D00799• , - City Clerk _ - Finance Dept. _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Cemer) _ - Engineer (I-IGA) - Contractor _ - Project M ana a a er (CPM� � �� i • I�' ' ��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP3.10 • C and which amount is to be financed from: f 19 �'/J� /� 12 � 9� Frerichs Construction Comgan� Conuactor B IL�_ Assistant to the Mayor ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, addiuons wluch proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expancion CP-3 Tem�orary Facilities lmown as Contract L Project No.014440 Frerichs Construction Company Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. 'llibesteel � elevator shafr per ConsWCtion Change Directive (CCD) NC3.18. Reason: Coodrinarion issue between CP-2 & CP-3. Required for elevaror shaft structure. 2. Additional support work � temporary wall at Wilkins Lobby per CCD #C3.20. Reason: Field condition due to e�cisdng building struc[ure. 3. Overtime for electrical switchgear switchover per CCD MC3.29. Reason: Accelerazion requ'ved to avoid impacting CP-4 work (removal of NSP vault). 4. Add CMU wall at Room 113 per Request For Proposal (RFP) #C3.9 & CCD #C3.2S. Reason: Field condi[ion. 5. Sheetmetal enclosure @ eleva[or shafr per CCD NC3.29. Reason: Code official requirement. 6. Floor @ Popcom Room per CCD #C331. Reason: Code requirement. 7. Cant @ EIFS-Lower L.evel perCCD #C332 Reason: Field condition-[o prevent water peneuation. 8. Permit fee for high voltage equipment. Reason: Code permit requirement. Total $2,116.00 1,476.00 6,878.00 480.00 943.00 785.00 352.00 1,864.00 $14,894.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, thtough its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specificalions in the sum of $ 14_894.00 . said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract I. 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. � ` .s t� ' . � Architect C'w �i C� C4.n.� `c. � s;l GREEN SH E T���� N° 34902 � INffl ATE INRIHL/DATE —� �EPARTMENT�IREC�OR �CflYCAUNC � `a�$ ��j�� y ASSIGN �CITYATTOFiNEY �CRYCLERK NUYBEAGOP ROUTING � BUOCET D�RECTOR � FIN. & MGT.: ONDER r' � /�Rm'�f, li� TOTAL # OF S PA (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � \CTION REQUESTED: C.h,� brd� ��o bE�-�e��, C`t�, ����s �t- Fcs:;�.G�s a _ PLANNING CAMMISSION ( _ CIB COMMITTEE �_ _ STAPF _ " .� _ DISTHICTCOUNT _ " SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVET Dlq. PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this persoNfirm ever worked untler a comract for this tlepertment'? - YES NO 2. Has this personKrm ever been a ciiy employee? YES NO 3. Does this personttirm possess a skill not nortnally poss¢sseC by any curreni cRy empbyee? YES NO Facplatn all yes artswere on separate sheet anE attach tc grean sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPP6IRTUNITV (Wlw, What. When. Where. Why): � o•ti��r � F�ar�c v� �c�- ��c4 ssa ry z�u� co�E�����;�-��n���s a� ��c a����c� �'CD� ` EG� W� �� S�E. CO vv�,� \ C_�'(�C��Ga v v � O C�Q� �'}'p �{ f 4. `�\ CEY�G��'��� a ns t �� s� a r� �1-�- C�la� D �c�t . RECEIVEC� DEC 2 71995 CITY CLERl� �r��s ��reS���- �� \� 1��� vv�E�� co�� oc��`.Il d�o u�� cou�n�\��EC� �1�'l `�'�,� I�es� �osSibl� c.�� . Ll V v 00 TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACSION $ `� g� �• COST/REYENUE BUDGETED (CIRCIE ONE) YES NO FUNDIHGSOURCEC���'�a�C� T�i����'zX�i'n0� ACTIVITYNUMBER � FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �oo�qq � u -- GCiNTRAIIT,3TAT#f�._ . _ _ PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACTOR Frerich's Construction Company 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55105 Original Contract Amount: $ 1,480,000.00 CO No. C3.1 C3.2 C3.3 C3.4 C3.5 C3.6 C37 C3.8 C3.9 C3.10 Total Deduct Add 19,697.00 11,3�3.50 97,951.00 18,814.00 11,563.00 21,450.00 18,417.�� 24,209.00 23,270.00 14 894.00 p� S 261.568.5U DATE ISSUED: CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TfTLE: CONTRACT DATE: 8 December 1995 CP-3 Temporary Facilities 1 May 1995 Net Amount of Contract including this Change Order: $1,741, • � - ,� �� r- � r� �_ � ,_ � i g. 2 �-1-�� . � ��V'� e� � C 3•._L6 � ��C��\fED CONTRACTOfl'S PRO Contractor Proposal No.: Project:� int Pa��vi�.y�.Ilicr G!� Contract No.•. A change in the scope of the work is requested as indica[ed below: II is requested the completion date be O ex[ended, O decreased, ( � unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be . 2. Description of Ihe chan�e: �fiefer to drawin s, specifications, addenda, if appficablel. (fteference RFP No.: • CCD No.: 3 iR' • f0 No.: i �HB851�LG� ,�� ---- - 3. (iasis of paymen[: (Check oRe) ( 1 Firm price for performing this change is .........,,�,.. ......................... .--• ,. ��� Adequate supporting details and information ' 1 r,�t��<�:C a , must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. � ( 1 Time and material pe� contract, bu[ not to exceed r J ^ �Q Actual cost at completion of work $ �� Submitted by: � p ph�,el�n l, rrnn Date: �C9-� ��'(� Contractor � _. � {clZ� J t� Q'i// Contractor Signature FOR CPM{ USE Action Recommended: (Check one� CPMI Job No.: 3225 O Chanc�o will �ot ba madc. Explain: � � � 2. � �Procced on the following basis: �As indicated abovo, changa and basis of pnyment is acceptable. ( 1 Change is acceptable, bas+s of payment is not acceptable. S! Basis of payment shatf be S ( 1 The (ollowing moditication is recommended: f 1 Change i� completiort date is accepted. ( 1 Chane�c is acceptable with no change in price. (! Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. Reason for Chan�c: () Desic�n Cliange (� Client Request t 1 Field Condition { � Suge�ested by Contractor �Design Omission or Other (explain�—cpo2Diu�.� gy� GP 2 � GP 3 3. Is this a patt of [he originaal contract scopel { y YES �NO � 4. Is Contrac[or's Estimate attached? j(�YES t 1 NO 5. A/E consulted. �j'ES ( f NO � � Prepared by: � CPMIj .. / � Approved by IHGA) Approved by � ���, \� IOwner) Annrnvnll hv �� � .. � -. cc: �nns na�sen 8ake Baker Eriks Ludins 3225• Date:_���(j� Oatc: Da Da 3225- Bl Uick PAGE 5-5 S(1fNT P�IfI r�v�r rcurro r..o�.�o�...� A � � �✓ E � � 1 _� _� � � �� � -,.� - � __�� - _� ,-.� -�� 11 ♦1 BREAKDOWN 3HEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SA�NT PAUL CIV(C CENTER EXPANSION IABOR, MATERtA� & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MA7ERIALS & EQUIPMENT iNCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MA7EflIAL, EQUiP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTOflS 5% FEE T07AlSUBCONTRACTORS &FEE 07HER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES U7ILITIES, FUEI, FACIL1TtES AT StTE 1NCiDE(3TAl EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS 70TAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL „ $ S. U O S � S S �• f�0 $ (3.00 s I �J �a��0 $ G.00 S S 5 5 S S � S pAGE 5-6 SAWT PAUL CIViC C£NTER EXPANSION �cfl 3. �$ � $ �. s q�,OD $ °L(9f$•�U $ ° �I�� � ♦� �,� � � , �����. -----�--- FIELD WORK ORdER Na nn:�:�R:� � NAME OF PROJECT: / � � L�� `-'N�`� �^�''"-' CONTRACTOR: �� p�-� ADDRESS: � 0 � DATE WORK DESCRIPTION HOURS RATE AMOUN7 � IRONWORKER FOREMAN HOURS IRONWORKER HOURS EQUIPMENT �,,� ., �p-t , � SHOP LABOR & MATERIAL i��� _��� _�■ �-■ ��� ■�s� �� ��.