85-726 WHITE -ZCITV CLERK t ;INK � FINANCE COUIICll a.ANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �� '���� BLUE — MAVOR File N . • Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �7��� Presente By Referred To �'r(� l���►�`IE�IT Committee: Date J `���J Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Cha�ter 33 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, entitled, "Building Code and Inspection. " THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 33.02 of the S�. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further amended to read: /33.02.7' /FIINNESOTA STATE BUILDING CODE--ADOPTION.�' /5'ubdivision 1.�' Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes , Sec,. 471..62, t�ie Minnesota State Buildir�g Code, as adopted pursuant to Laws of Minnesota for 1971, Chapter 561, is hereby adopted by reference. /�ubd. 2.7' The following appendices , standards and supp�emental materials are not mandatory parts � of the Minnesota State Buildin� Code, but are adopted by reference for the Clty of Saint Paul and are incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full: (1) �9�6 1982 Uniform Building Code Appendix 6�.ag�e�s-��-a��. Chapter 70. F��--P4��.�ese�a-��t�b��g-6ede-Agge���eee-R;-6;-B � a�.�.-F �3 2 Minnesota State Building Code Appendix D� Building Security, Minnesota State Building COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �Nays �Flsteher � � Drew In Favor Masanz scne�bei � Against By TedesCo Wilson Form Ap roved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date X T Certified Pa sed by Council Secretary . BY J J3y �,�e!!�'h �< <-�—� ' Approved by Mayor: Date Approv by Mayor for Submi ion uncil sy By Y . . , . . . ��-�,�= ���� ' ���_5 v Page 2. Code 4101-4110. E4� �e��ts��e�-6en��e�-Ageae�;-6=i�6AR;-6ee:-4:8849; (3) Minnesota Rules Cha ter 7080 Individual Sewage rea men an ar s . /�ubd. 3.7' Cha.pter 5230 of the Minnesota Rules , as amended, is adopted by reference by the city of Saint Paul and incorporated into this chapter as if set out in full and shall be the minimum standard used by the building official in the inspection of high pressure piping system materials and construction. /Subd. 4.7 The city clerk shall mark and keep on �ile in �he office of the city clerk one copy of said re gulations for use and examination by the public and shall furnish a copy of this ordinance at cost to any person upon request. Section 2. That Section 33.03 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is further amended to read: /33.03_7' /FERMITS--WHEN REQUIRED_7' /�ubdivision 1.7' /SUILDING AND GENERAL CONSTRUCTION.7 Permits for building or general construction 91�a}} -' �e�-be are not required for repairs for maintenance only; or'�or minor alterations provided they are not required under Section 301 of the Minnesota State Building Code, this chapter, or ot er per inen pro- visions of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and pro- vided the cost of suc�. repairs and minor alterations does not exceed the present market value of $300. �ubd. 2.7' /PLUMBING.�' No erson shall install remove alter re air-' or re lace or cause to e installed, removed, altered, repaire � or replaced an -T'iun in as or "drain�'a e'i in wor s an i e s stem s rin er s stem or an ixture or water ea in or rea in e ui men in a ui in or remi- ses wit out irst o tainin a ermit to o suc wor rom the uildin official. A se arate ermit s all e o aine or eac ui ing or s ruc ure. ���c ���� , . , . . , . . . �,�.�,�-: �,��• ��a-sr� Page 3. /Subd. 3_7 /-MECHANICAL_7' No erson shall install alter reconstruct or re air an eatin venti at- in coo in�= or re rigeration equi ment wit out �'irs o ainin a ermi��o cTo suc�work �rom fFie uildin official. A se arate ermit shall be o - tained for the e uipment installed in eac uildin� or s ruc ure. /�ubd. 4.7 /ELECTRICAL.7' No person shall perform any new electrical installation in any construction� remodelin� r_�e lacement, or re,pair, except minor re- air work as cTe�inea �T��e '�ta�e oar o ec ricit wit out irst o tainin a ermit to o suc wor rom e ui in o icia . se ara e ermi s a e o taine or eac ui ing or structure. /�ubd. 5.7' /AORK TO BE DONE BY PERMITTEE ONLY.7 A ermittee issued a ermit ursuant to this cFia ter s a e responsi e or a wor one un er sai ermit. No one other than the ermittee or an em- ��_o��ee��under t e irect su�pervision an control o F-ie ermi ee or a uaTi�'ied su con rac or �icensed ursuant to c a ter o t e e is ative o e s a wor or cause any wor o e one un er said permit. Section 3. That the table of building permit fees in Section 33.04, 5ubdivision 1 of the �t. Paul Legislative Code is amended by deleting the same in its entirety and substituting, in lieu and in place thereof, the following BUILDING PERMIT FEES FOR GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Total Valuation Fee $300.00 to $500.00. . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 $SO1.00 to $2 ,000.00. . . . . . . . . . 15.00 for the first $500.00 plus $2 .00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2 ,000.00 $2 ,001.00 to $25,000.00. . . . . . . $�+5.00 for the first $2,000.00 plus $9.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $25,000.00 �` ��s S . _ . 1 ` � --��� C�—�d�� � f�=� �d Page 4. $25,001.00 to $50,000.00. . . . . . $252.00 for the first $25,000.00 plus $6.50 for each ad.ditional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50,000.00 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00. . . . . $�+14.50 for the first $50,000.00 plus $4.50 for each additiona.l $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00. . . . $639.50 for the first $100,000.00 plus $3.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $50Q,000.00 $500,001.00 to $1,000,000.00. . $2,039.50 for the first $500,000.00 plus $3.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, ' ' P• • . • • • • • . • to and including $1;000,000.00 $1 000 001.00 and u $3,539.50 for the first $1,000,000.00 $lus $2.00 for each additional 1,000.00 or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees : (1) Inspections outside of normal business hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 per hour (minimum charge--two hours) (2) Reinspection fees assessed under rovisions of Section 305 (g� U.B.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 per hour (3) Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated. . . . $30.00 per hour (minimum charge--one-half , hour) (4) Additional plan review re- quired by changes , additions , or revisions to approved plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 per hour (minimum charge--one-half hour) (5) Inspections of buildings to be moved: (a) Located within city limits of S3int Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . $30.00 (b) Located outside city limits and within 15 mile radius of City Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 `' (c) Located outside city limits �� �� and exceeding 15 mile ��\ radius of City Hall. . . . . . $75.00 � � . . ��--��-. y�' � / 7��'�t� Page 5. Section 4. That Section 33.04, subdivisions 2 through 7, of the .. St. PauY Legislative Code, as amended, are further amended to read: /�ubd. 2_7 /�'LAN CHECKING FEES_7 When the valuation of the proposed construction exceeds $3,0OO.OQ, a plan checking fee shall be paid to the building official at the time of submittin� plans and specifi- cations for checking. Plan checking fees for group R-3 , R-4 and M occupancy shall be one-fourth of' the building permit fee as set forth in �eb�e-A the table above. Plan checking fees for all other buildings shall be 65 percent of the building permit fee as set forth in �'ab�e-A the table above. Where plans are incomplete or change so as to require additional plan checking, an additional plan check fee shall be charged at the rate of one-fourth of the original plan checking fee. /�ubd. 3_? /E�PIRATION OF PLAN CHECK.7' Applica- tions for which no permit is issued within 180 days followin� the date of application sha.11 expire by limitationi and plans and other data submitted for checking may thereafter e returned to the applicant or destroyed by the building official. The building official may extend the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the applicant have �revented action from being taken. No a lication sha11 be ex- tended more than once. n or er to renew ac ion on an app ica ion a er expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan checking fee e�-$�AsAA. /�ubd. 4_7 �XPIRATION OF BUILDING PERMIT.7 �very permit issued by the building official under the provisions of this chapter shall expire b limitation and become null and void if the uilding or'work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days from the date of such permit or if the building or work authorized by �uch permit is suspended or abandoned at. a�.y � time after� the w�rk is commenced for a period of 180 days . �'l�.e�ea€�e�;-a-�e`a-pe���-91�a��-be �eqtt��e�.