99-98Council File # 9 9—`� g' Green Sheet # 65102 Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To: Committee: Date i z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 71 12 73 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � RESOLVED, that the proper City officiats are hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract for fire suppression services at the VA Medical Center and Fort Snelling National Cemetery as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire and Safety Services; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financiai Services. Requested by Department of: �re & Safety Se c I3y: � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date �. ��`` Adopti,Qn Certified by Council Secretary: _���.�..�� u � � � � � ' � • _ • � . ' ( � y / i /"�/al �.+/!/ � Form t3y: by City t0 DEPqR]MEN'f/OFtiCFICOUNCIL DATEp�T11ATID \ ` � l u / Fire & Safety Services iizoi99 GREEN SH T NO. 65102 � CONiACTPERSONffiPHONE �( DEPARiA�N'I'D �4 CITYCO[INCrt. Assistant Cluef A1 Bataglia 228-6212 � crn nrco� � crrr c�.mx M[ISTeEONCAUNC¢,AGFNDABY(DA'!E) � eUDGEI'DlltE(,�I'pR � FIN,&MGI'.SERVICESDlit �3 MAYOA(ORASSIS'f � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUFS"I'ID To approve the attached Council Resolufion authorizing the Department of Fue & Safety Services to enter into a 5re protection contract for the VA Medical Center and Fort Snelling NaTional Cemetery. �ucom�wnnnotas:npp�.e�w)o�a�a�ca) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACl'SMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUE51TON5: �u,rm+wc CoNmussrox _rnll.SErsv[CE CAtw�as5[orv 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for Ntis depamnent7 _cm cormwrrg YES NO _a_srn�' 2. Hu this pecsoNfirm evu been a city employee? _DISTR[Cf C011RT YES NO sureoxrs wwcx co[mca oatECnve? 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not nolmally possessed by auy cuaent city employee? YES NO (Eaplain aIl yes answers on sepazate sdeet and attach to green sheet) QifSSA]1NGPROBLEM.1SSi3E, OPPORSUCII'tT (Wno, Whe43Jhen, Where, Why)� The City of Saint Paul Depaztment of Fire & Safety Services will provide fire proteclion response for the VA Medical Center and Naflonal Cemetery for an annual fee. ADVANIAGESQ�'qPPROVED Addirional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Department of Fire & Safety Services. DISADVANTAGESffAPPROVED. � None. DLSADVANTAGES OFNO'[ APPROVID Loss of potential revenue for ffie City. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION_�.ZOO,OOO�SVearS COST/REVENUEBUDGE'CED(CIRCLEONE) YFS NO F���,�so�� A����� GL - 735 - 55001 Ev.raucw,m�ow.unorv: �ecam7 DEPARTMENT OF FTKE AND SAFETY SER V ICES Timothy K. Fuller, Fire Chief '�� —��' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 100 East Eleventh Street Petephone: 612-224-7811 Saint Paul, MN SSI01 Facsimi[e: 612-228-6255 January 27, 1999 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT • The VA Medical Center contract for fire suppression protection, coupled with the associated contracts under this agreement, will generate 1.4 million dollars over the next five yeazs. • Included in the agreement is the use of equipment currently utilized by the VA Fire Department. Namely, one 1993 E-One 1250 G.P.M, fu11 response pumper, one cascade air supply system, and one Zodiac rescue boat. • Hiring of eight fully trained firefighters will assist in our staffing shortages in fire suppression. We currently have twenty-seven vacancies in that division. • The revenue generated will help support our fleet replacement program. • The Saint Paul Departznent of Fire and Safety Services continues to pursue innovative methods of sharing our resources to meet the needs of our larger community. Council File # 9 9—`� g' Green Sheet # 65102 Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To: Committee: Date i z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 71 12 73 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � RESOLVED, that the proper City officiats are hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract for fire suppression services at the VA Medical Center and Fort Snelling National Cemetery as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire and Safety Services; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financiai Services. Requested by Department of: �re & Safety Se c I3y: � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date �. ��`` Adopti,Qn Certified by Council Secretary: _���.�..�� u � � � � � ' � • _ • � . ' ( � y / i /"�/al �.+/!/ � Form t3y: by City t0 DEPqR]MEN'f/OFtiCFICOUNCIL DATEp�T11ATID \ ` � l u / Fire & Safety Services iizoi99 GREEN SH T NO. 65102 � CONiACTPERSONffiPHONE �( DEPARiA�N'I'D �4 CITYCO[INCrt. Assistant Cluef A1 Bataglia 228-6212 � crn nrco� � crrr c�.mx M[ISTeEONCAUNC¢,AGFNDABY(DA'!E) � eUDGEI'DlltE(,�I'pR � FIN,&MGI'.SERVICESDlit �3 MAYOA(ORASSIS'f � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUFS"I'ID To approve the attached Council Resolufion authorizing the Department of Fue & Safety Services to enter into a 5re protection contract for the VA Medical Center and Fort Snelling NaTional Cemetery. �ucom�wnnnotas:npp�.e�w)o�a�a�ca) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACl'SMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUE51TON5: �u,rm+wc CoNmussrox _rnll.SErsv[CE CAtw�as5[orv 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for Ntis depamnent7 _cm cormwrrg YES NO _a_srn�' 2. Hu this pecsoNfirm evu been a city employee? _DISTR[Cf C011RT YES NO sureoxrs wwcx co[mca oatECnve? 