85-908 WHI7'' - CITV CLERK 1 PINK� - F�NANCE COLACII �jr CANA y - D PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL j��] BIUE - MAYOR File NO. �%'/ �D ' rdinc� G Ordinance N 0. ���� � , . . _ � Present d By � ��`��-- lnJ � �p� Referred To �- �C- K-S Committee: Date �"� � a � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance relating to the Board of Water Commis- sioners of the City of Saint Paul; providing for revisions in the i+3ater Code pertaining to rates for metered water � services , meters , miscellaneous provisions , street ser- vices (size and location) and interior work; amending the St. Paul Legislative Code, Sections 85.06, 85.07, 88.01, 88 .02, 88 .03, 88 .07, 88.08, 88.09, 88. 10, 91.04, 91.09, 93.06, 94.04, 94.06, and adding a new Section 93.09. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Sections 85.06 and 85.07 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, are further amended to read: /55.06.7' /�'OMESTIC ACCOUNTS_7' Wa�e�-e�tpp��.e�.-�e �ne an3 two family dwellings3-e�-�e su 1'ied with water throu h one and one- uarter inc an sma er meters and ot er properties supp ie wit water tirou� one inch ax�d or smaller meters s all be described as "domestic' accounts and shall be paid for quarterly in addition to the fixed charge. �5.07./ /CONA7ERCIAL ACCOUNTS_7 Na�er-9t�.gp��e� - Properties other than one and two family dwellings s p iec3'"wi'�h wa�er �Firoug one an one-qua�er inc an arger me�ers;-�e-g�epe���ee-e�l�e�-�l�a�. ene-a8d-��ae-€ax����r-��ae����.ge; shall be described as "commercial" accounts and shall be paid . for monthly in addition to the fixed charge. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher Drew in Favor Masanz NiCOSia g Scheibel A gai n s t Y Teaesoo Gener 1 Manager Wilson Form Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . �Y . �� r Appcoved by Mayor: Date Approve by ayor for Sub �' sion to Council By By , . : � ` , . . . ��_ �J y�Si . _ /���� Page 2. Section 2. That Sections 88.01 and 88 .02 of the St. Paul Legis-lative Code are amended by deleting the same in their entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following: /88 .01.7 /DEFINITIONS.7 For the ur oses of this chapter the following _words_and rases shall have �e meanin s ascrib�e3�-� em un es s i'�"'"is a arent rom t e context t at a i erent meanin� is inten ed: (1) "Meterin� system" shall consist of a water meter, a remote meter reading receptacle, and connecting ca-T1e. (2) "Cable" means the multi-wire conductor between the water meter and the remote meter readin� receptac e. �3� "Remote meter readin _r�ec_e�tacle" means the .device moun�ed-'on t e� outsi�e o�"e `buildin ro:n w iT me er rea ings can e o aine . �� �8 02_7 /-METERS, METERING SYSTEy1S, R�QUIRED_7 /�ubdivision 1.7 /REW INSTALLATIONS_7 A meterin �stem as designa�ed by the board must e ins a ed on all new water service connections . � /�ubd. 2_7 /FLAT RATE SERVICES_7 The board ma � order a meter or metering system insta e on an flat ra—fe accoun�'w e�n� 3eems it a visa e. • /Subd. 3.7 �EPLACEI�NT OF EXISTING METERS_7 The board may adopt a plan for the replacement of e ix stin water meters wit�Fi �a complete_meterin� system, inc u ing remo e me er rea in rece ac es an ma or er Tze installation o t e metering system in existing residential, commercial, and industrial roperty in accorcT wi�-E'i "�fie Tan as a�op e or as i ma be amended w i�en tT�e oard deems it a�sa e to o so. e p an s a provi e at a vance no ice s a e �iven to all customers prior to replacing of existing meters. . . . . , � � � � � � , � �s-_ Q��' i�a�� Page 3. � Section 3. That Sections 88 .03, 88 .07, 88.08 , 88.09, and 88.10 of th� St. Paul Legislative Code are amended to read as follows : �8 .03_� �ROPERTY OF BOARD_7 All meters and remote meter readin rece tacles installed on other n ire supp y services �a� s a 1 be fu�nished by and be the _ property of the board o�water commissioners. /88 .07.7 /COST OF SETTING_7 For alI x�e�e�e metering �s s�__t_�em_s_ se�' or meters changed and reset at the request o�t-iie consumer or owner there shall be a charge of $10 for each meter not exceeding one and one-quarter inches in size;-and-�e�. For each meter larger than one and one-quarter inches ,tF�ie actual cost of installation shall be charged. All payments must be made in advance and before the water service is turned on. /88 .08 .7 /ACCESSIBILITY.7 Pfeters and remote meter reading receptacles must at all times be easily �...._ accessi e so a they may be examined �.nd �ea� meter readin s obtained by employees of the water u i i y. e� e ers must not be exposed to danger from frost or contamination. It sl�a��-be is unlawful to cover or obstruct any water meter or remote meter readin rece tacle either permanently or temporari y. /88 .09_7 �Y WHOM SET_7 The installation, replace- ment, repair and disconnection of all meters and meterin s s'�[ems is to be performed by employees or aut orize re resentatives of the water utility on y. owever, on new service connections or uew service accounts , cable shall be furnished and in- stalled b the owner or owner s re resentative in � accor ance wi wa er u i i s an ar s . a ves, ittingsi an piping. in t e vicinity o the meter shall be maintained in a state of good repair by the owner to permit such installation, replacement, repairi and disconnection. /$8. 