85-803 WNITE - GITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE TF' �7 COUIICll y/y CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A ll L File NO. v� ��� BLUE - MAVOR Cou il Res lution � � Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL provided $40, 000 in �he 1985 Shade Tree Disease Control Budget (03195) for a boulevard s-tump removal program; and WHEREAS , �the City Council has reviewed i�he various op-cions for conduc��,ing �his program; and WHEREAS , ihe Council desires to operaLe a program in which the Division of Parks and Recrea�cion removes stumps and replaces �he chi ps i n -che resul �c.i ng hol e at an es��ir;«�ed cost of $25 per s�um� ; and �dHEREAS , �the al 1 oca�ti on of stumps �hat can be renoved under �.he program should be a�proximately equal for each of the seven ( 7 ) war�+s ; and �HEREAS , �che list of sirumps �o be removed will be developed in conju�c�tion wi ��h �che Council office and �che Forestry Office ; now, i:herefore oe it ; IRESOLV�ED , �cha� 'the City Council hereby directs �he proper City Officials �o develop and implemen� a stump removal program for 1985 . COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays f� Requested by Department of: orew COl�iiviUNITY SERVICES Masanz � [n Favor Nicosia 4 Scheibel _ ��! __ Against -- ' Sonnen Tedesco tson ,1UN 1 1 1985 Form A oved Cit Attor Adopted by�ouncil: Date — C` � Certified a unc.� , cr BY _ App by ;Nayor: Da e _ �JUN � 3 i9a5 App v by Mayor for Subm' on o ncil g _ B PU3L!Sl��� JUiJ 2 2 1985 . Community Services DEPARTMENT ��` �3 NO 80 Robert Piram �CONTA�CT 298-4126 PHONE � �� '' S�[�/85 DATE e e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Cli All Locations for Si nature : Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director City Clerk Budget Director '�'City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Stump removal program will be developed and implemented ,:X;;�: � RECEIVED �3*�.�� � ,�-�" MqY Z4 ��� ' COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ��-�y ATTORNN�Y ' Ftt=C�.i'v t� $40,000 M AY 2 �� i985 r��AY���s o�F�cE FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- , ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: 40,00o quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: General Fund ' Activity Number: 03195 ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : Council Resolution ' . DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW xYes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes o ,�/ Yes x No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No // Yes X No Insurance Attached: ', (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 r�+~ .. :�'�. . . � ���// u � C�TY OF` SAZNT I-�A.UL '� ��a,. .. r �� Y'� j;�.-.,. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY COIINCIL � ��- ty'�.� �1V�391f• 4��* �s���i����� . ��''; ' D d t e : May 13, 1985 COMMI�'TEE RE PORT TO = Sa�nt Pctul City Cour�cil �� � M ' CO�"I1t71t�'1'6Q Oh City Development ana Transportation CNAIR William L. Wilson - 1 . �_f��s� f=or �5i1 5yn� i c_���t.c� for 1 `�rn P:� i i c�� (�'omrn i t:tce RF:�comrnen�.�s Approv.�1 j �'.� "�r�� '��##J�a�_�.k�Ff1�?v,�►1 Nroqrarn f(�:arnrn i r r F�� re�_-�c�mmen�s 3p�C�oV�'Y at�"#��ti� t��� i on B w i tn t=�.in�1s b�i nct d i st� i buter eca�_�:_, 1 1 y �n a :w�rrl- taa� i �:) �:.;.. _...__ � / G�Ht1iL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, �iNNESOTA 55102 ��� C� �'S--�3 .�='�L. ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,<_��,,, o.�r:;. ��{`�i���Tl _=` %''�_, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �. .;. `: ,;;,��i°;i ;� �:'� G`�` ��� DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION '-.: ,:= •�,'rl ,.'• _` ^t'n ✓.