99-940oR����At CITY OF S�CNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To ,� CouncilFile# 99-94C Green Sheet # 1�� Committee Date 1 WfIEREAS, the Snelling-Hamline Community Council has worked to develop a neighborhood policy on 2 billboards which enhances the livability of the area while maintaining its commercial viability; and 3 WHEREAS, the Snelling-Hamline neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under 4 the current Saint Paul City code. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning 6 Commission to consider the Snelling-Hamline Special Sign District Plan and forward a recommendation 7 on it to the City Council by December� 1999. S, Requested by Depamnent of: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i• � � � . � - � . . � . ��l — I: � /l�� �..�II� I Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: Adopted by Council: Date (� �� _ L ��`�`� �u�ei�. � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a��� �,a� � � qg-9� GREEN SHEET No � `�='�'�'26 u a*..,�*� u m„� ❑ �.,,� ❑ m.� ❑�.,�,� ❑,«.�, ❑w���� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��2Jy1�87 �v� _ � �i?Z` ��G%5z.! % � c� �oav f��2�s��K�/ / PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has thie aersoMrm eHerxaketl uMer s con6act torthie tlepadmenl7 YES NO Vies tliia penorvhrm ew been a dty anpbyee4 YES NO Dcec tliie PersaYfimi posaece a sld9 not rarmallypaeeaseG M anY artent atY emWoYee� VE3 MO Ia tlus pneaVfl�m a taryMetl veMor7 YES NU SOURCE INFORMATION (E)SIAIN) COETIREVENUE8UD6E7ED(CIRCIEONE) YEE NO ACTIVI7YNU�IBER LE7�i�� ��'� ��� � � d��� � � , , , � , , � � � ; � � � i ,� � ' , , „ 1 , , � � ' � ' � " � ' � ' , � � �, , , , �, �� , , ,' , , ' , � - � , � � • � � , � � � . , � ��ROD'fII3G'ORDER: � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � „ � � � � � , .. � � � �Belo�azecar�:tmutin&sf�thesix�mestfr'equent,typesofdocimments � � corrrxncxs ��� �t�z �) coaiica.�x�soiv�crorr {�a buag��c �� ' . Ase�v � � � � � �� ne�i�e�rc � � 1: outsiae t D�ctor � � � � 2. Dep�Director � � � 2. O�ce ofF�u�al��vibes��,Duecfor ,� �, � � � � 1 � � � 3. �CityAttomey `� � � � � ;,,�y,p� ,,'�; � 4. Irifayor/Assistant, (for conhscts aver $25,000� 4 Ma`y'orl'Ass�stt�t � s �S ��' I3um��Rights (for confxacts over $SA',000} ' , 5 C�` �mct1 ` ' � � � � � �� � � 6.'' OffceofFinsncialSeivices-' fi_ Offi�'ofFinancisl,Services-Acco�m� , Accc��mhng trn8 _ ADI4IINISTRATiVE ORDIItS (BodgefRevision}, COUNCII.RESO�i7TiON'(ell!'dhers and:Ocdinances), I. ActiviLyMffiagerorDepaetmentAcco�mtant . 1. DepaAmentDi�ctor 2. DepmtmentDirector 2.'Ci{y'Attomeg „ 3c' Office ofFinancral Sc�cvices Duector 3� lv�ayvr/llss�stant � . 4. 'Ci . ,� , � � „ , „ , ; dc (�Com�1 . , �,i � �� 5.'OEiceofFina�ialServices Accoffitiag, � � � �„ � � � � n , i t TiVE ORDERS (all others) E� T�C�E ORDEIt '- ,, � � • * , r ,.:, ',,o-nu� i u , .�.,,�„� a ' ' �� ,..:" . w . AD �1v�II�IIS M TRA ^• , I}rcector ,��,. � , � , � ������} � t �D'��I I 'IJ� fYll WL. II I u4 I U}I I w ' 1 '� II I�I � I�� x n' u �.�.Z....��".°���, 6.01 . 2.'�C2tyAftomey � � � 2 CxiyTA#nmeY � 3, !OfficeofF�insncisl,SeidicesDirector 3 bSagqrf �,As.vstant � � � � 4.� Ci[y Cledc � � � � d. ,� Clerk � � TOTAL,NUMBEROF,SICsNtX7UREPAGES, � , , � � � „ or8a of ese Indicate tfie # of ' on wluch s' e�e - ed alnd ' each P� � re9u?r . PaPe�P ,, S � PBS�- � . � . � � � � � r�i ACTIONREQUESTED ' . , De�n'bewhatthepxnjed/�eguestseekstosccomplishmeitl�ec;tluonolpgicslorder'ororderoF �vLichec�as;', most appropiiate for The iss�e. Do notwnte.complete sentences Eeg�u eacfi�iem in }ro�'�st witli sqe�. r, ., . , rv. . . � � �RECOMMErIDATI0I3S� ` � � � � � � � � � � � Complde'iftbeissueinquestionl�asbeenpresentedbeforea�i�body publicorpnvate. � � ' � � � � „ � �r : YERSOIShI. SER�CE GOI�TFR¢CT� � ;,r, � �'P .a ,-- .,,�� . , �;, . . .� � µ � , i , Thismfomiefionw�llieusedtodeteimmethe sltabilt fa�wo�e� oaclaims ta�tesant� c�tl servicehir�ngiules., " �� �' �, INII7ATINGPROBLEEtv�ISSUE OPPORTUNITY � oi ' - -�s created a need or 'ect �� lamtl�sihiatio� wn�h that � �I� �`�,. y� Yo�PnoJ ie4u�t. �;` � � � � � � „� , � 4 � � � � , � ,� ,,� ' �; , ,�� � �,� �,����, � , �' , , ' ,�„�, � ADVAN�E'1GES IF APPRDVED , � i �� Indicate whether tlus �s simPlY ffi annual bua8et Proeed�se,r�u�r� b� law%r�mRa or whetber tliae are specific ways m, , � Swliich�CiEyofSawtPaul'andrtscrtizeus�viylbenefit&am'�t5s`spm�ect/arffat � � � �� � � � , , , „ � � IlISADVAA7TAGESIF�APPLlOVED� �, � � � ��" � � � �� ' � � � What negetrve effeds �ntajor c6anB� ��8'� P� P�� �k?