85-887 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CPNARY�DEPARTMENT (g�- (��/� B�UE - MAYOR File NO• d d / . •C cil Resolution , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTIUN APPROVING APPLICATION OF IOTA DEVELOPMENT, FOrt CLFiSSIFICATION OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE SAINT PAUL RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE AS CLASS 4d EMPLOYMEiVT Pl:OPc�TY WHEREAS, Iota Development, ( the "Company") filed with the City Clerk an Application for classification of $66,300 in improvements to existin� property located at 347 East Kellodg Boulevard as Employment Property pursuant to ��linnesota Statutes Section 273. 1313 and the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program (the "Program"); and WHEREAS, the property improvements, tax classification, and State tax credits as set forth in c7etail in the �lay 9, 1985 Staff Report considered at this meetin� have resulted in the retention of the Coinpany and its three current jobs in Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, there has been presented to and considered at this meeting a Participation Agreement between the City and the Company w�ereby the Company covenants respecting the completion of property improvements an� the employment ot a minimum of three new employees resident in the economic hardship area desibnated in tne Program or who are unemployed and economically disadvantaged or of a protected class; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has sent copies o1= the Application to the Ramsey County Assessor and to the governing body of Independent School District No. 625 and of every other public body authorized to levy tax2s upon the property and duly published on i�ay 18, 1985 in the Saint Paul Le�al Ledger, the official newspaper for the City a notice of public hearing before the City Council upon the Company's Application; COUNC[LMEN Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays �� [n,F'avor _ `� __ Against BY -- Form roved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, � t�pproved by INavor: Date A by Mayor for Sub s io o Council By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council {//y /J CANARV -�DEPARTMENT File NO. v� v �� BL`UE - MAVOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2— WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 20, 1985 upon the Application at which hearing opportunity was provided for the Applicant, the County Assessor, representatives of affected taxing authorities and any taxpayer of the City or member of the public to present their views orally or in writing at or before the hearing, and having duly considered the testimony and written views presented at th� hearing and the Application, staff report, draft Rarticipation Agreernent �nci ?�solution 85-09 dated June 6, 1985 of tne Uowntown Riverfront Commission; no��� therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Pa��l tnat i-t herehy d�t�rnines that the Application of Iota Development, the property i�;�provements, retained and new jobs and tax benefits proposed meet the objectives ofi the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. RESOLVED FURTtiER that the City Council additionally finds and determines that the improvement of the Company's facility (1 ) has prevented the loss of employment and is reasonably likely to create new employment in the City, (2) will not have the effect of transferring existin� employment from on� or more other cities within i�iinnesota (3) will result in an increase in market value of the employment property of $66,300 which is .00105� of ths market value of all taxable property in Saint Paul , and (4) will not result in the reduction of the assessed value of existing property within the City owned by the Applicant. RESOLVED FURTHER that the Application and employment property reclassification thereby proposed is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to transmit the Application together with a certified copy of this resolution to the Commissioner of Revenue for consideration and final approval. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas N ays �� [n Favor __ Against BY Form Approved by Cit Attorn y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary gy ` By, tapproved by Ylavor: Date _ App v by Mayor for Submis t Cotsncil By _ B WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK �FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII � /� ry GRNA'RV - DEPARTMENT File NO. �/ �/ �7 BLUE - MAYOR Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —3— RESOLVED FINALLY that the Participation Agreement bet�aeen the City and the Applicant is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are authorized to sign the same on behalf of the City, and upon its sibnature by the Applicant to transmit said Agreement to the Commissioner of Revenue for signature by tne Commissioner or his designee upon final approval of the Application. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �feW Nays nnasanz �_ In Favor Nicosia � Sche�bei _ __ Against BY SOnnen Tedesco wa� JUL — 2 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e b uncil Secret BY B� - tapproved by INavoc at �— a— �S_ '�F' d by Mayor for Submi on o Council By _��_ ��`- B Pt1€3t�s�+�� J U:_ 13 1985 Riverfront Office. PED ,, D��ARTMENT ��l��7 N� 2056 Steve ThomDSOn CONTACT 7494, extension 250 PHONE June 13, 1985 DATE �Q/�� e e N NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Cli All Locations for Si nature : / epartment Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor �`� Finance and Management Services Director � City Clerk udget Director 5 Bill Wilson ' City Attorney - Jim Hart WHA� WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAiCING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Approval of Enterprise Zone application of Iota Development Co. and reclassification of its property at 347 East Kellogg Boulev as class 4d Empl oyment Property. ���',�`Y.