85-962 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /}�r CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. uv ��� BLUE - MAVOR � Council Resolution Presented By ���� �. r�Referred To � N l�h��- Committee: Date � —��� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding the Personnel Director classification. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section V, Unclassified Positions, by adding to the last paragraph, in proper alphabetical order, the classification of Personnel Director; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be further amended in Section V, Subsection D, under the heading "Professional-Admin- istrative Group" by inserting the following: GRADE 34 Personnel Director COUIV-�� Requested by Department of: Yeas s011f/(/ Nays p�� PERSON L DIRECTOR Masanz In Favor ,� Nicosia scnetbei � __ Against By Tedesco Wllson JUL ( 8 �sp5 For A proved b torney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s e ouncil cr BY ' By Approved by 1�avon ������"S.�UL � 8 � 5 Appr by Mayor for Submi s on t Council By � B �lJ#�.tS�#�� ��i_ ? '� 1985 Personnel Office DEPARTMENT (�oa� � ��` 9 N° 2025 Jeanet�e SoC�ani� EONTACT � 4221 PHONE � �� June 19, 1985 DATE „/ e e ASSI NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director �-4 ' City Clerk Budget Director 2 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TA�CING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution establishes the rate of pay in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution for the title of Personnel Director. �9�`�l �- COST/BENEFIT, BUOGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: GRADE 34 A B C D E F G 10 yr. 15 yr. 1856.52 1930.37 2008.29 2110.50 2216.68 2327.59 2444.75 2517.99 2593.41 FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : � ���.. 1 . Resolution �✓(/ '�" ~ 2. Copy for City Clerk �,, �1;� , , i �4y�h, , r J��f r. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 �� v r�, 7 �--__ -__ '�� � ���;:�� GY�.'�.'" O�' .SAINT '�.E�..U�. r��'`�". `�,�- �° ��,:r;'f�`;;��:���'� orrxcr o� �'FCI+: CITY COII\YcEr. � . � r ����` c.,;:=;;�;=-`�_�::1 IL�f � . � s�` =�_-�=: t;� � - '� �Ote y � '��;��:'� : Jul 11 19 85 `r;': t � . . . . • -�;�;.. - :_.. � OfV� i� i�?' � E . f� E PO � T i 4 = Sasn? P�a� I Ci�� Cou� �ii . �� � ��� � � ����j i �� O i? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � " C N A! P. COUNCILMAN SCHEIBEL � � 1 . ApProval of minutes from meeti�gs heid June 27 and July 1 , 1985. �,�� ""'S 2. Committee-o�F-the-Who}e - Tnis item anly - � Enoch Dumas, former journali�st from South Africa, wilT provi.de b�ckground � � inforrr�atian on the situation in South Afirica. This is for information • or?ly. A hearing wiil `ae scheduled iater on the divestiture of city funds. : 3. :rtaff report. regard�ing NRA resolution to be introduced• for preliminary � approval� on J�!ly 17 author-izing �9:5 mil ) ion in additionai finance for district heating. {PED? ��� ��ll�y��,.t 4. Resolution amEndi�ng the 1985 Capital Irnprovement Budget to include the - Worlc! Trade Cente-r Project and arnenc�ing the Downtown and Seventh Place . . Tax I.ncrement District �inancing�Plan - $14,215,000. (PED? /,��� . 5. Resolution amending the 1985 Capital Improvement Budgst to provide fund- ing-for Energy Park Tax Increment District I1 Financial Pian - $14,647,20?: (PED) %� . � . 6. Resotution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $21 ,664 to the Financing Plan and to the Sp�nc+ing Plan for Special Pro,jects-G�neral Government (Lambert's !_anding celebration and League of Minnesota Cities confer- ence) . {PED) ��� . � 7. Resolution amending tPie Community Block Grant Year IX Program by trans-- ferr i ng $361 ,766.;32 to CDBG Y.ear X I Program. (PEQ} ��l� � (Contirrued on Back} CIT`!HALL ' - ` SEVENTfi FLOOR S�lINT P.tUL. :�lI�NESOT:: SSI02 '�� � �t�-s,•,a _ ' � . . � �,���_ ��,� - :� . r`_-,�':_��-�- - . July 11 , 1985 Page 2 8. Resolution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $37,290 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Truth in 5ale of Housing. (Community Services) /��� 9. Resolutic�n amending the 1985 Budget and adding $8,500 to the Financing Plan and to the S�ending Plan for Emergency Medical Services (Paramedic/ EMS 5ervice) . {Fire Department) %fJ. !Q s Re�.a�a.,,arnend i ng the Sa 1 ary ?1 an ar►c� Rates of Compensat i on Reso i ut i on r ."�r'rdi�tyg�� Personne 1 '�tor c l,��s i f i cat i on. (Personne 1 ) /�f� 11. Resolution revising the class specification for the title of Building Maintenance Supervisor-Parks and Recreation in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel ) �f� 12. l�esolution changing the grade for the titie of Telecomm�nicator in the C i v i i Serv i ce Ru 1 es. (Personne 1 }//��SSr-�liy> _ �iy r������-iP��/«r�� I � 13. Resoiution changing the grade and the class specification for the title of Treasury Manager in the Civi1 Service Rules. (Personnel ) �j%> !4. Resolution abolishing the salary range for Grade 16E in the Clerical Bargainir.g Unit in the Salary Plan and Rates of Com�ensation Resolution. (Personne 1 } �f�.sS.->d O� - /1'/� Y'PIO.�i��e�l��e_�"�G:v 15.. Resotution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoiution . concerning Recreatinn Center Director. (Personnel ) �-� 16. Ordinance amending the Civil 5ervice Rutes pertaining to six unclassi- fied positions in the Department of Planning and Economic Development and striking in its entirety Section 34.0 {Personnel ) ���. , � /� �,��c�-�� /l�c.-� � �.�,-`��``.�.? �:�-�=� )Z'J �� ���' v .���,.��'L`�-'�° � ���r�.