� Prol� P�� �¢ is passad � (e.g., hafi'ie detay� no�se; taac i�se,d� � assess�eots)Z To `� �wfiom7� � ` 9 Eor fiow„tong7 � � . , � DfSADVANTAGESIE��iOTA�P�ROVED�� � � � �� � �'� � � � � � � ^ VPbatwitl be1l� negafine conseqqences ffthe' promised achon is not approved? Ynabilityta deltver savice7 Co�mie � � �,' "' , gh, , -' T�Zossofrepenae?, , � .,�, I - Iu' tr�'ic no�se,accidentrate � � t `�F�nxcr.a���wcr�"�� �� � �� � '. � � � �� � E1NhouBh,yw must tmlor the mfamationyon provide heae to the�sue yon � ad�ssiii� m generatyonmost answer - :, two,questions_ How much is it gomg Go cnst2, i�O Ls gomg bo pay2 " ' ' r s +M amwNw nW�w.am.h+�+ewuw�n.u,�M.4�,�wu.+.���.n„i�riwe i.iM.i�nrc�.�iwiw�,�++iJf..wnrwu»i...uxwu�:�ww��....�d,�, ��,i.,......i a ,. .._ . , . ��. ��� , ,... _. , ......._._--. , —�_�....—� , ..� , �*�w�.+.,n.rvmmnm��4w+.�.wi�fu�ulaw.w'wWn"..� . _....... . , � � � , „ „ � � i.. ,� � I i , " i�' I , � tltli� INI V ,'�� � I tl I I I I �i�plt f I'�If i I'r�s 11 �� l% �'"�nLl � II � �� � I I�i '� ti+� o�" �' ry�i� p��^mw��t�,ryr^!� o[ rv�fi mMnir�r�rp+�d+��+ rlrrwi � u 1 I+.�;� raue�,wm�n i��k� , ,�+�— � , �� � G��ri � ��. � r� �'" — p � i � i , i p i i i ,�.;d .�� f , 7i� . ,�.I. . i,'.1 ����L�a�41Jro�111i1i�i��� .�h i � irv �;�di�l..��i 'I��T I.. .f�:l! ii-L�6'dii �. SECOND DRAFf SECOND DRAkT n � � p uD �1 � SNELLINGHAMLdNE SPECIAL DISTRIGT SIGN PLAN INTEI�IT AND PURPOSE The Snelling-Hamline Special District Sign Plan, az pmvided in Section 66216 of the Zoning Code, is being adopted to provide sign commis fl�atbn�d upon the unique cLaxacter and ide�Yity of the Snelling-Hamliae neighborhood. Tfiis Sign Plan is inte�led to: (a) maintain and enUance the scemc view of unique architecpual and naeuai feamtes visble from tt� residential and comme:ciai axeas of Snelling-FIam]iae; (b) Pmtect and encovrage im�estment and beaut�cation inthe Univeisity Avem�e, Mazst�all Avenue, Snelling Avemie, Hamline Avenue and Selby Avemie corrido�s; (c) reduce the clutter and ct�aotic diveisity of advertising signage that impaiis tbe effectiveness of signs identifying businesses and instiwtions in Snelling Hamline; (� create a more aesthetically pleasing fusion of residential a� commeccial aieas ia S�lling- Hamline; and (e) protect property values in Srelling-Hamline a�d ieflect the pride iu:esidents, businesses and institufions place in the community. DEFINTTIONS AND IIVTERPRETAfitON The provisions of this Sign Rlan aze supplementary to the provisions of CLapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisionc of this Sign Plan that are more restrictive tLan provisions of Chapter 66 sball prevail and supeisede azry conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other pmvisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code sliall co�nue to apply W signage within the Snelling Haniline Special5ign District All words and terms stiall be defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code. Provisions tl�at use the word "sl�all" are mandatory. Provisions tl�at use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to cazrying out the intent and pucpose of Uns Sign Plan but are not mandatory. The Zomng Administrator st�all enforce the provisions of this Sign P]an as a supplement to the St. Paul Leaslative Code, C3�apter 66. SPECTAL SIGN AISTRICT AREA The Snelling-Hamline Special Sign District Plan sLall apply to the area defined as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Snelling Avemxe and Unive�sity Aveuue, the boundary shall extend south along the center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-]ine of Summit Avemie, then east along the centeo-line of Summit Avenue extending to the cenier-line of Ayd Mill Road, tYien tunning north westerly along the center-line of Ayd Mill Road, then north on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific Railroad right-0f-way to the center-line of b�farsLall Avenue, east to t6e center-line of Hamli� Aveirue, north to the center line of University Aveuue, then west to the point of beanning, all in the city of St Paui, Minnesota. PROVISIONS Within the Snelling-Iiamline Special Sign District, signs (as defined in Chapter 66) will be subject to the following restrictions: 1. No advertising signs st�all be pezmitted, except sigos on ttansit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or fianchised by the city; 2. Roof signs wLich advenise a product, service or entertainmem w}rich is offered, sold or man�rt'acdued on the piemises sUall not be permitted, but a roof sign may idenfify the name, logo, and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business sig�s are not effected by Uvs Plan. q9-9yU