85-1098 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FtNANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council �/09� CAMARV-OEPARTMENT BIUE - MAVOR File NO. d • �nd G Ordinance N 0. Presented By ` , Referred T Committee: Date Out of Com ittee By Date h. hat said per ittee andlor its successors in interest shall submit the necessary in urance and bond documents to the Assistant City Engineer of t e Department of Public Works. The Assistant City Engineer sha 1 submit said documents to the City Attorney for review and if said i surance and bond are acceptable said documents shail be filed with th Department of Finance and Management Services of the City of Saint Paul; i. hat said per ittee shall coordinate all work involving existing utilitiy inst ilations, public or private, with the affected utility companies o agencies; j. hat said pe ittee shall at no cost to the City repair any damage to the undergro nd conduit and private telephone cable which occurs during the n rmal course of the City maintenance and/or construction of public fa ilities; k. That said pe mittee shail, within thirty (30) days from and after the publication f this ordinance, file written acceptance thereof, specifically agreeing to ali of the provisions, terms and conditions herein, with the City Clerk. Section 3. That this Ordinan e shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and afte its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMF Requested by Department of: Pub 1 i c Works Yeas �f��f�'"_ ays r Drew In Favor � Masanz Nicosia A ainst B scneibei g Tedesco al E. N a , Di e t r wnso� Adopted by Council: Date DCT � O �gSS rm Approv d y i orn Certified P ed C uncil cret BY By Approved y Mayor• D ` � �� � � �5 OC'T � Q 8�4ppr d ayor for Submi ' n o Council B By PUBIiSHED C T 19 1985 RAH/t� ' Y Pub l i e works . ��E PARTMENT � Gv �/D��N� 11 6 . Robert A. Horris erger, Jr ` CONT'ACT ���9� 2 2-bt 1 PHONE ���� Jui 2 1 8 DATE Q ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORD R (Cli All Locations for Si nature : � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and M nagement Se vices Director 4 City Clerk �Budget Direct r City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHI VED BY TAKI G ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) • Ordinance would rant the Co lege of St. Thomas pe rniission to install private telephone cable under and acros City rights of-way of: Cleveland Avenue south of Pertland Avenue; Po�tland Avenue east of leveland; an the alley, � block �outh of Portland Avenue, east of Cleveland Avenue. This c le would co nect the college's buildings located o� the e p� Cleveland Avenue with the in campus' private telephone system. ���C� AUG Z � COST/BENEFIT BUD ETARY AND P RSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: CITY ATTORNEY None - College iil\ pay Publ c Works costs of inspecting construction, per a conditio� of the attached ordina . ��y ° ��� ��� FINANCING SOURCE ND BUDGET A TIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount o Transactio : � quired if under $10,00Q) Fundi ng Source -- Activity Numbe : ...— �Q ���� ATTACHMENTS List and Number 11 Attachments : �'G ,�p��� � Ordinance P�G �s�t�\��- Map C��Py'� DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes X No Cou cil Resolut on Required? Resolution Required? Yes No X Yes No Ins rance Requi ed? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Ins rance Attac ed: Wi11 be submi ted if Ordi ance is adopted. (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Retv�ed 12/84 HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHFsET . ;�_ � � ` c. . , � The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: � • 1. to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures . � 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. � The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less tlian $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not .r.equired, if the depa.rtment director signs.- A contract .must always be first s�ned-by the outside agency before routing through Gity offices. Y Below is the preferred ROUTING for ttie five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor .. - 2;. Initiating Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&M5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNC L RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director l. Ini iating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at ti.me of routing. 13ote: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: 1. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City �of inaemnifi:cation. � 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing fundinq. 