85-745 WHITE - CITV CLERK f � PINK - FINANCE COl1I1C11 CANAqy - OEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL BLVE - MAVOR File NO. ����� � Ordindnce Ordinance N0. ��-��o� Presented By ������ v Referred To �� ���� ���.� Committee: Date �����"�� Out of Committee By Date An administrative Ordinance amending the Civil Service Rules, Section 34, pertaining to six unclassified positions in the Department of Planning and Economic Development Department. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION 1 . That the language in Section 34.0 of the Civil Service Rules shall be stricken in its entirety as follows: "34.0 �be-p�e��s�eRS-e€-�b�s-�ee��ea-�4-e�-�bese-Rd�es-wb�eb-p�aees �bese-abe�e-t�eR��eRed-6-pes���e�s-�p-�be-�1Re�ass���ed-�e���ee sba��-e�p��e-eR-�be-€�gs�-�desday-e€-adRe;-����;-aR�ess-e�be�- w�se-de�e����ed-by-�be-G���-SedRe��-w��b-eeaed��eRee-e€-�be 6�,��}_�e���ee-6er��a�ss�eR.- SECTION Z. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force 30 days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Approved: Civil Service Commission, Chair COUNCILMEN Request d by Department of: Yeas 5��.�� Nays ,� 7 •�latol� � PERSO EL OFFICE Drew ` In Favor � Masanz � Nicosia � Schelbel � Against BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUL 3 0 1985 Form A roved y Cit A t y Certified Pa ouncil Se r B B � Y Appr y Mayor: Date '� App o by Mayor for Submi on uncil By By PUBUSH�D AU��. 10 1985 ' Persc�nnel Office ' ' ' DEP NT C/�--G`J`� ��S 0 200 . , . ., , . • /�(P� -�eawe-��e�a„�a C TACI� � 4221 PHONE � �� May 13, 1985 DATE � e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : � Department Director 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 4 City Clerk Budget Director 5 Civil Service Commission � City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : This Ordinance abolishes the language in the Civil Service Rules limiting the length of time the six deputy director titles will remain unclassified. COST/BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: Nvne FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Total Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : 1 . Ordinance 2. Copy for City Clerk DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 i � . < . , . . ' _ , , . • � �� ���� v 4�,�•*• o... CITY OF SAINT PAUL ; _ � PERSONNEL OFFICE ` _�� ' OHN P.COLONNA PER N � „� 1 , 50 NEL DIRECTOR �•.. 265 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER - MAYOR � June 27, 1985 James Scheibel, Chairman Finance-Management Committee 716 City Hall and Court House Re: Five Exempt PED Deputy Director Positions Ordinance appearing on the June 13, 1985 Finance, Management Agenda You requested that we provide you with our position regarding permanently exempting the five Deputy Directors in the Department of Planning and Economic Development. We support the exemption as is shown by the attached minutes. �y�(� , / �V�� ,/� r � �-'�-� - Margaret Sa er, Chair CIVIL SERVI� COMMISSION . � . . � ' , F ` � �/�--�',�-�7�5 � . . . /��?�� MINUTES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Meeting No. 423 Thursday, 9:00 a.m. June 27, 1985 Personnel Office Conference Room Present: Margaret Sadler, Chair Ted Besaw Dr. George 0. Berry Also Present: John Colonna Director of Personnel, Personnel Office Jeanette Sobania Personnel Assistant, Personnel Office � Milt Patka Personnel Assistant, Personnel Office Carole Otto Management Assistant, PED William Patton Deputy Director-Community Development Beverly Hawkins Director of Model Cities, Health Department Jerry Serfling Business Agent, AFSCME Council No. 14 Tom Eggum Deputy Director, Public Works Mary Remsburg Clerk III, Civic Center MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting of June 13, 1985, were approved. � ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 34.0 OF THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES TO STRIKE THE LANGUAGE CONCERNING SIX UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. The Commission's recommendation to the City Council concerning this ordinance is that the 5 remaining unclassified positions in the Department of Planning and Economic Development remain in the unclassified service. REQUEST BY THE DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH FOR PERMISSION TO EXTEND THE TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT OF A CLERK-TYPIST II The Commission, after discussion, granted permission to extend the temporary appointment of Sarah Kass Wittnebel, a Clerk-Typist II, employed by the Division of Public Health, Model Cities Health Clinic. k �m n T �— __ � m ...__ . � � _,., .._ - .. - � _ . ._--•---• . .�•� �r , ti ,• _. _.,.... _-., ._. ' _ „ y ;���'''�':�� . CIZ��' O�' .SAYNT ,�.E)..UL �,� ��- �� � -;:; �_C��, �f �d . �� �„�,:��f��..=�;:�° -�-� orrxcr o�� z��rr cz2��Y cov�tic�x. / � :: t ..� � ' �;��1 f>_�:ii�;^i.C_L;! tl� , . ~ �4_�,,;�:�� Dofie : July 11, 1985 ( �y.'`:'-::.. _ . . . � � � i1� � f t T � E RE PO � T 1� = SQin� P�� 1 Ci�y Counctt �P O P�1� % C O j�j{�j j j i,�� O i? FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL � � ' C F-�A 1 R COUNCILMAN SCHEIBEL � � 1 . Aporoval of minutes from r�eeti_ngs held June 27 and July l , 1985. �f/ """5 2. Cornm i tt.ee-of-the-Who�e - Th i s i teni on 1 y . • � Enoch Dumas, former journali�st from South Africa, wilt provi.de b�ckground � ,� � information on the situation in South Africa. This is for information - only. A hearing will �be scheduled later on the divestiture of city funds. : � L • 3. 'rtaf_f report. regard�ing HRA resolution to be introduced- for preliminary � approval� on J�ly 17 author�izing $9:5 million in additional finance for d i str i ct heat i ng. {PED) ������ ����:��,.� 4. Resolution amendi�ng the 19$5 Capital Improvement Budget to include the - World Trade Cente�� Project and amenc}ing the Downtown and Seventh Place . Tax Increment District Financing�Plan - $14,215,000. (PED) /,?�� . . 5. Resolution amending the 1985 Ca�ital Improvement Budget to provide fund- ing-for Energy Park Tax ?ncrement District 11 Financial Plan - ' $14,64�7,207: (PED? ��� . 6. Resolution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $21 ,664 to the F�inancing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Special Proiects-General Government (Lambert's Landing celebration and League of Minnesota Cities confer- ence) . (PED) ��� . � 7. Resolution amending thie Community Block Grant Year IX Program by trans-- ferring $361 ,766.32 to CDBG Y.ear XI Praqram. (PEO? ��� � (Continued on Back) CITY HALL ' � - ' S�VENTH FLOOF: SAINT P,lUL. :�il�\`ESOT::55103 ''� ' •�--^••u , ' '� � . . .� . . , �,�� � . • • • ' ` ��j - ?�.� ..- - � �oz�,� July ! I , !985 Page 2 8. Resolution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $37,290 to the Financing f�lan and to the 5pending Plan for Truth in Sale of Housing. {Community Services) ��� 9. Resolution amending the 1985 Budget and adding $8,500 to the Financing Plan and to the Spending Plan for Emergency Medical Services (Paramedic/ EMS Service) . (Fire Department) ��� !0. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding the Personnel Director classification. (Personnel ) /�j� 11. Resolution revising the class specification for the title of B�ilding Maintenance Supervisor-Parks and Recreation in the Civil Service Rules. (Per sonne l ) /��� , 12. Resolution chdnging the grade for the title of Telecommunicator in the Civi 1 Servic� Rules. (Personnel )���SS�r/Gy� _ �/y J^������J���/!