � Q\eaya
I�� .
r�turn address: 9 8 linco�n avenue, saint paul, minnesota 55105
� _ .
. �
�um ' it h ' ll
sumrinit h II
. .
asso��ati n
31 Ju�.y 1985
Counc' lman Jarues Scheibel �
7th F oor� City all
St. Y ul� MIV S51 2
llear C�uncilman,
The S rnit Hill ssociation/llistrict 16 Ylanning Council has
suppor ed all ef orts to maintain the residential quality of
Summit Avenue and opposed any commercial developrnent along
the Av nue. We h ve met with the developers of 266 Summit
and in rrned them of our opposition to their plan. We believe
that th differen e between a commercial retreat house and a
religio s retreat house is significant .
Current�y the S it Avenue Task Force is holding hearings on
future �olicy for umrnit Avenue. We believe any changes� espec-
ially zdning chang s� should be deferred until that task force
has subrnlitted its eport to the Planning Commission and the
City Cou�cil.
Sincerel�► yours�
C�. �.�`
Courtine razel, P esident
Summit i� Associa ion/District 16 Council
cc . City �ouncil
Kamse}� Hill Ass c .
llistr�;ct 8
Emil t�abinowitz
summit avenue ramsey
� e
c J
; d istrict 16 �a`�e�
Y n
� Q�eay
'� .
ret�rn address: 92 lincoln avenue, saint paui, minnesota 55105
I _ _
... . _ ... .
.��:..�.��p�,.��. �.?,.. . .. .� . a
_ .
_ �
ZONING ���� ��� � �� �� �$� .
GITY "'.-"4,�� Oi F'CE
r.. ��,,E,,,
. C � , _ ��;�R f4.
To: Pr perty owner within 350 feet; FILE IVO. 9733
Re resentative of Planning District 8
PURPOS o continue a review of a decision of the Planning Commission
� enying a request that an executive retreat house be found a
se similar to a religious retreat house.
LOCATfO 2 6 Summit (South side between Nina & Selby)
HEARING � Tue day, August 209 1985 10•OQ A.rt.
, •
Ci v Council Chambers, 3rd F1oor City Hall - Court House
QUESTION Zon ng 298-4154 (Fred Haider)
Con act the Zoning Section of the Plann�ing and Economic
�I Dev lopment Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex,
25 . 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102
I Le a descri tion: Nely 37 ft. of Lot 4 & all of Lots 2 and 3
� Bloc 69, Dayton & Irvine's Add. to St. Paul Blks 70, 83 & 87. �
� .
Notice aent �-9-85
I .
c� ��//r�
F� �,,� _��
�� 4Q� ,,, , ZONING
� � � -��=
�,,� ,,_; � t�j�
t�t�t "t-,. , �:�.
s.� f .:_
To: Property owners within 350 feet; FILE N0.
Represen atives of Planning District 8 9733
PURPOSE �I To review a decision of the Planning Commission that an
ex cutive retreat house is not similar to a religious
�� ret eat house, and therefore, should not be allowed in a
Ires'dential zone.
LOCATION I� 266 Summit (South side between Nina R� Selhv)
� .
HEARING �� Thurs
Y. �luly 11 , 1985 10:0o A.M.
� Citv C uncil Chambers, 3rd Floor Citv Hall - Court House
�, Zoning 298-4154 (Fred Haider)
Contac the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic
Develo ment Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex,
II 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, MinnesoLa 55102
I�'� Le al escri tion: Nely 37 ft. of Lot 4 & all of Lots 2 and 3,
Block 9, Dayton & Irvine's Add. to St. Paul Blks 70, 83 & 87.
Notice sent 6-28-�5
, �';
!; � . P�u � � � � � ca�����.
F' ��.IC HE� � � � � N OT1 CE � �
���� �� � r�
�,� �
To: Prop rty owners ith�n 350 feet;
Repr sentatives f Planning District 8 FIL E N O. 9733
PllRPO E To review a decision of the Planning Cormnission that an
executive retreat house is not similar to a religious
retreat house, and therefore, should not be allowed in a �
residential zone.
L O C A TI N 266 Summit (South side between Nina & Selby)
HEAFZIIVG � �:��► io:oa a.r,.
itv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House
` Q U E S TIO S z ning 298-4154 (Fred Haider)
C ntact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic
'�, D velopment Department, Room 1101, City Ha11 Annex,
I 2 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
IL al Description: Nely 37 ft. of Lot 4 & all of Lots 2 and 3,
�I B1 ck 69, Dayton � Irvine's Add. to St. Paul Blks 70, 83 & 87.
Notfce eent �,6-7-85
I .