-�e�-st3.e19-bts���.��g-e�-�e�l��-bt�.�;-��-�.o e�.��ges-19,8�e-beex-�ta�e-e�-����-be-x�a�.e-��-�ke e��.g�xa.�-g�ane-e��.-9pee�€�ea��e�.9-�'er-st3.ek.-bt3.���.��g e�-�ove�l�-ax�.-��-e�e-�ea�-e�-�ess-l�as-pasee�.-e��ee � ��'����s ' ' �' ' �: �i'��s"- �� � � /7��Z' Page 6. exp��a��en-e�-�l�e-�e�er-ge���;-��.e-€ee-�k.e�e€e� el�.a��-�e-exe-l�.a�€-�la.e-e��g�xa�-�ee* Before such work can be recommenced a new ermit s�i 'aIZTe irst o taine so to o an t e ee t ere or s e one- a e amoun re uire or a new ermi� for suc wor rovided no c an es ve een ma e or wil e ma e in t e original plans a_n�_�_s�eci�ica�ions or suc wor • an rovided �urt�ier�at suc sus ension or a an onment as no excee e one year. Any ermittee holding an _unexpired permit may a��or an ex ension o e ime wi in which e may commence wor un er t at ermit w en e is unaGTe �o commence wor wi in �he �ime re uired t is section or oo an satisfactor reasons. e ui in o icia ma extend t e time or ac ion y e permi ee or a perio no exceeding 1�$ ays upon written recLuest �t e �ermittee s owin fFia'�circums�ances e on e con ro o the ermittee ave revented action from ein ta en. No ermit s all e extende more than once. n or er o renew ac ion on a permi a t'�'er expiration, t _e_permittee sha11 pay a new u permi ee. �ubd. 5.]� ��USPENSION OR REVOCATION OF BUILDING FERMIT.� The building official ma.y, in writing, suspen3 or revoke a permit issued under provisions of this chapter whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of any_ordinance or regu�lation or of any of the provisions of �l��e el�ag�e� the State Building Code. �ubd. 6.7 /MINIMUM FEE.7 The minimum fee for any permit s'Fiall be $��:�A $15.00. /�ubd. 7_7 ��EFUND OF PERMIT FEES.7 A-�e€t9.Rd.-e� SA-ge�ee��-e -a��-pe�fx��-�ee-e�.a��=�e-t�ade-b� ��.e-b�.��d�xg-e€€�e�a�-€e�-pe���s-�9etied-tsa�e� �19.�9-ekag�e�;-p�e�a��.e�---F�3-ne-vae�k-�.a9-ee�►enee� ea-�l9.e-p�e�ee�-�e�-wl��el�-st�el9.-pe�+��-oaas-�s 9t3.e�.; a��.-E��-�19.e-�e�xi��-ka9-bee�.-eariee��e�-b�-�19.e-ee�.er e�-�.e��.e�-��.-�a����ng-`a��lq��-�88-da�e-e�-�l�e-�.a�e e�-�eetta�ee:--P�e-re€�.n�-91�a��-be-�ade-en-p�a� ekeek-€ee9: c� �- (1Z The building official ma authorize the � re�uncTing o any �e�;pai ereun er w ich �,�� � � . . . , C�����__ y��� ��� �Z, Page 7. was erroneously ,paid or collected. 2) The bui�ld�in �_o�fficial m�a -authorize the re�unain o�no�'more �a $�ercen�of t e ermit ee Pai w en no wor s een one un er a erm3�"issuecTin accor ance wit t is code. � The buildin official ma. authorize the re un in o not more t an percent of e an c ec z e�'aia.when an a—Z'ic'a�ion or a ermit for which a lan check fee has een paid is wit drawn or canceled before any p an c ecTcing is—Tone. 'Fhe buildin official sha.11 not authorize the re undin o an ee aid exce t u on written _�_p�l_i�_�cation filed �t e original permittee not 1�er f�an"IBZT c7ays af�r ��a.a e o ee payment. Section S. That Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended, in paragraph (3) thereof, so that the same sha.11 read as follows : (3) Drywall (where used to provide required fire resistance rating, except R-3, R-4 and M occupancies) : ���:AA 15.00 for the first 200 squa.re yards or frac ion ereof and $5.50 for each additiona.l 200 square yards or fraction thereof. Section 6. That Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended, in paragraph (9) thereof, so that the same shall read as follows : (9) Plumbing, other than one and two family dwellings. (a) Plumbing permit: $20.00 (b) Plumbing fixtures : (1) Each fixture installed including was te and/or vent: $8.00 ���--�� �� � � : � � � �� � � � . �r,� ��� ya( i��� Page 8. (2) Each fixture replaced or set; no waste or vent: $4.50 (3) Each fixture rough-in only or replace waste and vent: $6.00 (c) House or building sewer, for each installa- tion: $40.00 (d) Private disposal system, for each installa- tion: $50.00 (e) Gas range-dryer (60,000 btu or less) : $12.50 (f) Gas burner appliances (other) : $20.00 for the f irst 100,000 btu or fraction thereof plus $5.00 for each additional 100,00� btu or fraction thereof (g) Gas i in : One ercent of total valua.tion o t e wor as defined under section 3. su ivision . � Fire extinguishing systems : (1) Standpipes : 30.00 for the first five floors , plus �4.50 for each floor above the f if th. (2) Sprinklers : $25.00 for the first ten sprinkler heads or fraction thereof, plus $4,�50 for each additional ten sprinkler heads or fraction thereof. Section 7. Tha.t Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended, in paragraph (11) thereof; so that the same sha.11 read as follows: (11) Signs , billboards , marquees and awnings . �a�--Fla��-s�gr�s-an�.