85-928 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � /j CA�NARV -OEPARTMENT �-`7 �J,,�,�/j BLUE - MAVOR File NO. v - /�^ . Ordindnce Ordinance N�. �/���it.'J� Presented By ✓Referred To �'I �✓}!�C—L Committee: Date � —�� '��� Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance establishing the titles of Assistant to the Mayor V and Assistant to the Mayor VI as speci- ified by Ehapter 12 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul Section 12.03.2 (H) thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That it is appropriate and desirable to establish the titles of Assistant to the Mayor V and Assistant to the Mayor VI in the Office of the Mayor. Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2 (H) of the City Charter such titles be established in the Unclassified Service of the City of Saint Paul. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas ���� Nays •f-�s�eher PERSO L OF CE Drew In Favor Masanz Nicosia g scne�be� Against y Tedesco W ilson Adopted by Council: Date 1�U�'j s ��5 For Approve ity Attorney Certified Pas e ncil S r a BY � By , Appr y Mayor: Date � Appr by Mayor for Subm s ouncil By. �u���s���� Au� �� �9a�� Mayor' s Of f ice _ . , DEPARTMENT ��--cl�� 0 Peter Hames , CONTACT 448 �. , � , � .6� /7�� 298-4323 PHONE � �� June 26, 1985 DATE � ,, e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : Department Director � Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk Budget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This resolution establishes the title of Assistant to the Mayor V and Assistant to the Mayor VI . This action, as required, has been approved by the Civil Service Commission. COST/BENEFIT, BUDG€TARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: This will create titles within the series Assistant to the Mayor and will allow for the appointment of senior staff in the Mayor's Office. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : One Ordinance. DEPARTMENT REVIEW CI1'Y ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: , (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 . . :: . � , . , ,, . . . : . . . . . - _ - . . . . -: . . �� .. . .. , , . . _ � �� � ; - . . t- �: : � . . -. :... :. . - _ . , . ,. . ;;:- - - , . - , . . . .. . _ _ . . ..:. � , _ , • . ± _ � . : . � . . � -. - ' - _ -� i _ . . . . . � �. . , � , , - ,, August 6� 1985 - � - , . . _ . . . . . . . ,. _> - • - - - _ . . , _ . - . . , . ,�� ; � � . . .. - , .. . . _ , , , . . _ . . : ,,.� < . � . _ � ` _ =Civil Service Cougnission -. - ,.-�`.'� ( . Room 255� City Hall ; �� • - -: : . ,;_ - - - , ., . _._ . ;;, ,. : _ . - • _ ' . .. -- - .� . �:-. . - `. � � � � Dear Conmission Mer�ers- •. ; :.� ' .; . , . _�, ,.. ., ., . ..,,, .. I herewith submit far your.;cansideration the attached resolution(s} - amending Civi�: Service Rvles adopt�d at today's City Council meeting: :;:. � _. . : . � , ; C.F. 85-927; C.F. 85-928: C.F. 85-929 - , . , .. , � ,. , _ ;.,s . . , . , „ ,, . . : , . . . _ . t,z,.: , ..� _ ; - � . . , ,. . . _ _ : .. . ., .. , . ,. , ,. � .; , . . . . �. . . , Very truly yours; , , � , ., ATbert B. Olson � ,, : � , � - City. Clerk _ - , .. . : . � ;. , . ABO:th , . . . . ,-.. , � _ :: . , , . , � - � . .. , . .. . �. . .:. . _ . . �.: r = �- AttaCt�ment -, - � _ .. ` : ;. _ ; _ _ � - - . , , . ; . - � . - _ � . _. ;. , . . , , . . , .. ,, . , , � ..: . - ; . . - : • _: .