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Coun i R ol tio
Presented By
Referre T Committee: Date
Out of Com ittee By Date
WH RE , Emi e Rabinowitz , 1601 Hill Ridge Terrace, Minne-
tonka, Minn ota, made application to the Planning Commission
for a eterm at on of similar use to permit the use of the
propert at 2 6 Summit Avenue , Saint Paul , Minnesota, to be
used as an execu ' e retreat house ; and
WH REAS , the anning Commission following a public hearing
by its Zoning Co i tee found and determined that the proposed
use of he struct re s an executive retreat house is not similar
to a r ligious etre house when associated with a church,
chapel , snyagogue temp e or other similar house of worship,
which c nstitutes a perm' tted use subject to special condition
use per it in the RT-1 two family zoning district for the reason
that th propose use is imilar to a commercial use and is
not allo ed in a r sidential one ; and
WHE EAS , pur uant to the provisions of Section 64. 206 ,
Emile R binowitz uly filed his appeal from this determination
made by he Planni g Commission to the City Council ; and
WHE EAS , act ' ng pursuant to ction 64. 205 through 64. 208
ar�d upo notice t appellant and oth r affected property owners ,
a publi hearing was duly conducte by the City Council on
June 20 , 1985 and July 11 , 1985 , whe e all interested parties
were giv n an oppo tunity to be heard; a d
WH REAS , th City Council having heard the statements
made , t e reports of staff, the minutes and findings of the
Zoning ommittee nd of the Planning Co ission, does hereby
find an conclude that the Planning Commis ion did not commit
an error, that th proposed use of the pro erty at 266 Summit
Avenue, 5aint Pau , Minnesota, as an execu 've retreat house
is not similar t the permitted use of a eligious retreat
house wh n associ ted with a church, chapel , yagogue , temple
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department o •
Yeas Na s
[n Favor
_ __ Against BY —
Form Approv d y City Attorn y
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Coun .il Secretary BY
�lpproved by 17avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By _ — By
1/ ,/ �
. ' �. .` G11�_�� ��,/�..� ./
. ___-.__. _ _ _._. ._ ._ . .__ ._. _ . .._... ..__ ...- -- -- --.. ._-- --- .__ ---_.. .-- --- ._.,, ._._. Y_. :_- __ __ _. . .. . _---
File N .
C uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee Date
and other imila ho se of worship, and therefore the Planning
Commission id not c mmit an error in finding and determining
that the p oposed e is not similar to a permitted use as
required by Section 113 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code ; now,
therefore, e it
RESOLV D, that he Co cil of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby fin and de ermine hat the Planning Commission did
not commit an error n this m tter and that the appeal of Emile
Rabinowitz e and is ereby deni ; and, be it
FURTHE RESOLVED, that the C ' ty Clerk shall mail a copy
of this resolution t Emile Rabinowi z , the Zoning Administrator
and the Pla ning Comm' ssion.
COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
� [n Favor
� __ Against BY —
Form Appro ed y City Attor y
Adopted by Council: ate
Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY
6lpproved by iNavor: Date _ Approved y Mayor for S mission to Council
_=;���`tTT °'; S CITY OF SAINT PA/UL
�� �uuu�m ,
;�.. �
,.,. 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102
June 14, lyt3
albert Ulson City Clerk
Roon 3�36 Cit Hall
St. Paul , r�i nesoLa 551 2
NE: Loniny ile �y733 - Emiie kabinowitz
City Council Heariny: June 'LU, 1y�5
PURP�SE: To review the lanniny Commission' s decision that an executive
retreat r�ou e is not si ilar to a reliyious retreat nouse.
PLAf�PiIt�G CU f�ISSIOf; OEC SI�N: Deny Sii�ilar Use Status (11-1 )
L�PiIfJG CUl�ti TTEE UECISI N: Ueny Similar Use Status (5-1)
STAFF REC�1�11Ei�d�NTIUta: Grant Sin►i l ar Use Status
SUPPUKT: iio e
UPPt)SITI��P�: 1 letter receivec�; 4 �eople testifieU; Kamsey Hill
llssociati n
C�ar Sir:
�)n �1ay 2 , y85, the Zo iny Committee of the Planniny Commission held a
public hea ing to dete rnine if an executive retreat house is similar in
use to a r liyious ret eat house and should be allowed to locate in a
resi�lentia zone. The appiicant explained the proposal and why the
pro�,osea u e is sinila to the previous use. He aiso discussed the
proNosed s�te improver� nts that are reyuired and how the builciiny would
function a a retreat ouse.
Four inc!ividuals testified in opNosition. They contended the proposed
use i s r�o t sir��i 1 ar t a hotel and not a retreat faci 1 ity. They
ex�ressed a strony de ire to limit the ttie lower Surnmit Avenue area to
residenti I land uses and stated that tlie proposed use is commercial in
The Zonin Cor�mittee iscussed the definition of retreat and hotel and
decided t at neitner erm described the proposed use. Tney determined
that the roposed use is r�ost similar to a conference center, a
commercia use not al owed in a residential zone in this case. Un ttay
lU, lyt�5, the Nlannin Commission sustained the Zoniny Committee
dete�rni na i on.
� ��iir�
Emile Rabin witz (�9733)
June 14, 19 5
Paye Tv�o
On tlay 22, 9�35, Emile abinowitz duly fiiled an appeal of the decision
of the Plan iny Commiss 'on. The appellant contends that all
reyuirement set forth �n the Zoning Code for a determination of similar
use have be n met and t at the findinys of the Planning Commission are
contrary to the evidenc and testimony submitted to the Zoning Comrriittee
of the Pla niny Commission.
