Wollschlager ' :�'OTIC� OF CL.�I1�I FOR��I to the Cit�� of Saint Paul, �Iinncs�ta � RECEIVED �� Lli�rrrr���ri �r �r� t /. '' ...�'i<'I'l !��'!"�i�rt...lt�ilr����cl.. .����ll)!ci:c'� �1��/I!t!/!1 l77!II-�i-/r�[li1C1.__��1t!!:�r;i/��,I� ,�c, r,/�'�<'l�'.'if I�r r;,� . t S,�rte 1. �.trtr-ln ,r�� �l���r� ,:�t! " ��,�rrrr.n��h�,�l: ��.t�t�•��r�irn�in�r/r� ��,�yf;�ir: 11'u,l�n��i�t�•r tl r �i"<:r�(1�,�<<�r ia��u�.��. l�.r�,� �� 1 r i. � ���-st,i�i��:t,'�� ;i�f LU� 1 1������ �':r�rt�rt�tua��e.tlte�r��i�!, �tr;�l tlie ztn-��trat���<��n�nrrt"rtrnrr nr � th<�r���C���l<nr n<I<��_' Please c��mplete lhis form in its entireh h�clearly t}pin��or printin�►�uur.�ns��er to each yurstiim.��N►��L��RK nerded,�Uach addilion��l sherts. 1'le.ise notr that�ou��ill not be contucted b} t�lephone tu cl�ril'� ans�cers,su prii�idr a. much infnrm�ition as necess.�r� to e�plain }our claim,and ihe amount ot'compensation hein�reque�ted. l�uu «ill rrcei�e.i ��rittrn.�ckno��ied��ement once �our i'orm is rccri�ed. Thr pr�►crss can take up tn ten ��rrkti or I�m��er dependin�un the nature ol'���ur cl:�irn. "Chis furm must he si��ned,and both pu�es complrted. If'somelhin��ducs not appl�.��rite '\/.�'. �F\'D CO:�IPLETED �OR�I _1\D OTHER DOCL':�IE\TS TO: CIT1' CLERti, 1� «'ES"I' I�ELLOGG I3L�'D, 310 CIT1' H:1LI,, S:�I'�T P:1CL, 11\ ��10? F;r.t \:u��� David ---- -- --- �Ti�l�lle Initi.il M— L:i•t \�imr Wollschlager------- ------- C��m}�an� ��r f3u`ine�s \.ime _ - --- -- ------- - \re 1"��u an (murcinc� Cc�mran�'' l'es / ti�� I1 Ye�. Cluim \i:mher' -- --------------_ Strert :��l�lr��� 291 7th St W Apt 1706 �i�� SaintPaul S[�it� Minnesota Z��� C���{� 55102 D.i�time I'h��nr i 507 � 279 _ 9800 Czll Ph�m_ i 507 i 279 _9800 ���enin�� T�leph��ne i 507 � 279 _ 9800 D,t[� c�t .-\�.:i�lent! Injur� �x D:tt� Di�����erecl December5,2013 T��n� 7:45am �i���/ ���� I'leu<� ,t.�te. in cl�tuil. �.hat ���rurr-c�i iha�Pen�cli. and �th� ���u are tiUF�I1111[111`_' a claim. ['I�ci:L in�li�at< <tl�� ��r h���� ��,i1 (�•el thr Cit� ��f Saint ('aul ��r it< zmrl�nees �ire in�c�l�eel .�nci/ur resJ�c�n�ihle ti�r �c�ur�ium:���e�. _ _ Please see attached. ���C.ttic C}1CC� lflc' f�t�\!��� ifl.l[ Ill(/�( C���;zl� r�rr_�ent the re.lti�lll 11�I'Cc�lll(�ICUIIS! Illl� I��1'fll: ❑ �l� ��hirle �tas �I�►m.<<�e�1 in an �irri�lent ❑ �1� �ehirlr ��.0 �1�im.i��«1 �turin�� a t�,�� ❑ �l� �ehi�le ��c« ciama����1 h� .� r��thcrle ��r��m�litiun �,t the �tr�et ❑ �1� ��hi�le ��.i. �1.IRlu��e�1 h� :1 rl„�� Q✓ �1� ��chi�le ���a� ��r��n��f�ull� t�,��«1 .�nd/�,r ti�':et«l ❑ 1 ���.�> injure� „n Cit�� �r��P�rt� ❑ Oth�r t��. ui�I,r���,ert� �lama��� -Pl�a.� s�c�it� ❑ nther tv�e �,t�injur� - �+le.i,e �Pecif� -- - --- In ��reier t�� �?rc,�e�� �c,ur cl.iim ��ou need to inclode conies of a11 annlicahle documents. l��,r the �Ictim. t�re� li�t�cJ he:l�,��. �+Ie.i�r he �ur� t�, inclu�le th� �ie,�ument; in�licateef �,r it ��ill �lela� the h.in�ilin�� e,f ��our cl.iim. D��cument� 1�'fLI_ AU"1� h� return«1 :ind hec�,me th� Pr���ert�� ��f the Cit�. l'�n� arc �nc<�ura��c�1 t� kee� .i ���P� te,r�c�ur�elt�hef��re �uhmittin�� ���ur cl�illll I��I"111. - O ['rc��em el,unu«e cl��im� tu a �ehicle: t����e�timat�. I�c,r th� rerain tu ��,ur �rhi�lr it�the �1�1111'.li'C ������, 5�OO.UO: or the ��c[ual hill> .