{ _ .. , . ,.,.. .., _.. . ,:. _ . .. ; . , , . `�`.: _ , . . .,. � . . _� � - ._ _... ,. �� � .. ' .� � . � ta � � . . - , �. . + - ,� . . ... �� . . ' ._ . . . . _ . . r;3}' r r - .. �.. . - �.��~ ,. . . � � � � . � � � --.. .� . ' .. .. . .:• , ��. .- . , .� . ... : . -� - _ - .�.. ..... . _. _ .. •_' ' ' _ _ �� � � <: .� �... .. -^?4F..Ya^.. � _. ....- . -� .'. ` .: �.. ' . _ . � , ' ���.. -..:_.. ,,r ..._ . �. � . , _ ;� ;�.. ... _ ' ;: ;x . ,:.- �.. . :�,_ .,a ._ . . '-' � , '•' � _ ,. ,. . . .:.- � :� .:�- - ' - . .; ... - .'.. ._.. ., �- . ... .�, � _y ,.+; . .� .'. � �' , 1��� � ��'- v � � .._� _ �. t � # � _ _ �.. �a � " �{ * ��V� 1� � s M W : , . . e ��'I�''{ � '- � L t+ � !: + i� �Rr '=� . � _. . . ... � . � . . ...._...,..-.w_...—���.....__.s. ' � �� ',�'`� Y b'xYn t�a'd+..,'ardX.:...w3. Es . , . , ... .:� . . .a- . °: .•_ , : ... , � �_.. . ._'__ �' _ .�....,.�.. -_.... . ...___...._ __.__._�.�........_ _........._...-.-..o«,..�m•R«�..^�..* . .. � ----•........' . � �,�" ��--� 9-��` ,��_= a, � CITY OF SAINT PAU L "� '- PERSONNEL OFFICE : `=�j�j�' ; � � )OHN P.COLONNA, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR ,... 265 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � August 8, 1985 Al Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Olson: The Civil Service Commission, at their meeting of August 8, 1985, approved Council File Number 85-928, which establishes the titles of Assistant to the Mayor V and Assistant to the Mayor VI, in the Office of the Mayor. A signed copy is attached. �c - ---------- ..,.. . _ . . _ .. _ . - - - - . .. _ _ . r � WMITE - CITV CLERK /� /� PINK � FINANCE COUI1C11 ( / �I �j � BLUERr- MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. �J � � Ordindnce Ordinance N 0. � � `� v `�' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ���/ �� S Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance establishing the titles of Assistant to the Mayor V and Assistant to the Mayor VI as speci- ified by Chapter 12 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul Section 12.03.2 (H) thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1 . That it is appropriate and desirable to establish the titles of Assistant to the Mayor V and Assistant to the Mayor VI in the Office of the Mayor. Section 2. That pursuant to Section 12.03.2 (H) of the City Charter such titles be established in the Unclassified Service of the City of Saint Paul. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved: Civil Se vice Commission Chair COUNCILMFN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Flatcher PERSO L OF CE Drew [n Favor Masenz Nlcosia A gai ns t BY Scheibsl Tsdssco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date For Approve ity Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �-�M;��:��,,;�e�� . , �T�`Y O1�' .SAINT �.ELY3L+ � ��'� Q�-� J � I. �..� f::t' -�`�, �•�� ' orr C � :. . � �.26.� - - , r�;.��� ,1 x r, o�r 2�r-xr czTY COIIICLL ����:.�� s��+�<��:'` ':( ��� � . � �, ;:;L,, ' _- ''./:� � ' D o t e ; July 18 , 19 85 :. '�,,� �;.>� . �:�_:��: - . . . ':�,, - Co � (� i�TEE � E Po � T ►O = SQJnr P�u I Ci;� Cou ��i t . - F E'�. O P�� = C O Ii1.rj j j�?