85-716 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COIIflCl A Y BLUE - MAVOR File NO. `��- • �� Valuations – Room 218 Coun il RGS ��Z�/L � , , Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�E2E'AS, the City Gouncil by resolution 210900 adopted January 22, 1963 vacated certain land within the City of Saint Paul, WI�RFAS, the City acquired a Negative Easement, as one of the oonditions of said resolution over the east 10 feet of Lot 1, Pfeifer's Place Plat 1 for future street widening purposes, WHEREAS, said easement occupies part of the area needed for the construction of the World Trade Center. WHEREAS, said easement is no longer consistent with the Downtown Canprehensive Developsnent Plan and therefore is no longer required, NOW Tf�REE'ORE BE IT RF50LVED, the City of Saint Paul hereby releases all interest in said easement; ar�, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes and direets the proper City Officials to convey by Quit Claim Deed to Oxford Development Minnesota, Inc., a Minnesota corporation the follawing described land: "The east 10 feet of Lot l, Pfeifer's Place, Plat 1 according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota." CQU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Drew public Works Masanz In Favor N�cos�a o � _ __ Against BY -- ' Sonnen Direct I' Tedesco MAY 2 3 �gg5 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted�ys�ouncil: Date C� Certified Pa• •ed by Council Secretary � BY � �'�-�C ��l�S Bs. �� �� ` MAY 3 0 1985 Appr e y Mayor for Submi on o �ouncil Appro e :Vlayor: D t — BY - — B Pt�e����,� �_;��i�i � 1985 F inance � Mgmt. Services �'�DE PARTMENT , . ���"��� No 17 9 5 . . , _ . , Dick MaCann CONTACT 298-5317 PHONE Ma� 7, 1985 DATE 1 e�� e� ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER (Clip All Locations for Signature) : - - rks) 3 Director of Management/Mayor Finance and Management Services Director 5 City Clerk Budget Director 4 Councilman Nicosia 1 City Attorney WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/ Rationale) : Authorize the City to convey an easement over the east 10 feet of Lot 1, Pfeifer's Place Plat l, to Osford Development, clearing title and allowing con�truction of the World Trade Center. RECE►�ED 6�� �� �� _ MAY 14 � ,�--- R�ct��._ 1�5 COST/�ENEFIT, BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPACTS ANTICIPATED: �� C�1Y ATTpRNEY MAY 1 6 i985 None Mqyp��s OFF,�£ FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBER CHARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signa- . ture not re- Total Amount of Tr,ansaction: quired if under $10,000) Funding Source: N/� Activity Number: ATTACHMENTS (List and Number All Attachments) : � 1. Resolution 2. Copy of original easement to the City 3. Copy of Resolution 210900 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW �Yes No Council Resolution Required? Resolution Required? Yes No Yes �No Insurance Required? Insurance Sufficient? Yes No Yes .�rNo Insurance Attached: , (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS) Revised 12/84 ��s-��� 76 PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF TH Council File No.210899—By Aobert F. is vacated and discontinued, subject the insurer from anc Peterson— to the following provisions, terms, con- liability on account < ditions and reservations: for dama Resolved, That the Council hereby ges for inju: 1. That all conditlons, reservations or ro g approves the award of the Purchasing p perty occurrin v Committee therefor,and hereby.awards and provisions contained in Ordinance tiguous to said vacatec contract for furnishing, delivering, No. 3394, as amended, entitled: "An tinued public street are leasing and maintenance of 18 new ordinance regulating the procedure and ance coverage tu be in 1963 Falcon 2-door Sedans to the City Prescribing the conditions for the��aca- minimum amounts: tion oP public grounds, streets, alleys of Saint Paul, Department of PuUlic (i) $150,000 for inj Safety, Bureau of Police, for period and highways in the City of Saint to any one person. of twenty-four months from and after I'aul", approved March 16, 1�J15, in (ii) $500,000 for inju date of delivery of leased vehicles to addition to all other provisions, terins, to more than one p conditions and reservattons hereunder lessee and acceptance by lessee, to one occurrence. applicable to the same shall apply in RON SAXON FORD, INC. in accord- (iii) $25,000 for dan ance with City specifications therefor respect of such vacation of said sect�on erty in ^ny one occur hereto attached and the Formal Bid of East Eighth Street, hereunder. and shall furnish a copy No. 9066 of said Ron Saxon Ford, Inc. Z• That Petitioner Jack Geller, his or policies to the City. at $68.