�n�f/ur rec�ints fur the r�p.iir< C�S T����in�* cl��im�: le�iihle c��rie� cif�in� tick�t i��uei1 an�l .i rc��� c�l�the im�c�un�1 l��t re��i�t O Other�rc��en� �l.una,�e �laim,: t����� �ePair estimatc; if the �lain:i«e e�cee�i, S�I)(I.OU: ��r the a�tu.il hill, ancl/��r rereipts fur the re�.iirs: detaileel li,t ��f�iama��ecl item� O Injur�� rlaims: ►neclical hill�. rereipt� �Ph��t���,r.trh� are al��.►�. ��el�c�me t�� �Ic,�um��t an�l :ur�nn ���ur�laim hut ��ill n��t h� rrturne�i. Pa�e 1 u1'2- Please c�►mplete and return hoth pa!�es��f Claim F��rm ' I�ailurc tu romplctc and return buth pa�cs��ill result in dcla� in thc handlinr of'�our claim. . 11t Claims- please ci►mnlete this secti�►n " ��'�r� thcr� ��itnr�,« t�, thein�iclent:' ��. � �'nknc���n i�ir�l�i I'rc��i�l� thcir ncim«. a�1�1r«;e, un�l tcl�Ph�>n� niunh�r,: -- -- 11�re the rc,li�•� ��r I,i�� �nfur��m�nt �.►lle�1:' l e: \�i _ nk � i�n-�•I�i If �c>. �+h.it �l��rirtni�nt �,r ci,��n��:' C.u� ??��r rePc>rt# «'herc cli� th� a�ciei�nt ur injun tak� rla�r:' ;'rc��icle ;treet a�1�1re`s. �rc,�� �tre�t_ inter�«tic,n. n�imr ��i-�.irk e,r t��-ilit�. cl�„e�t I,indmark. et�. Plca;e he a� cletailed �i� �ossihle. If nere��ar�, aUarh a cli.���ram. --- Please see attached. f'I�:i,� in�lir�it� thc am�,unt ��,u ar� `�ckin;� in ���m{��n�ati�m �,r��h�it �c�u ��c�ul� lik� th� Cit� t���c� t�� re.�,l�� ti�i� �laim [u �i�uC �a[i�f�t�ti��n. P�easeseeattached. �ehicle Claims- pkase c�►mplete this sectiun ❑ rhe�l: h��� it thi� .�rri�,n �ic,�; n��t �inl�l� Yn��r �'ehicl�� l rtir 1997 �takc Dodge �1���lel Stratus Li�en;� I'late \umhcr XRP 134 State MN C��lur �Y/purple R���1�[ef�t� �)t�n�r DavidWollschlager -- Dri��r ot\'�hi�l� ' ' :�f�a D�Ut��t�!etl"�'rongfully towed.No physical damage. c��, � �1���i�: ���.« - -- ��<<�:� ���,�i�� -- -- - Lirense Plate Aumher State Col��r Dri�erc,t��'ehiclelCit� Ein�l���cr�ti ti�unei -- — --- .are�� Dama<�c�l Injur�� Cl��ims-plcasc com�lctc this scctivn �hcrk h��x if this ,�rti�m �l��c� nut a�l� H�,�� ��er� �c�u �njur�cJ:' - - — — — -- -- -__ ---____ _- - ��'h.0 Parti.i ��t����iu'b�xl� ���re injur�cl.' - ^ — --- -- Ha�� ���u .c,u�_ht m��7ic.i1 n�atm�nt'.' Yr, \c, Plannin�� t�� S�ek Tr�atment ��ircl�i -- - �1'h�n cli�i ��,u re�ei�e treatment�.' _---------- -- _----- -- -i�rc����1r �latei�i� \�im� ��t �1«liral Prci�icl�r(��: :>�lclres�_ --- _— --- Tele�hc�ne _ Di�1 ���u mi�: ��„rk .i> a re�ult i�f�uur injtin .' 1'c� \�� �1'hen �Ji�l ��,u mi�� �����rk�.'_ - - �� _i pr���i�l� cla�ei�I i \ain< <�i ���ur Fmpl�,��r: --------__.