85-914 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII CANAFy` - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. �� " /� BLUE - MAVOR ♦ 1 PED - Job Creation ,,//Council Resolution Present By �✓��'��r�� � —� � � Referred To �l N�"l'��-�- Committee: Date � ' �-O"-�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Publie Housing Ageney of Saint Paul has approved a grant of $90,000 to the City of Saint Paul for the City's participation in the Minority Housin� Training Initiative Program; and WHEREAS, this pro$ram will provide training for up to 42 youn� unemployed economically disadvantaged minority City residents/residents of Public Housing; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Mayor, the Couneil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve the City's participation in the Minority Youth Housing Training Initiative Program; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract between the Public Housing Agency of Saint Paul and the City of Saint Paul; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the 1985 Special Funds budget be amended as identified below: Fund 3�5 - Minority Youth Housing Training Program Current Increase Revised Finaneing Plan Budget (Decrease) Bud�et -------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program 36575-3001 $0.00 $90,000.00 $90,000.00 COUfVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Planning & Economic Development °re1N In Favor Masanz NiCOSia scheibe� __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By . A►pproved by Mavor: Date Ap e by Mayor for Submi 'o to Council By WMITE - CITV CLERK / PINK - FINANCE COUnCIl y/� CANA.yV - DEPAi7TMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L File NO• �� " �� BLUE - MAVOR � �PED - Job Creation Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 Current Increase Revised Spending Plan Budget (Decrease) Budget ------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Subeontractor Payments 36575-5�+7-000 $0.00 $75,000.00 $75,000.00 Operating Transfer Out 36575-537-000 $0.00 $15,000.00 $15,000.00 APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: - ---- ------------- --- - - -�5�:==='=�------- Director, De rtment of ��� Budget D re or Finance & M agement Services COUIVCILM�(V Requested by Department of: Yeas Sv�iU�rl/ Nays "'Fa°t.�,°` � P 1 a Drew In Favor Masanz � _ / Scheibel � _ Against BY ���• � r'��'t Tedesco Wllson Adopted by Council: Date JUL - 9 1985 Form Approved b City Attorne Certified a - .il re BY By ' A►ppr d by 1�lavor: Date �--JUL 1 1 1985 Appr y Mayor for Su is on to Council B BY P�et��eD JUL 2 0 198� w PED/Job Creation & Training DEPA,RTMENJ �I—`��- �/t/ ND 2101 . ICay Franev CONTACT ,= 292-1577 (341) PHONE June 4, 1985 DATE ' �e�� Qr � ASSIGN NUN�ER FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : 1 partment Director 5 Director of Management/Mayor 4 Finance and Management Services Director 6 City Clerk dget Director City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The City revenue will be increased by a grant of $90,000 from the Public Housing Agency of Saint Paul. The $90,000 in spending authority wi.11 make it possible for up to 42 yoang unemployed economica.11y disadvantaged minority City residents/residents of Public Hotssing to receive training and work experience in the occupation of rental housing mainten,ance and management. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: The general fund is not affected. Special fund �k345 3s created in the amount of $90,000 ��� " $6 ���o) � FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $90,000 quired if under $10,000) Funding SourCe: Public Housing Authority of Saint Pau1 Activity Number: 36575 � ��� ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : � C`., </�j .;� ��� �� One City Council Resolution �j9r��, � /\ �}'�rF '1 �C�° DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? �Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 }''.`,,,�"��1 _ ����� = . . : . - . . :-_ .- . - . _ . ... . ,_':�; f`�� ::,� . , O1� �AY�T'T ��17L �� .�,�-=1/`f, f,�:�; r�'�==�t=,� OI'I�IC.^ O�t' 2'�'I2�: CZTY COi?1CL � ��-:� �_,::�=;=''=.1 �`j� • . Z' F>.l`� 't� �-1 «� � . . . - • '�:r•� " /s � D a i`e • � �:;� • June 27, 1985� ��;'-•,::.^-�=. - �::�y., • • . • COf�/lI�/� IE TEE f� E PO � T . i� = SQrn?� P�ut Ci�1 Co►� ��ii . . . � �� � �}� " � 0 M!-'�i7 I t i�� Q� FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � C�A l R JAMES SCHEIBEL _ . 1 . Approval of minutes from meeting heid June 2Q, 1985. � � ,�� � �� ��� 2. Introauction of Kathryn Friedmann, ne��r Builciing Su, rinte dent. - ��.�c�-�5.� . 3. Resolution c�ing the title, 9rade, and class spec' 'cation for the title of Building Maintenance 5 ervisor--Libraries in the Civii Service Rules. (Personnel ) ��� '/ U 4. Resolution changing the grade, section number and ciass specification for the title of Animal Contral upervisor in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel ) l ��---- - _..__ ��V 5. Resolution a en ing the 1985 budget by adding $94,539 to the Financing Plan and to the S ending P1 for Police Training Fund. �,a��'�______ . 6. i7esc��•ut i bn amend g the 1985 Sp�c{a 1 Fund Buc�get by add i ng �`9'Q,QQ¢_to the Einancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Compr2hensive Improve!nent "Ass i stane� r�' (!t i ncy� Youth Hous i ng Tra i n i ng Pragram) . (PED) 7. Resolution , c�/the budge* by adding $163,80Z to the Financing • Plan and t th� Spendi j Plan for Department of Fire and Safety Services. � � ����� 8. Resoluti amending the 1985 budget by adding $117,559 to the Fanancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Hpusing and Building Code Enforcement. (Commun i ty Serv i ces? / �l•;1 i)/�� /� ,��e�'=�! s � /`- _/ U U / 9. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue Bonds in the amount of $1 ,985,000 - Bl�ir House. (This resolution was passed at . City Council June 18 and inadvertently laid over in Finance 6/Z0.) . �i t����/1.��5��� - - . � : � . C.i Y HALL . SL•VENTH FLOOF: S�1INT P�ZUL..;�tl�\`ESOT:�55I0? ' ,�.�...�a