85-1100 � 'WHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl O CANARV - DEPARTMEN GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. u� �/D� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented y �/ Referred T l°� �� ��-�- Committee: Date ��� �'—�� Out of Co mittee By Date An a ministrative Resolution adjusting the rate of p y for Life Guard, Water Safety Instructor, Swim ing Pool Supervisor, Senior Pool Attendant � in t e Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation i Reso ution. RESOL�'ED, that th Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation be amended by striking o t of Sectio II B where the titles appear under the heading "Special Employment " the follo ing: "Lif Guard Lif Guard (Indoor Pool) Wat r Safety Instructor 1 t 500 hours of employment 4.50 per hour 2 d 500 hours of employment 4.75 per hour 3 d 500 hours of employment 5.00 per hour 4 h 500 hours of employment 5.25 per hour & thereafter Seni r Pool Attendant 5.75 per hour Swim ing Pool Supervisor 6.25 per hour and substi uting in li u thereof the following: I "Lif Guard � Lif Guard (Indoor Pool) �� Wat r Safety Instructor 1 t 500 hours of employment 4.75 per hour 2 d 500 hours of employment 5.00 per hour 3 d 500 hours of employment 5.25 per hour COUNCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas ays [n Favor � _ __ Against BY Form A rove by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by ouncil Secretary BY ( ' By � 6lpproved by Mavor. Date _ Ap ov y Mayor for Sub sio to C cil gy _ B i � �4H17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMEN File NO. � //O� BLUE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date -2- 4th 5 0 hours of employment 5.50 per hour (Hours wor ed in any one of the titles will apply toward the accumulat d total hours. ) Hours wor ed prior to June 1 , 1977, shall not be included in calculati g the above 500 hour increments. Senior ool Attendant 6.35 per hour Swimmin Pool Supervisor 6.90 per hour This r solution sh 11 take effect and be in force following the first pay period after he passage, approval and publication of this resolution. COU[VCILME Requested by Department of: Yeas ays °r�'�'' PERSO NEL OFFICE Ma���Z [n Favor rv��os�� scne�bei _ __ Against BY � Sonne� Tedesco Adopted by���ouncil: Date AUG 1 5 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P s e C uncil S BY By t�pprov by :Navor. Dat AUG l 9 1985 Appr by Mayor for Sub ' sio o ~ cil By PiJ3LVStiE►� "U� 2 � 19'85 Personnel Offic DEPARTMENT ������. NO 2037 Ed Vizard ' -� �.EONTACT � 4221 PHONE ���� 7-15-85 DATE Q ASSI NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORD R Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Di ector 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and nagement Se vices Director 4 City Clerk Budget Direct r 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHI VED BY TAKI G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution ill amend S ction II B of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Res- olution to incre se the rate of pay for the Special Employment classes involved in the City's swimming rogram. Th se classes were last increased in April, 1983. The increases are generally co parable to hose granted over the past two years to other city employees. COST BENEFIT BUD ETARY AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: R�Cci�`�� None �J U L 1 6 i385 �S� � I�iAYGR'S Orr�Ct '1 � � y1 � �.. FINANCING SOURCE ND BUDGET A IVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount o Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source Activity Numbe : ATTACHMENTS List and Number A 1 Attachments : DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Coun il Resoluti n Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insu ance Requir d? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insu ance Attach d: (SEE EVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �^y' �1:� r.� . , - ---- — -- � 'a. �; rr;�:::;;�1 4� .� orz�zcr o�� Z�xzr c.i2�Y COII\C.EL . ��J�-��DlT i'..-11\\\ J�tiy��i�1�� / �1 . . . F����� ' `�j ' � �� D cs t'e�',; August 8, 1985 ��.G��w�.t_• � • ;?�,a.:� _ • • . . + "•i«..- C M (�1l f E?' E E E� E P Q ��' TO = Sarn� P�u I Ci�� Coun�ii . ��' � '�� � ��� << � �� O I? FINANCE, MANAGENiENT & PERSONNEL � C 4�-�A l P. JAMF.S SCHEIBEL 1 . App oval of min tes from meeting held Au ust I, 1985. ' � ' � � � . . 9 ���f ��� . . 2. Res lution amen ing Sections as listed of the Civil Ser-vice Ra}es to reflect changes in the administrative responsibility of the Civil S r ce ommission and the Personnel Diree r. (Personnel ) � � G�y ��v���- �. 3�. es lution amen ing�Section 32 of the Civii Service Rules by deleting . aTl o�. the pres nt la�guage and'substituting new language in lieu the eof concern ng Class Specifications. (Personn ) � � /� �'j 1�P�� l � LC/�'�� 4. es __ution amen i g Section II B of the Sa}ary Plan and Rates-of Compen-- - sat'on Reso 1 ut i n by ad j ust i ng rate of pay �cs�'���f�^�r�) (I ndoor Poo 1}, �e�y I n t�p�, Sen'i or Pcw�•�-lttt�t a�d Sw i mm i ng Poo t Super- . . vi (Person e ° ' � 5. e�� l�tion�men ing the 1985 bud et b addin 14 456 9 Y 9 $ � to the F�nanc�ng Pla� and to the Spending Plan for General Fund-Finance 8 Management - ' . Ser 'ces. (Fin n � , 6. � es lu"ti�men �n the 1985 budget by adding $24,264 to the Financing � � Pla � and to the Spending Plan for Departrtrent of Finance 8 Management Ser ices-CityWi ^lnformation Services. (Finance) . � � .���� � � � 7. e 1 tion cons nt� g to the issuance of Port Autliority Revenue Bonds in the amount of $ ,540,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a b ilding at 1 0 Eva Street for Riverview Industrial Center Partnership. (Po Authority � . /UU � 8. Res '1 tion cons nting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in � the amount of $ ,010,000 to finance the acquisition and rehabilitation of a b iiding ioca ed on the Jackson Street Shop Site for D.K. Conners, Ltd. (Po uth��y NOT ON PREP JD AGEND : Re olution a thorizing acceptanee of grant from Northwest Ar a Foundat' o o present a series of public media art exhibitions. CITY HALL � •N7'H FLOOI: . SAINT P�1UL,Titti\'ESOT:\SSlO? � -LZ-.�,•u _ . _ _. .._.._ .... __.. .._..,..�_ . _...,..,._._ . _.. -,.._. ,,.,.,M. .�..-....�,.� . . . ,. ,.........,....�.._......_._..,,._..._._._:..__.__.......__, _ . . . .�.,,,,�.�a„