------ ----- — :��)�r��,_ �Tele�h��ne _ ❑✓ Check here if�ou are�ittachin}� morr pa�es to this claim form. \umber of�tdditi�mal p��es 3 _ 13�• signin��tltis fornt, ro�t �rre statin��t/rat ull i�rfornratio►r rurt /ra►•e prurided is trrre cmd currect t�� the best of ror�r k�rowledge. L'�isi��ited for►ns u�ill not be p�ocessed. Sr�bnritti►ir cr fi�lse clnint ctrn result iit prosecutioir. llate form ��us ci►mpleted o2/10/2ot4 1'rint the �ame nf'thr Person �►her Completed this I or � DavidWollschlager _ _ __ �i�naturr uf'Pers�►n �lakin;� the Claim: _ -----_-- Kr�i•r�l I rhruar� '��I I Please state, in detail, what occurred,and why you are submitting a claim. P[ease indicate why or how you feel the City oJSaint Paul or its employees are involved and/or responsible for your damages. On December 4�' 2013 at 10:O5pm my car was wrongfully towed from a day plow route during the night phase of a snow emergency. I was parked on the east side of N Walnut St between Smith Ave and 7�' St W. I do everything I can to follow the parking rules,especially during snow emergencies, and my car was towed anyway. The east side of Walnut St is one of the few day plow routes near my residence at 291 7�' St W. I spoke with St Paul public works(651.266.7569)to confirm that the east side of Walnut St is indeed a day plow route before I parked there. When I went to get my car at 730am on December 5�`, it was gone. I had to miss work and go retrieve my car from the impound lot off of Como Ave.At the impound lot,I was forced to pay the towing fee of $219.50 even though I was wrongfully towed.No one would listen to me. I called the police department, St Paul public works,the impound lot,and my city council representative's office to ask why my car had been towed from a day plow route during the night phase.No one cared and everyone just told me to call someone else. The police told me to call the impound lot,the impound lot told me to call public works, and public works told me to call the police department, leading me in a circle of frustration:I was wrongfully towed because of an easily avoidable mistake by a Saint Paul police officer.Because of it, I had to miss three hours of work and spend$219.50 to get my car back, and I have wasted countless more hours contesting the parking citation and filing this claim form. I feel let down by the City of Saint Paul and I deserve recompense. Where did the incident take p[ace?Provide street address, cross street, intersection,name of park or facility,closest landmark etc.Please be as detailed as possibde. Ijnecessary, attach a diagram. My car was wrongfully towed from the east side of N Walnut St between Smith Ave and Fort Rd/7�' St W. I have taken photos of the block of Walnut St where I was parked;they can be viewed here: htt�iiw���v.im�ur.com/alrpnNt (note: "rpnNt" in the link is case-sensitive). Please indicate the amount you are seeking in�ompensation or what you would like the City to do to resolve this claim to your satisfaction. I would like to be reimbursed for the towing fee of$219.50.I contested the citation and had it thrown out because I