85-1036 WHITE - GTV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE ITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /' CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��-/D�V BLUE - MAVOR � o ncil Resolution � Prese ted By - r � �Referred To t= Committee: Date ' �' �� � Out of Commit ee By Date An admi istrative Resolution changing the grade for the title of Telecommunicator in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVE , that the C'vil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.6 by striking from Grade 1 E the title f Telecommunicator and inserting this title in Grade 24. i i �I I I � COUN'�N Requested by Department of: Yeas SO Nays � PERSONNE OFFICE '�""'"'' [n Favor Masanz Nicosia schetbel �__ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �G 8 ��5 Form App e City Attor � Certified Pa_s d y oun .'1 Sec BY � gy, Appr ve y IVlavor: Dat G � � 19 App by Mayor for Su is on to Council By _ B PUBLISHED A G 2 � 1985 � 'Personnel Office D�PART,MENT �°�l�'�0 2021 Jeanette Sobania e' CON7ACT 4221 PHONE � �� June 12, 1985 DATE e �e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR UTING ORDER (Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Dire tor 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Man gement Servi ces Director � City Clerk Budget Director 5 Civil Service Commission � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV D BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ This resolution cha es the f�ati0llale) : g gra e of Telecommunicator in Section 3. (Clerical Group) from its present Grade 1 E to Grade 4. The bi-weekly ranges are as follows: GRADE 16E B C D F 5 yr. 6 yr. 10 yr. 15 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr. 583.3 605.2 628.1 652.4 680.6 709.3 734:8 767.4 788.1 808.1 817.6 827.1 GRADE 24 B C D F 10 yr. :�5 yr. 20 yr. 25 yr. 705.3 737.1 768.2 793.8 840.7 872.6 901 .2 925.1 934.6 944.1 COST/BENEFIT BUDGE RY AND PERS NNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �G ��, Number of telecommu icators = 1 difference at the five year step - 2067.0 c � �`�., 15 x '!37.� = 206 .0 x 26.1 - 53,948.7 annually '�> ��� �a�� c�t �� �) � '.c � ,�, � 1 �I �� � ,�.s- FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of T ansaction; quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List an Number All Attachments : 1 . Resolution 2. Copy for City C1 k / DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW � Yes No Council Resolution equired? Resolution Required? �Yes No Yes No Insuran e Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �j� Yes No Insuran e Attached: jSEE REV RSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 i , . _ � , . . : � � ,� � . - - - ����_= o,.� ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL " • PERSONNEL OFFICE � �ti1f0 " � „o JOHN P.COLONNA, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ,... 265 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR " August 2, 1985 A1 Olso City Cl rk , 386 City Hall ' Dear Mr. Olson: ' The Civi Service Co'rhmission, at their meeting of August 22 1985 a roved � � PP C.F. 85- 036, which �hanges the grade for the title of Telecommunicator in the Civi Service Ru1es. CIVIL SE VICE COMMISSION �?�° ��,����--. Margaret S hcer, Chai'�r i � II � I //�� �N-C as._1_�....y� , � . . •.' / J j .,. G�t`�y�.j . .=:�- `� ..�;,� CIT`Y" O�` SAINT �AU'L L%T- � ��— �.. {, �'. 7t� �ti:y � .� . _t. �`�-'r; �;:�..s�.��;�� ' O�+'i�ICE OF 2`RI: CITY COU�CIL � :t�— r.:+�.w.�. �. . �'` �.+a��.•rso�a>� . . . ����.,,� ;� �r'`.�,��~� Dote ; August 1, 1985 �-�;�'�`,,,� . :�„_ - co � n� rr�- � E � � PO �-r � TO = �qtn� auI Cit� Cour�ci� . F R Q I� � C O I'J'I[!�I I �'�Q �h FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL - C�A t R AMES S CHEIBEL ' 1. Appr val• of minu es from meetings held July lI and 18, 1985.(j� 2. Reso ution amend'ng the 1985 budget by adding $I17,559 to the Financing Plan and to the pending Plan fo Housing an Building Code Enforcement (Co unity Servi es) � 3. Reso ution aboli hing the salary range for Grade I6E in the Clerical Barg ining Unit 'n the Salary Plan a t� Rates of Compensation Resotution. (Per onne i ) �.�(-ti-�.'�� 4. Reso ution cl�g ng the gre�i� far the it e of Teleco �#:c�tor in the Civi Service Ru es. (Personnel ) C(,��` U`�'�� / 5. Four Resotutions amending the 1985 budget and transferring $720 each from - Gene al Governme t Accounts-Employee Parking to Community Servic�s/Parks and ecreation f r playground and recreation equipment. ��C/��� 6. Reso ution approj�ing 1985 Maintenance Labor Agreement between the Gity and Unit d State and Tile and Composition Ro fe s, Damp and {�',aterproof Workers Asso i at i on Loca h 96. (Personne 1 ) ''"L`'�-�� 7. Reso ution appro�Ving 1985 Memorandum oF Settiernent between the ity and the ron Workers Loca1 512. (Personnel ) G'--�'—e-� 8. Reso ution approving 1985-1986 Maintenance Labor Agreement betw�en ISD#62 and he Pipefiters Local Union No. 455. (Personnel ) � Lu-�(,�-E.