85-1064 PIZ/KE � �FINA CE RK . t CANARV -DEPARTMENT '��, GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIIClI / BLUE -MAYOR File NO. �� �/O C , 0 n�nce Ordinance N 0. l�.� 7 �_ � Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Commi tee By Date � An Ord nance designating the Church of St. Ag es as a Heritage Preservation Site. THE COUIV�IL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PRUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . Pur�uant to t e authority contained in Chapter 73 of the Legislat ve Code , pon the request of the Heritage Preservation Commissi n of the ity of Saint Paul and after having duly con- sidered he matter at a public hearing held in accordance with the said ordinance , the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby d signate t e following described property to be a Heri- tage Pre ervation ite. �hurch of t. Agnes , 548 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul , Iy�Iinnesota, on property legally described as Lo�s 1- � and 16-1 of Smith' s Subdivision and Block 2, 6 , 7 , , of Stin on' s Division. I Section 2. ThelPreservat' on Program for this heritage site is stated as follows. � CHURCH OF 5T. AGNES ' Preservation Program '�he exteri r appearance of the building should be �reserved i a manner consistent with the original design int t. Any additions or alterations that Would obsc re or detract from the architectural 'ntegrity or historic character of the building COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay� Fletcher j oreW ! [n Favor Masanz ' Nicosia B scnetbei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: , Date Form Approved by it Attorney Certified Passed by Coun il Secretary BY F3y Approved by Mayor: Dat� Approved by Mayor r Submissio to Council BY BY , PlplKE �-�FINANCERK COUIICII CANARV -DEPARTMENT j ITY OF SAINT PAZTL 1 /� BIUE - MAVOR ��,, Flle NO. �� /�"� • Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. 17� / w Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By Date � �r its sit should be avoided. � Section 3. Thi ordinanc shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) day from and after its passage , approval and publication. I I � 2. i COUNCILMEN I Yeas Na � Requested by Department of: Y *fal�hs► o►aw In Favor Masanz Nicosia Q B scneibe� Against Y Tedesco YVilav�n ; ��p� � AU � 9 l�J Form Approved by i Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P ed oun il S ta BY By Approve Mayor: Da e SEP - 1985 Approved by May r for Submission to Council B ' By PUBUSHED EP -7 198'S � � � � � • 'G ���._-� ' . �� — �� 1 � . � � � � N C�' STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � ' Cou ty of Ramsey ) ss. CITY F SAINT PAUL ) , I� . . . . .Albert.B:.Olson. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the City o Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have 85-1064 compar d the attached copy of Council File :�o. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . a - - as ado ted by the City Council. . , , .August.2.9. . . . . . . . . . . . . ig.85 , . . � and ap roved by the Mayor. . . .. . . . ,.September.4: , . . , , . . _ . . 19 85 � . . . . � Q �vith t e original thereof on file in my offic�. d `t� I furr.her certify rhat said copy is a true and correct copq of sai original and the whole thereof. LJ TPrF.SS my hand and tlie seal of the City of S3int E'�ul, �iinnes ta this . . . . . .4th. , . . , day of , , .September. . . . . .A.D. 19 85 . .., �,'i r, ; y . . . . . . . .