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• =—Ciry-C3e[k _ - Finance Dept. _ - Depc. Accounting (Civic Cencer) _ - Engineec (FIGA) _ - Conttactor _ - Project Manager (CPMn , Lii:►i �. � ��� CITY OF SAINT PAi3L - OFFICE OF THB MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHA23GE AGREEMENT NO. CP3.9 r1 L..J ADMINISTRATIVE ORDBR, R'hereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center E��nsion C`P-3 Tem�rary Facilities Imown as Contract L Project No.014440 FrericLs Construction Company Contractor, is composed of the following: I. Room I10 Commissary revisions per Reques[ For Proposal (RFP) Reason: Required to keep Volume Services Commissary operational. 2. Room 110 Commissary sprinkler revisions. Reason: Code Requirement 3. East Entry floor inset per RFP #C316. Reason: Test sample for CP-4 work. 4. Temporary Roof at Pwnp Room per RFP #C3.28 (kem 1 only). Reason: Pump Room not demolished as planned-equipment had to remain until CP-4 work. Waterp�oofing for wutter requieed. 5. Qvertime at new water connection-part of RFP #C3.31. Reason: City Watu Utility had trouble shutting off valve in stceet and delayed progtess. 6. Fence @ Box Office caznp, Item 2 of RFP #C334. Reason: Prevent citizens from climbing onto ramp. Reason: Prevent moisture peneuation. • E i n oor ' ting Committee Director of Civic enter Architect 7. Waterproofmg @ generator duct penetration per Consuvction Change D'ueciive (CCD) #C312 Total $18,127.00 357.00 294.0p 2,709.00 632.00 783.00 368.00 $23,270.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through iu Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 23.270.00 said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, Imown as contract I,�. 934-9�300-0848-0��00 Civic Center E�ansion Fund. and wluch amount is to be financed from: �2 �/'J �19 y,� � 19� � Z 19� ,I /✓ • Frerichs Construction Companv Contractor By � (�,1M� �,�lY "i Assistant to the Mayor GREEN SH�ET��� 3 � 9�A.� S J M.A � lg �S � ASSIGN �CI7YATfORNEY � CRYCLERK �UST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �yHER FOF O BUDGET DIRECTOR � FlN. & MGT.: ROU7ING OROER f�/MAYOfl(ORASSISTAPli) � G,n-Ff �RJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � ��� (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � � Y „ OIR. Ctv,'�E ot'c�.FC i#� u.�, G.�:�.Ctr�'�'£f �1 �cE� - �ir Ci�;C_�.r�'�FI. �K9aM1S:aj-� � REWMMENDATIONS: App�ore (A) or Re7ect (R) __ PLANNMG COMMISSION _ CIViI SERVICE COMMISSION _CIBCOMMITfEE � �K�^��� �!��`^"+'µ _ siAFF _ _OISTFICTCAURT _ SUPPOqTS WNICH COUNCIL 08JECTNE? PERSONAL SEflV�CE CONTRACTS MUSi ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Hes this persoNfirm ever worked untler a coMract for this tlepartmeM? � YES NO 2. Has this persoNfirm ever b2en a City employee? YES NO 3. Does tMs person/firm possess a skifl not normally possessetl by arry curreM city empioyeel YES NO Exp{atn afl yes a�rswers on saparete sfieot antl atteeh to 9�+ sheet What. When. Where. Why): � ha,�c,ES w e�ti l\c�c�ssary 35 pEr `F-t�.�_ ��s 0� `��- C�h�n�ti b�c(� � l� Prfl����. �l IFAPPROVED: �onA� b E d�n� co �r���,y RfCEIVED 4�EC 2 71995 �ir� c�ER� -�c�bs � �co��� �� l� i�oF ��t�-ortz Co�cECF-� U�l. � 1 P;";: ��°�1�E L•� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TFiANSACTION $ ��� COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) / E9' NO l� y � FUNDIHGSOURCE Q� C� TSa��c��X� �.Q�'�3� ACTIVITYNUMBER `7'�'JO' `L`Ja"ig�-�(�JVL'v FINqNCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPWN) lV D� �cC {'-S �� �� �� - - -- GQNTiZA�T S€A.Ti73 • • PROJECT: Sainf Paul Civic Center Expansion Projecf Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Frerich's Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Original ContractAmount: $ 1,480,000.00 O N . Deduct Add C3.1 19,697.00 C3.2 11,303.50 C3.3 97,951.00 C3.4 15,814.OD C3.5 11,563.00 C3.6 21,450.00 C3.7 18,417.00 C3.8 24,209.00 C3.9 23.270.00 Total .00 $ 246.674.50 DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTR,qCT DATE: 5 December 1995 CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1 May 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order. $1,726,674.50 • ��, __ _— � � -.�-- - �a3�o� -�� � � � - ---- _--- - � ,__,1.������� =R.�� -�--� . � r� � CONTRACTOfi'S PRO�'�`SAL �.�nuac�u� nvpu5al rvo.: Date• ` Project: Saint P�tt} Civic Cent�r Contract No. A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 7. It is requested the completion date be ( � extended, ( y decreased, (} unchanged by _ T" caiendar days. The adj�sted completion date wi1l be w� T -� � r � �� �� � _j _� _ � �� �� ,_ � i 2. Desctiption of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appiicablel. (Reference RFP No.: 3.6 a No.: • FO No.: 3. Basis of payment: (Check onel ��� ��� (y} Firm price for pertorming this change is ............,,> ...............„..,.,.,._ __ . � Adequate supporting details and information ' �tic as Y-��- mUSt be attached to aflow Owner to evaluate. ( 1 Time and materiai per contract, but no[ to exceed g () Actual cost at completion of work $ / ( Submitted by: _� 20f�v!��c t c, n>.