99-96Council File # �`� - `�� Green Sheet � �0�� 77 Presented � • / / ;1 �� / f � Committee Date Referred To 2 RESOLUTION A PROCESS FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF SEVENTH PLACE 3 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Companies, one of Saint Paul's leading corporate citizens and a powerful and 4 positive force in the development, growth and revitalizafion of Saint Paul, is seeking to expand its 5 corporate headquarters on Seventh Place in downtown Saint Paul, on a site being offered for sale by the 6 Saint Paul Port Authority; and 7 WHEREAS, the proposed corparate expansion site includes the ConeyIsland buildings, the Seventh Place 8 Residence (originally known as the St. Francis Hotel), and the Orpheum Theater, four buildings recently 9 recommended for historic designation by the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, a cirizen advisory 10 panel appointed by the Mayor to advise the Planning Commission and City Council on matters of historic 11 preservation; and 12 WHEREAS, the Seventh Place residence currently provides 130 units of affardable, market rate housing 13 in the downtown core; and 14 WHEREAS, intense community interest and discussion about possibilities for reuse, demolition and 15 redevelopment of the Seventh Place block have revealed a wide range of public opinions and ideas for the 16 future development of this vital downtown block; and 17 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted the 10 principles of the downtown plan, "Saint Paul on 18 the Mississippi Development Framework," a guide for the future design and economic development of 19 downtown Saint Paul, which stresses the importance of preserving downtown's historic character and 20 texture, downtown housing and a lively streetscape, including a11 or portions of these unique structures 21 on Seventh Place; and 22 WHEREAS, the city has created the Design Center to administer its downtown and riverfront framework, 23 a group of city design professionals led by internationally renowned planner Ken Greenberg, which 24 welcomes the opportunity to work with all involved parties and the public to define options far the 25 expansion of the St. Paul Companies in downtown Saint Paul, the preservation of beloved downtown 26 landmarks wherever possible, and the development of downtown housing. ```� -�G 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Design Center is requested to conduct a process that will 2 analyze and assess St. Paul Companies expansion at Seventh Place, consider alternarive sites for the St. 3 Paul Companies expansion, address partial or complete preservation of Seventh Place structures, and 4 address the housing needs of current residents; and 5 BE TT PURTHER RESOLVED that throuah consultation with stakeholders, including but not necessarily 6 limited to the properiy owners, Seventh Place residents, St. Paul Companies, and the Heritage Preservation 7 Commission, this process will; first, develop the objecrives and expectations necessary to develop a full 8 understanding of the company's development objectives; second, explore a variety of conceptual 9 approaches; and third, make a recommendation on the preferred option or options for preservation or 10 development of the site; and 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this task farce complete its work and make final recommendations 12 to the Mayor and City Council on or before Mazch 22, 1999. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blalcey � Bostrom ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris f Lantry ✓ Reiter � d � Adopted by CouncIl: Date . ��� Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary By: �-- � -- \ Appi C'�' Requested by Deparnnent of: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney ��. ,..��1� i -- � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-C����� `fR - `fC� C�rry �uue«. ON onre ixmnreo /-�1-9� 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET r,o 63977 ■ u �.,�„� �� � �„� _ � ❑ CrtYATiOPlEY ❑ GrtYCtFxK ❑ ANNCKL8ERMCE4pR ❑ q!/MCY1lSEAVIACCTC ❑ W1TOR(ORASS�SlqNl) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) /i9'P2oo'� ��sotiuT�D,�/ ��rA�BL.ds�t�.�lC� �- }�ROe�-s FaR 2��v�����r� f� �v�7� ��.