85-965 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE � G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council y�.y CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. �/� ��� BI.UE - MAVOR Co ncil Resolution Presented By ������ �eferred To � 1 �/4N�—l� Committee: Date � —��� Out of Committee By Date Whereaa, the Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.1 of the city charter, does certify that there is avatilable for appropriation revenu� in aYCese of that estimated in the 1985 budget= and Whereas, the Mayor recommends the fol.lowing changes to the 198� budget: FINJ�1CINa PLAN Current Amended OOi General Fund �-�*� �han�es Budqet 4070 para�medic fees $995,000 +$8,300 $1,003,500 All other financing $104,509,490 .�. - $104,509,49� ----__------ -------- ----------- $105,504,490 $8,500 $lOS,�12,990 SPENDING PLAN �01 Ge�►eral fund Emergency Medical Services Admin. 05101-111 Salaries $39,19H +$6,725 $45,923 General government accounte ' 09001-431 Health ins. $1,171,212 + $9SS $1,172,177 fl9013-412 PSRA coord. $1,504,600 + $30fl �1,504,90� 09013-413 Soc. Security $2,621,910 + $510 $2,622,420 All other spending $100,167,570 - - $100,167,570 ----_____--- -------- ---------- $105,504,490 $8,500 $105,512,990 Resolveds that the city council a�iopt these chr�nges �o the 1985 budget. cing i 18b1e Approwal recomTr+ended - - ------�� . - - ���'�J-___ Edwar Warn ���a'- �'� Gr go y Bzees Direct of FiAance & Mgmt. Services Budget Director (*)through CR# 85-517 COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�eW Nays Masanz � Fire Department [n Favor Nicosia � Sche�bel - Sonnen __ Against BY TedesCO W��s�� JUL 1 81985 Form Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified s by C un ' , r BY By � t�pproved by iVlavor. D e � —�� ��u� � $ 19 5 Approved Mayor f r S m 'on to Council . , By s �t����s�i�� J l�� 2 f 1985 Fire Department DEPARTMENT ���-9�OS - N° 436 Steve Conroy COA�TACT 222-0477 � PHONE 5/22/85 DATE 1 ��� eQr ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER �Cl ip All Locations for Signature) : RE'C��V�'� Department Director 4 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Di rector MA�` 2 �; �h City Attorney ? p �/SAFETY SE WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS. (P�R o RVICES Rationale) : Alleviate backlog at the correspondence .a,nc���ata--=entry level of fire administratio� ��°i'`�"'� -.. ,��� �-,� � ` ��� � iu�A`����l'Y}�tf✓_ C05T/BENEFIT, BUOGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Provide a clerical staff proportionate to the workload required for the paramedic/ EMS Service and the Emergency Preparedness Service. (The Paramedic/EMS projected revenue for 1985 is $1. 1 million) FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIUITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: Ss ,�oa quired if under $14,OOQ) Funding Source: G�n��al Furid 4074 Paramedic Fees Activity Number: 05101 (Also 09001, and 09013 for fringe benefits) ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : RI��EI��Fn _ =_ .. �1A�Y�R �A�TiME�R tN�V Jl1N �t 198`� 1. Memo to Greg Blees OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 2 . Council Resolut ion � DEPARTMENT OF FfiVANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT REVIEW � CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ._....._.- . i � / Q _ � - . � .�� - /lc5 . l:�- � � � � �� .O � CITY OF SAINT P/1UL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM �0` : I/� • � � lJ u� . _ ��� �t0i": Gregory N. Blees , Budget Director FR02i: Steve Conroy, Fire Chief DATE : May 2 , 1985 � � RE: Clerk-Typist , Fire Department - The Fire Department increasingly fiads itself backlogged at the correspondence, data-entry level of edminiatration. This is largely dne to the organizational change caased by an �increase of fire departaaent reaponsibilities to the city over the last couple .of years. �iuch of this burden could be alleviated � by the addition of a Clerk-Typist I to our staff. This clerk-typist would primarily assist the Emergency Medical Services and Emergency Preparedness Divisions of the fire depa.rtment . � `The �functions �ojf the EHS Division have grown proportionally slong � wiCh their revenue generation far the city. In 1984 the city �:-�jected $SOO ,OQO in revenue from Faramedic/EHS Servicea . lhe actual revenue Waa $1 .Q4 million. In 1985 the projected EIiS revenue W� upped to $995,000 ; however, it now appears that this service may bring $1 . 