85-778 N/HIT� - C�TV CLERK / PINK %. - FINANCE COUIICIl /Y �CANAFiV,- DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L 7�(% BLUE � - MAYOR File NO. �� City Attny/J o ncil Resolution , { Presented By 1— Re o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby certifies and approves the action of the City of Saint Paul Board of Appeals and Review pertaining to the following listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Board of Appeals and Review, dated May 14, 1985 , and marked EXHIBIT A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference: DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PRDPERTY APPELLANT 5-14-85 24-85-H 1160 Grand Avenue Harmony Investments " 25-85-H 1158 Grand Avenue B. & D. Investments Board Action: Granted a variance from St . Paul Legislative Code, Section . , pertaining to deadbolt locks or to give option to seal off second door permanently. Property Description: Manon & Simonton' s Addition to St . Paul in Ramsey County, Mn. , Lot 1 , Block 3 . 5-14-85 25-85-H 624 Summit Avenue Edward Fischman - Board Action: Granted variance from the second fire escape, a owing egress from one apartment to another . Property Descr'iption: Summit Park Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, Lots 1 and 2 , Block 1 . COUNCILME(V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor _ __ Against BY — Adopted by Council: Date Form Ap rov by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY CL�"`�` �/ �9��� sy l�lpproved by 17avor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — — BY WHITE - GTV CLERK PINK � /t FINANCE C'ANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COUIICII /}� (�� �HLUE - MAYOR File NO. u �_ ���/ . Cou il Resolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- DATE OF BOARD MINUTES CASE N0. PROPERTY APPELLANT 5-14-85 29-85-H 1639 Furness Pkwy N. Wayne A. Renstrom Board Action: Granted a variance from code requirements pertaining to storage o wood until Apri1 1986 to allow appellant to burn presently stacked wood, on condition that the remaining unstacked wood be properly piled according to code. Property Description: Jean' s Addition, Lot 8 , Block 3 . 5-14-85 25-85-H 692 S . Roy Street Arthur Olson, Jr . Board Action: Granted variance from code pertaining to fence eig t , to a low for a 7 ' 6" fence across the back yard. Property Description: Lot 8 , Block 1 - Girard' s Rearrangement . and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon passage of this resolution, the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution for recording to the Ramsey County Office of the Regist�r of Deeds . COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �_ Nays ) Masant %� In Favor Nicosia � Scheibe� _ __ Against BY Sonnen Tedesco p Witson JUN 6 — ��v5 Form App v by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C/. � CertiEied 5 b Coun , cre r BY C � 2 � B� t�ppro by iVlavor. Date - � 7 - 1985 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PU6�ISHE� JJN 1 � 1985 , • E X H I B I T A � �`S�� 7 7� SAINT PAUL BOARD OF APPEALS & REVIEW Me�tinq of May 14, 1985 Roorn 707 , City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 MEMB�RS PRESENT: Ron Glassman , Chairman Rosann Bostrom Glenn Gausman William Hite Harold Knutson Rudol �h Sawyer OTHERS PRESENT: Alice Bi ,jjani , Housing & Bldg Code Enforcement Jack Mueller , Housing & Bldg Code Enforcement E3arb Franklin, Inspector Housing Code Dick