85-1080 WHITE - CiTV CLERK
BLUE - M�AVOR File NO. � /O`+ �
' , C n il Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHERE S, two co plaints have been filed a�ainst the Directo�_
of the St. Paul Depa tment of Human Rights,�with the��a�� Depart- `
____ _.
ment of Hu an Rights and '��------� �-"-"-" �
_ _ __.___ --
WHERE S, the Ci y Attorney cannot, by reason of the divergence
of their i terests, epresent both the Director and the Department
� in legal r presentat on; and
WHERE S, Sectio 5 . 02 of the City Charter permits the appoint-
ment of sp cial coun el where "by reason of interest" the City
Attorney i unable t act in behalf of the City or any of its
department ; and
WHERE S, it app ars that this is an appropriate case for
the appoin ment of S ecial Counsel, and the City Attorney has so
requested; now, ther fore, be it
RESO� ED, that illiam Tilton, Attorney at Law, is hereby
appoinf-_e� �co represe t the Director of the Department, Johannes
Huyen for the purpos of handling the complaints of Beverly Wickstromo
and Linda ahlen, wh' ch complaints are pending in the State Depart-
ment of HL an Rights; and, be it
FURT ER RESOLVE , that the fee for such services shall be
$50 . 00 pe hour, pro ided, however, tPiat the total fee shall not
be in exc ss of a re sonable fee having reference to DR2-106 of
the Code f Professi nal Responsibility and counsel shall submi�c
monthly, itemized st tements; and, be it
FURT ER RESOLVE , that the interests of the City and t�e
City Depa tment of H man Rights will continue to be represented
by the Ci y Attorney' s Office in the above matters.
COU[V(,'ILNJEN Requested by Depar ent of:
Yeas ,SQ� Nays
Drew , [n Favor
scneibe� � __ Against BY
Adopted by Council: ate UG � � 1955 Form Approved by City Attorney
Certified Pa s ouncil S tar . � ��-�• �����
By �
tlppro e by Ylavor: Date U�7 1 � Appro ed by Mayor for Sub ' s n to ouncil
gy By
' 19�85
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