�%�� � 13. hesol�ution changing the grade and the class specification for the title of Treasury Manager in the Civil Service Rules. (Personnel ) �j-/� 14. Resolution abolishing the salary range for Grade 16E in the Clerical Bargaining Unit in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Personnet ) �iESSr°�Ojr/- �'/lJ i�'��0��-�ef��l_�Tf�x 15. Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution concerning fZecreation Center Director. (Personnel ) /J� 16. (?rtt�'rR'�nce arfle�ng the C i v i 1 Serv i ce Ru 1 es perta i n i ng to s i x unc 1 ass i- ,d posit�ns'��`9r1 the Department of Planning and Economic Development fie ancl �st�i k i� �n•-�ts entirety Section 34.0 {personnel ) ���. ,[_/�VW-Q �� � � �J" •,/�'f�-C.�[.% v�--/- }v�..� � � . � / � \� �� � n/.. � �� , � �'v __ .- ; �!.�-,�� -_ �'�'� ;.,� ;: • ��YY o, ` ' ' • � /�f�!��' CITY OF SAINT PAUL e4� '� PERSONNEL OFFICE ` i ���� ' )OHN P.COLONNA PERSONNEL DIRECTOR � ,.� , ,... 265 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR � � �iLED .a 'J_f:','" July 25, 1985 ,J�:4 �� �- �� :; +-�" �� - -,� -•i,rr r; : ,� _ k _ , Al Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Olson: At their meeting on July 25, 1985, the Civil Service Commission approved an ordinance striking the language, in its entirety, in Section 34.0 of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to the 5 unclassified Deputy Directors in the Department of Planning and Economic Development Department. �Y�t�-�,� '���,�` Civil Service Commission Margaret Sadl r, Chair • ' , . ��= ��-- 'y� �tT•o. . CITY OF SAINT PAUL "�• �' PERSONNEL OFFICE . . � ` i���tm : � � JOHN P.COLONNA, PERSONNEL DIRECTOR �•.• 265 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4221 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR . August 8, 1985 Al Olson City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, MN Dear Mr. Olson: � The Civil Service Commission, at their meeting of July 25, 1985, approved Council File 85-745, amending Section 34.0 of the Civil Service Rules that removes the language in said section allowing the 5 remaining unclassified positions to remain in the unclassified service. A copy of the signed minutes is attached. . - _ . -- �',�- ��-� MINUTES CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Meeting No. 425 Thursday, 9:00 A.M. July 25, 1985 Personnel Office Conference Room Present: Margaret Sadler, Chair Ted Besaw Dr. George 0. Berry Also Present: John Colonna Director of Personnel, Personnel Office Wil�.iam Timm Health Administration Manager, Division of Health Carole Otto Management Assistant, PED MINUTES Minutes of the Meeting of July 11 , 1985, were approved. RESOLUTION REVISING THE CLASS SPECIFICATION FOR THE TITLE OF BUILDING MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR--PARKS & RECREATION IN THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES The Commission, after discussion, approved a resolution amending Section 32 of the Civil Service Rules by revising the class specification for the title of Building Maintenance Supervisor--Parks and Recreation. RESOLUTION CHANGING THE GRADE AND CLASS SPECIFICATION FOR THE TITLE OF TREASURY MANAGER IN THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES The Commission, after discussion, approved a resolution amending Section 3.�, of the Civil Service Rules, by striking from Grade 18 the title of Treasury Manager and inserting this title in Grade 22. It also amends Section 32 by inserting a new class specification for Treasury Manager. ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES PERTAINING TO SIX UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND STRIKING IN ITS ENTIRETY SECTION 34.0 The Commission approved a ordinance amending Section 34.0 of the Civil Service Rules that removes the language in said section allowing the 5 remaining unclass- ified positions to remain in the unclassified service. REQUEST BY THE POLICE DEPARTMENT TO EXTEND THE TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS FOR THREE CLERK-TYPISTS Request for permission to extend the time of employment past 1040 hours for three Clerk Typists working in the Police Department was denied. However, the Com- (continued) -2- mission voted to change the status of the three employees, Maria Equia, Paula Hernandez and Joyce Rish, to provisional appointments. REQUEST BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO EXTEND THE TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT FOR A CLERK TYPIST I WORKING IN THE WOMEN, INFANT AND CHILDREN SUPPLEMENTAL FOOD PROGRAM Permission was granted to extend the temporary appointment of Patricia Kendrick, a Clerk Typist II, employed by Community Services, Division of Public Health, for another 1040 hours. LETTER Jane McPeak, Deputy City Attorney, drafted a letter and a supplemental infor- mation sheet for the Commission's signature, changing the order of presentation of testimony during hearings. Effective August 1 , 1985, the Petitioner's case shall be presented first. The City's case will follow. The letter and form will be sent to participants in a Civil Service hearing. � HEARING The Commission set a hearing date for 8:00 A.M. , Thursday, August 29, 1985, for George Larkin, representing Local 132, General Laborers, concerning the method of removing employees' names from eligibility lists. Meeting adjourned at 9:35. .� ��i/��(� ��L�C.���� �' � Margaret Sa� ler, Chair PiNKc - FINANCE ^� { r' � ' � �� CANARV -DEPARTMENT COUIICIl {.,�� t p {,,,�� � BLUE -MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. `' ��-`f' r . a . ;" Or�LZ1ZG�IZCP. Ordinance NO. ���'�0 Presented By ��•�''�'�"�'`�, - �/ r!1/= ,�i:.. � - � �� � .. . _. � �Referred To 1-' �= Committee: Date _ Out of Committee By -�Date An administrativa Qrdinance as+e�adir►g the Civil Service Rules, Section 34, pertaining to six unclassif3.�d positions ir► the Depart�aecst of P2anning ar� Economic Deveiapaaent �epartaQent, .�. THE C(l!lNCIL � Ti� CITY t� SRINT PAUt: DOES QRDAiN: SECTIil�i �. _ . Thst the lac�gusge i� Sectivn 34.0 oF ths Givil Service Ruies shall be s�ricken in its �ntirety as fo3lo3vss F "34:C �tae-���a�° ���s-aas��sw-��-e�-�ese-��es-w��$#�-�ases �aes�- be-�ae�ess�s�--�a�ea sMe��-e���e--e�-�tae-€��e�-��+esda�-s€-�-��-�eas-•s�iae�-- w�ae--de�e�c�-�►-�e--6��-6s�wa���-es�e���e�ss--s€--�#� � 5�...=,.'n�+���:se-�e�ss�e� SECTION 2. 3his or+dinance shall take effe�t and be in force 30 days fram ar�d after its passage, approval and publicstion. Approved: Civil S�rvice Co�nission, Y�air - " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: ' Yeas , Nays � =--�•:;,,,�•t PERSO�tNEt OFFI�E . �—.��.. ��� , , Drew jtl FaVOI _ ' Masanz • � ___`. �- � �r.�-� _�—'"'_"� NiCOSia �'3 Ag81t1St BY `"� ' Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date .���.. � Q ��t�5 Form Approved by City Attorney , ( . ° Certified Passed by C uq6ncil Secretary `, BY � � ' '�`'�`�`� By v,..X./'`�"�`���-�"�-^`r ,�-�.--�---- ' \ � A�rj � ��±�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date , �1 f _ B g '�` 4 r.;��-- �,���' '_.� Y Y ` 't' { � ; ; _ , � - -- . ,` ' , � _._____: � , ,�. . _:_.. �.._,�_____ . , _ ._�.,.,�... __ . , , .... ., . __. .,...�- � f . � � �� � ' + ' ., , . • . �.,� . . , _ . �.. ., ,. . � ,� � . . lst � – �0 – �� �., 2nd� '� --� �+'�� 3rd 7–o�J� ' �Jr Adopted 7� ..3Q --��5 ^��-'--'. - E ���i . _ Yeas �ay� } �� DREW ; .�� _ �=�5-- ��S ' ' �: - �S�vZ f:�. - ��� �c� �z.��- . : ' 'r�dz�� F NICOSIA i v- � � SCHEIBEL � �����- � F i � SONNEN WILSON MR. PRESIDEUT T�DESCO . � ------.__._�___a--�,.._.,_,,_._.�.-.�..�,.nv;�_��.��._.�..�,.»,3,�..�»,.,,;�,__...... .__ _ _ . \ __ . _. __�___ __ �— �r ��. ���iY . �:� : �:`�;� � ..� �;. ����