�_ ' `��� 9. Reso ution reque ting the Administration keep its recommendations for the 1985 General Fun s �dgret proposals for employ es' salari s within a 4-1/ y. increase. _ n�� �°'L— � � 10. Tran fer of $2,7 4,389 from General Fund to Departme�it Budgets for 1985 nego i ated sa 1 ar ad j ustment. �,¢�'��L,_,��� U 11 . Disc ssion of cl ims for punitive and exemplary damages against police offi ers: Robert Kunz, Jr. , President of the St. Paul Police Federation, and aul McCloskeiy, Assistant City Attorney, participating. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR , , SAINT PAUL,r4II�NESOTA 5530.. •��� ._T�.. n,. .. ,_. ___.�_..�..� r �._._,�_._. . _..__�._ _ ,..,.�_,�_.M......�.�... .� __. ._, ,.... __ -. .._..� .... _.: _ . �.„.�.�,,,�.,�,.�..�.-...,...�.;.�--. � ,�ti n 7 , - .� .. . .� %�1 � �7 ..,. `~� � _'_.-.• �- -� _. . ._.---._..�_..__ o ��. ��;-� CY���.'' 'O��' .SAINT '�.�.�J�., ��-,�'.S/d 3� �. .� -�% �--- `� �' � �T:.r��f�C:;;;;;::� `-; orrzcr o�r 2�r-rr c.i2��r c Y . .. �:-rS �TJ\CIL �l t�`� `��Y.�f�1��_1'.� t1 � . . " ;._\.� `=-:= I: � D d fi • `°'"'� !"�'� e • J u ly 11, 19 8 5 y:::�.;,;��- . . � . . �.:;;. .�.. COIf1ll � l�?' EE , f� E PO . �T . �O ' Sasnt P�� I Ci�y Co� � cit �P � �'� � C d��1 t 1 '�� O i? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � ' C N A( P. COUNCILMAN SCHEIBEL � � ! . ,�p?roval of rninutes from r�eetings held June 27 and July 1 , 1985�. �� '"`� 2. Co ittee-of-th ,-who?P - This item only • ' Eno h Dumas, forrner � journali�st from South Africa, wilt �rovi.de background � inf rmation on ithe situation in South Afirica. This is for information - . anl . A hearin� will 'be scheduled later on the divestiture of city fun s. � : 3. ';Sta _f report. regard�ing HRA resolution to t�e introduced- for prel iminary �- ap� aval� on Ju�� ll authar�izing �9:5 millian in additional finance for d i s r i ct heat i n$. {PED) - � � �����y�� 4. Res iution amendi�ng the 1985 Capital Impravement Budget to include the - �lor d Trade Cente�r Project and a�r�encting the Downtown and Seventh Place . Tax Increment D�strict Financing�Plan - $14:215,000. (PED? /,���% - 5. Res lution amen�ling the 1985 Ca�ital Improvement Budget to provide fund- ing-for Energy �'ark Tax Increment District 1I Financial Plan - ' . $14 647,2U?: (fpED) /��,� ' _ 6. Res lution arnencying ihe 1985 Budget and adding $21 ,664 to the F-inancing Pla ana to the Sp�nding Pian for 5pecial Projects-General Government (La bert's Landing celebration and League of Minnesota Cities confer- enc ) . {PED) �� . � 7. Res lution amen�ling the Community Biock Grant Year IX Program by trans-- fer ing �361 ,76�.32 to COBG Y.ear XI Program. (PED} j�/� I ! � {Continued on Back) CITY HALL " � ` �EVENT�-i FLOOI: SAINT PAUL. Allti\rESC�T:: 5510? ,•� `�=i,-u . '� ' �• i • • .,;: . ' ,�v � � '� � . • �,� �-=/p`3 �, • f i i Ju1y 11 , 1985 Pac�e 2 � i � 8. Re olution amer�ding the 1985 Budget and adding $37,290 to the Financing Pl n and to th� S�ending I'lan for Truth in 5ale of Housing. (C mmun i ty Ser�i ces) /-/�� 9. Re o1ution arne�iding the 1985 Budget and adding $8,500 to the Financing Pi n and to th� Spending Plan for Emergency Medica) 5ervices (Paramedic/ EM Service} . {�ire Oepartment) ��,,� !0. Re alution amenjding the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution re rding the Pl�rsonnel Director classification. {Personnel ) /�f� 11 . Res lution revising the class specification for the title of Building Mai tPnance Sup�rvisor-Parks and Recreation in the Civil Service Rules. (Pe sonne 1 ) ���n � 12. Res ' ; the grade for the t i t 1 e of Te 1°�.�91�1 i n the \� Gi �e R l es. {Personne 1 } �SS�(/ _ �i �� � �= � ; , % �m ��v r�r«����-��«,�:� 13. Res l�ution chan in the ' - - t� g g grade and the c 1 as s spec i f i c.a1.i on for the ..�t 1 e of reasury Man�ger in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel ) /,�j/� 14. Res lution abolishing the salary range for Grade 16E in the Clerical Bar ining Unit 'in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Per sonne 1 ) �iE�s`'Srd O�rJ- �'/� /''��O.�i��'<,�Ce_�r�,�� 15. Resolution amend!inc� the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution conc rning F�ecreation Center Director. (Personnel ) ���r 16. Ordi ance amendirhg the Civil Service Rules pertaining to six unclassi- fied positi�ns irh the Department of Ptanning and Economic Development and triking in its entirety Section 34.0 (Personnel ) /,���. /Le.�° ,� �.��`,c"`.�� G�'`'�'`-�N )� ��~ � ' ��� � ` � � � ,