�. ���r� �, . . .. . . . . . � �`�.. . . . . . . City Clerk. <.; ,�.� 1�-,:�', „ ks, . ,.�,; X, � � f � �� 1. �,� }������` � ���' ^, �, g.. .I V. ^*�� �'����r^�� TI . � Y i s:s ' ;;j , � _ .: 'T�z z ? � , �;��� ;; a � . � . k ��� A ",�r . . � �,. , . . p} 4s.:. � a �. ' �ti.�. ��� �' �:� �. � 4�9�9 6 � $ I Q. � (� -- =1 .;�f � � � � P�NK- _F�MAN�E��� ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � C 1NAR�.- DEF'ARTMENT /„�I� D � F].UE � MAYUR Flle NO. <� �/ .r . . , � /LbL/LCG Ordinance N 0. l�.� 7 �_ S Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordi ance designating the Church of St. Agn s as a Heritage Preservation Site. THE COUNC'IL OF THE ITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Section 1 . Pursuant �;o th authority contained in Chapter 73 of the Legislative Code, u on the request of the Heritage Preservation Commission of the C ' ty of Saint Paul and after having duly con- sidered the matter t a public hearing held in accordance with the said brdinances the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby de ignate th following describ�d property to be a Heri- tage Pres�rvation S te. � Ct�urch of S . Agnes, 548 Lafond Avenue, Saint Paul , �► M�nnesota, n property legally described as Lo�s 1- �°'1 3 and 16-18 of Smith' s Subdivision and Block 2, 6, 7, � 8, of Stins n' s Division. � Section 2. The Preservati n Pragram for this heritage site is stated as follow�. i CHURCH OF ST. AGNES I Preservation Program THe exterio appearance of the building should be preserved i a manner consistent with the original design inte t. Any additions or alterations that w4uld obscu e or detract from the architectural ir�tegrity o historic character of the building COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fleteher Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia B scneibei Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: �ate Form AQproved by it Attorney Certified Passed by Counci� Secretary By F3y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor r Submissio to Couacil By gy � PINK - FINANCE � CANAR`j -D�PORTMENT I TY OF SA I NT � PA U L ` Council J� B'_UE - MAYOR File NO. �� /`� �� .J � O��LZIZG��IZCP. Ordinance NO. ,j7a � � Presented B� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit�ee By Date � ar its site should be avoided. � Section 3. � � This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty � (30) days� from and iter its passage, approval and publication. �i 2. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Depactment of: �Pteteher�q.�.. � Drew jR FaVOC h9asanz Nicosla O Scheibal A gai n s t BY Tedesco V1Fitsorr AUG 2 9 198� Form Approved by i y Attorney Adopted by Councii: �ate Certified P ed ouncil S ta By By Approve b Mayor• Date CP — 1{ �S$� Approved by May r for Submission to Courecil B gy � , i . � ? Do g � � � ^ �. � ca 0 � r.� � ; -1 o �, • � `;, u' i� C? D C. N � � � m j � c m 0 Rt fD - Ll •� .''�. � n = y � p � _ � � 01 � � � Zn ° � ��.,a � � o � Z #'J �� c � � � � 3 o n �,a a w � N �m �. `� r-� ' N � A - -. 3-^' cc � � � .,. � O , .� � a g �, - � � D �- � o � � � o ?�► � o � "�� �:.. c"s N � _ � � � r �N � � �' � .�_. Z ��,`�c � °: w N �n a (� � .. p .. � C C �' � � . � � � � \ C � �C -r ;� , � ,;. �. �: x. r,� • � � C� � ; � __ -� �� �,��L/ ; �t � .._' ,� , �,T, � - .. ,,w 1 .��� _ �4 . . � ' ,. - . � � . . . . , . -. � �a��i . . , � I .. � . . . - . . . .. . J� �A4. . . ' .. � � � I.. . . � .... �. . � _ : .� . . . 