�J0 per car per month, making successors and assigns and Petitioner aforesaid protection to a contract price of $28,900.80, such bid Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., a Minnesota petitioners may cause s' betng the lowest and said Ron Saxon corporation, its successors and assigns, to be made a part of 1 Ford, Inc. being a reasonable and iointly and severally, shall be obligated hensive general Ilabill to full hold harmless and indemnify reliable bidder and the Corporation covera e. said ity of Salnt Paul from and Counsel be and hereby ls authorized a uinst all llability on account of any (b) at, in the evec to draw up the proper form of contract 8 quent to the aforesaid and all claims of any third person ar therefor and the proper Clty officials said section of East E are hereby directed to execute said Persons, for the recovery of money hereunder, the sald se� contract on behalf of the City of St. damages or of other nature which shall Eighth Street or a sul Paul. arise therefrom, or be connected with of the same shall be co Formal Bid No. 9086. the vacation of said section of East taken by the City of S: Adopted by the Councii January 22, Eighth Street, hereunder. Pori Authorlty of the 1963. 3 That the bond, according to the Paul, the Housing an� ApProved January 22, 1983. requirements of said Ordinance No. ment Authority of the (January 26, 1963) 3394, as amended, to be furnished and Paul, Minnesota, the Co delivered by said Jack Geller and said sey, the State of Minn Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., as petitioners United States of Ame� Milton for the subject vacation, or their suc- public street or high� Co.wacil P"!le Nfo. 3i4Y0U—BY cessors or assigns, as principals, with by proceedings in emi �,ppp_. a corporate surety, as surety, to the neither the pertinent A� Resolved, By the Council of the City City of Saint Paul, as obligee, shall ages nor Assessment of Saint Paul, that said Council, after be in the penal sum of $5,000.00. nor the compensation to due consideration of the Petition theie- 4. That said Jack Geller and safd able therefor, by the cor for, by Jack Geller, et al, and after Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., jointly and exceed the sum of $35,01 severally, for themselves and their due notice and public hearing thereon, alent of the money corr having jurisdiction in the premises respective successors and assigns, with- distinguished from oth hereby finds and determines that the in 30 days next after the olTicial pub- compensation, hereby rE vacation and dlscontinuance of the lication of this Resolution, shall accept paid hereunder by said hereinafter described section of East this Resolution and agree to be bound his successors or assig Eighth Street, a public street within unto said City according to the pro- Strand Auto Ramp, Inc. the corporate limits of said City, would visions, terms and conditions of the ors or assigns, for the for a pLblic purpose and in the further- same, under and by a written Instru- said section of East E ance of the public peace, health, safety ment of Acceptance to be executed hereunder and for saic and general welfare and that the same by them and each of them in two C1aIm Deed of the should be effected, subject to the counterparts, in recordable form, ap- hereinafter mentioned; hereinafter mentioned p r o v i s i o n s, Proved by said Corporation Counsel instance of any such fu terms, conditions and reservations, and delivered to and filed with the nation and taking of sa therefore, be it City Clerk of said City. East Eighth Street vacat 5. That said Petitioner Jack Geller, b any such ublic F Further Resolved, By said Council, for himself, his successors and assigns, Y p that upon •�nd pursuant to said Petition ��nd saici Petitioner Strand Auto Ramp, gertinent Award of Dan of Jack Geller, et al, the following Inc., for itself, its successors :uid as- ment of Damages or described section of public street siW- si ns, shall make and file their written to become payable by tF ate within the corporate limits of said g therefor shall exceed City of Saint Paul, to-wit: Covenant whereunder and whereby said said sum of $35,000 n Jack Geller, his successors and assigns market value of the la: "That portion or part of Eighth and said Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., its of any structure or ot] Street lying easterly of the easterly successors and asslgns, shall be bound ment imposed thereon, line of Wabasha Street and lying unto said City as follows: said section of East E northerly of Lot 1, Pfeifer's Place, (a) During all periods of time, vacated hereunder, ar Plat No. 2, and Lots 1 and 2, subsequent to such vacation and dis- limited and restricted Pfeifer's Place, Plat No. 1 and lying continuance of said hereinabove de- of said sums; and that, ir southerly of a line that Is forty- scribed section of East Ei�hth Street of any such condemnatio three (43) feet southerly of and hereunder and while the land em- by any such public auth parallel to a line being a reverse bracing the same shall have the the pertinent Award curve of 456 feet radii, more or status ot a vacated and discontinued nor Assessment of Dama less, beginning on the wzsterly line public street area, said