� C��" b '`�L'� � � `����' , 4, � ����k� ,�--� �,v��yG,. � �� COSt/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �J �rt��£ Property tax relief for 5 years estimated at $800 per year ($4,000 estimated total) based on improvements to property at 347 Kellogg plus State tax credits having an estimated value of $17,000 over 5 years. Approval will result in retention of the company in St. Paul and the creation of at least 3 new jobs by the company. FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: N/A Activity Number: ATTpCHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : � . Resolution ; DEPARTMENT REVIEW�"` CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW X Yes No Council Resalution Required? ', Resolution Required? X Yes No Yes X No Insurance Requi�ed? iInsurance Sufficient? �Yes No Yes X No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) ReviSed 12/84 , �'�t�a �,�` �`'� �` � �a �"a : � a� e.�y�"� ;� r� �t � � �t��'��.�� ,,. Y;�� r �R�:n`' r s >l�.� �♦ s.' �" f a�.� �,;�' ``W,� �, uy`� , t�;,r-� '� � .�b ,dE �a„ ��s �:; �s '�` �` �"3� 1't.. t ��€�r, -� ,� �S.:..-,��, „rk-��f�'�.�:�.�.��.'f'X` `�_. . ��t } .,��_�d b.,� � �� ..�'�`�"" '�� r t;� � � ��. 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'q�:a a.�J4:� '�u1�:�,.r.{���.`:xr �,<-+�„�" �...g:v aa �:-' '�`'��3� .��" -,t r�*. �'�+h�i �`� ��..f�.. �f�G-'�_'��' r.F,�.;:,,T�'� '>^54'���y�*� �,,,� K, � c. x +FR` ,.'t ..� A� v^r, '�3'. � j�. nrl . � J�'t'� �.,,��<a., a "� C'�"'Y." �,y� �` ��Y; F.*?n."'� ��'� �`�y.3�r ��i�� ��'`, .��..�.��.,w.��,� �•,' '� r ''e t � _'� �'�' 3 ��. ���"a. 3 �`�i `� �,A � �°��� � �,� ". � ��y, : �. .' .-� �;'_r_�>.��, ........e..,,_�.., +�..�. �.:t. i„� 5 a�,.� ..,. ...., .. � L ,.���.,...r�i�'�. a.i_': :.�.....�v�,,x.�' sivetau..t1°3r�'.�'w�+., �.�.. ��L.��. ������� CITY OF SAINT PAUL =�,�o�p� OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL •nuunae ,o�aqOf�+ �'" • Dafe ; June 24, 1985 COMM (TTEE REPORT TO = Saint PQU I City Councit FR� M � Commirtee Oh City Development and Transportation CHAIR William L. Wilson l . Resolution approving St. Paul Riverfront Enterprise . Zone administration agreement (Committee recommends approval as amended) , _ . . . k 2' _ -� � ' (Committee . �,.. ..:;, . ., ,::,.� �. 3 . Ten year lease between City and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company for rental of 150 square feet of unused space located at 17 West Exchange Street (Committee recommends approval 4. Resolution authorizing city to execute five year - lease agreement between the city and 5uburban Plumbing 5upply Company (Committee recommends approval as amended) 5. Jackson Street Shops (Referred to Couneil without recommendation) Not on printed agenda: � 5moke Detectors (Amendment will be submitted for approval at Council ) Lease between Jebco Properties and City of Sa'int Paul (Referred to Council without recommendation) CITY HAI-I- SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI.� MINNESOTA 55102 �.�� . � � _ tiro_�,i � ����� �' Downtown Riverfront Commission Re�olution City of Saint Paul file number 85-09 date June 6. 1985 WHEREAS, the application of Iota Development, for classification of certain of its property at 347 East Kellogg Boulevard within the City of Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone as employment property with reduced property tax assessment and for certain State income tax credits has been presented to and considered at this meeting; and WHEREAS, the application and favorable staff recommendation were considered, the applicant interviewed and said application was favorably recommended to the full Commission by the Development Task Force at its meeting on May 30, 1985; and WHEREAS, said application and applicant commitments meet the private investment and new job creation objectives of the Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Downtown Riverfront Commission that the application of Iota Development, for property tax classification and tax credits under the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program is recommended to the Saint Paul City Council for approval . moved by Mr. Pa�e seconded by Ms. L vn c h in favor 14 against 0 . � �- ���7 NOTICE • An application for reclassification of property through Saint Paul 's Riverfront Enterprise tone Program has been filed by Iota Development. The property proposed for reclassification is located at 347 East Kellogg Boulevard. The property reclassification will be considered at the following public meetings: Development Task Force of the Downtown Riverfront Commission May 30, 1985, 8:00 a.m. 1504 A & 6 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street Downtown Riverfront Commission June 6, 1985, 4:00 p.m. 4th F1oor Meeting Room Saint Paul Public Library 90 W. 4th Street City Development and Transporation Committee of the Saint Paul City Council June 17, 1985, 1 :30 p.m. i07 City Hall 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard • Saint Paul City Council, Public Hearing June 20. 1985, i0:00 a.m. City Council Chambers � 3rd Floor, City Hall � 15 W. Kellogg Boulevard Interested parties are welcome at any or all of these meetings. The applicant, the assessor, representatives of the affected taxing authorities. and any Saint Paul taxpayer may be heard or may present their views in writing at or before the June 20 public hearing. Copies of the application, the report of the Saint Paul Riverfront Office. and the proposed participation agreement between Iota Development and the city may be inspected at the Riverfront Office during normal business hours. Written comments may be delivered or mailed c/o Riverfront Office. 