Additional information for the proposed Special District Sign Plan from the St. Paul Legislative Code Definitions from Section 66.121.5 Sign The use of words, numerals, figures, devices, designs, or trademarks the purpose of which is to show or advertise a person, firm, profession, business, product or message. De�nition from Section 66.102 Advertising signs A sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured elsewhere than on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered an accessory sign. Definition from Section 66.104.B Business signs A sign which directs attenfion to a busmess, profession, commodity, setvice or entertainment which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered an accessory sign Definition from Section 66.120.R Roof signs A sign erected upon or above a roaf or parapet of a building or stcucture. 0 PLANNMG COMMISSION Cladys Mor[on, Qiair crrY or sa�rr paul. Norm Co[eman, Mayor November 30, 1999 Council President Dan Bostrom 320B Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Li West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, MN SSZ02 Re: Snelling Hamline Special Sign District Plan, City Council Resolutiorz 99-940 Te(ephane: 631-266-6565 £acstraile: 657-228-33I4 Dear Council President Bostrom: On behalf of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, I am writing to request that Commission be given some additional time to consider the proposed Snelling Hatnline Special Sign District Plan now scheduled to be on the December 8, 1999 Ciry Council agenda. On October 6, 1999, the City Council forwarded the proposed district to the Planning Commission for its ieview and comment. In its resolution of transmittal (99-44Q), the Council requested that the Commission submit its comments by December 8, 1999. In order to allow sufficient time for public notice, the Zoning Committee scheduled its public hearing on November 23, 1999. A public hearing was held, but only three committee members were able to attend the meeting because of conflicts with holiday plans. The committee, therefore, requests that the Ciry Council delay consideration of the proposed sign district until such time as they can have a full discussion of the issues with more committee members present. We have laid ffie matter over until January 20, 2000. We hope that the latei date will also allow the Planning Cominission's Ad Hoc Committee on Advertising Signs, having suspended their deliberations while the referendum was before the voters, to meet at least one additional time and provide the Zoning Committee with important feedback on the proposed district. Please feel free to calt me or Nancy Homans of our staff if you have any questions about this request. Sincerely, t �(� �� ���� Litton E.S. Field, Jr. Chair, Zoning Committee cc: Members of the Ciry Council h��n�G � �� � � R9-9�� a� Gladys Morton, Planning Commission Chair Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator Don Ludemann, Snelling Hamline Community Council oR����At CITY OF S�CNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To ,� CouncilFile# 99-94C Green Sheet # 1�� Committee Date 1 WfIEREAS, the Snelling-Hamline Community Council has worked to develop a neighborhood policy on 2 billboards which enhances the livability of the area while maintaining its commercial viability; and 3 WHEREAS, the Snelling-Hamline neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under 4 the current Saint Paul City code. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning 6 Commission to consider the Snelling-Hamline Special Sign District Plan and forward a recommendation 7 on it to the City Council by December� 1999. S, Requested by Depamnent of: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i• � � � . � - � . . � . ��l — I: � /l�� �..�II� I Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: Adopted by Council: Date (� �� _ L ��`�`� �u�ei�. � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a��� �,a� � � qg-9� GREEN SHEET No � `�='�'�'26 u a*..,�*� u m„� ❑ �.,,� ❑ m.� ❑�.,�,� ❑,«.�, ❑w���� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��2Jy1�87 �v� _ � �i?Z` ��G%5z.! % � c� �oav f��2�s��K�/ / PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has thie aersoMrm eHerxaketl uMer s con6act torthie tlepadmenl7 YES NO Vies tliia penorvhrm ew been a dty anpbyee4 YES NO Dcec tliie PersaYfimi posaece a sld9 not rarmallypaeeaseG M anY artent atY emWoYee� VE3 MO Ia tlus pneaVfl�m a taryMetl veMor7 YES NU SOURCE INFORMATION (E)SIAIN) COETIREVENUE8UD6E7ED(CIRCIEONE) YEE NO ACTIVI7YNU�IBER LE7�i�� ��'� ��� � � d��� � � , , , � , , � � � ; � � � i ,� � ' , , „ 1 , , � � ' � ' � " � ' � ' , � � �, , , , �, �� , , ,' , , ' , � - � , � � • � � , � � � . , � ��ROD'fII3G'ORDER: � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � „ � � � � � , .. � � � �Belo�azecar�:tmutin&sf�thesix�mestfr'equent,typesofdocimments � � corrrxncxs ��� �t�z �) coaiica.