��.� -,��:,� ��� �� u ��• 3 � a�l(J. �U � TOTAL � I � LISTUL CORPORATION REPRESE CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE � 3 _. _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ 13911 RtDGEDALE ORIVE, SUtTE 474 • MfNNETONKA, MN 553�5 IICC�l�C /�i71 SAG_RF77 . F�Y /Fi'�\ �d�_fiRdR 0 • LISTUL CORPORAT/ON - 6300 INDUSTRY AVENUE N. W. - ANOKA, MN 55303 (612) 421-9127 f-AX (6l2)�121-t170G ' � I I - �--t-- --��.' -, -�-. -- i_.. . _ 1L^'...-�-- � ---� , ' � } � : I � ` �� �-: Z �- � � n "� � z. _: ... .---Z-�'L I--� . .- � - -- --- . ��P�� ;. i i-. �' . ,_ - -- I '':� _�' - - - - ._ . " ' i _ ._ � �. ..'"" ' 1 " _". �l , ..— _ _ —_ . I .. _.. ' i , u - -- .- --- - �.a- : . ?�_!�_ �_` l . Z ,7'�N- i . � � � . �`�. ` � � `s�.-;--;�,�-'--- -_; - � �'�(TS �i J�� ¢''�+ �-•� :, 8,� � � . �: - , --, --�--�-i. ..' . ... . , ,, . . . , ; , � 1__.t._..- i±,.�.;---l-.._.. .� _ . . ; , , ,. . � 1 _, . : , ; � , :., � ,--.. ,__ .;-- ��: ' , , � , '" �� � � ----- � - � � � - , ��__ ... , ; (---� ;, � �. - t ' ��.. �j f S , �� ' i .- ,'.- ' ---� ; --,- . - : � _.---�--�-----� . , ..- �- .� �; : _ -= - - � 3 �." -��' � - - -- Srl LooS.e. �P: --- �j�Gl-D ��l'� � �i - -�'-' i __ ) i } � . -, -- I �. . . � � -- - i� . �'�`� J --� -- � � _� ..-, \ i-, 4 _ . . . �'. _ .(.' ' . � . . _ _._ i , : !� .. :.. �-/ : i ., ' I� }�- ' �.? _ '_. . % .. .. . ' . ' l �_ : _.� ._ ;.... �- e - -.i_. _i - . ..._ _.. � \ J 1.-. .. f?�-� � - � . _�— ;. , , -. .--. - �-- � . ... . � -�-q��,�_P�-:P�� � p i �",� - B;-9'-f ' ��,� � Lz J �-' B Y: - _.. : `� -.._____—.. F r�-� ; �� s DATL: X� y� I� I FINI511: /—. �}�. �JV � I�ME �) ��"Jl_ C� J� C_ ���(�-- �� �� _ : - �'�-z,� � o �� s .: 1 Z �. pf �-.�� j�. -� a � � � SK_. 1 a � • . - L� sruL c�R�r�R,ario� 63001NDUSTRI'i�VENUE N.W.= ANOKA, Mhl 55303 {612) 421-4121 hAX (G12)�I:'I iS7�G �I � Iv V� 1 �, -z _ C �, f �,. -L �< i -- v �Jb �' � • +_. �. �; -� � ;. � �� ��� � ��"r, ;�Sy1% S l� S; x��- jZ� o F'�> �-r-� .S �. j S/` ' BY: � D. DATE: O'Id'`1S FIN4SH: J- � OP �->!�. TI�� � � P O J06 S J. ��,'l ./�. � i�/��C� ��T�'� � � NAME _.. 1� sK - I J � WORK ORDER N� L ��J L chs Construction Co. � Energy Park Drive, Suite �4 Frerichs Construction 'y,rraul, Minnesota 55708 Phone: 672-64�4-5063 - • � � . , rI WORK ORDER REPORT: JOBNAME ���1�L �Ni(R _ JOBNO. �S/ BiLL TO r� M�~., REPORT DATE �C 1— 9<S"' WORK ORDERED BY �l���n� � WORK: MAN DATE HOURS MNN DATE HOURS MNJ �ASE HOUHS MAN OATE HOURS 0 ounrenN � MASERUS I cosr I I exr. � nuarnrtr � — euaeaiu. � eosr � Exr. � APPROVED BY: • CONSTRUCTION CHANGE DIRECTIVE AIA DOCUMENT G714 o�w�vER � AACHITECT �7 CONTRACTOR 'LFJ FIELD �] OTHER �] CPMI (Insrruarortr on reve'se s�Ge. Tbts daczrnrent reptaces AIA fba<me.:r G713, Consr,uuion Charzge Aur�iorization.) PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Cente� DIRECTIVE NO: CCD-C3_1Qi (name, address) 143 Wesf 4th Street 16 Augusf 1995 Saini Paul, MN 55102 DnTE: TO COIITRACTOR: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: (name, address) Frerichs Construction 1410 Energy Pa[k Drive, Suite 4 CONTRACT DATE: 1 May 1995 Saint Paui, MN 55108 CONTRACT FOR: CP-3 Temporary Facilities You are hereby directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: Provide elevator support tube steel @ east wall between north and south masonry walis. Refer to S1.3 original and S1.3 revised by Addendum #2. • PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS i. The proposed basis of adjustment [o che Concrdcc Sum or Guardnteed Maximum Price is: ❑ tump sum (increase) (deaease) of ❑ Unit Price of Ui� ❑ as provided in Subpangraph 73.6 of AIA Documrnt A201, l987 edition. 4�-as Follows: "�'� h • 2. The Contraa Time is proposed tc3-(k�e�jeste6} (remain unchange�. The proposed adjusunent, if any, is (an increase of �_ days) (a decreau of (1_ days). T,., Jt � ���'�n ,,.. ., ...1 W hen signed by the Owner and Architect and received by [he Contrac[or, this don.�ment becomes effec[ive IMMEDIATELY u a Const[uction Change Direcuve (CCD), and [he Contrattor shall proceed with the change(s) described above. Hammel Green Abrahamson, Inc. ARCHITECT 1201 Harmon Place Address --MinReapolts.-[ul BY �/r-'' `p V'� DATE � � �� Saint Paul Civic CenterAuthority OWNER 143 West 4th Street �� •• �i�. � : i'l�'� �. � - 1 Signacure by �he Conttaccor indicxca che Con- tractor s agreemenc with the proposed adjvst- menrs in Con[rac[ Sum and Contract Time sec fotth in [his Cons[ninion Change Directive. Frerichs Construction coNrannc�roa 1410 Energy Park Drive Suite 4 Address Saint Paul MN 55108 _ BY 7 1' � � CY'1�(1 �"'_ "� DATE � `�Y=/� � i CAUTION: You sfioufd sign an origina4 AIA document which has tfifs cautton printed in red. An o�iginal assures that changes wili not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AU1 DOCUMENT GTl4 � CONSTRUCC[ON CHAPIGE DIRF.ClIVE • 1987 £D[TION • AIA� • OO 1987 • THE AMERIUN INSTITUTE OF AftCHI7ECT5. V35 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W., WA$HINGTON, D.G 2000G G7141987 ��qq �==: � ���;��� • sEQ 2 �. I��� _ -----�g ,_.J,� /�Ni � CQ NTNACTQH'S NIlONO Sr1L � 1.J11�IJr�U( ��lU�1J.�J� �''t1.. �/�1{L'�— �i'1��- /�' Y�����u_;;uuu i' �� i L CWItIJCi NU.: CG�' � r. .Iwn�.: ui (L< :.w�.c u� lhc ��u�A 1:. Ici�uc.lc.l d: wJiCa{c4 Lcl�cr: Il r. �c.{ucstcJ l7w Cunydctiuii drlc Vc ( � cwlulWCd � I{f4LIL'M�l'1I ( � uu411d�1�cJ Lr — l.dla%II�IJI I�JYj. ���Q YQ�U:�{C� CUII1�lI�jlUli �IJ{Y kYIII V4 . ��. tJl'QlII1FlIlUI1 tli U11: cli.,ii�c: lHclu! to dtavrui;�s. � JULIIICdIiWIS� JQ�ICII�IJ� �� Y�l�)�I�d�I�C�. ut��,:�����.: n�-�• w�.: • ccu N�.� t�.� ' FO Nu.: i �v�oe sup�t -f+a� t=1-i! �+wUo. J- UJ:G UI'1qYIlICII{. ILUCCA W�U� • 1 f l�u,u p��co I�r potlu�min� thi: ch.,n�c i: ....................................5_� y �� !_�_,_ Ai1c� ,UJI{: jll�/f7O(IIIIJ (�C{41I WIQ Ill�JlIIIu11Utl 'IqCIti.1:ClJ U�IIUL'IS �n� G� �lt.+ahcJ iu :,Iluw awnut {u �v:+lualu. ^ { j fUNJ u1�ll IIW��.IIJI'JCI CUIUIJCI. VU� �lV� {�/ {;A1;yCQ � �� ti�l��Nl CuGI al Cu(Ii�i��U�l� tI� IYW� . Y _..���,.�t,.� t. __,��`c.en,cs ��--t 1 cr�� �"1 -�C — �i 5 u..�,,: Lw1UJ:IU1 -! _.�� 11 L.uI1lIJ�:IuI :.I:IIIJIUIY ron cNmi ., nClW1i llc�u111111WtJ�J: (l'llrl'�. WIL'} I I CIIJII�JU �'Q�I I�lil �.JU (IIJI�Y. EA�lldll�: CI'1.11 Ju4 Nu.: J12:i �1'IUC�cJ u11 U�c Iu�IUY(IIIV UJSIi: �A. u�Jic.,�c� „buvu. ch.