Jack Geller, pensation to become pay of Cedar Street extended across his successors or assigns, and said shall include any item Eighth Street at a point 43 feet Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., its success- on account of any northerly of the southwesterly cor- ors or assigns, at its or their own improvement imposed u; ner of Eighth and Cedar Streets cost and expense, shall procure and tion of East Eighth St and ending on the westerly line of maintain comprehensive general lia- hereunder or upon tl Wabasha Street extended across bility insurance coverage, undcr pol- described tracts or par Ninth Street at a point 43 feet icies of insurance approved by sa�d situate in the City of southerly of the northwesterly cor- City's Corporation Counsel, where- Ramsey County, Minnes� ner of Ninth and Wabasha Streets;" under and whereby said City, as an Lots One (1) and 2tivo be and said hereinaUove described sec- insured, shall Ue prolecled, helci the Westerly Five (W'ly tion of said East Eighth Street hereby� harmless and fully indemnified, by said Lot Two (2), all i � �,�- 7/�v OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, 1963 77 ,ct the insurer from and against all Place, Plat No. 1, according to the n- liability on account of all claims plat thereof on file and of record for damages for injury to person in the office of the Register of ns or property occurring within or con- Deeds in and for said Ramsey ce tiguous to said vacated and discon- County, Minnesota. An tinued public street area, such insur- Lot One (1), Pfeifer's Place, Plat nd ance coverage to be in the following No. 2 and the Westerly Five (W'ly :a- minimum amounts: 5) feet of Lot Two (2), Pfeifer's irit to�an$lone00 for injury or death Place, Plat No. 1, according to the Y person. plat thereof on /ile and ot record �n (�i) $SOO,OOU for in�uries, or death in the office of the Register of ins. to more than one person in any Deeds in and for said Ramsey der one occurrence. County, Minnesota. in (iii) $25,000 for da�nage tb prop- (c) That each reference hereinabove ion erty in any one occurrence, contained concerning any future a�n- and shall furnish n copy of Lhe polfcy demnatlon and taking of sa(d sectlon his or policies to the City. To eRect the of East Elghth Street vacated here- � �ner aforesaid protection to the Cfty, sald under, by the Clty of Safnt P�ul, ;ota petftioners may cause such insurance the Port Authority of the City of gns, to be made a part of their compre- Saint Paul, the Housing and Rede- ated hensh�e general llability insurance velopment Authority of the City of �; nify coverage. Saint Paul, Minnesota, the County of and (b) That, in the event that subse- RamsEy, the State of Mfnnesota, or any quent to the aforesaid vacation of the United States of America,coupled 1 or said section of East Eighth Street, with provisions in the nature of �ney hereunder, the said section of East restrictions and limitations upon the ;hall Efghth Street or a substantial part Award of Damages, the Assessment with of the same shall be conclemned and of Damages and the compensation to East taken by the City of Saint Pau1, the become and be payable by the con- Port Authority of the City of Saint demnor therefor and in the nature the Paul, the Housing and Redevelop- of restrictions and iimitations upon No. ment Authority of the City of Saint the character of the damages on and Paul, Minnesota, the County of Ram- account of which compensation shall said sey, the State of Minnesota, or the become payable by the condemnor, �ners United States of America, for any shall pertain only to nroceedings in- suc- public street or highway purpose, stituted for any such condemnation with by proceedings in eminent domain, and taking, by any such public au- � the neither the pertinent Award ot Dam- thority, within the period of five (5) shall ages nor Assessment of Damages, years next succeeding the e(iective nor the compensation to become pay- date of the vacation of said section said able therefor, bY the condemnor shall of East Eighth Street hereunder and r and exceecl the sum ot $35,000, the equiv- to no subsequently instituted pro- their alent of the money co�npensation, as ceeding for any such condemnation with- cllstinguished from other forms of and taking, by any public authority, pub- compensation, hereby required to be and shall be construed so as to be accept paid hereunder by said Jack Geller, restricted in appllcation to every such � bound his successors or assigns, and sald future proceeding instituted for any !" ; pro- Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., its success- such condemnatlon and taking of the >f the ors or assigns, for the vacation of land or any substantial part of the :nstru- said section of East Eighth Street, ]and which embraces satd section of ecuted hereunder and for said City's Quit East Eighth Street vacated hereunder, n two Clafm Deed of the sub�ect area as then constituted, by any such n, ap- hereinafter mentioned: that in tlie public authority within said five (5) ;ounsel instance of any such future condem- ,year period, and shall Ue construed th the nation and taking of said section of and deemed to eRectively provide � East Eighth Street vacated hereunder for the exclusion of and to effectively Geller, by any such public authority the exclude, from the Award of Damages, , assigns, pertinent Award of Damages, Assess- Assessment of Damages, and Com- � Ramp. ment of Damages or compensation pensation to become payable therefor, ind as- to become payable by the condemnor by the condemnor, any item or items written therefor shall exceed neither the of damage, depreciation or loss, in �by said said sum of $35,000 nor the then respect of any then improvement of assigns market value of the ]and, exclusive such condemned tract of land or of [nc., its of any structure or other improve- any then improvement of said next ; bound ment lmposed thereon, embraced by above described two separate tracts said section of East Eighth Street or parcels of land or that of either f time, vacated hereundet, and shall be of the same. and dis- limtted and restrlcted to the lesser (d) That no building or other struc- �ove de- of said sums; and that, in the instance ture shall be constructed or main- h Street of any such condemnation and taking, tained, at any time subsequeht to ind em- Uy any such public authority, neither the effective date of eald vacation of ave the lhe pertinent Awarcl of Damnges said section of public street here- ontinued nor Assessment of Damaqes nor com- under, on any part of the east 10 c Geller, pensation Lo become payable theretor feet of said Lot 1, Pfelfer's Place, �nd sa3d shall lnclude any item of damages Plat No. i, at any elevation in excess success- on account of any structure or of the present elevation ot the public �elr own improvement imposed upon said sec- sidewalk in the west slde of Cedar ��e and tlon of East Eighth Street vacated Street upon which said lot abuts; ieral lla- hereunder or upon the following and that said Jack Geller, his suc- �der pol• described tracts or parcels of land cessors or assigns, and said Strand by said situate in the City of Saint Paul, Auto Ramp, Ine., its successors or where- Ramsey County, Minnesota, to-wit: assigns,by sufficient Deed of Negative ty, as an Lots One (1) and Two (2), except Easement, approved as to form by ed, held lhe Westerly Flve (W'ly 5) feet of the Corporation Counsel of said City, iified. by said Lot Two (21, all in Pfeifer's shall grant or cause to be granted � �'s-=7�� � �g PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL Resolved. BY tt unto said City of Saint Paul, a to include, in addition to the sections of St. Paul th� Negative Easement in, over and upon of the same now and heretofore dedi- above matter b� said east 10 feet of said Lot 1, cated to ordinary public street purposes hereby cancellec Pfeifer's Place, Plat No. 1, whereby that certain triangular tract represent- scinded and all said City shall be authorized and ing a fractional part of the same w�thin matter be discon empowered to restrict the use of the northwesterly portion of the same. Adopted by th� said portion of said lot so as to That the subject of the aforesaid Quit 1963. prohibit and prevent the construction Claim Deed shall embrace all of the Approved Janu or maintenance of any structure land lying within said defined boundary File S 6670�Janua thereon at any elevation in excess lines. of the present elevation of the exist- Adopted by the Council January 22. ing public sidewalk constructed and 1�J63. �nainta�ned on and adjacent to the Approved January 22, 1�J63. Council File No. west line of Cedar Street, upon which (January 26, 1�J63) Holland— said lot abuts. — Resolved, That I (e) Said Jack Geller and said be, and he i; Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., respectively, Council File No. 210901—By Tames J. with the consen own in fee simple, the separate p;��glish— the Comptroller, contiguous tracts or parcels of land Resolved. That the Council of tlie STREMEL SRO', which constitute the entire frontage City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in Labor for repaic upon the south line of said herein- the action of the Board of County door D4cCarron's above described section of said East Commissioners of Ramsey County taken a cost of approx. Eighth Street provided to Ue vacated �t their meeting on January 14, I�J63, out advertisemen hereunder and will accept the de- and hereby approves assigmnent ot pursuant to Sec livery, by said City, of the herein- j1,125,000 in the following securities by Charter as an ec above mentioned Quit Claim Deed the American National Bank of St. Paul failure to act K of the land embracing said then in consideration of its designation as hardship to the vacated section of public street to a depository of public funds of Ramsey City. be made and executed by said City, Count,y; Charge—Water as grantor, to them, as grantees, as $72y�000 U. S. Treasury Bonds 3��'; reimbursed by P their several interests shall appear, due Aug�st 15, 1968 Adopted by th and to be authorized by proceedings g400,000 U. S. Treasury Notes 3�,:��i 1�J63. to be instituted, conducted and co�n- due November 15, 1�J65 Approved Jan� pleted therefor under and pursuant said securities to be pledged iii eti- (Janua to City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. change for $800,000 in United S t a t e s 6576, as amended. Treasury Bonds. 