85-819 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FIL NO l l FINAL ORDER By ` ' FIle Na �� Votii�g In the Matter of *�� �qiu=ip� a� ; a� ,�� �e rltit stiatt 11Mt War=1 fros l��s ,�r�ar� far 1S0 ls�tt. 7 under Preliminary Order �.5� � �� approved 3 °��- �`'S' � ,. The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- i ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it ! RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement � be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate ' all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. f I COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date JUN 1 8 1985 Yeas �� Nays �� Certifie s d y Council Se etary � Misosis I .� In Favor By - I, 8oew�a . � Against i sFU.«� . JllN 18 19$�Yor I i PUB�.t��� JUN 2 2 1985 i' ; I C;�?�� ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL �� ��_�� � PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE WATER MAIN CONSTRUCTION � City Council District ��7 ''--l� � � µ� District Planning Council 4t5 FILE N0. 18398 � ' Dear Property Owner: . PAGE ; i ' PURPOSE To decide on the advisability of proceeding with public water main construction. PETTIT STREET west from Payne Avenue for 150 feet LOCATION � HEARING Tuesday, June 18, 1985, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall--Court House ; ASSESSMENT If the Council approves the pro�ect, the total cost is estimated INFORMATION to be $6,800 to be funded as follows: Estimated Amount Recoverable by Assessment $4,410 Estimated Water Utility Aid 2,390 . TOTAL . $6,800 ' QUESTIONS WATER MAIN INSTALLATION--298-4122 ' ASSESSMENTS--298-4513 Also, City staff will be available to answer any last minute , questions on this pro�ect in Room 218 City Hall from 9:30 - 10:00 A.M. the same day as the hearing. Notice sent May 31, 1985, by the Valuation and Assessment Division . Department of Finance and Management Service Room 218 City Hall--Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 . , — �f�3 i , � �� � . (.,� -- ___. _._ . _,_, _ , . , __ _ i _ _ , , - ' P�A$�!•8$��� . . ., ,�:: ,. . . .. i � .. . . : . _, , . •. _ . . n._:, . ,. . . . - Cdiineil Fite Na:`:85`-d$I-H Chi�t�;, . � ` . '� _� ' Y . NiSosiQ...r . : , .. .._ <;: .�In the�il�atteF:Qf p��ed.�sta�tioa•of�mater mafn in Petft�3tttee�•rotte�iE , � fFC�tn Pa�ne AVetiue;fo�150 teet in Vating�Y�tr�i 9 � , . • , j '1'kpt�dt�ttcil e�!'the'�ity►of Saiait Paul h,�` x�'�v `�_ '. g� r uPon`tl� BbQv� :iri�provemei�tt; � � �."'� rtvf:t� res�v�`s: �. �8 �i$�r�t���r�rt,,� �,.: > a, •�,. .,_. t,: ��� ,,: i 1. That,��w,id„�st.�tl��me:is.h�+�pplao�r,e�r�,�rith'�t! t�� � ; . :8ad t�t.#,�e�ti�f�,ca�t.'tt�erebf-i��6.8E�D,l�il�cY bp�a�sse�s�rner�t��;� Wst�r�ttil�t�►�d i�,�ilU:... . _ . , ,� � 2. T�a�a publiC' .hp.�i�i{�`�e ha�bi'�.ssi�imp�ieaie�t o��- ds����,.;-� ��.��� �.5��•.�the"�il E�ambem of�he,�it��.��, � ���� �v� ��iAt• �aul. , _ �--3 1ha6�aatfoc vfajsetid P�� h�ri,ng'�ie ��re.a�to�the�rsons and in.tp¢ ' �►�er�rovided by the�arter��ltatfiig the time and place. eari�8�fhe�aatur� ; a'#`�the ii�nprovemeht and the totai cost thereof a�estimaf;ed. File Nn.I83�. . : , � , _ , . : .A�da�tad by the Council i1�ay.Z1,,1985. , �Prdved�ay 21. 1985. : .._ ,. : � � - _ � (Jeane 1, 19851 _ � _; _ { �