85-752 WHITE - C�7Y CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council 3_ �� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. � � BLUE - MAVOR 5/28/85 Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee to the Minnesota State Legisiature, under the Juveniie Justice and Detinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA) , provides grants to provide training to Minnesota law enforcement officers on topics and issues relating to juvenile problems; and WHEREAS, the College of St. Thomas has applied for funds with the Department of Energy and Economic Development under the JJDPA, and has requested the 5aint Pau1 City Council act as a sponsor for this application; and WHEREAS, the sponsorship requires no financial or supervisory commitment from the City of Saint Paui ; Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul act as the sponsoring unit of government and grantee for the project titled Juvenile Justice Training Project to be conducted by the College of 5t. Thomas during the period from September 1 , 1965 through August 31 , 1986, and that Dr. Charles Keffer is hereby authorized to apply to the Department of Energy and Economic Development for funding of the project and execute such agreements as are necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City of Saint Paul . � COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �� Nays � Masan;> In Favor NiCOSia � scne��e _ __ Against BY SOnnen TCd@SCO WHSOn ��� �g85 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P-;s d by ouncil S tar BY By Approv :Navor: Date _ � � ��5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B By PUe�isfiED J�'�'� 1 � 1985 STA7'� OF MINNESJTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM- � DEPAR�TMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATION „ DEVELOPMENT f PAGE 1 ��S�°Z 1. PROJ ECT T I TLE: 00 NOT lit 1 TE I N T111 S SPACE ' JUVENILE JUSTICE EDUCATION PROJECT Applleation Nu��r: � � Z. PROf'sRAM Ut�DER M41CM APPLICATION t5 MADE: Oat� R�Iv�d: Nuinb�r: Y�er: 1 � 3 Tlti�• 3. BEGINNING DATE: ep em 21' , S. _ NAME t I100RESS OF SPONSORIPG UNIT OF GOVERNMENT: _ 4. OURATICN: �2 �onths C'1 ty Of $t. PdUI � 6. i���NT i�c �c�,cY: �. oouNrr oF sPOnsoa i r�c ua�T: � College of St. Thomas, St. Paul , MN Ramsey ( 8. CONTAGT PERSON/PRO J ECT 0 I RECTOR: 9. AUTF�OFt 1 ZED OF F i C 1 AL: ` � � Na�. l�Jillian Cumming Na�. Dr. Charles Keffer � Titi• Director Tttt• Provost str«t Bx 4343, 2115 Summit Ave, str«t 2115 Summit Avenue � ct�, St. Paul Ctty St. Paul ( stat•/zip ��i nnesota 55105 stats/zto Mi nnesota 55105 � p�o�. (612) 699-0680 phon• (612) 647-5258 ' 10. FI NANCI I1L OFFICER 1 1. EQUAL EJ+IPLOYI�ENT OPPORTUNITY �p2D I W►TOR � Norman Liston �"1° James Moro Ttti• Controller T�t�• Personnel Director str..t 2115 Summit Avenue Sn� 2115 Summit Avenue ���r St. Paul ��� St. Paul stat•/ztp �linnesota 55105 stat•/ZiP �linnesota 55105 P��• (612) 647-5334 �^• (612) 647-5404 12. Hav� you �ecetv�d support for this proJ�ct fran tM Dspartmsrrt of En�rgy and Econaaic Dev�lopmsnt in th� pastT X Y�s I�b. If y�s, pl�es• I�dlcat� y�a�rt numb��(s) asstgn�d to prw lous yrant(s) aNa�ded for this pr'o��ct: 14061135484 13. Do�s the sponsoring unit of govarrrn�nt �a(ntaln a vritt�n Equel Emplormsrrt Opportunity Program? Y@S 14. Hav� you sudnttted a natlficatton to th� Rogtonal Dw�lopais� Canmission tn your arse or tt►� Met�cpolitan Couoc(1. allortng theai tAe opportunity te �w iwr rour applicatton? X Y�s No. I5. Appltcatlon is ins0s for tAe grant und�r th� Omntbus Crlws Contro! Act of 1976 tPL 94-503) o� tM Juv�ntle Justtcs and Oelinqwncr Prw�nt(on Act of 197� (PL 93-413), as an��nd�d by the F(scal Y�ar Aajust�nant Act (PL 94-Z73), th� Crteo Cont�ol Act of 1976 (PL 94-503), and tM .luv�nl i• Justics An�ndmo�Ms of 1977 (PL 95- 115). in th• amount and for tA� purposss statad hsr�in. Funds avardsd pursuant fo this appitcatlon Mill nat 