This matte is schedul d to be heara by the City Council on June 2U,
19�5. Ple se notify m by June 19th if any member of the City Council
wishes to ave slides f the site presented at the public heariny.
Sincerel ,
Fred S. Haider
Zoniny Sec ion
attachmen s
` � (,���iii�
Fi le � � � �J�
Application Fee $ l �� `�' _
Tentative Hearing Date �:G� — 2G �€�
Application is here y made for n Appeal to the �ity council of the city of st. Paul
under the provision of Chapter 64, Section , Paragraph of the oning Code
to appeal a decisio made by th Board of oning Appeals
x Planning Comnission on �y 10 , 1985,
Zoning Administrator (date of decision)
Planning Administrator
Nam2 Emile Ra inowitz �26 Associates) Daytime phone 473-1671
Addr'eS5 15500 W yzata Boule ard, Suite 811, Wayzata, rIN Zip Code 55391
Zoning file nam Emile Rab nowitz Zoning File # 9733
Property Addres /Location 66 su�it Avenue, st. Paul, r�1 55102
Legal description NEly 37 f . of Lot 4 and all of lot 2 and 3 Da ton and Irvines Add. to
St. Paul Blks 0, an
C. GROUNDS FOR AP EAL (Use ad itional sheets if necessary. )
(Explain why y u feel ther has been an error in any requirement, permit, decision
or refusal mad by an admi istrative official, or an error in fact, procedure or finding
made by the Bo rd of Zonin Appeals or the Planning Comnission.)
The decision o the Planni g Co�ission is contrary to Section 62.113 of the Zoning Code.
The applicant as met all equirements set forth in Section 62.113 of the Zonin Code
for a determin tion of a s ilar use on the proposed site. The findings of the Planning
Commission are contrary to the evidence and testimon submitted to the Zonin Coffiittee
of the Plannin Commission
. '
If you have any uestions, p ease contact:
Applicant's signature
St. Paul Zo ing Office ��gG�
1100 City H 11 Annex ) _
25 West Fou th Street lriay 22, 1985
Saint Paul, Minnesota 5102 Date agent
(298-4154) 9/82
� i E��N lNA7��i(/ �F � .�•�.�°: 9 �[����r
� ��n���- v�� . C,�-����
APPLICATION F�t '�'�' � .rw �''��
`�� : Za Zoning File # _ a���
�p '�`� •• a�i s, [ •
���,x(� A�E �} �� � 'S�~'"'� Application Fee $ a�4°f
.•.,q ,�✓�. .� s� /6 y A��.
Tentative Hearing Date �%��.t���c��
�`7 ' ��2 � • 8 �
Number of Lots or Size of Parcel :
A legal nonconformi g use of st ucture/land is one which lawfully existed on October 25,
1975, the effectiv date of the adoption of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. Application is
hereby made for a onconformin Use Permit under provisions of Chapter 62, Section 102,
Subdivision 5, Par graph of the Zoning Code.
Name ►� tL � U�✓ , z- Phone (Daytime),��3- 161 �
� [ ��-�g�l�
Address Ib01 H��� 2� eE FRRi9c.F �l ✓ J� Zip S�
Property inter st of Appli ant (Owner, contract purchaser, etc.) �✓�I r n- _
Name of owner (if differen ) ;Z(�(� �� : C iA-l� `-� --
Address/Locat'on 2b6 S�'�+� �, ��r
Legal Descrip ion: Lot Block �� Add. �F,t�C.t.c,-�� �.��� .�i
�E� 3 � . �y £ .�, ��-k- �s'�=� ��o, g 3 � �'7.
lJ � � c���3 "
Present Zonin � T Lot Size ,��/ X o2.5"'7 ��"�
Previous Use (Attach supp rting documentation) �-
:� � .�l,o-w - �. 7� 3
Proposed Use or Change ( ttach Site Plan) �
If you have any questions, lease contact:
Saint Paul oning Offic , 1100 City Hall Annex 4102
25 West Fou th Street, aint P aul , Minnesota 55102 (298-4154) 2/85
Request for a Determina ion of Similar Use
Property : 266 Summit Avenue
Owners: Emile Rabi owitz
Gary Riela d
Milo Cutte
266 Summit as built by Henry Driscoll in 1884 as a private residence.
(descriptio , note A) rederick Weyerhauser purchased the house in 1893
and the pro erty remain d in the Weyerhauser family until 1952 when it
was bequeat ed to Macal ster College. The Boy Scouts of America
purchased t e property n 1953 and used it as the regional business
headquarter for the In ianhead Council until 1969.
The Daught rs of the S red Aeart of Mary purchased the property in 1969
and until 984 the bui ding was known as the Epiphany House of Prayer.
The proper y was purch sed in 1984 and the request for continuing use
is based o a plan to ontinue using the property as a retreat center.
