85-1028 WH17E - C�TV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAITL Council �( CANARV - DEPARTMENT File - NO• �� �v^ BLUE - MAVOR � ouncil Resolution Presented By� L � Referr o � Committee: Date Out of mmit ee By Date BE t Resolve , Pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Section 20�+B.21, the Counc 1 of the ity of Saint Paul hereby appoints the attached list of p rsons as lection �udges in the precincts as indicated for the prima y electio on September 10, 1985. Should vacancies occur in the po itions du to resign.ation, illness or unavailability of the perso s appoint d between the date of this resolution and the election ate the C'ty Clerk is hereby authorized to fill the vacancies in the po ition. � � COUIVCILMEN Yeas ,�O��Ey✓ Na s Requested y artme Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson AUG 6 �5 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � /� Certified Ya s ou cil Se a y BY �Lt�-�- IQ' %h/�CJO��L 7"Z y�aS B A►ppr by Nlavor: D te A � 1985 Appr y Mayoc Eor Subm' to ounciln By PUBLISHED I AU u 1 i 1985 i ��,a�� � Dist. 1 , _ - . Pre. 1 Pre. 9 . D Steiner, The dore W. Chairman D Conroy, James A Chairman R Jackson, Ama ia ', R Kolar, Dorothy R Kolar, Virgi ia l. D Johnson, Barbara J . R Carlson, Hel n M. � R Wald, Ruth L D Rife, Mabel ilberta ' D Krominga, Robert D Pre. 2 Pre. 10 R Anderson, Th odora V. � Chairman R Feickert, Henry Chairman D Sybrant, Jul ann. Q. ', D Cowley, Marcella C R Berntsen, Be ghild M. ', � D �-Landreville, . Edna M D Moody, Dorot y � � D Gubasta, John J D Throckmorton Carla ' - R Bisping, Edmund D Elly, Theoato e Pre. 11 Pre. 3 Il Miller, Kenneth Chairman D Hendrickson, Margie M ', Chairman D Hampton, Al1ie Mae D Donovan, Ire e D ; D Michlitsch, Reneta D Schubring, C rol G R Pawlak, Lorr ine ' Pre. 12 R Zack, Adelai e , R Fritz, Ann C ` Chairman D Ridge, Lorraine C Pre. 4 R Chiginsky, Elizabeth D Ripka, Clara A ' Chairman R Hamilton, Mary M R Grabowski, F1 rence H D Tennant, Floyd T D Holmstrom, Fe icia D Heinl, Helen � ' Pre. 13 R Hummel, Linda , R GALLOWAY, ODELLE H Chairman � D Beal, Ann Pre. 5 ' D Taylor, Merrill D Delkoski, Mar ha R Chairman D Crushshon, Dolly R Baltus, Ervin C R Allen, Ermine H D Tostenson, E1 en � R Hollerbach, R bert ' Pre. 14 , D Moody, Carolyn Chairman Pre. 6 D Goss, Beatrice R Beck, Adrienn E Chairman D Rawlings, Orean D Fuller, Flore ce R ' R Ulilliams, Verda D Sheehan, Shir ey M , R Hollerbach, J celyn � Pre. 15 D Teig, Anna Ma ' D Rabens, Joyce E Chairman ', R , Wheeler, Doris Pre. 7 '� D Johnson, Donjia, L D Zappa, Ruth M Chairman R Hodgen, Jeffrey E D Moes, Madelin M D Besser, James � R Olsen, Elizab th C D Wachman, Alex Pre. 16 R Lindquist, He er R D Murawski, Virginia