0� usad to suppfant or rp lac� tunds or o�thsr rssources that Mould othennise havs bsem m�de availabl• for la* �nforconw�t and crtminal Justic� programs. (Slgnatur• of AuthorfzsC Officlal) (Dats Signed) STATE OF �11NNESJTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICAT�ON DEVELOPMENT PAGE 2 � ��Z 16. PROJECT SUMMAitY lS�e Inst�uctions) Not�: For a 2nd or 3rd y�ar applicatton, provid• a summary of p�ogr�ss toward acccmplislra�nt of proJ�ct goals. The project continues to strive to be a model program. The program has in its first year attempted to network available resources in Minnesota relating to law enforcement's role in juvenile problems, and facilitate the development and dissemination of existing strategies for dealing with juvenile- related problems, and promote awareness of issues related to dealing with children involved in the juvenile justice system. The project has made significant strides in achieving these goals. At this point, the project staff believe that more can be done to achieve these goaLs and to enhance the skill level of law enforcement officers dealing with children. In 1984 the project surveyed law enforcement agencies throughout the State and identified 97 programs used in working with kids through the various law enforcement agencies. These 97 programs varied from the formal and structured program, which represented a substantial commitment on the part of the agency to very flexible and informal programs which in many cases agencies barely recognized as an attempt to work with children. There was a considerable amount of overlap among the 97 programs identified. Generally the programs were broken down into six primary areas. These areas were: school liaison programs, first offender programs, general diversion programs, chemical awareness programs, child and sex abuse prevention programs, and general safety and school seminar format programs. Additionally, .the project identified a number of diverse and gifted resource people within the state who have specialized knowledge in areas relating to working with children. The project designed 10 seminars and offered four of the seminars three times and six of the seminars twice for a total of 24 sessions. Three sessions were cancelled due to inadequate enrollment (2-3 individuals), and the total number of participants is anticipated to be approximately 300 officers and court services personnel. The project struggled with a lack of awareness by individuaLs within the profession. The materials which were sent to market the courses very often were misdirected or otherwise missed within agencies. A common response from individuaLs participating in the program was that they were not made aware of the programs until shortly before the courses were being run and would have appreciated having been able to select from a larger number of courses earlier on. In a second year of operation the project would attempt to further refine and develop the curriculum established in its initial year. The project would make a strong push for participation from a greater number of agencies throughout the State with enhanced marketing. Additional programming would be developed to replace programs which were the least effective this year and develop upon ideas and suggestions that were made during the course of the initial year. The design of the program in a second year would provide for taking courses to a greater number of locations in more diverse parts of the State to facilitate accessibility to the project's courses. Courses would continue to be submitted to the Minnesota POST Board for certification of continuing education credit for peace officers. 17. BUDGET SUMMARY MID SOURCES OF PROJECT SUPPORT ' a. Pe�sonnel .............. S 31 700 00 JJOPA Funds Requestsa S 52.198.62 _ b. Fr i nge Benef i ts ........ S , 5 3.00 c. Travel ................. f � Other Sources (List): • d. Equipment .............. S 0 e. Supplies ............... S 890.00 S f. Contracted Services .... S 5,668.32 � 9• COf15ttYCtI00 •���������• S O s h. Other Oirect Costs ..... S 2,830.00 � i. Indirect Costs ......... S ,455.30 ? S � TOTAL PROJECT OOST S 52,�98.62 S STAFt Or �ili���c��T�a JuSi�GE GR�,rvT i-r+uu���v� DEP.4RT,MENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT PAGE 3 �,F�S - 7S Z 18. PR08LEM STATQIENT: (Sse Inst�uctions) The quality of serviee provided by law enforcement officers and other professionals dealing with children in the juvenile justice system would be enhanced by providing such personnel with strategies and skills for effectively dealing with juvenile matters. The annual three-day juvenile officer institute sponsored jointly by the State Juvenile Officers Association and the Minnesota Department of Conferences is the only program still having state-wide impact in providing educational materials to law enforcement officers. � The Summer Juvenile Officer Institute Program produced by the University of Minnesota provides for a basic educational program for peace officers who will be working specially with juveniles. Currently no other program is dedicated to providing continuing education materials to all law enforcement officers, whether juvenile specialist or line personneL The Juvenile Justice Education Project believes that increasing the awareness and abilities of law enforcement officers in dealing with juvenile matters is extremely important. The State of Minnesota has issued over 8,200 licenses to peace officers. Each county and school district within the State has professionals who work routinely with children and who are able to benefit or contribute to the information presented through the project. ; This program will continue to provide law enforcement officers and others involved with children � in the juvenile justice system with methods and insight to better deal with young people. This ' project will make courses available to officers throughout the State. The project would provide , for approximately 36 sessions of continuing education seminars during the 1985-86 year. It appears � realistic to enroll approximately 15 to 20 officers in each of these sessions with adequate marketing time and resources. The project would continue to work with regional training coordinators and local agencies to coordinate course offerings. Participants in this year's project and their respective agencies have been encouraged to submit letters of support and comment on the project, either ; directly to the Justice Grant Program or through the Juvenile Justice Education Project. , � A sponsorship resolution has been requested from Couneil 1Vtember Kiki Sonnen of the St. Paul ' City CounciL A copy of this grant application has been submitted to the Metropolitan Council for their review. STATE OF M1NNE5uTA ,1USTICE GRANT PROGRAM DfPARTMEN DEVELOPMENT D ECONOMIC A pAGE q�ON �� ��..�_ ��� (,f' 19. 60ALSs List and nwnb�r the goals ot this proJ�et. (See Instructtons) 1. The project will continue to identify strategies and individual resource people from various areas of the State for the further development of beneficial programs. Additionally, the project will consider progressive and promising programs from outside the State of Minnesota where other organizations or agencies have implemented programs for the benefit of children. 2. The project will develop additional course offerings and further refine existing successful programs so that the information and contents pertaining to those courses can be presented to law enforcement officers in Minnesota. . 