85-1022 WHITE - CITV CLERK I PINK - FINANCE GIITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT `I� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �-/o_ ` � � Cbuncil Resolution :;� Presented y Referred To 1� !�C—� Commi ttee: Date ���� ��� Out of Committe By Date An admini trative Reso ution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution reg rding the ti les of Administrative Aide to the Mayor, Administsative Aide I, Admini trative Aide II, and Administrative Aide III. RESOLVED, that the Sa ary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended � in Section V, nclassified Positions, Subsection U, under ��he heading "Professional Group" by subs ituting the following: ' GRADE 26 -Rc#�r��-i-�t��t i�a-l�i�-t��-k��o-r- 'Assistant to the Mayor I GRADE 41 , Ad��a�s��a���e-A�de-� Wssistant to the Mayor II GRADE 47 -Ac�►-i�i-s�t�-a t i�a-�-i de--I-I- ssistant to the Mayor III GRADE 53 ' Ad��A�s��a��ue-A�de-��� Assistant to the Mayor IV ; and be it FURTHER RESOL ED, that th� Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be further amended in Se tion VI A, �alary, by substituting the titles of Assistant to the Mayor I, II, III, nd IV for Ad�ninistrative Aide to the Mayor, Administrative Aide I, II and � III, respect'vely. COUNCILMEIV ; Requested by Department of: Yeas ��(f,(j'� Nay '��o� PERSONNEL OFFICE °re"' [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __�__ Against BY iedsss� Wilson AUG 6 �5 Form p oved i Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified P-:s y ou cil re BY � By� � tlpp iNavor: D te _ A 8 1985 App by Mayor for Su m si t�ouncil PUBLISNE� AU G 1�l �98� � , • I�EPARTMENT (�/"— �`���2 No 444 � Peter Hames C�ON7ACT 298-4323 PHONE DATE 1 Q,/�r� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROU ING ORDER li All Locations for Si nature : Department Direct r � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Manag ment Servic s Director � City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEUED BY TAKING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This is a resolu ion which am nds the salary plan and rates of compensation for Mayor's staff titles. T is change is necessitated by the change in titles from Administrative Aide to the Mayo and Administrative Aide T-III by the titles "Assistant to the Mayor I-IV". COST/BENEFIT BUDGET RY AND PERS NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: This action wi11 simplify an streamline the number of titles in the Mayor's Office. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTI ITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of ransaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List a d Number All Attachments : One Council Res lution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Coun il Resolutio Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insu ance Require ? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insu ance Attach : (SEE EVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �:�N';i'�--.�'.t�� . _�`I�'�'" O�' .,�AINT �. ` � .'��� U�- ���r�-� 2: �.;. + �.E1�3'L, > s :y� !if ����� . ' ' � . f:�r �;:±M i�;� OI'Z'ICE Oit` 2`FLT: CITY COII1CtL �; .� .1�:�. . , � : .�_�.�., - �tl ;=:L•�=�� /:% � � D o t e : July 18 , 19 85 `�,': r;:�-;.;=r�' . . -ty,��,. _ • "a_.. C 0 iV! (�/� I E?" E E F� E P O �T ►O = Satn� P�� I Ci�� Coun �i! . - F P, � ��� = C d M,h j j j�� �� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL i � . . • � �c.{Q � � JA�'IES SCHEIBEL i . i ' 1 . Resotution consenti}�g to the issuance of Port Authority Industriai Re�ie- nue Bo Cs in the a unt of $900,000 to finance remodeling to the former Cardoz Warehouse t Fifth � Sroadway fer MarketHouse L�mited Partner- ship. (Port Autho ity) tl�,/�� ���� I ,�� 2. Resolu ion amendin� the 1985 budget and adding $97,012 to the Financing Plan a d to the Sp nding Plan for Community Se vices Department-Parks and Re reation Qivhson. (Community Services} • �rn,`��{ U U '( . 3. Ordin nce amending' Section 32.01 of the Adrninistrative Code pertai ing to th sa 1 ar i es of e 1 ected off i c i a 1 s. (Personne 1 } ���� ���� �C.� 4. Qrdin nce replacirag the titles of Administrative Aide to the Mayor, . Admin strative Ai�e I , Administrative Aide II , an Adminis=rative Aide, _._ III w th new titles. (?ersonnel ? ���0, 1 (/ 5. Ordin nce establishing the titles of Assistant to �� Mayor V and Assis- � tant to the Mayor VI . (Personnel ) �) ��� (/ ���/ v� � . . 6. Ordi ance abolishing the titles of Research Aide and Communications and Prog am Director ; in the office of he Mayor. (Pe sonnel ) . • � / � � 7. R��o ut i on sr�cn�#ng the Sa 1 ary l 'ac�i�.��s f Compensat i on Reso 1 ut i on rega ding the titles of Administrative Aide to the Mayor, Administrative . Aid I , Administrative aide II, a A�ninistra 've Aide IIi. (Personnel ) � � � . ���'�� �� � 8. Res lution amending the Saiary 1 n and (�ates of Compensation Re=olution reg rding title of As�sistant to the Mayor V and Assisiant to the Mayor V! . (Personnel� � y�)1/� ��� /lJ� 9. Res l�tion amenaing the Salary Plan and Rates of ComAe�s�Tion Resolution reg Tr_ing the _�it�es of Research Ai e, Communicat� s ana Prooram �1F'P_C— to or M��agem��t. (Personne! ) � � �) ,}.�J� , ,p �i�rc_ � 10. Re olution amer�ciing the 1985 Special Fund 8udget by adding �65,000 to th Financing F?lan a�c+ to the Spending Plan f Job Training Partnership 87. �loca*i��a 1 �ducat i on. (PE�) �,�v� � CIT1' HALL SEVEN'TH FLOOR SAINT Pf►UL. TII::\ESUT.•�55IO2 • .�^.u . _ _ _ _..�._.�.,.._ _. _._ ___ . _. ._�_... _ . _. .. _...._..,._ ,__.�_..._..._..,.._,_ ......_____ . ,..,_,...._.�..�_...,�•�....�.,.�..,�...�.�.....,