85-1027 WNITE - CITV CIERK '
C,bu cil Resolution �
..- s
Presented By J�rry'
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committe By Date
Resolved that e propPx Cit�y officials are hereby auzthorized and
directed tA uGe an agr � with the Stat�e of Minnesota,
Minnesata De t c� H th, whereby the City shall achninister
a bubexculosis ntrol prog I a�r► wi.thin its designated servioe area
according to t�ern�s o�E id agreanent, a copy a� which is to
be k�ept on fil and on r d in the Department of Finanoe and.
Nlanagenent 'ces.
COUNCILM�N Requested by Department of:
Yeas v� ONA4G1/ Na s
Dr� e~� In Favor Community Services
Masanz �� ' ��
Scheibel __ Against BY -T
Adopted by Council: Date U�7 � �a�v`� Form pproved y C' `rne
Certified Y• • ed y Co cil BY
l�ppro by lVlavor. D te ' /AUG 8 1985 Appro y Mayor for Submissi o unci
By B
PUBLISHED,' AU G 1`l 1985
� STa7E OF MIMNESOTA' � �d�.� -/O«27
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� CON�R CTUAI. f non-state employee) S��VICES ��
Trn. No. Account I.O. Orga ization F,Y. Re uisitio�No. Vendor Number Type Terms Cost Code 5 . CD.1 C.CD.2 C.CD.3
Cost Code 4 Amount Suffix Object �
� A40 A41 Er�tered by
Oate Number 1
A44 ❑ A45 A46 EnCered by
Date Number
NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR: You are require by Minnesota Statutes,. 1981 Suppiement, Section 270.66 to provide your social security
n�amber or Minnesota tax id ntification numb�er if you do business with the State of Minnesota. This information may be used in the
�nforcement of federal and tate tax laws. S�pplying these numbers could result in action to require you to file state tax returns and
pay delinquent state tax liab lities. This contr ct will not be approved unless these numbers are provided. These numbers will be available
to federaf and state tax auth rities and state rsonnel involved in the payment of state obligations.
THIS CONTRACT, which s all be interprete pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between the State of Minnesota, acting
through its Health De artment
(hereinafter STATE) and St. Paul Di ision of Health
address 555 Cedar 5treet
St. Paul, Minne ota 55101 -
Soc.Sec.or MN Tax I.D. No Federal Employer I.D.No. (if appticable)
(hereinafter CONTRACTOR ,witnesseth that:
WHEREAS,the STATE,pur uant to Minnesot Statutes 144.05, Section (b) 1977
isempovreredto plan, acilitate, oordinate, and su ort the or anization of services
for the prevention and Gontrol of illness and disease ,and
WNEREAS, the State as an inter st in monitorin and im rovin the ualit of care
for tuberculosis p tients, con acts, and suspects ,and
WHEREAS,CONTRACTO represents that it is duly qualified and willing to perform the services set forth herein,
NOW,THEREFORE, it is a reed:
I. CONTRACTOR'S DU IES (Attach addi ional page it necessary). CONTRACTOR, who is not a state employee, shall:
A. Administer a t berculosis ntrol program within the city of St. Paul in an efficient
and effective anner pursu nt to the procedures as outlined herein.
l. Implement uberculosis control procedures consistent with American Thoracic Society/
Centers fo Disease Co trol recommendations as Stated in Minnesota Tuberculosis
Control Ma ual for tre tment and bacteriologic surveillance of cases, contact
follow—up nd preventi e therapy of high—risk individuals.
2. Submit com leted "Tube culosis Case Report" forms, MTB-1, for all newly diagnosed
tubercuios s cases who reside in St, Paul within one week after� the completion
of the dia nostic proc ss.
3. Collect me ical data o� tuberculosis cases under surveillance at 3—month intervals
during tre tment and s�bmit the data to MDH on °Tuberculosis Quarterly Report"
forms, MTB Z. �
4. Provide di ectly obser ed chemotherapy to tuberculosis cases unwilling or unable
to comply ith appropr'ately prescribed regimens,
(Continued on xhibit A wh'ch is attached and made a part hereof.)
A. Consideration fo all services perfprmed and goods or materials supplied by CONTRACTOR pursuant to this contract shalt be
paid by the STA E as follows:
1. Compensati n six—thousand doliars
2. Reimburse nt for travel and subsistence expenses actually and necessarily incurred by CONTRACTOR performance of
this contrac in an amount not to exceed none � dollars
($ none ); provided, that CONTRACTOR sha�l be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses
in the sam manner and in no greater amount than provided in the current "Commissioner's Plan" promulgated by the
Commission r of Employee Relations. CONTRACTOR shall not be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses incurred
outside the State of Minnesata unless it has received prior written approval for such out,of state travel from the STATE.