3. The project will schedule and conduct courses based upon the materials developed in goals 1 and 2. These courses will attempt to increase the awareness and skill level of the participants on the relevant juvenile matters presented. Courses will be offered approximately four times each, and at locations which allow for participation by officers throughout the State, 4. The program will design courses consistent with the requirements of the Minnesota Peaee Officer Standards and Training Board for continuing education credit for peace officers. C � � STATE OF �1lNNESUTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM bEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATION �}�. DEVELOPMENT PAGE 5 (%�` �� - ��a Zp� MpRlc pROGRAM: (See Instructionsi Goal #1 Identify strategies and resource persons in Minnesota and other states for dealing with juvenile� problems. (a) Task - identify further programs relating to juvenile problems in law enforcement existing in Minnesota or employed successfully in other states. Responsibility: Project Director, Project Staff Performed: September to January, primarily. (b) Task - identify experts and resource persons for dealing with juvenile problems. Responsibility: Project Director, Project Staff Performed: Primarily from September to January. Goal #2 Develop additional courses and refine existing successful courses for continuing education seminars. (a) Task - collect information and identify instructors for additional course development, and to further refine existing successful programs for enhanced content and delivery. Course preparation will focus on the ability to develop and implement programs within the participant's home agency and in improvement in the participant's general skill leveLs. Responsibility: Project Director, Project Staff Performed: September to March , Goal #3 � Schedule and produce courses from the developed and refined seminar programs. Scheduling courses to be repeated approximately four times each at diverse locations throughout the State. (a) Task - establish location and course schedules based upon a list of course offerings, . providing for coordination of course presentations to avoid overlap with other existing training, and to facilitate coordination with local agencies and regional training coordinators for enhanced participation by local agencies and specific courses. Tentatively the project would plan to offer nine seminars produced at four diverse locations throughout the State to enhance participation by a greater number of officers. Responsibility: Project Director, Project Staff Performed: October to June (See the attached brochure listing the 1985 course offerings for representative samples of courses.) (b) Task - coordinate course planning with local agencies and other training providers. � Responsibility: Project Director, Project Staff Performed: September through June (continued on attached sheet) . � . C�= �s-- y�-� 20. (continued) (c) Task - promotion of courses, soliciting attendance and participation. Providing information directly to agencies throughout the State and briefing of training and departmental administrators on the scope and availability of project courses. ftesponsibility: Primarily Project Director, also Project Staff Performed: September to June Goal #4 _ _ _ Develop courses consistent with POST Board certification requirements for continuing education eredits. (a) Task - provide required information to the Peace Officers Licensing Board for review and approval of continuing education credit. Responsibility: Project Director Performed: September to June �irilc Ur :1�i1��,-�ic�v�,� JUSTICc GnAiVT �n�ni,�vi 'DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATION � DEVELOPMENT PAGE 6 � �,� --7��- 21. STAFF ANO OTNER RESOl�tCES (SN instructtons): • a. Statf Title - Project Director . Duties - Acts as coordinator for collecting data and disseminating information between agencies and individuals involved regarding juvenile problems. Responsible for project activities; works with law enforcement agencies, training organizations, and relevant resources; develops course materials, content and formats. Produces