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Wi�I you . please p�tepare the p r ordinarice implementing this action. ' . ; _ _ _ - _ - _ . �: ,. , , . _ ,: ' Yery. tru]�y.yours, - : ' - � _ � : > . _ , _. , t .. .. ; . , A],bert 8:�� olson ' " ' - � . `'`City C1e�Jc . ° .� . :: " , .- _ _ . ,. . : �. .. „ . , � , .. :, . , . ABO:th ; : t , ; . . .'� � .. - . _, . . ,., ; t . . , . . . .. � � .. t. , �, � , .. . , ,.. , .. - cc: Tan ahn - ; . _ . : ; , , . , ,. . ; K , ., . . � . : . � ':Heri age;Preserv tion'Staf f � „�;_, � ,, : � - - , . , < ,. , , • - . . , E: . ..,. , - ; , - �. , , - . ._ . � � . . . � e � . . . - . _ - � _ , _. _ � �; . , .. . _ . _ _,. � . ,;. :. . . > _ ._, . . , , . ,. i: . - . . ,: . _ . _ . , : ,�;: . _ _ ;� _ : - ,,. . . , ,_, , . ._, . ,. . _ ,. , . . . : - , !� . � . : _ . - � - , .. .. . . � _ . - _� _ - , . . _ , .� .,,, ..� : ' . _ - � - .. , . _ _ �., .:, , .:- . w - � ; _ .,�. . . . _ . . . , . , •- . - - ._ _ „ . . . ,� __ n .... .r. .: - . ,.; _ . .. _ _ . . - _ - , . _ . _ , . . , . . . . l z. . - � � �.�� . : . -. - - 'i �:' �: � . � , � � �n V: �. ; ��,,. - _� .1 �:n - - "a'� T,.�3 r.F _ :,,� - .. . ��.. , r ' _ . _:.__ �°._ _ .__.�w:_ ._..___ ..__:_ ._.__.___.____-- "=_ --- , _.-:. . . -, - � ��. __� i .. � _ _ , . _ : a . : �_. � , ,, ��,�-��a�oy � - . � � n y - . _ • _ j: .- .: _ `' . .;:; _ _ . _ • �: . ,. ,.,.. , , . � ' _ . - . - . _— � . ; . ._ : , ` , :, ...:. f,. i . , _ , , • _ _.,, , ` .''. .+ : #� " _ , . , I , - . _< � . -- �� _ ,:. � - � � - , . ., _ . .. ,� _ , . , . ,. . , _ . ; ,. - , � . ; - . i . ' . i,., - �. � . May 13� 1';985 ., . _ ' � - . :: ,� � - � , � ., ;. � : _ _ . , . � , . , , . _ , . ; : ,. : ... . . . _ . . �a -. , � . � , r .. . , � :.. - - . _ .. .. . . , � _ ; . �.° ; # . �. . _ _. : . , . _ _ ,: _ - - , , - _ vI�,R S 4r� 1 , ' ' ' . }� ' ' � St.' Pau1. Dispatch-Pio eer Press" _ 55 E. Foulrth:Street . � " : St. Paul,`,-Mi.nnesota 5101� = - ' . ` _ ' . r �.. Y � �:.. _ � � �� �Attention�: Jane - °� �t� Gentlemen� - � - .. �'. � _. . � � . _ " _ �.Enclosed ��s. a notice f Public Elearin . _ g Would you p].ease print it .- . .. _ _ , r _ : . ., _ 'in the.Di�patch-Pione r Presg on Saturday,� May 18, :I985. ` - ' _ , . . Please-biXl City Cler contract No.: 1482. ' � ' - �~ �- ' � Yours tru�y, ' - ~ - _ _� �, =Albert B. l02son � _ City;Cler � ,� - ` ` - . ....._ fi _ rt �f'fQli l.Si , .t � Y . ���� - . ��� � . � �`L'1iC.� �.,� ' _ s• . � . _:� ,.� ' . � .... ��� ' . . . � . 1 . . : � � :'1 . . � . . - .. . � . � . � . 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Ma 7,. :1985• � . ; , . .- . . ., : . . i� y ; _ �. . - � � . _ , _ � �. .� - � - � . i. . .. •. .- . . , _ - ;,, - . •. , . _ r: 1 f . . . '.� �.. . . '��. �',� , .� � .� " . , � . ,. . .. .,. .t . � -� ��., . _ �. . . �., ' �.�,� ; .. - ;. ' '� • '_. ' . t . , d . . . • �:. . .. _ . ..-� . .. -. T i . . - - .� . _�. . ; . . . .. -� .,,.. �.,, .,�.. .., . ,.. . . ' - . � . _ . ._: . , . . - . �. . �_ . . . , . �. . .. , . � . . . _ Mr. Totn �ahrt - � , _ , ; .� , . . .. Heritage'Presertratio " ;.� , _ - � �a-nais��on Staff ` �' ; � l l�t► Floqr> `City Hal Annex. - � :-..: H � . ., � L/CCiL Sl�i` . . ...4k �� ,:_ �.. . . . . . .. II � , . � . r `�.3�� .. , . .. , . � - . � ..