M Chairman R Stephanie, Clisty D Kzaley, Thomas J D St. Denis, Adrienne Pre. $ � R Sass, Esther D Haubenhofer, A nes N ' Chairman R Woicik, John R Parkin, Lucill M D Foster, Reen M R Todora, Nichol s N ' � R Stoffel, Rita D Wiome, Mary An � � I lii�L. � /Oo2�, Dlst:, 1 . Pre. 3. �� ' �'Pre: 17 - . • D Baier, Doro hy M Chairman � .Pease, Alfred E Chairman R �_ Gates, Glor'a I D Sullivan, Dolores M R Smith, Shir ey R Chinander, Richard D Schultz, Sy via D Fischer, John A D Lennon, Mar aret R Koehler, Agnes . R Klisch, LaV ne ' � - � - I Pre. 2 Pre. 1$ i R Teeples, Gertrude S Chai�rman R Greene, Gert de L � Chairman R Sabetti, I,illian •A �� = ::{ ..�- D Clemons, �Ia H ' D Moorhead, Barbara J D Benjamin, Wi liam A. J�r. D Taylor, __Doris D Hunt, Consta ce K R �:� -Harrod�-�rfs-l�i� R Simmons, DeV ughnia � D �=-=�illet, Cecile A _ �,�:�$rulep, Pat Pre. 19 . , �' - 3 . _ D Peake, Estyr I, '�, Chairman Pre. D Stra John J _ I - _ R Brainard, Andrea U Chairman R Harris, Cath rine �I � l ' � � R Harriman, Benjamin R R Robinson, Ev lyn E , R Orrill, Margaret D Pridgen, Edd is ID Drechsel, Betty � D Madden, Deirdre R Pre. 20 ' D� Ellington, Chauncey ' D Raleigh, Cec lia ! Chairman R Tschaekofske, Larry �� Pre. 1� D Mohr, Marie R Stanke, Mildred D Chairman R Todora, Jane D Metzger, Lillian D Sweeney, Myl s D Nickerson, George D Mayo, E. Lynn (Mr. ) Pre. 21 D Ridge, James J D Benjamin, Ha riet E Chairman R V,1right, Elizabeth R Nockabee, Do othy R Caroline, Ant ony B , Pre. 5 D Schultz, Sand a D Lisson, Joanne A �hairman R Olson, Veroni a � D Gerner, Irene D �^:atts, Viola Pre. 22 ' R Ireland, Bernice D Fierce, Johny Chairman R Mcuibbon, Isa ell Pre. 6 D Kemp, Irene A ' R Mickelson, John A Chairman D ��lalker, Arver a T ' D Pearson, J. Lynn R Cromer, P�iarga et R Katynski, Mary C D Patwell, Eleanor Pre. 23 ' D Ethen, Raymon J ' Chairman Pre. 7 D Lewis, Johnel a D Croes, Arlene 0 Chairman D Knutson, Mari L D Deck, Robert D Casey, Lois M D Jost, Raymond D Kalinowski, M rilyn R Theroux, Harriet Pre. 24 , Pre. $ R Stanke, Harry Chairman R Koegel, Elizabeth M Chairman R Nicklas, Jane L D Koppy, Gertrude R Rogers, Mary ' D Reider, Eleanor R Hartwig, Lorr ine M ' D Nutzmann, Theresa D Smith, Sylvan �'� D Thompson, Merry . � �,' �I . Di s��. 2 � lii st. 2 � � Pre. 9 . . Pre. 17 � �`���� • D Hajney, Cla ence R ��, Chairman R Chinander, Mathilda Chairman D.' Rosenblum, yman R Nelson, Mildred E D Mayer, Robe t J R Wagner, Genevieve C D Johnson, E1' zabeth H ' D Woelfel, Jeanet J D Bolton, Regina S � Pre. 10 D Rosenberger, Peter D Bergholtz, arcellain' M Chairman R Johnson, Wa ren 0 Pre. 1� R Wild, Franc s K D Osterman, Mary B Chairman R LeClaire, R ymond S D Danner, Jeannette E D Adrian, Hel