��_ Date: l�' G��i ,�i Contractor 1 � Action 1?ecommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 � Proceed on the following basis: �,As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. (} Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shali be S ( ) The (ollowing modification is recommended; f 1 Change in completion date is accepted. ( 1 Chaoge is acceptabie with no change in pr'sce. 1 I Change is acceptable with no change in compietion date. Reason for Chanc�e: esign Change ��lient Request �) Field Condition ) Suggested by Contractor f 1 Design Omission or Other (explainl 3. Is this a part of the originaat contract scope? (� YES �S}O 4. (s Contractor's Estimate attached? �YES � y hi0 5. A/E consulted. �YES ( ) NO Prepared by: CPMf) Approved by �((� (HGA! Approved by n tOw�er) Approved by: � � G tOwner) � cc: Chris Hansen 8ake 8aker Eriks Ludins 3225- Date:_�_ Date: Date miKe reaerson 3225- BL [('� PAGE 5-5 1 SAINT PAUL C�VlC CENTEH FXPnNC�nn� � � - -- - � � _� _A _� _1 � �� � --�-� � .---�.� ---r� � r � 'r � � �� � � ,�-� - — ---- ----- - -- - - - --- - - -- � SREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PR�POSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CEN7ER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DiRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUtPMENT 15% FEE TOTAI LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBGO(JTRACTORS 5°!o FEE TOTAI SUBCQNTRACTORS & FEE OTIiER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATER{ALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTA�S TAXES PERMITS & UCENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISfONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS .. _ `'t.C'O $ �UU• �� $ '7yy.v� s I l2.GG $ �sc.c�v ��- i�y� s $ ,�ap �� $ ' .UC> 'i la�� S S 5 5 S S S S $ � • C�C� TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL � �V� w �.t� � 1-G-� � -�� 1�' ( ��. a� PAGE 5-6 SAfNS PAUL C1VIC CENTER EXPANSION CQ Nl'AACYOti' S NitO POSA1- C.u�t[1Cl�s[ 1'[�poa�l td�-: t'W�ctl: ti ,v P ,� 1 (�ivi.•�.r — uJ�L`1 Cuntr:+ct Nu.: �� .;l�.nty.: u� llt� .�uj�� u� ll�c l�rutl. i+layJ�.l�� �++ UItSILJWA V41JW: it w i.:yucat�d Iue C�u�plcli�(! dllc Lu �uwld(16��. (� J�C(c:tSCJ. (� tl(14I1JR�CCI LY _ �Q .;�{�p1at 4.+ys. Tl�a uclju:t�1 CuUly�lcNUit clut� w7t1 l+u 2. Uc;«:Ni ul il�c ctwiiyu: (ti�lur to dr�win�s, ;p�c�l�cauc,its, ad�lcad:,. il up��l�caufcJ. Gtelcrcitc:u HtN No.: • CC�O f�Jo.: ' FO Nu.: � 3. (. cvtsc s. Uw.,;; uI �»y����rU: [L't�c:�fi unw) o� �� 7� (,� Fui�i Yricu 1�1 perlurniin� ilii: cl��na� i� ....................................v r x i AtJCt,�1J(1: �U�)E70tIl(1� fj�{JII� JUIS IflI0l�lldl{UO pnc��:�� U�:aucsl - 1�11li{ Ul: ull.�C�14� IO i+IIYLY �W(1NJ IA 4V����tu 0 � j T1114J a�lltj III�IIVI(JI �U� CUIi�IJC�� 11i�1 1l(�� �V �%��V�%� � �� A4IUJI cnCl al Guttti}+Sctiufl UI �vutk . � . � ::..���„t�,:,� u _.._.��s1z� � ��' uww: �`-/3-gS l.�Ult�ttu( �^,. � � r-k,� ��.� Cuntt.,.:lur 5�anaWcu • fox cNmi us� 1 M(.IIJ31 JtV(i�l11I11(:1{II�:Q �Clwcl, uuuJ CPfv1! .1uli tVO.: 322� l 1 Clufil;�u vril! t1Ul 4,� (��adu. EaE�l:�1�: �/� f�S � s. �. a. `�ctf'iuc�oJ uiti tltu IuUov�iiip ��sis; �C���S ��� '�Q��(,�fN�� p � ( J : 1+1diC�lud sb�YU, C�1�Il�jc: u110 Lp:.l: uf payn�unt is ilC4�:t)lJ�JjC. ��Q C IIJI�fJU Iii 4L.C{:FILYIJ�{�� Lusi; of paynwitt i;; not acc:c�»aulu. � A�0 oNt- c( Uv�sT 'F�x"t�s ; l� �ts.,sis ui puymuiu �i�uti bu 5 2i c�ss zr�,�s Nc� (/o �P�cvio� c.��T�. l)'i �w t�ltuwin�l niodilicacio�i is �ccai�n»nr�dca: ?$ Z � l�l� IC� �JifJE ��'�-�-T`/P ( f j Ch:�n�u l�l Cutttp3utlu�l dalo is aC�uµlcd. ��{-, pRywp.Ll. A6�^ �X I I CI�JII,V li i1CCli+�1M�IV WI�S� IZO CI�!1If�J11 IIS �SI�LL:. �`MU �OY IDE CA�V �T 1 U�- � ��� �Clt:�ltau i: aCCUWloblu witlt �w ch'ssu,�c in cuu�f�lctii,tt �l.,tu. Wq 5 s�A�� -�; C it.:,�w�� i�t Cf�on�c: �YY11Pl.�T1C�� P1�-� tb'� �T�-�1S �� �5�� '�v DECK._. � V 81�5� fj �D � { S t]a,i�7i� Cti��tua �Cfi�»t fiuqucst i 4 Fic{Q Cost�litiun ���� �S D�1�1C� t=`�E% 1) Sua��: uy C��iliuCiu( l 1 Da,iyn �iuis:ion o� Otli�t lu:;{�lain} � Z4G� oFF ' n 1 i S � R O F 0 5 4 C t. uu:. �1 �1.1(L U( �IIt3 UI��111�141 CU{I(f�1Cl :c�pt1 i 1 YlS `�{9Q 0�,�/�(,� ({gp,y��t y3E}� LY.C�- )I (: Cuntr.,ctot's E.lintatu att,�ch�dl YES l f NO � o� A�{: ca�u�lt�d; " Gg {) ND �s����3� r�10� �� �X� Co is Ot��N� - tSM� �7 / � • CJ� A�cc-'r �4� 1'��N�ica uy:..��`� � cf Mly A.+cc: ! � �� ANt�iuv�J U �� �p(�IJVUd L n�,i.,.,�us uY: . cG: Ci�ta ISwn:otl LuF:. L�d+�u __ "'_""""'_" �UwllCt� Uuy,u t1aLW 71L1.Y �'4JWiv11 �xze• az�o• uG �.1tu: ��/" ( /� 11 J1u.._._......__ ._._.......... U��A CJ..�uq bti•d 6089-b49 •1SNOJ SHJI?132i� L0�80 S6. c2 � ' - - - —� - - --.� . . - - -_-.- -. -- -- _ - --. — - CPMI ---- -��. � Facsimile Communication To: Marv Kotek Of: Frerichs Construction Phone: 644-5063 Fax: 644-6809 From: Susan Campbell Jones Company: CPM{ Phone: 298-5409 Fax: 298-5417 Date: Pages including this cover page: Re: � i Comments: 29 August 1995 1 Saint Pauf Civic Center Expansion The Owner has approved portions of RFP C3.6 for Commissary 110: AMOUNT APPROVED 1. $ 1,143.00 2. 1,364.00 3. 3,650.00 4. 450.00 5. 6. 7. AMOUNT PENDING 7,106.00 4,754.00 2,400.00 8. 511.00 $6,607.00 $14,771.00 DESCRIPTION Frerichs work including demolition of ceiling. You need to review whether or not "Demo Masonry for Coursing" is necessary after reading item 7. ($287.50) Custom Drywafl work for gyp bulkhead. Twin City Garage Door - add coiling door. Additional paint. Gephart electrical work. Doody mechanical work. Masonry work by Neeck. Owner will probably change remaining west wall to drywall, not masonry. Under review. Frerichs OH & P on sub work. � G(,�w�c pe�'�f TOTAL �� � Please start Thursday. Contact CPMI ff you have any questions. We will be reviewing the pending items this week for a resolution. Volume Services want to use Room 110 on 8 September. Thank you i� advance for your cooperation and fimely coordination of these issues. Call me if you have any quesfions. cc: Chris Hanse� Mike Pederson Ed Fiskewold 3225-403.2 � - - - - ERAL - MATE F_ORM :-° -- -- -- FRERICHS /� ! � .