�,.. . � . . .';." ' .. ` � . :. '` .. , << . . The City �ouncil' set date of hearing� for June 20, I985 to consider � recommenc3�tions of th Heritage Preservation Commi�sion that seventeen propertie� be designa ed as Herirage Preservation sites. WiZl you please �- 7, . � � �send prop�r notice to ro ;> _ _ ; . , �.. , _ �� ��'" - p perty owners as requrired by law. Ttiis office �'p'D� wi11 take the necessa ste to c ' _ ps omply with the publication r�quirements._:,,,__ �: . . ,. . �- .. ' ,Very trul�r yours, ` ,'• . � E . . . . , ,: . � .. - , , . :- � , _ _ . . , . . . . , , . - - : . ; - : , , .,. , . , .- .�. _. :. . : , - .. Albert B.;tOlson , _I • , _ : . � � - _ . �� �� � � � , - Cit . y Clerl� " � . :. : . ; , � _ • _ ABO:th � . - - � 1 . � �. 1- � ,• - . � � . . , •^. .. . . ' ..� . . � � - , ' i � . . . ' . . . . _ .. .. �. � . . . . e� ..... .. :. ' . .. " . .. � ��. � '. ..� _''. . . . . . �. . . . �. . �.. ' . . . . ',`. . :' � .: . . .. . � . " ��: J ... � . . � . _. _ . . _ • . . ., . � .. . ..,. 3 . . � . ., ' . . . . . .�. . . . . - .. . . . . . .. . . . ' "• .,._ . -.'. . .. . . . .` �_ . . ' .. . +.... ' ._ - . 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' ^' . . . . ... , � . - ... .� . ; _ . ,. .. .. , -�,... . , � _ . . - .. i.: � �� � �' � '�� � - , _ i' � ' . . ,.� . � � . , , �.. . . - . .. , .. . ,: i - . .., . _ . . . ,.. .�� .,.� �. . .:� �, . .: .�-.:. " �.: ;. . . ,. , t . ,, y , ��,,, o, . , . '' ��/D!o �-' * " CITY OF SAINT PAUL =.� ����,��; v HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSiON . ..� ,... 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota.55102 612-292-1577 GEORGE lAT1MER �MYOR March 5, 1985 Council President Victor T desco and Members of �he Gity Counci City Hall • Saint Paul , Mininesota 5510 Dear President Tedesco and Members of the City Councii : The Heritage Preservation ommission respectfully submits to �he City Council its recommendation that the following 6uildings 6e designated as Heritage Preservation Sites: 1. 1Jilliam and Catherin Davern Farmhouse, 1173 Davern Street 2. Pierce and Walter Butler pouble House, 1345-47 Summit Avenue 3, The Rau-Strong House nd Carriage House, 2 East George Street 4. Charles W, Schneider ouse, 1750 Ames Place - - 5. Vienna and Earl Apart ent Buildings, 682-88 Holly Avenue 6. Salvation Army Women' Home and Hospital , 1471 W. Coma Avenue 7. Minnesota Boat Ciub B athouse, 1 S. Wabasha Street - 8. St. Anthor�y Park Bran h Library, 2245 W. Como Avenue 9. Riverview :Branch Libr ry, 1 East George Street I0. Arlington �iills Brarrc Library, 1105 Greenbrier Street 12. Triune Masonic Temple 1898 Iglehart Avenue 12. A.J. Krank Manufacturing Company Building, 1855 l�l. University Avenue 13. Como Shops, 1269 Ener y Park Orive 14. Church of St. Casimir, 937 E. Jessamine 15. Church of 5t. Bernard, 197 W. Geranium Avenue 16. Central Pr�sbyterian Church, 500 Cedar Street U. Church of $t. Agnes, 5 8 Lafond Avenue ; V. , �, �- . : � . . . ,� � � - " �s-�a�y yarch 5, 1985 Council President Victor edesco and Members of th� City Counc 1 Pa ge Two . These sites weire all give thorough consideration by the Commission and underwent official hearing procedur . As required byjordinance, preservation program for each site is enclosed. Also enclosed is th� resolution of the Planning Commission from their required review of the sites. For further� information, please contact Thomas Zahn of the Heritage Preservation staff at 292- 577, extension 297, Sincerely, � �:Q'.