Cortright Wayne Renstrom Sarn Glassman Dotti Olson Cra i g Br�ac�i �y V i rg i n i a Nea 1 Edw�rd Fischrnan STAFF : Terri Byrne, Secretary Chairman Glassman callecl the meeting to order at 1 :30 p.m. on May 14, 1985 . He welcomed �:he appellants and explained the , procedures and purpose of the board. The minutes of the April 9, 1985 meeting were approved as submitted in writing. The chairman proceeded with the case hearings. CASE NO_ ! PROPERTY APPEALED APPELLANT ; 24-85-H 1160 Grand Avenue Harmony Investments 25-85-H 1158 Grand Avenue B. & D. Investments SUBJECT Request a variance from St. Paul Legislative Code, Section 34. 09, pertaining to deadbolt locks ; also, variance from � Section. 35 . 03 , pertaining to fire enclosed stairwells . APPEARANCE Dick Cortright PROCEEDINGS Mr Cortright explained that each apartment has two doors which open into a commori use area. As they are not used for egress or ingress into the building, Mr. Cortright feels this requirement is not necessary. BOARD ACTION Harold Knutson moved to grant the variance from deadbolt locks on apartment doorsin both buildings , or to give appellant the option to abandon the second door and seal it off permanently. Glenn Gausman seconded the motion. MOTION CARRTED . THE VOTE : Ayes 6 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 , � � . � � � C�� �'�-�78' FURTHER PROCEEDINGS Mr . Cortright then addresseci tr�e issue o�= stdirwell enclosures , statiny he would like 'to rneet the req�! irement `�y putt i ng one door enc 1 osure i n the m i dd 1 e of �the ha 1 1 , i ns�te�d o!= -��f�e required two. He saiC the haliw��y is qui��e short in disi��nc� . Alice Bijjani , Housing Code Enforcement Division , said it was her fee 1 i n� the s�ta i rs shou ! d he cnc 1 osPd . There are twe 1 ve door-s o�-� each flaor , and Ms . L� ijjani fee ! s there sr�ould be two s�Lairweils . BOARD ACT l ON Haro 1 d ,Knu�.son moved that �the var i ance frorn -two s�La i rwe 1 1 enc 1 osures b� �en i ed and that �.he requ i red t.wo �.-?t: i nsta 1 1 ed as �to cor�e . Rudy `�dwyer seconc�ed 1:he mo�t i on. I�'�OT?G��' CARRIED . THE VOTE : Ayes 4 Nays 2 (Hite & Gausman) Abstentions 0 ------------------------------------ 25-85-H 624 Summit Edward Fischman SUBJECT Request v�riance from Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining tb fire escape and stair enclosures . APf'EARANCE Edward D . Fischman PROCEEDINGS Mr . Fischman said he is seeking a variance from thP second fire escape requirr:ment as he feels the doors are such that could easily be kick�d in if necessary in the case of a f i re . He spoke abou�, the va 1 ue of good f i re preven-t i on �duca�: i on and how l and l ords cou l d h�ve safe�Ly ru l es posted for the �l.en�,nts . Alice Bijjani exr�l � �ined the inspector was cornfortable with egress go i ng from one apar�.ment i n�.o anothEr and fe 1 t �Lhe s�ta i rs going down jus�t require � couple of doors for enclosure. , BOARD ACTION Harold Knutson moved to gran�. the variance from �� �:he second fire escape , allowing egress frorn one apartmen�. ��o another and to deny the variance from i.he stair enclosures and to deny var i ance f-�rom No. 1 1 �r�d 12 . Rudy Sawyer seconded �the rnotion . MOTION CARRI �D. THE VOTE : Ayes 6 Nays 0 Abstentions 0 ------------------------------- _ 29-85-H 1639 Furn�s� �kwy No. Wayr�e A . Renstrom lA��s�� SUBJECT Reques�L Pxi�ension of time to properly dispose of firewood in a norrnal and routine manner , as he has a large amoun-t and it takes time �to 5pli�; and �ile it �roperly. APPEARANCE : Wayne A. Rensi�rom PROCEEDINGS Mr . Renstrom explained he is an energy conservationist and burns wood in a stove connected to hi �; furnace. He has been doincl t.his for seven years and has a lar�t� , yuan�: i ty of wood (G corc�s , a�prox i mate 1 y) . After hP had sp 1 i �t and p i 1 ed about i�a 1 f of i�t , he was i nformed i t was no�, dor�e proper 1 y to code. He � i s w i 1 1 i ny �;o stack the rest r�ro�aer 1 y, b�.��. does not fee 1 he can cl i sman�: 1 e and redo wha�t i s a 1 ready done . I-le wou 1 d 1 i ke t i me to bur�n �the or i c� i na 1 stack of wood . Mr . Renstrorn also expressed his feelin� as �Lo whether or not this ordinance i � constituti'onal . • Barb Franklin explained the area is being surveyed and this case was �aicked up in violation of code. She feels as long as he stores �:he rema i n i n� wood pro�aer,1 ,y i n a spec i f i ed �L i me , the extens i on m i gh�. be c.�ran�l:ed . She sa i d they are try i nc� to do the entire city regarding wood�ile violations . BOARD ACTION Glenn Gausman rr�oved to grant the variance from code requirEment on stored woocJ to yrant him enough �.ime �Lo burn the existing piled wood throu�7h April 19$6 on condition that the remaining wood in his yard be piled properly as code dicta�.es within 30 days . Harold Knu�L-son seconded the motion . M07lUN � CARRIED . THE VOTE Ayes 6 Nays U No abstentions One of Mr . Renstrom' s complaints was �tha�t he felt the city did not educate the pub 1 i c we 1 1 Er�ouc�h about �.h i s ord i nance , or ci i d ��hey let �.hem know what "r�roperly stored" means . Chairman Glassman asked Ins�ec�tor Barb Franklin if she could talk �otf�e � people involved in �the �ublic relations work for the Housing and Bu i 1 d i ng Code Departmen�t �.o see i f they cou l d ge�t scrne information to the public vi� �Lhe media . Barb said she would do -------------------------------- 28-85-H 6�2 5 . Roy 5�treet Arth�ur Olson, Jr . SUBJECT Request variance frorn code requirement pertainin� t.o ��ence he i ght , to a 1 1 ow a fienc� a�l: 1 eas�L 7 ' r� i c�h to be i nsta 1 1 ec:i . APPEARANCE Mrs Dottie Olson PROCEEDINGS Mrs Olson ex��lained thEy would like to erec�l: an a�t;�trac�L i ve fence a 1 onq thE i r back a 1 1 ey to shut out uns i �h�t.1 y rubb i sh areas from d�artmen�:s beh i nd her. She po i nted ou� �tF�a�t the qround d i ps i n s��ots and �:he contractor fe 1 �� i t mi ght have �L.o be 7' 6"' at some po i n�s . BOARD ACTION Harold Knu�.son moved to grant the variancP from code pertaining to fence height , to allow for a 7' 6" fence across �tr�e back yard. Rudy 5awyer seconded the motion. MOTION CARRIEU . THE VOTE Aves 6 N�vs 0 Nn Ahsi-ani- i nna '�`r,x..-'e� � r� :��f 3�.x�i �•. a �A�+'r�;: ,a"V �`�. � ����, ��^4 � ;". �z 9��7-�� y. .�R�,a,:rh�'a����, 5 r �'.� �` ,.a��.r "� �s" �i� �s �`Jt..:'TT�� �-��Ja" n .y.,��."x 3�,�_,4H'' ;a4;�+ k'��`a 'v`.h'�r°r�` ,-�e�,'t:�X :t:4;�T, �^:i� .�c`�" `��+''�`�.:v:»�'...6_PTS 'ka��'lm�','�"`�}�Ci`�3'��sa ?fi. .� �''"`�- r�, a V ..� ''"�. .� . i �a.h.�'Y�'Y'�.i"�,�' �,�M^ } . 'b :`��..s�. _..s� � .r. .� �;� `z 4�� � �' � <_. i v � : �'� .��" r•r �`"+��� ��f�' ..._� �^i,� F s�^X at"�+�_�.`�` 1 k;." 'ir ��1� � �'y��'-.' $�^„ p <3, .'r �,..: .k .r�r:!k..� ��, .,,�4� y cs,..� � s�� ;A:} 't„Y'��V y� *{ 1 �, x'[ �., n,r _ �'`i -��4q �+$.?' 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