268 City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Pau1, MN 55102. Telephone inquiries may be made to Steve Thompson, 292-1577, ext. 250. • , . (� �,�^ ��`� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON APPLICATION FOR RECLASSIFICATION OF PROPERTY FOR TAX PURPOSES UNDER THE ENTERPRISE ZONE PROCYR.AM Pursuant to Nlinnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273 . 1313 Subdivision 2 (b) and to provision of the Program For City of Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone NOTICE IS NEREBY GIVEN THAT A PUBLIC HEARIiV'G �aill be held before the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chambers , third floor City Hall , 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Pau1 , Minnesota on Thursday , the 20th day of June 1985 , at 10: 00 a .m. , or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, - upon the Application , of /firm nameT Iota ����elopment /a ddr e ss T 347 East Kellogg 6oulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota for reclassification of certain real property located in the Saint Paul Riverfront Enterprise Zone , Ramsey County , Minnesota, as employ- ment property and for assessment of said property as provided for class 4d property in Minnesota Statutes 1984, Section 273 . 13 Subdivision 9 , Paragraph (4) for taxes levied in 1985 and for four succeeding years thereafter. AT SAID PUBLIC HEARING the City Council ��ill consider whether to approve the said Application upon findings as required by ���innesota Statutes 1984, Section 273 . 1313 Subdivision 2(d) . At said Hearing , the Applicant , the Ramsey County Assessor , representatives af affected . taxing authorities and any taxpayer of the municipality or represen- tative of anv community organization will have opportunity to be heard or may present their views in writing at or before the Hearing. Copies of the Application, the report of the Saint Paul Riverfron� Office and the proposed Participation Agreement between the Applicant and the City may be inspected at the office of the City C1erk or the Riverfront office during normal business hours , and written comments may be delivered or mailed c/a City Clerk,' Ra�m 386,, City Hall , 15 [Jest Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul , MN. , 55102 , or c/o Riverfront Offi_ce , Second Floor City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street , Saint Paul , :�1� . , 55102 . Telephone inquiries may be made to Mr. Steve Thompson, 292-1577 , ext. �50. Dated this 13th day of May, 1985. Albert B. Olson � . . City Clerk (May 18, 1985) , �� �� ���� �-^ DEPARTMENTOFPIANNINGANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENT ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY HALL ANNEX � 25 WEST FOURTH STREET SAINT PAUL.MINNESOTA.55102 T ELEPHONE:612-292-1577 M E M 0 R A N D U M DA�fE: May 10, 1985 T0: A1 Olson, City Clerk FROM: Katy Sears Lindblad �� RE: RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE �ONE As we discussed on the telephone, I am sending you a copy of a form of public hearing notice for an enterprise zone- business to be placed on the City Council 's June 20, 1985 agenda: Iota Development It is my understanding that publication will take place on May 18, 1985 in the Saint Paul Legal Ledger. Because the notice says that your office will have copies of the app�ication, the staff report, and the proposed participation agreement on:-file, I have attached a copy of each of these as well. Thank you for, your cooperation. KSL/lo Attachments . � � � 5� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA RF APPLICATION FOR CF/�j RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE TAX CREDITS �0;�^ ,f �. ���� �1. Name of Person Applying: Garv L. Johnson. Sole Proprietor Position: Owner/Manager Name of Business: Iota Development Address of Business: 347 E. Kellog� Blvd, St. Paul , MN 55101 Phone Number: 612-293-0462 2. Legal description of the parcel of land on which the business is located (or is to be located for new construction): Cnnclnminium N�_ 175 Ghi -ago Crea�wP�tern Office Condo vac sts and allevs ac^rri�ing� ar NWIy of Kellogg Blvd of fol• lots 7 & 8 blk 62 & lots 5 thru f3 blk 63 of Ki _ cnn Add: ni . 3 & an undivided 5� interest in common ele— ments. 3. The market value and assessed value of the land and other taxable property from your most recent Property Tax Statement: Estimated Market Value: _ � 3, 800 Assessed Value: �� q 3 �l 4, Total property taxes listed on line 10 of the property tax statement for 19� payable in 19�: #Note: attach a copy of your Property Tax State— � ment. • To'r�l, o nl �.w � io. ti q I,�p 5. If you lease the land or space for your business, do you pay the property taxes? yA Yes No � Who pays the property taxes if you don't? 6. Current number of employees: Full—time: 2 Part—time: 2 , 7. For construction include: A. A general description of the facility or improvement and its proposed use, 1500 sa. ft. rehabilitated, multi—level brick office condominium. B. A probable time schedule for undertaking the construction or improvement. Commenced: November 1983 Com�leted: Januarv 15. 1984 C. An estimate of the probable cost of new construction or improvement. $95.000.00 D. An estimate of the market value of the new or improved facility (excluding • land) when completed. increase of $66,300.00 E. The number of new jobs expected to be created. 3-5 8. State the type and amount of enterprise zone incentives requested and briefly explain why they are necessary to the project: local propertv tax abatement: $800 annually state new emplovee credit: $9000 state pd, prop. tax credit: $1600 annually , These incentives are necessary due to the big jump in property taxes at the Kellogg facility. This will allow the business to continue to prosper and add _additional employees. . I hereby declare and certify that this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 5/9 f 85 gn e of Applicant Date Sole Proprietor Position or Title Remember to attach the following: 1. A copy of your property tax statement for taxes payable in 1985. 