From 1969 0 1984 the � piphany House provided meals and lodging for
15-20 gues s per week. The House was staffed by four resident members �``�' �
of the ord r and suppl mented, as necessary by additional members residing
at Mary Hi 1. �'
.�. :
Restoratio of 266 wou d change the existing 13 bedroom 11 bath floor plan ^Y.'.'
to an 11 s ite floor p an with minimal interior changes. The house is �<'�
on the His oric Regist r and within the city's Preservation District which �,,
will provi e the neces ary guidelines for exterior restoration. The maximum
guest cap city will b 22 persons. The dining service will be for the use .�::.;
L p
of the gu sts. Since this will not be a public facility the amount of �::�
traff ic w 11 be mini 1. The majority of guests will be out of town persons �""
and trans ortation wi 1 be provided by the center. A parking area not 0�':��
visible f om Summit h s been included in the plans. The center will be
staffed b one full-t me resident owner and supplemented by part-time
staff as ecessary.
In the fa 1 of 1984 t e partners of 266 sponsored a neighborhood meeting �
and expla ned the pre i.minary plans for the development of the property.
The major concerns wh ch were expressed at that time were: that parking
be includ d in any pr posal for the use of the property; that any development
be a det rrent a "Pa k Avenue" type growth along Summit; and that
any use h ve a reside t owner.
With thes concerns, he prior use and the unique interior of the house
in mind, the plans f a private executive retreat center have been
formulat d.
The comp eted projec will, for all outward appearances and impact on the
nieghbor ood, resemb e the use of the past 15 years and be compatible with
its iu�e iate neighb r, Mary Hill, which continues to function as a
retreat enter for t e Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary.
A major ifference w 11 be the change from the previous tax exempt status.
Under th s plan the roperty at 266 will add $10,000 to $15,000 to the area's
property tax base.
` (J�J�`� `///�°
Note A.
266 Summit b ilt in 1884 was designed by William Wilcox in a 3 story
Queen Anne s yle with do ers on the steeply pitched roof.
There is a ought iron oor at the entrance leadin�; into a 2 story
entrance hal with a mar le floor and oak staricase. The 30' ceiling
is highlight d by a pres ed plaster design and the stairway enhanced
by a cfrcula landing wi h a co�mnanding view of Summit Avenue.
There is a 1 rge living oom and library with mahagoney walls and
a marble fir place and t e dining room has handcarved woodwork, a
marble firep ace and a b autiful view of the Mississippi Valley.
A large marb e floored s nroom on the first floor also provides a
spectacular iew of the alley.
Note B.
Alternative lans
The partners have thorou hly investigated, including the development of
plans, the p ssibility o converting 266 into condominiums. While some
structures a e able to b converted with little or no damage to the
historical i tegrity of he building 266 would lose much of its distinctive
character th ough conver ion.
It is our ho e that a co tinued use as a retreat center will allow a restoration
which will r turn 266 to its original historic beauty and be compatible within
the neighbor ood. Finan ing in the amount of $1.2 million has been secured
in order to 'nsure a tho ough, code compatible and historically accurate
. �
� � ���rr�
Addendum: 66 Summit D termination for Similar Use
In keeping ith its pri r use as a retreat house 266 Summit will
continue to provide a s ecific program for guests. As a retreat
facility fo executives seminars and daily scheduling will have stress
control and management s a program focus.
Professiona s and speci lists with expertise in the area of stress
management ill be avai able for individual and group programs and
seminars. he tranquil ty and beauty of the location provide an
excellent s tting for a retreat facility of this nature.
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-- ----------------------- FILE #9733
1 . APPLICANT: Em le Rabinowi z DATE OF HEARING: 4-18-85
2. CLASSIFICATION Determina ion of Similar Use
3. LOCATION: 266 Sumnit
4. LEGAL DESCRIPT ON: NEIy 3 ft. of lot 4 and all of lot 2 and 3 Dayton and Irvines
Add. to St. P 1 Blks 70, 3 and 87
6. STAFF INVESTI ATION & REP RT: DATE 4-12-85 BY Fred S. Haider
_________________ ___________ ___________________________________________________________
aa�aasa�:anaamxas aasmaasaaax 3�ssm��xo_6333���2_����a�saa:�osn__=a�sasooa=__a__aaoa=�_�o
A. PURPOSE; Det rmination A Simi1ar U�e tQ permit �n ex�cutive re�re�t house in an
- zoning d strlct.
B. PARCEL SIZE: Irregular s aped parcel with 151' fronting Summit and 47,940 square
feet of 1 and area.
C. EXISTING LAN USE: The ite is occupied by a large residential structure and a
carriage hou e undergoin restoration to make it habitable. The front two-thirds
of the land s flat. Th back one-third of the property has a severe slope with a
lowering ele ation.
D. SURROUNDING AND USE: T e land on the surrounding area is primarily used for low
and moderate density hou ing.
E. ZONING HISTO Y: The pro erty was used as a private residence between 1884 and 1952
when it was bequeathed t Macalester College. The Boy Scouts of America purchased
the propert in 1953 an used it as a regional business headquarters. The
Daughters o the Sacred Heart of Mary purchased the property in 1969 and operated
the buildin as a religious retreat house until 1984.
F. ZONING CODE CITATION: ection 62.113 states:
When a spec fic use is ot listed in a district, the Planning Comnission shall
determine i a use is s milar to other uses permitted in each district. The
Planning Co ission sha 1 make the following findings in determining one use is
similar to another.