�x�soiv�crorr {�a buag��c �� ' . Ase�v � � � � � �� ne�i�e�rc � � 1: outsiae t D�ctor � � � � 2. Dep�Director � � � 2. O�ce ofF�u�al��vibes��,Duecfor ,� �, � � � � 1 � � � 3. �CityAttomey `� � � � � ;,,�y,p� ,,'�; � 4. Irifayor/Assistant, (for conhscts aver $25,000� 4 Ma`y'orl'Ass�stt�t � s �S ��' I3um��Rights (for confxacts over $SA',000} ' , 5 C�` �mct1 ` ' � � � � � �� � � 6.'' OffceofFinsncialSeivices-' fi_ Offi�'ofFinancisl,Services-Acco�m� , Accc��mhng trn8 _ ADI4IINISTRATiVE ORDIItS (BodgefRevision}, COUNCII.RESO�i7TiON'(ell!'dhers and:Ocdinances), I. ActiviLyMffiagerorDepaetmentAcco�mtant . 1. DepaAmentDi�ctor 2. DepmtmentDirector 2.'Ci{y'Attomeg „ 3c' Office ofFinancral Sc�cvices Duector 3� lv�ayvr/llss�stant � . 4. 'Ci . ,� , � � „ , „ , ; dc (�Com�1 . , �,i � �� 5.'OEiceofFina�ialServices Accoffitiag, � � � �„ � � � � n , i t TiVE ORDERS (all others) E� T�C�E ORDEIt '- ,, � � • * , r ,.:, ',,o-nu� i u , .�.,,�„� a ' ' �� ,..:" . w . AD �1v�II�IIS M TRA ^• , I}rcector ,��,. � , � , � ������} � t �D'��I I 'IJ� fYll WL. II I u4 I U}I I w ' 1 '� II I�I � I�� x n' u �.�.Z....��".°���, 6.01 . 2.'�C2tyAftomey � � � 2 CxiyTA#nmeY � 3, !OfficeofF�insncisl,SeidicesDirector 3 bSagqrf �,As.vstant � � � � 4.� Ci[y Cledc � � � � d. ,� Clerk � � TOTAL,NUMBEROF,SICsNtX7UREPAGES, � , , � � � „ or8a of ese Indicate tfie # of ' on wluch s' e�e - ed alnd ' each P� � re9u?r . PaPe�P ,, S � PBS�- � . � . � � � � � r�i ACTIONREQUESTED ' . , De�n'bewhatthepxnjed/�eguestseekstosccomplishmeitl�ec;tluonolpgicslorder'ororderoF �vLichec�as;', most appropiiate for The iss�e. Do notwnte.complete sentences Eeg�u eacfi�iem in }ro�'�st witli sqe�. r, ., . , rv. . . � � �RECOMMErIDATI0I3S� ` � � � � � � � � � � � Complde'iftbeissueinquestionl�asbeenpresentedbeforea�i�body publicorpnvate. � � ' � � � � „ � �r : YERSOIShI. SER�CE GOI�TFR¢CT� � ;,r, � �'P .a ,-- .,,�� . , �;, . . .� � µ � , i , Thismfomiefionw�llieusedtodeteimmethe sltabilt fa�wo�e� oaclaims ta�tesant� c�tl servicehir�ngiules., " �� �' �, INII7ATINGPROBLEEtv�ISSUE OPPORTUNITY � oi ' - -�s created a need or 'ect �� lamtl�sihiatio� wn�h that � �I� �`�,. y� Yo�PnoJ ie4u�t. �;` � � � � � � „� , � 4 � � � � , � ,� ,,� ' �; , ,�� � �,� �,����, � , �' , , ' ,�„�, � ADVAN�E'1GES IF APPRDVED , � i �� Indicate whether tlus �s simPlY ffi annual bua8et Proeed�se,r�u�r� b� law%r�mRa or whetber tliae are specific ways m, , � Swliich�CiEyofSawtPaul'andrtscrtizeus�viylbenefit&am'�t5s`spm�ect/arffat � � � �� � � � , , , „ � � IlISADVAA7TAGESIF�APPLlOVED� �, � � � ��" � � � �� ' � � � What negetrve effeds �ntajor c6anB� ��8'� P� P�� �k?� Prol� P�� �¢ is passad � (e.g., hafi'ie detay� no�se; taac i�se,d� � assess�eots)Z To `� �wfiom7� � ` 9 Eor fiow„tong7 � � . , � DfSADVANTAGESIE��iOTA�P�ROVED�� � � � �� � �'� � � � � � � ^ VPbatwitl be1l� negafine conseqqences ffthe' promised achon is not approved? Ynabilityta deltver savice7 Co�mie � � �,' "' , gh, , -' T�Zossofrepenae?, , � .,�, I - Iu' tr�'ic no�se,accidentrate � � t `�F�nxcr.a���wcr�"�� �� � �� � '. � � � �� � E1NhouBh,yw must tmlor the mfamationyon provide heae to the�sue yon � ad�ssiii� m generatyonmost answer - :, two,questions_ How much is it gomg Go cnst2, i�O Ls gomg bo pay2 " ' ' r s +M amwNw nW�w.am.h+�+ewuw�n.u,�M.4�,�wu.+.���.n„i�riwe i.iM.i�nrc�.�iwiw�,�++iJf..wnrwu»i...uxwu�:�ww��....�d,�, ��,i.,......i a ,. .._ . , . ��. ��� , ,... _. , ......._._--. , —�_�....—� , ..� , �*�w�.+.,n.rvmmnm��4w+.�.wi�fu�ulaw.w'wWn"..� . _....... . , � � � , „ „ � � i.. ,� � I i , " i�' I , � tltli� INI V ,'�� � I tl I I I I �i�plt f I'�If i I'r�s 11 �� l% �'"�nLl � II � �� � I I�i '� ti+� o�" �' ry�i� p��^mw��t�,ryr^!� o[ rv�fi mMnir�r�rp+�d+��+ rlrrwi � u 1 I+.�;� raue�,wm�n i��k� , ,�+�— � , �� � G��ri � ��. � r� �'" — p � i � i , i p i i i ,�.;d .�� f , 7i� . ,�.I. . i,'.1 ����L�a�41Jro�111i1i�i��� .�h i � irv �;�di�l..