85-1011 WNIT� - C�TV CLERK PIIQK�� - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL CounCil �,�jD// CANARV - DEPARTMENT D BLUE . - MAVOR File NO. Q � Cou cil R olution . . Presented By � n � Referred To �-1�— � � r� -S Committee: Date �"��"�� Out of Committ e By Date RESOLVED, T t the prope�C City officials are hereby authorized and directed to I execute an a eement wit}� the County of Ramsey, providing for the sale of asphalt by the City o the County, sub�ect to the terms and cond3tions as set farth in said agreeme t, a eapy of whieh is to be kept on file and on record in the oP'fice of the Depa ment of Fin�nee and Management Services. �, , I COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher publie Works Drew [n Favor �����'X.�C� � � Masanz Nlcosia schetbe� � __ Against BY Tedesco Donald E. Nygaar eetor Wilson Adopted by Council: Date _AUG � �905 Form Appro d by it Att n y , � ' Certified P• d y ounc�l Se ar BY gy, � �.lpprove A�lavor: Date AUG 5 Approved by May r for mission to Council By _'_ PUBLISHED AU G 10 1985 Publie Works DEPARTMENT ��J��� N° 1229 � . � �CONTACT -66 6 PHONE ` uly 2, 1985 DATE 1 ��� �e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR RO TING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : � c or � Director of Management/Mayor �- ' -� City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVE BY TAKING A TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) • Approval of the stta ed Resoluti n and Agreement will suthorize the proper Ci.ty o2'Picinls to execute sn Agreement ith the Co ty of Ramsey to provide �or the sale of City produced asphalt to the County. COST/BENEFIT BUDGETA Y AND PERSO NEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: R�CE�vt� J U L 5 ��85 MAYG�?'S OrFICE FIIWANCING SOURCE AND UDGET ACTIV TY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Tr nsaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS List and Number All ttachments : 1. Council Resolutio 2. Agreement 3. Green Sheet DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW XX Yes No Council esolution R quired? Resolution Required? Yes No 'Yes x No Insuranc Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insuranc Attached: (SEE REVE SE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . _ - _� �,.s- i e�i , �1C�REEf'lEhiT T I�� ,�G�'EEP'IE�IT, rrio�e �nd er�ter ed intc► tt-�is day of , : 1'�GS, b�a atad GetvMeen trie LITti� lF 5�►IhJT PAUL, Minnesote, riereinb ter �-etet�t-e� tu �� "��int P�ul" �nd TNE CCJUNT'�' i�F Ah�1SE'r ,_r�e��i n�f ter ref err�d to as "THE Ci�UfdT'�'" ; �, lTi�IE�SETH: HERF�S, ���int P�ul i� authuriLed ar��d empav,rered t� aper�te and rr�nintai � nn �,F�r��lt �l;�nt pur•�uant tu Minn�sut� St�tute�, tiecti�n 160.1 i, �ubdi��i �iun 2; �nd i, � HEREAS, �air�t P��al �nd THE COIiNTY are ros �uthoritie�_: �� ��etir�ed ir� f�finne:t�tn 5tatute�., S�ctiur�� 160.U2, �ubdi��i ior� 9; r�u�^r: tt-�erefure, . I IS r1UTU�LL�r �1liREEC� B1' ANC� EETti�'EEP� S�INT PAUL ��VU THE COUtdTY �iF F?