courses individually and jointly with other agencies. Maintains records; occasionally instructs; forwards relevant information to appropriate agencies. Reports - progress to the project advisory committee. Qualifications Education: Prefer M.A. Criminal Justice/Education or B.A. in related area. Experience: In developing curriculum, particularly in law enforcement continuing education. Minimum: 5 years law enforcement experience Part-time - 3/4 time for 10 months, 1/2 time for 2 months. Funded by grant. Title - Project Staff Duties - Develop and produce continuing education courses, collect relevant data, and related duties es assigned by the director. Qualif ications Education: Prefer M.A. Criminal Justice/Education or B.A. in related area. Experience: In developing law enforcement continuing education courses. : Minimum: 5 years law enforcement experience. Part-time - 1/4 time. Funded by grant. (continued on attached sheet) . b. Oth� R�soure�s Advisory Committee The advisory committee provides guidance and assistance in the activities of the project. The committee meets periodically to review activity and proposed courses and provides technical advice. The program advisory committee consists of Dr. Jerome Halverson, Dean of New College, College of St. Thomas; Bernard Troje, Faculty Member, College of St. Thomas, Department of Sociology; Chief Thomas Brownell, Shakopee Police Department; Laura Johnson, Coordinator, Law Enforcement Training Center; James Malm, Officer, Richfield Police Department; Becky Wade, Deputy, Hennepin County Sheriff's Office; James Moeller, Police Officer. . . , ��- ��` r;c 21. (continued) Title - Seeretary Duties - Receives phone calls, deals with inquiries about the project, performs typing and word processing, prepares certain course materials, maintains records as directed, other duties as assigned. Q uslif ications Typing, word processing experience, good communication skills, law enforcement knowledge preferred. Part time - 1/2 time 40 weeks - 23� hrs/week. 12 weeks @ 12 hrs/week. Funded by grant. ' STATE OF :�11NNESUTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM 'DEPAR3'MENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APP�ICAT�ON DEVELOPMENT PAGE 7 � �!5 - 7 5� 22. OATA ODLLECTION l5N I�structions): Goal #1 - The number of programs and individuals identified during the second year, different rom those identified in the first year and a comparison based on the number of those programs and individuals which are incorporated into program courses. Source will be from the project records. � Goal #2 - Specific courses determined to be successful during the initial year and those additional progr ma s and content areas which will be identified and developed for courses as determined through project records. _ _ . Goal #3 (a) The number of separate courses developed and the number of repeat offerings for each course. (b) Number of participants and agencies for each course offered by content and location from project records. Goa_ (s) The number of courses which are approved by the POST Board for continuing education credit and the number of hours for each course approved from project records. , i 23. COMPREHENSIVE EYALUATION (S�s Instructtons): Is a canprshenstve walustion canpons�t t�eluded as part of thts grant applicatlo�? Y�s �_No. If ' �o� procsed to Itam 24. Gen�rally, a dscisio� to �xclude an evaluation canpon�nt rill not �eopardize funding of your proJxt. If YES. svaluatton mate�lals must b� sudnitted rtth ths waluation. ST,4TE OF MINNESUTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMiC APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT PAGE 8 ���� - 7.5°Z 24. DETA I LED BIJOGET: � a. PK���!