2. A check for $1500� payable to Saint Paul Department of Planning & Economic Development. �:^"? „i: OETACH HERE AND RETURN THIS PORTION WITH PAVMENT , f� ., �r •:. p r��l 1 m ^ u;,- . L� -i D A -1�-+D GJ .� r . � --? V T V �,t?n � � p �j.��.F.D T �v �V T � � T �r hJ-C "�C�_-< .D Y ,�n m »t.:� O N. Z � 7: D `� n � � '-2 :. D a � 3 D C Fi i (�l C�-�i • � y�.� m m C. .r p O . m H ; �� f' r -G C_ � � �"Ipi��� `.m > 1- r-C L � T� Z e 3 U o 3 O z � � '� t �7 3 �u Z � + 1 Z D � o C v Z D 2 D t+ � .�� !4 D 9 Z�'C D � m D �Z D C e ��. m �,.. y � �2 2 �� v C Z m a � 6i E'Y' i.� y Z .r.. � � ' `� � D �'u p � y i � k p 1;1' J� D (,U' T O � � � � (TI 2 -ni { i� y � u• � o ��',C Z r � m Z � ` '�; � � ° � � � . �-� �Z a � g � � � 'y F v 'g •� m m r*: a � ;• . ., = o m 9 D � - m J.. O m m `.� 9 y .`CF!. Nn INi� a PJ o= N m N a � - y _'1 N O O �j :7 D < .,W.,a � •O 9 n �3 � O :r C C4 C� r ;i O D C� � �.:.�:•��� .. 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Cr, O O S � �< y N ..-1 W a1 m � ... i.,.,O ,;� �O C -i n �r �n O �... � X r . 1 ' hi � �c: ��� �- cn 2 D � �c+ a � s D m �, Z _ Q . .`. . G� n 1 X m 9 1� �i r.. w.o•n �-- o o � e. o � � �, 4• U Gio O v 'v v z "� CO � Z � � Z I � m � � _ C_ 1' ' � � ' . � �5- �� STAFF REPORT DATE: May 9, 1985 RE: Iota Development Enterprise Zone Application A. Proposed Employment Property Iota Development proposes that its property located at 347 East Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul be reclassified as employment property through the city's Riverfront Enterprise Zone Program. This property is identified by the Ramsey County Tax Department through the property identification number 03-42000-110-63. The property description which appears on the owner's tax statement is as follows: "Condominium No. 175 Chicago Greatwestern Office Condo vac sts and alleys accruing, part NWIy of Kellogg Blvd, of fol: lots 7 & 8 blk 62 & lots 5 thru 8 blk 63 of Kittsons Add; Unit 3 & an undivided 57 interest in common elements." B. Improvements and Proposed Use Iota Development is a small business :which operated out of the owner's home prior to relocating into the multi-level, brick construction office condominium at 347 East Kellogg Blvd. The 1500 sq. ft, of office space in the facility is used by the company as it pursues its principle activities. The business is cliiefly engaged in software development, corporate trainin� and consulting in the use of microcomputers, and in seminar training materials development. In addition to customized software, the firm develops software products which are marketed by publishers. Also. the company is starting its own product line. Iota Development purchased the condominium shell for $15,000 and has spent $95,000 on the interior space. C. Projected Increase in Market Value Upon consultation with the County Assessor. it is anticipated that the Company's property will increase in market value by approximately $66,300. D, Retained and New Jobs The two full—time and two part—time jobs currently at Iota Development are threatened by the business' escalating costs. The business is seeking property tax relief to allow it to continue operating in Saint Paul. In addition, the business estimates it will need to add 1-2 new employees within one year and 3-5 new employees within three years. -2— E. Draft Participation Agreement A draft participation agreement is attached to this report. It includes the following tax benefits for the company: annual 5 yr. total employ. prop. reclass. estimated $800 $ 4,000 state new employee credit $ 9,000 state pd. prop. tax credit $1600 $ 8.000 TOTAL $21 ,000 This represents a private to public ratio of approximately $8. 10 private investment per $1 .00 public tax reduction or credit. It also represents one new or retained job per $3, 500 tax` credits or reductions and one new job per $7,000 tax credits or reductions. F. Council Findings The Iota Development application proposes the creation of 3-5 new jobs, none of which would be a transfer from another Minnesota municipality. The application further proposes e stablishment of an employment property classification of an estimated market value of $66,300, which is .00105� of the market value of all taxable property in Saint Paul. The proposal will not result in the abandonment or demolition of other property owned by the applicant in Saint Paul, causing reduction of the assessed value of existing property within the city. G. Recommendations Staff recommends the City Council approve the employment property reclassification requested by Iota Development. Staff further recommends City Council approve the attached participation agreement as drafted and forward Iota Development's approved application to the Commissioner of Revenue for verification. , . _ . C,� �,s^ �� � PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1. PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: 2. APPLICATION APPROVAL Name DATE Iota Development Address C.F.NO: 347 E. Kellogg Blvd. CiryCouncil St. Paul, MN 55101 EMPLOYMENT PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION EFFECTIVE FOR ASSESSMENT YEARS 19 thru 19 DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE BY: DATE 3. (PERSONS)(OFFICERS)AUTHORIZED TO SIGN FOR PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: Gary L. Johnson Name Name Snla PrnnriPtnr � Title , Title Signature Signature 4. PERSON AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: Gary L. Johnson Name IS AUTHORIZED TO RECEIVE COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE CITY OR STATE ON BEHALF OF THE PARTICIPATING Sole Proprietor BUSINESS. TiUe 347 E. Kellogg Blvd, Address 612-293-0462 . Telephone , , � �/,/-" ��5� �k? 5. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO RECEIVE"EMPLOYMENT PROPERN" CLASSIFICATION(USE DESCRIPTION FROM RAMSEY COUN7Y DEPARTMENT Space for Use of Ramsey ; OF TAXATION,126 CITY HALL AND COUNTY COURTHOUSE7: County Dept of Taxation � p�N 03-42000-110-63 CLASSIFICATION ENTERED: DATE: �ondominium�No 175 Chicago Greatwestern oftice condo, vac sts & alleys accr�inQ aart nwlv of Kello�g Blvd of fol• lots 7 & 8 blk 62 & lots 5 thru 8 blk 63 of Kittsons Add; Unit 3 & an undivided 57 interest in common e i pm n � ,.. , . � � i (Use Reverse Side Of Thls Page If Necessary) i 6. ALTERNATIVE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION:YES_ Np X . � DESCRIPTION ' � � � i ;. 7• TYPES OF STATE TAX REDUCTION: (a) Sales Tax Exemp�on Amount � (b) Income Tax Credlt (�)EmP�oyee Credlt X Amount up to $9,000.00 j (2�D@bt S6NIC@ Cf6f�lt Amount (c) Sffite Paid ProperlyTax Credit X Amount $1600.00 annual ly , i Subject to complfance with this Agreement,to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1984,Section 273.y312 to 273.1314 inclusive,and such regulations as may be adopted by the Department of Revenue or of Energy and Economic Development(the"AcY7,and upon filing proper tax returns and schedules,the participating busines��elig(ble for 19 89 as appropriate against Minnesota income tax and property tax liabilities for the tax years 18 t� throu h � 9 � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE VERIFICATION � Date rtie ' � ��� �5���� 8. COVENANTS BY PARTICIPATING BUSINESS: , In making�pplication for enterprise zone credits,the participating business has represented and hereby covenants,for itself and its successors or assigns,(the"Participating Business"): (a)that(itj-(-�e)will submit construction plans and evidence of financing and will commence,diligenUy pursue and timely complete improvements to the property described in Section 5 above in the dollar amount and as specifted in the"Property Improvement Schedule"annexed hereto as Attachment"A". Commencement Date November 1983 Completion Date- J a n u a ry 15, 1984 Amount$ 95.000 (b)that(it}f�e)will recruit,employ and train new employees resident in the economic hardship area designated in the Riverfront Enterprlse Zone Program,or persons who are unemployed and economically disadvantaged or of a protected class in accordance with the provisions of the"EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDULE"annexed hereto as Attachment"B",and that the minimum number of new employees shail be as follows: Number of New Empioyees 3 (th ree) (c)that{#j�=he)will maintain complete records respecting its pertormance of the covenants set forth in Section 8(a) and(b)herein,and permit access to said records by accredited representatives of the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue,Ramsey County Tax Department and City Riverfront Office;that fftrt___Fie)will report quarterly to the Division of Job Creation and Training the number of hires coVered by this Agreemen�and that upon request and at least annually{4�f=he)wili report to the Rivertront Office on forms provided by the Riverfront Office on y° construction completion,new hires and other direct or indirect economic activity resulting from its facility operadons ln the Rlverfront Enterprlse Zone. (d)that{itj f_he)will prompUy and satisfactorily perform each covenant herein undertaken and each othe� . requfrement of the Act,the Program or of this Agreement imposed as a condition of the approval of the application for and grants of tax credits and designation of property classification. 9. REVOCATION The Councll may revoke an alternative local contribution and may request the Commissioner of Revenue to approve the revocation of a classificaUon pursuant to the Act if it finds and determines by resolution,aiter hear(ng upon notice mailed to the appllcant by certified mail at Ieast 60 days before the hearing,that r (a)The construction or improvement of the Participating Business'property and operating facility has not been completed within two years after the approval of the classi�cation,or any lor�ger period as may be provided in Section 8(a)hereof; (b)The Participa�ng Business has not proceeded in good faith with the construction or improvement of the facility, or with its operation,in a manner which is consistent with the purpose�of the Act,the represen�tions of the applica�on,or the covenants of this Agreement;or (c)The Participating Business has misrepresented a material statement conTained in its application for tax credit, has failed to perform any express covenant of this Agreement or is not in continuing compliance wilh requirements or conditions for approval or grant of an alternative local contribu#ion,state tax reductions or credits under the Act, the Program or this Agreement REVOCATION OF AN ALTERNATIVE LOCAL CONTRIBUTION OR OF AN EMPLOYMENT PROPERN CLASSIFICATION SHALL 7ERMINATE STATE TAX EXEMPTIONS,CREDITS AND REDUCTIONS. The City Councll may Impose or request imposition of a remedy other than revocatlon,including withholding of eligibiliry ceniflcatlons for credits,exemptions or reductions,or institution of suit for speci�c performance or other remedy in law or equity.No failure of the Ciry to exercise or make selection of a particular remedy for breach of this A�reement by the Participating Business shall be deemed a walver of its r(ghts to enforce pertomfance by the _ PartiCipating Bus(ness of its obUgations under the Act or this Agreement by any remedy avallable to the Clty in law. ,,_.,�,,:: }, . . __... _ ._.___ , .... . . _ - _ __ _.: _ , _ ; , _____.�, _._. � ; , , __....