� �^1�� , 300 City Hall An�ea. 25�1'est fourth Street ' C��� • St Paul, Mmnesota 55102 GEORGE UTIMER C.;:iJ �;i�%"-��, 612-292-7400 MAY'OR April 22 , 1985 T0: cil President Vic Tede�co and City Council Members FROM: � ert P. Piram, Superintendent SUBJECT: Alternatives for Stump Removal Program EACKGROUND: The City operated a stump removal program on city boulevards until 1980 when this service Kas cut from the budget of the Shade Trze Disease Control pro�ram. In the past, the City has provided stump grinding and removal of the resulting chip material from the boulevards. While the initial grinding of the stump is relatively inexpensive , the cleanup, hauling away and disposal of the stump chips is costly. . In the 1985 budget, $40,000 ��as inc?udzd for a limited stump re�oval program. ($29,435 cove:s the costs of labor and $10,565 covers the parts and fuAl cc��� reiated to the grog^am. ) There are approximat�ly 16,000 stumps re�aining tc be re�eved from the bculev2rd�. Thi� memo out'�-�_� ��c= e�' t�:� oY±;oz� for 2 program u�in� thz zvaii�ble funus. �tu+*� rese�al can be dcne e`r:c���:�'-F i?��cugh�c:t t'�� sum.�nr �onth�. (Snov re�oval costs i������? ;^= per �LU�r ccst if a year r��^_� operaticn i� underta��^. ; �� �:�::=� prcr�Ge to begi*� stu�p res�val as soon a� the Cour.c�3 ��Ler�ir=s the desired alternative for the prcgram. OPTION A: This option includzs �rindin� out the stumo, hauling all debris , putting black dirt in the hole and seeding. - - Daily costs include : LABOR: $602.88 SUPPLIES (Black dirt and seed) : $131 .75 $734.� Since 17 stumps per day can be removed in the summer , this results in an average cost of $44 . per stump and a total of 681 stumps removed in 1985 . OPTION B: This option would include hauling all debris exce t for . � enough chips left to fill in the stump hole . This is the service that has been offered in the past. Daily costs include : LABOR: $411 .84 � �v . � ��-,��� Stumps/Page Two This results in an average cost of $25 per stump and a total of 1177 stumps removed in 1985 . OPTION C: The City would rg ind out the stum and the property owner Would dispose of the resultin� chips• Daily costs would include: LABOR: $205.76 The average cost per stump for r2moval would be S�3 and a total of 2 264 stumps could be removed in 1g85. DISTRIBUTION OF STUMP REMOVAL Once the extent of the service to be provided is determined, a method of distributing the limited number of stumps Will be necessarp. There are several alternatives available: � . Divi�e thn total number of stumps � th� nu�ber of plann�r�� a��t-_ct� «. Eac� of th= pl��ning districts has a diff�re�t popnlation an� 2 dif�erer.t nu�ber �f stu�ps to be remaved; divi�ing equallp L�tv=ea tre '1E districts is not likely to be ecuitable. Hov�ve-, it �ight bn useful from an organizational stancpoint to �ork viL= individual planning councils to determine �district prioritie�. 2. Divide the total number of stump� � the number of wards (7) . The wards are roughly equal in population although not necessarily . in size. The number of stumps that need to be removed may vary ' from ward to Ward. Under this option each council person could set priorities for stump removal. 3. Provide a matching program for interested districts to s rea3 the available funds . Given the small cost of stump removal , the administrative and organizational costs for a matching program could exceed to overall benefit of the program. Devoting a percentage of the funds to a matching program might permit some interested and organized areas to increase the number of stumps removed in the area. 4. Remove stumps on a first come , first served complaint basis. , There is funding to remove between 681 to 2432 stumps of the �total . . C�����d� _ , ^ � 4 Stumps/Page Three 16 ,000 stumps still on the boulevards. Removing them on a first come , first served basis could result in a very disorganized program. It should be no_ that theol�amtu�A�di�od� traaep�tbet-en or�anized block � block � _ locations for stum removal will r�_lt in fewer stumps bein r e m_ °.-= RECOMMENDATION Staff is available to discuenttforatherfundseallocatedeinp19a5a program that meets your int We can review the various options in greater detail at your convenience . � cc: Mayor Latimer ; K��!;y Stack � Lloyd Burk!�older � Ed Qlsen � ' ' i + � r/ � r� , 0 � . ��� ��