2 million inCo the city coffer in 1985. Tk�e additional a�edical responses duri,ng the last couple of years resulted in aeven,teen (17) more fire fighters being trained as para- medica in 1984. CKange in National Registry and State Heglth Depart- ment requiremrnts during that same period has increased ou.r trairing time. for para�aedics aad EMT's by lSx. With the emergiag importance of the EHS becoming clear ; iC was made into a separate division in 1983 . Siace that time the level of documentation� planning and training has increased. This generates papervork that is neces�ary in our efficient organizations. Another area of increased responsibility to the fire department that has generated more administrative vork is Emergency Preparednesa . With the incresse of hazardous materials being produced and transported thsough Saint Panl, come the need for more training and d.,eumeatation. The fire department ao� haa tvo trained Hasardous Materials tea�s on duty at all times. He nov alsa are attea�pting to document the Iocations and types of these materials . � � � ' � .?� �5-_ �%�_, - � . � � Gregory N. Blees, 8udget Director Page 2 . . � MaY 2 . 1985 ?he importance of (hese areas to� the heslth and Welfare of Ehe citizens of Saint Paul is obvious. In addition, hovever, the EMS service of the fire department has proven to be one of the largeat revenue producing aervices provided by the city. Every effort should be made to keep this service efficient and organized. Providing a congruous clerical staff to the work load required would help do this . We believe and hope you agzee that we are justified in requesting this additional help. -- SC/DP/lsr cc : Feterfeso ' Heinen Pleasants ' - � Rivet . � .. � . . . � j . . . . . . � . . � .. . . . . . � . " . . � • N. '�" �7 n' ^J �-- � q� ...__ • ,� . _ �O � �"_ 'i �y��, , Y' O�' .SAII�7T '��.E�..�L7�, � �j '' / -/ <iY� d r" C/ � � �._�t����.��i=;� nrl,rcr o� �'FII: CIT�'' C .. ��,, _:�t .,..��•..,:i �:�� Ot7�-CIL � � i�'�� �.'._;i3�t C�:. L. . � � . h ���:, _�+� \1 . . . . . \ �� �Q 1 Q I _ '•=�;'"?'�;�;,,��/':�� : J u ly 11, 19 8 5 �� . •,. ..... COf� J� I�?' � E , RE PO . � T i O = Sqin? P�� 3 Ci�� Cou ��id . �p � ��j � ���'�t� i �� O i3 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � Cf-IAlP. COUNCILMAN SCHEIBEL � 1 . Approval of minutes from rt�eetings held June 27 and July i , 1985�. �� """� 2. Committee-of-the-Whote - 'Fhis item only - ' Er�och Dumas: forrner journaiist fram South Africa, wili provi.de b�ckground � � information on the situation in South Atrica. This is for information - _ only. A hearing will 'be scheduled later on the divestiture of city funds. - : 3. _�taf.f report. regard�ng HRA reso 1 ut i on to be i ntroduced- for pre 1 i riti nar-y -�- a�proval� on July 17 a�uthor-izing �9:5 million in additionai finance for district heating. {PED) �� �-�.,, - .�� ���`�,�� 4. Resoiution amendi�ng the 1985 Capital Improvement Budget to include the - WorlC Trade Cente�r Project and amencting the Downtown and Seventh Place . Tax Increment District Financing'Ptan - $14,215,000. (PEO) /��� . 5. Resolution amending the 1985 Capital Improvement Buc�get to provide fund- ing-for Energy Park Tax Increment District 11 Financial Plan - ' $14,647,207: (PED) ��� � � _ 6. Resolution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $21 ,664 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Special Projects-General Government (1.ambert's !_anding celebration and League of hlinnesota Cities confer- ence) . (P�D? ��p� • . 7. Resolution amending the Community Block Grant Year IX Program by trans-• ferring $361 ,766.32 to CDBG Y.ear XI Program. (PEO) �� � (Continued on Back? CI�! HALL " - SGVENTti FLOOR SAINT P�tUL, Ail�\'ESOT:. 55J02 '�i,.�a �r - s��� � C�� ��- ��'�s July 11 , 1985 . �'age 2 8_ Resotution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $37,290 to the Financing Plan and to the 5pend�ng Plan for Truth in 5ale of Housing. (Commun i ty Serv i ces) /-��� 9• .��� 85 Budget and adding $8,500 to the Financing Plan and ��ci� the Spending Pian for Emergency Medical 5ervices (Paramedic/ �MS Service) . (Fire Department? ��,� !0. Resolu±ion amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Campensation Resolution regarding the Personnel Director classification. {personnel ) /��� 11. Resolutiort revising the class specification for the title of Building Maintenance Supervisor-Parks anc! Recreation in the Civii Service Rules. {personnel ) ��� !2. Resolution changing the grade for the title of Telecommunicator in the Civi 1 Service Rules. (Personnel }�j�SS��Iy> _ �/J r�l������P�=�/%4.�� � 13. Resolution changing the grade and the class specification for the title of Treasury Manager in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel } /�j� 14. Resolution abolishing the salary range fior Grade 16E in the Clerical Saryaining Unit in the 5alary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Pers�nne 1 ) �f�SSrd�� - //�� r'��O.L���s��Ce.���x- 15. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution concerning Recreation Center Director. (Personnel ) /��� 16. Ordinance amending the Civil 5ervice Rules pertaining to six unclassi- fied positions in the Department of Planning and Economic Development and striking in its entirety Section 34.G {Personnel ) ���. � �' ��c����c.�o /u-° � �✓`�'��c% �.�-�-�-� )u� � � ���" �� ��� • - � � ����� ; - ; ,