was not at fault. I think I should also be compensated for the time I had to waste getting my car out of the impound lot.I had to miss three hours of work at the rate of$19.69/hr. The towing fee plus compensation for three hours of work is $278.57. Map of Snow emergency routes in Saint Paul http•/Iww�w� spaul �ov/DocumentCenter/Home/Viewl19092 Photos of Walnut St between Smith Ave and 7th St W http://www.im gur.com/a/rpnNt �;Vin�; ���� yQ� �o� .���t�^ �o ��`bp5e . � p �tiis was h�� �, �°V f' - '�(1�,�t� ��� �.s�s _�e ?co���s ;,r.ion tiN,nccv. He�.p �� '-�.�-- � C' ' � , � X �q��Incident Update _ _ _ _ _ Incidenr. 2730�93 Swtus: C�CSE Main Charge: SNOVV EI.!ERGE'dCY PKG Court Dt:OC J':,•_���+� OC �0 Age Eval Dt ' '0[�?» ' Pend Defendant'v�;GL'_SCH�IGER C�d'D L':ARh Main Citation: 62t)9G�•,32�4 �fns Dt:'='C'� 20'-`<< �� I;HARizc _ ___ ____. _ _ _ __.__ _. _ __ _ _ _ . i „SE t�aJ^,e� H -.,:� rc �ent Cha,yES ��� ,. F�es _. . � Event History ' Commenc { Event Date , Souree i"JCIDENT ENTERED - 1210 2u13 4 19 PfJt CampbeliL I�iC�DE��T E��T�REC� td.AtAE AND ADDR RE�STG ' � 12 11 2G13 ?2 35 A1.1 Dt.iV Mt1 SE�lD IiAF.?E AI:D ADDRESS REQUESTED FROt,' STATc APFF:?T SET - 1?16 2013 9 44 AP.1 b'cLaugh6nh! kPP?SE' 12 �u '3 3 30 SP u 5►�� PO�:CE ERROR - 't�"'C,2C��3 8»2.At.1 XI�tJ�F� �t�;0':v Et,'ERGE!;rY aKG r'.�' �A! GiSL'ISSED - PC� CE �Rr IfJCiDEfJT C�G�ED � 12 3G'2U13 8 42Atvt � xiongn iP�C)DEh:T C:.u�ED Scheduled Events Ty� Todo Scheduled Comment Create By Update By Update Date PURGE ��'- � " 19 2�19 �er.era?ad �y PcstCsose r��,c�n; � �rg^ ;uc^��r: '? '02'•-�?:i , . � Page 1 of 1 IIIIIIII�NIAIIIII��I�II��IIIIIINIIIIIIIIHNIIIII��IIfiI�II INCIDENT )NFORMATION REPORT 12/30l2013 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY DISTRICT COURT INCIDENT AND CITATION INFORMATION INCIDENT ID PAYMENT PLAN CITATION NUMBER 2730993 620900173234 DEFENDANT NAME DAVID MARK WOLLSCHLAGER ADDRESS 291 7TH ST W APT 1706 SAINT PAUL MN 55102 DEFENDANT INFORMATION ! DATE OF BIRTH 2/10/1987 GE�DER MALE HEIGHT 6 Feet 2 Inches EY COLOR BIUE WEIGHT 165 Lbs. DL NUMBER R948186647221 DL STATE MN RACE WHITE HISPANIC (Y/N) OFFENSE INFORMATION DATE/TIME 12/04/2013 22:05 DIVISION RAMSEY COUNTY LOCATION ES WALNUT BTWN SMITH/ COMMUNITY ST PAUL 7TH ST AGENCY PUBLIC WORKS METER ISSUING METHOD LEFTAT SCENE OFFICER 1 792 CN 13258617 OFFICER 2 NBRHOOD VEHICLE INFORMATION PLATE XRP134 MAKE DODGE STATE MN MODEL STATU PLATE YEAR 2014 COLOR PURPLE VEH TYPE PASSENGER VEHICLE VIN 163EJ46X4VN603527 VEH YEAR RESPONSIBLE PARTY ID METHOD NONE OTHER SYSTEM IDENTIFIERS CN NUMBER CHARGE INFORMATION STATUTEI STATUS REASON JURISDICTION ORDINANCE DESCRIPTION CLOSE POLER STPAUL 161.03 Snow emergency parking restrictions ORIGINAL FEE INFORMATION AMOUNT DUE 40.00 : S40 FINE 00 540 FINE 00 LAW LIB PARKING 3.00 LAW LIB PARKING 1.00 Srchrg-2nd District .00 Srchrg-2nd District 00 Srchrg-Parking 2009 12.00 Srchrg-Parking 2009 GRAND TOTAL 56.00 GRAND TOTAL .00 OFFICERS COMMENTS : � , Q i State of Miraesota _ ___ Ramsey District Court__ _ ' —� {� j City of i r�+ „ Citation# i � ����� � ��p� i ' fi20900173234 � � _ �20900173234 "�� � ----- ------------- ------- - -- DL Number State -- ----- C MN ❑CDL _ _j ' Name I F��St��I�+d!e Las+ - ___ y!