85-884 WHITE - UTV CLERK � � � PINK �FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council � /y CENARV - DEPARTMENT x/� //�/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. u� �+ � � Coun il Res ution � � , Presented By �eferred To � 1 �yl�l��': Committee: Date � "� °�-� �g5 Out of Committee By Date PAGE ONE WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1985 BUDGET; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1985 BUDCET: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN BUDGET CHRNGES Budget 410 Police Training Fund 34012-0200 Fund Balance 38,763 94,539 133,302 34012-3410 Police Officer Training 87,000 0 87,000 NET CHANGE 125,763 94,539 220,302 SPENDING PLAN 410 Police Training Fund 34012-111 Salaries-Full Time Certified 33,708 6,020 39,728 34012-141 Salaries-Overtime 0 711 711 34012-161 Salaries-Salary Reserve 1,685 ( 1,685 ) 0 34012-219 Other Professional Fees 20,000 ( 17,057 ) 2,943 34012-241 Outside Printing 0 105 105 34012-251 Travel - Transportation 5,639 4,302 ) 1,337 34012-252 Travel - Lodging, Meals 7,519 5,259 ) 2,260 34012-253 Registration Fees 5,639 353 ) 5,286 34012-254 Training - Tuition 0 3,200 3,200 34012-259 Other Miscellaneous Fees 0 85 85 . .. . . .PAGE ONE - CONTINUED. . .. .. ... . . .. . .. . . . .. .. COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fletcher Nays o'e`"' In Favor POLICE 6-14-85 Masanz Nicosia /� I �� scheibe� J __ A�ainst By L�,� Tedesco Wilson Form Approved C' y ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy t�pproved by lVlavor: Date Approve y Ma c mission to Council BY � WHITE - CITV CLERK COUi1C11 PINK -�FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� � Co ncil R solution . , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date . .. .. . . . .. .... .PAGE TWO - COIVTIP�UED. . .. .. .. .. . . .. . . CURRENT AMENDED SPENDING PLAN CONTINUED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 410 Police Training Fund 34012-279 Other Repair or Maintenance 4,000 ( 4,000 ) 0 34012-289 Other Miscellaneous Rentals 2,000 0 2,000 34012-294 Miscellaneous Testing Services 0 10 10 34012-325 Lumber Supplies 5,000 ( 5,000 ) 0 34012-367 Training Supplies 0 1,558 1,558 34012-369 Other Office Supplies 0 572 572 34012-373 Heat - Gas 0 1,200 1,200 34012-439 Fringe Benefits 15,573 ( 1,573 ) 14,000 34012-815 Equipment - Tables, Chairs 0 3,180 3,180 34012-818 Equipment - Other Furniture 20,000 ( 20,000 ) 0 34012-843 Specialized Equipment 0 7,845 7,845 34012-848 Other Specialized Equipment 5,000 ( 5,000 ) 0 34012-892 Architectural Fees 0 5,000 5,000 34012-898 Building Improvements 0 129,282 129,282 NET CHANGE 125,763 94,539 220,302 NOMI, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council adopts these chasges to the 1985 BUDGET. ��1��,-,� I:a� PAGE TWO COUNCILMFrN Requested by Department of: Yeas �-�;�atai��� NaYs Drew � � [n Favor POLICE 6-14-85 Masanz n Nicosia /�/1.„ . /'-. /�,���� Scheibel °' __ Against By _� R 1���(��� (���1/� v Tedesco Wilson JUL - 2 1985 Form Approved y ty ttorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya- d C cil S tar BY , , By t�pproved by iNavor. t �_�-- � �" JUL " L � v�Appr ve y o o mission to Council By �� � V-�G�d-� � PU�is►i�o �U L 13 1985 Pol ite DEPARTMENr ° ` �-�S�� Sgt. Joseph Pol ski " ` ' ' N� 1575 � CONTACT 292-3551 PHONE � June 18, 1985 DATE 1 e ,r� ,, ,,, ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Si nature) : Department Director 2 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Mana ement Services Director City Clerk Budget Director � 1' City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : To adjust the spending plan to account for changes in' the construction of the Police Officer reaction course at the outdoor Target Range. C t '�(./TV e-� �� ,� <�C 1/�-f'_ � ��l.p�/ 1' ( V d� .�V� .� CdST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Budgeted in the Police Training Fund FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: $220,302.00 quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: 34012 - Police Training Fund Activity Number: 34012 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : Council Resolution DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW x Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 '��;%�'`��� CI��"''O�' . � '"� � �: �� � .. . . .. ��.._��______'____—. .f'�:�;'` f�� ��� • ,SAIN'1� ��1�3'L � f:'_�; ��T-`��t��.�1 OTI.�ICI�: OI�' �.`TIIi: CIT'i'" CDUi\CLL - '� •J��ii•S�.'� t``� �'r.i` ���.�i�'r"-1 � � � .. ��:f'�� -' �>� �' D�t e : June 2 7, 19 8 5 ��:;-�°`,;�c=°= .- :y:,,,;�, _ . . . CO � I� f��'" EE F� E PO ��' . i a = Satn.t P�uI Ci�� Coun�ll . � � �� � ��� " C�I�2 4�1 I t i�� Q� FINANCE, MANAGENiENT & PERSONNEL � � C�A l R JAMES SCHEIBEL _ • 1 . Approva 1 of m.i nutes from meet i ng• hel d June 20, 1985. � ,��� r-�'� 2. Introauction of Kathryn Frietimann, ne��r Building Su, rinte dent. � - � f���:�s� - 3. Resolution C�ing the title, 9�'ade, and class spec' �cation for the title af Building Maintenance S ervisor--l.ibraries in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel ) ��� ,/ v 4. Resolution changing the grade, section numoer and class specification for . the title of Animal Control upervisor in the Civil Service Rutes. (Personnel ) �=0`-- , � _ . ��� 5. Resolution a fng the 1985 budget by �dding �94,539 to the Financing P!an and tQ the 5 e��gy'P���Pe f i ce Tra i t�i ng Fund. v 6. Resolutibn amend' g the 1985 Speciai Fund Budge* by adding $90,000 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Comprehensive Improvement �Assistance Pro ram (Minar" Youth Housing Training Program) . (PED� 7. Resolution ��r(c�the budget by adding $163,80Z to the Financing • Plan and t th/� Spendi g Plan for DePertment of Fire and Safety Services. - � /) �� 8. Resoluti amending the 1985 budget by adding $117,559 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Housing and Building Code Enforcement. (Commun i ty Serv i ces) /�l� /f'/�� / /�E�=/I �, . r�t-- U U '�� 9. Resolution consenting to the issuance of Port Authority Revenue 8onds in the amount of. $1 ,985,000 - Blair House. (This resolution was passed at - City Council June 18 and inadvertently taid over in Finance 6/Z0.) ' � /����/��5�,��J . . � . / . C:TY HALL SL'VENTF�;FLOOr. S�1INT PAUL,�tititi`ESaT�I 55I03 � •�„