n D Straus, Agatha ' D Juenemann, Wilfred Pre. 11 R Kolstad, Kathryn M ft� Rasmussen, aryann E Chairman D McLagan, Ma K Pre: 19 . D Stelter, Ga e M D Stevens, Christopher G Chairman R Matters, Ro er � R Bader, Patricia D Appleby, Do ld C ', D Abbott, Robert P D Maher, Berna d R Malone, Timothy D Seivert, Barbara Pre. 12 , D Lance, kiilma D Chairman Pre. 20 R Kurzweg, Rut R Bauer, Charles F Jr Chairman R Johnson, Reg na D ' D Kabesh, Lillian, R D Gavin, Elean re L , R U7eigenant, Faye C D Redman, Assu ta M � D Marquardt, Rita C D Nelson, Haze J � D Jones, Megan A Pre. 13 Pre. 21 R Nelson, Euni e F �� Chairman � D Corrigan, Magdalen A Chairman R Cummings, Ge rgia J�� !, D Bauer, Mary G R Reddy, Marga et D � R Kisch, Doris A D Kaphingst, Et el M I R Meidlinger, Marion A R Hamel, Maxine � D Brengman, Corinne L Pre. 14 Pre. 22 D Locke, Lorayn T � Chairman D Appleby, Lauretta M ehairman D Fabio, Odilia L ' R Dwyer, Martha D Tianning, Viol t M R U?itt, Agnes V R Funk, Mariann D Clancy, Richard E R Baar, Louise D Nehring, Carol M R Robinette, Dorothy Pre. 15 D Quinlan, b2ary Ann Chairman Dist. 3 D V7everka, Delo es Pre. 1 R Podgorski, Jo sph W R Boyd, Gertrude Ruth Chairman D Driver, Cathe ine M R Griebenow, June B R Ripley, Alice M D Hoye, Terrance James R Murphy, Dorri e D Gilbertson, Margaret L Pre. 16 R Bauer, Esther P D Dunn, Margueri e L. T. Chairman D Burns, Francis R Chairman R Capron, Betty ane R Rudberg, Mildred S D Kalash, Helen D Therrien, Margaret L R Koegel, Peter D Valerius, Alvin Leo D Moulin, Beverl K R Furth, Mary I Dis�. 3 liist. 3 . � Pre. 3 ,' Pre. 10 �` �S�a�� . R Magraw, Jea Grismer �j Chairman R Magne, Virginia Chairman R . Gilsdorf, M rion I � R Dougherty, Frances D ' Kell er, Sar h L D Chute, Alfred W D Lee, Esther D Sabaka, Margaret D Farsht, Mon a R R Campbell, Thomas . D Rothstein, avid D Roe, Judith R Poplum, Alm R Caldwell, I a Pre. 11 D Bonfe, Lucille C Chairman Pre. 1� D Steiner, Delores L D Vars, Ardel a S Chairman R Godbout, Emma D Jones, Judy A R Stimmler, Helen C D Sternberg, artha A D Senglaub, Gladys R Palmer, Mari n W R Bauman, Robert A D Schuba, Doro hy M � D -.Dahlen, Dorman R Grafstrom, nett , � ' . Pre. 12 Pre. 5 R Harrington, Catherine M Chairma� D Garrett, Sar h E Chairman D Lamb, Bernadette D Sevcik, Marc lla A R Parkhuxst, Lyman D Ferrell, Jud ' R Matthews, Vlendy Marie D Kirk, Emma B D Minning, Lillian P R Simmons, Mik ' R Sepion, Antoinette F ' D Scanlan, Richard L Pre. 6 I R Hoffman, Carolyn R Renstrom, Fr nklin N Chairman R Cohan, Edith R Lundberg, Ro er U? D Bach, Lola D Schonberger, Evelyn M D Carruthers, Marie R Kramer, Phyl is Mae D Simes, Isaac Pre. 13 D j•�elsch, Rosi a E D Rahlf, Mary E Chairman D Dickison, Ca oll � R