85-1037 WM�TE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I�y O F SA I NT PA IT L Council � CANqRV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � File NO. � /D�z 1 C�uncil Resolution Pres nted � ,�y . b � � � � � Referred To I� � � Committee. Date 1 Out of Committee y Date An adminis�rative Resolution abolishing the salary ran e for Grade 16E in the Clerical Bargaining Unit in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compens tion Resolution. RESOLVED, t at the Sala y Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Secti n I, D 1 , b striking the following from the Clerical Standard Range. � GRADE 16E A B C D E F 5 yr. 6 yr. 10 yr. 15 yr. 20 yr. 583.36 605.22 28.12 652. 5 680.64 709.32 73�i.�� 7�T 78g:'fzl $D�B:T� 8'f7T� 25 Yr• 827.10 � i i COUIV��N Requested by Department of: Yeas �6 Nays �} �_ ��� PERSONN OFFICE Masanz In Favor Nicosia scne�be� � Against BY Tedesco Wilson AUG 8 1985 Form proved c�t Att ey Adopted by Council: D te �. Certified Pa s ounci . a � By By A►p d by �Navor: Dat AUG i 4 1985 Ap o by Mayor for Sub ' n to (�ouncil By PU LISNED AU G j�, �� 1985 � Personnel Office DEPARTMEN� (� �y�`�7�0 2022 . Jeanette Sobania 'COTITAET . , , PHON E June 12 1985 DATE reen e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUT NG ORDER C i Al1 Locations for Si nature : �r Department Directo 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Manage ent Service Director 4 City Clerk � Budget Director �� " City Attorney �T— ��\31� WHAT WILL BE ACHIEUED Y TAKING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution abolis es the sala y range for Grade 16E in the Salary Plan & RatBS of Compensation Resolutio for the cl rical graded group. The bi-weekly salary range for Grade 16E is currently GRADE 16E A B C D E F 5 yr• 6 yr. 10 yr 15 yr 20 yr 25 yr 583.3 605.2 628.1 6 2.4 680.6 709.3 734.8 767.4 788.1 808.1 817.6 827.1 COST/BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONN L IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None �� ����\ ���✓� �r�`C�'� �;9L .. � L 'G;�•� %�;� �v�F <,5 `�'F FINANCING SOURCE AND BU GET ACTIVIT NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tran action: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and N mber Al1 Att chments : 1 . Resolution 2. Copy for City Cler DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Re olution Req ired? Resolution Required? es No Yes No Insurance equired? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No�� Yes No Insurance ttached: (SEE REVERS SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ht ��v �7 '7 �"�.-'-- I . � .. . _ _ .._ o�� ��"�':°,�1 C�ITY O.�{' .SAYN'T '�°�1TTL d�-����� � ..;% �_L� �.,. :: � 0 � y�._���� ,:,�..,-,.;��:� .;-} '�rz�TCT: OI�` TkII: C.I�'X cou��c�� � ! `;�� 5;��'s3�����-,✓� �L�'� . . . M1 �r.r•� • `f I �\ti �,, . . . . ,,� =�;�>� , � D O f e : J u ly 11, 19 8 5 , �,° t_:�..;.:-. _ . -y:,,:;;_ _- . , :_.._ � OMI'� f t T � E , � _ � PO �T . E 0 ' c�rn? P���� I Ci;y Councit � �P � P�l : ��. '' . � ���1� i �� O!� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � � " �A t R CC�UNCILMAN SCHEIBEL � • '�' 1 . Approv 1 �f min�tes� from reeetings held June 27 and July l , 1985. �� - � '"'S 2. Committ e-of-the-W. le - This item only • � Enoc:h D mass former journalist from South Africa, wiil provi.de ti8ckground � � informa ion on the itu�tion in South Africa. 7his is for information - _ only. hearing will �he scheduled later on the divestiture of city funds. � : 3. :;5taf_f r pnrt. regard ng NRA reso 1 ut i on to be i ntroduced- for pre 1 i rtti nary �- approva - on J�ly 17 author�izing $9:5 miilion in ac�ditional finance for distric heating. PED? ������ ��l`���.� 4. Resolut on amendi�ng the 1985 (:apitai lmprovement Budget to include the - Worl� T ade Cente�r roject and arnenc�ing the Downtown and Seventt� Piace . Tax Inc ement Distr ct Financing� Plan - $14,215,000. {PED) ,/,?�� - 5. Resolut on a�ending the 1985 Capital Improvement 8u�+get to provide fund- ing-for Energy Park Tax Increment District 11 Finencial Plan - � $14,64�1,20?: (�ED) ��� . . � _ 6. Resolution amendingltne 1985 Budget and adding $21 ,664 to the F�inancing Plan an to the Spe ding Plan for Special Pro,iects-General Government (Lamber 's Lar�ding elebration and League of Minnesota Cities confer- ence) . {PED) ��� � 7. Resoluti n amending he Community E31ock Grant Year IX Program by trans-- ferring '361 ,766.32 o CUBG Y.ear XI Proqram. (PEO) a�� � (Continued on Back? , - CITti'HALL " � - ` SEVEiQTH FLOOF: SAINT P�tUL, I�ltti\'ESOi;:5510? .