85-1031 NiHITE - C�TY CLERK '��. PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAUL � Council . y/��' _/03/ � CANARY - DEPARTMENT FIIe NO. �/ BLUE - MAVOR � oun il esolu 'on Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit ee By ' Date RESOLVED, T at upon �xecution and delivery of a release in full to the Cit , in a fo�m to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper Cit officers ' are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the ort Liabi�ity Fund 09070-511-000, to : 1. Alberta Adkins th� sum of $88.27 in full settlement of her claim o damages $ustained on or about May 19 , 1985 , as more pa ticularly ' set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the Cit Clerk ' s ffice on June 3 , 1985. 2. Ralph K lstad the sum of $184. 84 in full settlement of his claim o damages ustained on or about January 28 , 1985 , as more particula ly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the ity Clerk s office on June 18, 1985. 3. Julie A. Lenarz t e sum of $46. 00 in full settlement of her claim o damages ustained on or about May 16 , 1985 , as more pa ticularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the Cit Clerk ' s mffice on May 31 , 1985. COUNCILMEN I Requested by Department of: Yeas prew Nay Masanz // � In Favor Nicos�a �—T SCheibel I _ Against BY Sonnen � lbdesco 1N�ISOn �I I�' �j �g�5 Form Approved by Cit Att rn Adopted by Council: Date —� i ` Certified P s- d b Coun il S t By ! By Approve iVlavor: Dat ��(7 8 1g85 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By Nt;3��S��D N' �u 1'; 1985 , �- �,�� �o.�i . . . ��TT o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `�� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY o ;� �� {ii'ii"n �� �• � EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '°'�•�`� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR 29 July 19 5 M E M O R A N U M CLAIMS AGAI ST CITY O�' SAINT PAUL BY ALBERTA DKINS, RALPH KOLSTAD, AND JULIE A LENARZ On May 19 , 1985 , a vehicle owned and driven by claimant, Alberta Adkins , hit a street ', depression caused by a City of Saint Paul sewer cave in. Mrs.� Adkins ' vehicle sustained damage in the amount of $ 8. 27 as a result of the impact. This office approves the settlem nt of Mrs . Adkins ' claim in the amount of $88. 27. Claimant , R lph Kolst;ad, requests reimbursement for damages to his house w ndow and I�is fence which he incurred on January 28, 1985, The amage was caused by the City of Saint Paul , Department of Fire and Safety Se�vices , when they responded to an apartment fire next d or to Mr. Kolstad. While placing a ladder in order to fight the fire, they broke the window and the fence was cut so that the fi emen would, have easier access to the building. This offi� appro es the s�ttlement of Mr. Kolstad ' s claim in the amount of $1 4 . 84. , On May 16 , 1985 , City of Saint Paul Police Officer Luna went to 208 Sherburn on a call . He unintentionally pushed Julie Lenarz into a fence and her eather jacket was torn as a result. The jacket was n t repaira le and the value of the jacket is $46. 00. This office pproves t e settlement of Ms. Lenarz ' claim in the amount of $4 . 00. II ,� I �' I I