Nzelsen, Arline V , D Sattler, Sharon M Pre. '7 � R ti�!alton, Jean C D Besner, Jerom H ��Chairman R Ostgaard, Mil red S Pre. 14 D Harkness, Jea G D Vinar, Dorothy A Chairman D Ertz, Corrine L D Holzem, Irene C � R Herman, i✓araD ' R V,'alton, Donald ! R Davis, Allan J Pre. $ ' R Rogers, Florence L D Turner, Helen F �hairman R Scoggin, Narc lla C , Pre. 15 D Elsenpeter, E eanore M D Schwabel, Catherine A Chairman D Holtz, Esther E R Arneson, Lois M R D9aykoski, Mar aret E D Graham, Florence ' R Gallager, Marlene Pre. 9 ' D Katz, Jack R Eha, Joann R C�hairman D Hawkins, Robert M R Kane, Martha R Niller, Peggi J Pre. 16 D Holtz, Clarence A D Rosenblum, Rita T Chairman D Kueppers, Laur J D Hammond, Anne G R Levin, Muriel K R Schirmer, Frances D D Krenzen, Katy Ann i ll1St. 3 UisL� 4 ' �'= �S/O�� ' •Pre.. 17 ' Pre. 2 . D Stabnow, �rJa ter W � Chairman R Barrick, Virginia Y Chairman D . Manning, Ka hryn N R Delger, Josephine E D � Martin, Mar K ' D Jelen, Luella R Hennessy, M rcella H R Johnson, Alice G R Spurrier, R ssell J D Dow, Bernadine . R Kubiak, Ma E R Donaldson, Jean A D Frost, Elaine Pre. 1$ D Joyce, Flore ce M Chairman Pre. 3 R Miller, Marg ret B R Keleher, Janet L Chairman R Benthin, Avi M R Morlock, Elizabeth B D Supornick, P yllis D Davies, William J R Grogan, Beve ly ' . R Skovholt, Elvera H ' D McPherson, Edmund A Pre. 19 ' .� R -Mayers:, Carole R Beckman, Mil red L Chairman R Pankonin, Edria C . D Fischbach, H len S . D Bureloff, Th lma Pre. 1� D Manos, Rosel a S D SteinEr, Phyllis T Chairman R Wells, Mary R Trapp, E1sie. G R Kurlon, Eve , D Byland, Lorraine M R Gillespie, Ina Mae Pre. 20 ' R VieY�l, Myrtle C D Sullivan, Li lian� Ann 'Chairman D Hagerman, Irene E D Baumgarten, etty F D Giesen, Iren Pre. 5 R Young, Alexa der S D Johnson, Irene M Chairman D Rauen, Dolor s M ' D Oelker, Margaret E D Simes, Alice R Murray, Charlotte S , R Ramlow, Ileane L Pre. 21 D Rudie, Z�'inifred M D Dorsey, Mary A 'Chairman R Williams, Grace D Rupert, Mary ' R Kilby, Bryce Pre. 6 R Miller, Ruth , � D Davies, Hazel E Chairman D Price, Elmer R Johnson, Burtman E ' D Timm, Mary Pre. 22 ' R Higgins, Argie G D Brodsky, V;ill'am A IChairman D Salvatore, Mary R Heinen, Narjo ie C D Dickey, Anna Pre. 7 D Larkin, Carol M R Dahlen, Gloria D Chairman R V�'halen, Marga et D V.'orwa, Lorraine F D Haberkorn, Ge aldine D Hammerlindl, Louise C R Hoerner, Nancy C Pre. 23 D Vdestphall, 9hirley R Slonim, Rosal nd �hairman R Jefferson, Ke neth R' Pre. $ D Vosejpka, Phy lis A D Graff, Catherine C Chairman D Berrisford, M rgaret C D Amundsen, Dorothy M R Linstroth, Fr nces E ' D Ingelbretson, Bernard D Goldberg, Nay Joyce ' D Vallerius, Judith A R Meints, Rebecca Dist. 1� Pre. 1 Pre. 9 R Sandquist, Li lian L Chairman R Seglem, Marilyn E Chairman D Freeman, Glad s H R Erickson, Leola G D Rantz, Doroth M D Graff, Gilbert S R Deutsch, Eile D Brault, Marcella D Smith, Bessie � R Johnson, Hazel ' R Schroeder, Ro3� , i ' Dist . ,� .