The total obliga ion of the STAT� for al! compensation and reimbursements.to CONTRACTOR shall not exceed
six—thou and dollars.($ 6,000.00 J_
B. Terms of Paym nt
1. Payments all be made by ,the STATE promptly after CONTRACTOR'S presentation of invoices for services performed
and accept nce of such servuces by the STATE'S authorized agent pursuant to Clause VI. Invoices shatl.be submitted in a
form presc ibed by the STAtE and according to the following schedule:
Reimbux ement will k�e made upon submission of monthly expenditure reports.
2. (Vti'hen ap icaole) Payments are to be made from federal funds obtained by the STATE through Tide of the
Secti�n 317 (a) of i�he Public Health Service ___ _ Act of
_{Pub!ic law�__ and amendments theretoa. If at any time such
fur�ds bec me unavailable, t�his contract shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such `act by the �STATE
to CU"JT ACT'OR. In the vent of s�ch termination, CC^:TRACTCIR shal� be entitleci to payment, d�tennined on a prQ
rata v��is, or services satisfa�torily performed.
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;i;. CQ��+TtO(v� OF- PaYM 7. A!l services Y.,tiudec� Ey"f:flfttTR"A��}1�R�r5uan4 to th�s�cont�3c*„shatl �__p?�rfarrrred��tg #„F�S�tt �
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isfactivn of the ST�4'FE,_as deLefmineci,iYC►� saie diserebax�o'� tts authorized'ageni, anc#.an accor`t��avrth.-at1.a,�Pl�cabEe fa�2:_.�.--==`Y �
- - - � - - -_z, _ _�_.. _ _ .> .,,� .___.� ;. ._..� .
. anci locai laws, ordinances rules and �en,uta ions:�CON'CRACTt�R`shalt not 'receive=�ayment for wark f�„rir�L.:. ��`''Ta�� �° �� '
unsatisfactory,or performe in violation of federal,state or local law,ordinance, r��le or r�g�;1��i�=•• ���7
�V. TERM OF CONTRACT. T is contract shall be effective on--.-.-.�:s�� ,z. , 19 ^�._, or upon such
date as it is executed as t encumbrance by the Commissioner of Finance, whichever occurs later, and shali remain in effect until
��%� , 19.�_, or until all obligations set forth in this contract have been satisfactorilyful�iiled,
whichever occurs first.
�. CANCEL�ATION. This c ntract may be c�ncelled by the STATE or CONTRACTOR at any time, with or without cause, upon
thirty (30) days' written notice to the o her party. In the event of such a cancellation CONTRACTOR shalf be entitled to
payment, determined on pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed.
V;. STATE'S AUTHORIZED AGENT. The STA7E'S authorized ayent for the purposes of administration of this contract is
3.+x t�.. �:�atit.
Such agent shali have fin I authority for �cceptance of CONTRACTOR'S services and if such services are accepted as satisfactory,
shall so certify on each i voice submitted �ursuant to Ciause II, paragraph B.
`v f I. ASSIGNMENT. CONTR CTOR shall nei�her assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this contract without the prior
Nrritten consent of the S ATE. '
\�`Ili. AMENDMENTS. Any a endments to thi� contract shall be in writing, and shail be executed by the same parties who execu�ed
the oriyinal contract, or heir successors in�office.
;i:. L�AB:LITY. CONTRAC OR agrees to in¢lemnify and save and hold the STATE, its agents and employees harmiess from any and
all claims or causes of ction arising frdm the performance of this contract by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR'S agents or
emp!oyees. This clause hall not be con trued to bar any legal remedies CONTRACTOR may have for the STATE'S fai{ure fo
fulfill its obligations pur uant to this cont act. - - � - • �• •
X. STATE AUDITS. The ooks, records, d cuments, a�d accounting procedures and practices of the CONTRACTOR relevant to
this contract shall be su ject to examinati n by the contracting department and the legislative auditor. - - •-
r I. OWNERSHIP OF DOC MENTS. Any r ports, studies, photographs, negatives, or other documents prepared by CONTRACTOR
in the performance of i s obligations un er this contract shall be the exciusive property of the STATE and all such materials shalt
be remitted to the ST TE by CONTRA TOR upon completion, termination or cancellation-of this contract.CONTRACTOR shall
not use, wifiingi,y ailow or cause to hav such mat�rials-used for any purpose other than performance ot CONTRACTOR'S obli-
, _ . :_ . ._ : _ _ . . _ . _ _ ._ -
. _ .
gations under this cont ct without the ior written consent of the STATE. ,- � -
. ._ . .. _ .. _ .._ _. .