�t�C� �/ ��,G , Keith McCormick, Chair Heritage Preservation Comm ssio KMc:pmk enclosures _ _. _ ,_:_ cc: Mayor Geor�e Latimer � City Clerk's Office City Attorhey's Office � Assessment� Division � 'I j i . � . �� . . � � , • � . . - - _ 1`� ��/��,� Church of St. Bernard � The Church of St. Bern rd, completed in 1914, combines Sullivanesque, Viennese and Art NouNeau design elements 1n a convincing and innovative design by architect John Jager. The church was organized as a German Catholic parish, and is a priominent ins itution and notable feature of the skyline of St. Paul ' s North End neigh orhood. The exterior appearance of the building should be pre�erveld in a mann r consistent with the original design intent. Any additions or alteratio s that would obscure or detract from the architectural integrity or historic haracter of the building or its site should be avoided. Central Prefibyterian C urch Central Pre byterian C urch, built in 1888-1890, is significant as one of St. Paul ' s earl�est Presbyterian congregations established in 1552, as one of the city's fine5t Richards ian Romanesque style churches, and one of few St. P aul designs of accomplished Minneapolis architect Warren Hayes, a specialist in church design credited ith developing the "diagonal form" of auditorium �nployed in this church. The exterior appearance of the church should be preserved i�h a manner c nsistent with the original design intent. Any additions or alterati ns that would obscure or detract from the architectural integrity of historic�character o the building or its site should be avoided. Church of S�. Agnes The Church �f St. Agnes completed in 1912, is a sophisticated Baroque- inspired, f�nely detail d limestone building whose 205' tall spire towers over the Frogtowh neighborho d. It has played an impartant role in the social and cultural history c?f the German, Hungarian and Austrian immigrant_community of the surrounding r.���ghbo hood. The exterior appearance of the building should be preserved in m:r�ner onsistent with the original design intent. Any additions or� alteration that would obscure or detract from the architectural integrity or historic c aracter of the building or its site should be avoided. I � 4 � • •� � . . • ' , �.s /o��/ city of saint p ul heritage preser ation comm�ss�on reso(utlor� f ile nur��ber 851 date► January 16, 19 5 'aNEREAS, the Heritage Prese vation Commission (HPC) is authorized by the Heritage ?reservation Ordllinance (St. Paul Ordinance #16006) to recommend buildings to the City's list of Heritage Preservati n Sites ; and 'aHEREAS, the Candidates Committee of the HPC has reviewed the nomination of the following as Heritage Preser ation Sites : - 1. William and Catherine D vern Farmhouse, built ca. 18f�2, 1173 S. Davern Street; 2. Butler Hous�, built 190 , 1345-47. Summit Avenue; 3. Rau-Strong F�ouse, built 1884, 2 E. George Street; 4. Charles W. 5chneider No se, built 1890, 1750 E. Ames Place; 5. Vienna Flats, built 197 , 628-88 Holly Avenue; 6. Salvation Anmy Women's �me and Hospital , built 191Z, 7. Minnesota Baat Club Boa house, built 1910, 1 S. 1471 Como Avenue; 8. Arlington Hills Branch ibrary, bui.lt 1916, 1105WGbeenbrSereStreet; 9. Riverview Br�anch Librar , built 1916, 1 E. George Street; 10. St. Anthony '�Park Branch Library, built 19I6, 11. Triune Mason�c Temple, uilt 1910, 1898 IglehartSAvenuem� Avenue; I2. Krank Building, built 1 26, 1855 W. - � 13. Coma Sho s University Avenue; P , built 1885�1920, 1269 Energy Park Drive; 14. Church of St, Cas9mir, b ilt 1904, 937 E. Jessamine Avenue; 15. Church of St Bernard, b ilt 1905-1914, 197 W. 16. Central Pres�yterian Chu ch, built 1888-1890, 