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not nolmally possessed by auy cuaent city employee? YES NO (Eaplain aIl yes answers on sepazate sdeet and attach to green sheet) QifSSA]1NGPROBLEM.1SSi3E, OPPORSUCII'tT (Wno, Whe43Jhen, Where, Why)� The City of Saint Paul Depaztment of Fire & Safety Services will provide fire proteclion response for the VA Medical Center and Naflonal Cemetery for an annual fee. ADVANIAGESQ�'qPPROVED Addirional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Department of Fire & Safety Services. DISADVANTAGESffAPPROVED. � None. DLSADVANTAGES OFNO'[ APPROVID Loss of potential revenue for ffie City. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION_�.ZOO,OOO�SVearS COST/REVENUEBUDGE'CED(CIRCLEONE) YFS NO F���,�so�� A����� GL - 735 - 55001 Ev.raucw,m�ow.unorv: �ecam7 DEPARTMENT OF FTKE AND SAFETY SER V ICES Timothy K. Fuller, Fire Chief '�� —��' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 100 East Eleventh Street Petephone: 612-224-7811 Saint Paul, MN SSI01 Facsimi[e: 612-228-6255 January 27, 1999 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT • The VA Medical Center contract for fire suppression protection, coupled with the associated contracts under this agreement, will generate 1.4 million dollars over the next five yeazs. • Included in the agreement is the use of equipment currently utilized by the VA Fire Department. Namely, one 1993 E-One 1250 G.P.M, fu11 response pumper, one cascade air supply system, and one Zodiac rescue boat. • Hiring of eight fully trained firefighters will assist in our staffing shortages in fire suppression. We currently have twenty-seven vacancies in that division. • The revenue generated will help support our fleet replacement program. • The Saint Paul Departznent of Fire and Safety Services continues to pursue innovative methods of sharing our resources to meet the needs of our larger community. Council File # 9 9—`� g' Green Sheet # 65102 Presented By: RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Referred To: Committee: Date i z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 71 12 73 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 � 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 � RESOLVED, that the proper City officiats are hereby authorized and directed to enter into contract for fire suppression services at the VA Medical Center and Fort Snelling National Cemetery as provided by Saint Paul's Department of Fire and Safety Services; a copy of said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Office of Financiai Services. Requested by Department of: �re & Safety Se c I3y: � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date �. ��`` Adopti,Qn Certified by Council Secretary: _���.�..�� u � � � � � ' � • _ • � . ' ( � y / i /"�/al �.+/!/ � Form t3y: by City t0 DEPqR]MEN'f/OFtiCFICOUNCIL DATEp�T11ATID \ ` � l u / Fire & Safety Services iizoi99 GREEN SH T NO. 65102 � CONiACTPERSONffiPHONE �( DEPARiA�N'I'D �4 CITYCO[INCrt. Assistant Cluef A1 Bataglia 228-6212 � crn nrco� � crrr c�.mx M[ISTeEONCAUNC¢,AGFNDABY(DA'!E) � eUDGEI'DlltE(,�I'pR � FIN,&MGI'.SERVICESDlit �3 MAYOA(ORASSIS'f � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CIIONREQUFS"I'ID To approve the attached Council Resolufion authorizing the Department of Fue & Safety Services to enter into a 5re protection contract for the VA Medical Center and Fort Snelling NaTional Cemetery. �ucom�wnnnotas:npp�.e�w)o�a�a�ca) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACl'SMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUE51TON5: �u,rm+wc CoNmussrox _rnll.SErsv[CE CAtw�as5[orv 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for Ntis depamnent7 _cm cormwrrg YES NO _a_srn�' 2. Hu this pecsoNfirm evu been a city employee? _DISTR[Cf C011RT YES NO sureoxrs wwcx co[mca oatECnve? 3. Does this person/fum possess a skill not nolmally possessed by auy cuaent city employee? YES NO (Eaplain aIl yes answers on sepazate sdeet and attach to green sheet) QifSSA]1NGPROBLEM.1SSi3E, OPPORSUCII'tT (Wno, Whe43Jhen, Where, Why)� The City of Saint Paul Depaztment of Fire & Safety Services will provide fire proteclion response for the VA Medical Center and Naflonal Cemetery for an annual fee. ADVANIAGESQ�'qPPROVED Addirional revenues will be generated by the Saint Paul Department of Fire & Safety Services. DISADVANTAGESffAPPROVED. � None. DLSADVANTAGES OFNO'[ APPROVID Loss of potential revenue for ffie City. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION_�.ZOO,OOO�SVearS COST/REVENUEBUDGE'CED(CIRCLEONE) YFS NO F���,�so�� A����� GL - 735 - 55001 Ev.raucw,m�ow.unorv: �ecam7 DEPARTMENT OF FTKE AND SAFETY SER V ICES Timothy K. Fuller, Fire Chief '�� —��' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor 100 East Eleventh Street Petephone: 612-224-7811 Saint Paul, MN SSI01 Facsimi[e: 612-228-6255 January 27, 1999 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION CONTRACT • The VA Medical Center contract for fire suppression protection, coupled with the associated contracts under this agreement, will generate 1.4 million dollars over the next five yeazs. • Included in the agreement is the use of equipment currently utilized by the VA Fire Department. Namely, one 1993 E-One 1250 G.P.M, fu11 response pumper, one cascade air supply system, and one Zodiac rescue boat. • Hiring of eight fully trained firefighters will assist in our staffing shortages in fire suppression. We currently have twenty-seven vacancies in that division. • The revenue generated will help support our fleet replacement program. • The Saint Paul Departznent of Fire and Safety Services continues to pursue innovative methods of sharing our resources to meet the needs of our larger community.