��i 'I��T I.. .f�:l! ii-L�6'dii �. SECOND DRAFf SECOND DRAkT n � � p uD �1 � SNELLINGHAMLdNE SPECIAL DISTRIGT SIGN PLAN INTEI�IT AND PURPOSE The Snelling-Hamline Special District Sign Plan, az pmvided in Section 66216 of the Zoning Code, is being adopted to provide sign commis fl�atbn�d upon the unique cLaxacter and ide�Yity of the Snelling-Hamliae neighborhood. Tfiis Sign Plan is inte�led to: (a) maintain and enUance the scemc view of unique architecpual and naeuai feamtes visble from tt� residential and comme:ciai axeas of Snelling-FIam]iae; (b) Pmtect and encovrage im�estment and beaut�cation inthe Univeisity Avem�e, Mazst�all Avenue, Snelling Avemie, Hamline Avenue and Selby Avemie corrido�s; (c) reduce the clutter and ct�aotic diveisity of advertising signage that impaiis tbe effectiveness of signs identifying businesses and instiwtions in Snelling Hamline; (� create a more aesthetically pleasing fusion of residential a� commeccial aieas ia S�lling- Hamline; and (e) protect property values in Srelling-Hamline a�d ieflect the pride iu:esidents, businesses and institufions place in the community. DEFINTTIONS AND IIVTERPRETAfitON The provisions of this Sign Rlan aze supplementary to the provisions of CLapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisionc of this Sign Plan that are more restrictive tLan provisions of Chapter 66 sball prevail and supeisede azry conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other pmvisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code sliall co�nue to apply W signage within the Snelling Haniline Special5ign District All words and terms stiall be defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code. Provisions tl�at use the word "sl�all" are mandatory. Provisions tl�at use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to cazrying out the intent and pucpose of Uns Sign Plan but are not mandatory. The Zomng Administrator st�all enforce the provisions of this Sign P]an as a supplement to the St. Paul Leaslative Code, C3�apter 66. SPECTAL SIGN AISTRICT AREA The Snelling-Hamline Special Sign District Plan sLall apply to the area defined as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Snelling Avemxe and Unive�sity Aveuue, the boundary shall extend south along the center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-]ine of Summit Avemie, then east along the centeo-line of Summit Avenue extending to the cenier-line of Ayd Mill Road, tYien tunning north westerly along the center-line of Ayd Mill Road, then north on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific Railroad right-0f-way to the center-line of b�farsLall Avenue, east to t6e center-line of Hamli� Aveirue, north to the center line of University Aveuue, then west to the point of beanning, all in the city of St Paui, Minnesota. PROVISIONS Within the Snelling-Iiamline Special Sign District, signs (as defined in Chapter 66) will be subject to the following restrictions: 1. No advertising signs st�all be pezmitted, except sigos on ttansit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or fianchised by the city; 2. Roof signs wLich advenise a product, service or entertainmem w}rich is offered, sold or man�rt'acdued on the piemises sUall not be permitted, but a roof sign may idenfify the name, logo, and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business sig�s are not effected by Uvs Plan. q9-9yU Additional information for the proposed Special District Sign Plan from the St. Paul Legislative Code Definitions from Section 66.121.5 Sign The use of words, numerals, figures, devices, designs, or trademarks the purpose of which is to show or advertise a person, firm, profession, business, product or message. De�nition from Section 66.102 Advertising signs A sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured elsewhere than on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered an accessory sign. Definition from Section 66.104.B Business signs A sign which directs attenfion to a busmess, profession, commodity, setvice or entertainment which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered an accessory sign Definition from Section 66.120.R Roof signs A sign erected upon or above a roaf or parapet of a building or stcucture. 0 PLANNMG COMMISSION Cladys Mor[on, Qiair crrY or sa�rr paul. Norm Co[eman, Mayor November 30, 1999 Council President Dan Bostrom 320B Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Li West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, MN SSZ02 Re: Snelling Hamline Special Sign District Plan, City Council Resolutiorz 99-940 Te(ephane: 631-266-6565 £acstraile: 657-228-33I4 Dear Council President Bostrom: On behalf of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, I am writing to request that Commission be given some additional time to consider the proposed Snelling Hatnline Special Sign District Plan now scheduled to be on the December 8, 1999 Ciry Council agenda. On October 6, 1999, the City Council forwarded