8. Budget amendments. LuJ _�—��--�'" 1 ��� � — p ' � � �,��0 9� �� �9� �S -A,- -� � �� �t,, ._ � n- cir=� I _.�_ � � � r-� r t�� �-_ ��— �` < ii� � _ CLEVELAN D �VE . C� � � � � � - t;--. �. _ :�; �- ' - � � 0= � . � � p.' � —' , , -----'_— " k_ � '�� �., _ ( _�J- � _�. 'rv :t�-� - : -� _�: -t�� o -� �� �' ' ..- --� c� ?-={: �.�:. c,.,:: --6 F l3. �.: . �T,--6- .'�-" � -s� y �.� ��j� ': \j�S .� �.�� 'J �� � - � � -� 4 � � �� ;�- �+ r -� � ' �--� m". " � � C7 �� � �°. -�- - ,��- �rn N� C �' ``i ; � � r _ , i --y�.jSC �--; f `� =o U' 'r�—' ' �� � "�^-< D � � � < �� o Z o �� m' r z F c -�n �c� �- rn -� �, z � 4 � � � � � � ; c� v �-,-, I �� � � J _rr'- p �- � � �� � C , �1 r f� Cp -1. m - Q � _ _ .. _ ._�._��:;: i , �-- � �. C �� � '� � � � COLL� GE OF ST. M �- C � 0 � ; , � � 3O5.-p' N.T,.G � � � . . ---- - -__ ____-- ---------- --,__ � � � . . �. i c�= � . c. . � - I i � i ;� . . � � i._._.`� O � i = Q� -h� D � .� �{� D , � � -,ff�- � �r I � _ r 5 � z � � + IL � � ` � I I WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - F'INANCE COUI1Cl1 �j GA13hRV -DE:.PARTME T GITY OF SAINT PAUL �J � BIU� - MAVOR ' Flle NO. �/� �D9 din� CG Ordinance N�. a Presented By ng � Referred o ����'1 v Committee: Date O� �� �S Out of Co mittee By Date A ORDI NANCE RANT i NG PERMI SSI ON TO COLLEGE OF ST. TH�'1AS, 21 1 S SUI'�'11T VENUE, SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND/OR ITS S CCESSORS I N i NTEREST, TO CONSTRUCT, �PERATE AND MAI NTAI N C NDUIT AND P IVATE TELEPI-�NE CABLE UNDER AND ACROSS THE F LOWING PU IC RIGHTS OF WAY WITHIN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: CL VELAND AV NUE AT APPROXIMATELY 305 FEET NORTH OF THE RTHERLY R I G T OF WAY L I NE OF Sl�'N'11 T AVENUE; PORTLAND AVENUE A APPROXIMA ELY 1 1 FEET EAST OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LI E OF CLEVEL ND AVENUE; AND THE PUBLIC ALLEY BETWEEN LOTS 1 A D 16, BLOCK 3, MERRIAM PARK 3RD ADOITION TO THE CITY OF S INT PAUL (LO ATED BETINEEN PORTLAND AVENUE AND SUI'�'11T A ENUE) AT AP ROXIMATELY 1 1 FEET EAST OF THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF W Y L I NE OF CL VELAND AVENUE. THE COU CIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That ermission an authority are hereby granted to College of St. Thomas, 21 15 ummit Aven e, Saint Paul, Minnesota and/or its successors in interest, to con truct, opera e and maintain conduit and private telephone cable under and a oss the foll wing public right of way within the City of Saint Paul: , Clevel nd Avenue a approximately 305 north of the northerly right of way line o Summit Ave ue; Portland Avenue at approximately 1 1 feet east of the easte ly right of w y line of Cleveland Avenue; and the public alley between COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Pub 1 i C Works Yeas Na s Fletcher Drew In F'avor Masanz NicoBia A ainst B scnetne� g redesco 1 d . Ny aa , D i r wl�son Adopted by Council: Date F rm Approve b ty tt y Certified Passed by Cou cil Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Da e Approve a for Submissio to unciT By By me . � � '' � . � . . � . �l,C- ��. �0 9�' ��� 9� Lots 1 and 16, Bloc 13, Merriam Park 3rd Addition to the City of Saint Paul (locat d between P rtland Avenue and Summit Avenue) at approximately 1 1 feet e st of the eas erly right of way line of Cleveland Avenue. Section 2. That t e Director o the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue permit to C llege of St. Thomas and/or its successors in interest for the co struction, operation and maintenance of said underground conduit and privat telephone c ble, according to approved plans, upon said permittee's compli nce with th following conditions: a. T at said permittee shail pay the costs of the publication of this o dinance and 11 ordinances and resolutions passed in relation to this o dinance; b. T at said permittee shall pay the costs of administration, engineering a d inspection incurred by the Department of Public Works because of t is undertaki g. Said cost are estimated to be a sum of $200.00; c. T at said perm ttee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish and d liver unto Ci y of Saint Paul a surety bond in the amount of Ten T ousand Dolla s ($ 10,000.00) for said conduit and private telephone c ble, made an executed by said permittee and/or its successors in i terest as Pri cipal, and a Corporate Surety Company duly authorized t� transact bu iness in the State of Minnesota as Surety, to and in f vor af the Ci y of Saint Paul as an Obliaee, conditioned that in the e ent the permittee and/or its successors in interest fail to maintain, r pair or repla e said underground conduit and private telephone cable t a reasonabl standard of safety or