+n�u and ba�i;: u! p:+ywcnt i: i1CCL'')IdI�IC. I I CllJll(�d {i µGl;(;�J(YLJIO� ti�i�li G) �)�lyl�)tilfl Ii IIUt i 1 1 Ua;,i: ul pwy�uu�l! �I�all Lu 5 i J (ha ! fuuJiliCaliOn l. (cCUiuqwlWc�: (� CIWI{uU 4V� COI{{�)IOt1UI� tIJ(N �S accuplcd. i I �hun�u i: acccpt�Ulu witl� nu Ch����u in piicu. !! Chan�u i: �CCu�ddblO VIIIII IIU L'11a11;J0 111 CUIIi��IcL�il Ualc. ���d:uU �U( �..�Wl�'V; 1 1 A����n GwnU� ( I Chcnt Huµuc:l �(�cIJ Cunditiun l 1:i.,��c.tc� Ly Cunl�acluf ( 1 pu.i�n Oqu.:iun G� Othu� (c.�d�ii�) J. I. Un: a p.�tt ui tha wipiilo�l �uilltacl :Gu�JC ` l I _ Yls �1. {. (.UnU.,LIU('p L':UInJIU JIIaChcJ? �y CS J. �1/L L'UII:aU�IGt�. T4�i` � �- Y�.:y,.,�ca l, "��uv�4 I n�qrtuvuJ . :�,i,�.,�.:.i ..,. �L. L1�11� � {.�Iliwl ;fq'J�U (!!JU 1 y fi0 'M�1 ' D:,tc: /�9.s� � f CiA� Uwlc:_� w�w�� _ .. . . ...._ _ _ - - IUv � Ua4Y �JJ'YI ��'���Y YYJYIiW1 U L. . _ _ 4,.1..�t„���.� _ ' � \ uilLAriu0Y1t� SULLT COW pItOPOSA4 �^�t�( P,�u�. ClY{C CL'{�1L11 4'af'AIV:.10f� .��t. I.Injt.lU�.4 :. LUWI'LIL(1) L+illl� 1 LI.11'lvl LC L..uJll (.I.:Ii.tu,:L� :. L�1uU'LILNI Ill�ulu•ull,:l�U �1uI�L l�.0 :. l.lri lLlllnl ;. L'UUII'ldLH�� • 1:.'.. 1 G � •_ 7.JI.,L L.�Li,��. 1.I.:7i��u..L. l4ull'., ;: / �1� � I ln�. � UI1:� �'•- 1 LL I�I.+L �uu�:il�7��.,�7u1�;:;./'4L • t � ��L �e � r� � u :: I :: IIInVLL :. :.UU:,I;.l ll/l.l: � .��ri���..�; :.. 44UIr �a�rvr r�or u�cu�u-o,,;,��eo ; ��i� 1..�:: � r r�G� � L�tLlll:. :. l��:LIt:.L fLL:i i � • Y ��III..L Lnt'Lll:,l:i i w�u :. u�::ui�:,i�Ck ri�uvi:;iui�s S_ {uf.'.l �li��i� Co::l':; �, . � � Y : ��1�� .OG � $d9 WESTEftN AVENUE NORTH , 1445 5T. PAUL. MINNESOTA SSI 17 ' f612/ 48g-0533 FAX 1612� d68 : w �� S � f � �Eg 0 81�95 Mr. Marv Kotek Frerichs Construction ComQany 1410 Energy Park Drive 5uite 4 St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 Re: St. Pa�d Civic Center CP-3 CCD - C3.20 Dear Marv, ��-is �.`:<_� � F'U:. � The extra drywall costs associated with CCD - C320 (added support fo� the T-111 wall), are as follows: Field Work Order #5044 :..........................................................................$213.00 Field Work Order #5045 :..........................................................................$336.00 Field Work Order #504G :..........................................................................$857.00 Total :.................................................................................................................$1,406.00 Note: There will be additional work required at the T-111 wall due to damage caused by the demolition contractor. If you should have any questions, please feel free to cali. Sincerely Custom Drywall, Inc. ����-�����-�J � David W. Osteanan Project Manager � � CUSTOM DRYWALL �HC. d0 � "�O[�3a OG°3D[�a 849 Watem Ave. f�o. �0 5 0 4 4 St Paul, MN SSIV - d— SS "x FS � /sS'S�s e s -�r ��� � �� TOTALMATEAIALS �/ O /l/S TOT4L U60R �� 8 Q (/Ll TAX ERE� BY TOTALAMOUNT S 3 � � No one homE � Total amount due � Total bilifnq lo for above work: or be maiteC atter comoietlon InerMyMkMwledgemalsW/acforycomoletlen p(wOrk o� Ma abo�e deacribeC work. /3�i�I _ _ . I � CUS70M DRYWALL, INC. 849 Wcst�rn Avc. No. Sc Paul, MN SStl7 Phone: 488-0533 0 /' i c f, �0 � �70aa OG°3D[�L3 N? _ 5045 Ss'� a�-�r � DAV WORK � CONTRACT � EXTRA .� � \_ � J 1 '� �Q/1 TC'i' �oe aNOr+E °li d 5f7 A,P ,� •�- _ j l l iP�..� � 4 1( /`uc r G'cT �� r�, > E O� c $— ���.i' S� St. as- 6 n e / '• n TOTAI MATEPIALS S 6 5�„ IS � TOTALLABOA � aQ TAX 9 WOAK OROEREO B�' � /� TO7ALAMOUNT S 3 / � No one home � Total amount due � Totai billing lo tor above work: o* he ma��ed a(ter COmpletion 1 �ereby ackno��9e MB seiislaqwy comdetlan p ( �.,.p� ot ine aoa.e Eescnb?a +wrk • ���� CUSTOM DRYWALL iNC. �0 ° ��pa ����a 649 W�stu� Ave. I�o. �� 5046 Sc Paul, MN SSII7 � � Phone: 488-0533 ��T �c � onv woart � CONTR4CT n E`(iaA �� � 6 - � --�" 6 fi'Q�,��1 , . � G� �'_ �. � p � 4 TOTAI MATEAIAlS ' � 1 �� _L O �� TOUIUeOA Qd TAX g q � v TOTALAMOUNT S � � No one home ❑ TOtal amount due ❑ Tata� b'«�ng to tor above work or be mai�ed after comoletion 1 trerehy ackw�eEge IM1e aaHe(actory tomdeXOn 0� wOrk 01 fie a0ov2 tlestnbeC w'ork. ��� L. e�, -i` P r 9�g � �,� � P -t-_ j - � �t rJek.� �� �� � . r � ,_ � ,_ � ,_ � �� �� �- _. � _� _. � �� � ,. � � � ��C��1/�D �r,r i � 9995 C O N T R A C T O R' S P R O_P Q S_A L Contractor Proposal No.: t . Project:� Piul Civi� Centrr Contrac[ A change in ihe scope of thc work is requested as indicated below: � 2 Gc0 3•27 - �� 3 It is requested the completion date be ( � extended, O decreased, (� unchanged hy _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date wiSl bo Description of the change: �Refer to drawinc�s, specifications, addenda, i( applicabiel. {Reference RFP No.:_ � CCD No.: 3•27 • f0 No.: � 3. Basis of paymenL• (Check one) ( 1 Firm price for performing this change is .........,.�,,.....,... Adequate supporting details and information ' � ��� must be attached to aitow Owner to evaluate. ( 1 Time and material per contract, but not to exceed NQ Actual cost at completion ot wo�k G�tS$• )a+cR ��T1F S S Submittod by: _ �1itr,.e�_���� Da[e: l(1 - G1- Q� Contractor �VVI Gr.�) �� Contracror Signature FOft 1. Action Recommended: (Check one) ( � Chango wilt not be made. Explain: � CPMI Job No.: 3225 �roceed on the foilowing basis: (! As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. 71Q,Change is acceptable, basis ot payment is �ot acceptable. �asis of payment shatl be S tO ~ ��, �.�� ( 1 Thc following modification is recommended: ( 1 Change in completion date is accepted. ( 1 Chanc�e is acceptabie with no chango in price. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no chanc�e in completion date. 2. Reasonfor Changc: ( 1 Design Chan�e �Client Request �Field Condition ( 1 Suggested by Contractor l 1 Oesign Omission or �ther (explainf ���� �'� C CQ- 3• Is this a part of the originaal con[ract scope� ( y YES �NO 4, is Contractor's Estimatc attached? �'ES O NO 5. A/E consulted. �.YES ( ) NO Prepared by:�� (/► CPMQ / ,�o Approved by_ Approved by G Approved by: � cr. Chris Hanse Eriks Ludins Bake t 3225- Mike Pederson 3225- BL F�.1cT WI"!)I- 4 7.oORaG.. . Datetll(/�'T_�_ -- �T— Date: Date j PAGE 5-5 .� � � v -'� _. � _� � __ � T� � �_�� --�� _ � � r� ��� ��� � � �� BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION I.ABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DiRECT EMPIOYEE IABOR MATERIAIS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAt & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUDCONTFIAGTORS 5% FEE TOTAL SUE3CONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATEftIAIS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS 7AXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UT1lIT1ES, FUE�, FACILIT�ES AT SITE INCIOENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL PAGE 5-6 SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION i i � .tr�zr�s' i v S S i ec D c 3 •a't 3 S � � ' Tr ., (p� ' 3 2� S � S "'��TDTv'� ���,$ � S S 5 S 9 $ S S • �11R1' I-ELECTRIC TO: � ATTN: RE: St. Paul Civic Center DATE: September 29, 1995 The following a costs for CCD No. C 1. Material Cost (Include Tax of %): . . . . . . . . 