} ' �-�,.�a • .` �- - a � . . ��--.,��� � �� � � _ -. ; . , ,� i, July 11 , 1 85 Pa�e 2 8. Resol tion amendirly the 1985 Budget and adding $37,290 to the Financing Plan nd to the S{�ending Plan for Truth in 5ale of Housing. {Comm n i ty Set-v i c�s) /��� 9. Resol tion arnendiN� the 1985 Budget and adding $$,500 to the Financing Plan nd to the Spjendinq Plan for Emergency Medical 5ervices {Paramedic/ EMS S rvice) . (Fire Department) ���j 10. Resoi _ion amendinp the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regar ing the Perspnnel Directnr ciassification. (Personnel ) /�j� 11 . Resolu ion revisin� the class s�ecification for the title of Building Mainte ance Superv�sor-Parks and Recreation in the Civil Ser-vice Rules. (Perso nel ) /��� , 12. Resolu ion changinc� ±he grade for the title of Telecommunicator in the Civi 1 ervice Rule . (Personnel )��SS�dliy� _ ��� �^���«�.���/l�Z%� � 13. Resolu ion changin the grade and the class specification for the title of 7re sury Manage in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnei ) �j%� 14. R���' . �,��,i sh i ng the sa 1 ary range for Grade 16E �t1��Mrt�'��a r��� �r�`tJn i�t i n the Sa 1 ary P 1 an and Rates of Ct�m�aensat i on Reso 1 ut i or�. („��Sfi'� ���SSr�O�- /l/O i''PIO.���P,���e.e�rl.� 15. Resolu ion amendinglthe Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution concer ing Recreatibn Center Director. (Personnel ) jj� lb. Ordinan e amending �the Civil Service Rules pertaining to six unclassi- fied po itions in t�e Qepartment of Planning and Economic Development and striking in its, entirety Section 34.0 {Personnel ) /0��. ,���c.��rh.C.�A ��° � ��`.�r�.� U-'�c� �"%� • � ��"""" ��1 I ' �c�l�� l �,_�? ` J � ', ' �3-�03� ��'' -�'�'�'�� C T� OF+ ►..�AINT P�ElUL i � . `,��� :�� {y f� • � ' . '`�->i '.s�; �},�.� O�'Z�ZCE 0�+� Z`FFI. CITY COU1'CFL ��, ;'>- ' �,�:f,t:;.�{ fi� y;:. t '.''-a s�:�;�_i,. D O t 2 ; A •,. -� �-==`. ' ,�� � ugust 1, 1985 '•�' �� ,f�:� - . . ����.r4 � . � . �'a! � � I �.�"�� CO (1/i (�I (T'7' � E f� E P4 � T � T0 = Qin� Puut Cit� Cour�cit . F R � I� = O t'jI IC�I I��'�j� Q t"1 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERS ONNEL � C H A t R JAM�S SCHEIBEL ' � 1. Approval• of minutes 'from meetings held July 11 and 18, 1985.(,�� 2. Resolution amending the 1995 budget by adding $117,559 to the Financing Plan an to the Sper�ding Plan fo Housing an Building Code Enforcement (Community Services) �� 3. Res+�luti abo�iishin�g the salary range for Grade 16� tn the CTergcal Barg�dr� g Unit in t'he Salary Plan a Rates of Compensation Resolution. tPerson 1 ) �t/'-�a.�, i� 4. Resoluti n changing Ithe grade for the itl,e of Teleco �icator in the Civil S vice Rules.' (Personnel ) C' 5. Four Res lutions amehding the 1985 budget and transferring $72� each from General overnment A'�CCOUnts-Employee Parking to Cortxnunity Servic s/Parks and Recr ation for p,layground and recreation eguipment. ,�Ci 6. Resoluti n approvingi1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the City and United S ate and Til� and Composition Ro fe s, Damp and aterproof Workers Association Local 96'. (Personnel ) C�_�'"(/ � 7. Resoluti n approvingl1985 Memorandum of Settiement betwee� the ity and . the Iron Workers Loc�l 512. (Personnel ) ' ti'-�'--�. 8. Resoluti n approving� l985-1986 Maintenance Labor Agreement between I5D#62 and the ipe�iters L�cal Union No. 455. (personnei ) 9. Resoluti n requestin the Administration keep its recommendations far the 1986 Gen rat Funds dg,et propflsals for employe�es' satari s within a 4-1/2% i crease. �Z��i�.�.�.�", /'°,�.� 1 � �/ � 10. 7ransfer of $2,724,3 9 from General Fund to Departme Budgets for 2985 negotiat d salary ad�ustment. � 7 �,`�Jo� �� 11 . Discussi n of claims for punitive and exemptary damages against police officers: Robert Kunzl. Jr. , President of the St. Pau1 Poiice Federation, and Paul cCloskey, A�ssistant City Attorney, participating. CITY HALL SEV�T1TIi FLOOR SAINT PAUL.;�4Ii�NE50TA 55202 ! . ��� _�.... _.._._.. _ .__ ._.�.�. _.___.,._.�_...��e_....�.,,._,..,............��..._w.w.:.. �.�,�_..,. ..�,.�.___w..�....�...,,-...>...,.,,.,,.,. ,..�.�..� _ . _ _.. _ _,.