___------..._ ._ • , 10. RECAPTURE (�/`� d��`��� In the event the Participating Business ceases to operate its facility in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone within two years after the expira�on of tax reductions under the Act and this Agreement,the Participating Business covenants and � agrees that it shall repay the amount of tax reductions and of the local contributlon pursuant to the following schedule: , Terndnatlon of Operations Repayment Portlon i - ; Less than 6 months after expiration of tax reductions 100 percent ! ' 6 months 75 percent 12 months or more,but less than 18 months 50 percent ' 18 months or more,but tess than 24 months 25 percent 1 The repayment shall be immedlately due upon such cessation of operation of its zone facility,payable to the State of Mlnnesota to the extent it represents an income tax credit or reduction and payable to the City to the extent it ; ; represents a property tax reduction or other local contribution. 11. OTHER TERMS Iota Development has completed the improvements referenced in Section 8 (a) of this Agreement, detailed in Attachment "A", to the satisfaction of the . City. Iota Development is currently a sole proprietorship which is planning to incorporate. If/when such incorporation occurs, the corporation assumes the obligations of this Agreement and receives the benefits herein specified. � ,. , ! � i � ' � � e � 12. EFFECTNE LIATE A ' This Agreement has been accepted and executed on behalf of the Participating Buslness by the offtcers whose ti�es ` and signatures appear In Section 3,above.The Application and Agreement have been approved by action of the Saint I Paui City Council as recited in Section 2 above,and is executed on behalf of the City of Saint Paul by the officers whoae tttles and signatures appear below.This Agreement shall be effecUve upon its execuUon(n Section 2 above and its delivery to the City of Saint Paul by the Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue or his authorized designee. ( CIIY OF SAINT PAUL , � Date • MAYOR; ; _ ��CITY CLERK� Date � ` Date � DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE&MANAGEMENT SERVICES � . ..�::: 'N. � � - Approved as to Form � Assistant City Attorney � � - � � �����^s- �� PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULE ATTACHMENT"A" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT � RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE � , Iota Development PARTICIPATING BUSINESS A. Facility descriptlon 1500 sq. ft. rehabilitated office condominium. Multi-level brick � construction. � ; B. Construc�on Specifications(identify every specification or drawing,tiUe;date and approving architect or engineer)* , _ . i 1 - , . I (copies of each drawtng or specification must be supplied to the Rivertront Office). � �.:' . I c. ConstrucUon Cost Detatl � Per Brooks & Isaacs Construction statement: ;E ' � � ��" di rect cost $95,000 ; : "`` �� shell, overhead, profit $15,000 � ���` ����`' TOTAL sale price $110,OU0 ' _. ._.. _._.__ � ---------,rt.�,._ � ----._--_ _ _ � - -_.—_ --. _. _ _ _ _ . _ D. Flnancing commibnents(equt and mortgage financing) ___F'inanced through Capital Cit Bank ~ *Preliminary plans may be submitted with the Application.Within days of approval of this Application by the � ; Commissionor oi R�v�nua,flnal oonstruotlon plano and spooitfoationa aoaeptable to tho Clty will ba aubmitted. Iota Develooment " _ PARTICIPATING BUSINESS City of Saint Paul � �v By ' � _. By ' � . . By � . , . ����S ��7 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SCHEDULE � ATTACHMENT"B" PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT RIVERFRONT ENTERPRISE ZONE Iota Development PARTICIPATING BUSINESS I. GENERAL ' A The City desires to increase employment opportunities for long-term unemployed,economically disadvantaged Saint Paul residents,with Developer/Employers for jobs within Saint Paul's Riverfront Enterprise Zone. B. Developer/Employer agrees to use the Ciry as its primary source for recruitment,training,referral,and placement of new or replacement entry level employees in accordance with the terms of this Agreement C. The Cii�r's delegate agency will be the Division of Job Creation and Training in the Department of Planning and Economic Development,Saint Paul,MN 55102(Job Creation),or any other appropriate City agency as may be designated by the Mayor. , D. This Agreement becomes effective upon the date hereof and shall continue for five years from the�me Employer/Developer xcupies facilities in the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,unless terminated as provided herein. E This Agreement shall be appiicable to all Developer/Employer new or replacement entry level posiUons for which economically disadvantaged(i.e.:JTPA-ellgibie)persons are or might reasonably be available.This Agreement shall not apply m those jobs covered by existing collective bargaining agreements or other contracts to which the Developer/Employer is a pariy,where the terms of this Agreement would cause Developer/Employer to breach the provisions of such agreements. � . , II. 