[ CONSTRUCT70N COMPANY EET�MATE No�� \ l.U1C l C�NIc� EXClT Ho OF LOCAT101i EfTIMATOR -�Y ARCM.-tNCtR ( WNOSMAN EUtJ[CT l �[b RI'[�tSnd DATE �� - -��- ��._'_'__"'___ "—_'____._. "- ' '-- �� w M � t i�{. (/TIY�KD ' loLt [�nYNSe �^= Tor�t E�nr�t[o �--- ITCM �OUAN*�Ttr M����� 1 4�ew ;i M�neu� �� s��cerr�+cf - �_---�-_���fiT1��T�`?T_:'. - _;�--_-� 1 .'; ' L �;L b�Y . ;: i :� —i�-;-�- 'o ;.�—�-�- ; :. �- I t ; ' i : . Y:, e �� . � �i<cKl �PL�0.t� � �5. f9y. ' '. � � � � � i � i ' ': ' ` �i + ;_;._ :..�. `. � i- . ..:i � . �i � � . . 1� l � � �� - --� �- - =- _ -_ - �E L E CTRIC TO: Frerichs Construction Co. ATTN: Marv Rotek DATE: October 2, 1995 RE: 5t. Paul Civic Center The following are costs for RFP No. C3.6: PAGE 1 OF 2 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Material Cost (Include Tax of 6.5%): . . . . . . . Labor: 88.38 Hrs � $ 44.57fHr . . . . . . . . . • Foreman: 8 Hrs c� $ 2. 41jHr . . . . . . . . . . . . General Foreman: Hrs Q $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . Overtime (1' X Regular Rate): Hrs c� $ jHr .... Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs C� $/Hr .... Project Management: Hrs @ $/xr . . . . . . . . . Labor Inefficiency: % of Labor (Line #2) • - • • • Lost Time: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Field Design/Drafting: Hrs @ S/Hr . . . . . . . . As Built Drawings: .75 Hrs C� $46.98/Hr . . . . . . Delivery: 1 Hrs c� $30/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clean up: Hrs @ $JHr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Testing: Hrs C� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Warranty: e of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) .. Parking: 11 Days c� $3/Day . . . . . . . . Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: . Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . Larqe Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . Small Tools & Consumables: 1.Sa of Labor � .-.-�� (Line #2) _ $ 1, 447 _ $ 3.939 = S 20 _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ - $ 35 _ $ 30 _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ 3�„ _ $ _ $ _ $ - $ 60 3600 LaBore Foad, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 •(612) 454-4900 . PAGE 2 OF 2 - - � � --� - ----- - --- -- �- -- �-- - - - - - ---- - - -- - 21-. Tra ���me.� —. -- – - – – 22, Wage Increase: Hrs @ $!Hr . . . . . _ . _ . . . . _ $ • 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: % of Labor (Line #2) $_ 24. Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 25. Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - $ 26 _ Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 27. Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 28. Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 30. Telephone/Fax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 31. Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . _ $ 10 32. Safety: 4 of Labor (Line #2) • • • • - • • • • • _ $ 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 1$ 34. Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 35. Painting & PatChing : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 36. Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $-�,S§2 SSSq 37. Overhead: 15% of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ 839 g33 38. Profit: 0 of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ • 39. Unit PriCes : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • : : _ $ 40. Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) . $ 41. Bond: % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • _ $ _�_r-_,,,._ 42. Total This Change: (TOtal oE Lines #40 & 4i) ... = S-� G 39z 43. A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Reguired. 44. This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of trie Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received_ If a formal change order is not received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL REQUEST N0. • / • 0922i95 09:33 CUSTOM DRYWALL � 6446809 .1,tJlJ (J�" 849 WEST€RN AYENVE NORTN • 57. PAUL, MlNNESOTA g 17 •• Mr_ Marv Kotek Prerichs Consixuotion Company 1410 Energy Paric Drive $uite 4 St. Paul Mini+esota 55108 xte: S� kaed G�vic Center - GT3 PR - C3.bR (R�`P - 9R) Rcwised again 9/b/95 Aesr Marv, N0.934 P�61 �,� • ta+z> aas-osa3 FAX (S 127 488-$A32 Custom's Orig'mal price for PR - C3.6R was: $1,364.00 (8/11195 te�ter). This new change will add the following: New B.i wdil above existing block, uP Lo stEUewre: 212 sq.£t. x$4.00 J sq.ft .:......................................................................................$ Totat revised �or this PR will now be:• ...................... If you ahould have &ny questions, please feel free to call. 6incereiy Custom 7hy�'all, Inc. �� . c..� ��.a w. osc�� Project Manager ........................................ . �'• � i OCT-10-95 TUE 12�14 DOODY/UNITED FAX N0, 612 487 2637 P,O1 -_ _ - - -- -- - -- - - - -- - - --- -- - - - -- -- I�Q • MFCHANICAL, /NC I6'!2) 487-106t ' 520 FRONT AVESVllE FAX 487-2637 ST. PAIfL, MN 551 i 7 October 10, 1995 • Frerichs Construction Company 7.410 Energy Park Drive - Suite 4 St. Panl, MN 55108 Attention: Marv Kotek Re: St. Paul Civic Center Dear Marv: Listed below is a material and labor breakdown for C3,6 revised as reques�ed. Material $1�572.00 Labor - 76 hrs. at $41.8?