fail to remove or relocate said u derground co duit and private telephone cable upon order by the C uncil, the Ci y of Saint Paul may undertake the maintenance, repair, r placement, r location or removal thereof and may recover its r asonable cos incurred thereby from said surety, which Surety Bond s all remain in force and effect as long as said underground conduit a d private te1 phone cable or any part thereof remains in that portion of Cleveland A enue, Portiand Avenue or the public alley, as shown on th plans on fil with the Department of Public Works. The Surety B nd shall be i such form as shall be approved by the City Attorney a d shal l have uch Surety as shall be approved by the Director of Fi ance and Ma agement Services; Page 2 of 4 , , I , . . . ' . ' . (I� �'�— /09� ' /��9 d. I,That said pe mittee and/or its successors in interest agrees to comply I with Chapte 125 of the 5aint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, I pertaining t street obstructions, in the course of installing or Irepa�r�ng sa d underground condu�t and pr�vate telephone cabie; e. That said un erground conduit and private telephone cable shall be removed or r located by and at the sole cost and expense of said permittee an /or its successors in interest whenever the Council of the City of S int Paui shail by Resolution determine such removal or , relocation n cessary in the public interest and accordingiy order the removal or r location of said underground conduit and private telephone ca le from said locations; f. hat said per ittee and/or its successors in interest shall, at its own ost and exp nse and in accordance with all applicable Ordinances of he City of S int Paul, Statutes of the State of Minnesota and egulations o public authority having cognizance, construct, maintain nd operate s id underground conduit and private telephone cable; g. hat said per ittee and/or its successors in interest shail fully ndemnify, hoid harmless and defend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, fficers and mployees from any and all damages, claims, losses, udgments, s its or expenses and on account of ali claims of whatever - ature for in j ry to persons and/or property arising out of or onnected wi h the construction, maintenance, operation and/or emoval of sa d underground conduit and telephone cable and by the ermission a authority granted herein; and that supplemental to all � ther obligati ns on their part, jointly and/or severaily, hereunder, � , aid permitte and/or its successors in interest shall furnish and aintain, and ay all premiums and other expenses therefor, Casualty I}�surance Cov rage w i th a duly 1 icer�sed Casual ty I nsurance Company, r�aming the pe mittee and the City as jointly insured to the extent of . $ OQ,000.00 f r in jury to any person and/or persons in any single i cident and t the extent of $200,000.00 for damage to property in a y singie acc dent and insuring the City of Saint Paui against liability o account of ll claims of third persans for injury to person(s) and/or p operty arisi g from or connected with the construction, aintenance, peration, relocation and/or removai of said underground c nduit and pr vate telephone cable hereunder at all times. The p rmittee shall furnish a certificate of this insurance policy, from t me to time, o the City of Saint Paui as described in paragraph (h) b low; Page 3 of 4 �� � . . ' �-��-�o�� CITY OP` SAINT PAUL ����� - OFFIC� OF THE CITY COIINCIL �o,...:� +a�un�e�ee e'�s���e - D a t e ; September 24, 1985 � COMMITTEE RE PORT . TO = ��I Sa�nt PQU I Cifiy Counci l F� � � � C O n1 it t e e O h ENERGY, UTILITIES � ENVIR01�4ENT I C H A I R Coi.mcilmember Kiki Sonnen Ordi ance grant' g St. Thomas College permission to construct, oper te and main ain conduit and private telephone cable tmder and . acro s certain p blic rights of way within the city. t its meet' g of August 28, 1985, the Energy, Utilitie� � d Envirorun nt Coimnittee recorranended approval of the bove ordin ce. C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � ..�... _ f , _ ,: : 5` >_ %l' l� _ _ �, �`' ,_ _- � _. ,� � __.._ .... . _ ._ . _ .::.._. _.. ._..__> - u._,;..... , ...�. _....... .�.. .,-. -- . : . , -� _ ' ,_ _ i. �• . - -. lst ' /� -- � 2nd t O-� —�1 t 3rd l �� -- .Adopted � � — �D-•�.� s � - i , _ i Yeas Nays DREW : ' --� � �,�=ft'r'� � t • �� r�saNZ /��y�/ :�,�f° � _ ; .�� ' NICOSIA �' ;: -- SCHEIBEL � '`�: � _ ! . SONNEN , . _ .4 , � � WILSON � MR. P ESIDENT TEDESCO � � � � � : __..: ,:.. _._._-- .. , _ , � � � . i .`� �, t� '�,; �� � •:��� � ,�t�� r _ _ 'F I , � . � . . . . . . �.eS F'�,i�_ .. . .. . . .. 'Ti. . . . . .�' ,�¢:'. ' � -�� • ... . ..�.. . � . . . _ ". .�L A�.a...