�r�� PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Has fhis perso�rm ever vrorked under a coMract for this department'7 VES NO Has this persoNfirm ever been a city empbyce7 YES NO Dces ihis persoN(rm possess a sidll no[ nortnaltypossessed bY arry cuReM city employee? YES NO Is ihis persoNfirtn e fargetetl ventloR YES NO �lain all ves answe�s on senarate sheet antl attach to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� ACTNITY NUMBER 1PITdT:1'dI1Pi1 YES No (IXPWNJ Council File # �`� - `�� Green Sheet � �0�� 77 Presented � • / / ;1 �� / f � Committee Date Referred To 2 RESOLUTION A PROCESS FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF SEVENTH PLACE 3 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Companies, one of Saint Paul's leading corporate citizens and a powerful and 4 positive force in the development, growth and revitalizafion of Saint Paul, is seeking to expand its 5 corporate headquarters on Seventh Place in downtown Saint Paul, on a site being offered for sale by the 6 Saint Paul Port Authority; and 7 WHEREAS, the proposed corparate expansion site includes the ConeyIsland buildings, the Seventh Place 8 Residence (originally known as the St. Francis Hotel), and the Orpheum Theater, four buildings recently 9 recommended for historic designation by the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, a cirizen advisory 10 panel appointed by the Mayor to advise the Planning Commission and City Council on matters of historic 11 preservation; and 12 WHEREAS, the Seventh Place residence currently provides 130 units of affardable, market rate housing 13 in the downtown core; and 14 WHEREAS, intense community interest and discussion about possibilities for reuse, demolition and 15 redevelopment of the Seventh Place block have revealed a wide range of public opinions and ideas for the 16 future development of this vital downtown block; and 17 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted the 10 principles of the downtown plan, "Saint Paul on 18 the Mississippi Development Framework," a guide for the future design and economic development of 19 downtown Saint Paul, which stresses the importance of preserving downtown's historic character and 20 texture, downtown housing and a lively streetscape, including a11 or portions of these unique structures 21 on Seventh Place; and 22 WHEREAS, the city has created the Design Center to administer its downtown and riverfront framework, 23 a group of city design professionals led by internationally renowned planner Ken Greenberg, which 24 welcomes the opportunity to work with all involved parties and the public to define options far the 25 expansion of the St. Paul Companies in downtown Saint Paul, the preservation of beloved downtown 26 landmarks wherever possible, and the development of downtown housing. ```� -�G 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Design Center is requested to conduct a process that will 2 analyze and assess St. Paul Companies expansion at Seventh Place, consider alternarive sites for the St. 3 Paul Companies expansion, address partial or complete preservation of Seventh Place structures, and 4 address the housing needs of current residents; and 5 BE TT PURTHER RESOLVED that throuah consultation with stakeholders, including but not necessarily 6 limited to the properiy owners, Seventh Place residents, St. Paul Companies, and the Heritage Preservation 7 Commission, this process will; first, develop the objecrives and expectations necessary to develop a full 8 understanding of the company's development objectives; second, explore a variety of conceptual 9 approaches; and third, make a recommendation on the preferred option or options for preservation or 10 development of the site; and 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this task farce complete its work and make final recommendations 12 to the Mayor and City Council on or before Mazch 22, 1999. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blalcey � Bostrom ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris f Lantry ✓ Reiter � d � Adopted by CouncIl: Date . ��� Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary By: �-- � -- \ Appi C'�' Requested by Deparnnent of: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney ��. ,..��1� i -- � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-C����� `fR - `fC� C�rry �uue«. ON onre ixmnreo /-�1-9� 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET r,o 63977 ■ u �.,�„� �� � �„� _ � ❑ CrtYATiOPlEY ❑ GrtYCtFxK ❑ ANNCKL8ERMCE4pR ❑ q!/MCY1lSEAVIACCTC ❑ W1TOR(ORASS�SlqNl) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) /i9'P2oo'� ��sotiuT�D,�/ ��rA�BL.ds�t�.�lC� �- }�ROe�-s FaR 2��v�����r� f� �v�7� ��.