/hr. S3,182.00 Total $4,754.00 • It you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. very truly yaurs, Doody MechaniCal, Inc. Ti� J. Dal� �stimator/PZOje t Manager T�7D /pa MECHANICAL CONTHACTOR --' - "''-' ' =--_- --- COMMEpC�AL • 1NOUSTRIAL • �NSTITt1'f7GNAL -' � � -.. _ =- RllG-15-95 TUE 10:55 DOODYIUNITED FAX N0. 612 487 2637 P,OI - -- - -- — - — -- --- - - - — -- — -- --- — — - -- ---- — ----- — ---- - - — -- --- �- - � M I�t�C)DY MECHANICAL, INC. � nC . 520 Fiant Avenue ■ St. Paul, Min_nesota 55117 UATE: 7'IME: �� ����1��: COMPANY: FRO�1: }QR NAME: FACSIMILE COVER SHEET .—._...._... 1��= l S-9S` ---- .. .. .r���— .. . --- -... - -- ---r�-�If+!/ .... .n?r/i�—' _ -`------------... . _.....1��.5 . C _..(71RJ�' �"�,.. . _ "' _ .-^- J r'.�.._. ..._. - '�- —_:S.%< I--'r9:s.L�. ��}�.�, �tvTE ---- • NUMBER �F PAG�S INCLUBIMG COVER SHLET: — -/....� _ _ . _ ,. __ REMARKS: P__�—� � • .�. �G" �r5�`!� _._ .. � ._-.L(�G _�.1E Al�2yr-. COSr L�p ,E.2L�'/E�.T:"._...�.�FL_ -.c�Cr�d�N Qe� � �5+� ...�.c � �sc��._ _�Sc-=nir _��._._ � __. _ . __.. _.. .. � .__.,I�o.� L_.... . ~ _ ...__ .�, `+[ t . ° _ ° _ �l� GT, �t� _T.- --_ � 2? S. � �--' ----- �C�17'C'�— �S l00, o �o � D oad ± .� ` G` �..�. _ Z�. �'o ��_��-. . "�s� l�' . �� ��—_._ �'� _� S� r✓O ,— --. __. • IF YO'(7 HAVE TROi3Bi.E RECEIVTiQG, PLEASE CALL C5123 48?-IObI dtIR FAX TiLTMBER IS: (622) 457-2637 ---.- ---- M£CHAIVICAi. CONTTZACTORS ---.._--- GLE4AJE LupRS 1hdC �� � % �'�el�l�� Doors, lnc. `�' _ // DOORS-FRAMES-HARDWARE � .j June 14, 1995 Mir. Marv Kntek Freriche Construction Company lAlQ �Rer�sy Park DT'iva Energy f'ark Plaza-Suit�a 4 5t. Paul, MN 55108 RE: St. Pau! Civic Cnntar Expansiunb CP-3 RFP �FC3 _ 8 St. P:xu! , MN FILL: 95-1081-8 DS Dear Mr, Kpt�k: • Wu � dallara �FC3 . G . 24y Pul JUN 1-1 ' 95 f�7:1G - -' ._ �- 1 -�"��� -_----- �--_ --- --- � -- - -- -- �� SiIJUUV - dre oFfar you a d�duc in thQ amount ui' Yuur hundcnd Yi�Pty and no/iC {i-450.00) tax includetl, for tne following change involved in kFP 1. OMIT HOLLOW META� FRAME, PA1R OF HOLLQW METAL DOORS AND GROUP #4 FINISH' tiAROWA[2E AT OMt1"CED OP£N[NG �k110C. DEDUC[ �1.082.00 T, i• `l. ApD ONE ( 11 ;iti%(1 20 MlNU"CE HOLLGIY hIETAL DUOR, UNE ( 1) HpLL�1Y 17E"["AL F!{AM� AND GkUUA iF12 FINISH HARAWwRE AT ADDEp OPENlNG iF110D. ADD i B42.�0 T.i• Kindly lesue us a change arder in the abova amount as we have proceeded Sincerely� ������� � � Ylitl3o.eu J. Schwitt, A.H.C. Srrnior I'rojezct Hana�er WJS/tg • Dr�u�� �SUgd Corpofate Oftica: 935 APOL�O ROAp • EAGAN, M�HNESOTA 55121 • PNONE {fit21 656-8794 • FAX (G}2) q56•9556 66/10/95 i ' — T -� 22:59 56Q1 Boone Ave. N. Minaeapalis, MN.55428 {6t2) 533.3838 (812y533-9704 Fax TWIN CITY G�RRGE DOOR � 6126446809 �� T� �a�a Overhaad & Rolting Steei Daot Complete Sales - Service • inSWllati�n .cWS uomi m: _ nma �) N0.621 D82 `.AJ�IV✓✓ Pagento.�_ � ......_ obe _ �"�'�� r� We Propasa herepy to tucnish matersal and labor - camplete in aceordance vlilh ahate specificatians, tor the sum C Fi�mi¢h and In¢tatt en Pr�DOYC[f 6Denlni�c, TaX inCfude�t , doiiers(S .�' � r � ParmMt W Oa ma0e as ro4ows a�ms. t ye m � ' _ ��f � Note: � ky,�'jpg � oueratars FJoars must 4g &�u edr Aulharlaed � n.�n Co�rnls t y others orior to instattafian �( S�g�1�re daors n Ab0r9t01'3 Accapmnce o} Picposo! The ahow price.t, SOeeMtelia�s aM EIXICIIIPI68fB59�1618C�0lYfifM818tI9REy You ere 9Ul�10112641� d01h61Y0f1[ 85 6PBG1(I61}. Payrtrent will bb rtV.Oe ec autfiifeC aboue. LESHEI Da�a o( AcCbOpr�nee' � " s � ,..l.li r.: iii F Fxa,iucxs �s�2�saasosa ---- --- �-�-�-a-��---����-�-� __r�___ d u c__. ���--- cZGu.�� - --- --- ---t�-�_s_b� �----_ -��ri --��s__ c.�cs_��ti� -- i � � l . _---._ M_..__..._l�__. ���-b!G� ��` ��---�0_� __. �P1�-�►7-__-�'�`---��-.�N �.f7./..' s_.. � G�,_�_�___� _ -t��.. .-��----� l�_ � � �-�-----��-���.,__�o_fi__ ; __ -- s . __ T n_�__ ._�.� � �� �.---T �_c _ _c. � �.c�_--- o a�.7?.� .- —� _ . �9�-r . .--...( 5 � �t i.� A t_�.�.----C_t�nr'_.t_L___. , � �� - — -- � ��=�---=�� -- �-Q- �-�C -�- 0 �� 1 __N�/t _ _--- E .___ _ .._._ _.. _.._ .. _ _- -. ------_._ �_ _ ______.._ ,_ . � __ __ __ _ ____........._._ _._ .`�'� �-X-°1-� _— ��-G.b__._... __.. c�_��,_l`.. ��.u.f _c��..�uo.7 _ ._____ �.. _�__ . _ ..-----. ._ _ - - ---- --.._ . _�.._. _._._------ - »- - - _.._---.......__� __._�_.___.._ . _ --- --- --_ ___._...�..... . � � � ���._____ __ �� _? __ _ __ � __ _. _ �_��� _ _ �_ _ _ � �_ -- - _ __ __ ---- � - _ ._. -- - - -----_-----_. _-- ---- _ _ _ _ _ __ , _ . --- �Nm: �� �w • _ z - _ _-__ _ _ ___ I�m z �Odg�d L_�,�,���`��� _ -- - - - - - --- --- --- - --- ----- - - CONTf2ACTOR'S PROPOSAL NOV 'Z 0 ���� • Coiicractor Proposal tJO.: DatC: ( / ' _ : _�l� Project: St. Paul Ci.vic Canter Contract No. ('�)- 1 . A chanyz in thC scope of tlie work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested ttie coinQletion date be Oextended, ( )dacreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. 1'he adjusted completion date will be acceptable. O Change is accegtable, basis of payincnt is ( )Basis of payment shall by $ O Tha following modification is recouuaended: () Change in completion date i� accepted. () Change i� acceptable with no change in O Change is acceptable with no change in 2. R�aSOn iur Chang�: 1. Action racacunended: (Check one) CPMI Job No, 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: ^'��,�; N oft��itu,�VF�kts'� !'