2. Labor: Hrs Q $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Foreman: Hrs @ $4.82 /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. General Foreman: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . 5. Overtime (1" X Regular Rate): Hrs c� $/Hr .... 6. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): 128.5 Hrs c� $ 43.82/Hr 7. Project Management: Ars C� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . 8. Labor Inefficiency: % of Labor (Line #2) • • • - • 9. Lost Time: Hrs c� $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Field Design/Drafting: Ars @ $/Ar . . . . . . . . 11. As Built Drawings: Hrs Q $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . 12. Delivery: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Clean up: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Testing: Ars @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15. Warranty: o of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) .. 16. Parking: Days C� $/Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: ..... 18. Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . . . 20. Small Tools & Consumables: % of Labor tLine #2) • Frerichs Construction Co. PAGE 1 OF 2 _ $� _ $ _ $ 65 _ $ _ $ _ $ 5,631 _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ PAGE 2 OF 2 21. Travel Time: . . . . - - - : :�. . . . _ $ • 22. Wage Increase: Hrs c� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ $ 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: °s of Labor (Line #2) $_ � _ $ 24 . Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 26. Utility Cost: . . . . . . • • • - - • • • • • • - - $ 27. Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 28. Subcontracts: . . • . • - • • • - • • • • • • - • - $ 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • - _ $ 30. Telephone/Fax Machine: . . . . . . . . . - • • - • _ $ 31. Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 32. Safety: 4% of Labor (Line #2) • • • • - • • • • • - $ 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S 34. Interest on Retention: . . . . . . . . . . - • • • _ $ 35. Painting & Patching: . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • ° $ 36. Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ '5�Sg" cJ���b 37. Overhead: 15 of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ '�' $ 38. Profit: _ $ • % of (Lines #36 and 37) : : : : : : � : : : : : : _ 39. Unit Prices: . $ 40. Subtotal: (Total of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) ••- _ $ � 41 . Bond : °s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 42. Total This Change: (TOtal of Lines #40 & 41) ... _$ �1v,55� 43. A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. 44. This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, Construction Manager or General Contractor is reguired to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by , work described above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE T[TLE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL RE�UEST N0. • �iiEr'T 1 7aptemG�r �'9, 1995 ESTIMA7E WORKSFIEET Job D<:scription= CIVIC CENTER CP3-CCO_C327 EsCimate Number: CCDC3�27 � Estimator Name : �RRRY Page Name/Location: RLL Estimate Page: 1 of 1 LN PHqSE OBtF MATERIAL DESCRTPTION QTY �o�qq - li_�n:� PRICE U i—PRICE �ASOR U T—LA8( 0 FOLLOWING IS LIST OF WORKERS AND CORRESPONDING HOURS 0 WORKED ON SA7 9-16-95, ENGAGED IN CHANGEOVER OF 0 EXISTING ELECTRIC SERYICE i0 NEW ELECTRIC SERYICE 0 SEE ATTACHED TIME RECORD 0 L GARY COOPER 11_c 0 L TOM FOLEY 11.` 0 l GREG LENCOWSKI 11.` 0 L CRAIG OSTERKAt1P 11.` o l SOHN OTTO 11.: 0 L RANDY PYLE 11.` 0 L ARLIS ROEMHILDT 11.: 0 L MARTY ROTH 11.' 0 L TOth TIEMAN 11.' 0 L RICK LAOOUX 11.` 0 L , JERRY GAHM 13, 0 LUNCH fOR ALL OF ABOVE 0 0 M COSSETAS IUNCH—(4) PIZZA r 6f.a�98' -------- —°----------------------------------------------------------'----------- --------------------------------------�---------�--------------�----------------------- PRGE Multiplier = 1.00 TOTAL = r6�-klE' 128. �0� C�ll� � �mi • • • . /�/� - " CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL / �''[__ - _ j � � ._. `-.,�;7k'�� Contractor Proposal No.: Date: (j'(, J.__ Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. Ci� 7 1$y� A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below.: ` .J 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings s ecifications, addenda if applicable). (Reference RFP No.:__� __, CCD No. �,� , FO No. .) 3 Q�- 1 3. Basis of payment (check one) \ ()Firm price for performing this change. .$ ��`c�•G'n Adequate supporting details and in£ormation (�Increased_ Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. (� Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ()Actual cost at completion of work $ Submittedby: �4�r�,��t �Cs.��� Contractor ContraCt�g Date: ���C, � �j � () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( )Basis of payment shall by $ ( ) The £ollowing modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. 2. Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request � Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omission or Other (explain) FOR CPMI USE l. Action recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No. 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: � Proceed on the following basis: � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. 3. Is this a part of original contractor scope? () Yes �S� No 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �(� Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. �aYes ( ) No Prepared by: �� MI Date: ��la�9J Approved by: �HGA Date: Approved by: Owner Date: � Approved by: � G Owner Date: ------------------------------------ = cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehrin Eriks Ludins Page 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER ERPANSION I� BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE IABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15% FEE TOTAL IABOft. MATERIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTAlSU6CONTRACTORS &FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPOftATED RENTALS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIOENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSUftANCE PROVISIONS TOTALOTHER COSTS TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL v � $ �-� 5 `� v 0 5 ° .U� S S S S S 5 S S $ $ y��:v�� S 1 ` pAGE 5-6 SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION WORK ORDER �� 2 � 4 O hs Construction Co. � Energy Park Dr'rve, Suite #4 5,. raul, Minnesota 55108 Frerichs Construction Phone: 612-64�4-5063 FROM �IJ ���i�G�E�J!)