10_7' /IIAMAGED METERS AND METERING SYSTEMS�7' If inetersz remote meter reading receptacles or connectin cable are damaged either through neglect or care essness of the consumer, the cost of � repairs, or replacement if beyond repair, must be � ' . � � ' ' � ' � � � �s9d� ��02/7 Page 4. paid for by the consumer or owner. Lost or stolen meters or metering system components shall be replaced by the caater utilit�at the expense of the consumer or owner. It is unlawful to disconnect the cable connectin the me er o e remo e me er rea ing recep ac e. The cost of ordinary maintenance and repairs will be borne by the water utility. In case of breakage, stoppageiaad�e� or other irregu- larity in the meteri e�-�'_�e meter setting, or meterin �s�st�e�m� , the owner or consumer shall notify t e utility iminea"iately. ` Meters damaged due to freezing shall be repaired or re- placed at the expense of the consumer or owner. Meters which have been dama.ged due to hot water and � which were installed with the required protective �- feat�t7�res will be repaired by the utili�y after the first damage from hot water. Subsequent damage due to hot water must be paid for by the consumer or owner unless further protective measures are installed as required. Section 4. That Sections 91.04 and 91.09 of the St. Paul Legisla tive : Code are amended to read as follows : /�1.04_7 �IGHT TO MAKE INSPECTIONS.7 Inspectors of the water utility, or any person authorized by the board of water commissioners , shall have free access at all reasonable hours to all parts of every building for �he purpose of reading, inspecting, removing� or re- placing meters , remote meter reading receptacles and connectin ca ei. examining water�'ix uresi and oT�serving t e manner in which water is used. /91.09 .7 /ORDER TO REMOVE METER_7 On the request of the owner or authorized agent, the water will be shut off and the meter will be removed and the f ixed charge stopped as of the date of removal. Removal of the remote meter readin rece tacle and cannec in cable sha 1 be at the discretion of the water utility• ' � . ' , � ' � � . ��,�-_ 90�' , . � ���7 Page 5. Section 5. That Section 93.06 of the St. Pau1 Legislative Code is amended to ze ad as follows : /�33.06.7 /WATER�_SERVICE C�NNECT-IDNS, INSTAI,LATION AND MATERIALS_7 Al1 un3erground services larger than two inches in size shall be ductile iron or cast iron pi�e. Ductile iron and cast iron pipe shall meet the requirements of the wa er u i i y s standards for the installation of water mains . Ductile iron and cast iron water service cor�nections shall be subjected, be ore acceptance, to an electrical conductivity test in accordance with the standards of water utility. All underground water service connections up to and including two-inch sizes shall be extra heavy soft temper cold drawn seamless deoxidized copper � tubing having a minimum ultimate tensile strength of not less than 30,000 pounds per s�uare inch. Sizes and weights for underground copper pipe shall be as follows : Nominal O.S. Wall Weight Size Diam. Thickness per foot 3/4" .875 .065 .640 1" 1. 125 .065 .838 1-1/2" 1. 625 .072 1.36 2" 2. 125 .083 2.06 The weight per foot shall not vary from the standard by more tha.n five percent. The wall thickness shall not vary from the standard by more than five percent at any point. Section 6. That Chapter 93 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is further amended by adding a section to read as foliows : /�3.09.�" /LOCATIOt1 OF METER READING RECEPTACLE.7' R�mote meter readin rece tacles shall be located on t e exterior o t e uil ing in con ormance with wa-�er-u�iTi�y s�an3ar—c'Is.—' ' ' � . - � . • � , • � � � . . �= �s- 90 � � � ���7 Page 6. Section 7. That S��ctions 94.04 and 94.06 of the St. Paul Legislative Code are amended to read as follows : /�4.04_? /FlETERS, SETTINGS, CABLE INSTALLATION.7' The meter setting shall include t e water meter, the meter valves , and check valve when required, installed in accordance with meter setting standards of the water utility. The normal setting from the center line of the meter spuds to the wall shall not be less than eight inches for one-inch and smaller meters , or closer than ten inches for two-inch meters . The height above the floor in all instances sha.11 not be less than 12 ineh.e� or more. �ha�. ��+8 inches except by special permission. The meter setting and vertical riser shall be strong and securely attached to an adjacent wall to prevent sagging, swayingi or undue vibration. On new ser- vices or renewals ea���e�.