� � � Procaed on the following basis: �� �j � Y� ( � As iiidicatCd above, change and basis of payment is 2. Dascription of the change: (Refer to drawings, �pecifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD No. , t � FO No. � /�? f� . ��ln J (l�N���C� L �.���', I�V �[3rY1✓'i��i!/t- ���l�J.lO 3. Basis of pay��ent (check one) � (�) Firm price for performing this change. . $ �� � �). (.`) (; Adequate supporting details and information (�Tncreased, Deduct) must b� attached to allow Owner to evaluate. (}'Pime and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ()Actual cost at completion of work $ Subnutt�d bY:_ �i �'�2-�;��•� \�n„i i� Dat�:_�- '-� r Contructor � �'�� � ('f 1'L � � �"� (Y µ'"I Contractor Signature - --------- — ------- — ------------- FOR CPMI USE not acceptable. price. completion date. ��j�Q,Design Change O Client Request O Pield Condition O buggasted 6y Contractor O Design Omission or Other (erplain) • 3. Is tliis a part of original contractor scope: () Yes �¢ No 4. Is Contractor's Estiivate attached? �� Yes O No 5. AJ�. consulted. ��,Yes ( ) No Prepared by:���� Date: �2��} _` Approved by: _ HGA Datc:: Approved by � -���� l Owner Date: Approv�d by:�____ _ Owner Date:_ _ ------------------------------------------------------------- -- cc: Chris Hansen Iia�e IIakeC Mik� P�derson Dick 'L�hrinc� Eriks Ludins Fage 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER E.XPAt3SION • � � � � � � � � �� .� r� � .� r - ��00 ------ -- --_- - ' �� i i;•, `� �,� ,:. � ,,; (��- � - . . . IIHEAKDOWN SHEET ��� .:i..� � %� �.l j GONTRACTOR'SPROPOSA SAINT PAUL CIVIC C[NTER EXPANSION LACiOR. MATERIAL & EQUfPivltNT DIRC EMPLOYEE LAE30R MATERIALS & [QUIPMLNT INCORPOHAT[D TOTAL 4A� & MAT[flIAL & EQUIPMENT }5 FLE TO7Al LAC30Fi, h1A7Eft1AL, L-Q�{p•� ik FEE su�couri3nc oi�s G`/U FC TOTA4 SUCSCOtJTftAC7 & FCE OTHEFi COS7S 71"tAVL"L & SUl3SISTENCE fvSATEt�tHI.S & [QUIPM[NT NOT INCOFtPORATED (4LNTALS rax�s NERMI7S & UCLNSG FEES UTILiIIIS, FULL, f-ACfUTI[S AT SITE INCiDENT�t C-XPE-NSES UUND & INSUfZANCC PIZOVISIONS TOTAL OTHC(� COSTS TOTAL OP CtiANGE PROPOSAL pAG[ 5 G SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTCR [XPANSION Y S - S $�---- S � `f CJ s __l�— 5 S S $ s S J 5_ < Y s 357.�Zi Y $ � `J.UC :•EP—�C S TIIE 1 1 : 0o LOGL1' �. � �y �� °:3;. } � -- , �._ >! __�£ �,. : f `i._ c�t';� J� ��--- f'1ECHAN I CFL ""�p _ Fy 1 _ . _ _ u/l�(JtL_O _— _ _'___ .••r��� ,ll�t...'__"- '_—___'—.__ ')!—_____--._"'_-___— '-'_. =s'_`:___=_' Scptciaber 25, 1995 Frerictis C�nstruction Company 1410 N:nergy Park Drive - Suite 4 St:. Yaul, MN 55108 l�ttencio�t: Marv Kotek fte: St. Paul Civic Center Dcar ,tarv: • l.�.sted below is a change order request for work done hy Fire Guard Sprinkler, Tnc. in the lower level commissary request,ed by Frei�ichs Construction. Change existing pendant heads to upr.ight heads on 1" Sprigqs due to removal �f ceiling. `i'his work was done at the direction of Frerichs Construction, Material $ 48.20 Labor - 5 hrs. aT_ $46.67/hr. ,5233.35 Sub-total $281.55 15� Profit and overhead $ 42.23 Doody profit and overhead 5t ,� 16.20 Total $3h0.00 • if you have any quesrions, please do not hesitate to cal]. me. Very t.ruly yours, Doody Mechanical, Inc. , �, . f . i; � .. ...�, >;: � / �..� �C Timothy J. Daly � F.sLimator/Project Manaqer T3II/pa �agoa ��M � � - -- -- - -- !f-: _ - CONfiRA�fiOR`S - PR@P6SAL, - - ---- �""'a���—� ---_-- „ _ ,„, ,,o, r �'� J • Contractor Proposal No.: Date: j! NOV ,�, r Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. C. f�- i 7 �`��J A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below;: 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, sp� cifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: G 3 j , CCD No. , FO No. .) • 3. Basis of payment (check one) (v�Firm price for performing this change. .$ �, y`�• �G Adequate supporting details and information (�Increased_ Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ()Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ()Actual cost at completion of wor $ Submittedby: �T.}�j��� Date: �� Contractor V�' ) � Contra tor Siqnature --------------------------------------------------- -- - FOR CPMI USE 1. Action recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No. 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: � Proceed on the following basis: �j As indicated above, change and basis of payment is aaceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( )Basis o£ payment shall by $ () The followinq modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptahle with no change in completion date. Reason for Change: () Design Change � Client Request () Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (e�cplain) � 3. Is this a part of original contractor scope? () Yes �Q No 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? ,�� Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. � Yes () No Prepared by: --�"-'� CPMI Date: �Z'�9� _ • Approved by: �AGA Date: Approved by: a Owner Date: � Approved by: G Owner Date: ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ -------------------- --------------------- cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehrzng Eriks Ludins Paae 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER E%PANSION • i � � � � _� .