� (Mag�s a�d S�I_rl_) x of Hours Positlon Titls Annual Salar T1�� Per Msek Cost to Pro sct Project Director $ 26,400 70 30* $ 18,700 (*75% - 10 mo ./50� - 2 mos.) Project Staff Person $ 22,000 25 10 5,500 Secretary $ 15,000 50 20** 7,500 (**12 hrs wk or 12 w s, 23-1/2 hrs for 40 wks) �soNnEl cr►T�catY ToT� .................................................................. $ 31 ,700 b. F�Ing� 8�n�fits T • of Ben�fit Rate Bass Cost to Pro �ct P�o fringes , gq 31 ,700 $ 2,853.00 FICA, unemployment . ' workers comp. FRINGE BENEFIT CATE60RY 7DTAL ............................................................. � 2,853.00 STATE OF 1NlNN�SUTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM �DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC � APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT PAGE 9 �d�-S ���- 23. DETAILED BuOGET cCo�ttnu�d): c. T�sv�l � T e of Cost Rat• Bass Cost to Pro xt Mil�eg• $ .20/mile 15,000 3,000 Ai r Far• '- " " �9��9 $ 40/day 30 days 1 ,200 M.ais $ 20 per diem 30 days 600 Oth�r (Sp�ctfy) TR/1VEL C11TE60RY TOTAL ..................................................................... � 4,800 d. EquiDw�_t (s�� Instruefions) Itwn entl Unit Cost Cost to Pro ect EQU{PMENT GTEGORY T�OTAL .................................................................. ' �. Supplt�s tsN tnstruettons) Iteni anti Unit Cost Cost to Pro ert Course supplies , estimated @ 36 sessions $ 540 Office supplies 350 SUPPLIES CJ1TE60RY TOTAL ................................................................... � 890 f STATE OF MINNESUTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM 'DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATiON �����-- ��a DEVELOPMENT PAGE IO C!� 24. DETAIIED BUDGET (Ccntinu�d): . t. Cont�!d 5='v t�is T • ot Contracted Ssrvics Rat• Bass Cost to Pro ect __ Instructors $ 118.09 48 days $ 5,668.00 7 hrs/day x 48 days @ 16.87 hr. CONTRACTED SERYICES CJITEGORY TOTAL ........................................................ $ 5,668.00 �. Cons?ructton (s�e Instructions) T e ot Cost Cost to Pro sct CONSTRUCTION CJITEGORY T0T11L ............................................................... ------- h. Ot_h_Dir�et Costs IMERE APPIICABLE , �t� antt Unit Cost/Rat� Cost to Pro sct 12 da s $40/day $ 480 � Facilities Y Phone, long distance 1 .5 hrs/mo $35 350 @ 10 mos Printing 1 ,000 Marketing . 1 ,000 OTHER DIRECT COSTS CJITEGORY TOTAL ......................................................... $ 2,830 1. indir�ct Costs (sss Instructions) T e of Direct Cost Base Nnount ofi Base Rate � 10� of direct labor 34,553 .10 $ 3,455.30 Ji.ri 1 c L� ,�ii,V,�cJ�1� �VS; I�,,� l,�nr+N+ rn�,�;n,1�vi , �DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT PAGE I 1 � �� — �5-� 2s. BllDGET �USTIFICATIONs • a. A�D��_sb�� PK���_1, T�sv�l. aM OtAK R�gu_ ist�s• AII p�oJ�ct procu��nt, �xp�ndttur�s, and account- iny v(11 b� In accordanc� �ith M7100.iB. Ftnanclal and Adwinistrstiv� Gutd� tor Grants. In sdditton: » P.rson�.i eo�v�:stion a� fring. e.o.t�ts �i�� � i� College of St. Thomas �ccorda�u �tth tM ti�itf�n p�no�n�l polici�s of: 2) Exp�nditur�s of 9rant fueds for r�twburs��t of trav�l _ ,�p.�sK �i�i b. ,�e. �� accordanc� rith tA• ottteta� College of St. Thomas irr 1 tt�n trsvN r�gu 1 at loes of: - 3) Exp�nditur�s of grsnt tueds fo� oTh�r proJ�ct s�cp�ns�s �t�i b. a�sa. tn eecoreanc. vith tM appllesDl• Colle ge of S t. Thomas r�gulatlons of: - 4) Procuran�nt of goods sna s�n►le�s for tM proJ�et rill e. gov.�n.a by rn. ottictai �.9uiat�ons or: College of St. Thomas _ s� Mal�t�nsnc� ot accounttny ��cords tor tnis oro�.ct rtii Jerome Halverson, Dean b. Tn• �.soons�et i�ty ot: New Col l ege, Col l ege of St. Thoma e. Nsr��v_. ExD�atn budgst figu��s as ��0 wst�d tn th� Instruefions fo� thts itw�. Bsgin Your narrativ� M�• and add ss �eny pagss as ar� e�c�ssary. 24a Direetor—Typical salary for non-credit program director Sta��rson—Typical salary for an assistant program director Secretary— Typical salary for a level 3 secretary at CST 24c. Travel—Mileage reimbursement rate conforms with existing CST travel policy. Lodging and meals are estimated costs. 