500rCedar Street; IT. Church of St Agnes, � bui t 1901-1912, 548 Lafond Avenue; and aHEREAS, the HPC held a publi hearing to consider the nominations and receive public testimony regardir�g said site on December 13, 1984; and �HEREAS, the Candi�,dates Commi tee evaluated the ' against the criterl�d set fort in the Heritage PPeservation�Ordinancee a dsaid sites � '�HEREAS, public te5timony reg rding designation of said sites as Neritage Preservation Sites has been in support of such designation ; and 'aHEREAS, the St. P�ul Planning Commission has reviewed the sites as St. Paul �Ieritage Pre ervation Sites and has foundPthemsto besconsistent withd the St. Paul Comprehensive Pla : `IOW, TNEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the St. Paul Heritage Preservatian Commission that the said sites are hereby reco mended to the City Council for designation as Neritage Preservation Sites� moved b � seconde by in favor g � against _ � ! r V .. • • � . � • ` _ • . . . � � �s=�o�� city of saint paul planning �ommi 'on resolution fil� number 85- ._:_. date 1�11�85 WHEREAS, the Saint Pau Heritage Preservation Ordinance requires Planning Commission review of p oposed designation of Heritage Preservation Sites for co�sistency! with the S int P aul Comprehensive Plan, effect on the surrounding neighborhoo�d, and any ther planning consideration which may be relevant to the proposed� designation, ogether 4V1tI1 fts recorr�mendation of approval, rejection ar modification of the pr posed designation; and WNEREAS, the Saint Pau1 Planning Gomnission has reviewed the proposed designatio�s of the: . 1. W�iliam and C therine Davern 9. St. Anthony Park Branch � F rmnouse Library 2. B�tler House 10. Triune Masonic Tem le 3. R u-Strong Ho se lI. Krank Building p 4. C�arles ��J. Sc neider House 12. Church of St. Casimir 5. V�,enna Flats 13. Church of St. Bernard 6. Salvation Arm t�lomen's 14. Church of St. Agnes Hqme and Hosp tal 15. Central Presbyterian Church 7. Arlingtan Hil s Branch library 16. Minnesota Boat CTub Boathouse 8. Riverview Bra ch Library 17. Como Shops as Saint Paull Heritage reservation Sites; and WNEREAS, the Planning C rrgnission has found the proposed designations ta be consistent w�th the Sai t P aul Comprehensive Plan; and . WHEREAS, all ' of these s ructures are "neighborhood landmarks" that have a positive eff�ct on their surroundings; NOW, THEREFO�E, 8E IT RE OLyED, by the Saint Pau1 Planning Commission, that designation of these sit s as Saint P aul Heritage Preservation Sites is consistent with the Sain P aul Comprehensive Plan; and BE IT FURTHE� RESOLVED, hat the Planning Cornnission recommends approval of the proposed designation of hese sites; and FURTHER, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Comnission`s findings be transmftted to the Heritaqge Preserva ion Commission, ��layor, and City Council for their consideration�. . mov�d by I M Donell ` ____ �����e� � I dihar r .,.,�„�� in favor �S �o;� �ote . against o � � - _ __�._.__._.- --.._ ��:;►:;- ' • � /D�� .c" �s-�. . . �r..,. •, ��` �,lJ-_— . ..�.�.� �C O� s��;li�T�T �AUL `D•�ti/` � F�'1.�+� • ' , . . . � ��� u��; .� O�'�'ZC;..rt.. O� T�IC CZTY COIIitiTCxL �-� � ...,,... t:: . �.., �-C�i',..:..r��t:. 