- � . Add ess- Stree?. Apt# ,���/� �-- — --- = ---- --- _ �City State Zip I I-- -- ,— � DOB(mm;ddryy}y; � Eyes He;ght , 'rVeight i Sex �Race 1 Ethnicity ; �e� i � Venicfe License No. Plate Year S!ate Make ; Type i Model Color � � I Date^f Ofter.se Time af 0"en�e--r, �AccidenUCrash � ?ar+c nc Meter Number I NelghbOfh00d arooercy i��njury __Fata� C�Pedestrian � — -- - — -- - Gode ='. Hou�ing,�Butlding Caie 1�� �. ;_ -- -- �- - -- -_ _------ __ ---__ �� �Booked r'Park�Operate ❑Owner ❑Passenger C Driver .— - ---- -- ---_ ._ ---� Offense Location __ _..- . _.-_._._. —�� ��� NO 1 CflBrSe � � ' j Statutei0rdinance �,r i __�No 2 Offense � StatutelOrdinance ' j --�� J ; No 3 Offense � Statute/Ordinance ; i i � _ � '�Speed 169.?4{subd ): mph zone ''' S =No Seat Belt Use 169.686.1(a) __�No Proof o! Insurance 169.791(2)_ _�'i � AC Taken-AC Test fype � Refused C Breath � Blood ` Urine J' (� C Hazardous Mate��ai iDQT) �Ursafe Conditions �School Zone ; ��i' =Endangenng Life& Prope�y -Work Zone - Commercial Veh. DOT# Idenliflcation: �DL Ci DVS Web ❑Photo ID ❑Other ' - -- — — ---- 1 : i � ! 'I � _ : ,:r::. � ,.,, ��.; _� ��,, . ,._ . ,. ,,._a.,n�.. . .x . .�_-> >. .� ,. _:_ -..,�. � _ Officer(s)Name(s) � Officer No(s). I CN# Citing Dept ! - - -- -----L— --- ----� �_Hova!ssued �in Person u Mailed ❑Left at Scene __ --------------— ------- ----' Saint Paui Poi�ce impouna �ot, �3o Barge cnanne� Koaa, venicie Ke�ease rorm Make:97 DODGE License#:XRP134 CN: 13258617 invoice#:21980 Date/Time Released: 12/05/2013 09:26 Tow Charge: $ 123.95 Reieased to:TOTO Storage Charge: $ 0.00 Paid by: CREDIT CARD Admin Charge: $ 80.00 Released by: ELISE Tax: (7.625%) $ 15.55 I,the undersigned,have recovered the vehicle described above. Subtotal: $ 219_50 \� \ � I will check the vehicle for damage or any other problems that v' `' may have occurred while this vehicle was in the custody of the Service Charge: $ 0.00 Saint Paul Police Department. I acknowledge I wiN report damage and/or any other problems to the tmpound Lot staff Total Charges: $ 219.50 on this form prior to leaving the impound lot. Damage and/or other problem: Police Report made:Yes_No_IF Yes,CN , If NO,Why? TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS REPORT ANY PROBLEMSIDAMAGE BEFORE LEAVING THE LOT Signature sn000 ':1 YRUt 1�Y�JUf1i' !Ut 3ou BAk;;E ::HANNE� kt �aiNi Nath. Mt� 5�2�. [y��: e51��'66.5f,i,. � - . �:.t ;L�: biu.%i.;��14w �r., ,_. kl�l�:9!%Ji!U��;tii'6 5zb;.�Iql�C Sale zFxzrzXZZZZ -��'' . .�:J� `... MCINr,:v� iW:.,. �rt. # 2'�,� T3X� $ �?.Ec� TJt3i' $'_ �� �� lt�i�S�i; ;�y,� r n,� w..�;;C ;�'� N. Iii:�1L'���� ^Np� ~� �,J��� n.. . �J��• �'�� M{�p1T�.u. ���il:l�' �.st��n��. i..._r . !NHNk Y!iU� .