-�ee�-9�g1�19�--$38zA9-€e�-�k.e ���s�-�9A-sq�.a�e-�ee�-e�-��ae��ea-�k.e�ee�3 g�t�.e-$��:AA-�'e�-eaek.-ad�.���e�a�-�88-eqt�.a�e �ee�-e�-��ae��e�-�l�e�ee�: f b�--��e�ee���g-9�gr�.s-aa�.-��ee-9�a�d��.g-9�g13.9! ,�}}=s�A-�e�-eael�-��-sqtta�e-�'ee�-e�-��ae��e� ��.e�ee�-xp-�e-�AA-9q�a�e-€ee�3-p��.s-�4:�9- � `��, �_ �-� . �, , �. � ��-- ���- fa� /���`D Page 9. �e�-eae�.-add���eAa.�-��-eqt�a�e-€ee�-e� €�ae��en-�19.e�ee�-��-��eeee-e�-�AA-sqtta�e �ee�: Ee�--P4a�qttee9-e�e�-pxb��e-g�epe����--$��=8A �e�-eael�-�'ii9�Q.��9.��9A: f�,�__g�}}�gea�ds�--$��:AA-�e�-��ie-���8�-6AA sq�.a�e-€ee�-er-��ae��e�-��.e�ea€-p�xe-$6i9A �e�-eaek.-ad����e�.a.�-�AA-sqtta�e-�ee�-e� ��ae��eR-�k.e�ee�'r f e�--A��sg9;-���ced-e�-d�epped-a�ax��. s-g�e- �ee��ag-e�ae�-pt�b��e-p�ege���=--��3:8A �e�-eael�-�xs�a��a��e�r � Wall roof ro 'ectin and free standin si�ns : . or eac square eet. � Marquees over public ,property: $75.00 o�r eac installation. � Billboards : $100.00 for each installation. � Awnin s ro 'ectin over ublic ro ert : 0.00 for eac installation. Section 8 . That Section 33.04, Subdivision 8 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is further amended by deleting, in its entirety, paragraph (17) thereof setting fees for grading permits . Section 9. That Section 33.06 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read: �3.06_7 �ERTIFICATE OF COMPLI�NCE.7 The 'Guilding o�ficial may issue a certificate of compliance for any building or structure in Group R-3 or M occupancies when he finds that such building or structure complies with the provisions of Chapter 35 and/or Chapter 34 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. The fee required for issuance of a certificate of compliance shall be-$��:AA �5100.00 for a �ingle family dwellin and 125.00 or a two- ami y we ing. ere s�ll e no � s. �!j��g 5 � ` • � � � �_� � (�-�s-_ y-��f � � ��� Page 10. fee charged for the issuance of a certificate of compliance for new buildings at the completion of their construction covered by a building permit. Section 10. Tha.t Section 33.07, Subdivision 3 of the St. Paul Legislative Code is amended to read: /�ubd. 3_? �IMMING POOL FENCES_7 All yards containing swimming pools shall be eex�p�e�e�� enclosed by a an obscurin fence not less than four feet in heig .�gates shall be of a self-closing and �a�e19.��g-self-latchin type, with the latch on the insi e o t e gate, not readily available for children to open. Gates sha.11 be capable of being securely locked �hen the pool is. not in use �e�-ex�e�.�.ed-ge��e�.s . Section 11. This ordinance is deemed a pa.rt of the St. Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate cha�ter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative Code. � �S ���� WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 FtiNOC = FINANCE COI1RC11 CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �� /�Y� BIUE - MAVOR Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. �?�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 11. Section 12. This ordinance sh.all take effect and be in force 30 days after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �j�y,iN� Nays -Flsteher � COMMUN ITY SER1l l CES � Drew [n Favor Masanz � sc etbei Against BY . Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date JUN 1 3 1985 Form Approved by C' Attorney � � ' SS Certified P sed by Council S tary � By S cz�2,�9�• . A d by Mayor: Da � JUN l 7 1985 Ap d by Mayor for Sub i ion o C uncil B py�,t� JUN 2 N 1985 COMMUNITY SERVICES . - � 'DEPARTMENT (.f—�S -�a�No 514 GLENN ERICKSON � CQNTACT /7a,c� ' 298-4212 PHONE APRIL 19, 1985 DATE 1 Q„/�� e e ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip A11 Locations for Signature) : Department Director Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management ervices Director City Clerk Budget Director J� �� 5- 1 �- �S City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Saint Paul will adopt the Model Building P�rm%t Fee Schedule as promulg�ted b� th.e International Conference of Building Officials and publisbed i.n the 1g85 Uni.forro Building Code. Miscellaneous fees will be adjusted to offset costs to the City� : ,�l eg� -)"�� 5 � � . � COST�BENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: ,� � � New fees will generate additional income and have been assumed in the 1985 budget as being in place by June 1 , 1985. Enactment will aide in reachi,ng the objective of defraying inspection costs thru fee adjustments� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- ture not re- Tatal Amount of Transaction: quired if under $10,00Q) Funding Source: Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number Al1 Attachments) : RF��� �'�y c; �FO M,qyoRs 1985 �FF��F DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes No Insurance Attached: (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 • +. , . '' � � , _�� . r/ , ,�. a-> �� �,f=�S-�� �o � =, : ;, . . • _....._. ^E ...,....� °'�� ,,..f,: "� /7�?'� CITY OF SAINT V?�kJf INTERDEPARTMENTA�EMORANDUM � r � > <," �,? v,.,, `l b `'\ rr,���l � � May 10, 1985 y � � � ' ��� `� � -- � �� T0: LeeAnn Turchin `� ' Mayor's Office � FROM: Richard L. Amey � � � Inspections Supe � � � ,`� RE: Proposed Building Permit Fee The attached proposal is 6ased on a nationally accept model and reflec inspectional costs related to required inspections under Building Code adopted by the State of Minnesota, The increases range from 30i at the lower end of the job cost scale to 12i at the top where fees are about adequate. The total increase may be from 15� to 20i. Given a construction level comparable to 1984 the increase would be between 15 and 20 percent of $1 ,043,911 .83 or from $156,586 to $208,782. 1 have redone the entire Chapter but the only fee increases proposed are for building permits , plan check fees and certificates of code compliancea Attached is a proposal from 6udget to place building permit inspection under special funds which in this case would b.e fees generated. I am not anticipating any increase in building inspection staffing levels , however, the n�cessity to buildup some reserves and to accommodate yearly and seasona jfluctuations is obvious. /km Attachment ta;r'; _. , . � -o .o w -o a w z .fDO m °+�° o- cCO.n m c m .e� �w v � � m H� � -� �1� rv -1 � O I 1 ! [7 O �' B O 1 m j b [n N -1 O � f0 U1 1 T 1 � f�l -W S � a N � � N 4'i �a 4i d O y � 6 � _� O 3] SC-! t f.+I n K �n �. m -Ti i u> o m m � � m n � i � � � cn � s -� i :: � n :� �n � • � -1 O O I T • m c � i o� x A N 1 O d 1 � O n • �n G N a-� 1 • C � :O » rt rt y� �M �n rt V) x. . cn 'a- u- w o .-. x � m c.� z o u� m �' `-' N b 't] � N � ✓. iO D _ ' n 1 1 O 2 6 G N �J i � 1 C CO U W 'l n •-• T ' r � � 6 W T� T 6 O I � 1 �1 C _' CI ,O -1 O F i�i Yt t � 1 � 4�! r �a m = m u i r�o cw.� � r� �� n � n� �� � cn � .... z o m w � v � � m o u+� m i -n i n� c-o rt .°�-• m a o i c � 1D c�i c.+ o .•y+ s-� a,. i • m < -i < �w .w w, �« � m `� w o c. m a � u�i .°- `" o u� � � d o i a� i � m � fi 'r w l� G N W 1 T r m � n � o r,ro o m � � °o °o i a i �e' o -�+ _ �, � '� � � � cn w v� o� m m n = -1O. ° � _ � 1 � 1 W T T � O T 1 f� O U1 � V 1 /O T 41 IO r� O ID O O I u� �O W u� T-� a+ � . 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Subject expressly to �he following conditions and reservations: 1 . That the vacation be subject to all the terms and condi- tions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of the St. Paul Legislative Code. 2 . That the petitioner shall pay all costs and expenses incurred as a result of the abandonment of the existing eight inch sewer across said alley and shall be responsible for obtaining the necessary permits and complying with all applicable codes and ordinances. Abandonment must be completed to the satisfaction of the sewer engineer. 3 . That a specific easement be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of Northwestern Bell COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor Fin _ __ Against BY tor � Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date L-.'-�--1� � Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By �lpproved by IVlavor: Date Ap o by Mayor for Sub ' i n�o Council By _ B ♦ . � . 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