99-941OR1����AL Council File # — �1 GreenSheet# 1poG3Y RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by C H 21 S C OLC'� ;Lt Jtti Referred To Committee Date �� 1 WI�REAS, WSCO (West Side Citizens Orgauization) has warked to develop aneighborhoodpolicy on billboards 2 which enhances the livability of the azea while maintaiuiug its commercial viability; and 3 WHEREAS, the West Side neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under the current Saint 4 Paul City code; 5 NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Plamiiug Commission to 6 consider the WSCO Special Sign District Plan and forwazd a recommendation on it to the City Council by 7 December�1999. $, � Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �:� �� �� � Approved by May Date �� �� ���� B y� . 6� (G��Nt�Gi,(�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � �\�gq � "hfl a9-q��' � city coun��i GREEN SHEET �.��� No �;;;`„_8 Chris Coleman 266-8620 �RR6Bt PDR ROU7YlG OROBf TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES oE...�rtu.moa a�rtoue� ❑ arrwTraaev ❑ anaauc ❑ NYIKILLiFRNCFfOR ❑ A41CMLfFRM1CGi0 ❑ M`IORQORAi0fMR1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution directing the Planning Commission to consider the WSCO Special Sign District Plan abd firward a reco�endation on it to the City Council by December 4, 1999. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Hes tnie a�rm e�xrwo�iced unaer a conhaau r« mie de�rtmenn vES No Viea Nis Pa�K�m eoer heBn a ary empbyee7 YES MO Does Mis {�saNfiim pomess a sldll nd narmelyposaesseU by anY curteM cily employee? YE3 � la dtis peranNfi�m e targeted ventloYt . YES NO COE7IREVRIUE BUDfiE7ED (dRCLE ONk� ACTNITY NUMBER YEE NO (EJU'W� PLANNING COMMISSION Gladys Mortorz, C7iair CIT'Y OF St1INT PAUL Norm Calem¢n, Mayor zs wen Fowrn sr�e� Saint Paul, MN 55102 6 c �yc�,i G �: Gl�i a' � �` 1 Te(ephone: 651-266-6565 Facsimi[e: 65I-228-3314 �� November 3Q 1999 Council President Dan Bostrom 320B City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: West Side Special Sign District Plan, City Council Resolution 99-941 Dear Council President Bostrom: On behalf of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, I am writing to request that- Commission be given some additional time to consider the proposed West Side Special Sign Disuict Plan now scheduled to be on the December 8, 1999 City Council agenda. On October 6, 1999, the Ciry Council forwarded the proposed district to the Planning Commission for its review and comment. In its resolution of transmittal (99-941), the Council requested that the Commission submit its comments by December 8, 1999. In order to allow sufficient time for public notice, the Zoning Committee scheduled its public hearing on November 23, 1999. A public hearing was held, but only three committee members were able to attend the meeting because of conflicts with holiday plans. The committee, therefore, requests that the Ciry Council delay consideration of the proposed sign district until such time as they can have a full discussion of the issues with more committee members present. We have laid the maTter over unTil January 20, 2000. We hope that the later date will also allow the Planning Commission's Ad Hoc Committee on Advertising Signs, having suspended their deliberations while the referendum was before rhe voters, to meet at least one additional 6me and provide the Zoning Committee with impoctant feedback on the proposed district. Please feel free to call me or Nancy Homans of our staff if you have any questions about this request. Sincerely, ���-��e�oL. Litton E. S. Field, Jr. Chair, Zoning Committee cc: Members of the City Council Gladys Morton, Planning Commission Chair Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator Sherilyn Young, WSCO OR1����AL Council File # — �1 GreenSheet# 1poG3Y RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by C H 21 S C OLC'� ;Lt Jtti Referred To Committee Date �� 1 WI�REAS, WSCO (West Side Citizens Orgauization) has warked to develop aneighborhoodpolicy on billboards 2 which enhances the livability of the azea while maintaiuiug its commercial viability; and 3 WHEREAS, the West Side neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under the current Saint 4 Paul City code; 5 NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Plamiiug Commission to 6 consider the WSCO Special Sign District Plan and forwazd a recommendation on it to the City Council by 7 December�1999. $, � Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �:� �� �� � Approved by May Date �� �� ���� B y� . 6� (G��Nt�Gi,(�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � �\�gq � "hfl a9-q��' � city coun��i GREEN SHEET �.��� No �;;;`„_8 Chris Coleman 266-8620 �RR6Bt PDR ROU7YlG OROBf TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES oE...�rtu.moa a�rtoue� ❑ arrwTraaev ❑ anaauc ❑ NYIKILLiFRNCFfOR ❑ A41CMLfFRM1CGi0 ❑ M`IORQORAi0fMR1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution directing the Planning Commission to consider the WSCO Special Sign District Plan abd firward a reco�endation on it to the City Council by December 4, 1999. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Hes tnie a�rm e�xrwo�iced unaer a conhaau r« mie de�rtmenn vES No Viea Nis Pa�K�m eoer heBn a ary empbyee7 YES MO Does Mis {�saNfiim pomess a sldll nd narmelyposaesseU by anY curteM cily employee? YE3 � la dtis peranNfi�m e targeted ventloYt . YES NO COE7IREVRIUE BUDfiE7ED (dRCLE ONk� ACTNITY NUMBER YEE NO (EJU'W� PLANNING COMMISSION Gladys Mortorz, C7iair CIT'Y OF St1INT PAUL Norm Calem¢n, Mayor zs wen Fowrn sr�e� Saint Paul, MN 55102 6 c �yc�,i G �: Gl�i a' � �` 1 Te(ephone: 651-266-6565 Facsimi[e: 65I-228-3314 �� November 3Q 1999 Council President Dan Bostrom 320B City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: West Side Special Sign District Plan, City Council Resolution 99-941 Dear Council President Bostrom: On behalf of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, I am writing to request that- Commission be given some additional time to consider the proposed West Side Special Sign Disuict Plan now scheduled to be on the December 8, 1999 City Council agenda. On October 6, 1999, the Ciry Council forwarded the proposed district to the Planning Commission for its review and comment. In its resolution of transmittal (99-941), the Council requested that the Commission submit its comments by December 8, 1999. In order to allow sufficient time for public notice, the Zoning Committee scheduled its public hearing on November 23, 1999. A public hearing was held, but only three committee members were able to attend the meeting because of conflicts with holiday plans. The committee, therefore, requests that the Ciry Council delay consideration of the proposed sign district until such time as they can have a full discussion of the issues with more committee members present. We have laid the maTter over unTil January 20, 2000. We hope that the later date will also allow the Planning Commission's Ad Hoc Committee on Advertising Signs, having suspended their deliberations while the referendum was before rhe voters, to meet at least one additional 6me and provide the Zoning Committee with impoctant feedback on the proposed district. Please feel free to call me or Nancy Homans of our staff if you have any questions about this request. Sincerely, ���-��e�oL. Litton E. S. Field, Jr. Chair, Zoning Committee cc: Members of the City Council Gladys Morton, Planning Commission Chair Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator Sherilyn Young, WSCO OR1����AL Council File # — �1 GreenSheet# 1poG3Y RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented by C H 21 S C OLC'� ;Lt Jtti Referred To Committee Date �� 1 WI�REAS, WSCO (West Side Citizens Orgauization) has warked to develop aneighborhoodpolicy on billboards 2 which enhances the livability of the azea while maintaiuiug its commercial viability; and 3 WHEREAS, the West Side neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under the current Saint 4 Paul City code; 5 NOW, TI�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Plamiiug Commission to 6 consider the WSCO Special Sign District Plan and forwazd a recommendation on it to the City Council by 7 December�1999. $, � Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary �:� �� �� � Approved by May Date �� �� ���� B y� . 6� (G��Nt�Gi,(�� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: Adopted by Council: Date � �\�gq � "hfl a9-q��' � city coun��i GREEN SHEET �.��� No �;;;`„_8 Chris Coleman 266-8620 �RR6Bt PDR ROU7YlG OROBf TOTAL S OF SIGNATURE PAGES oE...�rtu.moa a�rtoue� ❑ arrwTraaev ❑ anaauc ❑ NYIKILLiFRNCFfOR ❑ A41CMLfFRM1CGi0 ❑ M`IORQORAi0fMR1 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolution directing the Planning Commission to consider the WSCO Special Sign District Plan abd firward a reco�endation on it to the City Council by December 4, 1999. PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITfEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S Hes tnie a�rm e�xrwo�iced unaer a conhaau r« mie de�rtmenn vES No Viea Nis Pa�K�m eoer heBn a ary empbyee7 YES MO Does Mis {�saNfiim pomess a sldll nd narmelyposaesseU by anY curteM cily employee? YE3 � la dtis peranNfi�m e targeted ventloYt . YES NO COE7IREVRIUE BUDfiE7ED (dRCLE ONk� ACTNITY NUMBER YEE NO (EJU'W� PLANNING COMMISSION Gladys Mortorz, C7iair CIT'Y OF St1INT PAUL Norm Calem¢n, Mayor zs wen Fowrn sr�e� Saint Paul, MN 55102 6 c �yc�,i G �: Gl�i a' � �` 1 Te(ephone: 651-266-6565 Facsimi[e: 65I-228-3314 �� November 3Q 1999 Council President Dan Bostrom 320B City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Re: West Side Special Sign District Plan, City Council Resolution 99-941 Dear Council President Bostrom: On behalf of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, I am writing to request that- Commission be given some additional time to consider the proposed West Side Special Sign Disuict Plan now scheduled to be on the December 8, 1999 City Council agenda. On October 6, 1999, the Ciry Council forwarded the proposed district to the Planning Commission for its review and comment. In its resolution of transmittal (99-941), the Council requested that the Commission submit its comments by December 8, 1999. In order to allow sufficient time for public notice, the Zoning Committee scheduled its public hearing on November 23, 1999. A public hearing was held, but only three committee members were able to attend the meeting because of conflicts with holiday plans. The committee, therefore, requests that the Ciry Council delay consideration of the proposed sign district until such time as they can have a full discussion of the issues with more committee members present. We have laid the maTter over unTil January 20, 2000. We hope that the later date will also allow the Planning Commission's Ad Hoc Committee on Advertising Signs, having suspended their deliberations while the referendum was before rhe voters, to meet at least one additional 6me and provide the Zoning Committee with impoctant feedback on the proposed district. Please feel free to call me or Nancy Homans of our staff if you have any questions about this request. Sincerely, ���-��e�oL. Litton E. S. Field, Jr. Chair, Zoning Committee cc: Members of the City Council Gladys Morton, Planning Commission Chair Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator Sherilyn Young, WSCO