� �� Y,S--ioa � . Pre. 10 � Pre. 17 R . Feickert, S lvia M Chairman D O�Brien, Gertrude J Chairman D ' Bush, Charl s A R Cullen, Anna Theresa R Moylan, Ber adette D Miller, Lorraine R Sunness, Lo tie J R Hoye, Catherine D Scott, Carm 11 A D Jackson, Pamela E D Sharlow, Michelle Pre. 11 R Addington, ottie J Chairman Pre. l� D Harrison, H len E D Sharlow, Justina E Chairman D Castell, E1 a Mae ' D Cline, Kathryn D Mitchell, M ta A D Housewright, Joyce K R Jenkins, Ru h M R Kimball, Mary R R Castell, Ve na R Semmler, Art Pre. 12 Pre. 19 � � D Jackson, Mi red J Chairman R Delaney, Susanne E 8hairman D Byh, Gregor E � D McCracken, Ethel M R Mattison, I ene G '� D Deuhs, Katherine M R McRay, Geral R , R Lundberg, Katherine F D 0'Brien, Rob rt J , D Kelly, Mary A �' R Shapiro, Janet K Pre. 13 I'� R Nelson, Gail Louise ' Chairman Pre. 20 R Miller, Caro I R VJarren, Lucille T Chairman D Roeske, Dori , D Healy, Roger Justin D Keller, Agne C ' D Cour�ney, Margaret R Nordh, Helen I R Rudberg, Theodore L , D Bailey, Edna Pre. 14 R Skinner, Mary R Becker, Bern ce W Chairman D Johnson, Evelyn D Gustafson, A vera A R Per•due, I��ari A ' Pre. 21 D Rustad, June , R Barrett, Lucille M Chairman D Gunsell, Mar orie D Kemp, Mary A D Scanlan, Jane Pre. 15 ' R Jacobsen, Joan D j�linterhalter Henry J Chairman D Loney, Theresa D Danley, Doro hy Ann R Romaniak, Sy via Pre. 22 D 0•Donnell, C therine R Kuehl, Bonnie L Chairman R Boyd, P�;ilton L R Binger, Margaret N R Sandburg, Jo n ' D Donahue, Helen J D Vashon, Betty Pre. 1� R Vogel, Shirley R Fruhstuck, M e C Chairman D Smith, Irene D Lester, Berna ette F � D Muehlstedt, ry J Pre. 23 R Hunt, Narjori Ruth R Esch, Margaret M Chairman D Tierney, Phyl is R U:estman, Margaret N R Hultberg, Bon ie D Mountain, Nanette J R Wendell, Myrtle D Lane, Hertha L �i � Dist. 5 � Pre. 1 ' � Pre. 9 ��S/o�� ' D Nichols, Id V '' Chairman . R Corry, Eileen W Chairman R �' Jacobsen, A is K D Koke, Evelyn M D Larson, Ard lle V R Pitt, Edna D Holle:an, S irley Ann D Anderson, Marjorie V D Rushenberg, Cheryl,M R Heskett, Elaine C ' D Neumeister, Richard A Pre. 2 D Okoneski, Janet M R Kranz, Mary H ', Chairman R Wolens, Ant n ' R Pierre, Leo a M Pre. 10 D Eckel, Anna R Murphy, Rose L Chairman D Maroney, Ma aret D Rider, .Mary A R Sjoberg, Car 1 J D Ziblep, Sadie Pre. 3 Pre. �ll R Buck, Elizab th A � Chairman R Boet, •�irginia E Chairman D Fleischhacke , Shirley�� C � D Thompson, Gene C D Deneen, Mary pn T � D Cadry, Helen J R Johnson, Lou se I R