99-971Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of The Gaughan Companies and successor, Sherm Rutzick, 2 as documented in Technology & Management Services Department File Number 4-1999, public right- 3 of-way easements over properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued: and, 4 subject to the herein stated exceptions, the utility easements within those properties are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as foilows: 7 ' 8 Parcel l. that part of Daly Street within Block 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. 9 Paul that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the south 80 feet 10 of said Block 5. 11 12 Parcel2. 13 14 15 16 LINE A 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Beginning at a point on the centerline of St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, distant 124.99 feet easterly of the Northwest Corner of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West; thence run southerly at an angle of 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 67 degrees 08 minutes 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence deflect to the left on a curve having a radius of 110 feet (delta angle 67 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 128.67 feet and there terminating. 28 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 29 Saint Paul Legislauve Code as amended, and to the following condiUOns: 30 31 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $SQ0.00 as an administrauve fee for this 32 vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecuve date of this resolution. 33 Council FSIe # ,99� 9j/ Green Sheet # �D� MINNESOTA co that part of Toronto Street, as dedicated in the plat of Sfinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the easterly extension of the North Line of the south 80 feet of the said Biock 5. is a line running pazallel to and distant 50 feet southeasterly of the following described line: ORIG4NAL 94- 9�/ 1 2. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on 2 behalf of U.S. West Communications, Incorporated, Northem States Power Company, District 3 Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOne, The Water Utility, and The 4 Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City 5 Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for irself and on behalf of these corporauons and departments, waives 6 the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 8 3. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify defend and save harmless the 9 City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character 10 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on 11 account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim 12 brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any 13 ciaims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulauon made in accordance with the 14 law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 15 16 4. That the peutioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 17 resolution file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condiuons of this resolution and 18 shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and condiUOns of this resolution, comply in all 19 respects with these terms and condiuons. 20 21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLV�D, that, having been declared surplus to the needs of the City as 22 documented in Parks Boazd Resolution File #99-6, the underlying fee tifle to that part of the above 23 described Pazce12. accruing to the City of Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby 24 vacated, and the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to dispose of the said property 25 as provided in Chapter 51 of the Administrative Code. 26 27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, as provided in Paragraph 13.01.1. of the City Charter, the 28 purchaser of that said part of Parcel2. accruing to the City sha11 reimburse the Department of Parks and 29 Recreation at full market value as estabiished by independent appraisal. Requested by Department of: By_ � �� _�. Approved by Mayor: Date By: �i/_.�ia� . Technoloav & Manaeement Services B ���/��lZ�i��%iQ_� �,� J Director Form Approved by City Attorney I�� B ���,1✓�✓p�""� /�"_2 3—q�j I� Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption�Certified by Counckl Secretary -9�/ .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: September 14,1999 reen Sheet N�ber: 100907 o�mct Person aad Phoce N�her. 2 FP+IRTMENP DIItRCTOR 4 CI1Y COL7NCII, Peter White 266-8850 "'°'° i rrr ai-mx�Y mr c�s UDGEf DIRECTOR PFICE OFFINANCIAI, SVCS. �����,�: October 6, 1999 3 YoR<oR,�.�r, OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUFSTED: To vacate right-of-way mterest in part o£ Daly and Toronto Sireets between Grace Street and t�ceola Connechon; and to vacate fee titie interest m that part of Toronto Street accnring to the City; and to authorize disposition of that part of Toronto Street accruing to the City as provided in Paragraph 13.01.1. o€the City Charter. Ref• 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Petifion to vacate; 3. Certified Ownership Report; 4. Map; 5. Parks Board Resolution # 99-6 a�horizing disposition; 6. Certificates of Intended Non-Use. OMhh�NDATiONS: APPROVE (e� OR RE7ECT (lU ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS hNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/fum ever worlced mder a contract forUtis deparime�rt? YF,S NO ranmvQrs coamussioN A srnee . Has dus peisoon/firm ever been a Ctity employee? YES NO CIVIL 56BVIC6 COMbDS90N . DoesHtispeisoon/6rmpossessaslnLnotnotmallyposcessedbyaqv YES NO corre� C1ty empioyce? cB COMMl17'BE Eaplam aR YES answers on a separate sheet aud adach UPFORTS WffiCHCOUNCII. $,�F(�1�. mvcn, y nisriucr y ARD(S7 PLAt�`NING CO[INCII. TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITX (Who, What, WLen, Where, Why?): Developer wants to construd 90 uniks of senior housing on property. VANTAGESIPAPPROVED: 90 units of senior housing would be created. The hearing on this �`�°`'N`�A����PR°`'E°: matter is set for rrone �v�,.A�ES�NO,.,�pRa�: October 6, 1999 New housing wouid not be constructed. OTAL AMOIJNT OF TRANSACITON: .y� COST/REVF,NUE Bi7DGETED (CIItCL� ON� YLS NO PrG souacE: 1�IA AcrivrrY vim�Ex: NIA aricwr. sr�o�ziox: (�r,nn`�? C�ty would receive $500 administrative fce plus an estimated $4,000 representing fair market value for property conveyed to developer. •.,,_. aq-9�►� �,� �� PETITION TO VACATE CTTI' TNTERFST I 1�'e1. the nndetaiyntd. uactituling � mnjority ol the own�ts (ar thrir leEally deslguntsd xptKtatalivey) o( �}� �yueteng P+°p�ie; do hveDY petilioa tT.e Comdl otU�e Gy of SniatPaul b rac�4 in �nluect� 3a [he propet{Y('aes) Itbnlly drsqlbed as follows: See attached legal (E�ibit A) I(we) �eQUest tl�ia vncatioa Ior the fo)]orrjpg ��(p�, To permit the reasonable development of the property in accordance with its zoning designation RT-2. I(» s) baee aunched a� copia uLwe rice plaos of .�y dnelopmeatiatended tor eannzuction ao tDe laads to De vacaud. Contact Person Person(s} responsible for paymenY of vacationfeeand for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation Name: PAont: F17-7R6-6320 ndaeu: 299 Coon Rapids Blvd, #210 Coon Rapids, Alcctnue Centnai Petsoa h9,,,e: Patrick Gaughan p 612-786-6320 � oon ap Addteu: Namc: Alan Hamel, Gaughan Land Incorporated p 612-786-6320 Addmss: oon a . — eoatrRapids-�F4� � 33h33 �q-a�� Signstures of O»ner(s)/RepresentaII�•e(s) of Propetty(ies) Below: � ��-ai: d. `_` G ��—. Alan J. Hamel, President -��.,.a�� coroora e c�,-�r �� s�=r��� � -- �' a 7 / �Y// �f � N P • — � i' s%R`a nt ^' S ' S '- G f_7�� 7, Alan J. Hamel ��� �Gtionu, ot one of ihe petitioaus in [he above mattei: and I do harb �a of the si n�uiu � tTus Y ax aad ver(fy thn[ cncA S ytiicion �u s{qned ia mypi�,seyee Dy ihe prraou destiibed in Ne Petitio➢. F--. /�, l �- e1':d�..fi � ��^-, L�..-,.e� .�-'--��/o-,�-�<c (Ftdrionu7 SuEsa.bed and swora w beSa> me thi.a / aay ot �' //u,} ,( 199 �� LORt ANN DETERMqp� i4 tAiMYPU81.�41Y�NE90TA —� �_ ANOKA COt}N7y �� ' �, � Wcmmrm�ru�n.sf.x000 L./ "r C•out9) (<A�UGf.2fhV8� EXNIBIT A ct q -9'1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF STREETS TO BE VACATED, CITY OF ST. PAUL. GAUGHAN LAND 1NCORPORATED That part of Daly Street that lies w::thin Block 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. PauZ, that lies Souther2y of Line A, described below and North of the South 80 feet of said IIlock 5. That part of Toronto Street as dedicated in the p1aC of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey�s Addition to Sc. Paul, that lies Sautherly of Line A, described below and North of 4i�e East extei.sion of the North line of che South 80 feet of Block 5, �f said Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul. LTNE A That part of Bloek 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey�s A.iditioa to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof lying Northwest�rly of a line *��nn�ng parallel with and distant 50 feet Sou*.heasterly with the following described line: Beginning at a poin� cxi the centexline of St. Clair Avenue in St. :aul, distanL 129.99 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section lz, Township 28 Nort*�, Range 23 West; thence runs Southerly dL an angle o� 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 feet to the point of beginniug of the line to be des�ribed; thence deflect to the right at an anale of 67 degrees'08 minutes 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence de£lect to the left on a curve having a radius of 110 feet tdelta angle 67 degrees 20 minutes 19 seconds) for 128_67 feet and there tezminating. s �q4 ��11 ����.�INSU���o�.� o 9855WU��tbSnccl.Fa[rnP.airic.MinnWya553ad (Gii)tt263� Ordex Number: (N2606081 A scarch of our trac� indidra and of the public recurds in the Oflice of the Cvunry Reco�der, and in the Office of Yhe Regisuaz of 15du, and a scurch o£ Cciti�icate of TiUti Numbet 3�y�p , in u County, Minncsota as to the following desmbed pmperry: Sec attached I.agal Desaipvon. �isdosex that Parcc] 1: Gaughan Lxad Sncucporated, a Minnesota a�rporation PBSCel2: Etiuibeth R. Maboffin (i�) (are) che gxntce(s) in the last recorJcd conveyance of satd proper±y. '1'he foltowing items are no[ed for yuur infnrmaiiun: t. Scare Ueed dsteJ necembcr 23.1992 and �i�ed March 73. ty93 as Dueument No.100751U to Gaughan i.end Incorpura�ed. (Partcl2) Covcrs a�diuonal land. �NI) ()F TT'Eh'IS Real Y,stau Tax lnforvwhon lteal estatc taxes pa�yeble in 1999 are 52,224.04 and are unpaid. }tace taz 5611.82, Non-Homestead. Roperty Iden�caaonNo-1L2&Y3•11 Nute: I7tere are no delinquent taxes of record. Estimated Markct Value: $23.6QO.OQ (This doc� not indude a search to[ LevicS or pending assessmems. lf su�h a searcl� h� be�en reque�ccd, it ix dune hy soparate cenification indepcndene of �his report.) 90' d OZ£6 98L ANVdW07 NHH'-J(1V�J 3H1 db5 = LO 66-£Z-�QW K°�•�'�� Lcgai Dwcriptiun- Continued C.T. tSle No. 2W806� PerrPJ r Tne west i/2 oF etx�c 5. �ccepi che Saah Ba leet v�.xed. St'msan. Brown erA HarTma�'�s ntltlnbn m St. Pail. exwpt tnaz part lykip NarthwosteAy da Iine running pa�aliel vn[t� an6 tlis�&n[ SO fBat Soutt�eab�Y� � k+�a+'�n8 4 �� �: BeginNrvd p� e pplrcc on Ihe Cgntenlne of St pdir Avenue In SL Peul. Ois�ant 124.99 feat East ol ihe NoM1hw%T cdrret d 9ecHa� 74. 7ownehW 2a North. AenOe �3 west: thenCe nm6 $oWw<<Ya� en anye �89 degmes 37 mtnutea 42 seGd�dc will� caid centerllne (When maesurod hvm we5t to eau[n) for Y00 feet io Ihe Ganl �t bBglrmin9 of the iine to te C98CY�beU: Nertce d�ec[ m the �qM az aa anple ot 87 deg�eaa OB minu�es 49 seconda kr633.421aeY thence dWlwt to [he le�c on a cu�e nevtr�g a mdWe of t io fe¢� (ee�ta arreto e7 aeprees io m�m,ces �s aecnnas) ior T76.s� reec and �here �ertM�Unp, Hamaey Couctty. MmnasWa. AOSVatt PrOpellY Parcd 2. East o��e•ha�� (E� /2) W Block Bve (5) except tna South eighty (S 80) kr1 thereot, crt S�Inson, 0rown and Rameeys AcldMon ro S[ PaUI. Remsey COUnry. Minnesate. To�ren6 PrOparty LO'd �Z£6 98L ANHdWO� NHH�JfiH9 3H1 db5=L0 66—£2—�QW � �`� ``�� � Order Numher: 911260bDtS1 C7ffCaGn TITLE LYS[IRANCE COMPANY, aa abstcactor regutcrad unda the taws of ihe State uE Minnesota, heretry ccrtifi�s ihat it has maJe seacchea fa Rasasee Couaty in comptianee with Minnesota Tltle Swndard Numbcr 82 and finds ao unsattsfied judgmencS no uasattsficd Nu5ce5 of Swte 7ax licos, no unsatisfied Nouccs of Federal Ta:s Liens and ua Motices of IIankruptcy against t6e numes shmva, ucep[ as sbown hercoa: Namex: Gaughan tand Lnwrpotated Etizabech R. Mag�n Sexrched'fn: Ixnuary a,1999 January a,1999 ................................................................................ '[hc Gability o� Chicago T'iUe TaSUrance Campany is {or reasonable eare ia mafcing this search xnJ shnli, ia no casa extead the lea�t of: a) the adual loss of the agptitattt; or b) il�e sum of S f(MI.IXI. Thi� is not a tifle insuianct policy sad �hould noc lx retied upnn as such. For Puli prutection, a tiUc tnsurance poLiry shauld bc secured. Datecl this 4Sh day of _ Januarv 7499 3t 7:Q0 AM. ('EIICAGO Tfi7-E [NSURAN('E CUMPANNY By: � � — Authori•red Signarory) p�pp oM 80' d OZ£6 98L AN7dWOJ NtYH�Jf1K�J 3H1 db5 = GO 66-£Z-�QW ppproved by The Atta'ney cnera u9G8 ,� STA?£ OF MII'717ESO�CA � �' � DEPAR?MERT OF RE`7E1�tIIE f ' � CpNVEYAPICE OF FORFETfED LANDS iesuai Pumm�2 ro Muv�eSOm statntca. S�tloas 262.a1 m 28Z.12 Incivsivc. THIS INDENTUttE. Made Shts 23rc1 day of Deceatbcr, 1992, beCwecn the Sta:c ot hIlnnesa[a. as pany of the lirst paTt. �nd Guug}1an iand lncoryorated, pany of thc second part. WITNESSE'1'H: WABRE!•5. thc land herelnafter described. havtn� been duh fostetted to thc State of Minr,esa�:, for thc nonpaym�nt ot tcuces. u+ss sold under thc pro�LS�ons oC Minnesota Statutcs. S�cuuiLS Zt32 hl l0 282.12. uu:tustve, tn chc pany o( che sccon� parc. an 3. wti1P'+F,dS, the saw paay ci the setond part has pald in futl Lhe pusehase pdte of satd ;an� �� :^_:, c4ierw�sc tully compl�ed w0.h the tond�nons oC sa�d sale and 1s enttt]ed to an sPPropflatC mnveyance therea NO'W. TIIEPEFORE, U. � Scaie o[ Minnesota. pursuant to said stacu[es. and 1n con<tdcrat�ori o( ehe �e*nisrs. d•;.s iierety gzant, trazgatn, sd[ and convcy unto [he said p3rty of �t�c s�eond part. i. � evccess�:cs and ass�gn: Forrvcr, ehe followmg descriUed land lying and t�cing in th� Caunty ot Wm<cy. and Scate of Minr�csota, to-wit: Parcel 1: The wr.st 1/2 of A1ocls 5, ezcapt che South 8o feet thereol, Sunson, Hrown and Ramseys % ndd�Uon w St. Paut. acc❑rding w the rc<: �racd plat thercot; exeept that part lyk� , Nonl�westcrly ot a lme runntng parllel wlth and dtstant 50 icct Soucheasterly W �h the fo71::u•�n�r dcscribCd llnc Seginning a[ a poin( on tlae Centcrllne af St. GalrAvcnue ln St. Pau1, dU�nut 124.99 Sttt I;aSt oC tt+c Northwest coma ��( Sacuon 12. "Cmvnship 28 North. ttange 2S wr.:��: tfience rung Southac9y ac an angc o[ 89 degrees 37 mtnutcs 92 scconds wiui sald cer,•-rtmc (wlicr measured fmm wesc to sou(h) for 200 (ecl to :he point of beg�*u+ing af the lu�e w� ^sc:rtb�d, ttie�tt ddlcr.t to the riql�.t at an angle oC 67 deg'ecs. OB minutes, 49 scconds for f,3, icr'; ihencr. dcflecx to the leR oa s curve havmg a radius of 110 fect (ddtu a»gle 67 deb� �.. 10 u:inu[es. 19 scc<uids) foc 328 67 fcet arid there termtnstrr� Pa�cl Il: F.ast U:t_-l�a' t? i/21 oCHla:k Flve (51 eXCept thc SovUi E�hry (5. 80) fect theteof, oC Stinson. Browu and Ra�nxy's Adduiun to S[, i'a�il, accord�ng io the recorded P�3t U,creoL except thst f., �; pa� ry�� NonLwesterl,v of a hru ruxrung parallel with and dtseant 50 fect Saviheascerly w�th ��, the CoitoWing dcsorlbed lIIie: Heg�nntng at s� »nrnt on the ecntedtnc oC St. Clatr Avcnue in S[. Paw. dtstunt 12a.99 feet Easi uf thc Northwes[ eorner of Scctfon 12. Tou�iship 28 Nonh. Ra[�e 23 west: thena �vns Soueh�rly nt an ���te M 89 dcgrecs 37 nunutes 42 scconds wlch satd ce+�tcrllnc (w1�cn mrasured Crom w�gt to so�t1�1 for 200 tect to thr polat of be�tnning of the llne �o Ue dcscrlbal thcnec deUett to the t'{ght at an nngle uF 67 deg*'ccs. US minute5. 49 seconds Cor 633 h2 foct: U�e3ue deilece Yo the �*11 on a curve having a radius ot 130 ieet (delta anglc 67 de�rees. 10 minutes, ifl sccondsl far 128,G� tect and there cermtnaring PLN. 1 I-28-23-i i-00� i. exeepu*� and resrnl:ifi to Qie sald statc, fn trust for taxing dtsMCts concemed. all mincrals and �nmerA] nghts. r3s pmv�ded Dy law, TO AeVE AND TU NOLD °•IE SAME, together wf2h all thc l�ereditammts and appur: nences thereunto belonging c� en anywtse appertaining, tn the saW paKy ot thc scccnd pan.: successorsandas5tgns,FCV��• �:. TtiE GRANTOR CERTtFi: ihat the Granlor docs not know of any w�lls on the descrlt� d rna] property. "Clie State .'Qmn�sota fs fssutr� U.is deed for fhc county and other taxtcu, ntsd�cUons and tn rettance a:i the .•aditors Certt[icate siatmg no �+clis are ]ocated on thc abnve dr.scrlbed property. (�. 22702 � � �� ,>�.• , ; ,-.` - � • R MSEY COUNTY � �!� ` ) MINN£SOTA ° 7 -,' :'.':::�'=� Deed tax hereo� due $ 64.30 � DEED TAX AMOUN7�,� � _ �: . .:�;-•� � �r�. i , .r..l_, � AGR�CI�LTUF��L CONSEHVA'i ION FE[ PAIO f �- FAMSLY COUNTY'�I �. �, _�J ;3-!'. !'-��`,: t: _____�__ .— ,; ' r � ,; ,, : - �• ,� i ,�g: rc: '�`F'��'� , s•'�;. < 4�•- - ..'c,. ' �,y" � j: '��� a i3'�:'C "y�'�' Ii +�' �Ed�"1::;pZ��:i{i ie: - �'r�"' i'�E�` ,. . .... ;i:. py �� ii �,��' }?� I a f' 1 'i ��y /il I I�r ' � . .p'� . �c I }'=' . . ..w;1..'��V . .!Y�i , qq` � � � b0 OZ£6 98L ANtYdWO� NHH�Jf1V`J 3H1 d£5=L0 66–£Z--AEW _� e �_ . �t �SrrnipNy ypl�REOF. the Stafe of Mlnnesoca has caused thts decd ta bc ���ced In ` -�iit ` IIS nam� m the ctty oC S�. Paul. County o( R�mscy and State. oC Minnesota. thc day and year [3zst sbnve u.�rttccn. (t� � . ����� �A�o��A aa � DORO'18Y A MeCUING � �l J.�..�::>« . l�( sr ;p�.�� �+��� � °� s. , > e.� � . . _��a--� � � 6'IA'1E OF '�T�OTA 1 )sa. Cou+�b � �n' � 'Ih�s lnscrumrni was Draflrd W Tnc Commissloncr of 3tevenuc Slxtc oC Mlnncsets Uepariment o( Rcvenu< St. P�uI. Mlnncscra F�.53a5 On chts 23� day o� Deccmbrr. 1992. before mo personally a➢pearcd GE[tt+LD D. GARSKS, the duly appointed rcpresentauv� of thc Commisstoner of Rcvcnuc of thc Scacc of Mtnnesota, to me known to bc the person �ho e<eeutcd xbo foregotng conveyanee m behaff aI thc Swte of Mfnnesota snd sckno�vledged thaY he executed the same as the frco act and deed of said stato puisuant to the statuies in sueh ease madc and provldcd. �_ ) �n •� � �/c�� ' . ,N,,,M„�,.M,�,.,,,�,,,,,.,,�,,.,�,�,,, 5 OInNE L 0.0GGE < $ �'� NQT<RT PU�UC-MINNES�TA � � WPSHINQION COUNTY � Mf COM.nIff10N WI¢6 SWpypp L, 194d Y / : . ._,� �S4 SO' d OZ£6 98L /.NHdWO� NHH�JfIt/�J 3H1 dbS = LO 66—£Z--aQW IRe:�'w'i: - Y T}ie wcat 112 of Block 5, occept the South HO fcet Ihe:cof. Stlnson. Hrown and Ran�ay s Addltlon to St. Passl. uccozd'ng to the reeorded piat thexeof: escept that Part tying p Northwestcrty o! a 11nc runn1r18 ParaUcl wtth and distant 50 fect Southeasterty.viLh ihc � follawtc�sg descrfb�d '��� � at a Point on Lh� caiteiline oC St. Cla1r Avrnu� tn St. Paut. ..I dlstant 124.39 feet East of thc Northa+est comcr o[ SccUon 12. TowrL4lUp 28 North. Rang� 23 � WesL theoce nu�s South�ly at an angle of 89 dcgeea g7 minutea a2 sconds vnth said � ccnterllne (When measurcd from west to soutA) for 200 fect to thc polnt oC bcglnning oC the llne to be deea�ibed: thenee dc�at to thc nght at an angle oC fi7 d�. OS mtr.utcs. 49 secondg for 6g3,42 [eet; thence dcflxt to ihe ]eR on a evrn havinQ a radius aC 110 feet (delta an�e 67 � a deg'eea. 10 mtnut�s. 19 scconds) ior 128.67 f�et and there tecmlrating _l l � Pam1 it: F.ast Qnrhalf fE 1/2) K Slock Ftve (5j o�c�cFt thc Souch FJghry (S. 801 feet thctto[: oC Stlnson. / Hrou•n and gamx�s AddlUOn to St, Yaut o�+8 to tre cccorded P�t lher�of: except that l psrt iying Northwest�rly o! a itne runsitn$ Para11e1 wtth an1 dfatant Sp teet South�asteriy wtth the foltaw��g de�cribed 11ne: 13�H�x�ix�8 8t a P°tnt °n th° ec�cr�° ot SG Cla�r Avrnue in St. Paul, dJatant 124.99 feet Easi oC the Norihwcat comer o�g 7 s�c.wminuca, a sccoads w i�s�sid � 23 weat: thrncc runs Souttiaiy at an an�gle oC 89 ae�ees caiterllnt (whcsi mcasuied from wcst to south) for e o[ 67 d o � e 0�8 mtnutes.