�f°1�E4' AS FOLLU'w'S: 1 Tt���t �r�i� ��recmer�t 5ha11 corr�m�nc� Apri1 1, 19b5, nn�1 termir��te h1sr�h 31, }9oa. 2 Tt���t at th� di��cretior� af S�int P�ui �xercised irt �upG�lying its owr� rize��s f��t- �spPi�lt, 5�ir�t Pa�_�l ��rill sell tu THE ���ll.iNTV 5�.ph�lt a� �'���ilnt�le Gf the t�pe �nd �t tl�ie prtce� nuted 5s fulla��rs: . , , , .� . � l�J�` /Q!/ Fuhlic Works Item hJ��. Ei�i Iteni 1 . Bitun-nnuu.� h�ti.5;#ure tor 6asz Lourse Mn�Gi��T ��E�ec:. �331 ,��phalt C�ment Cuntent sh�ll t�e appru�. �.596 Gy ��rei�ht snd 1 t0- 15G pene#ratiun . . . . . . . . . $�3.c3 per ton Item �`1 Eir1 iteri� �. Eituri�inuu:, Mi:Y:#ure for'�e�rir�g Lourse Mr�,'[�i.1T apec. 1341 AspC�alt Cefflefil i:OfifCfit =�hal1 be apGrox. o'� dire%ted Gu the Ern�ineer . . . . . . . . . . . . . :�24.7�per #on Itern *`2 Bid itern 3. Biturninuu.: hlixtur� fur Bir�der Cuurse rtn,'GQT ��p�c. 2341 ►;sph�lt Gernent cuntent str�ll be�ppr�a:x. 5'� . . . . . . . . . . . . '�22.�6 per- tan Itern *3 �i�i Item 4 Bitun��inuu:� Mixture fur thin o��erlby t°1r�;DUT Spe�. 23r,1 ►;�Ghalt Cement content st�allj t��:a��rux. 7.U�to $.0'� . . . . . . $�c�.�U ��er ton item �`4 ,, Bid Itrrr� 6 Bituri�inuus C•tixture far curbir��� �LJJJF Mn�'L7QT �pew. Z,�41 ur zqui�,r�lent shall • ir�clud� ri�ine�-�i fill�r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �2S.ot per tr,r� It�m �5 Eid Item 7 FinE Esituri�irjuu3 Mi�;ture far p�tchin� EHut ur C.old 'f 1ii) nsphalt Cernzr�t conter�t sh�ll br�G�pl�ti:z. 5.54�; Gy'vrzlght�ittd Ii5- 1 UU ar i LU- 15t� pFnetratian material ur MC-"L`�Q c,r f�iC-�UU 4eF�rr�ding un�waother tEmperature. A��gregatr niaterial shail Ge 1 Q09� pas�i ng tt�e 3i8 inch sie�+� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r�. $25.3i:! �Srr- tor� ltcm *6 a�- 1 UU per�etration , 6. �cS.�� per tar� 1�u- 150 penetratiun C. $�,3.�t per tur� •�rith��t:-UG+] B�tumir+ou:, hli�ture f�r wearing co��rse � MnlG07 .`_�peo �341 nii�dified,►Asphal# �.i�ritrrit{hall b?apprc�x:. 69�0 $2b.1$ Item '0��t Bit��mino��s hti~cture fnr caoi ��eather ��tching. H::��tialt content tu be 5pprui:. 5`����ph�it C:err��ent and 1�a SC-8UQ $�G.?0 item �`7� NOTE: E;<:ceptir�g Bid Item �G, increase ab��ve prices $1.10 per t�r� fi7r�ddition af 59� t°liner;�l Fiilar. �. That ��ir�t Faul r?�,erti�r� zhe rig��t upun t'r�irt� t;�u'l d�ys' written r7c�tic.e t ___ �(�HE COl.itdTi� t� ir�c:rea�e the �rice per t��r� to a rnaximum of F1tti� Ce its r�;r� �r,?) • . . .. .., ������� I/ r- �. Tf�IN hilfik:'=;, I�Nt_��I-�j_•: ��U��llf-fl��lt'�, ��f�it� �C�=UI.l�1t.11�i!a R�t-��C1iC:N=, iif ���lfl . F��ul rei .4'et�il t0 tf-it=: ��qr�etii�rit �_,h511 Ge _,ut�j��=t ��t. ,�l! r�����=;i;��,��t�1� 1�r-i-,��_� t�� _ � 1r1�:�1�G�1 �fl, I-N1'le'r'r' �?f- �Ui�it b(� �iNrc���tlnel ��i �f'ir C�=�f_1fi�!