(1) That he use is si ilar in character to one or more of the principal uses
permi ted.
(2) That he traffic enerated on such use is similar to one or more of the
princ pal uses pe mitted.
(3) That he use is n t first permitted in a less restrictive zoning district.
(4) That he use is c nsistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
1. Secti n 62.113 au horizes the Planning Commission to make a determination of
simil r use when specific use is not listed in a district. In this case,
execu ive retreat houses are not listed in the zoning code.
2. Appli ants propos remodeling the building from its existing 13 bedroom, 11
bath loor plan t an 11 suite floor plan. Exterior restoration will be
revie ed by the H ritage Preservation Commission since the house is on the
Histo ic Register and within the City' s Preservation District boundaries. A
parking area with Port Cachere for 12 parking spaces is proposed on the
west rly rear yar and 3 surf ace spaces are proposed for the easterly rear yard.
Thes improvements require site plan and Heritage Preservation Comnission review
and pproval.
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File #9733
P age Two
3. The applicants propo e to operate a retreat house where executives would
participate in daily seminars and other programs focused on managing stress in
personal and corpora e environs. The use of the property as proposed meets the
following definitio s listed in Webster' s New Collegiate Dictionary:
RETREAT 2: A place f privacy or safety: refuge; and 3: a period of group
withdra al for praye or meditation, study and instruction under a director.
Conditi n one appear to be met. The use is similar to its last permitted use
as a re reat facilit .
4. The applicants propose to transport residents to the retreat house directly
from th airport wh never possible and otherwise encourage ride sharing to
reduce heir visito 's reliance on a vehicle. In addition, 15 parking spaces
will be added to th grounds but be screened from view by intensive
landsca ing. The a ticipated traffic generated by the proposed use would be
similar or less tha the previous use. Condition two appears to be met.
5. The use does not ap ear to be first permitted in a less restr9ctive zoning
distric . In an ef ort to further restrict the property and reduce the
poten�i 1 for adver e impact upon ad�acent properties the applicants intend to
place a deed restri t�on on the use of the buitding �o �hat �he R+�QR���Y �����
not be sed for the on-sale or off-sale of intoiti�atir�g b�v�rMg�� a�r�d t�
prevent the erectio or display nf any sign on the property. Condit�on thr�e
appears to be met.
6. The use is consiste t with the spirit and intent of the zoning code and
Compreh nsive Plan s long as the property would function as proposed and
satisfi s the follo ing provisions:
a) Res'dents parti ipate in a program of study and reflection.
b) The property co tinues to function in a tranquil state. The proposed
res rictive cov nant should be drafted and recorded on the deed.
c) All building an site improvements should be reviewed by the City.
Conditi n four woul then be met.
H. STAFF RECO ENDATION: ased on findings 1 through 6, staff recommends the Planning
Commission ind the pro osed use is similar to the former use and be allowed to
continue s long as the site improvements defined in finding 2 are undertaken and
the proper use contin e to meet the provisions outlined in finding 6.
. . ����"��r�
. PRESENT: es. Morton, Summers, and Zieman; Messrs. Lanegran, Levy and
P ngal of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Segal , Assistant City
A torney; Mr. Hardwick of the Division of Housing and Building
C de Enforcem nt; (�Is. Murphy, Mr. Haider and Mr. McGuire of
t e Planning ivision Staff.
ABSENT: s. Tracy an Mr. Galles
EPIILE RABI OWITZ (�973 : Determination of similar use for property
located at 266 Summit o allow a for-profit retreat house.
The applic nt was pres nt. There was opposition present at the hearing.
Mr. Haider showed slid s of the site and reviewed the staff report with
a recomnen ation for a proval . Two letters were received in opposition,
including ne from the Ramsey Hill Association which outlined several
concerns a d indicated this use ��ould be similar to a hotel.
The applic nt, Emile R binowitz, 1601 Hill Ridge Terrace, Minnetonka,
stated tha the propos d use would not be like a hotel . He said the
retreat ho se will not be open to the general public, that it would be
for use by corporation employees that wish to attend a stress management
program. e said no liquor vrill be served. He said that most of the
guests will be from o t of town and will be picked up and dropped off at
the airpo t, and traf ic and parking congestion will not be a problem.
He indica ed that meals would only be served for guests at the retreat
house, no the general public. He said that 11 rooms would be available
for guest . He said hat he felt the use is similar to the last active
use of th property, retreat house. Mr. Rabinowitz then showed
drawings f the prope ty indicating how it will be landscaped, where
tiriveways will be loc ted, and where parking will be located. He said
there wil be parking for at least 12 vehicles in back of the property
and that he cars won t be seen from Summit Avenue due to the topography
and lands aping. He aid he would agree to most of the covenants
proposed, and does no feel this would be setting .a precedent.
� Ms. Ziema asked if h would agree to all the covenants proposed in the
staff rep rt.