the proposed district to the Planning Commission for its ieview and comment. In its resolution of transmittal (99-44Q), the Council requested that the Commission submit its comments by December 8, 1999. In order to allow sufficient time for public notice, the Zoning Committee scheduled its public hearing on November 23, 1999. A public hearing was held, but only three committee members were able to attend the meeting because of conflicts with holiday plans. The committee, therefore, requests that the Ciry Council delay consideration of the proposed sign district until such time as they can have a full discussion of the issues with more committee members present. We have laid ffie matter over until January 20, 2000. We hope that the latei date will also allow the Planning Cominission's Ad Hoc Committee on Advertising Signs, having suspended their deliberations while the referendum was before the voters, to meet at least one additional time and provide the Zoning Committee with important feedback on the proposed district. Please feel free to calt me or Nancy Homans of our staff if you have any questions about this request. Sincerely, t �(� �� ���� Litton E.S. Field, Jr. Chair, Zoning Committee cc: Members of the Ciry Council h��n�G � �� � � R9-9�� a� Gladys Morton, Planning Commission Chair Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator Don Ludemann, Snelling Hamline Community Council oR����At CITY OF S�CNT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To ,� CouncilFile# 99-94C Green Sheet # 1�� Committee Date 1 WfIEREAS, the Snelling-Hamline Community Council has worked to develop a neighborhood policy on 2 billboards which enhances the livability of the area while maintaining its commercial viability; and 3 WHEREAS, the Snelling-Hamline neighborhood has asked for designation as a special sign district under 4 the current Saint Paul City code. 5 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Saint Paul City Council directs the Planning 6 Commission to consider the Snelling-Hamline Special Sign District Plan and forward a recommendation 7 on it to the City Council by December� 1999. S, Requested by Depamnent of: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary i• � � � . � - � . . � . ��l — I: � /l�� �..�II� I Form Approved by Ciry Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Sy: Adopted by Council: Date (� �� _ L ��`�`� �u�ei�. � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES a��� �,a� � � qg-9� GREEN SHEET No � `�='�'�'26 u a*..,�*� u m„� ❑ �.,,� ❑ m.� ❑�.,�,� ❑,«.�, ❑w���� ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��2Jy1�87 �v� _ � �i?Z` ��G%5z.! % � c� �oav f��2�s��K�/ / PLANNING COMMISSION CIB CAMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has thie aersoMrm eHerxaketl uMer s con6act torthie tlepadmenl7 YES NO Vies tliia penorvhrm ew been a dty anpbyee4 YES NO Dcec tliie PersaYfimi posaece a sld9 not rarmallypaeeaseG M anY artent atY emWoYee� VE3 MO Ia tlus pneaVfl�m a taryMetl veMor7 YES NU SOURCE INFORMATION (E)SIAIN) COETIREVENUE8UD6E7ED(CIRCIEONE) YEE NO ACTIVI7YNU�IBER LE7�i�� ��'� ��� � � d��� � � , , , � , , � � � ; � � � i ,� � ' , , „ 1 , , � � ' � ' � " � ' � ' , � � �, , , , �, �� , , ,' , , ' , � - � , � � • � � , � � � . , � ��ROD'fII3G'ORDER: � � � � � � � � � � � � . � � � „ � � � � � , .. � � � �Belo�azecar�:tmutin&sf�thesix�mestfr'equent,typesofdocimments � � corrrxncxs ��� �t�z �) coaiica.�x�soiv�crorr {�a buag��c �� ' . Ase�v � � � � � �� ne�i�e�rc � � 1: outsiae t D�ctor � � � � 2. Dep�Director � � � 2. O�ce ofF�u�al��vibes��,Duecfor ,� �, � � � � 1 � � � 3. �CityAttomey `� � � � � ;,,�y,p� ,,'�; � 4. Irifayor/Assistant, (for conhscts aver $25,000� 4 Ma`y'orl'Ass�stt�t � s �S ��' I3um��Rights (for confxacts over $SA',000} ' , 5 C�` �mct1 ` ' � � � � � �� � � 6.'' OffceofFinsncialSeivices-' fi_ Offi�'ofFinancisl,Services-Acco�m� , Accc��mhng trn8 _ ADI4IINISTRATiVE ORDIItS (BodgefRevision}, COUNCII.RESO�i7TiON'(ell!'dhers and:Ocdinances), I. ActiviLyMffiagerorDepaetmentAcco�mtant . 1. DepaAmentDi�ctor 2. DepmtmentDirector 2.'Ci{y'Attomeg „ 3c' Office ofFinancral Sc�cvices Duector 3� lv�ayvr/llss�stant � . 4. 'Ci . ,� , � � „ , „ , ; dc (�Com�1 . , �,i � �� 5.'OEiceofFina�ialServices Accoffitiag, � � � �„ � � � � n , i t TiVE ORDERS (all others) E� T�C�E ORDEIt '- ,, � � • * , r ,.:, ',,o-nu� i u , .�.,,�„� a ' ' �� ,..:" . w . AD �1v�II�IIS M TRA ^• , I}rcector ,��,. � , � , � ������} � t �D'��I I 'IJ� fYll WL. II I u4 I U}I I w ' 1 '� II I�I � I�� x n' u �.�.Z....��".°���, 6.01 . 2.'