85-1029 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE I Ty OF SA I NT PAUL Council /�' CANARV - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. �v �D� � BLUE - MAVOR � � �'ouncil Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ e By Date RESOL ED, That he First National Bank of Saint Paul is hereby reaf irmed as designated depository for funds of the City of Sai t Paul an the City Treasurer is hereby authorized for and on ehalf of aid City, to open or continue an account or accounts w th said Ba�nk and to execute and deliver to said Bank, signature c rds suppl�ed by said Bank eontaining maehine signed faQSimile signatures r specimen signatures of officers or other persons nam d as aign�tories by the City Treasurer and assenting to said Ban 's Rules nd Regulations Governing Bank Accounts, and that any of ieer or o her person designated by the City Treasurer, is hereby a thorized for and on behalf of the City of Saint Paul to endorse or ause to b endorsed (whether for payment or deposit) and to depo it or cau e to be deposited in sueh aecount or aecounts fr m time toltime, ehecks, drafts, certificates of deposit, Qa hier's ehe�cks and other in$truments and funds payable to or held y the City'�, of Saint Paul, ineluding any issued by said Bank. RESOLV D, That ek�eek$, drafts and other withdrawal orders attd any and all other directions and instructions of any eharacter, ith respe t to funds of the City of Saint Paul , now or hereafter w th said B nk, may be signed by the City Treasurer or any person esignated by said City Treasurer. RESOLV D, That said Bank shall be entitled to rely upon a certified e py of this� resolution until written notiee of modifieatio or rescis�ion has been furnished to and received by said Bank. COUNCILMEN ', Requested by Department of: Yeas So�n�ne�n Nays pr�„ Finance and Management Services Masanz In Favor NiCOSia � Scheibel � I __ Against BY y''t � Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: ate UG 6 1985 Form Approved City Attorney Certified Pa•s d ounci r BY .� gy, Appro y (Wavor: te UG � 1985 Approv ayor for Submiss' to C ncil /,^l, PUBLISNED AIJ G 17 1985 � i Finance DEPARTMENT ���f�O?/ NO 1638 Shirley Davis CONTACT 7038 PHONE DATE 1 �/�r� Q Q ASSIG�1 NUMBER FOR ROU TNG ORDER C i All Locations for Si nature : Department Direct r 2 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Manag ent Service Director � City Clerk Budget Director 1 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : First National Bank of Sain Paul requested that we change account numbers for the City 0 erating Acco nt, �hich will allow the Bank to provide additional rec nciliation ' rvices for the City on their computer. At the same time, the have reque ted that we update the resolution designating the Bank as a epository, ince the current resolution was adopted previous to the impleme tation on t e new City Charter and uses language referring to the Commission r of Financ rather than the City Treasurer. COST BENEFIT, BUDGET Y AND PERSO NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: None ����,i',;���1 � -•��'�' � J J L 3 �; �93� r ,'1- �t��i�.��i.�`� - -!fi T i�.� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of T ansaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List a Number All Attachments) : Council Resol tion DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Counc'1 Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? x Yes No Yes X No Insu nce Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insu nce Attache : (SEE VERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84