'r,'-' ;_�`�"��`'��;,� � D a t e : Apri 1 29, 1985 �:�_Y.....:� ~ C0 �� �T'i � � F� L P0 �?? T , . ; TO : . Sctan3 P � � �ii� Cac�n�ii ° .' F�? a {� = �fl��77 I fi o� �� Ci ty Development and Transportati on C�-IAIR illiam L. Wilson 1 . Resolut "on requzstirig that the F�lannina Commission conduct � "�0 acre" study and presen�C the Councii wit.h i�t �dvice and recommendation concerning the propose amendment to Section 6U.2�i of �the Loning Code p rta i n i ng -to adu t t uses ar=c1 1 i censed 1 i Guor establishments (Committee recommends approval as arnended �- �et 'r_�r of�-t�rt�- Heritage Preservat� ion Commission recomme cli��_..prQpPrties as listed be designated as Ner i ta�� Nreser vat i on S i tes (C�mrn i ttee recomirrends -- _.... . approva 1 ) .'� . An ord i �nce arnend i nc� Chap�_�r 50 0� �chP L.eg i s 1 a�t i ve . �, Code a the City ofi St. P�ul pertainincr to th� ins�oli tion of smoke detectors in single famiiy dwellin_ s (Committ�e recomrnends a�pr�vai as arn�nded} � i � CITY HALL � S VENTH FLOOR • - SAI�:T PAUL. titi�iNESOTA SSIt?? -.�,.„ .,;.,� ., f: a. _�F .T:s:. QT'i'.°� � ,. }r ;. aesr q v € t y f i "s'����::�=•�', �'�TM�'�'�j' ,.�r� :�:�{s,4+k -t y .. � : �-��:. : �`�'?�°a��,.. � .t`�:- r gJ � .�.� �, Yf h ��$� �::: i "f 3��'��{ "1 ..i.,�,�a��� "k'�` ��` � �r;.. .y . } F '� �. )q2°�,.� � S� P '.4 k Y '��,'^kf Y ' �bD� � #a' . � �.-FM}.n r . � J�Yx,�. c .��rt � r*�.�,»S��. . °'� � f'f� �'J..-a�i� r;. r e � �.,t u a�w,Y;�x� '� .; �.r�.L�r ..} y -� . � ' � ,. r }'�, v i. �, : '�- d .: .:`.�'vt� r t� '?� g.. s ss�r .,;v�-fi�"+..t�'`y,,��r �.� , � Z i,tw,. '�°� '��y`�;��^�"�� ,Ar t+�:z �r:f'����• x '-�' ), �5, ���.'� ^�,�s `'� x -�,,. �.�s k: � � � 7� ..�.�a s�' , i ..y� �`:.+:�� '';�t u 8�:� M� � .;����i. 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C.�. 85-1075 t ru C.F. 85-1077 I . � � RAMSEY COUP�TY RECORDER By I �, � . g�,�o�f� . . - • , NOTICE OF PURLIC HEARIIVG ' � Notice is he by given that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul will hold a public hearing the Council Chambers,3rd floor City Hall and Gourt House,at 10:00 A.M.on Ju e 2 1985 to consider the designation of the following properties �s�'�itage Pr ervation Sites as recommended by the St. Paul Heritage � Preseivation Co ission: 1. William and atherine Davem Farmhouse, 1173 Davern Street 2. Pierce and W lter Butler pouble House,1345-47 Sumrr►it Avenue � 3. The Rau-Stro g House and Carriage House, 2 East George Street � '4. Charles W. eider House, 1750 Ames Place I . 5. Vienna and E rl Apartment Buildings,682-88 Hoily Avenue ! I 6. Salvation A y Women's Home and Hospital, 1471 W.Como Avenue ! 7• Minnesota Bo t Club Boathouse, 1 S. Wabasha Street ' I '8. St. Anthony ark Branch Library,2245 W.Como Avenue � •9. Kiverview B nch Library, 1 East George$treet 'I 10. Arlington Hil s Braneh Library, 1105 Greenbrier Street 11..Triune Mason Temple, 1898 Iglehart Avenue � 12. A.J. Krank M nufac�uring Company Building, 1855 W.University Avenue I 1k3. Como Shogs,� 69 Energy Pazk Drive 14. Church of St. asimir,937 E.Jessamine � 15. Chu�h of St. ernazd,197 W.Geranium Avenue 16. Central Presb terian Church,`500 Cedar Street � 1'�. Chumh of St. nes,54$Iafond Avenue � � I�iformation on th historicai significance of these properties is on file in the � Planning Section f the Department of Planning and Economic Development I Djepartment,locaE d on the�lth floor in the City Hall Annex and may be viewed there uPon request : . . . � . Dated May 20, 985. I AT.BERT B. OLSO ,City Clerk • � .� , . _ �May 18. 