'RECRUITMENT � ��/� The employment positions covered by this Agreement include all Developer/Employer job openings performed within the Riverfront Enterprise Zone,in the classlfications,titles and 4ualifications contained in Exhibit A B. The Developer/Employer will notity Job Creation of its need for new employees in covered positions as soon as the Developerf Employer decides to hire such empioyees or,if possible,nineiy(90)working days prior to the expected ' hi�ing dates.No�flcation may include the information required in Exhibit A. ' C.The Developerl-Employer wiil provide Job CreaUon with its best estimate of the number and�ming of potential job openin�s,through use of the form provided in Exhibit B. D. The Developer/Empioyer may notify Job Creation of all vacancies for Developer/Employer job openings in the Riverfront Enterp�ise Zone which are not covered by this Agreement The Developer/Employer is not obligated to hire employees from these referrals from Job Creation. E Job openings which are filled by internal promotions from the Developer/Employer's local work force are not covered by this Agreement III. REFERRAL A Job Creatlon will refer applicants according to the qualifications requested by Developer/Employer. B. If Va(ning for specific)ob openings has been agreed upon between 4he City and Developer/Employer(n a separate agreement under paragraph V.hereof,trainee applicants will be considered qualified only when Uie train(ng is . � successfully completed by applicant , C. Developer/Employer reserves the right to make all declsions on hlring new or additlonal employees,including the quaUfica�ons of applicants,but agrees to hire for covered posiUons from among those persons referred by Job Creatlon or the Salnt Paul Urban League who meet the job descriptions and qualifica�ons,or other persons cerdfied as eligible. ' � , . . . � ��- ��� N. PLACEMENT A When Developer/Employer notifies Job Creation of job openings in covered positions prior to ninety(90)working days in advance of the proposed date to hire,Job Creation will notify the Employer five(5)working days prior to the appl(cation closing date of the number of applicants Job Creation will refer. B. If Job Crea�on cannot refer the total number of qualified applicants,the Developer/Employer may fill the remaining positlons by any means. C.Job Creation will a)provide assistance and monitor job retention of employees piaced under this agreement for six months,and bj monitor Developer/Employer's pertormance under thls Agreement Developer/Employer will submit Quarterly Hlring Summaries in substantially the form attached as Exhibit C. D. After the Developer/Employer has hlred an applicant referred by Job Creation,Job Creation will not be responsible for the employee's conduct and the Developer/Employer releases the ciiy from any liabiliiy for the actions of such employees. V. TRAINING , A Job Crea�on and the Developer/Employer may agree in a separate agreement to develop classroom training, on-the-job training,pre-employment training or other training programs.The training specifications and cost for such training shali be set forth in that Agreement. 6. The Developer/Employer will not discontinue routine on-the-job training to employees hired under this Agreement, because of this Agreement or supplements to this Agreement. VI. CONTROLLING LAWS AND AGREEMENTS A If this Agreement conflicts with or requires Developer/Employer to breach an existing collective bargaining agreement or any other exfsting agreements,said agreements shall prevail. B. Developer/Employer will provide Job Creation with written evidence that Developer/Employer has provided the representative of any collective bargaining unit with a copy of this Agreement and has requested comments from said unit Developer/Employer will provide such comments to Job Creation. C. The D�veloper/Employer wili not violate any local,state,or federal law or regulation. �" Vil. DEFINITIONS �.Y A Riverfront Enterprise Zone: The erea designated by the State of Minnesota as an enterprise zone as detailed in Exhibit D. B. Covered Employees: New or replacement entry level employees and such other employees as may be mutually agreed upon betweeen the parties. , Tota D _veloQment PARTICIPATING BUSINESS City of Saint Paul � By � �r gy .. __.... -.---..�._-- . ay --- _� � ��5 `��� ATTACHMENT B ` DCHIBIT A JOB ORDER FORM City of Saint Paul Division of Job Creation and Training 1. Employer 2. Date 3. Job Title 4. Number of Openings 5. Job Loca�on 6. Contact Person Phone 7. Supervlsor 8. Beginning Date Endin9 9. Starting Salary $ per Salary after training $ per 10. Benefits . 11. Days to be worked 12. Hours 13. Will union membership be required? Yes No . If yes,which union and local number . 14. If this job involved on-the-job usining to be subsidized by the City,how long will that training period be? (attach speciflc training plan) 15. Speci�c Dutles ; ' . ,�,. . .» _ . . ;� > � ---- .-- _ _._ __. __ _ __ _— -------- -- --- _ .__. _.__ _ 16. Necessary Quailfica�ons . ----. - __. ____.. .__ _. � 5���� Levei of experience or training required to enter program ; (include licenses and/or certificates necessary): _ _._._ . . . _._... _ � ------- ---------.�____ . . _. ._ __ _.__ _._. .. . - -__.. 17. Is a valid Minnesota Drivers'Ucense required? Yes No . ' � � _ . G%-�'S �"�� 18. Are your employees in this position expected to provide any necessary tools in the job(s)?Yes No (If yes, please attach an itemlzed list(with prices)of tools required for each position.) 19. Education level needed to perform this job(if any) � . :, Z0. Describe any on-the-job training you normally provide for this position(i.e.,without City funding) 21. Is there a posslbllity for promotion from this job?Yes No If yes,to what posttion(s)? 22. Environmental Condttions 23. Physical Demands a.Working Envlronment a.Strength=%time job will require Inside % Standing % Walking % Outside 9�6 Sitting % Yes No yyei9ht(Number of Pounds) b.Extreme cold wlth or without L.ifting Carrying � temperature changes ' Pushing Puliing c.Extreme heat with or without Yes No temperature changes b.Climbing d.Wet and/or humid Balancing . Stooping e.Vibration Kneeling Crouching f. Hazards Crawling Mechanical Reaching • a��l Handling Bums Fingering ` ' Expiosives Feeling ; f Radfoact(vity �. Talking bther' Hearing Ordinary Conversation g.Atrnospherlc Conditions Other Sounds Fumes � ' Dusts Seeing � Mi� Acuity,Near �s Acuity,Far Poor Ventilation Depth Perception �ef Color Vision �,---—� Field of Vision h.Noise � �� � Estimated Maximum Number of Declbels 24. Could a person with lim(ted English speaking skills perform this job? Yes No Could a person with Umited English reading/writing skilis perform this job? Yes No 25. is public transportadon easily accessibie? Yes No 26. Does the job require shfft work or other than traditional hours? Yes No d•:�-i.