Capetz, Planetta L R Klett, Zrmin C R Rivet, LaDonna M R Gerdts, Kat een Pre. 12 Pre. k li D Hollen, Dean D Chairman R Langevin, A1 ce Mary �!, Chairman R Richards, Marguerite E D Probst, Flor nce M ' R Szymoni�, Audrey M D Gelbmann, Co inne C ' D Kirkwold, Esther S D Tschurl, Joh F ' D Duren, Josephine Ann D Stage, I�iaril n L Pre. 13 Pre. 5 D Sz}*monik, Frank Chairman R Thorsen, Vir inia E Chaixman D Mitchell, Luzetta D Olchefske, A na B D� Bonk, Inez L R Thomas, Hele I R Tome, Ruth D Novak, Evelyn D Carlson, Vicky D All en, I�;ari e R Achterling, T eresa Pre. 11� • D Peltzer, Marie C Chairman Pre. 6 R Klett, Carl F D j�7ilson, Verna Mae Chairman D Peterson, Martin D Jelen, Franci N D Joyce, James Thomas R Thorsen, Home David ' R Sass, Louis D Dabe, Ruth R Robertson, An Pre. 15 D Youngdahl, Ma ie C D Wigen, Edna F Chairman R Winne, Marie D Yanish, Rose R Heatherington, Florence G Pre. 7 R 0`Neill, Penelope R Carlton, Geor e H �hairman D Neuinann, Ruth D 0'Neill, Jean tte D Boget, Magdal ne Pre. 16 R Martens, Jack Alvin R Petschel, Lorraine D Chairman D Pego, Betty D Denisson, Helen A R Kubitschek, Marguerite E Pre. $ D Hennessey, Lucille A D Petsch, Marga et I �hairman D j�Tashenberger, Katie M D Kirkwold, Herbert B D Noren, Vivian R Smith, Elizabe h G D Lemay, Linda � • Dist. 5 , ' Dist. 6 ' C1�- �s-_/a�z � �Pre. ' 1� ' ,; � Pre. 4 "D Guinn, Maria B Chairman R Hollerbach, Reba A Chairman D �� Testen, Agne R D Tetzlaff, Mary J D Koren, Ruth � R Mattson, Agnes A D Zechmann, Ge rge I� D Knapp, Eleanor K R Demma, Phyll's A D Babcock, Margaret M � R Waldorf, Lynn Pre. 1$ '� D Ranweiler, S ella R Chairman Pre. 5 R Kreyer, Lorr ine R Hovey, Margaret M Chairman R Briggs, Mari D Fogarty, Maxine A D Brinker, Ann M , D Maloney, Doris M R Merkl, Lorra ne V R Sward, . Carmel P , D Young, Alyce M Pre. 19 . R Racer, Alice E D Beikler, Ele nor M �!Chairman � - D Kempenich, E hel K Pre. 6 R Heskett, Eug ne ' D Hanson, Bonibel E Chairman R Umlauf, Dian e R Hartman, Beverlp Y D Scheuneman, arjorie D Daigle, LaVon E - D Naughton, Elizabeth J Pre. 20 R Brunnette, Harriet L D Moeller, Mart a R Chairman R Dorman, Berth R Pre. 7 D Yutz, VJillard B D Thayer, Madeleine J Chairman R Wolkerstorfer Martin B D Davis, Lillian C D Cromey, Judy ' R Olson, Arlene D ' R Helfmann, June Pre. 21 D Lee, Eileen R Litkey, Hazel R Chairman D Langton, Delo es G Pre. $ - D Sammons, Leon rd Ray� R Erickson, Eleanor L Chairman D Bresnahan, Lu lla J D McKinnon, Eleanore M R Kernkamp, Ele nor A R Carlson, Raymond R Desler, Raymo d D Friedl, Carol Mae D Edwards, Dorothy Dist. 6 Pre. 1 Pre. 9 R Lineer, Cathe ine M Ghairman D Johnson, Lorraine C Chairman R ��:eiblen, Dono n R Reeve, Priscilla Mae D Tavern, Elsie J R Maddio, Judith