� ()� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL " � C�A! R J�S SCHEIBEL 1 . Resolution consenting to the issuanc� of Port Authority Indus�riai Reve- nue BonCs in the amount of �900,Q00 to finance remodeling to the former Cardozo Warehouse at Fift � Br�w�y�MarketHouse Limited Partner- ship. (Port Authority) � �j 2. Resolution amending the 1985 budget and adding �97,O12 to the Financing Plan anc! to the Spending Plan for Community Se vfces Department-Parks and Re�reation Divison. (Community Services� �rn,J�?� U vi . 3. Ordinance amending Section 32.01 of the Administrative Code pertai ing to the salaries of elected officials. (Persannel } ���� L�� 4. Qrdinance replacing t�e tittes of Administrative Aide to the Mayor, Administrative Aide F , Adminisirative Aide II , an Adminis:rative Aide_ _ I i i with new titles. (Personnel ) /j���-fj;�� l/l/ 5. ��rcf i nance '��'tab'Ti sh i�rg the t i t l es of As s i stant to Maycft` `V arn� Ass i s- tant to the Mayor VI . (Personnel ) ����� �" - � � • 6. Ordinance abolishing the titles of R search Aide and Communications and � Program Director in trie office of���or. (Pe sonnel ) . • � 7. Resolution amencling the Saiary Plan and E�a�es f Compensation Resalution regarding the titles of Administrative Aide to the Mayor, Administrative . Aide I , Administrative Ai�e II , an ��) istra-'ve Aide III. (Personnet ) 8. Resolutfon amending the Salary 1 n and�Rates` of Compensation Resolution regarding titles. of As�sistant to the Mayar V and Assistant to the iNayor V! . (Personne 1 ) �� y��1/��,�� /�/P �, 9. Resol�tion amending the Salary lan and Rates of ComAensacion Resolution regarr_ing the tit?es of Research Ai e, Communicat' 7�s and Proor2m �Ii'PC- r_or ot= !r!anageme�t. (Per=_onne! ) � ��1 r f.,,DG�� � C/ll C. 10. Resolution amending the 1985 Special Fund Budget by ac�ding �6�,000 to the Financing Plan a�c+ to the Spending Plan f Job Training Partnership 8T. �locat i ona 1 Educ�t i on. {PE�J) y�Gl -� �� C!'i 1'HALL , SEVEI�I'I'�I FLOOF: , , � SAINT P�.UL,TSI�\ESC?T:\5520_ . .��,.u _._,__...,_...._:,..._.. .._. - .__.k,:,-_ . _ __. ; _ ' .' .. , . _ _ lst — �—lr`�� � � � 2nd , � ��^ r� f __ a 3rd 7/�v��.� Adopted '�/�/�v ��,.- - Yeas Nays '�� DREW �,/ s " ' �f=�'�- ���� . rrAS�vz ��� ��-- J NICOSIA � � ` : ' E..: . . � . . _. . . . i ...•_ .. ..,., , .y. . ;. -. �� SCHEIBEL , ; '� - . SONN�N - - WILSON MR. PRESIDENT T�D�SCO - - _.�-....s..,:,,�. ___.. ___ ;.. _. . , _._ .__ _._ � �, � . _ _..�. , _. _ _--——------------------__-__ _ _ _ - r - � ;�"�°�!'s"�`�--- . , a - � r'�� �` �� _,.,, ��. ''���t e.l 1 y ;,:.��:: _ _ .::� h� _ - _ - Y:�'. . . _ . ., _ . °_ _ ,,_, . _. -,., .. . . . � - Y---: . . ...,.-.� � -- � - . :.. ., . .. . • . - _ � ....�... .. . . .�. . _. .: _ _ km-� ,,. � - :: .. _ _. . . � . .. _ ,. . . . . . . » � . . . . .,� t .. . . . , ��... • . - .' � --' ;�., ' . . " , � -... . _�.. � ... .. _ _ . ' _� ,`.. ' . . , �, .:. s+� .. _ �_<� . .. . _ .... .� .. .. :�, a '.. . . ' . . - . � , :.. � ^,� ,�_ , .�. ;_ .,., . . - . . �. . . � � .« .. . .. .j: . " . _ ._.... .._'� c-+'• . .. . , " � �_.... .. � ..s � FT._. �� . �-: . �� � ` q !, .•. - ' - � �-. �..- _ . .,' . r.� • � - .. . . � � . ........ . , . . Y,�'�.r ._