24e. Office Supplies—Estimated cost of direct expei►ses related to office support for stationery, correspondence, and the production of instructional related materials (folders, overheads and duplicating). 24f. Conforms with federal regulations and accommodates multiple instructors delivering 36 eoucses over 48 instructional days. 24h. _ Space Rental—Anticipated rental of instruetional space at �40 per day over 12 days. It , is anticipated that some facilities may be used without cost, since no tuition is charged. � � Marketing—Estimated cost of printing �C postage for approximately 2800 brochures and surveys (2 mailings of 1400 each). The brochure is a primary vehicle for •advertising the program and therefore critical to its success. Specific mailings to individuals will aLso be made. Average phone long distance use per month. Many contacts made by phone. Printing is the estimated cost for course materials required by instructors for participants. J�.rf�L Vi .i1i,�17iJ1i'�.� JI+JI l�,r� 1it'SMIV1 i.'11,..:t'�n�vi •pEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATION � DEVELOPMENT PAGE i2 � �h —��� Z6. COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS: s. Assum_ pt�o� ot Costs. - 1) it this proJ�ct (s �ocpsct�d t+o cont(nu� b�YonE th� p��(od tor vhtch t��ral tunds are requsstsd, pl�as• O�scrib� stforts mads f+o s�cur• psnnan�nt fund(ng and r�sults of such �ftorts. If the project is not �cp�cted to eonttnus. pl�as• �ocplsln. Outside funding will be sought from private grants, and contributions from training agencies explored. A part-cost tuition program would also be considered. 2) FIRST YEAR proJscts should �stia�at� th� anwunt of fsde�al snd nonfede�al funds needsd #o ope�ats this pro,j�et during tts s�cond and thtrd year of opsration. SEC01� YEIIR proJscts should ssttmat� ths • amount of such funds needaC i�o run this proJ�ct during its tbl�d year of operation. Thess figures shoul0 rpres�nt your bsst �stimat_s of nesd. Th�y do not guar_nt_ such f�as wtll be ararded. FEpERAL FtJ�DS: S�cond Ysar i Th ir0 Ysar S 30,000 NONFEDERAL fU1�05: Second Year f Th Ird Y�a� S 0,000 3) Bri�fty describs the a�iclpat�d sourcas of nonf� �d�rsl funds: Part-cost tuition, grant from private foundation oriented to children's issues. p. Cawplisn_vttA tA� Natlonal Hist+ortc Pr�s�rvatioe Act_t 1966. MIII this proJect. If fund�d, r�suit In a change in tM Qualify of th� htst�or— tcal, e�chitectural, archawiogical, or cultural charact�r of any prop�rty I tst�d in th� National Rsgist�r ot Hisf+oric Plsc�s? � � Y� � X � �'1O I f �r�s, �ocp 1 a t n th� ant t e i patsd sf t�ct ot th t s proJ�ct oo tM prop�rty (nvo I v�d. For awrs informatton eontact the Os artme�t of Ens 3 Econante Develo msnt. e. Co�pl_ ta�c� MItA tl►� U�itorn R�loeation and R�sl Prop�rty Acqul�sitton PeiteY Aef of 1970. Mtll this proJect, If fundsd, r�sult in th� ��location of a�r p�rson or psrsons? ( ) Yes ( X� � If y�s. attaeh an �ocplsnation of fh� typ� of r�location that �tll occur as a resuit of tAls o ect. d, Co�p�anc� rtth tM Natioaal Environw�rrtal Po11eL► Aet�t 1966. t) Ows this proJect lnvolv� any of tM follortng aettOns? a) Ner construct lon? � � Y°� � X � �'�O � b) Renovatlon or nwdification of a faciltt�r rhich �ill Isad to an ' Incrsass tn capacify�of nior• than 2S additional psrsons? ( ) Yss ( X ) No c) Usa ot hsrbictd�s or psstictdes? � � Y� � X � �'1O d) Us� of �tcro.�av or radiation7 � � Y� � X � �'1O •) R�ssarch or technology Mhich may Ised to the appilcation (n tAs f uturs of an action �rhich Mould have a potsnttal effsct on ths snrirom��nt? ( ) Yes t X ) No f) Ot��r acttons rhich �nlght have a signtfica�rt effect on th� queltty . ot the •rn t roronent? � � Yes � X � N° Z) Applicants vho respond "Yss" to any of ths foregoing n�ust attach either an �Envirormantal Evaluat(on" or a d�talled snvfronmental a�alysis of the proposed pro,�sct. ST.4TE OF MINNESUTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM `�D�EPAR'�MENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPLICATION �;�,,_�5` 7�� � DEVELOPMENT PAGE 13 l.