� � �� .� .� -r� ! I' G �.F P N- 3: r G =_ -- - - -_ _ -- �gdd -- -_--__- BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAtNT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MA7ERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LA60R MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERfAL, EQU1P., & �EE Y S S SUBCONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTAL SUBCONTRACTORS & FEE OT4iER, COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MA7ERIALS & EQUIPMEN7 NOT INCORPORA7ED RENTAI.S TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CiiAfdGE PROPOSAI S ���.��/ s ��'�U 5 5 S S S S S S S $ �a y. � �) S 5� V y QAGE 5-6 j SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION n --- --- - �- -. . . _ .. _ .� -"���'- = - '— ----- --`_-_ .--- - • ��-. 'pr���'` �`AE�.ICHS - -__ -.-`-_,;-�- ---= �-=- � --- -- - ��' - -� -...,._ �.:�._.�'--,:- ��oa - - -: CONSTAU��`ION COMPANY 141� ENERGY PARK DR1VE., SUtTE 4, ST. PAUL, MN 55108 (612) 644•5063 FAX (612) 644-6809 TELEFAX COVER SSEST FRERICHS CONSTRU�TION COMPRlIY FAX �612I644-6809 TO: COMPADiY: /l rc�l` l�n,-��_ CUSTOMER FAY � ; � �S - � 3 � �' DATE: ��- � C 1� TIME• J08 H71ME : �. i U t C. �_C� AT �C` � NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLODIN(i COVER S$8ET) RtR�F*#**rt�thYitR** • BROM: SEHT BY: COt�SENTS : 9J O yU � r/Ji l� C �` t c�c stossro� ��ab� t5 ��50,60 P T�e m�Xin.�u�v �f�ML �-c��� ��� �F� �3.1� P(�a�se �� Z �t u r�c� (�,�s�o��i �Y t(�-3v—�is w� �1 ��occs.s c�� �('I ����C�� AN EQUAL OPPORTUNI7Y EMPLOYER �^ D — . ._ _ - -- - ��C`�Z - _ -- _ - � - � - - - ---- - --------- ------- - -- ----------- ----- - -- ------- - --- -- -- - ---�-��-�.�-=--�=-lo�� ��s�-�------------��:�� �L - - _.. _ _ --- - ----__--------- --- --- -- - - rM -ta . . -�-`- b� �_�Q_ s!�� --- -- - - -- -- ----- -- -- _ - - - -- -- _-=-----� Z s � `� lao ----- - --- ---- �� -�—,.��_� Jtj..� N ��- � -- - ---__-_'�_ � �� �� 3o G� Z 66 --- — ----- ----- --- ---------�� ---- Y ti�.--- �/� �� - ---- ------------------- - � `�� --- --- -------- - --- ------ - ------- _-- ---- � �� -- ��'' _� ,�c -c..� --- ----------- �--�° --. - - �ilA�k ���T,4( _� -�i - � � ,� . � c--=1 � � i � ..�.; �W.e �d"�a�+' _ . `- _=— _�-- - °_ _ . _ _ - AuG 1. $ kg.�J ) CQN"{ ItACTQti� Pft0YII5a�- I � � -� -- ---- L QJ4�: l.�lH{IJr�u( Y�rN�IJiNI I�J.. ' � r•a .,�.:.: � : _»..uu--1=.+� CuuU.+.:t No.: I1 ����{1J /1� ��Iti w�.Y�J4 Jj �IIV YYJ{A 1� �V��y�'^�LJ Ji �II�IL��L41 �L�UYI. ���i'�r �.> .'.. . {. ll �- +��t`�"t`%`l lf i.ult�,j�17++4 dllu L+ti j � 1�A�1�{IJY�1 I f �Y4I4�l�LLI� l ��Il1LIIJIIJ .:a �O�T 2 6 1995 LMIL{�a3I �MYy. ♦�Iti Yi��4i{Lil� 4t�1I1i1Lk�lJl� JJ��: ��IU L{: ��� � Pav�h'P2 ��:L�1i�+{lJII LI Illtl �li.�n�Jr. 1 uI 10 �ZJYAp�+. +NV4{EICJ�IL71�� ud�J�iid.�. i1 w�)}iD��+ula1. KCrOC Q NU.: �� titwi.:,�,i�� �t,=1'r�iu.: . I cCU N�.: --Q�rr�� ,l A� ,7,�N1( `fcm�; u.r�i� ul �i.�yiuint: (G:IicGA wlcl . ..........`r�-;v�" �CJ . . .................. 1� f'�t�i� 1�liCu !u! l��t7wtii�u;1 lhi3 �h«u�a �. ....�.•• (Iucic:,:.cJ U��i�ctl ,;a,;.lu.,c,: suj,po�uu3 ��«��: �llt� 7(llal(IIJI{Lll , Aw.t Lw �tla.:U�d lU w11uyY Qri(1u( tU tiv:+luulY. �, � 1�ll{IJ M!}tI II�J�vNJI Nd( 4Wt�{u�{� U�� 11V{ �il VAL'{:UI� Y ( i r�Glu.+t C�Sf d� Cu�I��.1 �l 1�'+a�� . . � ` l�:aW: 9 - ��� �- � ��7/"'" � :S. �c J; � F�h i{ nL �:. �� 1 Un �� Y :.� � .,;, � :...L�i..tt.:.7 4 /- - ' � (-.ri�Ur�:twl � /, `_ � /�// -- �-� /`� � f/ „ � �:JtlU.+wluf :i��Flalutu r'an cf�Mi us� 1. I14I1N�� �tI�LJIIIIIIYIIViMV �C�Wi:�. 1f�lt�� i 1 Cl�an�a 4rilt !u)t (+u �uKQu• �+�Iil+in: CI•t�il �uu 1Vo.: J'G«:i y}�1''11L�:41j IJl{ 1�llY �Ll��l���/�1�� VJJ��� ( � � C uidl�:+i�d aGuvJ, C�IJn;jc atid Uu:rf: Q� �1a`{iliCQl 1« aGia�ila41�. '�} CI1�3{I(jJ li �ICCG(I�MG�O LaLI: 41 p++yl�iu(1t 1. tlut �cc�ptaLla. i � u�+:i« u! paylttuAl +1�aU Lu t — I� I11� IuI1�iYfl11� IllUdil�CAlt�il ( tccuilUUUUac�: ( 1�ll.+uUu icl �u�{�P ���7�I1 Q.+W 1� 1iGC0�11Ca l 1�tianau i� acCa��tauta rritli I�d CUwuUu iu l,tic�. ( 1 Ciwii;�u i: uCCa{,ta�lu v�iil� Iw GU.�Uaa i!� L'u�tiJ 1�G�IVI) �J��i. ���%M+VU VUS ��������V• �. � Ll�al��a � y(:1��311 f��l� �R 4Uu» un uao i�wc � 1 �' i� „ uy cu�u�acw� t t 1n4 ��I { � �u lc2 ! ) Yl:S S. 1, il�t. � ji..t1 u� �i�u a�r•.li��a..l �u��uacl �� f Y�$ a. !. Caul�aClC+f�+ ��lilUdlu allai.flCS� Yl:,i J. h(� 4:Jt1�u�I�a• `---�—�bM1� t��cti,.,��a uY� t 10�.1 `«,�,�,�u�.:.1 t+Y �'' ' Qvr��w! �--`r+� ai, ( u v u1 l.�y -��.,c ;,�, �.y: ., k4 . L.lNli �1.NtL.:I� 1 t •F : 4 u�l.�+: : - -....._ .._.. _ lUwuai� N.��Y 4�+�G :7:': 4•._�---- �lll l 1 t�t0 � litvQ � UJ�{%: �/ U �lc:�.-._.--.� - ^' � i � Y . Y..�--�� U..t.'.. - •��,; :�• 1� �"1. lo-hu��� :l2'L�•�--.-..._.- u4 � • � LJ l J -- �800 -- --] �M -� - - ------- CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL - _%�. � , � , ., _ -. t..< 5i� .K'-�. x Contractor Proposal No.: Date: -9.� Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. 3 it,�� A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be Submitted by: `i� ,�IA;t,ts� �(� Date: U- � -� `7 must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ()Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (� Actual cost at completion of work $_ 0 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD No. , FO No. ) Ad�w( � �r� R�-p � 3. :�i 3. Basis of payment (check bne) a ,� OFirm price for performing this change. .