XII. AFFIRMATIVE ACTI N. ,(When appii able). CONTRACTOR certifies that it ha.s �eceived a certificate of compliance from the
_ . . .: _ . . _ .. .. . . . . _. _ _.. ._ . _.
Commissioner of Huma Rights pursuan to Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supplement, Section 363.073.
XIII. WORKERS' COMPEN ATION. In accor ance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, 1981 Supp�ement, Section 176.182, the
STATE affirms that ONTRACTOR h s provided acceptable evidence of compliance with the workers' compensation insurance
coverage requirement Minnesota Stat tes, 1981 Supplement, Section 176.181, Subdivision 2.
XIV. ANTITRUST. CONTRACTOR hereby ssigns to the State of Minnesota any and all claims for overcharges as to goods and/or
services provided in c nnection�with t is contract resulting from antitrust violations which arise under the antitrust Iaws of the
United States and the ntitrust-laws of he State of Minnesota. � . - - -- - � --
XV. OTHER PROVISION . {Attaeh additio al page if necessary):� - - • � - �- - •
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, he parties have c used this contract to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby.
APPROVED: OTE: Remove c rbons before obtaining signatures. � - �- ' -- -
. _ . ... . _�- _, : , . . :._ _ _
� As to form and execution by the
(lf a corporation,tw corporate office s must execute.)
s� ev
Title „ s Date
Oate '
By By(authorized signature)
TiU _ � ` _ Date -
ate � . �
� �- '
tl �� .
� �
i.: ' �
By (authorized sign ture) �_ By (Encumbrance Center authorized signature)
t3., ij
4 „_
. `f..� � c:
+��� ._ _ ..
Titte � `+ Date
WAite — Fina ce Department Sfue — Agency Accounting Unit
Canary — Contractor Salmon — Administration Department
Pink — Agemcy Suspense Copy . Green - Agency 4'/ork Ccpy
� '� C,��.�-�o��
� .
4. (c ntinued) ba�ed on American Thoracic 5ociety/Centers for Disease
Co trol recomm�ndations.
5. Re rt to the $tate all individuals started on chemoprophylaxis
di pensed by CcDntractor on "Preventive Therapy Report" forms, -
MT -3, and not�fy the State of the date of the cessation of therapy
an the reason for closing therapy.
6. Pr vide face-tp-face visits for compliance and toxicity assessments
to all tubercul�osis cases at least quarterly and to individuals
on preventive therapy at least once in the first three months of
tr atment.
B. Utiliz funds prov�ded by the State to support staff whose respon-
sibili ies will re�ate �o Items 1 through 6.
C. Return to the Stat� all unexpended Federal funds upon completion of
the co tract perio along with a final expenditure report.
II. State' Duties. Tkje Minnesota Department of Health will provide to
the Co tractor theifollowing:
A. All re ort forms n cessary to fulfill this contract.
. _
B. Techni al consulta ion from the Tuberculosis Control Program to
assist with all as ects of tuberculosis control in St. Paul.
C. Antitu erculosis d ugs for chemotherapy and chemoprophylaxis.
D. Tuberc losis case eports and bacteriologic results on residents of
St. Pa 1 which wer submitted from medical sources outside of the city.
� DEPAR�MEPIT- ��`��a�07 2
. . r .
Jwl DATE Q/ e e
ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUT NG ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature :
Department Directo '� Director of Management/Mayor
�Finance and Manage ent Services Director 5 City Clerk
udget Director
City Attorney
Rationale) :
Re�olution to a1.lo City sig atures on an. agreement between the Minnesota
Department of Heal h and the City of Saint Paul thro�xgh its Division of Public
Health for adminis ration of tuberc�osis control program within i�ECEll�nated
service area. ,, Ep
,� � ��' JUl 19 1985
Funding for pxogra will be 6QOO.OQ from Ju1y 1, 1985 - June 30, 1986.
�c C�-i't�`c�
JUL 2 5 i985
�NYtii�''� Q'r"r1C�
ture not re-
Total Amount of Tran ction: $6 00.-00 quired if under
Funding Source:
Activity Number: 33 35 � ��
��;�,.��!p..... �-
ATTACHMENTS List and Nu ber All Att chments : y �y�
�^�,r�. �
1. A reement - Ozi inal and ive (S) co ies •��'� � �� 1 � �
g P� � ��:
�����r � � 'i�..1 ._ '_�„
2. Resolution p��,, ;; � '�� ' r : . � -,
�1�1D i.;w,,;lNz�.;,-::.��_�
Y✓ es ' Council Re olution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No
Yes � o Insurance equired? � Insurance Sufficient? Yes No �/�
Yes No Insurance ttached:
Revised 12/84