Mr. Rabin witz said t at he was concerned about limiting the number of
people al owed on the premises. He said that he had no problem with
limiting he number bedrooms, but that other people in the
neighborh od don't h ve a limit on the number of people that can have
staying the their ho ses. He also was concerned about meals being
served. e will not be serving meals to the general public, but if the
people s aying at th retreat house want a guest for lunch or dinner, he
wants th t to be all able.
Ms. Ziem n asked if he corporations would be able to attend seminars
for only one day and have 50 people there.
Mr. Rabi owitz said hat he does not expect that to happen.
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File #9733
P age 2
t�lr. Pangal asked if th petition was for 13 bedrooms.
� Mr. Rabino itz said no it currently has 13 bedrooms, but he will
convert it to 11 bedro ms.
Mr. Pangal asked if so eone will be on the premises at all times.
Mr. Rabino itz said th t Milo, one of the persons that is 1/3 owner of
the proper y, will be n the premises at all times.
Mr. Pangal asked how 1 ng the programs that are offered by the retreat
house will run.
Mr. Rabino itz said th y would usually be 3-5 days long.
Mr. P angal asked where the people attending the program and their guests
will be co ing from.
Mr. Rabino itz said th t the people attending the programs will mostly
be executi es flying i from out of town, and that they may like to meet
other exec tives, etc. from the Twin Cities area for lunch in the
retreat ho se.
t�lr. Pangal asked if t ese guests meeting the program participants for
lunch at he retreat ouse will have to purchase their food.
Mr. Rabin itz said t at they would have to buy the food, it would not
be provid d free of c arge.
Jim Moore 495 Summit said that he is a member of the Ramsey Hill
Associati n, and that the president, Charles Skrief sent a letter in
oppositio . He said hat he is not opposing retreat houses in general ,
only the ne proposed to be located at 266 Summit. He said that from
the busin ss perspect ve, that he doesn't feel thi;s use would be
successfu . He said hat the owners are interesteti in the tax benefits,
but that is experien e has shown that when an investment is made soley
. _ for tax b nefits, it s not successful . He said that Mr. Rabinowitz
� �'� stated th t market re earch has not been done, but that they only would
need a 21 occupancy ate to break even. Mr. Moore also said that from
the persp ctive of a ocal resident that the property should be used as
a private residence, hat a retreat house is not consistent with the RT-
2 zoning. He said th t he can picture a scenario of limousines picking
up and dr pping peopl off in front of the house, and that this use is
more like a hotel . He said that staff used the definition of "retreat"
in the st ff report, e then read the definition of "hotel" which
would hav exactly th same eff ect as a retreat house. He said that in
the last years that there has been 3 proposals for use of this
property, and each pr posal is a little closer to and RT-2 use. He said
the prope ty should� b used residentially, that these homes are
relativel inexpensiv compared to other parts of the country.
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F i 1 e �I9733
P age 3
Mr. Levy as ed Mr. Moor what he thought would happen to the property if
it was conv rted to a r treat house, and the venture f ailed.
Mr. P1oore s id that wit a commercial kitchen and 11 suites, it would
probably en up being e'ther condos or a hotel.
Mr. Levy a ked if the p operty has a only one kitchen now.
Mr. Moore aid that as f ar as he k�ows it only has one kitchen.
Charlie Gi sch, 294 Su it, spoke in opposition. He said that he came
from Chica o, and has lived in the Summit Avenue neighborhood for 13 _
years now. He said th t this area offers a good lifestyle and
comparativ ly inexpens ve houses. He distributed a drawing of the
neighborho d showing w ere houses are located and said what their uses
were 10 ye rs ago and hat the uses are today. Most homes are now
ow�er-occu ied rental uildings or condominiums. He said that a retreat
house shou d not be al owed in an RT-2 zoning. He said that the
petitioner , are graci us people� and that �he $'150�000 in rer�ova�ion �s
hard to p� s up, but t at the use is not appropriate.
Sara Ventr s, 252 Maid n Lane, spoke in opposition. She said that she
owns 251 S mmit. She aid that the proposed use would be a cor�mercial
venture. he said tha Mr. Rabinowitz doesn't want to limit the number
of people ntertained t the retreat house, but that this use is not a
residentia use and th number of people should be limited. She said
that she i in the sem'nar business and doesn't feel that the proposal
is viable, that it wou d be too small to attract people. She also said
that it wo ld be hard o attract business if they did not serve liquor.
Maria Girs h, 294 Summ't, spoke in opposition. She said that owner-
occupancy in the neigh orhood is important. She said that Milo is only
1/3 owner of the prope ty, and although she would be staying on the
premises, it would no truly be owner-occupied. She said that the owner
of the pr perty is li ted as 266 Associates. She then checked to see if
266 Associates was re istered as a partnership or association with the
- - -- .. State. S e said they were not registered. She said she was also
concerned about the u e of the property if someone else takes over, that
perhaps n w owners wo ld want a hostess house. She said that the switch
from non- rofit to f o -profit should not be minimized, that this use
would be imilar to a hotel , and would be a comnercial use.
Ms. Ziema asked how s. Girsch would feel about Macalester College
owning th property a d operating a conference center.
Ms. Girsc said that hat would be different, but she still would not
like to s e that use or this property. She said that if changes are
made. it hould be ba k to a more residentlal use.
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F i 1 e �9733
P age 4
Mr. Rabinow tz said tha the residents were expressing a contradiction,
. that they d n't want a or-profit retreat house, but that they are
afraid it w 11 not be s ccessful . He said that this venture needs only
a 21X occup ncy rate to break even, and that �it is almost a sure thing.
He said tha they will old the property for at least five years,
regardless f whether o not it is profitable. He said he can show his
financial s atements if the committee would like to see them. He said
that reside ts were con erned about wt�o would buy the house with 11
bedrooms. e suggested that those who would buy the house in its
current sta e as a 13 b droom house would also be likely buyers of the
house after it's conver ed to 11 bedrooms. He said that he doesn't
necessaril want a comm rcial kitchen put in, but that he thought the
city would equire it. He said the building will be redecorated and �
restored, ut remain historically intact. He said that statutes don't
require 26 Associates to be registered, but that there is a partnership
agreement. He said th t he is not in the business of losing money, and
f eels the enture will be profitable. He said he also owns other
buildings n Summit Av nue.
Mr. Lanegr n asked how Mr. Rabinowitz chose the word "retreat" house.
Mr. Rabino itz said he found no better word. He also said that a market
analysis h d been done on the property and that he was an accountant.
Mr. Lanegr n asked if e will have staff on the premises to provide
programs, nd what the nature of the programs would be.
Mr. Rabino itz said th t he will have staff to provide stress management
- - seminars t executives The seminars will deal with executive
management and busines induced stress.
Mr. Lanegr n asked if he programs would be like those offered at
Alcoholic' s Anonymous r Hazelton.
Mr. Rabin itz said h was not f amiliar with these groups, but that the
programs ill vary to suit business executive's needs.
� � Mr. Laneg an then ask d how the retreat house would be advertised, would
it be cal ed a confer nce center, would it be rented to masses of people
for all t pes of semi ars.
Mr. Rabin witz said t at they will have a set program, this would not be
a confere ce center b t rathe.r a retreat program dealing with executive
stress. .
Mr. Laneg an asked ho this use relates to the previous use, that was
operated y sisters f om a religious organization.
Mr. Rabin witz said t at the sisters were in the audience, and they
could f ur her explain what their f unction was.
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File #9133
P age 5
Mr. Lanegra said that previously the retreat house was a spiritual
retreat ce ter, and qu stioned if the proposed use would be a conference
center or ducational enter, and how the proposed use relates to the
previous u e. Mr. Lan gran then asked the sister to explain the
previous u e.
Uirginia T wner, 260 S mmit, stated the previous use was the Epiphany
House of P ayer, which was a spiritual retreat center, with prayer and
meditation There wer small groups, and meals were served for a while,
but after time, they quit serving meals. She said that the use was
similar to what is now being operated at 260 Summit, only 260 Summit is
larger. _
Mr. Lanegr n asked if he participants were from out of town or the Twin
Ms. Towner said they w re primarily from the Twin Cities.
Mr. Lanegr n asked how 7ong the participants usually stayed at the
retreat ce ter.
Ms. Towner said that i the summer they sometimes stayed 4-6 days, but
otherwise sually only part of a day.
Hearing no further tes imony, Mr. Pangal closed the public hearing
portion of the meeting
h1r. Lanegr n moved den al of the determination of similar use permit
based on t stimony and finding that the proposed use is not similar to
the previo s use and t at the use is similar to a commercial use and not
allowed in a residenti 1 zone. P1s. Surrrners seconded the motion which
�passed on roll ca ote of 5 to 1 (Levy voting no). .
Submitted y: 1 ` Approved by:
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May 1, 198
Zoning Co ittee
City Hall
St. Paul, 55102
Dear Zonin Committee:
I wish to xpress the termined opposition of the Ramsey Hill
Associatio to the req st to establish an executive retreat
house at 2 6 Summit Av ue.
Once again, the zoning committee is asked to assist a Summit Avenue
property o ner in esta lis�hing a new and prohibited commercial use
on the ave ue. The pr osal is the third ultimatum received for
this prope ty in less an two years. The first proposal was styled
as a"Europ an style hot 1." Investigation revealed it to be a
straightfo ward hotel, European or not, with a public restaurant
for 40 peo le. The arg ent was made that the house could survive
only with his use. T second proposal argued that a bed and
breakfast (a hotel or -3 use, according to city staff interpretation)
was the on y possible se for the property. That proposal failed,
as did the first, when scrutinized by neighbors. This third proposal
also reque ts a hotel, although it is described as an "executive
retreat ho se." The u e is, in essence, the same as the others.
Individual , all 22 of them, rent roons, are served meals and liquor,
and travel freely to a d from the property in their automobiles.
The Ramsey Hill Associ tion bases its opposition on the following
1. T e zone in q estion is RT-2 (not RT-1, as in the staff report).
P rmitted use in this zone, in addition to residences,
i clude: 1) convents, rectories, and parsonages associated
w.'th a church and, 2) private elementary, junior and senior
amsey Hill As,� �iation. ��)ti Fl��lly� A��rnue, Saint I'aul, Minnctic�ta �5102
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Zoning Comm'ttee
May 1, 1985
Page T�ao --
hi h schools n t operated for profit. Neither of these
pe mitted uses contemplates the commercial use of a
pr perty for o ernight guests, meals, and the service
of liquor -- a does the current application.
2. A etreat hous is most similar to a hotel, a use which
is not permitt d until B-3.
3. A eterminatio of similar use in this instance will stand
as precedent n t just for this property but for all properties
in RT-2 zones hroughout the city. This fact demands that
th city evalu te the general consequences of its decision
be ore taking ction on this particular application.
Th Ramsey Hil Association is aware of a second proposal
fo another "e ecutive retreat house" slightly further to
th west on Su it Avenue. A granting of the 266 Summit
ap lication wo ld eliminate the need for a "D.S.U." for this
se ond propert and other properties in RT-2 zones.
Th's circumven ion of a necessary policy discussion should not
be permitted t occur.
4. Th proposal b ore the Zoning Committee is unreasonably
va ue. Definitions of the use are virtually nonexistent.
Wi hout the ben fit of any written proposal from the applicant,
th staff repor promises that residents, all of whom are
"e ecutives," w'll "participate in a program of study and
re lection." A d, furthermore, that they will conduct
this activity i "a tranquil state." For the nearby
ho owners, and for those homeowners throughout the city in
oth r RT-2 zone , these promises are slight comfort.
Con ersely, oth r developers, with their "tranquil" hotels,
mus be rejoici g.
5. The staff repor argues that the Catholic retreat house
for erly occupy ng 266 Summit is a use similar to the
pro osed "execu ive retreat." In point of fact, the religious
ret eat was �at est a marginally conforming use.
The extrapolati n from it to a commercial facility goes far
bey nd the inte tion of the "determination for similar use"
pro ision in th zoning code. In fact� it sets a precedent
for the entire ity.
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Zoning Co ittee
May 1, 198
Page Three --
6. An retreat fa ility should be reviewed by the Zoning
Co ittee on a case by case basis. For each facilit,y,
th Zoning co ittee should follow at least the
fo lowing step :
1. The appli ant submits in writing a statement of
intended urpose and use.
2. This purp se and use is evaluated by city staff,
affected eighbors, and the zoning committee.
3. Concerns re committed to writing and translated
by legal ounsel into restrictive covenants to be
attached o the deed for the property.
4. These wri ten covenants are circulated to the
affected eighbors and the zoning committee before
the zonin committee is asked to vote on the proposal.
--- 5. The coven nts, as in the case of 266 Summit, include
at least he following items:
a. no on or off sale of liquor at the site;
b. off s reet parking is provided for all guests;
c. the p rking is r�ot visible from the street;
d. guest are limited to a specific number;
e. meals are served only to guests;
f. the f cility is not available for other social events;
g. no si nage is permitted;
h. the o ner of the property must live on the site.
Owner hip is defined as at least a 307 interest in
the p operty.
i. �the p operty returns to the RT-2 zone designation upon
upon he sale of more than 507. of the ownership of
the p operty;
j . the u e of the property is reviewed by city staff, in
consu tation with nearby residents, every three years;
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Zoning Co ittee
May 1, 198
Page Four --
k. The c venants run with the land;
1. The c venants are enforceable by the city and
resid nts within 1,000 feet of the property; and
m. Costs for a successful challenge under the
coven nts are borne by the retreat owners.
In addition the city s ould initiate steps to limit the density of
"retreat ho ses" to at east one every 5,280 feet.
CONCLUSION. The Zonin Committee should take no action until it
has defin d "retreat house" as a new zoning classification
and deter ined the appropriateness of this use in the
several z ing areas. In no event should the Zoning
Committee ake a decision on the current application
without a ritten definition of proposed use and the
written co enants which would control that use.
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� city of saint paui
planning missi n resolution �
file number � �
WHEREAS, Emile R binowitz (# 133) has applied for a determination of similar use under the
provi si ons of Se ti on 62.113 of the Sai nt Sai nt P aul Legi sl ati ve Code, to permit an
executive retrea house in a RT-1 zoning district; and •
;JHEREAS, the Zon ng Co.���itte of the Planning Commission, on P�ay 2, 1985 held �a public
hearing at :.hich all �ersons present �,�er: given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to
said application in accordan e with the requirements of Section 65.300 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code and
WHEREAS, Saint P ul Planning Commission, based on the evidence presented to its Zoning
Committee at the public hear ng as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the
follow�ng findin s of f act:
1. The proposed use is not imilar to tfie previous use (a religious retreat house
�associated w th a house f worship) ; and
2. The use is s milar to a omnercial use and not allowed in a residential zone.
NO�J, TNEREFORE, E IT RESOLV D, that the Saint Paul Planning Commission determined that
the pro�osed use of the prop rt;� located at 266 Summit Avenue (NEIy 31 feet of lot 4 and
all oT lot 2 and 3, Dayton a d Irvines Ad�. . to St. P aul , Blks 10, 83, and 31) is not
similar to a use permitted i the RT-2 zone.
moved by � . �
� seconded y
in f�avor .
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