3�4`�o due Ma�• I5, (f) That this Resolution, the p;o- 1966 to insure deposits of the \'Velfare Council File No. visions, terms and conditions of the g�ard Revolving Fund. I,oss— same and the atoresaid written pdopted Uy the Council January 22. Resolved, That Covenant of said Jack Geller, his 196:i. ing on East 19 f� successors and assigns, and said Approved JanuacY 22, 1063. 20.33 fee4 of I.ot Strand Auto Ramp, Inc., its success- (January 26, 1963) Rice's Addition t� ors and assigns, shall be bincling to the plat the �pon and inure to the benefit of office of the F said City of Saint Paul and said Council File No. 210902— Jack Geller, his successors and as- In the matter ot reconstructing t h e Ramsey County. signs, and said Strand Auto Ramp, sidewallc on the west side ot Cedar St. scribed as No. 3 Ine., its successors and assigns, as from fith to 7th Sts., together with all in Saint Paul, their interests shall aPP�ar; that the areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tun- s t r u c t u r a 1 c same shall inure to the benefit of nels and other underground facilities dangerous to ]if the Port Authority of the City of of every description, and provided th:it property; that Saint Paul, the Housing and Recle- all permits heretofore granted Uy said capable of reaso velopment Authority of the City of City of St. Paul for the installation ment or remodel Saint Paul, Minnesota, the County and/or maintenance of such areaways, same reasonably of Ramsey, the State of Minnesota, coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels and other wrecked and rer and the United States of America. underground facilities of ever,y de- and it is ordered in the particul:irs :�1'oresaid and :�s scription will be and the sa�ne are caid and ti�reaki their sevcral intcresls shall appear: herebY cevoked unless said :�reaways. and that the same shall run wilh coal-holes, trapdoors, tunnels :�nd other and expense of the land. underground fac�lit�es o[ever}� descrip- or other person (g) That said Written Covenant tion are reconstructed by said pennittee , Adopted by th on the part of said Jack Geller, his on or before a date which is one year 1963. successors or assigns, and said Strand after the date of final approv:�l of tliis Approved Jani Auto Ramp, Inc., its successors or order; and that, further, the Depart- (Janu� assigns, shall be subject to approva] ment of PuUlic Works, through it; by the Corporation Counsel of said Chie[ Engineer, is hereby authonzed Council File No City. and directed to fill in and remo��e such 6. That said City of Saint P:u�l areaways, coal-holes, trapdoors, tun- I,o�s— seasonably shall institute, conduct and nels and other undergrowid facilities Resolved, Tha1 complete the requisite proceedings for of every description, the permi[tees ot Parks a n d Ri the aforesaid Qwt Claim Deed and which areaways, coal-holes, trapdoor=, Buildings is aut the necessary authorizatimt for the Lunnels and othcr under�rowid facili- the premises de same. ties of every description fail to recon- Easterly of Chi< 7. That each reference to the section struct the same to the satisfaction of apolis and Om: of East Eighth Street to be vacated the City EnKineer o�i or Uef�re the Way of Lots ] hereunder, hereinabove contained,shall above mentioned date, under Prelimin- Subdtvision of be deemed to designate the entire area ary Order 204800, apProved November Stinson, Brown included within the boundary lines I5, 1�J61. to Saint Paul,ac� oP the same as defined in the second A public hearing having been had plat thereof ir paragraph or first "Further Resolved upon the above imProvement upon due Register of Dee Clause" of this Resolution and shall notice, and the Council having heard Minnesota, also be deemed to include all pubiic street all persons, objections and recom- ace Avenue, an and public grounds sections of the mendations relative thereto, and having the one and same which comprise the entire area fully considered the sa�ne; therefore, family dwelling within said defined boundary lines and be it �. . , , , � " ' ` �-f 5� 7/!�0 °`. � �, s ""__--, ' i �� � `I n � � `---- � e �,., , �` � ty ,'' � � � � ; � � I � � � . � � , . . � . `� �, .� L'u � �,t.�yt�s�._. .w. �_�'r•c'..'__' . . ,I!' <J� l ° .NwM.....�•//i---iL•._C. wrs. _ _ �.._��_ . .�' , ",,,�wi. �...:.ii.uraL.i�� l '__....� . � I�Y�9 8�4�.5 f�� S T. �w�;:;=:;:,.....::�-,�_..__._..__--�=- �� '_'_ -... �!n s's' ... .. r_"�,•.e� .�. 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