�, -��.x�.� ' � (ff Yes�P��se clarify)'`.. . . ,< ��.. , ,,.. ���s��� � ATTACHMENT B DCHIBIT B , ESTIMATED HIRING SCHEDULE � City of Saint Paul Division of Job Creation and Training Employer Date Transfer from Future Job Other Immediate New Hires Ti�es Locations New Hires (No.&Date) � ; � i � � . � .s�" - � r . � . 1 � . . . . �. . . �� �� � � . � � i , � .. .. � . � .. � .� i . � . ' . . � . ,�:i' . . .. . . , i � . .. .. ,. �. . . �, . i'. . . .. . . . . . , � ��� i t• ; � , . . . . - C�-��--��� ATTACHMENT B � EXHIBIT C , QUARTERLY HIRING SUMMARY For�uarter Ending• Listed below are the positlons in your firm which are covered under the Employment and Training Agreement with the City. Please list the number of hfres for thls quarter for each category and return this form to the Division of Job Creation and Training wlthin thirly(30)days following the close of that quarter. � Position Title Total New Hires . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. I certlfy that the above information is true and accurate. � � � � Authorized Signature ' � _ , , , Title � '. i Date , j � Pt�se retum thisform to: Division of Job Creation and Training Departrnent of Planning and Economic Development 25 West Fourth SVeet ' t Saint Paul,Minneaota 85102 ! � � ICC ����'� �� � .� � � � � .1CC �� ,� '� _ �'�- +� 1� ��II If� 1=j= = = = �� �� � �� � � � � � � C � ... . � �� �: � � � � �� � � �o �� �. I li ' �� � � �,��. �� -- �■ R�1 L � ''�� � ��, �...r�1 � '■� - � ��! � 'r� �i��:� .�('�' '',� � � ��' �: ; . . ,_ , � 1�11�11�1'll � .�_ _ _ , ; �� �� _ . 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I-�'�''`' _ - � ��' �� �- --�r � �:�_=� � ,y � �� � ._ , i _��•,_.�. � -:i.. � �' �� �L J _ �, ,. . '� :� � � � � - � �' l � � '� �-■ ■���I,f -� �4��if�� ■ � e��■ ■ -� ■4 _�;�, ��� � �1 '� � � ■ � "'!■ �� � � ' f �C ■=� ■ ■ :� �..� � ��... / �' � , ��"� ■ 1� � ■ ���� � �f�.�� �r .. . � � �'� •� � IFY � 1���■ ■ � � ■ �� � � .� , ��1���=■ : � ���� � �� � . � �� � '- - � - --- ? • :�:�--� . , , � „ , , . . . -- � � ���---�� f �A��Yr'/�~�U�--_. o�o R��Y r�S�`�-�,-_..! ,dQM � ; �t;G� C!N �, :,, , ��rs: TKDA -��T �� � ,a`a; ���; v;'E��� ANDASSOCIA�TESAINCO PORAT�ED ENGINEERS ARCHITECTS PLANNERS A��� 2500 AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK BUI�DING �I 6 2f 292-4 00 MINNESOTA 55101 June 28, 1985 Mr. Eugene Kt-aut Executive Vice President Th e Por t Aut h or i ty of th e C i ty of Sa i nt Pa u I 25 West 4th Street, Sui te 1305 Sai nt Paul , Mi nnesota 55102 ;`��"��� Re: Wal k-th rough I nspect 1 on Jackson Street Railroad Shops Comm i ss i on No. 4444-85 Dear Mr. Kraut: We have re-v isi ted the above referenced si te to prav ide the Port Authori ty with our opi ni on on the condi tion of the three easternmost bui I di ngs, thei r sui tabi I ity for rehabl I itati on for I ight i ndustri al use, and thei r compati bi 1 ity with the devel opment of the enti re area. t . Er��_FQ�an�L�c�h�m.I�_��.Ilsil���n�It.�1L�tQt�s The roof and roof supporti ng structure are i n poor condi ti on. The exterlor masonry has been al tered and needs maJor tuckpoi nti ng. The wood f ramed shed i s i n a badl y deter i orated cond i ti on. We do not conside� this building adequate for rehabil itation. 2. �1s�S�S�m1th_�DSi���rX Shoo The north porti on wood roof and deck i s I eaki ng badl y and i s deteriorati ng. The exterior w indow and doo� al terati ons to the origi nal i imestone are extensive. The interior- has been ai tered w ith steel beams and col umns. Rehabi I itation of th is portion woul d have I ittle historical significance due to the major alterations. The south porti on, whi l e i n sl ightl y bette� condi ti on than the north, woul d t nterfere w ith proposed street and uti I iti es serv i ng the proposed devel opment. We do not feel that rehabi I itati on of th i s bu P i di ng i s warranted. 3. 1�h�1_�.R Exi�eri or I imestone beari ng wal I has been extensivel y ai tered and i s i n need of tuckpoi nti ng. The root and deck are deteri orati ng. We consi der fihe bui I di ng margi nal I y adequate fo� rehabi I ltati on. Wh i l e the Wheel Shop and a porti on of the B I acksm i th and Battery Shop are ma�ginal ly adequate for rehabil itation, their presence on an otherwise cl ea�ed si te of 2 acre I ots tproposed) woul d be det�imental . AI so, the butldings a�e presentiy unoccupied, neglected and are continuing to deterdorate. S�x months ta a y�ar ad�itio�af deteriora#i�n couid caus� maJor probi ems w ith the wood roof supporti ng st�uctures. . • - � ��_.',�`�� �S��'� �� :�� ; . / Mr. Eugene Kraut J une 2 8, 1985 Page Two As an al te�native, we suggest that I imestone and timber fran the exi sti ng bu i I di ngs be stored and protected at the si te. An i nnovati ve devel oper could inoorpo�ate them into one or mor-e buildings as an example of 19th century construction mate�tais and architecture. Sincerely, � �. ohn R. Madden, P. E. Minnesota Reglstration No. 6111 J RM/I I cc: Owen Beatty �. ' ` ���� {�,> �<,ti '/ <� - _ _; _ ;� �:�,� �:`,,, �: � �r�° �T��flF Pi�� -_'��;OiMT A�1�����'�` ': �4'�+A��T!¢N .P�!"'X FQ,it T1�PIISl�B��Bt 3� ;: � .r, _ � ��[, � �: �� � ,,, . . •; � . � P�t �tutes 1�4. ° �.�i��'i � � 3 �Qt.,. �4vfs�I�d�t c'' +�'i�t C�ty oE�S PaF�i, ,... �e, :.' - .Nt)'1'iCE I3 Y�G►NEN THAT A P ES:��CA�G-�;�t�.�qt+�s„ ,;. ,_tl�z Gounci�oi,ttua��ty S�it ., in ��;�re!l�tiw�� ., o!Ju�►.�������ai�at P ' ` ,�_ � � ..�,� � , ' .,�. � ��,llL�'�a�Ldr�� y, ;� �i��erfrAa����et�anse�� . �t�.:?!m�e�,; �d�l��l�!'+11t1d' �lyp�+�ellwt�irl� �!� � � � t�9�_�t��t�ee.: ..� 4� � ,�' ,-� ,� ��$ : +i�+d i . 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