1985) ' ^ i ---_ _ . , � _ i I I . ,, � -� s ' . � � � + • �,5-/a�vy AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE 4F 11�INNE50T COUNTY OE RAMSEY ROSEMRRY J FRP,NR � being _ _ � � duly sworn on oath, says: that he is, and during all times herein stated has been, Clerk of the Northwest Notices Publications, Inc., publisher of the newspaper known � PibBL�IC HEA ING �o,��e �s hereby given �tiat as the St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch, a newspaper ne c��,.co�����or,ne afy or of general eireulation within the City of St. Paul �nd �aint Pa�l will hold a public �,� �earing�n the Council Cham- t}]e L',OUllty Of RSI1lSCy. �ers, 3rtl floor City Nall nnd � � - io�rt Woux,af 10:00 A,M.on June 1985 to coosider the � a•following � properties as Heritage Pres- � That the Notice hereto attached W$S Cllt from the ervatioq Sltes as recommend- r ;ed by ihe St. Paul Heritags . COIl1ITlI1S Ol S81d newspaper and was printed and pub- :Preservatton Gommission: '� 1.WiHiam a�a cathe���e � :; � lished therein on the following dates: I Daverh Farmhoux, 1173 . ' Daver�A Street � _ � 2.Pierke antl Walter But=- . ler poLble House, 13a5-67 . S�mmH Avenue � 3. The i Rau-Sirong Houx � .�+ 1 O 4,11 day of May , 19 8� and Cbrriags House, 2 t East Glorge Street � � . 4. Chaflez W. Schneidsr � - House,p1750 Ames Place � ment�Buildi ysr168 88 � ►,o��,.A�e��e { day of , 19 6. Salv�tion Army Wom- � � � � en's H me and Hospital, � 747Minh sotaABOateClub � (i$V Of � 19 BoathoVx. 1 5. Wabasha ✓ Street 8. St.��Anibony Park . - ;-(�.. . .---- .. . BranM Lib�ary, nas w. � clay of _ , 17 Como Apenue 9. Rivstview Bronch Li- - brary, ,T 6ast--Georgs-------�--- Street (l 70.Arlinpton Hills Branch .d$y OF . � 1 7 � Librory, 7105 G�menbrier� � Sireet 11.Triu�ne Masonic Tem• r P2e�A.�J8.1Krank Manu}c- dfly Ol � 19 � turing Clpmpany Building, 7855 W. University Ave- nue y , ergy Pa�1k Drive 1469 En- ddy Of � 1 7 14.Churth ot St.Gasimir, 937 E'Je{sa mine )5.Churah of St.Bsrnard, � 197 W.GlraMum Aveeue ib. Central Presbyterianr CAurch.S00 Cedar Street . . 17. Churtb o1 St. Agnss, � Sa8 LafoqC Avenue � . Intormatioh on t�e bistorical � signiiicance of-these proper- . � ' � ties is on t le in ihe Ptanning Section of�he Dapartmenf of Planning �„e e�o�om,� ot Subscribed and sworn to before me this velopmeni� Deparfinent, lo- � cated on tha lltb iloor in the �f 1 l� May � , 19 0� Ciry Ha�l q�nnex and may be `1St (�gv OI viewed therb uDOn requesf. � � Dated May 10,1985,Albert B. Olson.Gfy Cterk � e Press Disp Nlay 18 No.363 - � A Nutary Public Washington County, Minnesota My commission expires OCt 1d � 1� 87 x�a;���.�lu�SaA� �sAAAdA�,d��pq���C ' +� ;'.'�"�� lCAYf.A.P.1,TGF!iE � .r �.rt }F, Y�J-�,�Y Ft1�� L-,n,'TMh�l�_�/� �' � i '�`J�"'iaL�T�. �t�n:jAiiY � - � ��� �"t��r ft Y�S;^FT CYy^.If�*S�i� i��. ���e � . 3T�'{`�"'J`1l"YtJ�7'v"f'�Y +f'i7lY`>'O�J"'f�/h"'}'y�'�j' ��"9'hb'!^JX � _...____.: . _ __..,.,�...,_,,.__.,_ ,.:....,. _.._..,._.�-,-,_z...�,a.--,Y-.�. ..�,_. _, k_.,-.,... .,,_..�-,...�,......u_,._...,.,,.__..,.._....•,-,..�-,��+�n�� - , ` _ • : �, , lst ' /J� --�J� 2nd . _ !1 "v�0'�� ' � � : _ . _ 3rd �',�2:t -��' Adopted �-02 �-�S � �'eas Nays ` DREW ����( ��,�= ��� � t _ . S�vZ -� . ��: - NICOSIA ��=� � < �, �� �� / � � � 1: _ � .:, , S EIBEL , � ..,_. . :, S NNEN � �_ _ ,� _ .., - - W LSON : _ ___ : . MR. PRESI E?�1T TEDESCO ' � � __ _ __ ___ ._�.,..�._:_.,...�.,. ._n.,�.. ..,�..., ,.,.U.�.,,.�.,,,�, .._..-_..d.._..,_. ._� _ _. � __ _ _ _ --- __._ ; ,.. : � - . __._ _ � _._ __ -- -------- - _ _ __ .........�.�-- ���i, - �:3•�� _-� t : , ��.. 3�, ���!" . � ! . . . . ..�..:.t.,: I . . . . � . . . . � ... S__'... .