Ann R Sanny, Dorothe L R Hinz, Helen M D Hanley, Lois I D Mickelson, Joan B D LaGorne, Dorot y M D Lindskog, Phyllis M Pre. 2 Pre. 10 R Gallagher, Phy lis M � Chairman D Kelley, Alice A Chairman D Polski, Marion S D•y LaBossiere, Donna M R Carlson, Julia E R McShannock, Edith A D Fehr, Clara F R Heclrn�an, Margaret A R Dickinson, Mar 'orie D - Dreis, Iva Mae ' R Carlson, Jane E Pre. 3 R Hawkinson, Mar aret R C airman Pre. 11 D Johnson, Eliza eth L D Piepgras, Theresa C Chairman D Mielzarek, Mar ie P D Mooney, Ora B R Robinson, Jean M D Walls, Evelyn L R Tucker, Cecili K R Patchin, Gladys R R White, Dorothy I , D Kunz, Dorothy J ; , � i � . � � �Jr` /0 �� .Dist, 6 � � Dist. 6 Pre. 12 Pre. 20 D Eyinck, Mar ery �T Chairman R Ranallo, Paulina A Chairman R Johnson, Ma el B D Theissen, Kathryn E D Pol�ki, Jer e J D Schober, Veronica M R Schornstein, Lucille S R Engle, Carol J D Zawislak, P agia M D Jungwirth, Theresa M Pre. 13 Dist. 7 D Smith, Eliza eth D Chairman Pre. 1 D Jelinek, Mar aret M R Nelson, Dorothy A Chairman R Langston, E1 a D Crea, Marie D R McCarthy, Ro ert J D Meland�r, Ellen P R Jackson, Flo ence M R Kern, Deloris E Pre. 14 Pre.` 2 ' D Schwantes, L rraine M Chairman R Amos, Margaret E Chairman R Thomson, Cec lia M R Bahnemann, Dorothy J D Powell, Anit R Hermo, Viola. R Kamp, Flora D Hayden, Anna D D Dietman, Bev rly J D Trost, Martha E D Byron, Anna Pre. 15 R Norste3t, El er A Chairman Pre. 3 R Linell, Haze D Richie, Margaret A Chairman R Bateman, Har iet R Singer, Sandra D Hanley, Jame H R Anderson, Marjorie R D Lambert, Jud'th D Jennings, Gladys Helen , D Voeller, Edward Pre. 16 R Hackett, Cla a H Chairman Pre. 1� D V,'right, Mary 2�I D Ahnstedt, Anna C Chairman D Connolly, Au rey A R Meyers, Esther B D Hoffman, Hel n A ', R McDonald, Pamela R Yatckoske, b; rie ' D V.'ahlin, j�lallace B D Frost, Beatrice D'� U;arren, Katherine R Ribe, Lorrai e Pre. 5 Pre. 17 D Lieb, Patricia M Chairman R LaBarre, Vern E Chairman R Spo�k, Ruth J R Schwendig, Mi dred F R VJinkel, Lorraine D Schrankler, I ene A D Foster, Mary C D Belisle, Ione A D Boyd, Patricia D Kivel, Lorrai e M R Moncries, Mar e Pre. 6 D Charpentier, Margaret _ Chairman Pre. 1$ D Hanson, Pearl M D Bach, Leon hairman R Pothoff, Gertrude E D Gilles, Marjo ie L R Huonder, Bernard A R Rebeck, Marjo ie L D Koesling, Jeanette M D Sollie, Julia R Peterson, Geo geann Pre. 7 R Quinn, Irene A Chairman Pre. 19 D Kuczaboski, William Z D Carlson, Doro hy E hairman R Johnson, Dale H D Voeller, Lorr ine C ' D Schwarz, Ruth M D Hayne, Joan M D Kusilek, Marietta M R j�:age, Marcell J R Neumeister, C rrine , D Koppy, Theres R Combs, Richar . � . 'Dist,�. 