�C2tyAftomey � � � 2 CxiyTA#nmeY � 3, !OfficeofF�insncisl,SeidicesDirector 3 bSagqrf �,As.vstant � � � � 4.� Ci[y Cledc � � � � d. ,� Clerk � � TOTAL,NUMBEROF,SICsNtX7UREPAGES, � , , � � � „ or8a of ese Indicate tfie # of ' on wluch s' e�e - ed alnd ' each P� � re9u?r . PaPe�P ,, S � PBS�- � . � . � � � � � r�i ACTIONREQUESTED ' . , De�n'bewhatthepxnjed/�eguestseekstosccomplishmeitl�ec;tluonolpgicslorder'ororderoF �vLichec�as;', most appropiiate for The iss�e. Do notwnte.complete sentences Eeg�u eacfi�iem in }ro�'�st witli sqe�. r, ., . , rv. . . � � �RECOMMErIDATI0I3S� ` � � � � � � � � � � � Complde'iftbeissueinquestionl�asbeenpresentedbeforea�i�body publicorpnvate. � � ' � � � � „ � �r : YERSOIShI. SER�CE GOI�TFR¢CT� � ;,r, � �'P .a ,-- .,,�� . , �;, . . .� � µ � , i , Thismfomiefionw�llieusedtodeteimmethe sltabilt fa�wo�e� oaclaims ta�tesant� c�tl servicehir�ngiules., " �� �' �, INII7ATINGPROBLEEtv�ISSUE OPPORTUNITY � oi ' - -�s created a need or 'ect �� lamtl�sihiatio� wn�h that � �I� �`�,. y� Yo�PnoJ ie4u�t. �;` � � � � � � „� , � 4 � � � � , � ,� ,,� ' �; , ,�� � �,� �,����, � , �' , , ' ,�„�, � ADVAN�E'1GES IF APPRDVED , � i �� Indicate whether tlus �s simPlY ffi annual bua8et Proeed�se,r�u�r� b� law%r�mRa or whetber tliae are specific ways m, , � Swliich�CiEyofSawtPaul'andrtscrtizeus�viylbenefit&am'�t5s`spm�ect/arffat � � � �� � � � , , , „ � � IlISADVAA7TAGESIF�APPLlOVED� �, � � � ��" � � � �� ' � � � What negetrve effeds �ntajor c6anB� ��8'� P� P�� �k?� Prol� P�� �¢ is passad � (e.g., hafi'ie detay� no�se; taac i�se,d� � assess�eots)Z To `� �wfiom7� � ` 9 Eor fiow„tong7 � � . , � DfSADVANTAGESIE��iOTA�P�ROVED�� � � � �� � �'� � � � � � � ^ VPbatwitl be1l� negafine conseqqences ffthe' promised achon is not approved? Ynabilityta deltver savice7 Co�mie � � �,' "' , gh, , -' T�Zossofrepenae?, , � .,�, I - Iu' tr�'ic no�se,accidentrate � � t `�F�nxcr.a���wcr�"�� �� � �� � '. � � � �� � E1NhouBh,yw must tmlor the mfamationyon provide heae to the�sue yon � ad�ssiii� m generatyonmost answer - :, two,questions_ How much is it gomg Go cnst2, i�O Ls gomg bo pay2 " ' ' r s +M amwNw nW�w.am.h+�+ewuw�n.u,�M.4�,�wu.+.���.n„i�riwe i.iM.i�nrc�.�iwiw�,�++iJf..wnrwu»i...uxwu�:�ww��....�d,�, ��,i.,......i a ,. .._ . , . ��. ��� , ,... _. , ......._._--. , —�_�....—� , ..� , �*�w�.+.,n.rvmmnm��4w+.�.wi�fu�ulaw.w'wWn"..� . _....... . , � � � , „ „ � � i.. ,� � I i , " i�' I , � tltli� INI V ,'�� � I tl I I I I �i�plt f I'�If i I'r�s 11 �� l% �'"�nLl � II � �� � I I�i '� ti+� o�" �' ry�i� p��^mw��t�,ryr^!� o[ rv�fi mMnir�r�rp+�d+��+ rlrrwi � u 1 I+.�;� raue�,wm�n i��k� , ,�+�— � , �� � G��ri � ��. � r� �'" — p � i � i , i p i i i ,�.;d .�� f , 7i� . ,�.I. . i,'.1 ����L�a�41Jro�111i1i�i��� .�h i � irv �;�di�l..��i 'I��T I.. .f�:l! ii-L�6'dii �. SECOND DRAFf SECOND DRAkT n � � p uD �1 � SNELLINGHAMLdNE SPECIAL DISTRIGT SIGN PLAN INTEI�IT AND PURPOSE The Snelling-Hamline Special District Sign Plan, az pmvided in Section 66216 of the Zoning Code, is being adopted to provide sign commis fl�atbn�d upon the unique cLaxacter and ide�Yity of the Snelling-Hamliae neighborhood. Tfiis Sign Plan is inte�led to: (a) maintain and enUance the scemc view of unique architecpual and naeuai feamtes visble from tt� residential and comme:ciai axeas of Snelling-FIam]iae; (b) Pmtect and encovrage im�estment and beaut�cation inthe Univeisity Avem�e, Mazst�all Avenue, Snelling Avemie, Hamline Avenue and Selby Avemie corrido�s; (c) reduce the clutter and ct�aotic diveisity of advertising signage that impaiis tbe effectiveness of signs identifying businesses and instiwtions in Snelling Hamline; (� create a more aesthetically pleasing fusion of residential a� commeccial aieas ia S�lling- Hamline; and (e) protect property values in Srelling-Hamline a�d ieflect the pride iu:esidents, businesses and institufions place in the community. DEFINTTIONS AND IIVTERPRETAfitON The provisions of this Sign Rlan aze supplementary to the provisions of CLapter 66, Signs, of the Zoning Code. The provisionc of this Sign Plan that are more restrictive tLan provisions of Chapter 66 sball prevail and supeisede azry conflicting provisions of Chapter 66. All other pmvisions of Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code sliall co�nue to apply W signage within the Snelling Haniline Special5ign District All words and terms stiall be defined as in this Sign Plan and in Chapter 66 of the Zoning Code. Provisions tl�at use the word "sl�all" are mandatory. Provisions tl�at use the word "should" or "recommend" are advisory to cazrying out the intent and pucpose of Uns Sign Plan but are not mandatory. The Zomng Administrator