9LUE -MAVOR � Flle NO. � �v _ / /�
. . :
0/ CP, Ordina N�. :r
Presented By ����'�-� � N�^---- �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordin.ance pertaining to campaign contributions;
amending the St. Paul Legislative Code, Sections 28.01,
28.03 and 28.05.
Section l.
That Section 28.01, Subdivision 8 , of the St. Paul Legislative
Code, is amended to read as follows :
/$'ubd. 8_7' "Person" means an individu;al, partnership,
committee; association, corporation, labor organiza-
tion and any other organization or group of persons
including a committee organiz�ed for political purposes
which is not i�cluded in the definition of "political
committee" or "political fund."
Section 2.
That Section 28.01 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is
further amended by adding a subdivision to read as follows :
�'ubd. 12_? "Political fund" means an accumulation
of dues or vo untar contri utions an association
ot er t an a po itica committee, w ic accumu ation
is co ecte or ex en e or t e ur ose o in uencin
e nomina ion or e ection o a cari i ate or or t e
purpose o promo in� or e eatin� a a ot question.
Section 3.
That Section 28 .03 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as
amended, is further amended to read as follows :
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
o.eW . In Favor
Nicosia B
Scheibel A gai ns t Y
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �'��— �' G � a y��
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
' �. . � � � � � �. � � ��,5 - 9�a
Page 2.
/Subdivision 1_7 �RGANIZATION; FUNDS�7
(1) Every political committee and eve olitical
fund shall have a chairman anc a reasurer,
w10 may be the same person.
(2) No contribution shall be accepted and no ex-
penditure shall be made by or on behalf of a
political committee or olitical fund at a
time when there is a vacancy in e office of
(3) The treasurer of a political committee or
political fund sha.11 not designate more than
w�o 'crepos i'�ories .
(4) No funds of a political committee or political
fund shall be commingled with any persona unds
o��the officers , members or associates of the
committee or fund. �
(5) All monetary contributi.ons received by or on
behalf of any candidate or political committee
or�olitical fund shall, within 14 days after the
recei� "�Fi-ereo� be deposited in a depository
account designated, "Campaign Fund of
. . . . . . . . . (name of committee or fund) ."
/�ubd. 2_]� /1�ECORD KEEPING_7
(1) It shall be the duty of the treasurer of every
political committee and every �olitical fund
to keep a detailed an�c accura�e accoun�all
identification data, as herein defined, with
respect to both contributions received and
expenditures made by such political committee
or ,political fund.
(2) The accounts required to be kept under this
section shall be current within 14 days after
receiving a contribution or making an expenditure.
(3) The trea�urer shall preserve all records and
accounts required to be kept by this section •
for four years; provided, however, that in the
event that the political committee or political
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Page :3.
fund represents a candidate or party or ballot uestion
wIi ch permanently terminates activity wit in two
years , then said records and accounts shall be
kept for two years.
(4) Each person required to file any report or state-
ment as required by this chapter shall ma.intain
records on the matters required to be reported,
including vouchers , canceled checks , bills , in-
voices , worksheets , and receipts , which will pro-
vide in sufficient. detail the necessary informa-
tion from which the filed reports and stateme�nts
may be verified, explained, clarified and checked
for accuracy and completeness , and shall keep the
records available for audit, inspection, or exami-
na.tion by the city attorney or an autho�ized rep-
resentative for four years from the date of f iling
of the reports or statements or of changes or cor-
rections thereto.
/�'ubd. 3.7' /1�EGISTRATION.7'
(1) The treasurer of -e- �ever� political committee and
ever olitical fun�s -�ia.�ll register with the ci y
cler y iling a statement of organization no
later than 14 days after the date upon which the
political committee or political fund receives
contributions of $50 or more or mafes expenditures
of $100. or more.
(2) The statement of .organization shall include:
(a) the name and address of the palitical com-
mittee or political fund;
(b) the geographic area in which it will operate
and the �urpos� of the political committee
or political fund;
(c) th� name, address �.nd position of the
custodian of books and accounts ;
(d) the na.rne and address of the chairman, the
treasurer, and any other principal officers;
(e) the name, address , office sought, and party
affiliation, if any, of each candidate whom
the political committee or olitical fund
is supporting, or, ,if the committee or fund
is supporting the entire ticket of any party,
the name of the party; if organized for the
ur ose of romotin or defeatin a ballot
question, t at s e state ;
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Page 4.
(f) a statement as to whether the op litical
committee or political fund is a con�'inuing
(g) a listing of all depositories or safety
deposit boxes used.
(3) Any change in information required in paragraph
(2) above shall be forwarded to the city cl�rk
by -the chairman or trcasurer of the political
committee or political fund within ten days of
the change.
�ubd. 4_7 �AMPAIGN REPORTS_7
(1) Every treasurer of a political committee or
political fund shall f ile with the .city clerk
the reports requir�d by this section in any year
it xeceives contributions of $SO or more or makes
expenditures of $100 or more.
(2) Every person who makes expenditures , other than
by contribi�tion -to a political committee or
olitical fund, in an aggregate amount of�100 or
morc wi in a year shall file with the city clerk
a statement containing the information required
of a political committee or olitical fund.
Statements required by this subparagraph 2)
shall be fil�d on the dates on which reports by
political committees are filed.
(3) Campaign reports required by thi-s section shall
be filed with the city clerk as follows :
(a) ten days before the city primary;
(b) ten days before the city general;
(c) on January 31 of eaeh year the �olitical
committee or political fund is in existence.