�� WORK ORDER REPORT: JOB NAME GL UCG ��L N-T�- � JOB NO. �� � BILLTO � REPORTDATE �'J�ZU'%S� WORKORDEREDBY U4�¢T� ��`(1hi�`S �era� oF woR�: �-�r H �) MAS�, �_ � � A-c.t� �-d �Z,� C�'�LiniG c�(,d ,�:. ,�aon 1�3 �' MNN DAiE HOWSS MAN DATE _HOURS MAN „� �7E HOlA75 MAN DATE HOURS QUMtmY • u�'.�l_i '���0 � L�>a 0�� APPROVED BY: � �ou.eS .Ge.,,..,�_ i ,_-� � u r � ---.:-T. --- ------ -- - - - _ ��=��_ .- -.-- ----- - - - - — - ocj � o �y�� �co 3.��1 C � N T R A C T O R' S Contractor Proposal No.: Projec[:.���int P,�til ivic �p�7 O S A L Contract No.: A change in the scope ot the work is requested as indicated beiow: '� 1. It is requested the compietion date ba ( 1 extended, (� decreased, ( � unchanged by _ calendar days. The adjusted completion date will bo . ,_ � ,_ � 2. Description o( Ihe change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable�. (Reference RFP No.: • CCD No.: C�.�j • FO No.: i �L �?A�bl�tSY" �Yh.Q�'aQ. �AG.�OfAVL2. • --- — 3. I3asis of paymen[: (Check one) � must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. l 1 Time and material per contract, 6ut not to exceed g ' (X�Actual cost at completion of work $ _� Submitwd by: _ T xQti.�� � Date: �� r �l-Q'�� Contractor _� _� ,VV, C�tY�3 ) C�C+'�n'�J Convactor Signawre 1 ( 1 F�rm pnce (or performing this change is ...........�,,. ......................,.._--_,. ,. ��.3. 09 Adequa[e supporting details and information ' INCAC�sC Action Recommended: (Check onel CPMI Job No.: 3225 () Change will not be mad¢. Explain: .-i � � 2. � � � � � a �roceed on the tallowinc� basis; ^�Qs indicated above, chanc�e and basis of payment is acceptable. O Change is acceptabie, basis of payment is not acceptabio. O Basis of payment shall be S ( 1 The (ollowing moditication is recommended: ( f Change in completion date is acceptod. I 1 Chanc�e is acceptabie with no change in price. () Chanc�e is acceptable with no change in completion date. Reason tor Chan�c: ( t Desi�n Chanc�e ( � Client Request S 1 Field Conditio� O Sug�ested by Contractor '�Desipn Omissio� or Othor (explaiN (�d� ��� , G , r I.,/_ 3. Is this a part of [he oric�inaal contract scope7 ( j YES �p � l� ^ 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attachedl j�.YES ( � Np v 5. A/E consulted. �YES ( ) NO Prepared by: CPMI) Approved by � �'°'� HGA� Approved by O Owner} App�oved ' cc: Chris Hanse Eriks Ludins r) Date: � �/ S Date: Date Datc: Oake Baker Mike Pederson Olck Zch�in� 3225- 3225- BL PAGE 5-5 BREAKDOWN SHEET CONTRACTOR`S PROPOSAI SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LABOR, MATERIAL & EQUtPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE IABOR MATERIAIS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT 15 FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP•, & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTALSUBCONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEI & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATEO RENTAIS TAXES PERMITS & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUL PACIL�7ILS A1 sllk INCIDENTAL EXPENSES BOND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS c�o--3.2�- -- ---- - � �aq � 39'S•v0 $ yzs . c�o $ g��l�(�t� $ ��.3��?� S S S S S S 0 S 5�-- s R y3. o0 $ S _.I�L—=� TOTAL OF CHANGE PROPOSAL PAGE 5-� SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION WORK ORDER �0 2 � 4 4 richs Construction Co. � Energy Park Dnve, Suite #4 Frerichs Construction Sci'aul, Minnesota 55108 Phone: 612-fi44-5063 FROM ��� t'IS�c,'t_tl;L l) WORK ORDER REPORT: JOB NAME BILL TO ��l/�C �C/�IT��� JOBNO. �•Sdz � � /�'�L REPORT DATE > - z� `�S WORKORDEREDBY S�l��h )bkt�S �AIL OF W �-�S�u 1 � l d(r �} /h ETi}�L ri Yl r/� L'Lt) �i� Tb � C[ hG� �/�'�o vh _,(�9Y- �L�Vtl77T'� .91�J��T. G1S ���y]LST��j�J �'L�UA-TGY?_.J� �ApIJ DATE HOURS MAN DATE HWRS A7AN DAT HOURS MAN DATE HOURS E /" ai�wrm 0 MATFAIAL � OblIG4Tt �� —jv Cc.v c3. 29 • �II��.M��� I -, . �y E�"�' Tt rk � t� yVlfi-i t�l/�L � /J �f APPROVED BY: � �� ���o��� � � � � • � �. -- - - ---- �- CONS?RUC I 1� �WNEx ,c, CHANGE �K�tirrt�T �o coN�rw�crox >a DIRECTIVE F�F�n �o .il.a DUCL;tIF'A'T'G7!-r o� uex �] CPMI (Latrs.:truiu uu rn cax >uk•. lf�tn d�ituixvt np4u.'ae d/d Lk,cunuv( G7fj. (alavualuu Clnuiga• Aulbortw(iwe.J t'KOJEC7: (n:LilC, adtlrca�) 1'O CONTk2,�C1'OR: ([11117C� 1(1(�fC�$� Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West 4th Street Saint Paul, MN 55102 Frerichs ConsVuction 1410 Energy Paric Drive, Suite 4 Saint Paul, MN 55108 Yuu rrc IICICVy' lI1fCCICII W t77:tI:C [I1C lOIIOWI[lb' CI1:lllbC�S� lt! lllli CO[1LC:iCI: D(RECTtvE NO: CCD-C329 llA7'E: 28 Septambcr 1995 AHCl11TGC1"S P120JGC"T NO: CON"CiLiCT DATE: � May 1995 CONTRaCT FOR:CP Temporary Facilities 1. Provide 16 ga. sheet metal at bottom of ledges per wde requirement. Reason: Field Condition PROPOSED ADJUSTMENTS 1. 'fhr pn,p.urd b:1aia ut aJju�uncnt w thr Ccmtr�rt Swn or C,wcunced Aflximwn Pricc u: LJ Lump Jum pnircax) (dccrcuc) u! f— ❑ Unu {'ncc uf f �xr ❑ i, ptuc�dcd in Suhpangreplt 7 1.6 0l AlA Ik�cumrnt A201. U87 cJnion. ❑ y f�,u�w,: -A1at Turn in timesheets daily. , N� .'fhr Cun�n.t '1'iinr �, pru�x�x•d to llx• ad�n,a�d� (rcntin unch:uigcd). "1'l�c prup��xJ adjusmirni, if :u�y, n(an �ncrc:�,c uf - 8 �11)'a) l� dritc.ur ot 8 �S'�)- �l'hcu mgncd bp thc Ow ncr �nd qrchicra :u�d rerci��rJ 6y thc Contnctur, thu ducwurnt brcumn cilcciivc IAIAtEUTAl'ELl' ;u a Caiitturtiun Clwigc Uirectivc (CCll), �nd che Cuncr�ia>r oh.dl pnxcrd �•i�h �hc ch:mgc(aj dc:unbcd alw��e. Hammel G�een Abrahamson, Inc. +x�:i u ru. r 'i?01 Harm�n Pla�e A�Idre>i - AAinneapolis ; iv1N-55403 Saint Paul Civic Center Authoriry UW'N[It 143 Wect 4th �tr t Atklrcaa �ainFRau7�viA��S}02 Jig�u[ufr by tlie Q�ntraauf �nd�rmc> Uir (:un- luaui� �grce�neul with Ihe pru�w�ed �d�wt- mrn� m Cuncnci Sum :md Cumr�u "1"ime xi li�rth ui Iliu Cumtmipuu Changc UrtcrU�c. Frerichs Construction CUNT1L1C1'UN '141n FnerBv Park flrivg 4i itP 4_�, . AU�fcaa o"e1FlI�2U1-MfJ-fiba-0Z3 . .=.= i. .' .' �,, �,,. �Y _rr��i «n.� �:��� . - • uare i�a� e " � � ll.,���� j {,, - � - r `" � � CAUTION: You should slgo a� orlglnal AIA document whlch has thls cautlon pr(nted In red. A� orlginal assures that changes w(11 not be obscured as may occur when documents are reproduced. AIA OOCUMENT GTt� . CUN�7'HItC'fIUN C:IIANG! DINLQ'IV! � 1'IN' fU177UN r.11A+ � V I`)tl7 �'i"Ill: ANF.NI( 1�45NF¢�Yf1NAAVFlwV4 NV.' �Yr��qMGT�IU n!' �uus. l�91A_1p0') • � • �y- . � ��i-r, RE�UEST F�R PR�PQSAL IlAhihlEl f�RFfN AND ABRAtiAMSON, INC., ARCFiliECT5 AF1D ENGIN[ERS 7 �up,g,1q pATE: . ttay 1995 HGA Conpqission Num4er 769.093.00 Contractor Pro�ect No.: 7ype Contract: CP-3 PROJECT: QHt1[R; CONTRACTOR: a RFP N0. 