�49 �sx�on39 � to bc d�btd: thar� d�xt to thc rlght at an ang� �m• 833_�3 fcet: thcs�ce d�lSect lo the lc.`t on a curn havtn,q a radlus of I 10 f�ct (delta angle 67 deg:e:es. 10 minutes. 18 a�condsl fnr 128.87 fett and there terminetlnq Pit d: 1 1-28-23-1 ! -0�1. £O'd OZ£6 98L I.NHdWO� NVH9f1H9 3H1 d£S=LO 66-£Z--a�W --.,. 7�9G8 Appro�cd by'lnc Atlunmy e�n¢ro1 6TATE OF T�iNFS01'A � � DEPARTAiENI2 OF REVENUE �� CONVEYANCE OF FORFETI"ED LA1�iDS laeaod Pu+aonnc To Mlnaesota Stetufxa 6eenons 282.oi co 482.121netuaive. T1i15 tivnENTURE. Madc chls 23rd day of Dccanber. 1992. betWeen the S�aie of Minnesota, as par�y of fhc Cvst part, and Gaughan Land Incorporaced, pany of thc sccond parc. WISNESSETB: �eREAS. the tand hercinafler de5crf0ed, hav�ng bcen duly fo7feitW to thc State of M�ru�esota for the nonpaymrnt ef texes. was soid under the provtstons of Minnesota Statvtcs. S�ct�ons 282.01 to 282.72. mtlustvc. co thc psriy oCtR� second part. and. wHER.F1,5, thc mie party oC the second part has D�d in tWi the purchase pnce of sa�d :anC aud !:=s otAe:Wtsc Tuily cor.ipL<d +vlth the �ondlUOns of satd sa7c and is rnttUed to an appropziatc convcyaact tliercof. NOW. ?REREFORE. thc Stu[c of Mlnnesota, pursusnt to sald statutes. aad tn cnnsldcratton of the prem�ses, docs hereby gram. bargam. sell and conv�q unto th� sald parry oC ihe second part. �ts eucces�oxs xnd asst�ns, Fore�er, ihc fo]lowfng descrlbed land lytng and bcfng !n Lhe County of Ramsey, and Sta�c of Mixsaeso[a, to-wiC Paic<1 7: Tnc Wcst I/2 o(Hlock 5. exeept the South 60 fed thueoL Stinson. Hrown and Rantsey's Addiuon lo St. Paul. aceording tn ehe recorded p7a[ cnereof, accept that part lytng ;� northwescerly uC a t�ne running paraltd Wlth and dLvtant 50 f�et Southeasterly wlth the feilow�ng dcsc�ibcd line: Scginning aL a polnl un che trnterLne of St. CIa1r Avrnuc in St. Paul. dalant 124.99 fcet F;asl of the Nprtbwesc comer of S�etion 12, Townshtp 26 North. Rar�e 23 �'lesr thcnco runs Southerly at an angSe 0( 89 degzee5 37 minutos 4Z 9tcondswith safd r.cnteriine (when measvred from west to south) for 200 feet to thc point o(beglnnmg of the ]me to be descrlbcd: thrnce Cdlcet lo the ristrt at an angle o[ 67 de�es. OS mmutes. a9 seeonds for 633.a2 feer, thrnce detllct to the left on a wxve ha�lr�g a radius of l 10 feet (delta angle 67 dcgrces. 10 minutos. 19 s�conds) for 728.87 fet[ snd thert terminatu�g A�aet t1: Easc Onc-halt (E 1/2) oI BIx3c t7vc (5) «ecpt the south Eighry (5. 80) feet 2henoC, ot Sttnson. Brown and Ramscy a nddluon to St. Paul. according to tt�e zecarded plat thereot: ncceyY that � parc lytng North�vesterly of a lfne running persllcl wlth and distan� 50 feet Sovtheastezly wlth {� thc CoUowfng descrlbed llne: 6egtnn�ng at a pomt on ihe centerLne nf St. Clav Avmuc in St. Paul, disiant i2a.99 feet East of the Northwest comcr ot Sectlon 12. Townshap 28 North. Range 23 West; thenec nuvs Southerly at an angle oC 89 dcgrecs 39 mtnutes 42 seeonds wlth said centerLne (when mwsured from west to sovtY�1 tor 200 Seet to the potnt af begtnntng of the 11nc to bc dcscrfbed; thcs�oc drJiccl ro thc rtgnt at an angle ot 87 dtgrc�s. O6 m�nutes. 49 seconds for 633.9'l fcet: U�rnc� dol]¢ct tu th� lett on a cuxve having a radtus of 110 fett Idetcs an�e 67 degrees. 10 tntnuces. 19 eeconds) for 128.67 feet and there te:mtnaiing PIN: 11-28-23• 11 �0001. excepttr� and reservtng to the said scace, m wsc for ta�nng dtstrltts concerned. att min�rals and minera7 rlghts, as provided by law, i'O FtAVE ANA TO HOLD '!'tfE SADdE, together wtth ait the haedltaments and aDpuricnanccs thcrcunfo betonging or ln anywisc appertatntng, fo the said para of the second part, It5 successots an4 psslgn5. FOmcr. THE GRANTOR CEHTIFIES thal thc Grantor doos noi Icnow o( any w�119 on ihc describctl ttal property. Thc Statt ot Minnesota ts lssutng thls deed for thc eounty and othcr ta.�ung �urisdletlon.a and tn rehanec on the Audttor s CcrtlAcate statfng no welts are located on ITIe abwe dcsttl6cd prOputy. ' i L"�^�- t ' _ n '� �[:D TI". ^�-. ,- . •r,. J - • _3 i .. '; -, iru� a LC: r.•: S.. , � � ; "%lili � �/ 1,�. Cf � _�_,._ -"-[.:_�-. � � �� 22702 R.4MSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA DEED TAX AMOUNT�Q �D Qeed tax hereon due $ �� AGHICUU'UR:.t CONSEAVFT{ON 2ePAiD r�� anMSE� COUN'rv � i� ___— ' <;r". r.'" � �.� . �'� .� ,:i K! • �•� � c`s''• :�.v�. ,'} 3 ,k � �...:..<��" : n', � ,,,,��.. - ' ^ t;Ci:f ;s:��ri,, .. ..:7,.`3al.� '�. r'•: �� . . .. �t� - i :l::i�.?iN +.-Y•tg !f{.'c'•�.. � . � . . . , x..: , ... . . . aa-°��� ZO'd OZ£6 98L l.Nt7dW0� NVH9l1H�J 3N1 d65=b0 66-9L-..tdy �. ; BALE AN'DERSON POLSTEIN RANDALL & HZ�L, LTD. 607 Marquetkc Avenue, Suite 400 Minncapolis, MN 55402 Telephone (612) 332-8063 �+acsimilc (612) 332-2489 FACS[M1LE T12ANSMTSSION SEP-09-99 THU 12:13 PM BALE ANDERSON "1'O: 1�RX #: rROM: DATl:: Earl Cazlson 651-266-8855 Ncil Yolstein September 9, 1999 RE: Vacation File 1k4-1999 YAGLS: (TncIuding U�is pagc): 10 MF SSAGL / COMM�NTS (i f any): Att�ched are Purchasc Agrccment and AdJendum per Pat Fischcr's rcqucst. P. O1/10 d� °�. �t `11 The iiiformation contained in this facsimile transmission is conficicntial, priviicged attotney-client camnunication �nd is intei�ded for the use of ilie individual or eniity namcd uUove. If the reader of this messa�;e is not the inte�idcd recipicnt, or flZe employec or agcnt responsible to deliver it to thc intended reci�ient, you azc hereby notificd that any distribution or copying of Qiis privilcged attorney-client communication is sG•ictty prohibited. If you have received this 1ax by mistakc, please immediately notify us Uy tcicplione, and retum all ihc documents received to us al the abovc address. FRX N0. 612 332 2069 SEP-09-99 THU 12:14 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0, 612 332 2089 P. 02/10 BALE ANDERSON POLSTBIN RANDALT. & HILL, I,TD. ATTO£�NEYS �1T IAW 601 M 11iQUE'I7T A�ENl3L•, SLlITE 400 MINNL•APOLIS, MINNkSOTA 5540?-179G TBLEPbIONE 612-33b8U63 TELLLAX 6L2-332-2089 E•MA1J, baleandenon@avrldna.accme[ 'W1LLIAM G. BAL� b7AfJC 5. ANI�EFSUN NT•,11, Pl>ISTEIN PI"CF.R Q HfIS. AOL•F.RT F'. RINUAI.i. Scptember 9, 1999 PAU1. L•. OV@FSON AYAN Y. i.ANGS1iV KIMllL•IU.Y A. EiOIM W IIJ.TAM M. SS ibAHAN v�A rncsxn�i�F Mr. Earl Carlson Dcpt. of Techttology � Managcmcnt Servicos Rc:al Estflte ]�ivision 140 Ciiy Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dcar Mr. Carlson: Re: Vacation rile #4-1999 Sherman Rutzick hos asked mc to respond to yc>ur lcttcr to him re�+arding his pctition to vaolte l�arl oC Daly and Tor�nto Strect. Your letter stltes that you are sccking proof of ownership in light of a Cenilied Ownersl�ip Report showing fee titic to onc of the properiics iii ihc ntimc of l;lizabe�h Magoffin. I an1 thc attorney handiing Mr. Rutzick's purchase of the subject property, The Certificd OwnenhiE� Report you cite is outctated. Ms. MagofFin beca�a�e the record owner under a cer�ificate of title issucd in 1923 and reuiained of tha Torrens part of the property tuitil Agril of this year, at which time i abtained an Lxaminer's Directive from the Rauzscy County Lxaminer of TiUu, directin�; the Torcens Oftice to issuc two uew cerii Gcates of title, one in the name of the State (for the portion of the B1ock in question that is T-35�,1nd the odier (for Yhc residue of that Riocic) in the name of C3aughan Land Incorpotated. Glughan l,and lncorporated has entercd into a writteo conlrlct to sell the property to Me. Rutr.ick or his �.ssigns. I enclose a copy of the �xaminer's Uirective. I also cnclose a copy of i11c title commitment froni Chica�;o Title, covcring thc parlipn of ihc property previousl� owned Uy Ms. Masoffin. Please note thc effcctive dnte oPthe title commihnent. It confirms that Crau�han i,and Incorporated has rep}aced Ms, Magoffin 1s the fec title owner oCrccord. Plcasc fcel free to call nie if you necd any aclditional inforniation about tlie title tn the properiy. Very truly yours, BALG AT�1i)ERSON YOLS'T�iN RANDALL & IIILI„ I,TD. � l � �f �t �� Ncil Polstcin cc: S. Rutzicic (wlo cnc.) Lno. (F,xaminec's Direetive, Titic CommStm3nt) SEP-09-99 THU 12:14 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 03/10 °l`�• �l'il NO. �D- 128 STAT'� OF MINNBSOTA DIR�CTT'S�E OF EXANIINER OF TITLES COTiNTY OF RAMSEY RE: CERTTFTCA'TE OF TITLE NO.: 33450 DISTRICT COiJ�tT PII.E NO.: 340530 and 340531 ACQUIRING AUTIIORITY: State o£Minnesota TO TFIE 12�GISZRAR OF TITLES OF RAMS�'Y CoUNTY, MINNESOTA: Pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §508.73 subd. 1, I hereby certify that the Pinal Certificate fcled as lloc. No. 532084 is Iegally sufficient to uuisfer title. You are hereby directed to cancel the above certificate of title ancl enter a new cer6$cate of title in the name of the acquiring authority named above, for the land described as: All thax part of the following described h�act: The east half of Block S, excegt the south 80 feet theseof, Stinson, Biown and Ramsey's Addiiion to St. Paul, which lies northwesterly of a linc zun parailel with and distant 50 feel southeastezly of the following described line: , Beginnin� at a point on the center line o£ St. Clair Avenue in SL Paul, distant 124.99 �eet easE of the northwest coruet of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West; thence run soutt�erly at an angle of 39 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said center line (when measured from west to south) for 100.44 feet; thence deflect to the right on a curve having a radius of 150 feet (delta an ;le b7 degrees 08 minutes 49 seconds) for 175.74 feet; thence on tangent to said curvq for 533,8fi feet and there terminating; szievus SEP-09-99 THU 12�14 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 04/10 ED-I28 Page 2 o(q.q�l Togethor with that part of thc above described tract adjoining and southeasterly o� the above descaibed strip which lies northerly of the following described line; Begi�ing at a point on ihe southeastcrly boundary of the above described strip, distant 40 feet soufhwesterly of its intersection with the east line of the above described �act; thence run easterly to a pourt on said east line, distant 20 feet southcrly of said intersection, free o£ tz11 memorials now appearing on said ca�icelled certificate and free of the m,emorial of this Directi��e, without production o£the Owner's buplicate Certificate of Tifle, and Pursuant to the pzovisions of Minn. Stat. §508.67 subd. 2, the tax forfeiture proceedings filed as lloc, No. 167472 are sufficient to divest die registered ownez of her title, thexefore you shall issue a residue certificute of title in the name of Gaughan Land Incorporated free of all the memorials on said cancelted certificate and frec of the memorial of this D'uective, but show the following memorial: Aoc. No. 1007510 - Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineraI righb. DATED: Apzi122, 199) ROBERT B�UTEL, EXANIINER O�' TTTLES B �.�-,° �./. ���� Dezuais W. �IcPartlin, Depuiy Exazninec DWMIlu sveniza SEP-09-99 THU 12�14 PM BRLE ANDERSON � � ,.�� .�-$t% �� � � � � $ 's , _ �• ,-�� Cj COMPANiES PROPERZ'Y ��J �!, MN. ��,�h �, � 3 b � J � I l � � � '' , � � � � �i � _i �� a � � 1� ��� �� /. \V I p � 1 -,�' tr� - i ( s�' / Y' v . � ys�" y •�' � � � l ,��{'" ' �.�I" � 5 �-r� � I.�� ' � S� � � - t, w� � � � � /'� � � 1� � � w � �,° � f °°` < I U 1 �� `> I i--'� f i . ! — . � 553.39 H d4'��'E t o i , �. $ t ' ��' � ► '° L --_________� _s ___...� .� . I t ,i �a � ' �I ________-� � � au.�r� a. �.es ov.+ �� 1 h� FAX N0, 612 332 20B9 n��'s "A� ✓"� Q'� ��" � D� C S , �- �,L..L�"' ,,Yy,.S ���f � 0 F � � 0 E �� P. 05/10 Ni a' � 0 _ m r n n i i i I � i� s m s� . � � n C � � r 1 � SEP-09-99 THU 12:15 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0, 612 332 2089 P. 06/10 �� _ � AbJfs'RIGAN J.AND '!7'ffL• ASSUI:lAT1UN C�MNI!'TMLNT - 196r, CHI�AGO T1TLE INSU1tANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR 71TLE iNSURANCE C}I1CAGO 77l'4F. 1NSU1tANCE CUMAANV. a coTpvmli�m oE Missvuri, hara4n callcd di� Company, fnr a vnluable aiattdttalivn, hereby cum�oits ta issae its policy ur poGties of lltic insurance, as idcnl ified in Schcdulc A, in fuvur of thu prupused Insured nnmed in Sehedule A, nx owncT ur m���tg�gce uf the ecTate or inlcres� covcrcd I�eraAy In Oie laud dtscdDed c�r rcfcrrad lo iB SeAedule A, Upnn poynm��t of du prcmiums and Jiurgcs dletef�r; dll subjeCt io th¢ p��rviniona ur SCh4d01es A m�d U a�1d Yo th CondiU�ns �nd Stipulati�nshcrcul', This Cammilme�ni shi�l ba clTrctivt only whcu Uie identi[y of lhe propn�ed InsureJ 7nA Ghe amoun� ��f the yulicy ot p�llciax cumt�ritted far �are Ueen inrcrted in Sdiedu�e A hcrcuf by [ha Compuny, oi�hai a� iho �ime oF tM t�suance <�f chis Cummiuncnt or hy subsoquu�t endon�Kncnt. This Co��nnimiant Is prcGmir�ary to �he i5saance oi sueh pulicy ��t p�iicies o[ titte insurF�iwe and u111"�bi��ty and obli�tiv��s be�aumlet sltall teaee and tctminaie six mnnths xClca Ute ef(ective duic hCCCUf m� whcn it�c �����y or pollefas conuni�ted for sh:01 issue, �vhichevcr Gnt uee�rs, provided thdt the PuilutP In jx�ue euch policy <�� pol{cles is not H�o f;udt of tht Co�ppt�ny. lN W(TNFSS WHERL'OF, Cliicago T1Uc lnsurance Compazry has ca�sed this C�nuniimant ta be siRnnd anil 5ealed as of d�a e�fecttve Jxtc of Commitmcnl �hown In Sd�edvlc q, [Ne Commitmct�t io hecome v;,lid when cnunierslgr�cd by un aulhorizod ai�ildtory- fssacd by: c�NtCpGO'i[TLl•' INSURANCf: CoMYAN� 9g5S W F.S7' 7RT11 5'1RL•C�T MINNkiA{'c)US M�NNES(7f'n S534i � � � P ALLt 0 l� �Si n��� uy: rf,�yy�„{/ �/' �(�r+4i % Farm 3816 - K.G Dlrbioa CIIIGA(;O'1'1'i'LE I9`ISURANt'S COMPANY By: � O-u+_ Prcf�lAeni 20'd �� OZ£6 98L ANb'dW07 NtfH�Jf1b'� 3Hl dOZ=tO 66-6i-FEW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P, O7/10 CHICAOO TTTLE INSURANCE C�MPANY SCFIEDYJL.B A � ,�I'1 \ Filc Numbcr. 1b10511 Effestive Da[e Apnl?8,1999 at 7:00 AM RL: S6crmanlavestmonb 1. L)wner s Pol�cy to be issued: iv92 OWNEtts POtitcY Amount S100,UOO.�U Yrnposed lnsweJ: Sherman Investments Coxp. l.oan Pulicy ta be i3SUCd: YropoSed lnsurcd: Amount 2. The estate or interest in th� land described or re(erred to in this Commitmeat and covered tierein is a fae simple and tittc thereto is at the eftective date hereto vcsted in. Geughan LandIncorporated 3. Tha tand re6err�d to in the Commitment i� dcscribcd as fallaws; 5ea attached L.egal Aescription. 2 ` "� �, rJ� g { ! � r G �� j t� Note: if th ere �re �ny questions concerning tisa cnaunt of this commitsaent, plcaae contact Jack Cti`bBons at (6i2� 826-3054. i1.�. £O'd D2£6 98L ��' �'�'�;����� � �o�� � « s ��,'" COtM 9(oa J.Nl7dWD� NVH9fltl9 3H1 dOZ=iO 66-62-/CeW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FRX N0, 612 332 2089 P, 08/10 ,' CHICA(30 TITI-E INSURANGE COMPANY SeheduleA LeQalDcsuiption CoafiuYed Fila Alumbcr: 2610SI1 �c� _ �i ` \ patCCl 1: The W ect 1/2 of ]31UCk 5, except the South 8U fect therenf, 5tinsotl, &own aAd Ramsey's Acldition tn SI. Paul. accordin�; to the recorded plat thereof; except that part lyiag Northwesterly of a iine runnin� pt�rallel wizh and distant 50 feet Stn�thea5terly with the foltowiag dcscrlbed line; 6egiiuting ai a pv�nt �n tha cen�erline of St. Clair Avcnue in St. Aau), d�stant 124.99 feet F.ast af the Northwesi cnrncr of Section 12, "I'nwaship 2R North, Range 23 West; thence nms Southerly at an angl� of 89 d�grees 37 minuqe� 42 secancis with Said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 f�ct to the point of beginning uF th8line to be dcscribed; thence deflect to the ri�,ht at xn angLc of 67 Aegrces Q�I minu(es 44 Seconds tor b33.42 ket; thence deflect to the teft on a curvo bavin a radius of t tO fcet (delta dnblc 67 degrccs 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 126.67 fect and there torm�nating, l2amsey (:ounty, Minnesota. Ahcuact Propetty Parc�12: '[hc cast halt of �ilnck 5, except the south RO feet lhereof, Stinson, Brown and itamsoy's Addidon to St. Paul and r,xce�t chat part, which ties northwesterly of a line run parallel with and disrant 50 feet southea�terly of }he f�llawing described line: . Aeginning at u poin[ vn the centcr line oi St. Clair Avenue in St. f'aul, distane 124.49 fcet east �f the northwcst corner of Scction 12, "1'owash�p 28 North, Range 23 West; thenco run st�uthcriy at an angle of 89 ciobr¢rm ?,7 minutrs 42 seCnnds with said center lmc (when measured from west to svuth) for 1�U.44 fect; tbence deflcct to the right oa a curve having a radius of 150 feet (delta angle 67 degrces O8 minu[es 49 sec�nds) far 175.79 fcct; thence on a tangent tn said curve far 533_86 feet and there �crminatin�; And exccpt that part of the ab�ve described tract adjoining ant� south0a�tedy of the ahove described.atrip whul� lics nnrtherly of tlae foUowing descn'bed line: Beginning at a point on tbe southeaeterlyboundary of �be abave described �uip, distant 4U teet southwesterty c�f its 4ncarsection with the ea,tt lme o� the above desctfhed t�act; thencc rue easterly to a point on satd east line, drstant 20 feet squtherly of said intersection. Torrens Pronetty oaw aroo b0'd OZ£6 98G ANtidW07 NVF19tl'd`J 3Ni dOZ=tO 66-6L-/�eW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 09/10 CHICAGO TITLE 1NSURANCE COMPANX SCF�EDULE B !'ilc Nwwl�er: ?61QS11 ��r�xaL �xr��arrs o �`�-`lrl � Upun payman� of the ful! cunsidezation to, or far the accaunt of, the grantors or mortgagors, and recordi�g af the deeds and/or mortgages, the farm and �rcecution of which is sadsfactory io the Comp-�»y, the po[icy ar policies wiU bc issued containing exceptioas in Schedute B tbereof to tUe, folluwing matters (unless the sarae arc disposed of to the satisfaction of the �omgany): 1. If dn nwner's poliry is to he issuad, �hc mongage encumbrance, if any, created as part of the purchase transaction. 2. Dqfectx, liens, encumbrances. adverse claime or other matters, if any created, first arp¢aring in the public record� or attaching subseyuent t� the effective data herecrf but prio� to the datc thc pcoposed insured acyuires f�r vatue of rccord the estaie or interost nr mortgage thcroon covered by thus commitment. Rig6ts or claims of parties in prxscssion not shown by the public rocords. 4. Lnaoachmcnts, overlaps, boundary lino disputes, and any nthcr matters which woutd be disclosed by an accurate survcy and inspec[ion of the premises. 5. Easemente ar claims �f easements aot shown by thc public record�. G. A�y lien, or right tn a lien, for serviccs, labor, or material heretofore or heresifter futntshed, impu�ed by law and nOt shnwn by publit records. 7, ?uxes or spccial asset�ments which aze not shown ss existing liens by the puhlic rcWrdS. 8. (i�neral and special taxes and assessmenu ac heroafter listed, if any (all amounts shown being exclusivc of interest, peneltics, and costs): (A} Rcal estate taecs puyable in 1499 are 52,224.04 and are unpaid. 8asc taz S6T 1.82, non-homeste,ad- w�~ Pro etty IdentifiCation N�: T�l-2$-23-11-OOQ Notc: There are no delinqu�in t&xes of record. N nte: lst half taxes pay�ble on or before May 15th; Znd hatf taues payabte en ar before Uctaber 15th. (�) Lcvied assessments for: Y1tOJECT 0221 Sewer (L515 Pave 9. SO'd PRINCIPAI. BAI.ANCE DUE S1459.20 (plus interest} $8690.50 (plus inte,re�t) (C) N�te: Therc are no pending aasessments of record. We require that standard form of af5davit, or affidavits, be furnished us at clnsing. �� ��� OZES 9SL .INVdW07 NVH9f1V9 3H1 d02=i0 66-6i-F�W SEP-09-99 THU 12:16 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 10/10 op�t - �l r1 \ CHICACiO TITI.L INSLTRANCE COMPANY SCHEDLTLL $ - Psceptions Continued Filc Numlu.-r: $510511 lil. Righu nt claims of tenants in possession undcr unrecorded leases. 11. Owner's Duplicate Ccrtificate uf'litle is at the Courtfiouse ac of this date, 12. Purchapnr's affidavit for Torrens property must be brought to closing for all deeds to be fited. 13. Note; A� of August 1, 1997, Minnesota law requires that all documenu being recrorded be on pa that measures nn larger than 8.5 inches by 14 inches and must be typed in at Icast 8-�Pint type, The tnp of thc 5rst page must contain a blank spaee whiCh is at ]east thrcc iq�vhes unde as measured from the top vf the pa�e. Additionally, the title of the JocumpAt must be prominently displayod at the top of the first page belnw the btanlc space_ �c.hxcago Ticle Insurancc Company wlil not be responsible for nny loss, dxmages ar cnsts associ�ted with any detays caused by a patty's failure to comply with thts legislation. 14. As of Ju) 1, 19y5 the Social Security nr Employers Identiffcation Number of each of thc GrAnt�r�s) and Gr�tttee(s) must appear on the CertiHcate of Real E.etxte Vatue. 15. We reyuire Well Di�closure Certificates be completed inryp ed form ptinr to closin and furnisHed at time af clasing far all deeds which �equire a Cectificate nf Real Estate �alue OR th� dced mu,rt contain the fnllowin& statement: "The So11eY cart4�ics �h1t the sdler dnes nut knaw of any wells vn the de,ecnbed ceal property:' 16. Note: The follawi¢g i3 not a pxrt oC Schcdule B, and u shown for information only. This will not be included on the final poliry. Ptease be advised that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 rcquires that the f�llowing informnriun be proyiried at cl�sing: A) Sej]er's'Cax Identification Numhcr ur Social Security Number. L�) Seulec's futl address after the closing. 17. Rcserw.tti�n of all minerals and mineral rights by the 5tate of Minnesota. END QF SCHBDULE B EXCEPTIONS. OCN06 917r 90'd � OZ£6 98L ANb'dWO� NE/H9f1tY9 3Hl dOZ�tO 66-6T-�$W ! �J h1 -. �35� • -� � Y � � .. ;�� , �.� . �, � �� r.. ��� � �. . . , ._. _. _ , , -� . -:_- --_---_ �--s�-:= E��= ���. =--_ .,.. ,. ------ . ; -. -.- .---.._ _.-.-- - : , . . : : ; ; :,�. �. . . � . . � ; i � . ; :. .' . ; ., t '� i - D . � , . � :, •, . . � ' I �i • . . � � :.�...- �... . � .: '�.., ,. � � I .� �� �..;:�'��'�i . � , . ._. „ . �:� _ .- ; ..�•��. �� � .. . � . � -' ,, � � �. ' .'."- �� . I ' ^ ✓' `� �nN � % -����'. .� -q R� �•� t .1 "V �.'1�.� • � �� � v � - ;;��0. � �: . � � . f , ^ _• � ' � � r`� i'/ . /t' � !�~` • • ' • ,�� l , �i� . .li� ` Y\ �Y / n .� � - t f/;� {15,22� i � - Cao.�sn'') � =.:_.. ,-�- � .j � V h • : 25 2� . 2 3� - LZ ,_ 24 J {'� `. r'•.r,.Jj • .. �� . .. _-� . � ; 'f ..� • . ; � i �j �i � 1 (co.�s�°'J . �,�„ � `' j . �Z: �` � . � , � _ ; ` -;: I. � � ci_-•::�;:,:`.: RAILROEaD TRACK �{ � _ J ,�.J �� . .... .r. �f��:�T::_. . ���� :. _ : -�. �__._.� ._ -�.: _,_ . ; � . _ J - G J 4 5 � > 4� i�� -��:=.:i� ::;,;--- �;_.,� Q , � �'7 I � t� - � t , C11 +.y�� � � �'� � 4 .. . . �� ^� i ' � ! ... . _._ � ��y � � 't 1 --, �, ��----------� - 7:-�� --- . � �_,.;.�: ., = :.;�::., -� ' ' �' `-' •,('.�_ - .a � � ; . _. _�, i .. �[� i :i' � ' I' 2/Y ':�.( '^ � j ` � �'7 � 1 . _�. �::~�� ----��,' � . � _, .'___ N _.'" _"_ ' `. [•l .i . � � � 4 .. , . O �. —h ..�,: L !_ � G � , j . �i � ' — � i , �: � -- T -- z , a Q - � , � •� f . L4.. `/�' �L � L_�_^.____�� � �� I:_ - _� �. --- :.__._._ `.J•� . ' .. i . '�; + ! p`••1 � � 1 .. �.�=--�= -- ---- � � ; ��, ,; — � � ' L , ----� 1 ' — i tj .,.� i i _'- ' I :.�;- S y5 � ,.. f i i.l.� i_. .,- _� { ��_��1\ � :� ; ---. -- --. . � .-� ;� . .: .__._..__ -. .._ j ,r � i= j: , �— _—�� ' , :;, ---�--- . E�� a - -- --�-- . ;,� � ..._ .___ • �' -3 � ' �. ;, � 1 r� � ,.__.----•� —' f - --�.— :-_ -_—_ ^^2..~ --'_ . . .. . L i:` = ; _.._ —_ ; �— - . :� ��:, � � , :.�, f '__"__ . I. ,� � -- •'j�) �-- '%--- - f -- --- — � ,� . � ;: M' . c�°�-��� Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission DRAFT 12ESOLUTION 99-6 � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body established to advise the Nlayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul owns unimproved street right-of-way known as Toronto Street, between Grace Street and the Osceola Connection abutting the west boundary of the West Seventh Community Center, and WHEItEAS, the City has received a petition from Gaughan Land, Inc. for vacation of the Toronto Street right-of-way to enable development of the adjoining site for the purpose of constructing a 90 unit senior citizen housing facility at this location, and WHEREAS, the petitioner has further requested that the eastern one-half of vacated Toronto Street, which will accrue to the city's community center site upon vacation, be made available to the petitioner to include in the petitioner's development site, and W'HEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is in need of expanded affordable housing opportunities for senior citizens, and WHEREAS, a senior citizen housing complex at this location would offer the opportunity for a cooperative relationship with the W est Seventh Coiyllnunity Center; and �VHEREAS. the �Vest SeventhlFort Road Federation supports the sale of vacated Toronto Street to the petitioner and development of a senior citizen housinQ faciliri at this location, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission concurs u the request of Gauohan Land, Inc. that it bz penniZed to acquire the entire rieht-of-wa�� of vacated Toronto Street betw�een Grace Strzzt and thz Osceola Connection. Adopted b} the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on (date) �tMlr�� �,�i i ��.�. ° ! Approved: Yeas �J Nays � Absent � Resolution 99-6 Mar-23-99 08:28A TESINC io-fe' i� "_+_+!'�G�-?i �R UJ.+' 1H I'i3�iC�`:ML uJJ !�! Y/11 IL�'.Y731l�`+':�}hi Y.L).SiN( CT"cft i i�ri�l�TE i3'r ii3TEtd^uc i PvvPv vSc "iHH E MAYOR AIt'D b1£MSERS OF THE COUNCIf, OF THS f rI?' t?F �nn�ar vqi �. Tn thg MattPr nf Varatinx R.ln$A_7�00 t uc ia�tu�iatt[J.tr,u' iiciGVy a:L!'ti1iW� Utt I�cilClf V� t[�1C u)(2lLa�tt IjG�(pijL(Clll. LI {�VlI1�QIij`, t'LiGi. lt t'LUG1 noi inu:nd so ezercise its uuiiry �igass m me proper[p as 6escriped on the attacheti �xptbit "a» ana as shown on the map on the reverse of fhe said Exhibit "A". excenc as herc nored: Vc5 �.--)GST /`�5 �-D �cC. , �.�r l.t��1 "C1� �' JvS� e�=, a�.e_a � —�-�--��-�`� ^� h�s t�� � ��..s �-� Q�c•ut�'Sev.� i -�s V'h�-� C'� � �-�S . � �..,.era ; st � ) �It-��s��4 � i¢�e2hR'da j �, - II�atMe.�ntnguu(nlm y e - atwrtvatlmeWlesgAbefef._nulhic��:.y� .. �j,��/�� lyyy ��.v.,�� tl - �43�s.P .,.s �l.�/rf t,� �./✓P�-�, f�u �. , s _ _ r+ _ n , �.� >i tm..As!.�. i,..., y r �F_ ��_� _f r_�_ xAA�aFf� � /� `,���``�-�'�� v4`,Er1YL�CL�JVN ,�-%Y�/�/V__ i '3 =`Y'� W��'�� "d0'AR'Gl;BL!C�iS!IM1h.SOTA. `:�vPai4c.tns�g�gaa��e�..:-i.^� m117�{SU �. � u `" . ������� J/ � '�.�-� '!y Co�miss�or E.auee Jan il 2Q00 7„yromm.sssane�aas' "- � ' _?I ' �,��� _ Y a •• Rlease s�4usTt t`:is ori�,:na! copy tc 1 Cfl £ify t3all, St. Pa�st, A�Eti 551 G2 " ��`/( �(Gihj � � `'� 13 � P.04 �0l_`1�1� .999 13�49 PED 14TH FLOOR o�ieta�ct� r.�� �� �� -�� � EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Streets to be �Vacated, City of St. Paul. Gaughan Land, Incorporated 'That part of Daly Street wzthin Block 5, Srinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to S[. Paul that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below and northerly of the south 80 feet of said Block 5. That part of Toronto Street, as dedicated in the plat of Srinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Sc. Paul, tha[ lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the easterly extension of the North Line of tbe south 80 feet of the said Block 5. LINE A is a line running paraliel to and distant 50 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the centerline of St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, distant 124.99 feet easterly of the Northwest Corner of Section 12, Township 28 Norch, 1Zange 23 West; thence run southerly at an angle of 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 fee[ to the point of beeinning o� the line to be described; thence deflect to the right at an anele of 67 degrees 08 minuteS 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence deflact to the 3eft on a curve having a radius of 110 feec (delta angle 67 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 12$.67 fect and there terminadng. . � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HOIVORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTfY OF SAINT PAUL R ECEIVED MAR 2 6 1999 9 � \ R � L ES 7 kiE�,�.. , In the Matter of Vacation File # 41499 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Fxhibit "A". Except as here noted: ��� Northern States Power Co.- Electric Its ��� �.�;LC-CY.�� a��vESOTa ) � �� ` > n ture �xrrarvv ) ,.L {�� _ ( The fo�zgoing instnunent was ac�owledged befoce me this �� day of 1/�GLY'('/L . 1999, by of under the laws of the Siate of Minnesota. k�ec�( �5?'vk- �ksisf.rn� ��:��„� y�� ��� ���� �My� Notary Public, Hennapin County, Minn ota. � ,rq�Nll, � 2000 My commission e�iru I�J � e`�'v� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** , 1 ,.:�.� :��:�;��� " �.,,,s-^,,>�s•� � �:..:..:,-����.: a� _ ;_ar5=-."�8,� � ��. � . „ , . . . - : �,.��:� � �� y CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE G �°`-`t�l\ THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF TI� In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAiTL Vacation File # 41999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: N ��a��(�-(;e N.S.P. - Gas Distribution Its �et5 �� ��i��✓� —� b1IN.tiESUTA RAMSEY The& by of Z „� -��.1 ICCCti' Cu� - 1 > ) � �( ! c'C� Signature instnunent was acknowledged befote me [his Z� day of M1+2 P�G l/( 1999, S 0 undex the laws of the State of Minnesota. KATHLEEN S. DOW NOTAflY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA 1y (70rtIT. EXpires Jan. 3t. 200 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** t CER7IFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCTL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL �� -`�� � In the Matter of Vacation File # 41999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. RECEtVED MAR 1 7195� ��aL EsrarE fl�visior� ��.k.;���T� > RAMSEY District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. Irs �w, � : J_ - f- Signature I f��--�--� 'Ihe foregoing insm�ment was acknowledged before me this � a�' day of ( l. GC�Y�Gh� , 1999, bY 14-n�Le,-S J , �4d�Gc�-.� �z tpres;�..:�' of 1 Jislr�vt - �,�.-.0 /��s+, �—, ���a..�a. YIM—dr�,� Ca porc.iia+tr S'�: n+..Q Z�1 7T under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � t. <��` i <:� TRUQYI..SH�RW6b8 � � �' AOrr,pv aueuc-Miwe�ESOta � '"^�^� WASHING7p.�' COUNTY MY Comm. Expires ia�t 31, 200p � � ��� y Notary Public, Ramsay Co "nnesota. � �� My commission ezpires � et..� . 3 � a C7C70 f ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF TfIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �c� -`t`\ � In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparnnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached E�ibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: �� Q�j p���� �� ���5 V �� e J MediaOne € t�'�, IYNETTE tAYdiE ItS � 4�.'.✓=•�: -�°''r NOTARY Pt56tlC • tdtNHESOTA C����'`\�`� P.AMSEY CCUtJTY p ° � M � 'y Cxmmissior£. +tes Jan. 31. 2C{0 �.�.i� !.. r4 Y «_. ..,.... o.-�,..... n,. MINNESOTA � > Sign ture Dakoa � The fozegoing insttument was acknowledged before me this L b day of �f//� , 1999, bY (�F/l/r�� CTVIf'iLEz .the of a undax the ]aws of rhe SCate of Minnesota. _ `/ � C/ � 'Y`-` `/`^' C' � 7 �� Notazy�Pub ' , Dakota County, Minnesota My commission e�ires // J l/� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "* �.: 1 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL �� _�`1\ In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached E%hibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: Department of Public Works I � 171 REC i2 MINNESOTA � � > Signature RAMSEY � The fozegoxng instwnent was acknowledged before me this �/ T//( day of //"/ /T/L �� . 1999, by �8��.5 � ���SU� .the �(/�E���/� of a7T� ��UL �!/t`�L/l� �O/�,L!S , a � (J�lG� //�i�L �� p0% /�'TOf7� under the laws of the Siate of Minnesota. a � � CYNTHUTANNE WOOD NOT�{AYPlJBI.IC-A�piE50iA ���Hn � Wl�m�nE�pY�tJmt31.1000 s l .LN ! lJr ! `-! Q/ �X..i1' LI � �� Notazy � blic, Raznsey County, Minnesota. My commission expires �� � �� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" , �r CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL ct �-q�l \ In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: RECEIVED hIAR � j soc� REAL ESTq7E DIVISION MINNESOTA > RAMSEY W ater Utility ,�/ ��" ' �°t� ta Divi.rfan . ItS r.�;� ManaQer Signature The foxegoing inshument was ad�owlzdged befoie me Uvs 15 th day of MaT Ch , 1999, Division b ;y��g.�-ff.--g�}}�t Roger Mohror ,flie 6'eixera� Mana¢er o p the Saint Pau1 Water Utility , Municipal Corporation of the City of Saint Paul undei the laws of the Siate of �Gnnesota. �^^���nn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn;.nnnnnnnnr �•�� JANET M. LINOGREN > < � � NQIARY PG9!!C-A3:`.�:ESOiA � < �..y.r RAMSEV couNTv � My Comm. Enpires Jan. 31.2000 � •YWVWVwVVWVVVWWVyVVVVVVWWVV • � At� eyC an[y, , asota. My conunission e�ires �/ � Q a" ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of The Gaughan Companies and successor, Sherm Rutzick, 2 as documented in Technology & Management Services Department File Number 4-1999, public right- 3 of-way easements over properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued: and, 4 subject to the herein stated exceptions, the utility easements within those properties are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as foilows: 7 ' 8 Parcel l. that part of Daly Street within Block 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. 9 Paul that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the south 80 feet 10 of said Block 5. 11 12 Parcel2. 13 14 15 16 LINE A 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Beginning at a point on the centerline of St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, distant 124.99 feet easterly of the Northwest Corner of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West; thence run southerly at an angle of 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 67 degrees 08 minutes 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence deflect to the left on a curve having a radius of 110 feet (delta angle 67 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 128.67 feet and there terminating. 28 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 29 Saint Paul Legislauve Code as amended, and to the following condiUOns: 30 31 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $SQ0.00 as an administrauve fee for this 32 vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecuve date of this resolution. 33 Council FSIe # ,99� 9j/ Green Sheet # �D� MINNESOTA co that part of Toronto Street, as dedicated in the plat of Sfinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the easterly extension of the North Line of the south 80 feet of the said Biock 5. is a line running pazallel to and distant 50 feet southeasterly of the following described line: ORIG4NAL 94- 9�/ 1 2. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on 2 behalf of U.S. West Communications, Incorporated, Northem States Power Company, District 3 Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOne, The Water Utility, and The 4 Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City 5 Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for irself and on behalf of these corporauons and departments, waives 6 the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 8 3. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify defend and save harmless the 9 City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character 10 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on 11 account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim 12 brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any 13 ciaims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulauon made in accordance with the 14 law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 15 16 4. That the peutioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 17 resolution file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condiuons of this resolution and 18 shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and condiUOns of this resolution, comply in all 19 respects with these terms and condiuons. 20 21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLV�D, that, having been declared surplus to the needs of the City as 22 documented in Parks Boazd Resolution File #99-6, the underlying fee tifle to that part of the above 23 described Pazce12. accruing to the City of Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby 24 vacated, and the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to dispose of the said property 25 as provided in Chapter 51 of the Administrative Code. 26 27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, as provided in Paragraph 13.01.1. of the City Charter, the 28 purchaser of that said part of Parcel2. accruing to the City sha11 reimburse the Department of Parks and 29 Recreation at full market value as estabiished by independent appraisal. Requested by Department of: By_ � �� _�. Approved by Mayor: Date By: �i/_.�ia� . Technoloav & Manaeement Services B ���/��lZ�i��%iQ_� �,� J Director Form Approved by City Attorney I�� B ���,1✓�✓p�""� /�"_2 3—q�j I� Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption�Certified by Counckl Secretary -9�/ .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: September 14,1999 reen Sheet N�ber: 100907 o�mct Person aad Phoce N�her. 2 FP+IRTMENP DIItRCTOR 4 CI1Y COL7NCII, Peter White 266-8850 "'°'° i rrr ai-mx�Y mr c�s UDGEf DIRECTOR PFICE OFFINANCIAI, SVCS. �����,�: October 6, 1999 3 YoR<oR,�.�r, OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUFSTED: To vacate right-of-way mterest in part o£ Daly and Toronto Sireets between Grace Street and t�ceola Connechon; and to vacate fee titie interest m that part of Toronto Street accnring to the City; and to authorize disposition of that part of Toronto Street accruing to the City as provided in Paragraph 13.01.1. o€the City Charter. Ref• 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Petifion to vacate; 3. Certified Ownership Report; 4. Map; 5. Parks Board Resolution # 99-6 a�horizing disposition; 6. Certificates of Intended Non-Use. OMhh�NDATiONS: APPROVE (e� OR RE7ECT (lU ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS hNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/fum ever worlced mder a contract forUtis deparime�rt? YF,S NO ranmvQrs coamussioN A srnee . Has dus peisoon/firm ever been a Ctity employee? YES NO CIVIL 56BVIC6 COMbDS90N . DoesHtispeisoon/6rmpossessaslnLnotnotmallyposcessedbyaqv YES NO corre� C1ty empioyce? cB COMMl17'BE Eaplam aR YES answers on a separate sheet aud adach UPFORTS WffiCHCOUNCII. $,�F(�1�. mvcn, y nisriucr y ARD(S7 PLAt�`NING CO[INCII. TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITX (Who, What, WLen, Where, Why?): Developer wants to construd 90 uniks of senior housing on property. VANTAGESIPAPPROVED: 90 units of senior housing would be created. The hearing on this �`�°`'N`�A����PR°`'E°: matter is set for rrone �v�,.A�ES�NO,.,�pRa�: October 6, 1999 New housing wouid not be constructed. OTAL AMOIJNT OF TRANSACITON: .y� COST/REVF,NUE Bi7DGETED (CIItCL� ON� YLS NO PrG souacE: 1�IA AcrivrrY vim�Ex: NIA aricwr. sr�o�ziox: (�r,nn`�? C�ty would receive $500 administrative fce plus an estimated $4,000 representing fair market value for property conveyed to developer. •.,,_. aq-9�►� �,� �� PETITION TO VACATE CTTI' TNTERFST I 1�'e1. the nndetaiyntd. uactituling � mnjority ol the own�ts (ar thrir leEally deslguntsd xptKtatalivey) o( �}� �yueteng P+°p�ie; do hveDY petilioa tT.e Comdl otU�e Gy of SniatPaul b rac�4 in �nluect� 3a [he propet{Y('aes) Itbnlly drsqlbed as follows: See attached legal (E�ibit A) I(we) �eQUest tl�ia vncatioa Ior the fo)]orrjpg ��(p�, To permit the reasonable development of the property in accordance with its zoning designation RT-2. I(» s) baee aunched a� copia uLwe rice plaos of .