(d) All � reports f ile�i under (a) through (c)
shall co�rer all contrib�.��ians received
a.nd �xpenditures made as of seven days
prior_.to the r-porting date.
(e) Any contribution in excess of $200 made
within 17 days of the Frimary or general
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Page 5.
election shall be reported to the city
elerk within 48 hours of the contribution.
(4) Each report under this subdivision sha.11 disclose:
(a) the amount of liquid assets on hand at the
beginning of the reporting period;
(b) all identification data with respect to both
contributions and expenditures ;
(c) the. name and address of each political com-
mittee or__po�liti�cal fund or candidate from
which tfie re—po ing committee or fund receives ,
or to which that committee or u�nd—made,
any transfer of funds , toget i�er with the
amounts and dates of all transfers ;
(d) the listing of narnes in alphabetical order;
(e) all information for the period from either
the initial contribution and expenditure or
the latest report to seven days prior to the
due date of the report.
(5) Requirements respecting reports and statements .
(�) The reports or statements required by this
chapter shall be signed and certif ied as true
by the person required to file the report
or statement.
(b) Each contribution in kind shall be valued
at fair market value and reported on the
appropriate schedule of receipts , identified
as to its nature and listed as "contribution
in kind." The total a.mount of goods and
services contributed in kind shall be deemed
to have been consumed in the reporting period
in which received. Each contribution in kind
shall be declared as an expenditure at the
same fair market value and reported on the
appropriate expenditure sched.ule, identif ied
as "contribution in kind."
(c) Any material cha.nges in information previously
submitted and any corrections to a report
shall be reported in writing to the city
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Page 6.
clerk within 14 days following the date of
the event prompting the change or the date
upon which the person filing became aware
of the inaccuracy. The change or correction
shall identify the form and the paragraph
containing the information to be cha.nged or
(6) Every person who receives a contribution for a
political committee1 ,political fund, or candidate
shall, within 14 days after receipt of the contribu-
tion, inform the treasurer of the information re-
quired to be kept by paragraph (S) .
(7) Any anonymous contribution or contributions amount-
ing to $5 or more shall not be retained by a poli-
tical committee, political fund or candidate, but
shall be turned over to t e�Tcerpartment of finance
and management services for deposit into the general
(8) Exemptions.
(a) The city council shall exempt any political
committees �olitical fund, or political party
or any of their members or contributors from
the provisions of section 28 .03 , subdivision
4 if disclosure would expose any or all of
them to economic reprisal, loss of employmenti
or threat of physical coercion.
A political committee_���olitical fund, or
political party ma.y see an exemption for
all of its members or contributors only if
it proves a reasonable probability that a
substantial number of its members or contrib-
utors would suffer a restrictive effect on
their freedom of association if inembers were
required to seek exemptions individually.
(b) The city council shall exem�t any individual
from the provisions of section 28.03, subdi-
vision 4 who, by written request, demonstrates
a reasonable probability that disclosure
would expose that individual to economic
reprisals , loss of employmenti or threat
of physical coercion.
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Page 7.
A written order of the State Ethical Practices
Board exempting an -association or any of its
members or contributors because of a determina-
tion that a disclosure would expose any or
all of them to economic reprisals , loss of
employment or threat of physical coercion
shall cons�itute prima facie evidence for
exemption from the provisions of section
28.03, subdivision 4.
The city council shall issue a written reso-
lution to exempt any individual.
(c) A political committee olitical fund or -e-
political party or any of its mem ers or
contributorsi sY�'iall have standing to seek
an exemption. The city council shall estab-
lish a procedure so that any individual
seeking an exemption ma.y proceed anonymously
if the individual would be exposed to the
reprisals listed in subparagraph (b) were
the individual 's identity revealed.
(9) Within 30 days after the effective date of this
chapter, all existing officeholders , candidates ,
a�.� olitical committees and olitical funds
shal ile with the city clere, in t e manner
prescribed by section 28.03, subdivision 3, a
registration statement, including a statement of
the amount of cash on hand. For the purposes of
this pa.ragraph, "cash" shal l be def ined to inc-ltide
deposits , marketable securities , and other cash
Section 4.
That Section 28.05 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is
amended to read as follows :
�8.05_7 �ONTRIBUTION LIMITATIONS_7 No person shall
make contributions to any candidate with respect to
any election, whether primary or general, for a city
office which, in the aggregate, exceed the following
limitations :
(1) $1 ,000 per annum in the case of a candidate for
mayor, and
BLUE - MAVOR� File NO. �'� � �/�
� • �
Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ��07.� �_
Presented By
Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Page 8.
(2) $750 per annum in the case of a candidate for any
other city office.
This limitation sha11 not apply to a candidate's
con ri u ion o his own camp.ai�n or o expen -i ures
on behalf of his own campai�n.
Section 5.
This ordinance is deemed a �t of the St. Paul Legislative
Code and shall be incorporated therea�. and given an appropriate
chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision
of said Legislative Code.
Section 6.
'I'his ordinance. shall take effect and be in force 30 days
after its passage, approval and publication.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
.�,.�� [n Favor
Nicosia A ainst BY
Scheibel g
�'"�°°" JUL 2 5 1985
Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney
B �� �• �'y��,� �-.Z y-p 3_
Certified a Council etar Y
A r d by Mayor: D JUL 3 1 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
' PU$LISNED AU G 3 �985
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lst } 7- 9` �,✓� F �2nd �' �� -�,5
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Yeas Nays ! U�;j �.
DR��J � ���;'
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MASANZ /7.�.3�7 ' :�`j�
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