85-1047 M/HITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT l,A U L COUIICII /� CANARy - DEPARTMENT /// BL`UE - MAVOR File NO.-_-._ _/a�/ ♦ Return copy to: oun il Res lution Valuations - Room 218 . � i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date Wf�RF�S, e Council o the City of Saint Paul, by Resolution 85-968 adopted July , 1985, a pted tw�o (2) tracts of land, from the Housing and R,edevelopment uthority, 1 ally described as follaws: , TRP,�r l: (tor ens) That part of ts five (5) six (6) and seven (7), Block One Hundred eighty- nine (189) , Ir ine's Addit on to West St. Paul, aocordinq to the recorded plat thereof, tog ther with hat part of vacated Moses Street bounded and described as llows: Co encing at a granite monument at the East corner of Lot l, lock 191, rvine's Addition to West St. Paul; thence Northeasterly the North esterly line of Water Street extended a distance of 40 feet to e center 1 ne of Moses Street; thence Northwesterly on the center line Moses Str et, a distance of 22.65 feet to the point of beginning of e property herein to be described; thence North thirty-five degrees one m nute (35°l') East, a distance of 27.5 feet; thence on a five degree curve o the left having a central angle of two degrees thirty minutes and a radius of ,146.28 feet for a distance of 50 feet; thence North thirty- degrees irty-three mi.nutes East a distance of 79.50 feet; thence Northw sterly alo g a line parallel to the center line of Moses Street, a dis ance of one (1) foot; thence Southwesterly along a straight line to a poin on the cen er line of Moses Street, said point being 10 feet IJ�rthwesterly, as measured along said center line of Moses Street, from the point of begi ing; thence Southeasterly along said center line, a distance of 10 feet to e point of beginning, subject to Nioses Street and the rights of the City of Saint Paul, in said street. and COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Finance & Management Services In Favor _ __ Against B - � """'—'' Dire�� Adopted by Council: ate — Form Ap roved by City Attome B ���� Certified Passed by Council Secretary Y BS' j 1 Approved by Mayor: Date _ Appro by Mayor for Submiss n to ou il Bv - — WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE �T COUflCll /) CA�AR�! - QEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT �A lJ L -/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � /�� Valuationsy-tRoom 21 Du CZG esolution � � A Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date 'I'RA�-'T 2: ( tract) The Southeas erly 10 f et of the following described tract of real property, to it: That part of ts 1 to 6, inclusive, Block 205, and vacated Short Street, Irvine's Addit'on to West St. Paul and that certain strip or belt of land 90 feet in width extending ov r and across Lot or Block l, Dawson's Addition to St. Paul, bei that part f Goverrr��nnent Lot 6, Section 7, 'I�oHmship 28, Range 22, lying Nor westerly of St. Paul and Mendota itoad which said strip or belt of land is i luded betwe lines drawn parallel with one on Easterly side and 30 feet dist t, the othe on Westerly side of and 60 feet distant from the center line o railway as ame was located and constructed in 1901 over and across said t or Block 1, lying south of United States Harbor Line as described in ocument #1 04235 on file and of record in the office of the County Recorde , in and fo said County and State. WHEREAS, he designa ed use of the tracts of land were incorrectly described in s id resoluti , and TI�E'ORE IT RESOL , �at the designated use of the tracts of land be corrected t read as fo laws: Tract 1 will e used for park purposes, and Tract 2 will be part of the right-of-way o West Water Street. BE IT FUR R RESOLVE , that in all other respects Council Resolution 85-968 shall remain i full force and effect. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays Masanz [n Favor Finance & Management Services Nicos�a scne�b� _ __ Against BY SOt1R@fl �re Y' TOACSCO - W�Isor� A � 8 1985 rm Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate — � '�7.- Certified a.s Council ta BY ��� I By Approved by '1�layor: Date A + 4 1985 Appr y Mayor for Submi s' n to ouncil, BY - — B UBLiSHED AU G N '� 1985 Finance & Ma.na Ament ervices DEPARTMENT � 0�7' ��� � N° 3054 COMTACT ` 298-5317 PHONE Jul 26 1985 DATE 1 e�� ,, - ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUT NG ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : �partment Directo 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Manage ent Service Director 5 City Clerk Budget Director 4 Chris rt�cosia ,� City Attorney 6 Valuations WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED Y TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The property acquired rom HRA wil be designated to the proper departments. F����:a����;� — R�CEIVED ���`� �I �,! '%; , y , � •� ;a. .., JU�.. 3 �' 1985 OFF1Cc 0� THE Dfii"�TOR COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONN L IMPACTS ANTiCI�'�''P'$8'�.i ;�;rl�t DEPAR���;��1EN� pr F��;JfaNCE None AND MANAG�N��NT SFf���CES FINANCING SOURCE AND BU GET ACTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tran action: No e quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber All Att chments : 1. Copy of Council Res lution to b amended. 