85-875 WHITE r- CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council . CANARV - DEPARTMENT Jp{} 7 �UE � MAVOR File NO. �_` "� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Property Description: Kipp' s Macalester Park, St. Paul, MN. East 15 ' of Lot 25 and all of lots 26, 27 and 28, Block l. --------------------------------------------- 6-11-85 6-85H 107/115 Fairview Fairview Terrace Co. BOARD ACTION: Moved to refund the filing fee to appellant as this did not jurisdictionally belong with the board. Property Description: Merriam Park Third Addition Lot 7, Block 6 --------------------------------------------- 6-11-85 4-86-H 1664 Ashland Ave. Evelyn Van Allen BOARD ACTION: Moved to refund the filing fee to appellant as this did not jurisdictionally belong with the board. Property Description: Schroeder' s Addition to the City of St. Paul, Lot 9, Block 15 --------------------------------------------- 6-11-85 7-85-H 2238 Doswell Avenue Dorothy S. Healy BOARD ACTION: Moved to refund the filing fee to appellant as this did not jursdictionally belonq with the board. Property Description: St. Anthony Park North Subject to Como Ave. and Easement The southeasterly 50 ' of Lot 13 and north- westerly 10 ' of Lot 14, Block 32 . COUNC[LMEN Yeas Drevv Nays Requested by Department of: '�''"r � In Favor .fi�eeara Scheibel d __ Against BY — Sonnen Tedesco 1Ahtson ��N 21 1985 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas e b uncil Se ar BY �-�� `� � �/��S By� l\ppr d by Mavor: Dat �' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Y BY Pua �s��o J �� M�H17E♦ - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L Council /�' � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO• �"r ��� �l.l1E � MAYOR Cou il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sain� Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and �eview pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerp-�ed T?inu'tes of said Board of Ap�eals and .�eview, dated June 11, 1985, and marked EX�I�BT� A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE NO. PROPERTY LT9P��iTJ!JF i:�T 6-11-85 22-85-H 356 & 372 N. Comers ramily L-�d. Cleveland Partnership BOARD ACTION: Granted a six week extension of time to July 31, 1985, to install deadbolt locks on all apartments at 356 N. Cleveland; and a three month extension of time (September 15, 1985) to install deadbolt locks on 372 N. Cleveland Avenue per code. Property Description: 356 N. Cleveland: Merriam Park, Ramsey County, MN, Lot 4, Block 17 . 372 N. Cleveland: Merriam Park, Ramsey County, MN, Lots 1 and 2 , Block 17. --------------------------------------------- 6-11-85 34-85-H 1835 �ndolph Ave. Joseph P. Schwebel BOARD ACTION: Granted a 90 day extension of time from June 11, 1985 to allow time to figure out alternative measures with the Fire Department to react to special conditions. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: In Favor _ __ Against BY Form App ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY CC^�•.X--- � t�ppro e by Mavor: Dat � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY _ , . C�d'.s=��s EXHIBIT A Excerpts Minutes Board of Appeals & Review Meeting , June 11 , 1985 �`�.. _ .,. 22-85-H 356 & 372 N . Clevel�arrd Commers Family Ltd. Partnership SUBJECT Request variance from requirement for deadbol�t locks on a 1 1 apar�.men�ts . APPEARANCE Nancy Manciers , George Letendre, Virginia Neal , and Julie Blomberg PROCEEDINGS Ms . ,Manders explained the buildin�`''currently has paneled doors , some have louvers and in 1987 the doors need �to be redone . The doors , she stated, have been made self closin� and s i nce the 1 ast mee�t i nq �they sen�t a 1 etter to � 1 1 res i d�n-ts ask i n� them their feelinc� regardinc� this . Seven residents clave support of their request (they were sat, isfied with the current locks ) ; four responded negatively in wri �. ing and one verbally. Alice Bijjani remincle.d the board that at the last meeting , at which time Ms . Manders was no�� present, the board se� a deddline for deadbolt locks �to be installed by June 30 , 1985 . She wondered about the list of polic:e calls to these apartments . I�t was noted there were no re�ort�s of burglaries or the�t a�t th�: center bu i 1 d i ng .wr� i ch does 17ave correct deadbo 1 t 1 ocks . Some discussion followed rec7arding the main entrances which places the responsibility or� the residents to lock the doors behind them. The cloors are old , Julie Blomberg, tenant , s�ta�ted and need to be pushed or pulled quite firmly. William Hite suggested deadbol �: locks can be put in the exis�ting doors and when the doors are replaced at a la�ter time, the locks can then be i�.ns�ta 1 1 ed i n �the new doors . BOARD ACTION Bill Tilton moved to grant a six week extension to put deadbolt locks in 35G North Cleveland (July 31 , 1985) and a three monl�h extension for 370 North Cleveland (Sep�,ember 15 , 1985) for the rest of the buildings to have 1 '" deadbolt locks installed., The motion was seconded and carried. THE VOTC Ayes 5 Nays 1 (Rosann) No abstentions ------------------------------------------------- , - � � � � �� ��-��� 34-85-H 1835 Randolph Ave Joseph P. Schwebel SUBJECT Request variance from code perta�-,� ing to s�tored ma�terials from under stairways , as the l�ockers are shee�rocked and fire ra�ted. Removing -these locker� would cause a burden on both the tenants and the owner as there is no alternate storage space available. � APPEARANCE Joe Schwebet PROCEEDINGS Mr. Schweb�l explained he has 6 ���irage lockers , some used by the tenant,s and some by the qwner. ' The lockers are sheetrocked, two have metal doors . One is used for lawn mower and snowblower and is ec�uipped wi-th a new heat detec�tor . He feels the location of all smoke and heat detectors and fire alarm system to protect these lockers was approved by the fire marshal . It would cause a burden on both the owner and tenani�s if this storage space if-no-t allowed. He is askinq a variance for continued use of �,his space . Alice Bijjani said he does have a fire alarm system. She feels , however, it is defini�l:Ely dangerous �o have a gas powered lawn mower and/or� snowblower stored in this area . The two s�tairwells in the basemen�t need to be se�arated by 1987 as these stairs connect three levels . This is state fire code, Alice explained. Ms . Bijjani suggests I�Ir . Schwebel go back �.o the drawing board and figure out a way to enclose the storage area from thE stairwell enclosures . Perhaps , she felt the buard could grant a 60 day extension of time to do this . BOARD ACTION Bill Tilton moved to grant a 90 day exzension of time , from June 11 , 198,�, to figure out alternative measures wi -th the F i re Departmen�: to �reac�L �to spec i a 1 cond i�t i ons . MOT I ON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY . -------------------------------------------- At the March meeting of the board, there were three cases where it was decided they did not iurisdictionally b�lonq with the Board of Appea 1 s , therefore , the f i 1 i ng i=ee, shou7-�i� be refunded to the �Following individuals . .�, BOARD ACTION Bill Tilton moved to ref-und the filing fee to Fairview Terrace Co . , 10�/ 115 1=airview, Case No. 6-85-H ; to Evelyn Van Allen , 1664 Ashland Ave. , Case No. 4-85-H; and Dorothy S. Healy, 2238 Doswell Ave . , Case No. 7-85-H . Rosann Bostrom seconded the motion . MOTION CARRIED . UNANIMOUSLY . ---------------------------------------- The meeting adjaurned at 4 : 00 p.m. CANARY-VENDOR ADVICE C I TY O F SA I N T PA U L �� WHITE-ENCUMBERING DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT+SERVICES GREENi-PURCHASING PINK-DEPT.ACCTG c c G'ROD-PREPARING OFFICE CitY HdII,Saint Paul, Minnesata 55102 • � 5 V 4 3 L� � PAY VOUCHER Cr�= .