85-909 WHITE - CITV CLERK P�NK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council CANARV -OEPARTMENT File NO. �� / O/ BLUE - MAVOR • /, . / in�cnce Ordinance N�. ��o��.3 1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance pertaining to the salaries of elected officials; amending the St. Paul Administrative Code, Section 32.01. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 32.01 of the St. Paul Administrative Code, as amended, is further amended by adding the following: � That effective Januar 1 1987 and on each Januarr�l thereafter the salary o the ma or anT counciTmembers s -6'e increase T—"� same ercenta e as t e ercentage increase approvecl tor e ci�v `o��1TauI�s upervisory Employees Organization for the �rear following that Janua.ry �. ��r/r�Cu�'' /'�� -� That effective 1 � health and dental insurance s e accor e t e mayor an e council subiect to the terms and conditions of , rovisions conce�rnin ��health and dental insurance as ma t en e in e�fect as re ar sc� e ar �.inin unit nown as t e St. Pau Supervisory E�.es rg�anization. - Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. ' COUNCILMEN Requested by Depaetment of: Yeas Nays r�x�cSonnen Drew In Favor Masanz � Nicosia B Scheibel • Against Y Tedesco Wilson AUG 6 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s ncil t BY ��iL�e— � ���GC%d u�c� 7'��J ��Sr By Appcov b ayor: Date �UG 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �y By ptjBIISHEO AU G 17' 198'� . A , � . ���J/'���3 �.==o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL `°� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY o �� ` =i������� '9 EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ;. s� �0Q„�.� 647 City Hal�,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 � 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR July 26 , 1985 `� �.,� ����� �� � "'�'� �, ��C� ��:��� �c� M E M O R A N D U M �'� TO: John Connelly Council Research Bureau FROM: Jane A. McPeak Deputy City Attorney� RE : Amendments to St. Paul Administrative Code Section 32.01 On Thursday, July 25 , Joseph Hannasch of Council Research called at your direction to inquire whether or not the Administrative Code amendment providing health and dental benefits to the Council members could have an effective date of January l , 1986 . Laws of Minnesota Chapter 691 , Section 4, approved and adopted by C.F. 261409 , prohibits the Council from passing an ordinance which increases the compensation of elected officials during the last three months of any term of office and from the fixing of compensation to take effect during the term of office for which the official has been elected. This office has opined in the past that insurance benefits are a form of compensation so that the provision of them is governed by this section. The Council may vote to make health and dental insurance avail- able , commencing in 1986 , to its members. However, since a Council member ' s term commences on the first business day of January of the year following their election (Charter Section 2. 02) , the amendment providing health and dental insurance should have January 2, 1986 as its effective date. If you have any further questions, please feel free to call on me. JAM: j r cc : Edward P. Starr ` � . • . ', -,' ' � �� . WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICll Q� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �' v BLUE -MAYOR �� � % File N 0. . Ordindnce Ordinance �10. Presented By � Referred To �`� �1���� Committee: Date � -/ �� Out of Committee By Date n ordinance pertaining to the sala ies of . electe officials; amending the St. Pau Administrative Code, S tion 32.01. THE COUNCIL OF E CITY OF SAINT PAUL DO ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 32. of the St. aul Administrative Code, as amended, is further ended by dding the following paragraph: � That effective nuar 1 1987 and on anuar 3 thereaf r the salar of the ma or _ an coua.ei t�e�n er s e increase y e sa.t�e percen a e a e ercen a e increase ove or e i y . au s supervisors ' or aniza ion o e e r o owin a January , I Section 2: This ordinance hall take effect an be in� force 30 days after its passage, pproval and p��blicatio . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �cxSonnen ��eW In Favor � Masanz NiCOSia B Scheibel A gai n s t Y TedesCo Wflson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ✓�'�- �� ��'�'r�' � "Z ��V T3y Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . _ � �. •. �r �'�_ - yo i . ,� . . A����=� o, , CITY OF SAINT PAUL o �� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY ` "������" '� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ��po s�� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 4�r���s� "� 612-298-5121 `GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR '� June 24, 1985 ���'�, � ' �� JUN � 4 1985 COUf��s�MAN J�'MES �CNEISEL M E M O R A N D U M TO: Councilman James Scheibel Seventh Floor City Hall FROM: Jane A. McPeak �/�V� Deputy City Attorney Jr�� RE : Amendment to Administrative Code Section 32.01 Enclosed please find the draft of an amendment to Administra- tive Code Section 32. 01 as requested in your May 8 , 1985 letter to this office. JAM: jr Enc. v»,`�y�:: �� ` ._....-,. . . -: �tt . ..�;��::;::,�� . •C��� o� .S.�r�r� ��.�..t��,�. �-�,s��� . }r:;�r ,� ��r., :. . . � f'�=�1 Y_1�-�_�'ry;\�, �� _ �rZ�ICir � r , . ,� ,-f .. � OI�` �.TIIC CZT� COIIICZL °��:,�, S:^;:;;_;','•..,j �.`,i . '�. �-:'�,�:� � /;� � � Dote • July 18 ,_ 1985 _ � � . `�,:;�_.�::.;_ - , . . . �,, _,. ._.. C � i�l! (�l� f�T E E [� E P O � T i 0 = Satn� P�� i Ci�� Cou � �il . . F P O ��1� ' C d M.� I j i?� ��? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ' � C`r�A I R JP'M�S SCHEIBEL 1 . Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Industrial Reve- nue Boncs in the amount o� $900,000 to finance remodeling to the former Cardozo Warehouse at Fifth � Broadway for MarketHouse Limited Partner- ship. (Port Authority) �l�j!" �!/C� 7/� 2. Resolution amending the 1985 budget and adding $97,012 to the Financing Plan anti to the Spending Plan for Community Se vices Qepartment-Parks and Recreat i on D i v i son. (Commun i ty Serv i ces) � �ro,},�t� U L-r . 3. Ordi�ane�► e�ending Section 32.01 of the Administrative Code pertai ing to the salaries af etectea officials. (Personnel ) {;���� . `�/ 4. Qrdinance replacing the tittes of Administratfve Aide to the Mayor, Administrative Aide I , Adminiszrative Aide II , an Adminis_rative Aide___ III with new titles. (personnei ) ��?�����1 � �!� (J 5. Ordinanc� estabtishing the titles of Assistant to t��e Mayor V and Assis- � tant to the Mayor VI . (Personnel ) �), �� // ���/ v� _�/ . . 6. Ordinance abotishing the titles of Research Aide and Communications and Program Director i� the office of he Mayor. (Pe sonnel ) . - 7. Resolution amendin the Salar lan 'and/ Ra��df 1 ti n 9 y Compensation Reso u o regarding the titles of Administrative Aide to the Mayor, Administrative . Aide I , Administrative Aicle II, an Administra -�ve Aide III. (Personnel ) � . p���' 8. Resolution amending the Salary 1 n and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding titles of As'sistant to the Mayor V and Assistant to the Mayor V? . (Personne 1 ) �� y��!/��_.. /� �lJ�� 9. Resol�tion ame�ding the Salary Plan and Rates of ComAe�saTion Resolution regarr_ing the tit?es of Research Ai e, Communicat' � s and Proaram �li'F?C- fior or :�a�agem?nt. (Per=_�nne! l r l, ?�G�G�� / p l� 10. Resolution amending the 1985 Special Fund Budget by aCding �65,�00 to the Financing Plan anc� to the Spending Plan f Job Training Partnership 87. �/ocat i ona 1 Educ�t i on. {pE�) Y�G) ?, ',� �� Cn HALL • SL•VENTF-i FLOOR SAINT P�'iUL,A1I�\ESOT:\ .55IO2 . .��„ . . . , _ . _::.:.. _. . , _ , .. _, < . ,. �� �• _.�. _ :. �5 _ - ., -- ' J-st �- �-��J ' • �nd � o��'��� _ . _ 3rd 7/Q/�'S Adopted �jG �l1•� ___ - ` Yeas Nays ��s r _ .,;>- DREW �� �5 _ ft� �, � � (.�— rrasa:vz ��a2 Fc-� ,�f �� NICOSIA � " _ ., ,� SCHEIBEL , - t � ^ ' SONNEN ' , __ __--_ WILSON - . MR. PR�SID�?VT T�D�SCO ''�, , _. . �;.__:�_�._...,,.,-�.-.�„-�..�..,,.��...� ,, ._._._ �:_. _. ._ �" � ',\ � -` ` _ `�__,.:. . -- _:._._ � _ •1.7qR�-- t f - .�� e. 1 ,�� # ,-..• � �t ����� . � , ,,� ,� _:� � -: .r���� �< -- �i _ Y�: _ - � _ �: .� _ � . .., . - _ . .. _ . ��v,:- . - _. . . + � . . . . . . _ . .. . �.' • _ � S L'���.•_: � - � . . ' . �\ ' " Y .' E . -_ - .. . .. . - � .. .' �. � � - � - .� ' �'� .:. `' £{ : � � . . 7 � . . �.... .. �_... } : t•�.���' ... . . _. .. . .T s ..v�.Y .t