st�all enforce the provisions of this Sign P]an as a supplement to the St. Paul Leaslative Code, C3�apter 66. SPECTAL SIGN AISTRICT AREA The Snelling-Hamline Special Sign District Plan sLall apply to the area defined as follows: Commencing at the center of the intersection of Snelling Avemxe and Unive�sity Aveuue, the boundary shall extend south along the center-line of Snelling Avenue to the center-]ine of Summit Avemie, then east along the centeo-line of Summit Avenue extending to the cenier-line of Ayd Mill Road, tYien tunning north westerly along the center-line of Ayd Mill Road, then north on the Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific Railroad right-0f-way to the center-line of b�farsLall Avenue, east to t6e center-line of Hamli� Aveirue, north to the center line of University Aveuue, then west to the point of beanning, all in the city of St Paui, Minnesota. PROVISIONS Within the Snelling-Iiamline Special Sign District, signs (as defined in Chapter 66) will be subject to the following restrictions: 1. No advertising signs st�all be pezmitted, except sigos on ttansit shelters and courtesy benches licensed or fianchised by the city; 2. Roof signs wLich advenise a product, service or entertainmem w}rich is offered, sold or man�rt'acdued on the piemises sUall not be permitted, but a roof sign may idenfify the name, logo, and nature of the business carried on in the premises. 3. Business sig�s are not effected by Uvs Plan. q9-9yU Additional information for the proposed Special District Sign Plan from the St. Paul Legislative Code Definitions from Section 66.121.5 Sign The use of words, numerals, figures, devices, designs, or trademarks the purpose of which is to show or advertise a person, firm, profession, business, product or message. De�nition from Section 66.102 Advertising signs A sign which directs attention to a business, profession, commodity, service or entertainment which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured elsewhere than on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered an accessory sign. Definition from Section 66.104.B Business signs A sign which directs attenfion to a busmess, profession, commodity, setvice or entertainment which is conducted, offered, sold or manufactured on the premises upon which the sign is placed. It shall be considered an accessory sign Definition from Section 66.120.R Roof signs A sign erected upon or above a roaf or parapet of a building or stcucture. 0 PLANNMG COMMISSION Cladys Mor[on, Qiair crrY or sa�rr paul. Norm Co[eman, Mayor November 30, 1999 Council President Dan Bostrom 320B Ciry Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 Li West Fourth Street Saint Pau1, MN SSZ02 Re: Snelling Hamline Special Sign District Plan, City Council Resolutiorz 99-940 Te(ephane: 631-266-6565 £acstraile: 657-228-33I4 Dear Council President Bostrom: On behalf of the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission, I am writing to request that Commission be given some additional time to consider the proposed Snelling Hatnline Special Sign District Plan now scheduled to be on the December 8, 1999 Ciry Council agenda. On October 6, 1999, the City Council forwarded the proposed district to the Planning Commission for its ieview and comment. In its resolution of transmittal (99-44Q), the Council requested that the Commission submit its comments by December 8, 1999. In order to allow sufficient time for public notice, the Zoning Committee scheduled its public hearing on November 23, 1999. A public hearing was held, but only three committee members were able to attend the meeting because of conflicts with holiday plans. The committee, therefore, requests that the Ciry Council delay consideration of the proposed sign district until such time as they can have a full discussion of the issues with more committee members present. We have laid ffie matter over until January 20, 2000. We hope that the latei date will also allow the Planning Cominission's Ad Hoc Committee on Advertising Signs, having suspended their deliberations while the referendum was before the voters, to meet at least one additional time and provide the Zoning Committee with important feedback on the proposed district. Please feel free to calt me or Nancy Homans of our staff if you have any questions about this request. Sincerely, t �(� �� ���� Litton E.S. Field, Jr. Chair, Zoning Committee cc: Members of the Ciry Council h��n�G � �� � � R9-9�� a� Gladys Morton, Planning Commission Chair Larry Soderholm, Planning Administrator Don Ludemann, Snelling Hamline Community Council