�y dnelopmeatiatended tor eannzuction ao tDe laads to De vacaud. Contact Person Person(s} responsible for paymenY of vacationfeeand for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation Name: PAont: F17-7R6-6320 ndaeu: 299 Coon Rapids Blvd, #210 Coon Rapids, Alcctnue Centnai Petsoa h9,,,e: Patrick Gaughan p 612-786-6320 � oon ap Addteu: Namc: Alan Hamel, Gaughan Land Incorporated p 612-786-6320 Addmss: oon a . — eoatrRapids-�F4� � 33h33 �q-a�� Signstures of O»ner(s)/RepresentaII�•e(s) of Propetty(ies) Below: � ��-ai: d. `_` G ��—. Alan J. Hamel, President -��.,.a�� coroora e c�,-�r �� s�=r��� � -- �' a 7 / �Y// �f � N P • — � i' s%R`a nt ^' S ' S '- G f_7�� 7, Alan J. Hamel ��� �Gtionu, ot one of ihe petitioaus in [he above mattei: and I do harb �a of the si n�uiu � tTus Y ax aad ver(fy thn[ cncA S ytiicion �u s{qned ia mypi�,seyee Dy ihe prraou destiibed in Ne Petitio➢. F--. /�, l �- e1':d�..fi � ��^-, L�..-,.e� .�-'--��/o-,�-�<c (Ftdrionu7 SuEsa.bed and swora w beSa> me thi.a / aay ot �' //u,} ,( 199 �� LORt ANN DETERMqp� i4 tAiMYPU81.�41Y�NE90TA —� �_ ANOKA COt}N7y �� ' �, � Wcmmrm�ru�n.sf.x000 L./ "r C•out9) (<A�UGf.2fhV8� EXNIBIT A ct q -9'1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF STREETS TO BE VACATED, CITY OF ST. PAUL. GAUGHAN LAND 1NCORPORATED That part of Daly Street that lies w::thin Block 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. PauZ, that lies Souther2y of Line A, described below and North of the South 80 feet of said IIlock 5. That part of Toronto Street as dedicated in the p1aC of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey�s Addition to Sc. Paul, that lies Sautherly of Line A, described below and North of 4i�e East extei.sion of the North line of che South 80 feet of Block 5, �f said Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul. LTNE A That part of Bloek 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey�s A.iditioa to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof lying Northwest�rly of a line *��nn�ng parallel with and distant 50 feet Sou*.heasterly with the following described line: Beginning at a poin� cxi the centexline of St. Clair Avenue in St. :aul, distanL 129.99 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section lz, Township 28 Nort*�, Range 23 West; thence runs Southerly dL an angle o� 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 feet to the point of beginniug of the line to be des�ribed; thence deflect to the right at an anale of 67 degrees'08 minutes 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence de£lect to the left on a curve having a radius of 110 feet tdelta angle 67 degrees 20 minutes 19 seconds) for 128_67 feet and there tezminating. s �q4 ��11 ����.�INSU���o�.� o 9855WU��tbSnccl.Fa[rnP.airic.MinnWya553ad (Gii)tt263� Ordex Number: (N2606081 A scarch of our trac� indidra and of the public recurds in the Oflice of the Cvunry Reco�der, and in the Office of Yhe Regisuaz of 15du, and a scurch o£ Cciti�icate of TiUti Numbet 3�y�p , in u County, Minncsota as to the following desmbed pmperry: Sec attached I.agal Desaipvon. �isdosex that Parcc] 1: Gaughan Lxad Sncucporated, a Minnesota a�rporation PBSCel2: Etiuibeth R. Maboffin (i�) (are) che gxntce(s) in the last recorJcd conveyance of satd proper±y. '1'he foltowing items are no[ed for yuur infnrmaiiun: t. Scare Ueed dsteJ necembcr 23.1992 and �i�ed March 73. ty93 as Dueument No.100751U to Gaughan i.end Incorpura�ed. (Partcl2) Covcrs a�diuonal land. �NI) ()F TT'Eh'IS Real Y,stau Tax lnforvwhon lteal estatc taxes pa�yeble in 1999 are 52,224.04 and are unpaid. }tace taz 5611.82, Non-Homestead. Roperty Iden�caaonNo-1L2&Y3•11 Nute: I7tere are no delinquent taxes of record. Estimated Markct Value: $23.6QO.OQ (This doc� not indude a search to[ LevicS or pending assessmems. lf su�h a searcl� h� be�en reque�ccd, it ix dune hy soparate cenification indepcndene of �his report.) 90' d OZ£6 98L ANVdW07 NHH'-J(1V�J 3H1 db5 = LO 66-£Z-�QW K°�•�'�� Lcgai Dwcriptiun- Continued C.T. tSle No. 2W806� PerrPJ r Tne west i/2 oF etx�c 5. �ccepi che Saah Ba leet v�.xed. St'msan. Brown erA HarTma�'�s ntltlnbn m St. Pail. exwpt tnaz part lykip NarthwosteAy da Iine running pa�aliel vn[t� an6 tlis�&n[ SO fBat Soutt�eab�Y� � k+�a+'�n8 4 �� �: BeginNrvd p� e pplrcc on Ihe Cgntenlne of St pdir Avenue In SL Peul. Ois�ant 124.99 feat East ol ihe NoM1hw%T cdrret d 9ecHa� 74. 7ownehW 2a North. AenOe �3 west: thenCe nm6 $oWw<<Ya� en anye �89 degmes 37 mtnutea 42 seGd�dc will� caid centerllne (When maesurod hvm we5t to eau[n) for Y00 feet io Ihe Ganl �t bBglrmin9 of the iine to te C98CY�beU: Nertce d�ec[ m the �qM az aa anple ot 87 deg�eaa OB minu�es 49 seconda kr633.421aeY thence dWlwt to [he le�c on a cu�e nevtr�g a mdWe of t io fe¢� (ee�ta arreto e7 aeprees io m�m,ces �s aecnnas) ior T76.s� reec and �here �ertM�Unp, Hamaey Couctty. MmnasWa. AOSVatt PrOpellY Parcd 2. East o��e•ha�� (E� /2) W Block Bve (5) except tna South eighty (S 80) kr1 thereot, crt S�Inson, 0rown and Rameeys AcldMon ro S[ PaUI. Remsey COUnry. Minnesate. To�ren6 PrOparty LO'd �Z£6 98L ANHdWO� NHH�JfiH9 3H1 db5=L0 66—£2—�QW � �`� ``�� � Order Numher: 911260bDtS1 C7ffCaGn TITLE LYS[IRANCE COMPANY, aa abstcactor regutcrad unda the taws of ihe State uE Minnesota, heretry ccrtifi�s ihat it has maJe seacchea fa Rasasee Couaty in comptianee with Minnesota Tltle Swndard Numbcr 82 and finds ao unsattsfied judgmencS no uasattsficd Nu5ce5 of Swte 7ax licos, no unsatisfied Nouccs of Federal Ta:s Liens and ua Motices of IIankruptcy against t6e numes shmva, ucep[ as sbown hercoa: Namex: Gaughan tand Lnwrpotated Etizabech R. Mag�n Sexrched'fn: Ixnuary a,1999 January a,1999 ................................................................................ '[hc Gability o� Chicago T'iUe TaSUrance Campany is {or reasonable eare ia mafcing this search xnJ shnli, ia no casa extead the lea�t of: a) the adual loss of the agptitattt; or b) il�e sum of S f(MI.IXI. Thi� is not a tifle insuianct policy sad �hould noc lx retied upnn as such. For Puli prutection, a tiUc tnsurance poLiry shauld bc secured. Datecl this 4Sh day of _ Januarv 7499 3t 7:Q0 AM. ('EIICAGO Tfi7-E [NSURAN('E CUMPANNY By: � � — Authori•red Signarory) p�pp oM 80' d OZ£6 98L AN7dWOJ NtYH�Jf1K�J 3H1 db5 = GO 66-£Z-�QW ppproved by The Atta'ney cnera u9G8 ,� STA?£ OF MII'717ESO�CA � �' � DEPAR?MERT OF RE`7E1�tIIE f ' � CpNVEYAPICE OF FORFETfED LANDS iesuai Pumm�2 ro Muv�eSOm statntca. S�tloas 262.a1 m 28Z.12 Incivsivc. THIS INDENTUttE. Made Shts 23rc1 day of Deceatbcr, 1992, beCwecn the Sta:c ot hIlnnesa[a. as pany of the lirst paTt. �nd Guug}1an iand lncoryorated, pany of thc second part. WITNESSE'1'H: WABRE!•5. thc land herelnafter described. havtn� been duh fostetted to thc State of Minr,esa�:, for thc nonpaym�nt ot tcuces. u+ss sold under thc pro�LS�ons oC Minnesota Statutcs. S�cuuiLS Zt32 hl l0 282.12. uu:tustve, tn chc pany o( che sccon� parc. an 3. wti1P'+F,dS, the saw paay ci the setond part has pald in futl Lhe pusehase pdte of satd ;an� �� :^_:, c4ierw�sc tully compl�ed w0.h the tond�nons oC sa�d sale and 1s enttt]ed to an sPPropflatC mnveyance therea NO'W. TIIEPEFORE, U. � Scaie o[ Minnesota. pursuant to said stacu[es. and 1n con<tdcrat�ori o( ehe �e*nisrs. d•;.s iierety gzant, trazgatn, sd[ and convcy unto [he said p3rty of �t�c s�eond part. i. � evccess�:cs and ass�gn: Forrvcr, ehe followmg descriUed land lying and t�cing in th� Caunty ot Wm<cy. and Scate of Minr�csota, to-wit: Parcel 1: The wr.st 1/2 of A1ocls 5, ezcapt che South 8o feet thereol, Sunson, Hrown and Ramseys % ndd�Uon w St. Paut. acc❑rding w the rc<: �racd plat thercot; exeept that part lyk� , Nonl�westcrly ot a lme runntng parllel wlth and dtstant 50 icct Soucheasterly W �h the fo71::u•�n�r dcscribCd llnc Seginning a[ a poin( on tlae Centcrllne af St. GalrAvcnue ln St. Pau1, dU�nut 124.99 Sttt I;aSt oC tt+c Northwest coma ��( Sacuon 12. "Cmvnship 28 North. ttange 2S wr.:��: tfience rung Southac9y ac an angc o[ 89 degrees 37 mtnutcs 92 scconds wiui sald cer,•-rtmc (wlicr measured fmm wesc to sou(h) for 200 (ecl to :he point of beg�*u+ing af the lu�e w� ^sc:rtb�d, ttie�tt ddlcr.t to the riql�.t at an angle oC 67 deg'ecs. OB minutes, 49 scconds for f,3, icr'; ihencr. dcflecx to the leR oa s curve havmg a radius of 110 fect (ddtu a»gle 67 deb� �.. 10 u:inu[es. 19 scc<uids) foc 328 67 fcet arid there termtnstrr� Pa�cl Il: F.ast U:t_-l�a' t? i/21 oCHla:k Flve (51 eXCept thc SovUi E�hry (5. 80) fect theteof, oC Stinson. Browu and Ra�nxy's Adduiun to S[, i'a�il, accord�ng io the recorded P�3t U,creoL except thst f., �; pa� ry�� NonLwesterl,v of a hru ruxrung parallel with and dtseant 50 fect Saviheascerly w�th ��, the CoitoWing dcsorlbed lIIie: Heg�nntng at s� »nrnt on the ecntedtnc oC St. Clatr Avcnue in S[. Paw. dtstunt 12a.99 feet Easi uf thc Northwes[ eorner of Scctfon 12. Tou�iship 28 Nonh. Ra[�e 23 west: thena �vns Soueh�rly nt an ���te M 89 dcgrecs 37 nunutes 42 scconds wlch satd ce+�tcrllnc (w1�cn mrasured Crom w�gt to so�t1�1 for 200 tect to thr polat of be�tnning of the llne �o Ue dcscrlbal thcnec deUett to the t'{ght at an nngle uF 67 deg*'ccs. US minute5. 49 seconds Cor 633 h2 foct: U�e3ue deilece Yo the �*11 on a curve having a radius ot 130 ieet (delta anglc 67 de�rees. 10 minutes, ifl sccondsl far 128,G� tect and there cermtnaring PLN. 1 I-28-23-i i-00� i. exeepu*� and resrnl:ifi to Qie sald statc, fn trust for taxing dtsMCts concemed. all mincrals and �nmerA] nghts. r3s pmv�ded Dy law, TO AeVE AND TU NOLD °•IE SAME, together wf2h all thc l�ereditammts and appur: nences thereunto belonging c� en anywtse appertaining, tn the saW paKy ot thc scccnd pan.: successorsandas5tgns,FCV��• �:. TtiE GRANTOR CERTtFi: ihat the Granlor docs not know of any w�lls on the descrlt� d rna] property. "Clie State .'Qmn�sota fs fssutr� U.is deed for fhc county and other taxtcu, ntsd�cUons and tn rettance a:i the .•aditors Certt[icate siatmg no �+clis are ]ocated on thc abnve dr.scrlbed property. (�. 22702 � � �� ,>�.• , ; ,-.` - � • R MSEY COUNTY � �!� ` ) MINN£SOTA ° 7 -,' :'.':::�'=� Deed tax hereo� due $ 64.30 � DEED TAX AMOUN7�,� � _ �: . .:�;-•� � �r�. i , .r..l_, � AGR�CI�LTUF��L CONSEHVA'i ION FE[ PAIO f �- FAMSLY COUNTY'�I �. �, _�J ;3-!'. !'-��`,: t: _____�__ .— ,; ' r � ,; ,, : - �• ,� i ,�g: rc: '�`F'��'� , s•'�;. < 4�•- - ..'c,. ' �,y" � j: '��� a i3'�:'C "y�'�' Ii +�' �Ed�"1::;pZ��:i{i ie: - �'r�"' i'�E�` ,. . .... ;i:. py �� ii �,��' }?� I a f' 1 'i ��y /il I I�r ' � . .p'� . �c I }'=' . . ..w;1..'��V . .!Y�i , qq` � � � b0 OZ£6 98L ANtYdWO� NHH�Jf1V`J 3H1 d£5=L0 66–£Z--AEW _� e �_ . �t �SrrnipNy ypl�REOF. the Stafe of Mlnnesoca has caused thts decd ta bc ���ced In ` -�iit ` IIS nam� m the ctty oC S�. Paul. County o( R�mscy and State. oC Minnesota. thc day and year [3zst sbnve u.�rttccn. (t� � . ����� �A�o��A aa � DORO'18Y A MeCUING � �l J.�..�::>« . l�( sr ;p�.�� �+��� � °� s. , > e.� � . . _��a--� � � 6'IA'1E OF '�T�OTA 1 )sa. Cou+�b � �n' � 'Ih�s lnscrumrni was Draflrd W Tnc Commissloncr of 3tevenuc Slxtc oC Mlnncsets Uepariment o( Rcvenu< St. P�uI. Mlnncscra F�.53a5 On chts 23� day o� Deccmbrr. 1992. before mo personally a➢pearcd GE[tt+LD D. GARSKS, the duly appointed rcpresentauv� of thc Commisstoner of Rcvcnuc of thc Scacc of Mtnnesota, to me known to bc the person �ho e<eeutcd xbo foregotng conveyanee m behaff aI thc Swte of Mfnnesota snd sckno�vledged thaY he executed the same as the frco act and deed of said stato puisuant to the statuies in sueh ease madc and provldcd. �_ ) �n •� � �/c�� ' . ,N,,,M„�,.M,�,.,,,�,,,,,.,,�,,.,�,�,,, 5 OInNE L 0.0GGE < $ �'� NQT<RT PU�UC-MINNES�TA � � WPSHINQION COUNTY � Mf COM.nIff10N WI¢6 SWpypp L, 194d Y / : . ._,� �S4 SO' d OZ£6 98L /.NHdWO� NHH�JfIt/�J 3H1 dbS = LO 66—£Z--aQW IRe:�'w'i: - Y T}ie wcat 112 of Block 5, occept the South HO fcet Ihe:cof. Stlnson. Hrown and Ran�ay s Addltlon to St. Passl. uccozd'ng to the reeorded piat thexeof: escept that Part tying p Northwestcrty o! a 11nc runn1r18 ParaUcl wtth and distant 50 fect Southeasterty.viLh ihc � follawtc�sg descrfb�d '��� � at a Point on Lh� caiteiline oC St. Cla1r Avrnu� tn St. Paut. ..I dlstant 124.39 feet East of thc Northa+est comcr o[ SccUon 12. TowrL4lUp 28 North. Rang� 23 � WesL theoce nu�s South�ly at an angle of 89 dcgeea g7 minutea a2 sconds vnth said � ccnterllne (When measurcd from west to soutA) for 200 fect to thc polnt oC bcglnning oC the llne to be deea�ibed: thenee dc�at to thc nght at an angle oC fi7 d�. OS mtr.utcs. 49 secondg for 6g3,42 [eet; thence dcflxt to ihe ]eR on a evrn havinQ a radius aC 110 feet (delta an�e 67 � a deg'eea. 10 mtnut�s. 19 scconds) ior 128.67 f�et and there tecmlrating _l l � Pam1 it: F.ast Qnrhalf fE 1/2) K Slock Ftve (5j o�c�cFt thc Souch FJghry (S. 801 feet thctto[: oC Stlnson. / Hrou•n and gamx�s AddlUOn to St, Yaut o�+8 to tre cccorded P�t lher�of: except that l psrt iying Northwest�rly o! a itne runsitn$ Para11e1 wtth an1 dfatant Sp teet South�asteriy wtth the foltaw��g de�cribed 11ne: 13�H�x�ix�8 8t a P°tnt °n th° ec�cr�° ot SG Cla�r Avrnue in St. Paul, dJatant 124.99 feet Easi oC the Norihwcat comer o�g 7 s�c.wminuca, a sccoads w i�s�sid � 23 weat: thrncc runs Souttiaiy at an an�gle oC 89 ae�ees caiterllnt (whcsi mcasuied from wcst to south) for e o[ 67 d o � e 0�8 mtnutes.�49 �sx�on39 � to bc d�btd: thar� d�xt to thc rlght at an ang� �m• 833_�3 fcet: thcs�ce d�lSect lo the lc.`t on a curn havtn,q a radlus of I 10 f�ct (delta angle 67 deg:e:es. 10 minutes. 18 a�condsl fnr 128.87 fett and there terminetlnq Pit d: 1 1-28-23-1 ! -0�1. £O'd OZ£6 98L I.NHdWO� NVH9f1H9 3H1 d£S=LO 66-£Z--a�W --.,. 7�9G8 Appro�cd by'lnc Atlunmy e�n¢ro1 6TATE OF T�iNFS01'A � � DEPARTAiENI2 OF REVENUE �� CONVEYANCE OF FORFETI"ED LA1�iDS laeaod Pu+aonnc To Mlnaesota Stetufxa 6eenons 282.oi co 482.121netuaive. T1i15 tivnENTURE. Madc chls 23rd day of Dccanber. 1992. betWeen the S�aie of Minnesota, as par�y of fhc Cvst part, and Gaughan Land Incorporaced, pany of thc sccond parc. WISNESSETB: �eREAS. the tand hercinafler de5crf0ed, hav�ng bcen duly fo7feitW to thc State of M�ru�esota for the nonpaymrnt ef texes. was soid under the provtstons of Minnesota Statvtcs. S�ct�ons 282.01 to 282.72. mtlustvc. co thc psriy oCtR� second part. and. wHER.F1,5, thc mie party oC the second part has D�d in tWi the purchase pnce of sa�d :anC aud !:=s otAe:Wtsc Tuily cor.ipL<d +vlth the �ondlUOns of satd sa7c and is rnttUed to an appropziatc convcyaact tliercof. NOW. ?REREFORE. thc Stu[c of Mlnnesota, pursusnt to sald statutes. aad tn cnnsldcratton of the prem�ses, docs hereby gram. bargam. sell and conv�q unto th� sald parry oC ihe second part. �ts eucces�oxs xnd asst�ns, Fore�er, ihc fo]lowfng descrlbed land lytng and bcfng !n Lhe County of Ramsey, and Sta�c of Mixsaeso[a, to-wiC Paic<1 7: Tnc Wcst I/2 o(Hlock 5. exeept the South 60 fed thueoL Stinson. Hrown and Rantsey's Addiuon lo St. Paul. aceording tn ehe recorded p7a[ cnereof, accept that part lytng ;� northwescerly uC a t�ne running paraltd Wlth and dLvtant 50 f�et Southeasterly wlth the feilow�ng dcsc�ibcd line: Scginning aL a polnl un che trnterLne of St. CIa1r Avrnuc in St. Paul. dalant 124.99 fcet F;asl of the Nprtbwesc comer of S�etion 12, Townshtp 26 North. Rar�e 23 �'lesr thcnco runs Southerly at an angSe 0( 89 degzee5 37 minutos 4Z 9tcondswith safd r.cnteriine (when measvred from west to south) for 200 feet to thc point o(beglnnmg of the ]me to be descrlbcd: thrnce Cdlcet lo the ristrt at an angle o[ 67 de�es. OS mmutes. a9 seeonds for 633.a2 feer, thrnce detllct to the left on a wxve ha�lr�g a radius of l 10 feet (delta angle 67 dcgrces. 10 minutos. 19 s�conds) for 728.87 fet[ snd thert terminatu�g A�aet t1: Easc Onc-halt (E 1/2) oI BIx3c t7vc (5) «ecpt the south Eighry (5. 80) feet 2henoC, ot Sttnson. Brown and Ramscy a nddluon to St. Paul. according to tt�e zecarded plat thereot: ncceyY that � parc lytng North�vesterly of a lfne running persllcl wlth and distan� 50 feet Sovtheastezly wlth {� thc CoUowfng descrlbed llne: 6egtnn�ng at a pomt on ihe centerLne nf St. Clav Avmuc in St. Paul, disiant i2a.99 feet East of the Northwest comcr ot Sectlon 12. Townshap 28 North. Range 23 West; thenec nuvs Southerly at an angle oC 89 dcgrecs 39 mtnutes 42 seeonds wlth said centerLne (when mwsured from west to sovtY�1 tor 200 Seet to the potnt af begtnntng of the 11nc to bc dcscrfbed; thcs�oc drJiccl ro thc rtgnt at an angle ot 87 dtgrc�s. O6 m�nutes. 49 seconds for 633.9'l fcet: U�rnc� dol]¢ct tu th� lett on a cuxve having a radtus of 110 fett Idetcs an�e 67 degrees. 10 tntnuces. 19 eeconds) for 128.67 feet and there te:mtnaiing PIN: 11-28-23• 11 �0001. excepttr� and reservtng to the said scace, m wsc for ta�nng dtstrltts concerned. att min�rals and minera7 rlghts, as provided by law, i'O FtAVE ANA TO HOLD '!'tfE SADdE, together wtth ait the haedltaments and aDpuricnanccs thcrcunfo betonging or ln anywisc appertatntng, fo the said para of the second part, It5 successots an4 psslgn5. FOmcr. THE GRANTOR CEHTIFIES thal thc Grantor doos noi Icnow o( any w�119 on ihc describctl ttal property. Thc Statt ot Minnesota ts lssutng thls deed for thc eounty and othcr ta.�ung �urisdletlon.a and tn rehanec on the Audttor s CcrtlAcate statfng no welts are located on ITIe abwe dcsttl6cd prOputy. ' i L"�^�- t ' _ n '� �[:D TI". ^�-. ,- . •r,. J - • _3 i .. '; -, iru� a LC: r.•: S.. , � � ; "%lili � �/ 1,�. Cf � _�_,._ -"-[.:_�-. � � �� 22702 R.4MSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA DEED TAX AMOUNT�Q �D Qeed tax hereon due $ �� AGHICUU'UR:.t CONSEAVFT{ON 2ePAiD r�� anMSE� COUN'rv � i� ___— ' <;r". r.'" � �.� . �'� .� ,:i K! • �•� � c`s''• :�.v�. ,'} 3 ,k � �...:..<��" : n', � ,,,,��.. - ' ^ t;Ci:f ;s:��ri,, .. ..:7,.`3al.� '�. r'•: �� . . .. �t� - i :l::i�.?iN +.-Y•tg !f{.'c'•�.. � . � . . . , x..: , ... . . . aa-°��� ZO'd OZ£6 98L l.Nt7dW0� NVH9l1H�J 3N1 d65=b0 66-9L-..tdy �. ; BALE AN'DERSON POLSTEIN RANDALL & HZ�L, LTD. 607 Marquetkc Avenue, Suite 400 Minncapolis, MN 55402 Telephone (612) 332-8063 �+acsimilc (612) 332-2489 FACS[M1LE T12ANSMTSSION SEP-09-99 THU 12:13 PM BALE ANDERSON "1'O: 1�RX #: rROM: DATl:: Earl Cazlson 651-266-8855 Ncil Yolstein September 9, 1999 RE: Vacation File 1k4-1999 YAGLS: (TncIuding U�is pagc): 10 MF SSAGL / COMM�NTS (i f any): Att�ched are Purchasc Agrccment and AdJendum per Pat Fischcr's rcqucst. P. O1/10 d� °�. �t `11 The iiiformation contained in this facsimile transmission is conficicntial, priviicged attotney-client camnunication �nd is intei�ded for the use of ilie individual or eniity namcd uUove. If the reader of this messa�;e is not the inte�idcd recipicnt, or flZe employec or agcnt responsible to deliver it to thc intended reci�ient, you azc hereby notificd that any distribution or copying of Qiis privilcged attorney-client communication is sG•ictty prohibited. If you have received this 1ax by mistakc, please immediately notify us Uy tcicplione, and retum all ihc documents received to us al the abovc address. FRX N0. 612 332 2069 SEP-09-99 THU 12:14 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0, 612 332 2089 P. 02/10 BALE ANDERSON POLSTBIN RANDALT. & HILL, I,TD. ATTO£�NEYS �1T IAW 601 M 11iQUE'I7T A�ENl3L•, SLlITE 400 MINNL•APOLIS, MINNkSOTA 5540?-179G TBLEPbIONE 612-33b8U63 TELLLAX 6L2-332-2089 E•MA1J, baleandenon@avrldna.accme[ 'W1LLIAM G. BAL� b7AfJC 5. ANI�EFSUN NT•,11, Pl>ISTEIN PI"CF.R Q HfIS. AOL•F.RT F'. RINUAI.i. Scptember 9, 1999 PAU1. L•. OV@FSON AYAN Y. i.ANGS1iV KIMllL•IU.Y A. EiOIM W IIJ.TAM M. SS ibAHAN v�A rncsxn�i�F Mr. Earl Carlson Dcpt. of Techttology � Managcmcnt Servicos Rc:al Estflte ]�ivision 140 Ciiy Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dcar Mr. Carlson: Re: Vacation rile #4-1999 Sherman Rutzick hos asked mc to respond to yc>ur lcttcr to him re�+arding his pctition to vaolte l�arl oC Daly and Tor�nto Strect. Your letter stltes that you are sccking proof of ownership in light of a Cenilied Ownersl�ip Report showing fee titic to onc of the properiics iii ihc ntimc of l;lizabe�h Magoffin. I an1 thc attorney handiing Mr. Rutzick's purchase of the subject property, The Certificd OwnenhiE� Report you cite is outctated. Ms. MagofFin beca�a�e the record owner under a cer�ificate of title issucd in 1923 and reuiained of tha Torrens part of the property tuitil Agril of this year, at which time i abtained an Lxaminer's Directive from the Rauzscy County Lxaminer of TiUu, directin�; the Torcens Oftice to issuc two uew cerii Gcates of title, one in the name of the State (for the portion of the B1ock in question that is T-35�,1nd the odier (for Yhc residue of that Riocic) in the name of C3aughan Land Incorpotated. Glughan l,and lncorporated has entercd into a writteo conlrlct to sell the property to Me. Rutr.ick or his �.ssigns. I enclose a copy of the �xaminer's Uirective. I also cnclose a copy of i11c title commitment froni Chica�;o Title, covcring thc parlipn of ihc property previousl� owned Uy Ms. Masoffin. Please note thc effcctive dnte oPthe title commihnent. It confirms that Crau�han i,and Incorporated has rep}aced Ms, Magoffin 1s the fec title owner oCrccord. Plcasc fcel free to call nie if you necd any aclditional inforniation about tlie title tn the properiy. Very truly yours, BALG AT�1i)ERSON YOLS'T�iN RANDALL & IIILI„ I,TD. � l � �f �t �� Ncil Polstcin cc: S. Rutzicic (wlo cnc.) Lno. (F,xaminec's Direetive, Titic CommStm3nt) SEP-09-99 THU 12:14 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 03/10 °l`�• �l'il NO. �D- 128 STAT'� OF MINNBSOTA DIR�CTT'S�E OF EXANIINER OF TITLES COTiNTY OF RAMSEY RE: CERTTFTCA'TE OF TITLE NO.: 33450 DISTRICT COiJ�tT PII.E NO.: 340530 and 340531 ACQUIRING AUTIIORITY: State o£Minnesota TO TFIE 12�GISZRAR OF TITLES OF RAMS�'Y CoUNTY, MINNESOTA: Pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §508.73 subd. 1, I hereby certify that the Pinal Certificate fcled as lloc. No. 532084 is Iegally sufficient to uuisfer title. You are hereby directed to cancel the above certificate of title ancl enter a new cer6$cate of title in the name of the acquiring authority named above, for the land described as: All thax part of the following described h�act: The east half of Block S, excegt the south 80 feet theseof, Stinson, Biown and Ramsey's Addiiion to St. Paul, which lies northwesterly of a linc zun parailel with and distant 50 feel southeastezly of the following described line: , Beginnin� at a point on the center line o£ St. Clair Avenue in SL Paul, distant 124.99 �eet easE of the northwest coruet of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West; thence run soutt�erly at an angle of 39 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said center line (when measured from west to south) for 100.44 feet; thence deflect to the right on a curve having a radius of 150 feet (delta an ;le b7 degrees 08 minutes 49 seconds) for 175.74 feet; thence on tangent to said curvq for 533,8fi feet and there terminating; szievus SEP-09-99 THU 12�14 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 04/10 ED-I28 Page 2 o(q.q�l Togethor with that part of thc above described tract adjoining and southeasterly o� the above descaibed strip which lies northerly of the following described line; Begi�ing at a point on ihe southeastcrly boundary of the above described strip, distant 40 feet soufhwesterly of its intersection with the east line of the above described �act; thence run easterly to a pourt on said east line, distant 20 feet southcrly of said intersection, free o£ tz11 memorials now appearing on said ca�icelled certificate and free of the m,emorial of this Directi��e, without production o£the Owner's buplicate Certificate of Tifle, and Pursuant to the pzovisions of Minn. Stat. §508.67 subd. 2, the tax forfeiture proceedings filed as lloc, No. 167472 are sufficient to divest die registered ownez of her title, thexefore you shall issue a residue certificute of title in the name of Gaughan Land Incorporated free of all the memorials on said cancelted certificate and frec of the memorial of this D'uective, but show the following memorial: Aoc. No. 1007510 - Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineraI righb. DATED: Apzi122, 199) ROBERT B�UTEL, EXANIINER O�' TTTLES B �.�-,° �./. ���� Dezuais W. �IcPartlin, Depuiy Exazninec DWMIlu sveniza SEP-09-99 THU 12�14 PM BRLE ANDERSON � � ,.�� .�-$t% �� � � � � $ 's , _ �• ,-�� Cj COMPANiES PROPERZ'Y ��J �!, MN. ��,�h �, � 3 b � J � I l � � � '' , � � � � �i � _i �� a � � 1� ��� �� /. \V I p � 1 -,�' tr� - i ( s�' / Y' v . � ys�" y •�' � � � l ,��{'" ' �.�I" � 5 �-r� � I.�� ' � S� � � - t, w� � � � � /'� � � 1� � � w � �,° � f °°` < I U 1 �� `> I i--'� f i . ! — . � 553.39 H d4'��'E t o i , �. $ t ' ��' � ► '° L --_________� _s ___...� .� . I t ,i �a � ' �I ________-� � � au.�r� a. �.es ov.+ �� 1 h� FAX N0, 612 332 20B9 n��'s "A� ✓"� Q'� ��" � D� C S , �- �,L..L�"' ,,Yy,.S ���f � 0 F � � 0 E �� P. 05/10 Ni a' � 0 _ m r n n i i i I � i� s m s� . � � n C � � r 1 � SEP-09-99 THU 12:15 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0, 612 332 2089 P. 06/10 �� _ � AbJfs'RIGAN J.AND '!7'ffL• ASSUI:lAT1UN C�MNI!'TMLNT - 196r, CHI�AGO T1TLE INSU1tANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR 71TLE iNSURANCE C}I1CAGO 77l'4F. 1NSU1tANCE CUMAANV. a coTpvmli�m oE Missvuri, hara4n callcd di� Company, fnr a vnluable aiattdttalivn, hereby cum�oits ta issae its policy ur poGties of lltic insurance, as idcnl ified in Schcdulc A, in fuvur of thu prupused Insured nnmed in Sehedule A, nx owncT ur m���tg�gce uf the ecTate or inlcres� covcrcd I�eraAy In Oie laud dtscdDed c�r rcfcrrad lo iB SeAedule A, Upnn poynm��t of du prcmiums and Jiurgcs dletef�r; dll subjeCt io th¢ p��rviniona ur SCh4d01es A m�d U a�1d Yo th CondiU�ns �nd Stipulati�nshcrcul', This Cammilme�ni shi�l ba clTrctivt only whcu Uie identi[y of lhe propn�ed InsureJ 7nA Ghe amoun� ��f the yulicy ot p�llciax cumt�ritted far �are Ueen inrcrted in Sdiedu�e A hcrcuf by [ha Compuny, oi�hai a� iho �ime oF tM t�suance <�f chis Cummiuncnt or hy subsoquu�t endon�Kncnt. This Co��nnimiant Is prcGmir�ary to �he i5saance oi sueh pulicy ��t p�iicies o[ titte insurF�iwe and u111"�bi��ty and obli�tiv��s be�aumlet sltall teaee and tctminaie six mnnths xClca Ute ef(ective duic hCCCUf m� whcn it�c �����y or pollefas conuni�ted for sh:01 issue, �vhichevcr Gnt uee�rs, provided thdt the PuilutP In jx�ue euch policy <�� pol{cles is not H�o f;udt of tht Co�ppt�ny. lN W(TNFSS WHERL'OF, Cliicago T1Uc lnsurance Compazry has ca�sed this C�nuniimant ta be siRnnd anil 5ealed as of d�a e�fecttve Jxtc of Commitmcnl �hown In Sd�edvlc q, [Ne Commitmct�t io hecome v;,lid when cnunierslgr�cd by un aulhorizod ai�ildtory- fssacd by: c�NtCpGO'i[TLl•' INSURANCf: CoMYAN� 9g5S W F.S7' 7RT11 5'1RL•C�T MINNkiA{'c)US M�NNES(7f'n S534i � � � P ALLt 0 l� �Si n��� uy: rf,�yy�„{/ �/' �(�r+4i % Farm 3816 - K.G Dlrbioa CIIIGA(;O'1'1'i'LE I9`ISURANt'S COMPANY By: � O-u+_ Prcf�lAeni 20'd �� OZ£6 98L ANb'dW07 NtfH�Jf1b'� 3Hl dOZ=tO 66-6i-FEW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P, O7/10 CHICAOO TTTLE INSURANCE C�MPANY SCFIEDYJL.B A � ,�I'1 \ Filc Numbcr. 1b10511 Effestive Da[e Apnl?8,1999 at 7:00 AM RL: S6crmanlavestmonb 1. L)wner s Pol�cy to be issued: iv92 OWNEtts POtitcY Amount S100,UOO.�U Yrnposed lnsweJ: Sherman Investments Coxp. l.oan Pulicy ta be i3SUCd: YropoSed lnsurcd: Amount 2. The estate or interest in th� land described or re(erred to in this Commitmeat and covered tierein is a fae simple and tittc thereto is at the eftective date hereto vcsted in. Geughan LandIncorporated 3. Tha tand re6err�d to in the Commitment i� dcscribcd as fallaws; 5ea attached L.egal Aescription. 2 ` "� �, rJ� g { ! � r G �� j t� Note: if th ere �re �ny questions concerning tisa cnaunt of this commitsaent, plcaae contact Jack Cti`bBons at (6i2� 826-3054. i1.�. £O'd D2£6 98L ��' �'�'�;����� � �o�� � « s ��,'" COtM 9(oa J.Nl7dWD� NVH9fltl9 3H1 dOZ=iO 66-62-/CeW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FRX N0, 612 332 2089 P, 08/10 ,' CHICA(30 TITI-E INSURANGE COMPANY SeheduleA LeQalDcsuiption CoafiuYed Fila Alumbcr: 2610SI1 �c� _ �i ` \ patCCl 1: The W ect 1/2 of ]31UCk 5, except the South 8U fect therenf, 5tinsotl, &own aAd Ramsey's Acldition tn SI. Paul. accordin�; to the recorded plat thereof; except that part lyiag Northwesterly of a iine runnin� pt�rallel wizh and distant 50 feet Stn�thea5terly with the foltowiag dcscrlbed line; 6egiiuting ai a pv�nt �n tha cen�erline of St. Clair Avcnue in St. Aau), d�stant 124.99 feet F.ast af the Northwesi cnrncr of Section 12, "I'nwaship 2R North, Range 23 West; thence nms Southerly at an angl� of 89 d�grees 37 minuqe� 42 secancis with Said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 f�ct to the point of beginning uF th8line to be dcscribed; thence deflect to the ri�,ht at xn angLc of 67 Aegrces Q�I minu(es 44 Seconds tor b33.42 ket; thence deflect to the teft on a curvo bavin a radius of t tO fcet (delta dnblc 67 degrccs 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 126.67 fect and there torm�nating, l2amsey (:ounty, Minnesota. Ahcuact Propetty Parc�12: '[hc cast halt of �ilnck 5, except the south RO feet lhereof, Stinson, Brown and itamsoy's Addidon to St. Paul and r,xce�t chat part, which ties northwesterly of a line run parallel with and disrant 50 feet southea�terly of }he f�llawing described line: . Aeginning at u poin[ vn the centcr line oi St. Clair Avenue in St. f'aul, distane 124.49 fcet east �f the northwcst corner of Scction 12, "1'owash�p 28 North, Range 23 West; thenco run st�uthcriy at an angle of 89 ciobr¢rm ?,7 minutrs 42 seCnnds with said center lmc (when measured from west to svuth) for 1�U.44 fect; tbence deflcct to the right oa a curve having a radius of 150 feet (delta angle 67 degrces O8 minu[es 49 sec�nds) far 175.79 fcct; thence on a tangent tn said curve far 533_86 feet and there �crminatin�; And exccpt that part of the ab�ve described tract adjoining ant� south0a�tedy of the ahove described.atrip whul� lics nnrtherly of tlae foUowing descn'bed line: Beginning at a point on tbe southeaeterlyboundary of �be abave described �uip, distant 4U teet southwesterty c�f its 4ncarsection with the ea,tt lme o� the above desctfhed t�act; thencc rue easterly to a point on satd east line, drstant 20 feet squtherly of said intersection. Torrens Pronetty oaw aroo b0'd OZ£6 98G ANtidW07 NVF19tl'd`J 3Ni dOZ=tO 66-6L-/�eW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 09/10 CHICAGO TITLE 1NSURANCE COMPANX SCF�EDULE B !'ilc Nwwl�er: ?61QS11 ��r�xaL �xr��arrs o �`�-`lrl � Upun payman� of the ful! cunsidezation to, or far the accaunt of, the grantors or mortgagors, and recordi�g af the deeds and/or mortgages, the farm and �rcecution of which is sadsfactory io the Comp-�»y, the po[icy ar policies wiU bc issued containing exceptioas in Schedute B tbereof to tUe, folluwing matters (unless the sarae arc disposed of to the satisfaction of the �omgany): 1. If dn nwner's poliry is to he issuad, �hc mongage encumbrance, if any, created as part of the purchase transaction. 2. Dqfectx, liens, encumbrances. adverse claime or other matters, if any created, first arp¢aring in the public record� or attaching subseyuent t� the effective data herecrf but prio� to the datc thc pcoposed insured acyuires f�r vatue of rccord the estaie or interost nr mortgage thcroon covered by thus commitment. Rig6ts or claims of parties in prxscssion not shown by the public rocords. 4. Lnaoachmcnts, overlaps, boundary lino disputes, and any nthcr matters which woutd be disclosed by an accurate survcy and inspec[ion of the premises. 5. Easemente ar claims �f easements aot shown by thc public record�. G. A�y lien, or right tn a lien, for serviccs, labor, or material heretofore or heresifter futntshed, impu�ed by law and nOt shnwn by publit records. 7, ?uxes or spccial asset�ments which aze not shown ss existing liens by the puhlic rcWrdS. 8. (i�neral and special taxes and assessmenu ac heroafter listed, if any (all amounts shown being exclusivc of interest, peneltics, and costs): (A} Rcal estate taecs puyable in 1499 are 52,224.04 and are unpaid. 8asc taz S6T 1.82, non-homeste,ad- w�~ Pro etty IdentifiCation N�: T�l-2$-23-11-OOQ Notc: There are no delinqu�in t&xes of record. N nte: lst half taxes pay�ble on or before May 15th; Znd hatf taues payabte en ar before Uctaber 15th. (�) Lcvied assessments for: Y1tOJECT 0221 Sewer (L515 Pave 9. SO'd PRINCIPAI. BAI.ANCE DUE S1459.20 (plus interest} $8690.50 (plus inte,re�t) (C) N�te: Therc are no pending aasessments of record. We require that standard form of af5davit, or affidavits, be furnished us at clnsing. �� ��� OZES 9SL .INVdW07 NVH9f1V9 3H1 d02=i0 66-6i-F�W SEP-09-99 THU 12:16 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 10/10 op�t - �l r1 \ CHICACiO TITI.L INSLTRANCE COMPANY SCHEDLTLL $ - Psceptions Continued Filc Numlu.-r: $510511 lil. Righu nt claims of tenants in possession undcr unrecorded leases. 11. Owner's Duplicate Ccrtificate uf'litle is at the Courtfiouse ac of this date, 12. Purchapnr's affidavit for Torrens property must be brought to closing for all deeds to be fited. 13. Note; A� of August 1, 1997, Minnesota law requires that all documenu being recrorded be on pa that measures nn larger than 8.5 inches by 14 inches and must be typed in at Icast 8-�Pint type, The tnp of thc 5rst page must contain a blank spaee whiCh is at ]east thrcc iq�vhes unde as measured from the top vf the pa�e. Additionally, the title of the JocumpAt must be prominently displayod at the top of the first page belnw the btanlc space_ �c.hxcago Ticle Insurancc Company wlil not be responsible for nny loss, dxmages ar cnsts associ�ted with any detays caused by a patty's failure to comply with thts legislation. 14. As of Ju) 1, 19y5 the Social Security nr Employers Identiffcation Number of each of thc GrAnt�r�s) and Gr�tttee(s) must appear on the CertiHcate of Real E.etxte Vatue. 15. We reyuire Well Di�closure Certificates be completed inryp ed form ptinr to closin and furnisHed at time af clasing far all deeds which �equire a Cectificate nf Real Estate �alue OR th� dced mu,rt contain the fnllowin& statement: "The So11eY cart4�ics �h1t the sdler dnes nut knaw of any wells vn the de,ecnbed ceal property:' 16. Note: The follawi¢g i3 not a pxrt oC Schcdule B, and u shown for information only. This will not be included on the final poliry. Ptease be advised that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 rcquires that the f�llowing informnriun be proyiried at cl�sing: A) Sej]er's'Cax Identification Numhcr ur Social Security Number. L�) Seulec's futl address after the closing. 17. Rcserw.tti�n of all minerals and mineral rights by the 5tate of Minnesota. END QF SCHBDULE B EXCEPTIONS. OCN06 917r 90'd � OZ£6 98L ANb'dWO� NE/H9f1tY9 3Hl dOZ�tO 66-6T-�$W ! �J h1 -. �35� • -� � Y � � .. ;�� , �.� . �, � �� r.. ��� � �. . . , ._. _. _ , , -� . -:_- --_---_ �--s�-:= E��= ���. =--_ .,.. ,. ------ . ; -. -.- .---.._ _.-.-- - : , . . : : ; ; :,�. �. . . � . . � ; i � . ; :. .' . ; ., t '� i - D . � , . � :, •, . . � ' I �i • . . � � :.�...- �... . � .: '�.., ,. � � I .� �� �..;:�'��'�i . � , . ._. „ . �:� _ .- ; ..�•��. �� � .. . � . � -' ,, � � �. ' .'."- �� . 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L4.. `/�' �L � L_�_^.____�� � �� I:_ - _� �. --- :.__._._ `.J•� . ' .. i . '�; + ! p`••1 � � 1 .. �.�=--�= -- ---- � � ; ��, ,; — � � ' L , ----� 1 ' — i tj .,.� i i _'- ' I :.�;- S y5 � ,.. f i i.l.� i_. .,- _� { ��_��1\ � :� ; ---. -- --. . � .-� ;� . .: .__._..__ -. .._ j ,r � i= j: , �— _—�� ' , :;, ---�--- . E�� a - -- --�-- . ;,� � ..._ .___ • �' -3 � ' �. ;, � 1 r� � ,.__.----•� —' f - --�.— :-_ -_—_ ^^2..~ --'_ . . .. . L i:` = ; _.._ —_ ; �— - . :� ��:, � � , :.�, f '__"__ . I. ,� � -- •'j�) �-- '%--- - f -- --- — � ,� . � ;: M' . c�°�-��� Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission DRAFT 12ESOLUTION 99-6 � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body established to advise the Nlayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul owns unimproved street right-of-way known as Toronto Street, between Grace Street and the Osceola Connection abutting the west boundary of the West Seventh Community Center, and WHEItEAS, the City has received a petition from Gaughan Land, Inc. for vacation of the Toronto Street right-of-way to enable development of the adjoining site for the purpose of constructing a 90 unit senior citizen housing facility at this location, and WHEREAS, the petitioner has further requested that the eastern one-half of vacated Toronto Street, which will accrue to the city's community center site upon vacation, be made available to the petitioner to include in the petitioner's development site, and W'HEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is in need of expanded affordable housing opportunities for senior citizens, and WHEREAS, a senior citizen housing complex at this location would offer the opportunity for a cooperative relationship with the W est Seventh Coiyllnunity Center; and �VHEREAS. the �Vest SeventhlFort Road Federation supports the sale of vacated Toronto Street to the petitioner and development of a senior citizen housinQ faciliri at this location, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission concurs u the request of Gauohan Land, Inc. that it bz penniZed to acquire the entire rieht-of-wa�� of vacated Toronto Street betw�een Grace Strzzt and thz Osceola Connection. Adopted b} the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on (date) �tMlr�� �,�i i ��.�. ° ! Approved: Yeas �J Nays � Absent � Resolution 99-6 Mar-23-99 08:28A TESINC io-fe' i� "_+_+!'�G�-?i �R UJ.+' 1H I'i3�iC�`:ML uJJ !�! Y/11 IL�'.Y731l�`+':�}hi Y.L).SiN( CT"cft i i�ri�l�TE i3'r ii3TEtd^uc i PvvPv vSc "iHH E MAYOR AIt'D b1£MSERS OF THE COUNCIf, OF THS f rI?' t?F �nn�ar vqi �. Tn thg MattPr nf Varatinx R.ln$A_7�00 t uc ia�tu�iatt[J.tr,u' iiciGVy a:L!'ti1iW� Utt I�cilClf V� t[�1C u)(2lLa�tt IjG�(pijL(Clll. LI {�VlI1�QIij`, t'LiGi. lt t'LUG1 noi inu:nd so ezercise its uuiiry �igass m me proper[p as 6escriped on the attacheti �xptbit "a» ana as shown on the map on the reverse of fhe said Exhibit "A". excenc as herc nored: Vc5 �.--)GST /`�5 �-D �cC. , �.�r l.t��1 "C1� �' JvS� e�=, a�.e_a � —�-�--��-�`� ^� h�s t�� � ��..s �-� Q�c•ut�'Sev.� i -�s V'h�-� C'� � �-�S . � �..,.era ; st � ) �It-��s��4 � i¢�e2hR'da j �, - II�atMe.�ntnguu(nlm y e - atwrtvatlmeWlesgAbefef._nulhic��:.y� .. �j,��/�� lyyy ��.v.,�� tl - �43�s.P .,.s �l.�/rf t,� �./✓P�-�, f�u �. , s _ _ r+ _ n , �.� >i tm..As!.�. i,..., y r �F_ ��_� _f r_�_ xAA�aFf� � /� `,���``�-�'�� v4`,Er1YL�CL�JVN ,�-%Y�/�/V__ i '3 =`Y'� W��'�� "d0'AR'Gl;BL!C�iS!IM1h.SOTA. `:�vPai4c.tns�g�gaa��e�..:-i.