$ (c- 3:� �G L � Adequate supporting details and information (�Increased� Deduct) Contractor ._�-. �� �� ��� Contractor Signature -------------------- -- -- -- - FOR CPMI USE 1. Action recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No. 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: � Proceed on the following basis: � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( )Basis of payment shall by $ () The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. 2. Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request � Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of original contractor scope? () Yes �No 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. Yes () No Prepared by: �C� � CPMI Date• �� �T' Approved by: _�� HGA Date: Approved by: � N Owner Date: Approved by: � Owner Date: -=----------- - ----- - -- --------------------------------------------- g cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehrin Eriks Ludins Page 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER E%PANSION � [• 1 � � � � � � � _� �.I _� � .� .� _� -r� .� - _--- 1J.,V0�-�V = =__-__ _— -_ - BREAKOOWN SHEET COtVTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION tA80R, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DtREC7 EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAI & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL IABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE � S S 5 SUBCON7RACTORS 5% FEE TOTAL SUBCONTHACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBStSTENCE MATERIALS & EQUfPMENT iSOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAX[S PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTIIITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIDNS TOTALOTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL PAGE 5-6 SAtNT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION $ G �'' � s 3 �� S S S S S S S S E s �3� (�U 5 ��`=" G C T— 1 9— 9 S T H U 1 e � 4 4 D G O L Y M E C H A N Z C A L - - ��-c�c� T��� ' ,- - -- ���� � � � • ���t:� ���t���;��t�, !t��. OCtC`�Fv i9, 1995 P _ 6 1 R(=P �3.3/ � — -- .�zo Facx� r ;;v�uuE Sl. PAt,'�. MN Si�717 PosFtt" brand fax tran5mittai merno �i67t +o+w�es • :• To ""_' ___—'�.. Fiam '_ _ /�%:� ;/',� �_ .:._ ` i-f�:.. o nt_ ! i .' - C:une �--.. —�__: '• . 7S! . FLerichs Construction Corc�pany i41U �r.erqy Park Drive - Suite 4 St. cau:, MN 55108 Att.ention: Marv Kotek Re: �t.. Uaul Civic Center �ear Marv: _ � �- i _ �= s '} i,:,.ste�i r:elow i.s pricing for down time during the city water shut davrn . • C�t; water shUt down was scheduled for 5:00 A.M., October 16tP,. Doody �;echanical, Inc. had two (2) ;aen on the jobsite at 5:00 :�.M. r��e �uard had four (4) nlen on site at 5:00 A.M. T'r:e r_�r.y was unable to get the water shut of_f. At 7:00 A.M. the c.ir.g employees left the jobsite without shuttinq dowr. the water. Tt v,as 1o:00 A.M. before the city shut down the water. We ure requesting compensation for 3 hrs. of down time per mar. I had originally priced the job hiqher because of these types of pr.obier,3s �ahich have been so conunon on this }ob. We :oaered on price in good faith and now expect to be paid f'or t_hi�� problem which was not within our control. Fire G�ard - Labor Foreman - 3 hrs. at 546.67/hr. Journeyman - 9 hrs_ at $39.90/hr Sub-total 15� Profit and overhead iOCdl 5� Doody profit and overhead Total • (6t21 48%-tOfil FAX 487-2637 $140.00 5359.00 $499.00 74.8'7 $574.00 �S_28,00 $602.00 M•ecr+�r.ac ��. i.or. �=a,^,rOF . ... . - - - � - - _- = C�"arf= � ir.��. -- � _ , _ . . " _ " — _—__"_ _ . —.. rtv... i.":Die:.: JUNF:. —_ _ ." _,_—_-_ = ,c- . ---pC'� -1-1_'�5�.3�56_FBEBICHS -- -- P.2 � ------ - - -- � - , �� - -- -- -- —__—� �� - - lr�M Co _ C PRQPOSAL Cor�iractor Propasal No.: Daie: - ^� Project:,�aint Pa�Clvlr�r Contract No.: `�-�. A ChAnge in the scope of the work is requestsd as indicatBd befow: :� 1. It is requested the cacnp[et+on daFe be (} extended, ( y decreased, O unchanged by _ calendc�r days. The adju5ted completiort date wiq bce . � � � � • 2. Oescription of the cha e' efer to drawings, specifications, 8ddenda, if applicable). (Reference iiFP No.: CCa No.: • FO Na.: I �`� �scr � pvsss Bo-x Qa �P .•�, GyV�yJ 3. Basis of ppyment: (Cfieck one) �� -�� h i4, Firm price for performing this chango is ........,.,�,.,.,...........,.,„.,,.,. �... =,_.� ,._�`. �+ �� Adequate supporting details and infor�natiqn � `� ��� must he attached to allow Owner to evatuate. 1 1 Time and materia! per contract. 6ut not to excaed $ t 1 Actual cost at campleti n of work S Submitted by: � l � Data:_. {(9--�I' �,,,�4 Contractor 1 Contrdctor Actioa Recommended: tCheck one) CPMI Jab No.: 3225 (! Change wiil not t�e madc. Explain: �soceed on the foFVowing basis: ``�AS indiasted abqve, ehange and bas(s of psyment is accsptnbie. �( }�Change is acceptabla, h8sis of payment is not accep2abte. ( 1 Sasis of payment shalf be S {�U,�.