-�e-�ke-basex�ea�, the meter shall in all cases be set above the floor. �r .•101M�r. R . Lar�e meters may be set directly on the floor when their weight cannot otherwise be properly supported. For all new service connections or new service accounts e owner or owner s re resen a ive s ins a mu ti-con uctor ca e rom t e meter to t e ro osed remo e me er rea ing recep ac e oca ion. a e in- stallation and remote meter readin rece tacle location shall conform to water utilit standards . Ca le sha. 1 e urnis e in su icien en o aci i a e con- nection t e water uti it at t e meter an t e remote meter rea ing receptac e. � /�1'4.06.7' /1�EMOVAL OF METERS.7' �te-t�e�e�-sl�a��-�e-�et�e�ed '��-e�ke�-��an-an-e���e�ee-e�=��.e-�aa�e�-�������--e�-�� ��.e-ease-e€-e�►erger�e�-eha�ge-e£-�eea��en-e�-�e-d�a�a �l�e-sys�e�;-b�-a-p�t�ber: Meters shall i�e rPmoved onl b an em lo ee of the water uti it exce t in case o an emer enc or w en a um er c an es e meter location or rains t e s stem. zen � e a meter as- ee� is removed for suc reason it shall be reset or a spacer pipe shall be insertediand the water utility shall be noti i'�''e3—.cr� -sueh action i;nmediately, t��-�e is unlawful to break the seal on any meter except � the purpases above indicated. WH17E - CITY CIERK PINK -�Tj'INANCE / CANARV- DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL FlecilNO. ��= ^ �I,�y BLUE - MAVOR �U rd • ind G Ordinance N�. j 7�(P ( � r �, Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 7. Where disconnection of remote reading cable is require w en removing a me er, e wa er u i ity s a e no i ie imme ia e y. econnec ion o e ca e s a e per orme y an emp oyee o the water uti i y. Section 8. This ordinance is deemed a part of the St. Paul Legis�ive Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appro�riate chapter and/or section number at the time of the n�xt revision of said Legislative Code. Section 9. This ordinance shall tak e effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ���xSonnen Water Uti 1 i ty Drew ' [n Favor Masanz s�ne�be� Against By Tea.s�o General Manager wuso� Adopted by Council: Date AUG 1 3 1985 Form Approved y City Attorney Certified Pas e by cil S re r BY � �ay i� Appro Mayor: Date � S�J Approved y ayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLISHED AU G 2 � 1985 Water Uti 1 i ty , �- , �E�ARTNFENT• , ���5 -Q�D� N 9 5� 0 Tho�as D. Mogren CONTACT ` � 298-41Q0 PHONE Ju�e 25, 1985 DATE ���� e e ASSIGN NUh�ER, FOR ROUTING ORDER Cli All Locations for Si nature : 1 Department Director Director of Management/Mayor : Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Di rector ,�� Bo�rd of Water Co�i ssi or�ers � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON TNE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : The Saint Paul Legislative Code will be amended to permit implementation of the Board of Water Co�amissioaers' remote water meter readinq program, to provide for quarterly billing for 1�-inch aad smaller metered accounts and to permit use of cast iron pipe for wa�ter service cssa��a��ctior�s. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Noae I FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NU{�ER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction; N/A quired if under Funding Source: N/A $10,00Q) Activity Number: ��A ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Board of W�ter Comnission�rs' Resoluti-on #3572 Proposed Ordinance DEPARTMENT REVIEW _p�dinance CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council R�� Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 HOW TO US� TYIE• GR�EN S`!lEET� � �, The GREEN SHEET has several PURPOSES: 1, to assist in routing documents and in securing required signatures 2. to brief the reviewers of documents on the i.mpacts of approval 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared, and, if required, attached. Providing complete information under the listed headings enables reviewers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates follow-up contacts that may delay execution. The COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits related both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. If a CONTRACT amount is less than $10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contract must always be first signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. � Below is the preferred ROUTING for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists) 1. Outside Agency 4. Mayor 2. Initiatinq Department 5. Finance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Finance Accounting ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Activity Manaqer 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, F&MS COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend. Bdgts./Accept. Grants) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Director of Management/Mayor 4. Director of Management/Mayor 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mngmt. & Personnel Com. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, F&MS SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS section, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing . such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council Resolutions include: l. Contractual relationship with another governmental unit. 2. Collective bargaining contracts. 3. Purchase, sale or lease of land. 4. Issuance of bonds by City. 5. Eminent domain. 6. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. 7. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. 8. Budget amendments. � . � ; � �r �, ` '" ' - ' � ��s- ���'' CITY OF ST. PAUL . ,,, ,,.,.,r„ OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM No� �'�2 COMMISSEONER � DATG Jt�i� �.� 198� WHEREAS, a Water Utility staff study has determined that certain sections of tt►e Saint Naul Legislative Code require amending in order to implement the Board's proposed re�note water meter reading program, to provid� for quarterly billing for 1}-inch and smal1er metered accounts and to permit use of cast iron pipe for water service connect�ons; and WNEREAS, the Water Utility staff has prepared an ordinance implementing amendments to Sections 85.06, 85.07, 88.01, 88.02. 88.03, 88.07, 88.08, 88.09, 88.10, y1.04, 91 .09, 93.U6, y4.04, 94.Ob and adding Section 93.09; and WNEREAS, the General Manager, Thomas D. Mogren, recaamends dpprova] of the proposed amendments and new section 93.09; now, therefore� be it R�50LVrU, that the Boara of Miater Com�nissioners hereby authorizes and dpproves the amending of Sections 85.06, 85.07, 88.01, 8i3.02, 8�.03, 88.07, 88.08, 88.09, 88.1U, 91 .04, 91.09, 93.06, 94.04 and 94.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as we]1 as the establishment of new Section 93.09; and. be it further RESULVED, that the City Council is requested to concur and adopt the attached �roposed ordinance, placing into effect these amended �nd newly established provisions. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commiasioners Yeas Nays D�t� �� Juna 21 19 85 Pr�eid�at Aiaoeia — In favor 3 Oppos� 0 fECV. , , 1 � � ��g- c�Od�' � CITY OF �AINT I,�1UL /7��°7 � �� ? O�'I�IC1� 07n 7`II1� CITY COIINCIL 4 {f ltlbYOtl - ��� ,+_,w�vir���d� �f'� . ��;� --._ . Date ; July 24 , 1985 {�, `�', � , COMMITT � E REPORT T0 � SQ � nt Paul City Council FROM � Commirtee oh PUBLIC WORKS , CI� A I R , CHRIS NICOSIA �' _ _ . _ The Public Works Committee at their meeting of July 24; 1985 took the following action: Hear i nca Date 1 . 7/30/85 VACATION: Petition of the City of St. Paul for the vacation of the Gillette Hospital Site for the purpose of a residential housing clevelopment site (bounded by Ivy, Forest and Wheelock Parkway} , Recommended approval . 2. 7/30/85 VACATION: Pet.ition of Phil Winters for the vacation of � the alley i�n L31ock 2, Budde's Addition for the purpose of property expansion and to cure a building encroachment (bounded by Californie, Greenbrier and Parkway Drive) . Recommended ap�roval . 3. 7/30/85 VACATION: Petition of Gordon and Joyce Lewis for the vacation of part of a sewer easement in Lot 1 , Bl�ck 11 , Berland Addition No. 3, for the purpose of curing a building encroachment (bounded by Atlantic, Nebraska and Charnbers) . Recommended approval . 4. �f = 4�D1 NAt+1�E a ` re i at i ng to Bosrd of Wat�e�.�•-Cort�nni ss i qners p�rtai�-i�tg : to rates for metered water services, meters, misc. provisions, etc. R�comtr�r�decl.�,approva 1 . 5. RESOLUTION: providing for sale of asphalt by the City to the Ramsey County. (7-16-85) Recommended approval . 6. RESOLUTION: unnamed private drive in Pathways Addition designated as CREEKSIDE WAY, and Department of Public Works to issue f�ouse numbers for units using Creekside Way, Pathways Drive, and Parkside Drive. (5-21-85) Recommended approval . , . _ , __. _, __._.,-- _ ,____�. ....��.. .._�. . ..... . _ ,. �_w.� .,._.._ -- .._ .� � �� � _ - - 1$t ' �` 9-�� �' 2nd ��- / ��'J . � p� '' _- 3rd �-r� - �� Adopted D � /�'�J � .__.__ Yeas Nays t.� -� DREW /�,— �i5_ 9 D� - U�— ,' �,j� MASANZ %���'.� . � NICOSIA. : ��,, __ ��� SCHEIBEL , � - ', F - SONNEN .. -- WILSON _ _ . MR. PR�SID�NT TI:nT'SCO �_....�, _.._.,....,_.•�..__� :_Y�:_�-. _: _ _._ .^ __,_ . _ � �, � -"'=.__.--�e�s� .z: 1: �^ .,_.. _��,�:,. - ���,��.� _ . ..: t : . ._ . , . .. . . .. . r .Y..,. � _�. . � ...�.. .. - - ��:.