�5_�.'r CHARGE To City Clerk - Records � � � �� OEPARTMENT . � � . ' - ' orv�sipN DATE Jtlly 9� 1985 AUTHORITY � ACCOUNT GODE � PAYMENT NO. E B 09949-521-000 FILE NO. T P V A E Fairview Terrace CO. • REFER. NO. 1 Y N ��J�,�,���t,����,�k,� 386 Wabasha St, siite 1550 REFER. NO. 2 - T o St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � R VENDOR NO. ' Refund of $10.00 filing fee for an appeal to an action of the ` St. Paul Board of Appeals ].and Review for property at 107/115 Fairview Ave., said refund was approved by the City Council an ,7une 27, 1985 by C.F. 85-875- $ lp.pp FOR PROPER USE OF THIS FORM OBTAIN INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM PURCHASING PA►V THIS AMOUNT OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION. EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF MINN. SALES TAX. MINN. STATUTE 297A Ot TO 297A.44 S lO.00 o,MOUNr oF coNrRacr PURCHAS!(�tG AGENTS APPROVAL PRioa aarrNeNTS AS TO PURCHASING REQUIREMENTS THIS PAYMENT TOTAL PAYMENTS ���/// BALANCE DUE ON COHTRACT � BY: 1 MEREBY CERTIFY TiAT GOpOg►IAVE BEEN RECEIVED 1 HEREBY CERTIFY 77iAT T}fERE ARE �„N� � ��NAL AUDIT Approval IN GO00 OFtDER� INSPECTED� 111i[l CNECKED AS TO AV/VUglg Tp PAY 717�g ORDER. � OUALITY AND OUAIVTITY AS SPECIFIEO IM T}/Ig ORDER. . DATE REGEIVED „ ACCOUNTING DIVISION . � � BY DEP T ENT A val For ayment __ _ ._ By gy By BLUE-FINANCEACC•TC CITY OF SAINT PAUL CANARY-VENDOR ADVtCE WHITE-ENCUMBERING DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVtCES GREEN-PURCHASING `f PINK-DEPT.ACCTG Y S�4�� G'ROD•PREPARING OFFICE City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 - - PAIf VOUCH ER � �,'-�' 1`� � CMARGE To Cit Clerk � DEPARTMENT Y � " - ��� �� . � �. ' � � orvis�oN DATE AUTMORITY � ACCOUNT CODE � : PAYMENT NO. E B - 09949-521-000 HtE NO. T P V . A E EV21�7i1 Vdt1A112ri REFER. NO. 1 . . Y N ��,��,{y�/,�(i,�j,{�/ g47 E. Minnehaha Ave. REFER. NO. 2 D o R St. Paul, Minnesota ,b,6,�,(�/ 55106 _ VENDOR NO. Refund of $10.00 filing fee for an appeal to an action of the St. Paul Board of Appeals and Review for property at 1664 Ashland Ave., said refund was approved by the City Council on June 27, 1985 by C.F. 85-875. , $ I�.DO FOR PROPER USE OF THIS FORM OBTAIN INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM PURCHASlNG PAY THIS AMOUN7 OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION. EXEMPT FROM PAYMENT OF MINN. SALES TAX. MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 $ lO.00 a,MOUn►r oF coNrAacT PURCHAStNG AGENTS APPROVAL PAioA PnrMENrs AS TO PURCHASING REQUIREMENTS THIS PAVMENT TpTAL PAYMEN7S BALANCE DUE ON CONT/iACT BY� 1 MEREBY CERTIFY T1iAT GOOD6 MAVE BEENREGEIVED 1 HEREBY CERTFV 7MAT 77fERE �ARE FUNDS FINAL AUDIT Approval IIi GOOD ORDER� IIVSOECTED� /Vi0 CMEGKED AS Tp AVAILABLE 7'p PAY TNIS ORDER. � OUALIT' AND OUANTITY /�g SYEGIFIED IN Tiig ORaER. � o��RE�E,,,fio „ ACCOUNTING DIVISION BY . . >.. . . . . ... ... . �- � - . : .. � . . _'. .. . ... DEP TiVIENT A rovai For Payment By gy . gy , _ _ BWE-FINANCEACCrc CITY OF SAINT PAUL i CANARY•VENDOR ADVICE WHlTE-ENCUMBERING 'i - cReeN-PURCHasiNC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT�SERVICES PINK-DEPT.ACC'TG G'ROD-PREPARING OFFlCE Ci�y HaII,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55t02 '�, - 5 6 4� 8 . PAY VO lD C H E R � d�5- �7:� CMARGE TO 7 ' OEPARTMENT Clty C1ELk � � . . �,,. , , ,� o�vis+oN - DATE R July 9� 1985 AUTHORITY • � ACCOUN7 CODE PAYMENT NO. E � B 09949-521-000 i fllE NO. T P V ` A E Dorothy S. HealY REFER. NO. 1 .. __. Y N ������� 2079 Dudley Ave. REFER. NO. 2 T o St. Pau1, Minnesota 55108 � R . VENDOR N0. Refund of $10.00 filing fee for an appeal to an action of the St. Paul Board of Appeals and Review for property at 2238 Doswell Ave. said refund was approved by the City Council on June 27, .I985 by � C.F. 85-875. ' $10.00 FOR PROPER USE OF THIS FORM OBTAIN INSTRUCTION SHEET FROM PURCHASING PAY THIS AMOUNT OR ACCOUNTING DIVISION. $10.00 EX� EMPT FROM PAYMENT OF M�NN. SALES TAX. MINN. STATUTE 297A.01 TO 297A.44 AMOUNT oF coNTAACr PURCHAS�NG AGENTS APPROVAL PRIOR PAVMENTS AS TO PURCHASING REQUIREMENTS TkIS PAYMENT TOTAI PAYMENTS � BA�ANCE DUE ON CONTRACT BY 1 MEREBY CFRTIFY TNAT GOODS MAVH BEEN RECEIVED 1 HEwEBY CERTIFY T}1wT ?MERE ARE FUNDS F INAL AUDIT Approval IN GOOD ORDER, INSPECTED� /ViD CMECKED AS Tp AVAILABLE TO PAY 77f�5 QRDER. OUALITY AND OUANTITY AS SPEGIF�ED IN Til$ORDER, DMTE RECEIVHD �e ACCOUNTING DIVISION � BY . � - � . , -. DEPA MENT Ap val For Payment - - . By gy sy _ , . _ ,