�, ��Nf'=:GfifiNl 5�.1tll��rl���� by tt-ie C� i_�rity, 5f�i11 Nlihrt- tf'�N 1t?a1c�15t14'� 5�_lt�ltU�' iit- 1_f"tN _;i��tN ��i.l��ltiir" ��; npprupr-i t�. `. Tf�i,�t t.h1_, aqr��rrier�t rri,�l� be tet-��riltl�tN�� Gi� ��tt"iNt- ����r t�� i_���ur, tt�i�t-t�.� 43�,� d�.y.� �•,��rntter� r��-�t�c�. � I Pd '��1�'I T fV E'��=� H F F'E i±f-: r.t-�� ���y t-t t��_: h��':�� �:,�t. t h N 1�� t"���rl i�'_; t tl y d�r� f 1 r-'=;t V+�rlttet-i t�����e. �_O��PJT Y O F ��f't'=�E'�r' �p��ruv�� ��_. tr_� Fr�rrrr 6Y E�'r - �assi� �r�t G���_ar��t�� �;[t��rn��a Ct-��rrrr���n, 8����r�1 ��f �',�rn_:��a C:r��.,nt�a C:��r-r�r�rii�_;�_.i��r-,�rs Es'r' rt-��rt r��rE:—r:���.ar�t�� Er�;�r�� GIT1' C1F ���IP�T P�;L�L �;pprt��,�etl �y; tu Fi�rrn 6�� — C...��ti�'�-►�' r ����� � � ` �'r - - ����is �r ty �t rr�e�a C��ra�.t��r- Ci��i�t-tt�ri�t-it i�i r'i.�t�li�_ '��'i�r�;�, BY Director, De�artment of Finance -��,ri " �,na«., r��t �'.ervi ces .. .' r� �'� —/Ol/ CITY OI` �AINT I�AUL ��'r :. � '``` OI�`l+ICI� OZ�' 2`I71'� CITY COUNCIL � a�:°�na md 't; aiY bimiue�ieu6 ���1`�� �� `�y�''b'�'�&= :;;� , D a t e , J u 1 y 2 4 , 19 8 5 :���;; -�- , �:;i., �� , '+�; � COMMITTEE RE PORT TO � SQint Pau I Cifiy Counci ( FROM � Commirtee oh PUBLIC WORKS , ��,/ , CF� A I R , CHRIS NICOSIA l��'� The Public orks Committee at their meeting of July 24, 1985 took the following ac ion: Hearin D te 1 . 7/30/85 VACATION: Petition of the City of St. Paul for the vacation of the Giilette Hospital Site for the purpose of a residential housin� development site (bounded by Ivy, Forest and Wheelock f'arkway) . Recommended approval . 2. 7/30/85 VACATION: Petition of f'hi1 Winters for the vacation of � the alley i�n [31ock 2, Budde's Addition for the purpose of propPrty expansion ar�d to cure a building encroachment (bounded by California, Greenbrier and Parkway Drive) . Recommended approval . 3. 7/30/85 VACATION: Petition of Gordon and Joyce Lewis for the vacation of par�t of a sewer easement in Lot 1 , Block 11 � Berland Addition No. 3, for the purpose of curing a building encroachment (bounded by Atlantic, Nebraska and Charnbers) . Recommended approval . 4. ORDINANCE: relating i:o Board of Water Commissioners pertaining to rates for metered water services, meters, misc. prGvisions, e�tc. Recommended approval . 5. RESOLUTIQN: providing for sale of asphalt by the City to the Ra�ns�y County. (7-16-85) Recor�n�led� a�PProva 1 . 6. RESOLUTION: unnarned private drive in Pathways Addition designated as CREEKSIDE WAY, and Department of Public Works to issue r�ouse numbers for units using Creekside Way, Pathways Drive, and Parkside DrivP. (5-21-85) Recommended approval .