85-1030 WHITE - C�TV CLERK '� PINK - FINANCE G�TY OF SAINT PAUL Council L.,r j CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �v /O+ O BLUE - MAVOR �ouncil esolution � , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committe By Date RESOLVE , that up n petition of PhilWinters for the vacation of the alley in Block , Budde ' s Addition, bounded by California, Greenbrier nd Parkw y Drive per file No. 12-1985 the alley hereinafter described be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinue as public alley: All o the alley in Block 2, Budde' s Addition. Subject exp essly to t�e following conditions and reservations: 1. T at the v�cation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chaptar 130, codified March l, 1981, of the St. Paul Le islative Code, as amended. 2 . T at the p�etitioner pay to the City the amount of $2354 . 00 a compensa�ion for the vacation. Said compensation shall be d e and pa�rable within 60 days from the publication date of thi resolutimn. 3 . hat the pletitioner, its successors or assigns, by acceptance of the te�ms and conditions of this . vacation, agrees to indemni y, . defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its office s and em�loyees from all suits, actions or claims of any cha acter, in�luding but not limited to, a claim brought because of any inju�ies or damages received or sustained by any person persons �or property, on account of this vacation; or because of any �ct or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petit oner or 1�ecause of any claims or liability arising from or b sed on an�y violation of any law or regulation made in accorda ce with `the law whether by the petitioner or any of its age -�s or emplbyees. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Drew Na s Masanz Finance and Man em nt Services In Favor � • Nicosia Scheibel � By Sonnen - � __ Against Teciesco � Wilson /1�G U 1985 Form Appr ed by t rney Adopted by Council: Date a C C`�-..J� Certified Ya•s d y ncil Secr r BY sy, ' t�pprove Mavor: ate AUG 1985 Appro y Mayor for Submiss' o ounci BY – — BY ;�i��_�shtC� E���� I �;° 1985 i Finance � Mgmt Services DEPART�ENT `��0 3�5 _•--�.► • Dick McCann 'CON`TACT 298-5317 PHONE .July 18, 1985 DATE r n e� ' ASSIGN NUI�ER FOR ROUTI G ORDER C1 ' Al1 Locations for Si nature : Department Directo vZ.1��irector of Management/Mayor � Finance and Manage ent Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 3 Councilman N icosia City Attorney _ ______ WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED Y TAKING AC ION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Adopt resolutio vacating t e alley in Block 2, Budde's Addition ����s -,�-� .�'" ��-� - COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETA Y AND PERSO NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �`fy , ,` � ' ' �yC��' $2354.00 benefit f r the City f�';,; - :rCt FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of T ansaction: $ 354 Credit quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: 00250-2833- 00 �- R�.r,����FD ATTACHMENTS List a Number Al1 Attachments : -- i. x�soiution JU.I_ 1_ 9 1985 . OFFIC� OF 7HE DL?ECTOR �• �p DEPA��i f•:"�NT � AND MANqGtNi NT SER ICES DEPARTMENT REUIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Coun il Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insu ance Requir ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insu ance Attach d: (SEE EVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . z° 3l�. v�Vc .� +� .�/��w�✓ vI1.'wM. tl �r. ,.�, . ?, N •:�� '•� •+ m. •'��� �-t�c ' ; '•s9.o. �936 nf��/O�d �V S9 .S9 56 � .S .O. g$..�7 i sd� ' Q .. � '� � `.� � .� � ' 0� � �� ^ 0 S� � � - � �, ' ; � s 'i4 � � � T � u � � :'` ^� ..6 � O'1L � i �I Qa►1 Q i -� .G 7 a c ' , 5 � 6 �� � � 8 T 9 I �� ^� p� I � � OSi ,I o� I . � ,v "� =� °' ti ` i � O� ��,►�t I � ..�f. w • I _ � � . � � S se _ i s a � a_._--- s - — s e �°i �. �,., 1..:.,. .r. s!_� i I i rev I� � (-jo,, � . ';,• U � �1 I I ��Ir I i / / I j�K �I ie is ia is 12 �� :�t N 8 `;. 9 .�' lo `�III � 12 13 . 14 . , '�� P �t D T I N -' - . ; �. , , � , � � � S�_.. . sa se sa sa s� 1 i9;d . . • j9±• _ ` - — — — — � l�-�IQ•�I�J� — A�� . .y ` . So '� I+o fP ,. ,. �� �. �� �p � 3L � 3 .J ' � B� t � �� 2"„ . i`f �\ • , � "•+ � ' ^� I �� I� 02' , , I ,, ! 4 i`:1 ° .5 26 2f 2� O 9 � 2 � � 5 ' 3 I2 `'r `\•. � J' � O r5" , .�,� �� ?s 3 ~ I I ° � � �,,e 1 . 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