2. Council Resolution o be signed. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Re olution Req ired? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance equired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes x No Insurance ttached: (SEE REVERS SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . ,\ wH1T4, - CITV CIENI( � � � PINK - FINANCE � r 1� *T ■ COUflC1I Y// � f�l.UEtiV - MAypqTMENT ) � •l,Y �����, �A I N,l 1 � ll l, File �0.�!/ .�`� /. � �,!Y. Retnrn to: ' �T�� ��',3=/D�y� e��t� - �. 8 ounc�l Resolut � (IrviaeaAdd) � /'. , 7 �.r �3' �_�'� Presented f[��y :� �..� / .\ C L• •l, : Y ..J'..J. .V .\ • / �) �/ Referred To ..J'/lj��. :,_. •.v�/�'.. :; Dept� Fir�sa& Man��ame���ry�i��- Committee: ate - - Out of Committ e By Date W�.S, the i�ousi and R�dev�lopment Authority has declared two (Z) tracts of 1 nd, lying uth of the river, North of Water Street, West of Waba,sha ar�i � t of the ld S�ni th 1�venue High Br idge, surplus ar�d �AS, these trac of land are adjacent bo City-awned land T�0 , I3E IT LVED, that the City of Saint Paul accepts these tracts of 1 describec� as �olla�s: 'PRAC.T 1: ( rrens) � � That part of Lots five ( ), six (5) and sev�n (�, H1ock a1e lwr�dred eighty- nine (189), I vine's Addi ion bc� West 8� Paul, a�co4rding bc� the rea�rded plat thereof, t ether with that part of vacated Moses Street bounded and described a�s followsz encing at a granite moruunent at the PWst vorner of Y�ot 1, lock 191, Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul; thence Northeasterly on the Nor westerly line of v0ater Street extended a.d�istanoe of 40 feet the center line of Moses Streetf thence Northwesterly on the centez line f �toses St eet, a distance of 22.65 feet to the point of bec�innfng of the propert l�erein to be describedi therx�e N�rth thirty-five degrees one inute (35° ') East, a distance o� 27.5 feet= thence on a fi.ve degree curve the l�ft ving a oentral anqle o� two degrees thirty minutes ��arid a radius of 1,146.28 feet for � distance of 50 feeti thence North � . thirty-two d greees thi ty-three minutes East a distanc� of 79.50 feetf thence North esterly ai ng a iine parallel to the center line af Moses Street, a dis ance of on (1) foot= thence Southwesterl.y along a straight lir�e bo a poi t an the ce r lir�e of Moses Street, said paint being 10 feet Northwesterly, as measured alcxig said oenter line of Moses Street, from the point of begi ingp thence 9outheasterly along said oenter lfne, a distanoe of 10 feet t,� point ot irming, subject to Moses Street anci the rights of the City of Sa nt Paul, in said street. , . and COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor F�ce I�isaa ameat Sa s .��f f�-' , � . _ Against BY , ,� ��',� Adopted by Council: D te Form Approved by City Attorney � . !._.� G/�� �r S Certified Yassed by Council ,ecretary BY � >L' By Approved by �Vlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY .,ira — c��v CLENK . - f'INK - F.INANCF C� I '1'Y O1 �A I N T I A U L ,�% ' . �� �: CANARV — OEPAHTMENT , �� � � Council BLUE � - MAVOR � File �O. - Return copy to: u . . � � Valaations - � z 8 ouncil ..Resolu -ion ����Oy7 (Irvines/�dd) � �i/ � Presented By C...-e�-��/��C.- �r �.c Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date T'RACr 2: ( tract) � , ' . The Southeast rly 10 feet of the follaving described tract of real property, to wits That part of ts 1 to b, inclusive, Hlock 205, and vacated Short Street, Irvine's Addf ian t,� West St. Paul, and that vertain strip or belt of land 90 feet in width extending er ac�d acrass Lot ar B1ock 1, Dawson's A�ition � S� Paul, bei that part f Governtaent Lc�t 5, Section 7, Tbwnship 28, Rarige 22, lying Northaesterly f St. Paul and Mendota koad which said strip or belt of larxj i included . tween lines drawn parallel with one on Easterly side and 30 feet d stant, the r on Westerly side of and 60 feet distant fram the center li of railwa as same was located ac�d c�nstructed in 1901 aver and aczoss sa d Lot or Bl k 1, lying South of United States Harbor Line as � described in ment #12 4235 on file and of record in the office of the C�vunty Reoorde , in an�d fo said Oamty and Stat�e. � IT RF�OLV� that Tract 1 will be part of tbe right-of-way of West Water Str t and Tr 2 wi11 be used for park purposes. , BE IT FU RS30L , that the proper City officials are hereb� suthorized on behalf of t e City of Saint Paul to accept a Quit C1sim Deed �rom the Eous ng and Red velopment Authority for the aboee referenced tracts. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas pfeW Nays Firaaee i--tysnasevent SeFVi.ces r�,asa�z In Favor - °� N�cos�a � Scne�oet ` _ � Against gY''--''�..� r/; . " �'/ �� ;., e..-- . Sonnen TBdesCO � w�tson JUL 1 8 1985 Form Approved by City ttorn y Adopted by Council: Dat ` � /� B �,�� �` ' _.-�l f. /' . 1, Certified Pass`ed b�Council•, retar� Y __,._ t By �-- Approved by iNayor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ^ By By