7 ; � , � � ��—/�� � Pre. $ Pre. 15 D . Engstrand, Cecilia V Chairman R Sandberg, Ruth H Chairman D ' Malm, Hariet e A R Miller, Muriel Agnes R Koenig, Jose h W D Joet, Merle M D Erickson, Ed a C D Brennan, Lawrence R Black, Cathe ine F D Flasch, Carole D � R Goemer, Reda , R �arke, Carol Pre. 9 Pre. 16 D Burmeister, elen I Chairman D Meier, M�ldred M Chairman R 0'Connor, He en J D Muck, Bernice R Hansen, Mart a E D Deck, Helen,M D Stephens, Do othy E D 0'Reef.e, Catherine Mary R Ehnstrom, Be nadine M R Burger, Hope N D Nelson, Flor nce . D Johns, Katherine Pre. 10 . Pre. 1 7 D Map, Rosemar e J . ' Chairman R Misukanis, Gerogine A Chairman R Ryan, Mary S F. R Marschall, Mary Lou D Albrecht, M tle R Bushaw, Margaret E R Fleischhacke , Rita D Hawkins, Mary J D Rauch, Camil e D Brennan, Mae A R Bresina, Bev rly R McGurran, Mavis D Lasnetske, P tricia D McDonald, Lee Ann Pre. 11 Pre. 1$ D Heimerl, Reg'na M Chairman D Gaetke, Ethel D Chairman D ti�'oitas, Kay R Campbell, Edith M R Palumbo, Nim' D Mildenberger, Helen K R Piepgras, Ca ol J R Krum, Mary Anne D Abraham, Ine A R Hawes, Patricia Graham R Kirpach, Mar aret R Anderson, Marjorie Pre. 12 D Gorgos, Albe a L Chairman D Nelson, Mary J R Mayer, Marjo ' e M D Schaf fer, Joseph M R Potthoff, Alf ed R Ahrens, Evely Pre. 13 D VJald, Rosella A Chairman R Nadigan, Anna el K R Hermanson, i�Sa ine A � D Bodsgard, Nar aret D D Schroepfer, J nice Pre. 11� R Chisholm, Eth lyn E hairman R Dock, Carolin J � D Stark, Lorrai e J D Lambert, Mari G R McElroy, Howa d I , � �,/'- ��=,�oa �' City Clerk EPART�1ENT �Carol Fontai e ONTAC . x �41 HONE e� �r v 07/23/$5 DATE �� (Routing and Explanation Sheet) Assi n Number for outin Orde Cli All Locations for M oral Si nature : � Department o rector RECE�VE� City Attorne 2 Di rector of nagement/ or JUL 2� jg�r Fi nance and anagement S rvi ces Di rector {������c� 3 �i ty ��erk p C�TY ATTORN�1( Budget Di rec or C¢� `'�I� '�C 2 � f985 � ')� �►�`�� �rFl�^� What Will be Achie ed b Takin Action on the Attached Materials? Pur ose/Rationale : Election �u �es for t e upcoming September lOth Primary Election will be app oved and ppointed pursuant to Minneaota Statute, Section 204 .21. Financial , Bud eta and Perso nel I acts Antici ated: Salaries wi 1 be paid from an established budget fund upon their completion of servic s. Fundin Source and Fund Activi Number Char ed or Credited: Elections d Voter R gistration � 00263-212-000 Attachments List nd Number a 1 Attachments : 1. ) A lis ing of E1 ction Judges is attached. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�i Yes No ouncil Reso ution Required? Resolution Required? ✓ Yes No Yes No Insurance Re uired? Insurance Sufficient?"ZL�-�er� No Yes No Insurance At ached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions)