85-809 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L Council /�' /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT �/�/��/j� �(/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ` `� O • C�ouncil Resolution Presented By �' d���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Wi�REAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are avaialable for appropriation revenues in excess of tY�ose estimated in the 1985 budget; and W�IFREAS, The Mayor recomrends the following chanqes to the 1985 budget: Current Amencled Budget Changes Buclget FII�INCING PLAN 001 General Fund 1/1/85 Fund Balance: Unreserved, Designated 268,457 +550,000 818,457 Unreserved, Undesignated 306,363 +209,250 515,613 All Other Financing 105,155,220 0 105,155,220 105,730,040 +759,250 106,489,290 S�EI�ING PLAN 001 General Fund Departm�nt of Finance & Mgmt Services Citywide Information Systems Division 01115 Citywide Data Pro�essing 01115-856 Data Processing Software 13,000 +300,000 313,000 01115-85�7 Data Processing Hardware 238,750 +459,250 698,000 A11 Other General Fund Spencling 105,478,290 0 105,478,290 105,730,040 +759,250 106,489,290 � � +759,250 RE90LVE�, That tY� City Council adopts these changes to the 1985 budget; F' ' g is Av e: roval Recom///'''����enc7ed: -/ 7 r. i� � Director of F ance '� � � Budget i tor 6-�_ ' COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas p�PW Nays . I �-7 Finance & Mgmt Serv'ce Masanz � [n Favor NICOSIB /y SCheibe� v __ Against BY Sonnen Tedesco W+tson JUN � 3 ��$� Form Approved it torn Adopted by Council: Date Certified PasseL�ounc�l Secretary . BY sy � t�pproved y avor: Date _ wu'v I � 1985 Approved by Mayo r S 'on to Council � By _ BY p��.��� ,1UN'2 � 198'S /����-�-� � �'ti��? � ��_�0 9 .,0� •:� CITY Of SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: City Council Members FROM: James Snyder ��.�c.� ��`� � DATE: May 31 ��� RE: Proposed new finanee system The process for a new finanee system began with two surveys whieh were taken during the summer of 1984. There were several common themes which were observed from the surveys and the main need was for more timely information. During July, August and September several demonstrations were held by prospeetive vendors to inform us of the various tools which are currently available. Fund and aetivity managers were invited to a demonstration at Xerox Corporation in July, for example. A pro3eet team was formed and demonstrations were presented to that group from the followiqg: 1 . AMS Corporation 2. Peat, Marwiek and Mitchell 3 . Infocel Corporation 4 . KRM Corporation 5 . Paekaged Systems Corporation In addition, a tour of the City of Minneapolis finance system was held. Included in this tour was a review of the aceounting system, whieh is approximately 3 years old, how decisions related to it were made and how various departments have accepted the system. Also included was a review of the process for improving the system. A request for proposal (RFP) writing team was then formed and, with the help of fund and aetivity managers, a statement of the City of Saint Paul needs specifications was developed. A posi�ion paper wit3� a deseription of these needs, and a proposed work program were then distributed for fund and activity managers' review. Based on input an RFP was written and distributed to approximately thirty prospective vendors on December 3, 1984. Thirteen proposais were received on January 23, 1985. An RFP evaluation committee was formed, and the review proaess has proceeded smoothly. The RFP Committee, with the assistance of Cit3� of Saint Paul Citywide Information Services Division, has recommended a computerized finanee system which ineludes Prime Hardware in the amount of $550,000 and software whieh has been developed by Price Waterhouse in the amount of $300 , 000 . • Proposed new finanee system �4s 0� ( ' May 31 , 1985 - Page 2 Presently the City of Saint Paul is using the Ramsey County Cyher computer for our finanee system at a cost of $10,000 per month or $120,000 per year. These costs, under the proposed system, would be avoided. It is therefore anticipated the proposed system would be financed over time by the savings . In addition to cost savings, the proposed finance system is going to provide more information on a timely basis, using a data base teehnique which would be mueh more flexible than our present finance system. The evaluation committee requests your support for this funding request. We are prepared to answer whatever questions you may have. JAS/ts cc: RFP Evaluation Committee Ed Warn � ' �;. ���-�D F . � ��.°�`�P -�.,� -�::,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TIIE, 28 MAY 1985 . � g1� THRII. ED �IARA, Finance Director � ¢� T0: GREGORY BLEES, Bndget Directo ���)" !, FROM: GRBGURY HAIIPT, iianager CIS , � � RE: IMPLEMEATTIAG PRICE-WATERHOUSE FINAN SYSTEM CC: Jim Snyder � CIS Cabinet Members � John Connelly Tom Tro3ack File Interdepartmental Projects: Finance System F[TNDIRG REQIIEST FOR FINANCE SYSTEM: Software and Hardware This memorandum is a request for a maximum of $850,000 from 1984 fuad balances for implementation of the aew Finance System. The request has two parts, one part for software and one part for hardware. The software amo�nt is firm, of course, at $300,000. This amount is based upon the Price-Waterhouse response to the Finance System Request for Proposal. The P-W proposal has been selected by the Acconnting Improvements Committee as the software of choice and is an escellent package from a data processing standpoint as well as a Finance System standpoint. HARDWARE ALTERNATIVES The maaimum hardware anount is $550,000, but could be less depending upon a number of decisions. The basic questions are, hov �uch capacity do we wish to buy in "reserve" and how much risk do �e wish to take. The balance of this meno outlines the nature of those decisions and offers my advice. Th� alternatives: A. A second Px1�IE co�puter syatem (complete package) sized large enough to provide capacity for two-to-three years, rather than sized only for the Finance System. Cost = $550,000. . � � �r� ��_��' � Page -2- This is the minimum risk alternative, therefore the alternative with which I am most comfortable and the alternative I recommend, given the current rapid development of departmental and interdepartmental systems on the CIS PB1ME. The desire for eomfort is buttressed by developmeats either prospective, in progress or set forth in CIS's 1986 budget objectives (not in particular order): - additional Finance System-related use of the PR1ME by the Water IItility - SPPD"s evaluation of increasing mobile digital terminal deployment to sone 90 terminals - the Automated Personnel Information Systen - License Division sutomatian - Purchasing Division automation - continuing Valuation and Assessments Division automation of Sewer Availability Charge/Credit processing and Pending Assess�ents billing � - continuing Fire Department automation - Planning and Economic Development Department applications related to income tax data and NSP data - continuing automation of the budget proceas by the Budget Section - autoaation of an integrated Certificate of Occupancy program - capacity support for iffiplementation of Department of Community Services department-�ide data processing/information systems planning, initially in the Health Division - redevelopnent of the City Workers' Compensation System, payroll system, and leave reporting system - automation of teh City Attorney's office and linkage with the Ramsey County Courts Systems I argue for continuing aggressive implementation of my electronic data processing/information system plan. The plan is simple and has two priorities. First, to automate the business aspects of City government. (The business aspects of City government are management of people and management of money and materials.) . . { . �� ��-d'�`�' Page -4- 2. Connection of the current PR1ME computer to the PYRAMID would be necessary so that staff and managers currently PR1ME customers would have access to the Finance System. It is theoretically possible to make the necessary connection throngh an %.25 Public Data Network configuratioa with another piece of hardware froffi another vendor. 3. The PYRAMID may not have sufficient capacity in 1986 to handle the Finance System and other CIS pro�ected systems, although that is unknown to me. 4. Management of the Finance Systen were it on the PYRAMID. The citywide Finance System probably should be managed under the same accountabilities and suthorities as the other citywide management information systems: Payroll, Personnel and Property, as examples. Those accountabilities and authorities are not in place. ACTION STEPS It is necessarq to make a decision later than AUGUST 1, 1985 in order to have hardware for the neW Finance System up on 12/31/85. I recom�end moving ahead with Alternative A, the purchase of a PR1ME 9955, to be installed at 101 E. lOth per agreement with Chief McCutcheon but operated from 100 E. lOth (CIS). �'inance & Mgmt Serv - � �0`���9 �- PART(,1ENT Grect Haupt r.ONTACT . 298-5892 PHONE 5�;,�k� 6 5 85 DATE �v�� �� ' / / (Routing and fxplanation Sheet) Assign Number for Routing Order (Clip All Locations for Mayoral Signature): 1 Department Di rector T3 City Attorney 4 Director of Management/Mayor 5 Fi nance and Management Servi ces Di rector ;��-s=-'"�'� 6 City Clerk �UP� G i98� 2 Budget Director f�iAiG� � GttiCt What Wi11 be Achieved by Taking Action on the �4ttached Materials? (Purpose/Rationale): The attached City Council resolution will result in funding for the new Finance system, including a PR1ME 9750 computer package and the system software. Financial , Budgetary and Personnel Impacts Anticipated: The Accounting Improvements Committee has recommended the proposed package and believes that it will enhance the City' s data processing as well as all other Financial system capabilities. Funding Source and Fund Activity Nurr�er Charged or Credited: Funding Sources: General Fund Fund Balance - Unreserved, Designated General Fund Fund Balance - Unreserved, Undesignated Attac�h ents��L�st an�'Nu�e'r8�1�1 Attachments) : City Council resolution Memorandum from Greg Haupt Follow-up memorandum from Greg Haupt Memorandum from James Snyder D�RARTMEN� REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIE�I X Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes X No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes � No Insurance Attached? Revision of October, 1982 (See Reverse Side for 'Instructions) HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET � The GREEN SHEET has several purpose's: � 1. To assist in routinq documents and in securinq required siqnatures 2 . To brief the reviewers of documents on the i.mpacts of approval ' 3. To help ensure that necessary supportinq materials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING , �ost GREEV SHE£T actions must be rev_e�ae�? Sy a De�art:�eat �irec�or, �:�e Cit� 3t�orney, the �i�ecLOr o= irlanaqement, the � Director of Finance and Management Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING � Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to assist in developing a precis of the decision which the attachments represent. The head nqs are offered to remind users of some of the more critical elements of this brief. . The Financial� Budgetarv and Personnel Impacts heading provides a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to users, 'homeowners or other qroups affected by the action) . The personnel � impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. � SJPPORTING MATERIALS In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is we 1 done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another qovernment unit. � b. Collective bargaining. c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. f. Assumption of liability by City, or granting � by City of indemnification. g. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one " • of the attachments at time of routing. .. . . . . , .. . . J ._ _ _.. . __. . � i:s:� �r.����-'�':`�� � � �z�Y o� .S.e�x������.'�iv�� �� . � � '�—�. � �,5���'o q�� � -�. ` "'` !`. `''' ori zcr. o� � ' � . fr._n �,�c�� �-�� � � + TFFIC Cl2'�'' CO 'Uti'CLL ' '��;.�:� i: ':-�:;'=:;;.1 1�:�� ' , . . •. �;:�.^:"-';: /�� . DQt2 ; June 6 , 1985 ,�.�:^�'�-� . . . ' . ._.._ � O E�! I� f E�' E E 1� E P 0 � �"' . i 4 = SQrnr ��ul Ci�f Cou �cil . � � � � F N O ��fl = C C M.r1 I i i�� Q�? FINANCE, MAN.'�GEMENT & PERSONNEL • ' ' C��,I � JAMES SCHEIBEL _ 1. AoRroval or minutes frcm me��ing held M��� 3Q, 1985. � 2. Ordinancs amending 5ec*'�ons 5e.�2 or the St. Paul Administrative Code pertaining to the Su�ger c�lenaar for the City at= 5't. Paul ana deieting certain publicazion requiresnents. � (City Clerk) 3. �rdinance amending the Civit Servic� Rules pertaining to six unclassiFied positions in the De�ar-�►ent or Planning and Economic Oeve?opmenz De��r-�- menz a stri ing in its entire�y Section d.C. (Personnel ) a;�� ��-�, / �r/.-ee�� _ 4, Or n nce amending the Civi1 Service Ruies pertaining to the positlocr or . Dire�or of Food Servic�=_ in the St. Paul Puolic Schools and �:iking in - its entir?ry Se�ion 34.F. (persanne? ) .-- 5. Ordinance es�.at�l isning the title ot= Attorney VIII in the Unc:assi�Fied . Service. (Per�annel ) � � 6. Resolution amending the�ry Plan and Rates or" Compens�tion Resoiutfon by es�ablishing the unctassi.fie_^. title or Att ney VIiI . . 7. Resolution approving !984-1985 Memorandum of Agre�nent betwesn the City and the Tri-Council bargaining unit, rearesented y Locai 49, Loc�l 1Z�J and Loca1 132. (Personnel ) ' 8. Resolution approving 1984-1985 Memorandum ot Agre=_ment betwenn the City anci AFSCME Lacal 1842 an� AFSCME Locai Z�QS. (Personnel ) 9. Resolution as�proving 1985-1986 Memorandum oF Agrenme. rwe�n the City . anci the Pipe�itters Local Na. 455. (Personne! !0. ReSOlution amending the 198 � b dg�t by adding �9,8 to the Financing P!an and to the Spending Ptan for C�e�eral Funa-?olic�-Technic�} ancs SUpDOr� Sta�f Un i ts. (?01 i ce?C����, / �i� 11. Aaministrative Qrcter 0-7489 - Bucge* revision in the Community 5°T'�liC°_5- Special ServiceG Enterprise. � /, ,/J� �� X /'�/s S (/ fTCi /�/ � c:T!HALL . ��-��FLOOr. . � . . SAINT PAUL,JtItitiESaTt�55I0? . � „ � � � Crc �-�0 9 �2. Resolution recommenCing �he Citizans' Commission on Bonai�g and Financirrg . Prac��c�s include within its scope, the r�eview of Urban Developme. � Ac ion �rants, along with the other fin ncing prac�*:ices_ _ - � df� - � �Xe � � N��� ._ I 3. Re�ut i on to purc.►�'sse harc�w�re (i rty the amount qf,, ��`5Q,OOU) and sor�ware ( i n the �nounc af �3QQ.�fJO) for a �i�nce system. ���'� _ NOT ON PREPARED AGNEDA: Resolution establishing a tax levy on General. Obligation Improvement Bonds , Series 1985A $l, 375,000 and providing for certification of t e tax levy� to the County Auditor. ����� . __ __ __ _ ____ __._.�.�_.�.......�... . .. _ _ __ _ _�....�._�__.�.._____�_rn.__ _ �_ _�_- .��.._ � , � � � ����09 ` GREO Ob/04/@� 11 : 45: 40 FINANCE SYSTEM MEMO � #�tt�{� `t)�S�tf���'�< �.i;�5; �{} F I I�iiPti�t�E; SY�►7�M I�M�3 '; � : _ _ . : N M S AR H TOM , ! ,. ,. T : MAY GE RGE LATIM R ATTN: GREGORY BLEES, BUDGET DIRECTOR .s f '1 � 1��;` PR1�IE �QMP�#TER I�t C€�NJUNGTI�I WI1'!� `1��� :�'�N�k�4�� ��'�'��# % CC: MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL JOHN CONNELLY ��� ���� T�l�i "�'R��i��f� , N _ FILE PROJECTS: �'INANCE SYSTEM � €R��EI�T' �1�l��tL�U�i �4t1THC�RELI B� JIM! SN'��ER ArNg i�l�&E1� t�i�F€��! �i�'GfRA'Ii�T��t 1�'fi�C�� t� ' 1�!#1t �� ��t MI3t..E�I�Il�i43. ;' MY REC�MMENDATION WAS FOR A MAXIMUM EXPENDITURE OF �850, 000: �300, 000 REPRESENTING THE PRICE-WATERHOUSE FM80 FINANCE SYSTEM SOFTWARE AND �550, 000 __ '�`f� M�.�..E�i�� ASF�!CT 'G1F Tl�� ME�'1�R�1htDUM WA� 't'#�� �#�����L� �������� ; N SSA Y H WAR N E FINANCE SYSTEM. IT IS NOT; RATHER, MY RECOMMENDATION ANTICIPATED HARDWARE NEEDS FOR A TWO TO PERHAPS THREE YEAR FUTURE, INCLUDING �I� �"�'��tr Q�#E� �L.���f EI� t+�1l�tNf �F�ClI�i l+�i���� ::�� ��"...��1f::: ��f� �� : _ _ �., . __ _ _ _ __ _. . : .0 LL_ _ _M. U___.. _. .. A MEETING IS TO REVISE THE HARDWARE RECOMMENDATION DOWNWARD TO INCLUDE PURCHASE OF A PR1ME MACHINE WHICH WILL PROVIDE CAPACITY THROUGH 1996 _ _ __ __. !�.�'��;�!� !��8� ��4t�'�+��'t'1*. >f ;, , ; : . >. H. THE UPSHOT OF THIS MODIFICATION IS TO REDUCE THE MAXIMUM DOLLAR ,: ;, , _ , ; ' ;, � ;: : t�f��#+'f� '��"�t� �i� ��Ct�TATEt� ��QtII'€�(�lEN'�', TAt..E...���. #�� �'C#w:L�C#W�� ,,; ,, _ _ > -. - M RY, M FIXED-MEDIUM DISK DRYVE, 1 CONSOLE �241, 500 < , , � .: . €;:; � , —_ ��,5�'v�' ' GREG Ob/04/95 11: 45: 40 FINANCE SYSTEM MEMO ' >: : ::; 13, 5�0 ICS I I BASIC STARTER PACKAGE, 16 ASYNCH LI�IES 9, 600 � �# I�S I I!; L�hIE �D�PTE�t' CA�tD& ; a�.� < _ , . _ . : ; : " 7, 5 2 PRfMENET NODE CCiNTROLLERS id, 000 � �IAX��4L Ct�illl�lL ��1�.L.E� ' �,�� . ' , , . <, < >:. < _ < . :: ) 1 � 2 PRIMENET FILE TRANSFER SERVICE LICENSES 4, 000 l�ER I�H�t� �,��I t1iE? �t S��? .. ' . . _ � � , SUBTOTAL �389, 250 '�'0 '�HI� T�TTT�. I �'t�� A R�#�11�3T FQR �����Qt�! F1'3R �4i�t #�I��M�'�F�l�Ul��'�'�L� j�E,i�i��t �f'�PLY ' 4��t';��'Rt�'�`�`? t�T ��U�Q�t��' ' 't" �tt�� � f�"t'�{ t��. ,� F��Ctt�R : ?.;; � 1 . L QUALITY PROBLEMS TO THE CURRENT AND PROSPECTIVE PRiME COMPUTERS: � :: , : �CC1"t'1AL ����?,��. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THIS APPROACH AND MY ORIGINAL RECOMMENDED ; ! ; ; � ,; ; ' _;'�!�'�. ��T3,:� $'�''.��!. > . ` _ : , ; ; . ; < � _ __> < ...::.......: AI� A ; ; TH + . A 9955 IS RATED BY PRiME AT 2. 25 TIMES THAT OF A 9750. � W�L.L.' �E �1G�€�M���1TED BEYt�tD Tl� F�hi�ht�� �YS't`�M: �fl�i '�h� 1"�#p �(,�4,�'1"��t�' . �t�I�' Tt�i���� T!� �'t,.�.QWIN#� (�I� I�i� P�4f��'���� �t��F� C�F ��tI�RI�'��: < . -IVON-EXAM PORTIONS OF THE AVTOMATED PERSONNEL INFORMATION SYSTEM, UNDER DEVELOPMENT. ;�,�,�k�k�}�TIQ�i.. �';R£t�fi8��,�� TF#�t��#�i�t ���'lP��'�R-l�TI3�� �T�P�Y�� l�� '�H� �l�i��#..�` j�' �P�� �1�L�I'�'"���;�' �':UP �"t� �i� Ml���t�.� ��It��'�`�G,. "�'�R���A�.�t°.,; .` -SPPD'S COMPLETIOht OF ITS STOLEN PROPERTY SYSTEM, CURRENTLY UNDER DEVELOPMENT. i ! I ; ;f ' ' ' ,: 5 >: < , ,; ; , � . >: ' ;:: . : ; ; , ,: Y � w • / � �� �D � . . V�� ' GREG O6/44/B5 11: 45: 40 FINANCE SYSTEM MEMO Q! ` -A�"T�A't'IC� QF '�N� L I�E��E BI t1I SI�1Nt Clfi#�f���IT�..�' €���ER�t�Y'� -ENHANCEMENTS TO THE PENDING ASSESSMENTS SYS7EM AND SEWER AVAILABILTY CHARGE/CREDIT SYSTEM. ; i-�RI�fiC�A"�'�l��►i �' '�H� PUR��iA;�I Nt� 'Ti I�T���t' ��PF"L�M�1'�T�� Tfl �`�;��#��3 :�R£#Pi����,.: -PROCESSING OF WATER UTILITY SUBSYSTEMS SUPPLEMENTARY TO THE FM80 PROPOSAL. � ''�A�,1TC�A�''�bAi 1�' �►i �l�i��'�Q�'t�k7'ED ��RTI�'I�l�7`E QF C�C�f�AN�Y.SV�r"#'�M #lI�+I�! f�C�'�`£t+�TI�Al,. ��l�iL�E�S��#�t t3�' IT FREiP� �C#8U� 'F�f P�1F'f�"'� ��±th`"�t±'��T��lt�f -PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT APPLICATIONS RELATED TO INGOME TAX DATA. ' �Ct��+��'t''� �UP�'CiRT ��1R ��#�'L�M�MTA�IO�i C�� T}��"l�f�TME�I'�' QF ��"tl�l+FlTif ' �*,��i�UiC�B l�l��kRT�!'��`--44�I1�E `t?�1?A'P�tC�CESBT'i�it3ll[���EI�T�Clt� �'��"f�l�I� ��$�#ll�'�" __ ___ ___ ___. ,. ,_: TO DEVELOPMENT OF A DCS DEPARTMENT MIS PLAN. I HOPE THAT THIS INFORMATION CLARIFIES THE HARDWARE SITVATION AND <;T'H� �FE IC�^��1�►�'�t�F��U«�r� �IAt�R#�fi�E S1fS'�'EM �1fi' J��A►�� >�� 15►$�. ;'' ���: J�� , . z � ,, , � t �