85-915 �MMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT� PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT -L7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. •� � ��-/� ,, . Council Resolution Presented y �;T�/�i:?%/�,/��'�'/ � �- �— p �. Referred To �� (�l f�l�i<<.� Committee: Date fg���o '� �� Out of Committee By Date WE�i13FtEAS, The Ma�r, pursuant to SE'C�10I1 ZO.07.I of the City Char�er, c�oes certify that there are avaial�►le Eor a�ro�riation revetwes in excess of thc�se estimated i,n the 1985 budr�e�= a�d 6+�IETZEAS, The �layor recc�rt��et�tds tl�e following changes to the 1985 budget: Current p� B�tdqet Cl�anges Eudget FTN�1i`�CIIJG PLAN - 001 General Fund 1/1/85 Furid Balance; �r����� ��ig�t� 306,363 +163,802 �70,165 A11 Other Financinc� 1Q5,236,�70 0 10�,236,870 105,543,233 +163,802 105,'707,035 SPEi�DING PLAN 001 General Fund Departn�nt of Fire anc� 5a�ety 5ervices 05124 Fir� F�c�iitinc� anci paramedics 0512��-822 Trucks and Vans 330,000 +163,802 493,8p2 05120 A11 Ut'rier Spenaling 13,828,149 � 13,828,14� All Otl�r General Furu3 Spending 91,385,084 Q 91 385 084 � . 105,543,233 +i63,802 iU5,707,035 � � +163,802 RE90LVID, That �tye City Council adapts tYiese chang�s �o the 1985 budget; Fin ' g i.s Avai. ` -'e: F,pw�roval Reccarimenc�eci: � -�- �=-�����2. Director of inance _�-� �. � Budget Di r COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Department of Fire and Safety Ser ices Masanz In Favor Nicos�e scne�t>ei _ __ Against BY Sonhen Tedesco vl/il on JUL - 9 1985 Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by �ouncil: Date Certified a. -e ` Council , c t y BY i By Approve y Mavor: Date JUL 1 1 1gs5 App b ayor for Sub n t Council By B PUBLISNED ,)U L 2 0 19$�i Fire and Safety Services DEPAf�,TMENT ��� �� 43� Fire Chief Steve Conroy- - • CANTACT � , 222-0477 PHONE 5/23/85 DAT �r,FI��E �Q��� �r � � � �n� 3 - ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip A�1"'Locatior����q�^„ Signature) : (3FFit',T��vr� 1 D artment Director ; p�p,�nT^�^,FfVT OF FivANCE� Director of Management/Mayor inance and Manag t Servic�V[D1uP,�5l�tviENT SERVICES6 City Clerk � t ��� � City Attorney � ,.i , WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Available funding from the One-third Savings Incentiveationale) : RECEIVED program will provide money to rebuild two (2) of the Department of Fire and Safety Services' Rescue Squads. �Y 30 � �� R ��jY ATTORNEY �� c�-- �e1�� .�— 'vt� 31f COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: MA���,,5 Both of the Department ' s Rescue Squads are in dire ee���if body repair. One of them has been taken out of service for fear of it falling apart on the road. The funding source for this g,roject is money saved from the 1984 adopted budget. ' ., FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $163,802 quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance (One-third Savings Ineentive Program) Activity Number: 05120 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Letter to Mayor Latimer �L��,, City Council Resolution �/��� ��V�v 6 �`�qyG,��-, �985 � ��F(cF DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIQNS) Revised 12/84 ..,,.,�,��, , , . . � . C'',,� �'s� �!� ���""°-� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �4� 7�� _� �'° DEPARTMENT OF �IRE AND SAFETY SERVICES s, ��,����� = . ;'M•���������� CC � . '���:,,,,�,;s,,,..�= : STEVE CONROY, DIRECTOR 101 E. Tenth St.,Saint Paul,MN 55101 GEORGE IATIMER MAYOR - T0: George Latimer, Mayor FROM: Steve Conroy, Fire Chief DATE: May 20, 1985 SUBJECT: One Third Saving Incentive Program The Department of Fire and Safety Services has two Rescue Squads that are in need of rebuilding. One of the Rescue Squads has been replaced with old spare equipment due to its hazardous condition. We find that we can rebuild these Rescue Squads for approximately $80,000 each. • We have in the Department of Fire and Safety Services � One Third Saving�Incentive Program $163,802. ` We �are requesting that the 1985 Department of Fire Budget be aa:.�*►dPd and permission granted to spend the $163,802 for re- furbisning of the two Rescue Squads. SC:EH:�b r ?I.r.::�.��,;`�� . � �' . : . __ . , . ., .. . .--- ------ � ;�"��� , z� ��' S AINT�.��_El_UL ��/��S� ��.� �-:rlr�T-_��t';�1 oI'I.�I , .. . .. �� ,t �_Y,:;;_,...� j. � Cr% OZ�` T�II: CITY CDII\CLL I �?_.- f��� . :'� :-_.��%:� . • - . . ,�_�. .r;� � Date June 27, 1985 :�:�:�=. • • . � . . � C 0 f1� I� i E�" E E E� E P O �T . i 0 = SQin� P�� I Ci�f Coun�it � � � ��' � ��� " C�M 4�l t t i�� Q� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ' � C�r4l c'�-. JAMES SCHEIBEL _ . 1 . Approval of minutes from meeting held June 20, 1985. ,.1.��;�� / � Z. Introduction of Kathryn Friedmann, new Building Su rinte de�t. � ��.�c�s� 3. Resolution C�ing the title, 9rade, and c.lass spec' �cation for the . titte of Buitding Maintenanc� 5 ervisor--Libraries in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel ) '/ _ ��v . 4. Resolution changing the grade, sec*ion numoer and class specification far . the title of Anima} Control upervisor in the Civil Seruice Rules. (Personnel ) �� _. __. --_ ��y 5. Resolution a e ing the 1985 budget by adding $94,539 to the Financing Plan and to the S ending Pl for Police Training Fund. -�rov�=�--- 6. Resolutibn amend' g the 1985 Special Fund Budge� by adding $90,D00 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Comprehensive Improvement �Assistance Pro ram (Minor' Youth Housing Training Program) . (PED) 7. Resolution �r1g��h� budget by adding $163,80Z to the Financing • Plan and t th Spend� Plan for pepartment of Fire and Saf�ty Services. • � ������ 8. Resoluti amending the 1985 budget by adding $117,559 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Housing and Building Code Enforcement. (Commun i ty Serv i c es? / y�l;1 �1//�� / /��=�/ s . �`-ft� .J U U �� 9. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue 8onds in the amount of $1,985,00� - Blair- House. (This resolution was passed at - City Council June 18 and inadvertently laid over in Finance 6/Z0.) . � /c��zwyl/�C�' .���� • . . . . � . C:TY HALL � S�y��-�i FLOOfi SAINT PAUL,�iI�tiESOT.•L SSI03 ' �,