�r�� PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Has fhis perso�rm ever vrorked under a coMract for this department'7 VES NO Has this persoNfirm ever been a city empbyce7 YES NO Dces ihis persoN(rm possess a sidll no[ nortnaltypossessed bY arry cuReM city employee? YES NO Is ihis persoNfirtn e fargetetl ventloR YES NO �lain all ves answe�s on senarate sheet antl attach to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� ACTNITY NUMBER 1PITdT:1'dI1Pi1 YES No (IXPWNJ Council File # �`� - `�� Green Sheet � �0�� 77 Presented � • / / ;1 �� / f � Committee Date Referred To 2 RESOLUTION A PROCESS FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF SEVENTH PLACE 3 WHEREAS, the St. Paul Companies, one of Saint Paul's leading corporate citizens and a powerful and 4 positive force in the development, growth and revitalizafion of Saint Paul, is seeking to expand its 5 corporate headquarters on Seventh Place in downtown Saint Paul, on a site being offered for sale by the 6 Saint Paul Port Authority; and 7 WHEREAS, the proposed corparate expansion site includes the ConeyIsland buildings, the Seventh Place 8 Residence (originally known as the St. Francis Hotel), and the Orpheum Theater, four buildings recently 9 recommended for historic designation by the St. Paul Heritage Preservation Commission, a cirizen advisory 10 panel appointed by the Mayor to advise the Planning Commission and City Council on matters of historic 11 preservation; and 12 WHEREAS, the Seventh Place residence currently provides 130 units of affardable, market rate housing 13 in the downtown core; and 14 WHEREAS, intense community interest and discussion about possibilities for reuse, demolition and 15 redevelopment of the Seventh Place block have revealed a wide range of public opinions and ideas for the 16 future development of this vital downtown block; and 17 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council adopted the 10 principles of the downtown plan, "Saint Paul on 18 the Mississippi Development Framework," a guide for the future design and economic development of 19 downtown Saint Paul, which stresses the importance of preserving downtown's historic character and 20 texture, downtown housing and a lively streetscape, including a11 or portions of these unique structures 21 on Seventh Place; and 22 WHEREAS, the city has created the Design Center to administer its downtown and riverfront framework, 23 a group of city design professionals led by internationally renowned planner Ken Greenberg, which 24 welcomes the opportunity to work with all involved parties and the public to define options far the 25 expansion of the St. Paul Companies in downtown Saint Paul, the preservation of beloved downtown 26 landmarks wherever possible, and the development of downtown housing. ```� -�G 1 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Design Center is requested to conduct a process that will 2 analyze and assess St. Paul Companies expansion at Seventh Place, consider alternarive sites for the St. 3 Paul Companies expansion, address partial or complete preservation of Seventh Place structures, and 4 address the housing needs of current residents; and 5 BE TT PURTHER RESOLVED that throuah consultation with stakeholders, including but not necessarily 6 limited to the properiy owners, Seventh Place residents, St. Paul Companies, and the Heritage Preservation 7 Commission, this process will; first, develop the objecrives and expectations necessary to develop a full 8 understanding of the company's development objectives; second, explore a variety of conceptual 9 approaches; and third, make a recommendation on the preferred option or options for preservation or 10 development of the site; and 11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this task farce complete its work and make final recommendations 12 to the Mayor and City Council on or before Mazch 22, 1999. Yeas Na s Absent Benanav Blalcey � Bostrom ✓ Coleman ✓ Harris f Lantry ✓ Reiter � d � Adopted by CouncIl: Date . ��� Adopflon Certified by Council Secretary By: �-- � -- \ Appi C'�' Requested by Deparnnent of: � Form Approved by Ciry Attorney ��. ,..��1� i -- � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: �-C����� `fR - `fC� C�rry �uue«. ON onre ixmnreo /-�1-9� 70TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET r,o 63977 ■ u �.,�„� �� � �„� _ � ❑ CrtYATiOPlEY ❑ GrtYCtFxK ❑ ANNCKL8ERMCE4pR ❑ q!/MCY1lSEAVIACCTC ❑ W1TOR(ORASS�SlqNl) ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) /i9'P2oo'� ��sotiuT�D,�/ ��rA�BL.ds�t�.�lC� �- }�ROe�-s FaR 2��v�����r� f� �v�7� ��.�r�� PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION IF APPROVED AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION Has fhis perso�rm ever vrorked under a coMract for this department'7 VES NO Has this persoNfirm ever been a city empbyce7 YES NO Dces ihis persoN(rm possess a sidll no[ nortnaltypossessed bY arry cuReM city employee? YES NO Is ihis persoNfirtn e fargetetl ventloR YES NO �lain all ves answe�s on senarate sheet antl attach to areen sheet COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEON� ACTNITY NUMBER 1PITdT:1'dI1Pi1 YES No (IXPWNJ