8 R� PAGE 1 Of 1 GOPY T0: S. JQt1ES,, CPt�fI Pte�:e provtda a cos[ Ufeakdoun ip�'eocordance kith the Con[�act Docu�n[s Erxf n Swq«+rY ar*i on thc utteehmen[n (if uny) U Stad, � Thic is not �n au��urizatipq�to praeed �(ch the ko�k described herel� tnlo:c nnd wrtll -roval, thls chenoe Mill ba tncludad in a CharLqa Order which uitl proviAe�che formal pESCRTPTION Of TNE NORK: Attachments: SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER E�PAtySIO�( SAIHT PAUL CIVIC CENTER AUTHORITY General Architectural Refer� to sheets A171� Al 1 2 3, - _� �for the Chongu ¢cscribca nere epproved by the Ouner. 0� Cont�aci chan9e. � �,,,�.-�.......-- --- . i Install door 113A with bolt in frame to ailow later removal or � eleCtrical equipment. _ From door he�d up to existing plaster ceiling.at t/- 12'-6". Proyide knockout panel of partitian type E2,�.I hour, wlth control �o'fnts eictending up from each Jamb. Partition width to match CMU: 14Q CMU partition remains the same an either side of door and G4 partltion remains as i�dicated. � —Y'K �If�(fN tiOAiNWJ Tp None Requested By: Contractor • COMMENTS:� rfaII.la A/ E „_. i ����' """ t�Y2'�O N /� - — - �,-.�,. CONTRACTOR' S PROPOSAL - - � °s"m� ��� - • Contractor Proposal No.: Date: N�y ����'� Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. _ A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, '�/�I� ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, i£ applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD No.�_, FO No. . ) �L`X%�- @ ��Ge'tx� �Get�n 3. Basis of payment (check one) ()Firm price for performing this change. .$ Adequate supporting details and information (_Increased_ Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. (ffi`yTime and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (yUActual cost at completion of work $ ��� C� Submitted by: Con Date• � �-��-� � J Contractor'Signature • _____________________________FOR CPMI USE===-_________________________ 1. Action recommended: (Check one) CPMI 3ob No. 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: �j, Proceed on the following basis: � As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( )Basis of payment shall by $ () The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. 2. Reason £or Change: () Design Change () Client Request () Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor �,Design Omission or�Other (explain) ccnle ✓ey,u�r�mP.nt 3. Is this a part of original contractor scope? ( Y Yes �,No 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? .PQ.Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. �, Yes () No Prepared by: CPMI Date: I�f/J Approved by: j}� HGA Date: • Approved by: �"" Owner Date• Approved by: �� , Owner Date: ___________________________________________________________________g cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehrin Eriks Ludins Page 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER E%PANSION • BREAKOOWN SHEET CONTRAC70R"S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LA60R, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MATERIAL & EQUIPMEtST 15% FEE TOTAL lAB�R. MATEFIAL, EQUIP., & FEE SUBCONTRACTORS 5% FEE TOTAL SU4CONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COS7S TRAV[L & SUBSISTENCE MATERIALS & EQUiPMENT NOT INCOftPORATED fiENTALS TAXES PERM17S & LICENSE FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES AT SITE INCIDENTALEXPENSES E30ND & lNSUftANCE PROVISIONS TOTAI OTH[R COS75 TOTAL Of CHANGE PROPOSAL � .qS �v $ �5.C90 S t�� s G�14.cso $ � °` Y-=- 5 S 5 � S 5 S S cc� c3.�( S ����� � $ � ��� �a S_-- $ < ��� pAGE 5-6 SAINT PAUI CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION WORK ORDER N� 2 � Z O� erichs Construction Co. �Jl� � 1 I 4t0 Energy Park Drive, Suite �4 �. ��� Minnesota 55108 Frerichs Construction Phor�e: s, 2G44-5063 FROM ��� r�S���� WORK ORDER REPORT: JOB NAME BILL TO � � C�IJ� C CZ� I�� JOB NO. /� 2 C � Y�.� REPORT DATE �U �7 - 7" WORK ORDERED BY > � �N- �D �'1� MAN DATE HOURS MAN DATE HOUPS MAN DATE HOIkiS MAN DA7E HWRS � • Quoxmv i rnar�rsu� �fCS'+P�4�'I � ��- �� - -� - �� � �1�� � •• � APPROVED BY: A ( /�"'�''� /W�'�ai�Ec • Gebert Floor Covering, Inc. 5650 Lincoln Drive Edina, MN 55436 USA Voice: 612-945-9295 Fax: 612-945-9348 Invoice Number: 8950 Invoice Date: Oct 23, 1995 �i,. Sold To: Frerichs Construction Co 1410 Energy Park Drive suite 4 St Paul, MN 551o8 Customer ID Frerichs Quantity Purchase Order Description G:�' _. . ". . . . ayment Terms Net 10 Days ATTN:ED (PRESSBOXCATWALK) Furnish and install carpet vinyl base 7.00 Hrs. Install tile and vinyl base in popcorn room Furnish vinyl base and tile 2.00 Hrs Znstall vinyl base in Wilkens Supply Vinyl base for Wilkens iNVeice �_ IN�. P!'T. :c n: ..c�; G,SCG: !� i , 1UP,1", [� POSTED ` � I VENDOR # � J03 �j� 3 �l t 9�.� G.L/f I�!V. D/�TE Sales Rep Page 1 Unit Price I Extension 47.50 47.50 330.00 I 332.50 i 138.00 i 95.00 � 78.00 i Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 973.50 Check No: Amount Received With Invoice 0.00 - ---- - -- -- �CiNTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL - � � -1.��._---- • Contractor Proposal No. : Date: ( � � (-, - �y � Y.1(1� ;( a�`t � Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. !� Y A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated be 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjusted completion date will be � U 2. Description of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD No._ •�, FO No. CAnst' e E{FS lzwu� I.f,u� 3. Basis of payment (check one) ()Firm price for performing this change. .$ Adequate supporting details and information (�tTncreased_ Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ()Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ (�Actual cost at completion of wo k $ 3 S:�-C� `�( � Submittedby: �T�( 2-U �1' Date: � IT���t� Contractor ConEra�t� gnat�e ---------------------------- --------- FOR CPMI USE 1. Action recommended: (Check one) CPMI Job No. 3225 () Change will not be made: Explain: � ¢.Proceed on the following basis: (�Q,�As indicated above, change and basis of payment is � acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( )Basis of payment shall by $ () The following modification is reoommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. 2. Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor () Design Omiss on or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part 4. Is Contractor's 5. A/E consulted. Prepared by; Approved by: � Approved by �PMI Date:_�/o�q� FIGA Date : 0wner Date: Approved by:v �" Owner Date: _________________________________ cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Eriks Ludins Page 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER E%PANSION of original contractor scope? () Yes ,(� No Estimate attached? ,(�Q�,Yes ( ) No �¢ Yes ( ) No �� Q � 3.'3�_._ • BREAKDOWN SIiEET CONTRACTOR'SPROPO SqINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION LA(30R, MATERIAL & EQUIPMENT DIRECT EMPLOYEE LABOR MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED T07AL LAB & MATERIAL & EnUIPMENT t5 FEE TOTAL LABOR, MA7ERIAL, EnUIP.. & FEE SUEiCONTRACTORS 5°10 FEE TOTALSUDCONTRACTOftS &FEE OTHER COSTS TRAV[L & SUBSISTENCE MATERiALS & EQUIPMENT NOT INCORPORATED RENTALS TAXES PEftMITS & LICENSC FEES UTILITIES, FUEL, FACILITIES A7 SITE INCIDENTALEXPENSES (30ND & INSURANCE PROVISIONS TOTAL OTHER COSTS „ '� L/ /� - O r/ S <{.GC� $ 3��L t�t� S � �-Ub 5 & S S S 5 S S S__—_ S �`J� � 5 5� TOTALOFCHANGEPRO pAGE 5-6 � SAINT PAUL CIVlC CENTLR [XPANS�ON WORK ORDER i'o- � iTjTj � enchs Construction Co. L10 Energy Park Drive, s�,ae #a Frerichs Construction St Paul, Minnesota 55108 Phone:672-644-5063 FROM �� r `��EWOC." WORK ORDER REPORT: JOB NAME C f_ �.S_tQP�LQ JOB NO. �/ 5�O Z BILLTO � ���- REPORTDATE l�� �� WORK ORDERED BY S�11�}'N. �! f1 K • •' sa! � • �� 1 � I • �` �� i'�4i / r� ` APPROVED BY: MAN OATE HOURS MAN DATE HOUFS MAN DA7E HOURS MAN DATE ._.__. HOUFS � Ami�vr.. / . -- - -- - - - - — ---- --- — --- CONTRACTOR' S PROPOSAL -- -- - i.. 0�7�� _ ..=��, • Contractor Proposal No.: Date: Project: St. Paul Civic Center Contract No. J`��/ 7}c�� A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: 1. It is requested the completion date be ()extended, ( )decreased, ( )unchanged by _calendar days. The adjus complet date will be A CSQilivti'.l� t'1�5� �O�T"�Sti ��n.c,.7 r �� 2. Description of the change:' (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if applicable). (Reference RFP No.: , CCD No. , FO No. .) 3. Basis of payment (check one) f � (y�)Firm price for performing this change. .$� ,t; �.� �� Adequate supporting details and information (�Increased_ Deduct) must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. ()Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ ()Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by : � _ 7t_,L99�t,PX� 1 �IYyL� Contractor C �,� � ��; � � Contractor Signature -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- FOR CPMI USE 1. Action recommended: (Check one) () Change will not be made: Explain: Date: Il"�,'�`c � ------------------ ------------------ CPMI Job No. 3225 � Proceed on the following basis: `� As indicated above, change and basis of payment is � ` acceptable. () Change is acceptable, basis of payment is not acceptable. ( )Basis of payment shall by $ () The following modification is recommended: () Change in completion date is accepted. � () Change is acceptable with no change in price. () Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. 2. Reason for Change: () Design Change () Client Request () Field Condition () Suggested by Contractor �.Design Omission or Other (explain) C�R)��iYM1� (' YQfrG�� 3. Is this a part of original contractor scope? () Yes V�(,No 4. Is.Contractor's Estimate attached? � Yes () No 5. A/E consulted. �C�, Yes () No Prepared by: ,/�� CPMI Date: �(�(p iQrj �'T' Approved by: HGA Date: Approved by: Owner Date: � Approved by: G Owner Date: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cc: Chris Hansen Bake Baker Mike Pederson Dick Zehring Eriks Ludins Page 5-5 ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER E%PANSION _ =-��� __ _��; Ql. ��-! - ! \. G_-:�-��- • aREAKDOWN SHEET � �� ,� CONTRLICTOR'S PROPOSAL SAINT PAUL CIVIC CENTER EXPANSION �qppF, M.QTERIAL & EQUIPMENT 04RECT EMPLOYEE LAB�R MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED TOTAL LAB & MIaTERIAL & EQUtPMENT 75% FEE TOTAL LABOR, MATERIAL, EQUIP.. & FEE � � � � _� � � .� 'r� � - r� SUBCONTRACTORS ,% FE[ 70TAL SU�CONTRACTORS & FEE OTHER COSTS TRAVEL & SUaSISTENCE MATERIALS & EnUiPMC NOT INCORPORATED REN7ALS TAXC PEftMITS & LICENS[ FEES UTILITIES, FUfL, FACIIITIES AT SITE INCIOENTAL EXPENSES OONO & iNSURANCE PROVISIONS 70TAL OTH[R COSTS TOTAL OF C1iANGE PROPOSAL � S_._--- S $ s I`7�75 ��� � $�j- UD S S $ S � S S & S _--- ---- 1 �G l �� � �� I S----- $ � ,� PAGE 5-6 Y SAINT PAUI CIVIC CEN7LA £XPANSt�N = _ - -_==-- _--- --- - -� � E L E CTR�IC � . _ tw@•:.. r;':%..�.N�.1�Q� October 23, 1995 Frerichs Construction Co. 1410 Energy Park Dr. Ste. 4 St. Paul, MN 55108 Attn: Manr Kotek Re: St. Paul Civic Center CP-3 Dear Marv, Attached are costs for additional permit fees incurred to procure required high voltage permit to cover installation of Owner purchased high voltage switchgear. This issue was addressed in correspondence of August 31 (Attached), and submittal of this claim has since been approved by Paul Oberhaus of CPMI. Please submit these costs by the end of the week for inclusion in the final Change Order. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. 3600 LaSore Road, Sf. Paul, Minnesota SSt10 . (6l2) 484-4900 --��� � - - ELECTRIC August 31, 1995 CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center 143 West Fourth Street St. Paul, NII�7 55102-1299 Attn: Susan Campbell Jones Re: CP-3 Dear Susan, Per our earlier conversation, the following is a summary of the difficulties we are encountering with regard to the inspection of the 15kv installation on the above referenced project. Gephart Electric Co. Inc. has applied for an electrical permit for the portion of the CP-3 Div. 16 work which is over 600V. We have been informed that the amount of the permit fees we have paid is insufficient to cover the required inspections because it does not include the cost of the Owner purchased switchgear and, therefore, the Inspectors have stated that they will not inspect the installation. Inspection is required prior to energization. Briefly, a permit for over 600V is determined as follows: Base fee = io of estimated cost of the installation, plus a surcharge of .0005 times the estimated cost of the installation. Accordingly, we based our permit fee on the estimated cost of the 15kv installation covered in CP-3. Our estimated cost for this installation is 515,000, which includes installing all i5kv gear furnished by the Owner, and furnishing and installing two 15kv feeders. However, our permit fee does not include charges for the estimated cost of the equipment itself which was pre-purchased by the Owner under a separate contract. I do not believe we should be held responsible for t�ese permit fees as the equipment was not supplied under our contract and there was no information supplied for determining what the estimated cost of the equipment was prior to bid. Please review this information and contact me so we can resolve this issue in a timely manner. LaBore Road, St. Paui, Minnesota 55110 . (612) 484-4900 TO: Frerichs Coastructioa Co. ATTN: Marv ICOtek DATE: October 24, 1995 RE: St. Paul Civic Ceater - CP-3 The following are cos for Co ntracto r Clai No. 1: 1. Material Cost (Include Tax of %): . . . . . . . . 