85-1024 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE (�ITY OF SAINT PALTL Council QS—/D� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. V � BLUE - MAVOR � �ouncil Resolution Presente By Referred To U� Committee: Date �''���� Out of Commit ee By Date An admi�istrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding the titles of Research Aide, Communications and ' Program, Director and Director of Management. RESOLVED, that the Sllary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, Unclassifie Positions, by deleting from the last paragraph, the title of Director f Management, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, th�t the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be further amen ed in Sectioh V, Subsection D, under the heading "Professional Group" by deleting he following: GRADE 46 Research Aide GRADE 51 � Comm nications and Program Director ; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be further amen ed in Sectidn V, Subsection D, by deleting under the heading "Professional- Administrati e Group" in Grade 31 , the title of Director of Management; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, t at the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation be further amended in Section V A, Salary, 'by deleting the titles of Communication and Program Director and Research Aid . COUNCILMEN ' Requested Department of: Yeas S�o�NE� Na s ' PERSON OFFICE Drew � [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel , _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson I Adopted by Council: Date I AUG rl 1985 Form prove by C' Attorney Certified Ya d y ou cil S t ry BY B � t�ppr d by ;Navor: D t — \'' AUG $ 1985 Appr e by Mayor Eor Submi ion t Council B r�uB�isH�� AUu 3.'I 1985 � Mayor's Office _.:D�pARTMENT ��,��/O-?� Np 44� . p H ' CONTACT 298-4323 PHONE � June 26, 1985 DATE � ',i� e �r ASSIGN NUMBER FOR R UTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Dire tor � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Man gement Servi es Director � City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEV D BY TAKING CTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolut on remove from the salary plan the titles Director of Management , esearch A' de and Communications and Program Director. These are obsolete titles in the Mayor' s Office and are being abolished. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGE ARY AND PE ONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The titles i the Mayo 's Office will be reduced. FINANCING SOURCE AN BUDGET ACT VITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List a d Number A1 Attachments : One Council esolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORN�Y REVIEW Yes No Coun il Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insu ance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insu ance Attache : - (SEE R VERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �`"=����� �'� �zfi�- �, . ..:_ , ;: . --:._ _ ._: ��,s- �o� y s....;��;:;�� O .S AINT �.E1U + y�;y; r; ....\ • . , I', .f:.._'�; r��,'-`::���� 4�I.�ICr OI+` 7.'�TI: CIT�'' COIIICLL � ���=�, s�;,:=;:;�= -�� �<<� � �� , _� :^, �.,.. t� . . . . ;:�� .= /-,` ' D d fi e , July 18 , 19 85 '�;y_ .,;,;;•�_� . y '' '•i:,�.. � . COfV!' I�/� i�TEE F� E PO � T TO = Safn� P�ut Ci�� Cou � �i� . . F P, � �,�� = C d M,rj j j�?� �� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ' ' C�A! R ��MES SCHEIBEL 1 . Resolution consen�ting to the issuance of Por� Authority Industrial Reve- nue oncs i� the amount of $90Q,000 to finance remodeling to the former Card zo Warehouse at Fift 8 SroadwUy for MarketHouse L�mited Par�tner- ship iPort Authority) ���e� 2. Reso ution amending the 1985 budget and adding g97,012 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Community Se vices Department-ParkS and ecreat i on D i v i son. (Commun i ty Serv i ces? � �ro���{ {,� . 3. Ordi ance amending Section 32.01 of the Administrative Code pertai ing to t e salaries of elected officials. (Personnel ) Q���� G?�/ 4. Ordi ance replacing t�e titles of Administrative Aide ta the Mayor, Admi istrative Aide I , Administrative Aide II , an Adminis_ra�ive Aide ,.._ I I I i th new t i t 1 es. (Personne 1 } /'� „�/,--Cj I ) �!�rJ !/(/ 5. Ordinance establishing the titles of Assistant to t�;e Mayor V and Assis- � tan to the Mayar VI . (Personnel ) , 7�-, // . /���v �Y 6. Ordlnance abolishing the titles of Research Aide and Communications and Pro ram Director, in the offiee of he Mayor. (Pe sonnel ) . • � 7. Res lution amenc�ing the Salary la "and/ k�a�es � Compensation Resolution reg rding the titles of Administrative Aide to the Mayor, Administrative , Aid 1 , Adminis�rative Aide II, a Admi�istra ve Aide III. (Personnel ) � - prv��.� 8. Res lution amenciing the Saiary 1 n and f�ates of Compensation Re=olution re*� rding title6 of As�sistant to the Mayor V�and Assistant ta the Mayor V? . (Personnel ? y�71���,(/ /!/ �--, 9. Re 1 ca��<� �ne�d t ng �Cfie Sa i ary i an° artt'! R�tps of Comne!�SaT i an Reso l ut i on r �r~r!i n� *_he ft'���°bf Res�arch A�i e, C�i cat s and Prooram �]i r?c- to or !r?anage���t. (Per=onne! ) ��� ' ���� 10. Re olution amer�aing the 1985 Special Fund 8udget by aclding �65,000 to th Financing Fplan and to the Spending Plan f % Job Training Partnership 87. �/ocat i Qna 1 �ducat i on. (PE�J) y�U -� � CI'i 1' HALL SLVEI�I'I'�I FLOOI: , , ., SAINT P��UL. ;�iI��ESOT:\5530_ ' ' •� „ . , ____,.._. ..: ...... . .�.._...._ . ------ __ .. r_�_.____.._._...�.-�....�a..�...d,_,... , .�.,.� _ _. __ ----�..,.�....