�' �. Comp_, ���� vith EQual EmDI�oY�nint �DDo��tY 6uld_!����s• 1) EEO Progreins Atl proJ�ct r�cruitmsnt and htring must bs gov�rn�d by a M�itt�n EQuel Employmsnt � Opportunity Program. If th• proJ�ct impl«nsoting agency does not �av a Mritt�n EEO Program of its oMn and Is not govsrn�d by any other rritt�n EEO Program. it shoulC folloM th� EEO Program of ths Sponso�tng Un(t of Gov�rnnhnt. _ _ Yes No N/A ' a) Has th� sponsoring unit of govsrnm��t adopt�d a Mrittsn EEO program? X b) Is this EEO Program currontly esrttfi�C by th• Min�osota Dspartment of X Human Rtghts? c) 1, Ars employmsnt procedurss for this proJect govsrned by the EEO Pr'� X gram of ths spo�so�ing unit of govarmnent? �— 2. If the ansMer to c)1. is N0, are tAe enptoyment procedurss for this p�o,ject governed by sane other EEO Program? If YES, tdsntify govsrn- ing program. if N0, attach a descrtption of tAa process rhich rill X bs used to recrutt and select p�o,ject staff and consultants. __ 3. Is.ths program identified In c)2. currantly certified by ths X Mtnnesota Department of Human Rights? 2) Cor-tiflcation of EEO Progrsia: Each rectpie�t of OJJOP assistance must maintain a Mritton Equaf Employment Opportuntty Program. In additlon, saefi sponsor(ng unit of goverrnnent that has SO or nwre employess and has �ece(ved 525,000 or mors t� JJOPA tunds. �aust canplete th� csrtification form bsloM either as part of thts applicatio�, or bafore grant funds ars rsleased. ----------------------------------------------------�-���-- ------����� �� ��M__-- i. Jame s t Mo ro t name of EEO Coord i nator), cert i fy that eq ua I enip I o�ent opportun i ty program in acco�dance with 28 CFR 42.301 et seq., Subpart E, and that (t is on tile in ths offics of C0112Q2 Of St Thoma� Uame a�d address) for rsvtw or audit bY offtclals of the Department of Energy and Econanic �eveiopment or the Offtcs of Juvenlle Justics and DeiinQusncy Prsventton (OJJDP), as required by relevant lar+s and regulations. Personnel Director _ (Stgnature of EEO Coordinatorf (Title) (Date) 3) Compliancs: Has the sponsoring untt been c(ted for noncanpliance with provisions of the Clvtl R.ight� Act of 1964, as amended? t ) Yes ( X) No. if yes, attach a brtsf explanatton of the nature and outcome of the c(tation. e.g., status of negottations, settlement, agency placed in noncanpliance, etc. Speclfy dats of actio� and pa rticipating agencias. � STATE OF MINNESUTA JUSTICE GRANT PROGRAM DEPAR'FMENT OF ENERGY AND ECONOMIC APPAGE j�N C��S ��� '• DEVELOPMENT RESOLUTION OF SPONSORSHIP local government applicatlons must adopt and su folloaing o� an �qutvale�t r�solutio�. Thfs rssolutlon must b� adopted Drior to submission of tA� applicatlon to th• D�partmont of Ensrgy 3 Economtc Dsvelopment. A. Resolution authorizing submtssion of th• grant applicetion an0 �xscution of the grant agreament. 8e it resolv�d that Clty Of S t. Paul ect as sponsoring unit of govsrnm�nt and (sponsoring unit of gowrrnnent) grant�e for tn• pro��ct titl�d �uvenile Justice Education Project � b. conductea by (proJsct title) the College of St. Thomas during ths p•riod tra� 9-01-85 tArough 8-31-86 . (Implenanting agsncy) (duratton dates) Dr. Charles Keffer ts h��sby autAorized to apply to the o.Qartmer,t ot Ena�gy and (titl• of authorizsd ofticial) Econanic Dsvelopment for funding of tNs p�oJset and executs such agreements as are necessary to implement the proJsct on bshalf of the City of St. Paul . (sponsortrg unit of government) I esrt i fy tfiat the above r�so I ut ton vas adopted by the C1 ty CO U11C 1 1 _ (Clty Council, County Board of Canmissloners, etc.) ot Citv of St_ Paul �" • (sponsoring unit of government) (Oate) SIGNED: MITNESSED: (signature) lsignature) (title) (tttle) (dats) (date) � � i