2. Labor: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Foreman: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 4. General Foreman: Hrs C� $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . 5. Overtime (1� X Regular Rate): Ars @ $ /Hr . . . . 6. Overtime (2 X Regular Rate): Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . • 7. Project Management: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . 8. Labor Inefficiency: o of L,abor (Line #2) ••••• 9. Lost Time: Hrs @ $ /Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. Field Design/Drafting: Hrs c� $/Hr . . . - • • • • il. As Built Drawings: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . 12. Delivery: Hrs C� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13. Clean up: Hrs (� $/Hr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. Testing: Hrs C� $/Hr . . . . - • • • • • • • • • • 15. Warranty: % of Material & Labor (Lines #1 & 2) .. 16. Parking: Days c� $/Day . . . . - - • - • • • • • • 17. Dryage, Handling Charge, Miscellaneous: ..... 18. Temporary Wiring : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19. Large Tool & Equipment Rental: . . . . . . . . . . 20. Small Tools & Consumables: o of Labor (Line #2) - PAGE 1 OF 2 _ $ _ $ - $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ _ $ - $ _ $ _ $ - $ - $ _ $ _ $ - $ N - � - $ - $ - $ LaBore Road, St. Paul, Minnesota 55110 • (612) 484-4900 ELECTRIC PAGE 2 OF 2 - -- - -- --- 21. Travei :- r -.---_-- - -- .-- .--.---.- 22. Wage Increase: Hrs @ $/Hr . . . . . _ . _ _ . . _ _ $ • 23. Limited Workspace, Interruptions: % of Labor (Line #2) $_ 24. Storage Trailers : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 25 _ Gas & Oil : . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 26. Utility Cost : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 27. Insurance : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 28. Subcontracts : . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • - _ $ 29. Subsistence : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 30. Telephone/Fax Machine : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 31. Dumpsters : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 32. Safety: 4°s of Labor (Line #2) - • • • • - • • • • - $ 33. Permits & Inspection : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 1,543 34. Interest on Retention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 35. Painting & Patching : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S 36 . Subtotal : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ 1, 543 37. Overhead: 15 of Subtotal (Line #36) . . . . . . . _ $ 232 38. Profit: ° s of (Lines #36 and 37) . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ $ • 39. Unit Prices : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : ° $ 40. Subtotal: (TOtal of Lines #36, 37, 38, & 39) . $ 41. Bond: % . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . = S 42. Total This Change: (Total of Lines #40 & 41) ... _$ 1,775 43. A Time Extension of 0 Days Will Be Required. 44. This Quotation is Valid Until 0 For Written Acceptance. 45. Should this C.O. Request be acceptable, an authorized signature of the Architect, Owner, ConstruCtion Manager or General Contractor is required to proceed until a written change order is received. If a formal change order is not received by , work descx'ibed above shall stop. ACCEPTANCE CHANGE ORDER/PROPOSAL RE�UEST N0. • • :Y � �� n LJ CPTi' OF SAIIVT PAUL Norm Coleman Mayor ���q - - - - --- - -- - - - ---- -- - - ----- --- - -- — - -- office of �cens� uns, unmenrai�rot�a B LDING INSPECTION AND DESIGi Lowry Professional Building, Suite 3( 350 SL Peter StreE Saint Paul, Minnesota 551( Fa�c 612-266-905 612 266�905 ELECTRICAL PERMIT September 19,1995 CONTRACfOR PERNIIT NO: 508954 DATE ISSIJED: 09/19/1995 Qephart $leatric Co., Inc. 3600 Labore Road St Paul, MN 55110 . OWNER: CITY OF ST PAIIL 143 ith St W St. Paul, NaT 55102 This document is a permit for Commercial Property m St Paul at 143 4th.8t W . ;, _: .. f .. , :s..;,-,_:: � This pernut is for"the following wo;lc `� . - , �.�`�=��+' +. a _ „ ,. �,. �,Sz �'�x .- . - . - ti«a �;,:�% :Q ,� iJ s � K=' �'��"�" r. �. r :1 f x' t a -- E$T.VALUE: $146�900.00 " ' . . ' " - � ' �>rt: ` 'v�_ Permit Fee: ; � - $ � � 1469�':00 � State surcharge: '$ 79.45 Total Fee Received: $ 3542:45� Comment: BALANCE OF PERMIT OVER 600V FOR VALIIS OF OWNER PIIRCHASED SWITCH • CiEAR. DOSS NOT INCLtJDB COST OF (2) 3000A 600V SWITCHBOARD S&CTIONS. ORZ(iINAL PERMIT APPLIED FOR 8/31 The inspector assigned to this permit is James J. Gangl who can be reached at 266-9034 between 7:30 and 9:00 AM. � SEp 06 '95 12�38� Hamme! Green and Abrahamson, I�C. • ArchRecture • Engineering • Inlerior Design 7201 Harmon Place MinneapoliS, Minn05ota 55403.198a Te'�gtwne 852•337-4100 seiefax 6t2•33'L•90t3 � �rti w i fi�l i TO: Susaa 7ones, CPMI FR03vE: Terry Tan�e@ahl 7�'/" DAT�: 6 September 2995 SU$7ECT: R�I #E26 P.1 "-�, I�@�OC�ar�c��� &W7PR5DfftxC7buL ML�BR 612/337-4340 HGA Commission Number 769-003-00 • � �� post-ft" brand fax transmittai memo 76Z1 � ot peqas . �� " F C CA. n .. — � �.'z,� � In response to Gephart Electric letter of August 31, 1995. The switchgear was purchased in Bid package CP-2A. The equipment was tested prior to shipping. At the point that the CP-3 Contractor take delivery of the equipment, the Contractor aiso take responsibility for the installation, connections, inspection, energizing, testing and training of the equipment. The eqaipment was specified to be installed in CP-3 per manufacturer's recommendations and to be tested and certified by the manufacturer. Specification Section 01700, paragraph 2.3.A & B. of CP-3 indicates that the Contraator is responsible for testing a!1 equipments and systems and demonstrating they are canectly installed and operating properIy, and to provide written records of the results. After operation and testing of the systems, Contractor sl�all instruct the Owner's representatives on the ogeratioa. If this requires a representative from the manufacturer, then it is the respansibility of the Cl'-3 Contractor to provide for those services in accordance with the CP-3 specifications. RFFE26. WP6;ys cc: Greg, Haley, �TGrA Mike Pederson, HGA