^� m117�{SU �. � u `" . ������� J/ � '�.�-� '!y Co�miss�or E.auee Jan il 2Q00 7„yromm.sssane�aas' "- � ' _?I ' �,��� _ Y a •• Rlease s�4usTt t`:is ori�,:na! copy tc 1 Cfl £ify t3all, St. Pa�st, A�Eti 551 G2 " ��`/( �(Gihj � � `'� 13 � P.04 �0l_`1�1� .999 13�49 PED 14TH FLOOR o�ieta�ct� r.�� �� �� -�� � EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Streets to be �Vacated, City of St. Paul. Gaughan Land, Incorporated 'That part of Daly Street wzthin Block 5, Srinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to S[. Paul that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below and northerly of the south 80 feet of said Block 5. That part of Toronto Street, as dedicated in the plat of Srinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Sc. Paul, tha[ lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the easterly extension of the North Line of tbe south 80 feet of the said Block 5. LINE A is a line running paraliel to and distant 50 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the centerline of St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, distant 124.99 feet easterly of the Northwest Corner of Section 12, Township 28 Norch, 1Zange 23 West; thence run southerly at an angle of 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 fee[ to the point of beeinning o� the line to be described; thence deflect to the right at an anele of 67 degrees 08 minuteS 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence deflact to the 3eft on a curve having a radius of 110 feec (delta angle 67 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 12$.67 fect and there terminadng. . � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HOIVORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTfY OF SAINT PAUL R ECEIVED MAR 2 6 1999 9 � \ R � L ES 7 kiE�,�.. , In the Matter of Vacation File # 41499 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Fxhibit "A". Except as here noted: ��� Northern States Power Co.- Electric Its ��� �.�;LC-CY.�� a��vESOTa ) � �� ` > n ture �xrrarvv ) ,.L {�� _ ( The fo�zgoing instnunent was ac�owledged befoce me this �� day of 1/�GLY'('/L . 1999, by of under the laws of the Siate of Minnesota. k�ec�( �5?'vk- �ksisf.rn� ��:��„� y�� ��� ���� �My� Notary Public, Hennapin County, Minn ota. � ,rq�Nll, � 2000 My commission e�iru I�J � e`�'v� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** , 1 ,.:�.� :��:�;��� " �.,,,s-^,,>�s•� � �:..:..:,-����.: a� _ ;_ar5=-."�8,� � ��. � . „ , . . . - : �,.��:� � �� y CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE G �°`-`t�l\ THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF TI� In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAiTL Vacation File # 41999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: N ��a��(�-(;e N.S.P. - Gas Distribution Its �et5 �� ��i��✓� —� b1IN.tiESUTA RAMSEY The& by of Z „� -��.1 ICCCti' Cu� - 1 > ) � �( ! c'C� Signature instnunent was acknowledged befote me [his Z� day of M1+2 P�G l/( 1999, S 0 undex the laws of the State of Minnesota. KATHLEEN S. DOW NOTAflY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA 1y (70rtIT. EXpires Jan. 3t. 200 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** t CER7IFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCTL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL �� -`�� � In the Matter of Vacation File # 41999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. RECEtVED MAR 1 7195� ��aL EsrarE fl�visior� ��.k.;���T� > RAMSEY District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. Irs �w, � : J_ - f- Signature I f��--�--� 'Ihe foregoing insm�ment was acknowledged before me this � a�' day of ( l. GC�Y�Gh� , 1999, bY 14-n�Le,-S J , �4d�Gc�-.� �z tpres;�..:�' of 1 Jislr�vt - �,�.-.0 /��s+, �—, ���a..�a. YIM—dr�,� Ca porc.iia+tr S'�: n+..Q Z�1 7T under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � t. <��` i <:� TRUQYI..SH�RW6b8 � � �' AOrr,pv aueuc-Miwe�ESOta � '"^�^� WASHING7p.�' COUNTY MY Comm. Expires ia�t 31, 200p � � ��� y Notary Public, Ramsay Co "nnesota. � �� My commission ezpires � et..� . 3 � a C7C70 f ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF TfIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �c� -`t`\ � In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparnnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached E�ibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: �� Q�j p���� �� ���5 V �� e J MediaOne € t�'�, IYNETTE tAYdiE ItS � 4�.'.✓=•�: -�°''r NOTARY Pt56tlC • tdtNHESOTA C����'`\�`� P.AMSEY CCUtJTY p ° � M � 'y Cxmmissior£. +tes Jan. 31. 2C{0 �.�.i� !.. r4 Y «_. ..,.... o.-�,..... n,. MINNESOTA � > Sign ture Dakoa � The fozegoing insttument was acknowledged before me this L b day of �f//� , 1999, bY (�F/l/r�� CTVIf'iLEz .the of a undax the ]aws of rhe SCate of Minnesota. _ `/ � C/ � 'Y`-` `/`^' C' � 7 �� Notazy�Pub ' , Dakota County, Minnesota My commission e�ires // J l/� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "* �.: 1 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL �� _�`1\ In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached E%hibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: Department of Public Works I � 171 REC i2 MINNESOTA � � > Signature RAMSEY � The fozegoxng instwnent was acknowledged before me this �/ T//( day of //"/ /T/L �� . 1999, by �8��.5 � ���SU� .the �(/�E���/� of a7T� ��UL �!/t`�L/l� �O/�,L!S , a � (J�lG� //�i�L �� p0% /�'TOf7� under the laws of the Siate of Minnesota. a � � CYNTHUTANNE WOOD NOT�{AYPlJBI.IC-A�piE50iA ���Hn � Wl�m�nE�pY�tJmt31.1000 s l .LN ! lJr ! `-! Q/ �X..i1' LI � �� Notazy � blic, Raznsey County, Minnesota. My commission expires �� � �� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" , �r CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL ct �-q�l \ In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: RECEIVED hIAR � j soc� REAL ESTq7E DIVISION MINNESOTA > RAMSEY W ater Utility ,�/ ��" ' �°t� ta Divi.rfan . ItS r.�;� ManaQer Signature The foxegoing inshument was ad�owlzdged befoie me Uvs 15 th day of MaT Ch , 1999, Division b ;y��g.�-ff.--g�}}�t Roger Mohror ,flie 6'eixera� Mana¢er o p the Saint Pau1 Water Utility , Municipal Corporation of the City of Saint Paul undei the laws of the Siate of �Gnnesota. �^^���nn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn;.nnnnnnnnr �•�� JANET M. LINOGREN > < � � NQIARY PG9!!C-A3:`.�:ESOiA � < �..y.r RAMSEV couNTv � My Comm. Enpires Jan. 31.2000 � •YWVWVwVVWVVVWWVyVVVVVVWWVV • � At� eyC an[y, , asota. My conunission e�ires �/ � Q a" ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** Return copy to: Real Fstate Division 140 City Hall ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of The Gaughan Companies and successor, Sherm Rutzick, 2 as documented in Technology & Management Services Department File Number 4-1999, public right- 3 of-way easements over properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontinued: and, 4 subject to the herein stated exceptions, the utility easements within those properties are hereby released. 6 The property to be vacated is described as foilows: 7 ' 8 Parcel l. that part of Daly Street within Block 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. 9 Paul that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the south 80 feet 10 of said Block 5. 11 12 Parcel2. 13 14 15 16 LINE A 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Beginning at a point on the centerline of St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, distant 124.99 feet easterly of the Northwest Corner of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West; thence run southerly at an angle of 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence deflect to the right at an angle of 67 degrees 08 minutes 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence deflect to the left on a curve having a radius of 110 feet (delta angle 67 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 128.67 feet and there terminating. 28 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the 29 Saint Paul Legislauve Code as amended, and to the following condiUOns: 30 31 1. That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $SQ0.00 as an administrauve fee for this 32 vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effecuve date of this resolution. 33 Council FSIe # ,99� 9j/ Green Sheet # �D� MINNESOTA co that part of Toronto Street, as dedicated in the plat of Sfinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the easterly extension of the North Line of the south 80 feet of the said Biock 5. is a line running pazallel to and distant 50 feet southeasterly of the following described line: ORIG4NAL 94- 9�/ 1 2. That, with the accompanying Utility Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on 2 behalf of U.S. West Communications, Incorporated, Northem States Power Company, District 3 Energy St. Paul, Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOne, The Water Utility, and The 4 Department of Public Works, made a part hereof by this reference and filed in the office of the City 5 Clerk of Saint Paul, the City, for irself and on behalf of these corporauons and departments, waives 6 the right to the utility easements in the vacated area described above. 8 3. That the petitioners, their successors and assigns agree to indemnify defend and save harmless the 9 City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character 10 brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property on 11 account of this vacation or petitioners' use of this property, including but not limited to, a claim 12 brought because of any act of omission, neglect, or misconduct of said petitioners or because of any 13 ciaims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulauon made in accordance with the 14 law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 15 16 4. That the peutioners, their successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 17 resolution file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the condiuons of this resolution and 18 shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and condiUOns of this resolution, comply in all 19 respects with these terms and condiuons. 20 21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLV�D, that, having been declared surplus to the needs of the City as 22 documented in Parks Boazd Resolution File #99-6, the underlying fee tifle to that part of the above 23 described Pazce12. accruing to the City of Saint Paul Department of Parks and Recreation is hereby 24 vacated, and the proper City officials aze hereby authorized and directed to dispose of the said property 25 as provided in Chapter 51 of the Administrative Code. 26 27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, as provided in Paragraph 13.01.1. of the City Charter, the 28 purchaser of that said part of Parcel2. accruing to the City sha11 reimburse the Department of Parks and 29 Recreation at full market value as estabiished by independent appraisal. Requested by Department of: By_ � �� _�. Approved by Mayor: Date By: �i/_.�ia� . Technoloav & Manaeement Services B ���/��lZ�i��%iQ_� �,� J Director Form Approved by City Attorney I�� B ���,1✓�✓p�""� /�"_2 3—q�j I� Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption�Certified by Counckl Secretary -9�/ .M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: September 14,1999 reen Sheet N�ber: 100907 o�mct Person aad Phoce N�her. 2 FP+IRTMENP DIItRCTOR 4 CI1Y COL7NCII, Peter White 266-8850 "'°'° i rrr ai-mx�Y mr c�s UDGEf DIRECTOR PFICE OFFINANCIAI, SVCS. �����,�: October 6, 1999 3 YoR<oR,�.�r, OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1(CLIP ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CTION REQUFSTED: To vacate right-of-way mterest in part o£ Daly and Toronto Sireets between Grace Street and t�ceola Connechon; and to vacate fee titie interest m that part of Toronto Street accnring to the City; and to authorize disposition of that part of Toronto Street accruing to the City as provided in Paragraph 13.01.1. o€the City Charter. Ref• 1. Resolution for consideration; 2. Petifion to vacate; 3. Certified Ownership Report; 4. Map; 5. Parks Board Resolution # 99-6 a�horizing disposition; 6. Certificates of Intended Non-Use. OMhh�NDATiONS: APPROVE (e� OR RE7ECT (lU ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS hNST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: . Has the person/fum ever worlced mder a contract forUtis deparime�rt? YF,S NO ranmvQrs coamussioN A srnee . Has dus peisoon/firm ever been a Ctity employee? YES NO CIVIL 56BVIC6 COMbDS90N . DoesHtispeisoon/6rmpossessaslnLnotnotmallyposcessedbyaqv YES NO corre� C1ty empioyce? cB COMMl17'BE Eaplam aR YES answers on a separate sheet aud adach UPFORTS WffiCHCOUNCII. $,�F(�1�. mvcn, y nisriucr y ARD(S7 PLAt�`NING CO[INCII. TING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITX (Who, What, WLen, Where, Why?): Developer wants to construd 90 uniks of senior housing on property. VANTAGESIPAPPROVED: 90 units of senior housing would be created. The hearing on this �`�°`'N`�A����PR°`'E°: matter is set for rrone �v�,.A�ES�NO,.,�pRa�: October 6, 1999 New housing wouid not be constructed. OTAL AMOIJNT OF TRANSACITON: .y� COST/REVF,NUE Bi7DGETED (CIItCL� ON� YLS NO PrG souacE: 1�IA AcrivrrY vim�Ex: NIA aricwr. sr�o�ziox: (�r,nn`�? C�ty would receive $500 administrative fce plus an estimated $4,000 representing fair market value for property conveyed to developer. •.,,_. aq-9�►� �,� �� PETITION TO VACATE CTTI' TNTERFST I 1�'e1. the nndetaiyntd. uactituling � mnjority ol the own�ts (ar thrir leEally deslguntsd xptKtatalivey) o( �}� �yueteng P+°p�ie; do hveDY petilioa tT.e Comdl otU�e Gy of SniatPaul b rac�4 in �nluect� 3a [he propet{Y('aes) Itbnlly drsqlbed as follows: See attached legal (E�ibit A) I(we) �eQUest tl�ia vncatioa Ior the fo)]orrjpg ��(p�, To permit the reasonable development of the property in accordance with its zoning designation RT-2. I(» s) baee aunched a� copia uLwe rice plaos of .�y dnelopmeatiatended tor eannzuction ao tDe laads to De vacaud. Contact Person Person(s} responsible for paymenY of vacationfeeand for acceptance of the terms and conditions of the vacation Name: PAont: F17-7R6-6320 ndaeu: 299 Coon Rapids Blvd, #210 Coon Rapids, Alcctnue Centnai Petsoa h9,,,e: Patrick Gaughan p 612-786-6320 � oon ap Addteu: Namc: Alan Hamel, Gaughan Land Incorporated p 612-786-6320 Addmss: oon a . — eoatrRapids-�F4� � 33h33 �q-a�� Signstures of O»ner(s)/RepresentaII�•e(s) of Propetty(ies) Below: � ��-ai: d. `_` G ��—. Alan J. Hamel, President -��.,.a�� coroora e c�,-�r �� s�=r��� � -- �' a 7 / �Y// �f � N P • — � i' s%R`a nt ^' S ' S '- G f_7�� 7, Alan J. Hamel ��� �Gtionu, ot one of ihe petitioaus in [he above mattei: and I do harb �a of the si n�uiu � tTus Y ax aad ver(fy thn[ cncA S ytiicion �u s{qned ia mypi�,seyee Dy ihe prraou destiibed in Ne Petitio➢. F--. /�, l �- e1':d�..fi � ��^-, L�..-,.e� .�-'--��/o-,�-�<c (Ftdrionu7 SuEsa.bed and swora w beSa> me thi.a / aay ot �' //u,} ,( 199 �� LORt ANN DETERMqp� i4 tAiMYPU81.�41Y�NE90TA —� �_ ANOKA COt}N7y �� ' �, � Wcmmrm�ru�n.sf.x000 L./ "r C•out9) (<A�UGf.2fhV8� EXNIBIT A ct q -9'1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF STREETS TO BE VACATED, CITY OF ST. PAUL. GAUGHAN LAND 1NCORPORATED That part of Daly Street that lies w::thin Block 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. PauZ, that lies Souther2y of Line A, described below and North of the South 80 feet of said IIlock 5. That part of Toronto Street as dedicated in the p1aC of Stinson, Brown and Ramsey�s Addition to Sc. Paul, that lies Sautherly of Line A, described below and North of 4i�e East extei.sion of the North line of che South 80 feet of Block 5, �f said Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul. LTNE A That part of Bloek 5, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey�s A.iditioa to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof lying Northwest�rly of a line *��nn�ng parallel with and distant 50 feet Sou*.heasterly with the following described line: Beginning at a poin� cxi the centexline of St. Clair Avenue in St. :aul, distanL 129.99 feet East of the Northwest corner of Section lz, Township 28 Nort*�, Range 23 West; thence runs Southerly dL an angle o� 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 feet to the point of beginniug of the line to be des�ribed; thence deflect to the right at an anale of 67 degrees'08 minutes 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence de£lect to the left on a curve having a radius of 110 feet tdelta angle 67 degrees 20 minutes 19 seconds) for 128_67 feet and there tezminating. s �q4 ��11 ����.�INSU���o�.� o 9855WU��tbSnccl.Fa[rnP.airic.MinnWya553ad (Gii)tt263� Ordex Number: (N2606081 A scarch of our trac� indidra and of the public recurds in the Oflice of the Cvunry Reco�der, and in the Office of Yhe Regisuaz of 15du, and a scurch o£ Cciti�icate of TiUti Numbet 3�y�p , in u County, Minncsota as to the following desmbed pmperry: Sec attached I.agal Desaipvon. �isdosex that Parcc] 1: Gaughan Lxad Sncucporated, a Minnesota a�rporation PBSCel2: Etiuibeth R. Maboffin (i�) (are) che gxntce(s) in the last recorJcd conveyance of satd proper±y. '1'he foltowing items are no[ed for yuur infnrmaiiun: t. Scare Ueed dsteJ necembcr 23.1992 and �i�ed March 73. ty93 as Dueument No.100751U to Gaughan i.end Incorpura�ed. (Partcl2) Covcrs a�diuonal land. �NI) ()F TT'Eh'IS Real Y,stau Tax lnforvwhon lteal estatc taxes pa�yeble in 1999 are 52,224.04 and are unpaid. }tace taz 5611.82, Non-Homestead. Roperty Iden�caaonNo-1L2&Y3•11 Nute: I7tere are no delinquent taxes of record. Estimated Markct Value: $23.6QO.OQ (This doc� not indude a search to[ LevicS or pending assessmems. lf su�h a searcl� h� be�en reque�ccd, it ix dune hy soparate cenification indepcndene of �his report.) 90' d OZ£6 98L ANVdW07 NHH'-J(1V�J 3H1 db5 = LO 66-£Z-�QW K°�•�'�� Lcgai Dwcriptiun- Continued C.T. tSle No. 2W806� PerrPJ r Tne west i/2 oF etx�c 5. �ccepi che Saah Ba leet v�.xed. St'msan. Brown erA HarTma�'�s ntltlnbn m St. Pail. exwpt tnaz part lykip NarthwosteAy da Iine running pa�aliel vn[t� an6 tlis�&n[ SO fBat Soutt�eab�Y� � k+�a+'�n8 4 �� �: BeginNrvd p� e pplrcc on Ihe Cgntenlne of St pdir Avenue In SL Peul. Ois�ant 124.99 feat East ol ihe NoM1hw%T cdrret d 9ecHa� 74. 7ownehW 2a North. AenOe �3 west: thenCe nm6 $oWw<<Ya� en anye �89 degmes 37 mtnutea 42 seGd�dc will� caid centerllne (When maesurod hvm we5t to eau[n) for Y00 feet io Ihe Ganl �t bBglrmin9 of the iine to te C98CY�beU: Nertce d�ec[ m the �qM az aa anple ot 87 deg�eaa OB minu�es 49 seconda kr633.421aeY thence dWlwt to [he le�c on a cu�e nevtr�g a mdWe of t io fe¢� (ee�ta arreto e7 aeprees io m�m,ces �s aecnnas) ior T76.s� reec and �here �ertM�Unp, Hamaey Couctty. MmnasWa. AOSVatt PrOpellY Parcd 2. East o��e•ha�� (E� /2) W Block Bve (5) except tna South eighty (S 80) kr1 thereot, crt S�Inson, 0rown and Rameeys AcldMon ro S[ PaUI. Remsey COUnry. Minnesate. To�ren6 PrOparty LO'd �Z£6 98L ANHdWO� NHH�JfiH9 3H1 db5=L0 66—£2—�QW � �`� ``�� � Order Numher: 911260bDtS1 C7ffCaGn TITLE LYS[IRANCE COMPANY, aa abstcactor regutcrad unda the taws of ihe State uE Minnesota, heretry ccrtifi�s ihat it has maJe seacchea fa Rasasee Couaty in comptianee with Minnesota Tltle Swndard Numbcr 82 and finds ao unsattsfied judgmencS no uasattsficd Nu5ce5 of Swte 7ax licos, no unsatisfied Nouccs of Federal Ta:s Liens and ua Motices of IIankruptcy against t6e numes shmva, ucep[ as sbown hercoa: Namex: Gaughan tand Lnwrpotated Etizabech R. Mag�n Sexrched'fn: Ixnuary a,1999 January a,1999 ................................................................................ '[hc Gability o� Chicago T'iUe TaSUrance Campany is {or reasonable eare ia mafcing this search xnJ shnli, ia no casa extead the lea�t of: a) the adual loss of the agptitattt; or b) il�e sum of S f(MI.IXI. Thi� is not a tifle insuianct policy sad �hould noc lx retied upnn as such. For Puli prutection, a tiUc tnsurance poLiry shauld bc secured. Datecl this 4Sh day of _ Januarv 7499 3t 7:Q0 AM. ('EIICAGO Tfi7-E [NSURAN('E CUMPANNY By: � � — Authori•red Signarory) p�pp oM 80' d OZ£6 98L AN7dWOJ NtYH�Jf1K�J 3H1 db5 = GO 66-£Z-�QW ppproved by The Atta'ney cnera u9G8 ,� STA?£ OF MII'717ESO�CA � �' � DEPAR?MERT OF RE`7E1�tIIE f ' � CpNVEYAPICE OF FORFETfED LANDS iesuai Pumm�2 ro Muv�eSOm statntca. S�tloas 262.a1 m 28Z.12 Incivsivc. THIS INDENTUttE. Made Shts 23rc1 day of Deceatbcr, 1992, beCwecn the Sta:c ot hIlnnesa[a. as pany of the lirst paTt. �nd Guug}1an iand lncoryorated, pany of thc second part. WITNESSE'1'H: WABRE!•5. thc land herelnafter described. havtn� been duh fostetted to thc State of Minr,esa�:, for thc nonpaym�nt ot tcuces. u+ss sold under thc pro�LS�ons oC Minnesota Statutcs. S�cuuiLS Zt32 hl l0 282.12. uu:tustve, tn chc pany o( che sccon� parc. an 3. wti1P'+F,dS, the saw paay ci the setond part has pald in futl Lhe pusehase pdte of satd ;an� �� :^_:, c4ierw�sc tully compl�ed w0.h the tond�nons oC sa�d sale and 1s enttt]ed to an sPPropflatC mnveyance therea NO'W. TIIEPEFORE, U. � Scaie o[ Minnesota. pursuant to said stacu[es. and 1n con<tdcrat�ori o( ehe �e*nisrs. d•;.s iierety gzant, trazgatn, sd[ and convcy unto [he said p3rty of �t�c s�eond part. i. � evccess�:cs and ass�gn: Forrvcr, ehe followmg descriUed land lying and t�cing in th� Caunty ot Wm<cy. and Scate of Minr�csota, to-wit: Parcel 1: The wr.st 1/2 of A1ocls 5, ezcapt che South 8o feet thereol, Sunson, Hrown and Ramseys % ndd�Uon w St. Paut. acc❑rding w the rc<: �racd plat thercot; exeept that part lyk� , Nonl�westcrly ot a lme runntng parllel wlth and dtstant 50 icct Soucheasterly W �h the fo71::u•�n�r dcscribCd llnc Seginning a[ a poin( on tlae Centcrllne af St. GalrAvcnue ln St. Pau1, dU�nut 124.99 Sttt I;aSt oC tt+c Northwest coma ��( Sacuon 12. "Cmvnship 28 North. ttange 2S wr.:��: tfience rung Southac9y ac an angc o[ 89 degrees 37 mtnutcs 92 scconds wiui sald cer,•-rtmc (wlicr measured fmm wesc to sou(h) for 200 (ecl to :he point of beg�*u+ing af the lu�e w� ^sc:rtb�d, ttie�tt ddlcr.t to the riql�.t at an angle oC 67 deg'ecs. OB minutes, 49 scconds for f,3, icr'; ihencr. dcflecx to the leR oa s curve havmg a radius of 110 fect (ddtu a»gle 67 deb� �.. 10 u:inu[es. 19 scc<uids) foc 328 67 fcet arid there termtnstrr� Pa�cl Il: F.ast U:t_-l�a' t? i/21 oCHla:k Flve (51 eXCept thc SovUi E�hry (5. 80) fect theteof, oC Stinson. Browu and Ra�nxy's Adduiun to S[, i'a�il, accord�ng io the recorded P�3t U,creoL except thst f., �; pa� ry�� NonLwesterl,v of a hru ruxrung parallel with and dtseant 50 fect Saviheascerly w�th ��, the CoitoWing dcsorlbed lIIie: Heg�nntng at s� »nrnt on the ecntedtnc oC St. Clatr Avcnue in S[. Paw. dtstunt 12a.99 feet Easi uf thc Northwes[ eorner of Scctfon 12. Tou�iship 28 Nonh. Ra[�e 23 west: thena �vns Soueh�rly nt an ���te M 89 dcgrecs 37 nunutes 42 scconds wlch satd ce+�tcrllnc (w1�cn mrasured Crom w�gt to so�t1�1 for 200 tect to thr polat of be�tnning of the llne �o Ue dcscrlbal thcnec deUett to the t'{ght at an nngle uF 67 deg*'ccs. US minute5. 49 seconds Cor 633 h2 foct: U�e3ue deilece Yo the �*11 on a curve having a radius ot 130 ieet (delta anglc 67 de�rees. 10 minutes, ifl sccondsl far 128,G� tect and there cermtnaring PLN. 1 I-28-23-i i-00� i. exeepu*� and resrnl:ifi to Qie sald statc, fn trust for taxing dtsMCts concemed. all mincrals and �nmerA] nghts. r3s pmv�ded Dy law, TO AeVE AND TU NOLD °•IE SAME, together wf2h all thc l�ereditammts and appur: nences thereunto belonging c� en anywtse appertaining, tn the saW paKy ot thc scccnd pan.: successorsandas5tgns,FCV��• �:. TtiE GRANTOR CERTtFi: ihat the Granlor docs not know of any w�lls on the descrlt� d rna] property. "Clie State .'Qmn�sota fs fssutr� U.is deed for fhc county and other taxtcu, ntsd�cUons and tn rettance a:i the .•aditors Certt[icate siatmg no �+clis are ]ocated on thc abnve dr.scrlbed property. (�. 22702 � � �� ,>�.• , ; ,-.` - � • R MSEY COUNTY � �!� ` ) MINN£SOTA ° 7 -,' :'.':::�'=� Deed tax hereo� due $ 64.30 � DEED TAX AMOUN7�,� � _ �: . .:�;-•� � �r�. i , .r..l_, � AGR�CI�LTUF��L CONSEHVA'i ION FE[ PAIO f �- FAMSLY COUNTY'�I �. �, _�J ;3-!'. !'-��`,: t: _____�__ .— ,; ' r � ,; ,, : - �• ,� i ,�g: rc: '�`F'��'� , s•'�;. < 4�•- - ..'c,. ' �,y" � j: '��� a i3'�:'C "y�'�' Ii +�' �Ed�"1::;pZ��:i{i ie: - �'r�"' i'�E�` ,. . .... ;i:. py �� ii �,��' }?� I a f' 1 'i ��y /il I I�r ' � . .p'� . �c I }'=' . . ..w;1..'��V . .!Y�i , qq` � � � b0 OZ£6 98L ANtYdWO� NHH�Jf1V`J 3H1 d£5=L0 66–£Z--AEW _� e �_ . �t �SrrnipNy ypl�REOF. the Stafe of Mlnnesoca has caused thts decd ta bc ���ced In ` -�iit ` IIS nam� m the ctty oC S�. Paul. County o( R�mscy and State. oC Minnesota. thc day and year [3zst sbnve u.�rttccn. (t� � . ����� �A�o��A aa � DORO'18Y A MeCUING � �l J.�..�::>« . l�( sr ;p�.�� �+��� � °� s. , > e.� � . . _��a--� � � 6'IA'1E OF '�T�OTA 1 )sa. Cou+�b � �n' � 'Ih�s lnscrumrni was Draflrd W Tnc Commissloncr of 3tevenuc Slxtc oC Mlnncsets Uepariment o( Rcvenu< St. P�uI. Mlnncscra F�.53a5 On chts 23� day o� Deccmbrr. 1992. before mo personally a➢pearcd GE[tt+LD D. GARSKS, the duly appointed rcpresentauv� of thc Commisstoner of Rcvcnuc of thc Scacc of Mtnnesota, to me known to bc the person �ho e<eeutcd xbo foregotng conveyanee m behaff aI thc Swte of Mfnnesota snd sckno�vledged thaY he executed the same as the frco act and deed of said stato puisuant to the statuies in sueh ease madc and provldcd. �_ ) �n •� � �/c�� ' . ,N,,,M„�,.M,�,.,,,�,,,,,.,,�,,.,�,�,,, 5 OInNE L 0.0GGE < $ �'� NQT<RT PU�UC-MINNES�TA � � WPSHINQION COUNTY � Mf COM.nIff10N WI¢6 SWpypp L, 194d Y / : . ._,� �S4 SO' d OZ£6 98L /.NHdWO� NHH�JfIt/�J 3H1 dbS = LO 66—£Z--aQW IRe:�'w'i: - Y T}ie wcat 112 of Block 5, occept the South HO fcet Ihe:cof. Stlnson. Hrown and Ran�ay s Addltlon to St. Passl. uccozd'ng to the reeorded piat thexeof: escept that Part tying p Northwestcrty o! a 11nc runn1r18 ParaUcl wtth and distant 50 fect Southeasterty.viLh ihc � follawtc�sg descrfb�d '��� � at a Point on Lh� caiteiline oC St. Cla1r Avrnu� tn St. Paut. ..I dlstant 124.39 feet East of thc Northa+est comcr o[ SccUon 12. TowrL4lUp 28 North. Rang� 23 � WesL theoce nu�s South�ly at an angle of 89 dcgeea g7 minutea a2 sconds vnth said � ccnterllne (When measurcd from west to soutA) for 200 fect to thc polnt oC bcglnning oC the llne to be deea�ibed: thenee dc�at to thc nght at an angle oC fi7 d�. OS mtr.utcs. 49 secondg for 6g3,42 [eet; thence dcflxt to ihe ]eR on a evrn havinQ a radius aC 110 feet (delta an�e 67 � a deg'eea. 10 mtnut�s. 19 scconds) ior 128.67 f�et and there tecmlrating _l l � Pam1 it: F.ast Qnrhalf fE 1/2) K Slock Ftve (5j o�c�cFt thc Souch FJghry (S. 801 feet thctto[: oC Stlnson. / Hrou•n and gamx�s AddlUOn to St, Yaut o�+8 to tre cccorded P�t lher�of: except that l psrt iying Northwest�rly o! a itne runsitn$ Para11e1 wtth an1 dfatant Sp teet South�asteriy wtth the foltaw��g de�cribed 11ne: 13�H�x�ix�8 8t a P°tnt °n th° ec�cr�° ot SG Cla�r Avrnue in St. Paul, dJatant 124.99 feet Easi oC the Norihwcat comer o�g 7 s�c.wminuca, a sccoads w i�s�sid � 23 weat: thrncc runs Souttiaiy at an an�gle oC 89 ae�ees caiterllnt (whcsi mcasuied from wcst to south) for e o[ 67 d o � e 0�8 mtnutes.�49 �sx�on39 � to bc d�btd: thar� d�xt to thc rlght at an ang� �m• 833_�3 fcet: thcs�ce d�lSect lo the lc.`t on a curn havtn,q a radlus of I 10 f�ct (delta angle 67 deg:e:es. 10 minutes. 18 a�condsl fnr 128.87 fett and there terminetlnq Pit d: 1 1-28-23-1 ! -0�1. £O'd OZ£6 98L I.NHdWO� NVH9f1H9 3H1 d£S=LO 66-£Z--a�W --.,. 7�9G8 Appro�cd by'lnc Atlunmy e�n¢ro1 6TATE OF T�iNFS01'A � � DEPARTAiENI2 OF REVENUE �� CONVEYANCE OF FORFETI"ED LA1�iDS laeaod Pu+aonnc To Mlnaesota Stetufxa 6eenons 282.oi co 482.121netuaive. T1i15 tivnENTURE. Madc chls 23rd day of Dccanber. 1992. betWeen the S�aie of Minnesota, as par�y of fhc Cvst part, and Gaughan Land Incorporaced, pany of thc sccond parc. WISNESSETB: �eREAS. the tand hercinafler de5crf0ed, hav�ng bcen duly fo7feitW to thc State of M�ru�esota for the nonpaymrnt ef texes. was soid under the provtstons of Minnesota Statvtcs. S�ct�ons 282.01 to 282.72. mtlustvc. co thc psriy oCtR� second part. and. wHER.F1,5, thc mie party oC the second part has D�d in tWi the purchase pnce of sa�d :anC aud !:=s otAe:Wtsc Tuily cor.ipL<d +vlth the �ondlUOns of satd sa7c and is rnttUed to an appropziatc convcyaact tliercof. NOW. ?REREFORE. thc Stu[c of Mlnnesota, pursusnt to sald statutes. aad tn cnnsldcratton of the prem�ses, docs hereby gram. bargam. sell and conv�q unto th� sald parry oC ihe second part. �ts eucces�oxs xnd asst�ns, Fore�er, ihc fo]lowfng descrlbed land lytng and bcfng !n Lhe County of Ramsey, and Sta�c of Mixsaeso[a, to-wiC Paic<1 7: Tnc Wcst I/2 o(Hlock 5. exeept the South 60 fed thueoL Stinson. Hrown and Rantsey's Addiuon lo St. Paul. aceording tn ehe recorded p7a[ cnereof, accept that part lytng ;� northwescerly uC a t�ne running paraltd Wlth and dLvtant 50 f�et Southeasterly wlth the feilow�ng dcsc�ibcd line: Scginning aL a polnl un che trnterLne of St. CIa1r Avrnuc in St. Paul. dalant 124.99 fcet F;asl of the Nprtbwesc comer of S�etion 12, Townshtp 26 North. Rar�e 23 �'lesr thcnco runs Southerly at an angSe 0( 89 degzee5 37 minutos 4Z 9tcondswith safd r.cnteriine (when measvred from west to south) for 200 feet to thc point o(beglnnmg of the ]me to be descrlbcd: thrnce Cdlcet lo the ristrt at an angle o[ 67 de�es. OS mmutes. a9 seeonds for 633.a2 feer, thrnce detllct to the left on a wxve ha�lr�g a radius of l 10 feet (delta angle 67 dcgrces. 10 minutos. 19 s�conds) for 728.87 fet[ snd thert terminatu�g A�aet t1: Easc Onc-halt (E 1/2) oI BIx3c t7vc (5) «ecpt the south Eighry (5. 80) feet 2henoC, ot Sttnson. Brown and Ramscy a nddluon to St. Paul. according to tt�e zecarded plat thereot: ncceyY that � parc lytng North�vesterly of a lfne running persllcl wlth and distan� 50 feet Sovtheastezly wlth {� thc CoUowfng descrlbed llne: 6egtnn�ng at a pomt on ihe centerLne nf St. Clav Avmuc in St. Paul, disiant i2a.99 feet East of the Northwest comcr ot Sectlon 12. Townshap 28 North. Range 23 West; thenec nuvs Southerly at an angle oC 89 dcgrecs 39 mtnutes 42 seeonds wlth said centerLne (when mwsured from west to sovtY�1 tor 200 Seet to the potnt af begtnntng of the 11nc to bc dcscrfbed; thcs�oc drJiccl ro thc rtgnt at an angle ot 87 dtgrc�s. O6 m�nutes. 49 seconds for 633.9'l fcet: U�rnc� dol]¢ct tu th� lett on a cuxve having a radtus of 110 fett Idetcs an�e 67 degrees. 10 tntnuces. 19 eeconds) for 128.67 feet and there te:mtnaiing PIN: 11-28-23• 11 �0001. excepttr� and reservtng to the said scace, m wsc for ta�nng dtstrltts concerned. att min�rals and minera7 rlghts, as provided by law, i'O FtAVE ANA TO HOLD '!'tfE SADdE, together wtth ait the haedltaments and aDpuricnanccs thcrcunfo betonging or ln anywisc appertatntng, fo the said para of the second part, It5 successots an4 psslgn5. FOmcr. THE GRANTOR CEHTIFIES thal thc Grantor doos noi Icnow o( any w�119 on ihc describctl ttal property. Thc Statt ot Minnesota ts lssutng thls deed for thc eounty and othcr ta.�ung �urisdletlon.a and tn rehanec on the Audttor s CcrtlAcate statfng no welts are located on ITIe abwe dcsttl6cd prOputy. ' i L"�^�- t ' _ n '� �[:D TI". ^�-. ,- . •r,. J - • _3 i .. '; -, iru� a LC: r.•: S.. , � � ; "%lili � �/ 1,�. Cf � _�_,._ -"-[.:_�-. � � �� 22702 R.4MSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA DEED TAX AMOUNT�Q �D Qeed tax hereon due $ �� AGHICUU'UR:.t CONSEAVFT{ON 2ePAiD r�� anMSE� COUN'rv � i� ___— ' <;r". r.'" � �.� . �'� .� ,:i K! • �•� � c`s''• :�.v�. ,'} 3 ,k � �...:..<��" : n', � ,,,,��.. - ' ^ t;Ci:f ;s:��ri,, .. ..:7,.`3al.� '�. r'•: �� . . .. �t� - i :l::i�.?iN +.-Y•tg !f{.'c'•�.. � . � . . . , x..: , ... . . . aa-°��� ZO'd OZ£6 98L l.Nt7dW0� NVH9l1H�J 3N1 d65=b0 66-9L-..tdy �. ; BALE AN'DERSON POLSTEIN RANDALL & HZ�L, LTD. 607 Marquetkc Avenue, Suite 400 Minncapolis, MN 55402 Telephone (612) 332-8063 �+acsimilc (612) 332-2489 FACS[M1LE T12ANSMTSSION SEP-09-99 THU 12:13 PM BALE ANDERSON "1'O: 1�RX #: rROM: DATl:: Earl Cazlson 651-266-8855 Ncil Yolstein September 9, 1999 RE: Vacation File 1k4-1999 YAGLS: (TncIuding U�is pagc): 10 MF SSAGL / COMM�NTS (i f any): Att�ched are Purchasc Agrccment and AdJendum per Pat Fischcr's rcqucst. P. O1/10 d� °�. �t `11 The iiiformation contained in this facsimile transmission is conficicntial, priviicged attotney-client camnunication �nd is intei�ded for the use of ilie individual or eniity namcd uUove. If the reader of this messa�;e is not the inte�idcd recipicnt, or flZe employec or agcnt responsible to deliver it to thc intended reci�ient, you azc hereby notificd that any distribution or copying of Qiis privilcged attorney-client communication is sG•ictty prohibited. If you have received this 1ax by mistakc, please immediately notify us Uy tcicplione, and retum all ihc documents received to us al the abovc address. FRX N0. 612 332 2069 SEP-09-99 THU 12:14 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0, 612 332 2089 P. 02/10 BALE ANDERSON POLSTBIN RANDALT. & HILL, I,TD. ATTO£�NEYS �1T IAW 601 M 11iQUE'I7T A�ENl3L•, SLlITE 400 MINNL•APOLIS, MINNkSOTA 5540?-179G TBLEPbIONE 612-33b8U63 TELLLAX 6L2-332-2089 E•MA1J, baleandenon@avrldna.accme[ 'W1LLIAM G. BAL� b7AfJC 5. ANI�EFSUN NT•,11, Pl>ISTEIN PI"CF.R Q HfIS. AOL•F.RT F'. RINUAI.i. Scptember 9, 1999 PAU1. L•. OV@FSON AYAN Y. i.ANGS1iV KIMllL•IU.Y A. EiOIM W IIJ.TAM M. SS ibAHAN v�A rncsxn�i�F Mr. Earl Carlson Dcpt. of Techttology � Managcmcnt Servicos Rc:al Estflte ]�ivision 140 Ciiy Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dcar Mr. Carlson: Re: Vacation rile #4-1999 Sherman Rutzick hos asked mc to respond to yc>ur lcttcr to him re�+arding his pctition to vaolte l�arl oC Daly and Tor�nto Strect. Your letter stltes that you are sccking proof of ownership in light of a Cenilied Ownersl�ip Report showing fee titic to onc of the properiics iii ihc ntimc of l;lizabe�h Magoffin. I an1 thc attorney handiing Mr. Rutzick's purchase of the subject property, The Certificd OwnenhiE� Report you cite is outctated. Ms. MagofFin beca�a�e the record owner under a cer�ificate of title issucd in 1923 and reuiained of tha Torrens part of the property tuitil Agril of this year, at which time i abtained an Lxaminer's Directive from the Rauzscy County Lxaminer of TiUu, directin�; the Torcens Oftice to issuc two uew cerii Gcates of title, one in the name of the State (for the portion of the B1ock in question that is T-35�,1nd the odier (for Yhc residue of that Riocic) in the name of C3aughan Land Incorpotated. Glughan l,and lncorporated has entercd into a writteo conlrlct to sell the property to Me. Rutr.ick or his �.ssigns. I enclose a copy of the �xaminer's Uirective. I also cnclose a copy of i11c title commitment froni Chica�;o Title, covcring thc parlipn of ihc property previousl� owned Uy Ms. Masoffin. Please note thc effcctive dnte oPthe title commihnent. It confirms that Crau�han i,and Incorporated has rep}aced Ms, Magoffin 1s the fec title owner oCrccord. Plcasc fcel free to call nie if you necd any aclditional inforniation about tlie title tn the properiy. Very truly yours, BALG AT�1i)ERSON YOLS'T�iN RANDALL & IIILI„ I,TD. � l � �f �t �� Ncil Polstcin cc: S. Rutzicic (wlo cnc.) Lno. (F,xaminec's Direetive, Titic CommStm3nt) SEP-09-99 THU 12:14 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 03/10 °l`�• �l'il NO. �D- 128 STAT'� OF MINNBSOTA DIR�CTT'S�E OF EXANIINER OF TITLES COTiNTY OF RAMSEY RE: CERTTFTCA'TE OF TITLE NO.: 33450 DISTRICT COiJ�tT PII.E NO.: 340530 and 340531 ACQUIRING AUTIIORITY: State o£Minnesota TO TFIE 12�GISZRAR OF TITLES OF RAMS�'Y CoUNTY, MINNESOTA: Pursuant to the provisions of Minn. Stat. §508.73 subd. 1, I hereby certify that the Pinal Certificate fcled as lloc. No. 532084 is Iegally sufficient to uuisfer title. You are hereby directed to cancel the above certificate of title ancl enter a new cer6$cate of title in the name of the acquiring authority named above, for the land described as: All thax part of the following described h�act: The east half of Block S, excegt the south 80 feet theseof, Stinson, Biown and Ramsey's Addiiion to St. Paul, which lies northwesterly of a linc zun parailel with and distant 50 feel southeastezly of the following described line: , Beginnin� at a point on the center line o£ St. Clair Avenue in SL Paul, distant 124.99 �eet easE of the northwest coruet of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 23 West; thence run soutt�erly at an angle of 39 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said center line (when measured from west to south) for 100.44 feet; thence deflect to the right on a curve having a radius of 150 feet (delta an ;le b7 degrees 08 minutes 49 seconds) for 175.74 feet; thence on tangent to said curvq for 533,8fi feet and there terminating; szievus SEP-09-99 THU 12�14 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 04/10 ED-I28 Page 2 o(q.q�l Togethor with that part of thc above described tract adjoining and southeasterly o� the above descaibed strip which lies northerly of the following described line; Begi�ing at a point on ihe southeastcrly boundary of the above described strip, distant 40 feet soufhwesterly of its intersection with the east line of the above described �act; thence run easterly to a pourt on said east line, distant 20 feet southcrly of said intersection, free o£ tz11 memorials now appearing on said ca�icelled certificate and free of the m,emorial of this Directi��e, without production o£the Owner's buplicate Certificate of Tifle, and Pursuant to the pzovisions of Minn. Stat. §508.67 subd. 2, the tax forfeiture proceedings filed as lloc, No. 167472 are sufficient to divest die registered ownez of her title, thexefore you shall issue a residue certificute of title in the name of Gaughan Land Incorporated free of all the memorials on said cancelted certificate and frec of the memorial of this D'uective, but show the following memorial: Aoc. No. 1007510 - Reservation by State of Minnesota of all minerals and mineraI righb. DATED: Apzi122, 199) ROBERT B�UTEL, EXANIINER O�' TTTLES B �.�-,° �./. ���� Dezuais W. �IcPartlin, Depuiy Exazninec DWMIlu sveniza SEP-09-99 THU 12�14 PM BRLE ANDERSON � � ,.�� .�-$t% �� � � � � $ 's , _ �• ,-�� Cj COMPANiES PROPERZ'Y ��J �!, MN. ��,�h �, � 3 b � J � I l � � � '' , � � � � �i � _i �� a � � 1� ��� �� /. \V I p � 1 -,�' tr� - i ( s�' / Y' v . � ys�" y •�' � � � l ,��{'" ' �.�I" � 5 �-r� � I.�� ' � S� � � - t, w� � � � � /'� � � 1� � � w � �,° � f °°` < I U 1 �� `> I i--'� f i . ! — . � 553.39 H d4'��'E t o i , �. $ t ' ��' � ► '° L --_________� _s ___...� .� . I t ,i �a � ' �I ________-� � � au.�r� a. �.es ov.+ �� 1 h� FAX N0, 612 332 20B9 n��'s "A� ✓"� Q'� ��" � D� C S , �- �,L..L�"' ,,Yy,.S ���f � 0 F � � 0 E �� P. 05/10 Ni a' � 0 _ m r n n i i i I � i� s m s� . � � n C � � r 1 � SEP-09-99 THU 12:15 PM BALE RNDERSON FAX N0, 612 332 2089 P. 06/10 �� _ � AbJfs'RIGAN J.AND '!7'ffL• ASSUI:lAT1UN C�MNI!'TMLNT - 196r, CHI�AGO T1TLE INSU1tANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR 71TLE iNSURANCE C}I1CAGO 77l'4F. 1NSU1tANCE CUMAANV. a coTpvmli�m oE Missvuri, hara4n callcd di� Company, fnr a vnluable aiattdttalivn, hereby cum�oits ta issae its policy ur poGties of lltic insurance, as idcnl ified in Schcdulc A, in fuvur of thu prupused Insured nnmed in Sehedule A, nx owncT ur m���tg�gce uf the ecTate or inlcres� covcrcd I�eraAy In Oie laud dtscdDed c�r rcfcrrad lo iB SeAedule A, Upnn poynm��t of du prcmiums and Jiurgcs dletef�r; dll subjeCt io th¢ p��rviniona ur SCh4d01es A m�d U a�1d Yo th CondiU�ns �nd Stipulati�nshcrcul', This Cammilme�ni shi�l ba clTrctivt only whcu Uie identi[y of lhe propn�ed InsureJ 7nA Ghe amoun� ��f the yulicy ot p�llciax cumt�ritted far �are Ueen inrcrted in Sdiedu�e A hcrcuf by [ha Compuny, oi�hai a� iho �ime oF tM t�suance <�f chis Cummiuncnt or hy subsoquu�t endon�Kncnt. This Co��nnimiant Is prcGmir�ary to �he i5saance oi sueh pulicy ��t p�iicies o[ titte insurF�iwe and u111"�bi��ty and obli�tiv��s be�aumlet sltall teaee and tctminaie six mnnths xClca Ute ef(ective duic hCCCUf m� whcn it�c �����y or pollefas conuni�ted for sh:01 issue, �vhichevcr Gnt uee�rs, provided thdt the PuilutP In jx�ue euch policy <�� pol{cles is not H�o f;udt of tht Co�ppt�ny. lN W(TNFSS WHERL'OF, Cliicago T1Uc lnsurance Compazry has ca�sed this C�nuniimant ta be siRnnd anil 5ealed as of d�a e�fecttve Jxtc of Commitmcnl �hown In Sd�edvlc q, [Ne Commitmct�t io hecome v;,lid when cnunierslgr�cd by un aulhorizod ai�ildtory- fssacd by: c�NtCpGO'i[TLl•' INSURANCf: CoMYAN� 9g5S W F.S7' 7RT11 5'1RL•C�T MINNkiA{'c)US M�NNES(7f'n S534i � � � P ALLt 0 l� �Si n��� uy: rf,�yy�„{/ �/' �(�r+4i % Farm 3816 - K.G Dlrbioa CIIIGA(;O'1'1'i'LE I9`ISURANt'S COMPANY By: � O-u+_ Prcf�lAeni 20'd �� OZ£6 98L ANb'dW07 NtfH�Jf1b'� 3Hl dOZ=tO 66-6i-FEW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P, O7/10 CHICAOO TTTLE INSURANCE C�MPANY SCFIEDYJL.B A � ,�I'1 \ Filc Numbcr. 1b10511 Effestive Da[e Apnl?8,1999 at 7:00 AM RL: S6crmanlavestmonb 1. L)wner s Pol�cy to be issued: iv92 OWNEtts POtitcY Amount S100,UOO.�U Yrnposed lnsweJ: Sherman Investments Coxp. l.oan Pulicy ta be i3SUCd: YropoSed lnsurcd: Amount 2. The estate or interest in th� land described or re(erred to in this Commitmeat and covered tierein is a fae simple and tittc thereto is at the eftective date hereto vcsted in. Geughan LandIncorporated 3. Tha tand re6err�d to in the Commitment i� dcscribcd as fallaws; 5ea attached L.egal Aescription. 2 ` "� �, rJ� g { ! � r G �� j t� Note: if th ere �re �ny questions concerning tisa cnaunt of this commitsaent, plcaae contact Jack Cti`bBons at (6i2� 826-3054. i1.�. £O'd D2£6 98L ��' �'�'�;����� � �o�� � « s ��,'" COtM 9(oa J.Nl7dWD� NVH9fltl9 3H1 dOZ=iO 66-62-/CeW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FRX N0, 612 332 2089 P, 08/10 ,' CHICA(30 TITI-E INSURANGE COMPANY SeheduleA LeQalDcsuiption CoafiuYed Fila Alumbcr: 2610SI1 �c� _ �i ` \ patCCl 1: The W ect 1/2 of ]31UCk 5, except the South 8U fect therenf, 5tinsotl, &own aAd Ramsey's Acldition tn SI. Paul. accordin�; to the recorded plat thereof; except that part lyiag Northwesterly of a iine runnin� pt�rallel wizh and distant 50 feet Stn�thea5terly with the foltowiag dcscrlbed line; 6egiiuting ai a pv�nt �n tha cen�erline of St. Clair Avcnue in St. Aau), d�stant 124.99 feet F.ast af the Northwesi cnrncr of Section 12, "I'nwaship 2R North, Range 23 West; thence nms Southerly at an angl� of 89 d�grees 37 minuqe� 42 secancis with Said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 f�ct to the point of beginning uF th8line to be dcscribed; thence deflect to the ri�,ht at xn angLc of 67 Aegrces Q�I minu(es 44 Seconds tor b33.42 ket; thence deflect to the teft on a curvo bavin a radius of t tO fcet (delta dnblc 67 degrccs 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 126.67 fect and there torm�nating, l2amsey (:ounty, Minnesota. Ahcuact Propetty Parc�12: '[hc cast halt of �ilnck 5, except the south RO feet lhereof, Stinson, Brown and itamsoy's Addidon to St. Paul and r,xce�t chat part, which ties northwesterly of a line run parallel with and disrant 50 feet southea�terly of }he f�llawing described line: . Aeginning at u poin[ vn the centcr line oi St. Clair Avenue in St. f'aul, distane 124.49 fcet east �f the northwcst corner of Scction 12, "1'owash�p 28 North, Range 23 West; thenco run st�uthcriy at an angle of 89 ciobr¢rm ?,7 minutrs 42 seCnnds with said center lmc (when measured from west to svuth) for 1�U.44 fect; tbence deflcct to the right oa a curve having a radius of 150 feet (delta angle 67 degrces O8 minu[es 49 sec�nds) far 175.79 fcct; thence on a tangent tn said curve far 533_86 feet and there �crminatin�; And exccpt that part of the ab�ve described tract adjoining ant� south0a�tedy of the ahove described.atrip whul� lics nnrtherly of tlae foUowing descn'bed line: Beginning at a point on tbe southeaeterlyboundary of �be abave described �uip, distant 4U teet southwesterty c�f its 4ncarsection with the ea,tt lme o� the above desctfhed t�act; thencc rue easterly to a point on satd east line, drstant 20 feet squtherly of said intersection. Torrens Pronetty oaw aroo b0'd OZ£6 98G ANtidW07 NVF19tl'd`J 3Ni dOZ=tO 66-6L-/�eW SEP-09-99 THU 12�15 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 09/10 CHICAGO TITLE 1NSURANCE COMPANX SCF�EDULE B !'ilc Nwwl�er: ?61QS11 ��r�xaL �xr��arrs o �`�-`lrl � Upun payman� of the ful! cunsidezation to, or far the accaunt of, the grantors or mortgagors, and recordi�g af the deeds and/or mortgages, the farm and �rcecution of which is sadsfactory io the Comp-�»y, the po[icy ar policies wiU bc issued containing exceptioas in Schedute B tbereof to tUe, folluwing matters (unless the sarae arc disposed of to the satisfaction of the �omgany): 1. If dn nwner's poliry is to he issuad, �hc mongage encumbrance, if any, created as part of the purchase transaction. 2. Dqfectx, liens, encumbrances. adverse claime or other matters, if any created, first arp¢aring in the public record� or attaching subseyuent t� the effective data herecrf but prio� to the datc thc pcoposed insured acyuires f�r vatue of rccord the estaie or interost nr mortgage thcroon covered by thus commitment. Rig6ts or claims of parties in prxscssion not shown by the public rocords. 4. Lnaoachmcnts, overlaps, boundary lino disputes, and any nthcr matters which woutd be disclosed by an accurate survcy and inspec[ion of the premises. 5. Easemente ar claims �f easements aot shown by thc public record�. G. A�y lien, or right tn a lien, for serviccs, labor, or material heretofore or heresifter futntshed, impu�ed by law and nOt shnwn by publit records. 7, ?uxes or spccial asset�ments which aze not shown ss existing liens by the puhlic rcWrdS. 8. (i�neral and special taxes and assessmenu ac heroafter listed, if any (all amounts shown being exclusivc of interest, peneltics, and costs): (A} Rcal estate taecs puyable in 1499 are 52,224.04 and are unpaid. 8asc taz S6T 1.82, non-homeste,ad- w�~ Pro etty IdentifiCation N�: T�l-2$-23-11-OOQ Notc: There are no delinqu�in t&xes of record. N nte: lst half taxes pay�ble on or before May 15th; Znd hatf taues payabte en ar before Uctaber 15th. (�) Lcvied assessments for: Y1tOJECT 0221 Sewer (L515 Pave 9. SO'd PRINCIPAI. BAI.ANCE DUE S1459.20 (plus interest} $8690.50 (plus inte,re�t) (C) N�te: Therc are no pending aasessments of record. We require that standard form of af5davit, or affidavits, be furnished us at clnsing. �� ��� OZES 9SL .INVdW07 NVH9f1V9 3H1 d02=i0 66-6i-F�W SEP-09-99 THU 12:16 PM BALE ANDERSON FAX N0. 612 332 2089 P. 10/10 op�t - �l r1 \ CHICACiO TITI.L INSLTRANCE COMPANY SCHEDLTLL $ - Psceptions Continued Filc Numlu.-r: $510511 lil. Righu nt claims of tenants in possession undcr unrecorded leases. 11. Owner's Duplicate Ccrtificate uf'litle is at the Courtfiouse ac of this date, 12. Purchapnr's affidavit for Torrens property must be brought to closing for all deeds to be fited. 13. Note; A� of August 1, 1997, Minnesota law requires that all documenu being recrorded be on pa that measures nn larger than 8.5 inches by 14 inches and must be typed in at Icast 8-�Pint type, The tnp of thc 5rst page must contain a blank spaee whiCh is at ]east thrcc iq�vhes unde as measured from the top vf the pa�e. Additionally, the title of the JocumpAt must be prominently displayod at the top of the first page belnw the btanlc space_ �c.hxcago Ticle Insurancc Company wlil not be responsible for nny loss, dxmages ar cnsts associ�ted with any detays caused by a patty's failure to comply with thts legislation. 14. As of Ju) 1, 19y5 the Social Security nr Employers Identiffcation Number of each of thc GrAnt�r�s) and Gr�tttee(s) must appear on the CertiHcate of Real E.etxte Vatue. 15. We reyuire Well Di�closure Certificates be completed inryp ed form ptinr to closin and furnisHed at time af clasing far all deeds which �equire a Cectificate nf Real Estate �alue OR th� dced mu,rt contain the fnllowin& statement: "The So11eY cart4�ics �h1t the sdler dnes nut knaw of any wells vn the de,ecnbed ceal property:' 16. Note: The follawi¢g i3 not a pxrt oC Schcdule B, and u shown for information only. This will not be included on the final poliry. Ptease be advised that the Tax Reform Act of 1986 rcquires that the f�llowing informnriun be proyiried at cl�sing: A) Sej]er's'Cax Identification Numhcr ur Social Security Number. L�) Seulec's futl address after the closing. 17. Rcserw.tti�n of all minerals and mineral rights by the 5tate of Minnesota. END QF SCHBDULE B EXCEPTIONS. OCN06 917r 90'd � OZ£6 98L ANb'dWO� NE/H9f1tY9 3Hl dOZ�tO 66-6T-�$W ! �J h1 -. �35� • -� � Y � � .. ;�� , �.� . �, � �� r.. ��� � �. . . , ._. _. _ , , -� . -:_- --_---_ �--s�-:= E��= ���. =--_ .,.. ,. ------ . ; -. -.- .---.._ _.-.-- - : , . . : : ; ; :,�. �. . . � . . � ; i � . ; :. .' . ; ., t '� i - D . � , . � :, •, . . � ' I �i • . . � � :.�...- �... . � .: '�.., ,. � � I .� �� �..;:�'��'�i . � , . ._. „ . �:� _ .- ; ..�•��. �� � .. . � . � -' ,, � � �. ' .'."- �� . 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I. ,� � -- •'j�) �-- '%--- - f -- --- — � ,� . � ;: M' . c�°�-��� Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission DRAFT 12ESOLUTION 99-6 � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission is an appointed body established to advise the Nlayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to Parks and Recreation; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul owns unimproved street right-of-way known as Toronto Street, between Grace Street and the Osceola Connection abutting the west boundary of the West Seventh Community Center, and WHEItEAS, the City has received a petition from Gaughan Land, Inc. for vacation of the Toronto Street right-of-way to enable development of the adjoining site for the purpose of constructing a 90 unit senior citizen housing facility at this location, and WHEREAS, the petitioner has further requested that the eastern one-half of vacated Toronto Street, which will accrue to the city's community center site upon vacation, be made available to the petitioner to include in the petitioner's development site, and W'HEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is in need of expanded affordable housing opportunities for senior citizens, and WHEREAS, a senior citizen housing complex at this location would offer the opportunity for a cooperative relationship with the W est Seventh Coiyllnunity Center; and �VHEREAS. the �Vest SeventhlFort Road Federation supports the sale of vacated Toronto Street to the petitioner and development of a senior citizen housinQ faciliri at this location, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission concurs u the request of Gauohan Land, Inc. that it bz penniZed to acquire the entire rieht-of-wa�� of vacated Toronto Street betw�een Grace Strzzt and thz Osceola Connection. Adopted b} the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on (date) �tMlr�� �,�i i ��.�. ° ! Approved: Yeas �J Nays � Absent � Resolution 99-6 Mar-23-99 08:28A TESINC io-fe' i� "_+_+!'�G�-?i �R UJ.+' 1H I'i3�iC�`:ML uJJ !�! Y/11 IL�'.Y731l�`+':�}hi Y.L).SiN( CT"cft i i�ri�l�TE i3'r ii3TEtd^uc i PvvPv vSc "iHH E MAYOR AIt'D b1£MSERS OF THE COUNCIf, OF THS f rI?' t?F �nn�ar vqi �. Tn thg MattPr nf Varatinx R.ln$A_7�00 t uc ia�tu�iatt[J.tr,u' iiciGVy a:L!'ti1iW� Utt I�cilClf V� t[�1C u)(2lLa�tt IjG�(pijL(Clll. LI {�VlI1�QIij`, t'LiGi. lt t'LUG1 noi inu:nd so ezercise its uuiiry �igass m me proper[p as 6escriped on the attacheti �xptbit "a» ana as shown on the map on the reverse of fhe said Exhibit "A". excenc as herc nored: Vc5 �.--)GST /`�5 �-D �cC. , �.�r l.t��1 "C1� �' JvS� e�=, a�.e_a � —�-�--��-�`� ^� h�s t�� � ��..s �-� Q�c•ut�'Sev.� i -�s V'h�-� C'� � �-�S . � �..,.era ; st � ) �It-��s��4 � i¢�e2hR'da j �, - II�atMe.�ntnguu(nlm y e - atwrtvatlmeWlesgAbefef._nulhic��:.y� .. �j,��/�� lyyy ��.v.,�� tl - �43�s.P .,.s �l.�/rf t,� �./✓P�-�, f�u �. , s _ _ r+ _ n , �.� >i tm..As!.�. i,..., y r �F_ ��_� _f r_�_ xAA�aFf� � /� `,���``�-�'�� v4`,Er1YL�CL�JVN ,�-%Y�/�/V__ i '3 =`Y'� W��'�� "d0'AR'Gl;BL!C�iS!IM1h.SOTA. `:�vPai4c.tns�g�gaa��e�..:-i.^� m117�{SU �. � u `" . ������� J/ � '�.�-� '!y Co�miss�or E.auee Jan il 2Q00 7„yromm.sssane�aas' "- � ' _?I ' �,��� _ Y a •• Rlease s�4usTt t`:is ori�,:na! copy tc 1 Cfl £ify t3all, St. Pa�st, A�Eti 551 G2 " ��`/( �(Gihj � � `'� 13 � P.04 �0l_`1�1� .999 13�49 PED 14TH FLOOR o�ieta�ct� r.�� �� �� -�� � EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description of Streets to be �Vacated, City of St. Paul. Gaughan Land, Incorporated 'That part of Daly Street wzthin Block 5, Srinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to S[. Paul that lies southeasterly of Line A, described below and northerly of the south 80 feet of said Block 5. That part of Toronto Street, as dedicated in the plat of Srinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Sc. Paul, tha[ lies southeasterly of Line A, described below, and northerly of the easterly extension of the North Line of tbe south 80 feet of the said Block 5. LINE A is a line running paraliel to and distant 50 feet southeasterly of the following described line: Beginning at a point on the centerline of St. Clair Avenue in St. Paul, distant 124.99 feet easterly of the Northwest Corner of Section 12, Township 28 Norch, 1Zange 23 West; thence run southerly at an angle of 89 degrees 37 minutes 42 seconds with said centerline (when measured from west to south) for 200 fee[ to the point of beeinning o� the line to be described; thence deflect to the right at an anele of 67 degrees 08 minuteS 49 seconds for 633.42 feet; thence deflact to the 3eft on a curve having a radius of 110 feec (delta angle 67 degrees 10 minutes 19 seconds) for 12$.67 fect and there terminadng. . � CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HOIVORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTfY OF SAINT PAUL R ECEIVED MAR 2 6 1999 9 � \ R � L ES 7 kiE�,�.. , In the Matter of Vacation File # 41499 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Fxhibit "A". Except as here noted: ��� Northern States Power Co.- Electric Its ��� �.�;LC-CY.�� a��vESOTa ) � �� ` > n ture �xrrarvv ) ,.L {�� _ ( The fo�zgoing instnunent was ac�owledged befoce me this �� day of 1/�GLY'('/L . 1999, by of under the laws of the Siate of Minnesota. k�ec�( �5?'vk- �ksisf.rn� ��:��„� y�� ��� ���� �My� Notary Public, Hennapin County, Minn ota. � ,rq�Nll, � 2000 My commission e�iru I�J � e`�'v� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** , 1 ,.:�.� :��:�;��� " �.,,,s-^,,>�s•� � �:..:..:,-����.: a� _ ;_ar5=-."�8,� � ��. � . „ , . . . - : �,.��:� � �� y CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE G �°`-`t�l\ THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF TI� In the Matter of CITY OF SAINT PAiTL Vacation File # 41999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: N ��a��(�-(;e N.S.P. - Gas Distribution Its �et5 �� ��i��✓� —� b1IN.tiESUTA RAMSEY The& by of Z „� -��.1 ICCCti' Cu� - 1 > ) � �( ! c'C� Signature instnunent was acknowledged befote me [his Z� day of M1+2 P�G l/( 1999, S 0 undex the laws of the State of Minnesota. KATHLEEN S. DOW NOTAflY PUBLIC - MINNESOTA 1y (70rtIT. EXpires Jan. 3t. 200 ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hali, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** t CER7IFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCTL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL �� -`�� � In the Matter of Vacation File # 41999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: DISTRICT ENERGY ST. PAUL, INC., AND DISTRICT COOLING ST. PAUL, INC., HAVE NO EQUIPMENT IN THE AREA TO BE VACATED AND HAVE NO OBJECTION TO THE VACATION. RECEtVED MAR 1 7195� ��aL EsrarE fl�visior� ��.k.;���T� > RAMSEY District Energy and Cooling St. Paul, Inc. Irs �w, � : J_ - f- Signature I f��--�--� 'Ihe foregoing insm�ment was acknowledged before me this � a�' day of ( l. GC�Y�Gh� , 1999, bY 14-n�Le,-S J , �4d�Gc�-.� �z tpres;�..:�' of 1 Jislr�vt - �,�.-.0 /��s+, �—, ���a..�a. YIM—dr�,� Ca porc.iia+tr S'�: n+..Q Z�1 7T under the laws of the State of Minnesota. � t. <��` i <:� TRUQYI..SH�RW6b8 � � �' AOrr,pv aueuc-Miwe�ESOta � '"^�^� WASHING7p.�' COUNTY MY Comm. Expires ia�t 31, 200p � � ��� y Notary Public, Ramsay Co "nnesota. � �� My commission ezpires � et..� . 3 � a C7C70 f ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 ** CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF TfIE CITY OF SAINT PAUL �c� -`t`\ � In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated deparnnent or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached E�ibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: �� Q�j p���� �� ���5 V �� e J MediaOne € t�'�, IYNETTE tAYdiE ItS � 4�.'.✓=•�: -�°''r NOTARY Pt56tlC • tdtNHESOTA C����'`\�`� P.AMSEY CCUtJTY p ° � M � 'y Cxmmissior£. +tes Jan. 31. 2C{0 �.�.i� !.. r4 Y «_. ..,.... o.-�,..... n,. MINNESOTA � > Sign ture Dakoa � The fozegoing insttument was acknowledged before me this L b day of �f//� , 1999, bY (�F/l/r�� CTVIf'iLEz .the of a undax the ]aws of rhe SCate of Minnesota. _ `/ � C/ � 'Y`-` `/`^' C' � 7 �� Notazy�Pub ' , Dakota County, Minnesota My commission e�ires // J l/� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 "* �.: 1 CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTI'Y OF SAINT PAUL �� _�`1\ In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached E%hibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: Department of Public Works I � 171 REC i2 MINNESOTA � � > Signature RAMSEY � The fozegoxng instwnent was acknowledged before me this �/ T//( day of //"/ /T/L �� . 1999, by �8��.5 � ���SU� .the �(/�E���/� of a7T� ��UL �!/t`�L/l� �O/�,L!S , a � (J�lG� //�i�L �� p0% /�'TOf7� under the laws of the Siate of Minnesota. a � � CYNTHUTANNE WOOD NOT�{AYPlJBI.IC-A�piE50iA ���Hn � Wl�m�nE�pY�tJmt31.1000 s l .LN ! lJr ! `-! Q/ �X..i1' LI � �� Notazy � blic, Raznsey County, Minnesota. My commission expires �� � �� ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 *" , �r CERTIFICATE OF INTENDED NON-USE THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL ct �-q�l \ In the Matter of Vacation File # 4-1999 The undersigned hereby certifies, on behalf of the indicated department or company, that it does not intend to exercise its utility rights in the property as described on the attached Exhibit "A" and as shown on the map on the reverse of the said Exhibit "A". except as here noted: RECEIVED hIAR � j soc� REAL ESTq7E DIVISION MINNESOTA > RAMSEY W ater Utility ,�/ ��" ' �°t� ta Divi.rfan . ItS r.�;� ManaQer Signature The foxegoing inshument was ad�owlzdged befoie me Uvs 15 th day of MaT Ch , 1999, Division b ;y��g.�-ff.--g�}}�t Roger Mohror ,flie 6'eixera� Mana¢er o p the Saint Pau1 Water Utility , Municipal Corporation of the City of Saint Paul undei the laws of the Siate of �Gnnesota. �^^���nn.nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn;.nnnnnnnnr �•�� JANET M. LINOGREN > < � � NQIARY PG9!!C-A3:`.�:ESOiA � < �..y.r RAMSEV couNTv � My Comm. Enpires Jan. 31.2000 � •YWVWVwVVWVVVWWVyVVVVVVWWVV • � At� eyC an[y, , asota. My conunission e�ires �/ � Q a" ** Please return this original copy to 140 City Hall, St. Paul, MN 55102 **