85-967 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINAr3CE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council CANARV•- DEPARTMENT ��� /}/ � �BLUE �- MAYOR File NO. �V� 1 • Council Resolution , Presented B ' � Referred To �� Committee: Date G `�7 ��S Out of Committee By Date pg 1 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET TO INCLUDE THE WORLD TRADE CENTER PROJECT AND AMENDING THE DOWNTOWN AND SEVENTH PLACE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT FINANCING PLAN BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long-Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and previously amended by this Council, and the Downtown and Seventh Place Tax Increment District Financing Plan, as heretofore adopted and previously amended by this Council, are further amended as follows: 1985 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND THE DOWNTOWN AND SEVENTH PLACE TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT FINANCING PLAN Add New Financing: 70202-6201 - Tax Increment General Obligation Bond Proceeds (TIGO) - $10,215,000 Downtown and Seventh Place Tax Increment District 70201-1023 - Tax Increments - Downtown and Seventh P1ace Tax 4,000,000 Increment District and Parking Ramp Revenues Total New Financing $14,215,000 Add New Appropriations Tax Increment General Obligation Bond Proceeds - Downtown and Seventh Place Tax Increment District 70202-001 - World Trade Center Public Improvements $10,000,000 70202-002 - Bond sale expenses 65,000 70202-003 - Bond discount 150,000 Total Tax Increment General Obligation Bond Proceeds $10,215,000 -more- COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher °re1N In Favor � Masanz Nicosla schetbe� _ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form roved by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY By� � � Approved by Nlavor: Date _ Approv d y Mayor for Submi ' ffo C uncil By WH17E - CI TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /�j CANARV�- OEPARTMENT File NO. �� �� / BLUE �- MAYOR � � � � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pg 2 Tax Increments - Downtown and Seventh Place Tax Increment District an Par ing Ramp Revenues 70201- World Trade Center Parking Ramp 4,000,000 Total Tax Increments and Parking Ramp Revenues 4,000,000 TOTAL NEW APPROPRIATIONS $14,215,000 Appropriations Analysis Current Amended Appropriations Change Appropriations 70202-001 - World Trade Center Public Improvements $ 0 $10,000,000 $10,000,000 70202-002 - Bond sale expenses 0 65,000 65,000 70202-003 - Bond discount 0 150,000 150,000 70201 World Trade Center Parking Ramp 0 4,000,000 4,000,000 Total $ 0 $14,215,000 $14,215,000 APPROV AS TO FINANCI . APPROVED: Edward J. Warn, ector, Finance �{L -- Greg Ble s, udget Director and Management ervic s `-���� 1':i�St. '�aul Lon9-Range Cap�tal I�mprovement E.�dget�ommittee rctived fik��s requ::st on ... (3ut�.) - ' -?—anrl_�.:�c�.:�c:�.c.'s COUNC[LMEN S��' Request y artment of: Yeas �QN� Nays ' - ���� Drew � In Favor Masanz T Nicosia �^ scheibe� __ Against BY TedesCo Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 1 8 1�� Form Approved b City Att ne � Certified P _ ounc' ,e r BY � sy t�pproved by Ylav Dat t O _�� "�� I ��ro by Mayor f Submi 'o to G�uncil By �';}��,��,�� J�� 2 r 1985 • � �P.E.D. DEPARTMENT �-�`' P`�• �,�NO 190,� • Robe�rt T. Si_mon . COtVTACT� (,l� ��a7 7494 ext. 26U PHONE � 5/ZO/85 DATE 1 „I�✓� Q, Qi ASSIGN NUh�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : epartment Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Manageme t ervices Director City Clerk � �=��f.-�-. � y Attorney WHAiT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Council Resolution to amend the 1985 Capital Improvement budget t�a�r���ud���he Wo rld Trade Center financing and amend the Seventh Place Tax Increment District Financing Plan. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: R�C�.ivtD JUN � 2 'i�R`� ��C�� �'� �!';�Y�`;i u Qi ti�i� � � �� y Y FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) funding Source: Activity Number: ATTiACHMENTS (Li st and Number Al l Attachments) : RECEIV�D � Council Resolution JUN 1 � j��� oF�ic� oF rw� oi��ctda DEPARfiMEN7 OF FtiVANCE AND MANAGEMENT �€RVI6€� DEPI4RTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 � � �� �1�� \ \./�� ,.... - �� .. . � '_�-"�� .�° � �� .�`�� � _ �' '� ,Y ^;�� '� � 0 .SAYNT .�.�1U.�. li�` �� � • � �}r.,�_il /''':;::'�:���. 3. T + . . . . � , r��.._.. ,-1 or , cr. o� ��arr �� � . ,� � �;�� t:�.;:,;'.':�'-� �`•.`� � C.IT� CO�\YCLI. � r . '`'��'�'~;,�,;-�>>� . D cs t e : J u ly 11, 19 8 5 � �:y:��, ,. , , , ._.._ ca � � t�r � E . � E Po . r T �� = Sqinr P�� 1 Ci;y Coun�ii . F p � �'} ' C�M!73 I i i�? O i? FI NANCE, MANAGEMENT & PE RS ONNEL � � ' C�A( R COUNCILMAN SCHEIBEL � • 1 . Approval of minute� from t�eetings held June 27 and July 1 , 1985- �.�� ""'S 2. CommittPe-of-the-Whole - This item only • ' Enoch Dumas, former journali�st from South Africa, wili provi.de b�ckground � `, information on the situation in South Africa. This is for information - _ only. A hearing will "�e scheduled later on the divestiture of city funds. � : 3. :�taf-f report. regardYng HRA resolution to be introduced- for prelir�inary -�-- appro��al -on July 17 author•izing $9:5 million in additional finance for d i str i ct heat i ng. {PED} � � ��l�y��,� 4. ��s«�tf�tion°�ndi�ng the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget to include the - Wor1d_Trade Center Project and amending the Downtown and Seventh Place . Ta� I ncrerrtent D i str i ct F i nanc i ng�P 1 an - $1�21��-y-000. (PED) ��� . - 5. RPSOlution amending the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget to pravide fund- ing-for Energy Park Tax Increment District 11 Financial Plan - � $14,647,207: {PED) �f,� � . 5. Resolution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $21 ,664 to the Pinancing Plan and to the Sp�nding Plan for Special Projects-General Government (Lambert's Landing celebration and League of Minnesota Cities confer- ence) . (PED} ��� . � 7. Resotution amending the Community Block Grant Year IX Program by trans-• ferring �361 ,766.32 to CDBG Y.ear XI Program. (PED) �Q�� � (Continued on Back) CIT�' HALL SEVENI'H FLOOR S�lINT P�tUL.:�SI�\'ESC�T.: SSI02 � 'y�=�y.u