�T�� i 1 The foilowi�g modificatian is �ecommended: r /��� � t 1 Chanc�c i� pompletion date is accopted. C�f7///���� f) Change is acceptable with no change in price. {} Change is acceptable wich no change in comptetion dste 2. Reason for Chanc�e: ( 1 t7esign Changc �Ciient Request f 1 Field Condition 4 1 Suggested by Contractor (} pesign Omission or OYher (explainl 3• Is chis a part of the originaa! contract scope7 ( j YES 'fQ0 4 • {s Contractar's Estimate attached? ES t! NO �• A(E consulted. i��YYES ( } NO Freparsd by: ��� PMq ApPxoved by tt{�,At ApProved by Qwner) cc: Eriks l.udins _.._. •••^P r""1On 3225- 3225- gL � ��'20- J5 Date: ����- 9S Date: aate: �� d' /f °� "' :- moanv 612__66fi__1635_____ P.4 — -- ' -06T-1�--'��-13:57 ERERIC]-IS-CONSZ_:644-6809------- --- —. � - - - - - —' _==-?,c-@L--_ ���'�1 � 228't Harr�den AVent�B P.Q. 60X �4154 5t. PaUI, lUiN 551�t4 Fh: 672l646-$305 Fax: 572/6G6-T645 PRDPfl3AL ��:t ober il, 1995 htr. Marv I{ntch Fr.erichs ConStzucti0�1 1410 EnexSX Park 3Srive. �9 s'+:. �aui, t�t 5510$ Itegarding; Cus�om Panal St, Panl CiviC Center. �:: -'----^-�.a�c.===,=az-a-_-_�_,_ � .. �, � _ _- ..a��=a��trax�z=c=��m��===^a��cac�xcx= K�7.ler Nence Company proposes to Furnish and znstall: • U��c: 1.7.' long x s8" i�igh custom panel mounted on top of wai]. near a�=w e�evator �xt �he abova locat,ion, pane�, wi1T he �illed with yatvanized non ClirReble taini mesh. Panel wiil be secured �o c�i.ling at bo�h end for stability ....................$ 745.00 .� : ��� ��� ' COYYtiai�1�GC�C��.�CG���G' �=��+qi Tnc above c�uota�ion is £irrp for a period o£ thirty (36) days fr�m tha date o� this pxapasal. we app��oiate �be opportunity to submit a proposal on th3,s project aad hope that it merits your f�svorable raview, If you have any quss�ians or n�ad additional iuformIIti,on do not hesitate to •gi�mg£ a call.. r� L - �-- i � � � � � � � � � � � �� � i `- OCT 11 '95 13�57 �RERIq-IS CONST• 644-6809 . ---- ���-- - �n1�c4� � ��te SREAKOOWN SHEE7 CONTRACTOR'S PROP4SAL SAlN7 PAUL CtVtC CEI+tTER F�CPA(+tS10N LABOft. MATERlAL & EQUiPMENT DIR�C"t EMPLOYfiE IABOR MATER�AtS & EQUIPMENT If3CORPOflATED TQTAL LA6 & MA7ERIAl & EQUfPMENT i 5% F�E TOTAL LASOR, MATERfAL, EQUtP., & FEE suacoNrRacroRs � �i4 F�e TQTALSU$CONTRACTOftS &�EE OTHEfi GC�S7S TRAVEL & SUSSISTENCE MATERIALS & ERl11PMENT NdT INCOftPORATEd REt�lTA�S TAXE3 PERMS7S & LlCENSE FEES UTiLlTIES, FUEL, FACiLiT1ES AT SiTE lNCIRENTAL EXPENSES SQNp & iNStSRANCE PFiOVISIQNS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL r S $ 5 5 ') �I S. CJ C5 $ 3$- � Z� S 5 S $ & S S $� S e� ���� s r7 �3. a p s ��U �' . ^ PAGE 5 6'M1 rv«..�e�nu r � � �� -Ii����8t1�� - = _ — - - ---- - — - -- - - - - a - -- - - -- — - - - -... ---- ----- - --- _ — - - - CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL �n�ov 2 o d��� • Contractor Proposal No.: Date: (f-1�� I Project: St_ Pau1 Civic Center Contract No. �(� �.,:, `- • .. A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be • 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD No.��, FO No. .) w�����' 3. Basis of paymen (check one) ( )Firm price for performinq this chanqe. . $ �l . ��� �% Adequate supporting details and information (_Increased_ Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ()Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (� Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: �-{ �,�, . L1�� �,-� Date: � _ i � _C� Contractor ��� � � ��� � ,�- _ Contractor Signature / ------------ -- --- - - FOR CPMI USE 1. Action recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No. 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: � Proceed on the following basis: � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( )Basis of payment shall by $ () The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. 2. Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Reguest � Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of original contractor scope? () Yes J�� No 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �� Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. `� Yes () No Prepared by: CPMI Date: Approved by: _ �1(W�' HGA Date• • Approved by: (�rl�'il Q Owner Date: Approved by:J � � Date: ----------------------------------------------------- — -- ----- cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehrin Eriks Ludins Page 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER EBPAHSION • f3REAKPOWN SHE[T CONTI1AG70R'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CCNl"ER EXPF�NSION � � � � � � � � � � � r� � �Y LA(tOR. MAT[SiIAL 6 CQUIPIvt[NT p1C�[CT [MPLOYEE LAE30R MATE(�IALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPOftAT[D TOTAL LAt3 & MATI:FiIAL & EnUIPMENT 15°� FE[ TOTAL LAOOR, MATERfAL, EnUIP., & F[E jUS]C���� ���CT V �lJ J'IU F E� TOTAL SU[iCON7RAC7UflS & FEE OTH[R COS7S TRAVL'L & SUC3SIST[NCE MATL � CQUtPMENT NO7 INCOHPOI�ATkD HLNIALS T{�XLS }>�.(�M�TS b tICINSC FEES UTILITILS, FUCL, FACIUTICS AT SITE INCIO[N7ALC flOt10 & (NSUHANCE Pf�OVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS S � _3������ 5 __.— — -- �� S � � � � TOTAL Of- CHANGE PROPOSAL ��� t �-�-�_, � � = Y S - S S_----- - s .j 7 C� t�L'� \� r $ (r 5 5 5 S S 5 S S pAG[ 5 6 � SnINT PAUL CivtC C@NTCEt CxPANSION ` �,��� -- ,� ,, � yjj �� lilt4:Allitt .l p.LViti, tNC. �� 4Y.lTEf{f'HOOF/NG CONiRACTORS SlNCE 79-t5 • P.O. 130X 2�031 k11NNEAPOLIS, MN 55-121 (6t2} 78d-5835 �� - - _ -=- -_ -- INVOICE INVOICE NUMBER: O V Jr.1.S 1NVOICE DATE: G� �Uf'�f��' so�U rhthiiti:> CuiV�7hUCfZUtV i0 TO: 141G C- (aE4�l=�Y Frit:K UF�—t> 1 E -1 � ( PAUL MfV 551ciu f=hECUN � i�, i Ll:f-'I:v�l lf�� � � I :.I . t�AUL C1`Ji�- CEN1Eh:, JT Fe=iUL it;VCIG r; NV F,hIT. -t � _„ (/() :, ICf 1hUfJ . / � �_i:cnt�rat ��{(�,(�kZ,y `3 Or�- '�1 �G __"_ _'-- ti u -�_"_�` _ 8�@ 4f� - 3 20� �:, :, w M�'{ _ �O� 3so Y �� l2�195� 1 Ri'CI"IVct� SC!' 7 1 1��5 ::. rx YINDOR p �/!� / y ys � ��iY. flA,: ��.�f a-���i.� sb0.00 3:,U . Ov TOTAL: