85-1101 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council Q CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. ✓� r/O/ BLUE - MAVOR I i o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date Wf�REAS, The Mayo , pursuant t Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are avaialable fo appropriat' ri revenues in excess of tY�ose estimated in the 1985 budget; ar�d in�REA5, The Mayo� recom¢nends following changes to the 1985 buc7get: Current Amended sudqet Changes Buaqet FII�NCING PLAN OO1 General�F 1/1/85 Balance: Unreserved, Undesignat 515,613 +14,456 530,069 All Other iriancing 106,161,491 0 106,161,491 106,677,104 +14,456 106,691,560 SPF.�I�DING PLAN OU1 General F Departm�n of Finance Management Services 01001 - Administrat' n 01001-2 9 Fees - r 0 +3,600 3,600 01001 - Al1 Other ing 121,476 0 121,476 01300 - Assessments and Valuations 01300-8 7 Data Proc sing Hardware 0 +10,856 10,856 01300 - AlY Other ing 494,301 0 494,301 All Ot r General F Spending 106,061,327 0 106,061,327 106,677,104 +14,456 106,691,560 NE,T CHANGE � +14,456 RESOLVID, That he City Co il adopts these changes to the 1985 budget; F' is A � . Approval Reconirlended• � r' ' COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew ays �hance and Management S rvices Masanz In Favor Nicosia Sche�be� _ � __ Against BY Sonnen TedasCo W���O� AUG � 5 1985 Form Appro d by City Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•s•ed b ouncil S tar BY gy, �- Ap o INavor. Dat � +"►�G � 9 ��o� Approv y Mayor for Submiss' to 0 _ By P BLISH D AU G 2 419�85 �~Finance & Mana ement Servic s DEPARTMENT ��` �f�� N� 1434 �l Ed Warn ` CONT�C'�' ' ' 298-4637 PHONE DATE �Q��� Q ASSI N NUMBER FOR OUTING ORDE Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Dir ctor 4 Director of Manage�nent/Mayor Finance and P1a agement Ser ices Director 6 City Clerk 5 Jim Scheibel � City Attorney _Z Chi af Arrnimtant_ F F, M S WHAT WILL BE ACHIE EO BY TAKIN ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The Department's n-superviso y staff will be trained in writing Accountability St.atements by Management Syst ms. The As essment Division will have completely compatible Data Processing Hardwa . _ RECEIVED� �,. ��,�-�,� S ��%7 ( l '�� � JUL 5 1985 � OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR COS,T/BENEFIT, BUD TARY AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: DEPARTMENT OF FIiVANCE AND MANAGEIVtENT SERVICES Greater productiv ty will be ined in the entire department. The Assessment Division will be able to use th ir operator and their software interchangeably. FINANCING SOURCE ND BUDGET A IVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount o Transactio : $14,456 quired if under $10,00U) Funding Source General F nd - Unreserved, Undesignated (frQm,:the $36,131 made available to t is departme t through the one-third savings incentive program) ACtivlty Numbe : Activit 01001 credited $3,600 Activit 01300 credited $10,856 ATTACHMENTS List and Number 11 Attachments : Council Resoluti ��t:Ci',�'�� JUL 1 6 i985 �;;.�r,�.. � �'' �w urfiCE ,; DEPARTMENT REVIE CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �_Yes No Co ncil Resolut'on Required? Resolution Required? �Yes No Yes x No In urance Requi ed? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No x/A Yes No In urance Atta hed: N/A (SE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 y,_�� �,'t �`'� , _„ . � � r...�.r�,. �{��� s`��:,:�:� t� 02'].�ICF� 027` �`III: CIT�' COIIICIL ��.�//O/ : : r�� s� �.�::_.�.:�_,.� t� � . . ;_\.,� ` -�r'/ I Date ; August 8, Z985 '�,°,'''�,;�:�. , �y�'`::... = . . • � C � � f~ E � � E i REPO � T � �. i O = j 5acjn? �� I Ci► Co �• . Y u � ..rt _ . F P O P3�I= C O�j�j�� �'�� O C? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - ' ' I C�A I P. JAMES SCHEIBEL � � . _ , � • , - . . . 1 . Apprdval of minu es from meeting held August ! , 1985. �y�,(���� ' . . /��f'/ : . . 2. Reso�ution amend ng Sections as listed of the Civil Service Rules to . refl�ct changes n the administrative responsibility of the Civil S rvi ce ommissi n and the Personnel Direc r. (Personnel ) � � �� ��v���- =. 3. eso ution amend ng`Section 32 of the Civii Serviee Rules by deleting . ail �- the prese t lat�guage and�substituting new language in lieu tlier of concern i g C 1 ass Spec i f i cat i ons. (P�sonn � ) � � �� � t�P�� l � �ti 4. eso u tion amen d g Sec tion II B of the Salary P1an and Rates-of Compen---- sati n Resolutio by adjusting rate of pay for Life Guard (Indoor Pool) , Wate Safety Ins ructor, Sen�ior Pool Attendant and Swimming Pool Super- . . vi (Personn ' � • � , � . . " � ��v ���e 1965 budget by adttfng �14,�5'ta tRe F i nanc i ng Plan and to the pending PTan for �r�� Fund-Fin�nce b Management . � _ Ser ces. (Fina � . 6. es u"ti�mend n�� the 1985 budget by adding $24,264 to the Financing - Plan and to the pending Plan for Department of Finance 8 Managerrtent Ser 'ces-CityWid �Information Services. (Finance) . � � ��u� - � � � 7. e 1 ti.on conse ti g to the issuance of Port AutMority Revenue Bonds in the mount of $1,540,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a building at 15 Eva Street for Riverview Industrial Center Partnership. (Por Authority) /�lU� � 8. Re 1 tion conse ting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in � the mount of $3,U10,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a buiiding locat d on the Jackson Street Shop Site for D.K. Conners, Ltd. ��o ��thY�� NOT ON PREP �AGENDA: Resolution a thorizing acceptance of grant from Northwest Ar a Foundatio to present a series af �ublic media art exhibitions. CITY HALL •I�i'TFI FLOOR SAINT P�'IUL,ri1ti�ESC)T:l SSI03 -L=�s+-i, � _ __ _ � . � � � �